Lenovo Usb Smartcardkb Sp40E49034 Important Information About The Smartcard Keyboard User Manual X131e Laptop (Think Pad) Type 3368
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Important Information about the Lenovo USB Smartcard Keyboard PN: SP40E49034 Printed in China http://www.lenovo.com/support ● Remove all features, parts, options, alterations, and attachments not covered by the warranty. ● Ensure that the product or part is free of any legal restrictions that prevent its replacement. Important information about the keyboard ● If you are not the owner of a product or part, obtain authorization from the owner for the Service Provider to provide warranty service. You can extend the keyboard function by downloading the driver that is available at http://www.lenovo.com/support/keyboards. For more information about the keyboard, refer to the user ® guide that is available on the Lenovo Support Web site at http://www.lenovo.com/support/keyboards. What Your Service Provider Will Do to Correct Problems Você pode estender a função do teclado ao fazer o download do driver que está disponível em http://www.lenovo.com/support/keyboards. Para obter mais informações sobre o teclado, consulte o guia do usuário que está disponível no Web site de suporte da Lenovo em http://www.lenovo.com/support/keyboards. Funkce klávesnice můžete rozšířit stažením ovladače, který je dostupný na adrese http://www.lenovo.com/support/keyboards. Další informace o klávesnici najdete v uživatelské, která je k dispozici na webových stránkách podpory Lenovo na adrese http://www.lenovo.com/support/keyboards. Vous pouvez développer les fonctionnalités du clavier en téléchargeant le pilote disponible à l'adresse suivante: http://www.lenovo.com/support/keyboards. Pour plus d'informations sur le clavier, reportezvous au guide d'utilisation disponible sur le site Web du support Lenovo à l'adresse suivante: http://www.lenovo.com/support/keyboards. Die Tastaturfunktion kann erweitert werden, indem Sie den Treiber herunterladen, der unter http://www.lenovo.com/support/keyboards verfügbar ist.Weitere Informationen zur Tastatur finden Sie im Benutzerhandbuch auf der Lenovo Website unter der Adresse http://www.lenovo.com/support/keyboards. È possibile potenziare le funzioni della tastiera scaricando il driver disponibile all'indirizzo http://www.lenovo.com/support/keyboards. Per ulteriori informazioni sulla tastiera, fare riferimento alla guida per l'utente disponibile nel sito Web del supporto Lenovo all'indirizzo http://www.lenovo.com/support/keyboards. Pode expandir a função de teclado através da transferência do controlador disponível em http://www.lenovo.com/support/keyboards.Para obter mais informações sobre o teclado, consulte o manual do utilizador disponível no Sítio de Suporte na Web da Lenovo em http://www.lenovo.com/support/keyboards. Funkcie klávesnice môžete rozšíriť prevzatím ovládača, ktorý je k dispozícii na adrese http://www.lenovo.com/support/keyboards. Ďalšie informácie o klávesnici nájdete v používateľskej príručke, ktorá je k dispozícii na webovej lokalite podpory spoločnosti Lenovo na adrese http://www.lenovo.com/support/keyboards. Puede extender la función del teclado descar gando el controlador disponible en http://www.lenovo.com/support/keyboards.Para obtener más información acerca del teclado, consulte la guía del usuario que está disponible en el sitio web de soporte de Lenovo en http://www.lenovo.com/support/keyboards. http://www.lenovo.com/support/keyboards adresinden sürücüyü yükleyerek klavye işlevini geliştirebilirsiniz. Klavyeye ilişkin daha fazla bilgi için http://www.lenovo.com/support/keyboards adresinde bulunan Lenovo Destek web sitesindeki kullanma kılavuzuna bakın. When you contact a Service Provider, you must follow the specified problem determination and resolution procedures. The Service Provider will attempt to diagnose and resolve your problem by telephone, e-mail or remote assistance. The Service Provider may direct you to download and install designated software updates. Some problems may be resolved with a replacement part that you install yourself called a “Customer Replaceable Unit” or “CRU.” If so, the Service Provider will ship the CRU to you for you to install. If your problem cannot be resolved over the telephone; through the application of software updates or the installation of a CRU, the Service Provider will arrange for service under the type of warranty service designated for the product under “Part 3 - Warranty Service Information” below. If the Service Provider determines that it is unable to repair your product, the Service Provider will replace it with one that is at least functionally equivalent. If the Service Provider determines that it is unable to either repair or replace your product, your sole remedy under this Limited Warranty is to return the product to your place of purchase or to Lenovo for a refund of your purchase price. Replacement Products and Parts When warranty service involves the replacement of a product or part, the replaced product or part becomes Lenovo’s property and the replacement product or part becomes your property. Only unaltered Lenovo products and parts are eligible for replacement. The replacement product or part provided by Lenovo may not be new, but it will be in good working order and at least functionally equivalent to the original product or part. The replacement product or part shall be warranted for the balance of the period remaining on the original product. Use of Personal Contact Information If you obtain service under this warranty, you authorize Lenovo to store, use and process information about your warranty service and your contact information, including name, phone numbers, address, and e-mail address. Lenovo may use this information to perform service under this warranty. We may contact you to inquire about your satisfaction with our warranty service or to notify you about any product recalls or safety issues. In accomplishing these purposes, you authorize Lenovo to transfer your information to any country where we do business and to provide it to entities acting on our behalf. We may also disclose it where required by law. Lenovo’s privacy policy is available at www.lenovo.com/. What this Warranty Does not Cover This warranty does not cover the following: THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS DO NOT APPLY TO DAMAGES FOR BODILY INJURY (INCLUDING DEATH), DAMAGE TO REAL PROPERTY OR DAMAGE TO TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR WHICH LENOVO IS LIABLE UNDER LAW. The following replaces the same section in Part 1: Your Other Rights: THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. YOU ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS AT LAW, INCLUDING UNDER THE AUSTRALIAN CONSUMER LAW. NOTHING IN THIS WARRANTY AFFECTS STATUTORY RIGHTS OR RIGHTS AT LAW, INCLUDING RIGHTS THAT CANNOT BE WAIVED OR LIMITED BY CONTRACT. For example, our products come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the products repaired or replaced if the products fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. New Zealand The following is added to the same section in Part 1: Use of Personal Information: Lenovo will not be able to perform our service under this warranty if you refuse to provide your information or do not wish us to transfer your information to our agent or contractor. You have the right to access your personal information and request correction of any errors in it pursuant to the Privacy Act 1993 by contacting Lenovo (Australia & New Zealand) Pty Limited ABN 70 112 394 411. Address: Level 10, North Tower, 1-5 Railway Street, Chatswood, NSW, 2067. Telephone: 61 2 8003 8200. Email: lensyd_au@lenovo.com Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines, Vietnam and Sri Lanka The following is added to Part 1: Av. Santa Fe 505, Piso 15 ● Lenovo México con domicilio en Paseo de Tamarindos No.400-A Piso 27 Arcos, Torre Poniente, Bosques de Las Lomas, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, C.P. 05120 México, D.F. Teléfono 01800- 0834916, http://support.lenovo.com/es_MX/product-service/service-provider/default.page ● Lenovo Monterrey con domicilio en Boulevard Escobedo No.316, Apodaca Technology Park, Apodaca, C.P. 66601, Nuevo León, México. Teléfono 01800- 083-4916, http://support.lenovo.com/es_MX/product-service/service-provider/default.page Importado por: Lenovo México S. de R.L. de C.V. The following is added to Part 1: Col. Cruz Manca ● Loss of, or damage to, your data by a product. Cuajimalpa, D.F., México ● Any software programs, whether provided with the product or installed subsequently. ● Failure or damage resulting from misuse, abuse, accident, modification, unsuitable physical or operating environment, natural disasters, power surges, improper maintenance, or use not in accordance with product information materials. Customers in the EEA may contact Lenovo at the following address: EMEA Service Organisation, Lenovo (International) B.V., Floor 2, Einsteinova 21, 851 01, Bratislava, Slovakia. Service under this warranty for Lenovo hardware products purchased in EEA countries may be obtained in any EEA country in which the product has been announced and made available by Lenovo. ● Damage caused by a non-authorized service provider. ● Failure of, or damage caused by, any third party products, including those that Lenovo may provide or integrate into the Lenovo product at your request. ● Any technical or other support, such as assistance with “how-to” questions and those regarding product set-up and installation. ● Products or parts with an altered identification label or from which the identification label has been removed. Product Service Life Lenovo Limited Warranty - Customer Notice The product service life is four (4) years from the original date of purchase. Lenovo Limited Warranty - Customer Notice Part 3 - Warranty Service Information Read the Lenovo Limited Warranty (LLW) at http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. If you cannot view the LLW, contact your local Lenovo office or reseller to obtain a printed version of the LLW. Limitation of Liability Service and Support Lenovo is responsible for loss or damage to your product only while it is in the Service Provider’s possession or in transit, if the Service Provider is responsible for the transportation. Turkey 2 years 1, 4 The following information describes the technical support that is available for your product, during the warranty period or throughout the life of your product. Refer to the Lenovo Limited Warranty for a full explanation of Lenovo warranty terms. Lenovo USB Smartcard Keyboard Neither Lenovo nor the Service Provider is responsible for loss or disclosure of any data, including confidential information, proprietary information, or personal information, contained in a product. Lenovo USB Smartcard Keyboard Other countries or regions 1 years 1, 4 THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS DO NOT APPLY TO DAMAGES FOR BODILY INJURY (INCLUDING DEATH), DAMAGE TO REAL PROPERTY OR DAMAGE TO TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR WHICH LENOVO IS LIABLE UNDER LAW. AS SOME STATES OR JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. Your Other Rights Tel. (55) 5000 8500 The following is added to Part 1: 1, 4 UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, AND NOTWITHSTANDING THE FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY REMEDY SET FORTH HEREIN, SHALL LENOVO, ITS AFFILIATES, SUPPLIERS, RESELLERS, OR SERVICE PROVIDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY OF THE FOLLOWING EVEN IF INFORMED OF THEIR POSSIBILITY AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE CLAIM IS BASED IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY: 1) THIRD PARTY CLAIMS AGAINST YOU FOR DAMAGES; 2) LOSS, DAMAGE OR DISCLOSURE OF YOUR DATA; 3) SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS, BUSINESS REVENUE, GOODWILL OR ANTICIPATED SAVINGS. IN NO CASE SHALL THE TOTAL LIABILITY OF LENOVO, ITS AFFILIATESS, SUPPLIERS, RESELLERS OR SERVICE PROVIDERS FOR DAMAGES FROM ANY CAUSE EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF ACTUAL DIRECT DAMAGES, NOT TO EXCEED THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THE PRODUCT. C.P. 05349 Russia 3 years Your technical support representative might want to walk you through the problem while you are at your computer during the call. La garantía cubre la atención, revisión y corrección de errores, defectos o inconsistencias que impidan el desempeño normal de un equipo de cómputo en cuanto a su hardware y software. Los servicios no cubiertos por la garantía se cargarán al usuario final, previa obtención de una autorización. Uninterrupted or error-free operation of a product. North America and Western Europe Before contacting a Lenovo technical support representative, please have the following information available: option name and number, proof of purchase, computer manufacturer, model, serial number and manual, the exact wording of any error message, description of the problem, and the hardware and software configuration information for your system. Todos los programas de software precargados en el equipo sólo tendrán una garantía de noventa (90) días por defectos de instalación desde la fecha de compra. Lenovo no es responsable de la información incluida en dichos programas de software y /o cualquier programa de software adicional instalado por Usted o instalado después de la compra del producto. ● Lenovo USB Smartcard Keyboard Installation and configuration support through the Customer Support Center will be available until 90 days after the option has been withdrawn from marketing. After that time, the support is canceled, or made available for a fee, at Lenovo’s discretion. Additional support is also available for a nominal fee. Lenovo sólo pueden eximirse de hacer efectiva la garantía en los siguientes casos: a) Cuando el producto se hubiese utilizado en condiciones distintas a las normales. b) Cuando el producto no hubiese sido operado de acuerdo con el instructivo de uso que se le acompaña. c) Cuando el producto hubiese sido alterado o reparado por personas no autorizadas por el fabricante nacional, importador o comercializador responsable respectivo. European Economic Area (EEA) Type of Warranty Service Telephone technical support El procedimiento para hacer efectiva la garantía consiste en la presentación del producto, acompañado de la póliza correspondiente, debidamente sellada por el establecimiento que lo vendió, o la factura, o recibo o comprobante, en el que consten los datos específicos del producto objeto de la compraventa. Centros de Servicios autorizados para hacer efectiva la garantía: Warranty Period Product replacement assistance or exchange of defective components also is available during the warranty period. In addition, if your option is installed in a Lenovo computer, you might be entitled to service at your location. A Lenovo technical support representative can help you determine the best alternative. Esta garantía ampara todas las piezas de hardware del producto e incluye mano de obra. Disputes arising out of or in connection with this warranty shall be finally settled by arbitration held in Singapore. This warranty shall be governed, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of Singapore, without regard to conflict of laws. If you acquired the product in India, disputes arising out of or in connection with this warranty shall be finally settled by arbitration held in Bangalore, India. Arbitration in Singapore shall be held in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of Singapore International Arbitration Center (“SIAC Rules”) then in effect. Arbitration in India shall be held in accordance with the laws of India then in effect. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on the parties without appeal. Any award shall be in writing and set forth the findings of fact and the conclusions of law. All arbitration proceedings, including all documents presented in such proceedings shall be conducted in the English language. The English language version of this warranty prevails over any other language version in such proceedings. Country or Region of Purchase Online technical support is available during the lifetime of a product at: http://www.lenovo.com/support Si no existiese ningún Centro de servicio autorizado en su ciudad, población o en un radio de 70 kilómetros de su ciudad o población, la garantía incluirá cualquier gasto de entrega razonable relacionado con el transporte del producto a su Centro de servicio autorizado más cercano. Por favor, llame al Centro de servicio autorizado más cercano para obtener las aprobaciones necesarias o la información relacionada con el envío del producto y la dirección de envío. Esta garantía tiene una duración de un año a partir del momento de la compra e incluye la mano de obra, por lo que en caso de aplicarse la garantía, esta no causara ningún gasto o costo para el cliente. Dispute Resolution Product Type Online technical support garantía en la República Mexicana su domicilio es Paseo de Tamarindos No.400-A Piso 27 Arcos Torre Poniente, Bosques de Las Lomas, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, C.P. 05120 México, D.F. En el caso de que se precise una reparación cubierta por la garantía o precise de partes, componentes, consumibles o accesorios diríjase a este domicilio. If required, the Service Provider will provide repair or exchange service depending on the type of warranty service specified for your product and the available service. Warranty information applicable to your machine: 1. Warranty Period: 3 years for North America and Western Europe; 2 years for Turkey; 1 year for other countries or regions 2. Type of Warranty Service: Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU) and Customer Carry-In 3. Lenovo Limited Warranty Version: L505-0010-02 08/2011 For warranty service, consult the telephone list at http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. Phone numbers are subject to change without notice. Garantia Limitada da Lenovo - Aviso ao Cliente Types of Warranty Service Leia Garantia Limitada Lenovo (LLW) em: http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Caso não seja possível exibir a LLW, entre em contato com o escritório ou revendedor Lenovo local para obter uma versão impressa da LLW. 1. Customer Replaceable Unit (“CRU”) Service Informações de garantia aplicáveis à sua máquina: Under CRU Service, the Service Provider will ship CRUs to you at its cost for installation by you. CRU information and replacement instructions are shipped with your product and are available from Lenovo at any time upon request. CRUs that are easily installed by you are called “Self-service CRUs”. “Optionalservice CRUs” are CRUs that may require some technical skill and tools. Installation of Self-service CRUs is your responsibility. You may request that a Service Provider install Optional-service CRUs under one of the other types of warranty service designated for your product. An optional service offering may be available for purchase from a Service Provider or Lenovo under which Self-service CRUs would be installed for you. You may find a list of CRUs and their designation in the publication that was shipped with your product or at www.lenovo.com/CRUs. The requirement to return a defective CRU, if any, will be specified in the instructions shipped with a replacement CRU. When return is required: 1) return instructions, a prepaid return shipping label, and a container will be included with the replacement CRU; and 2) you may be charged for the replacement CRU if the Service Provider does not receive the defective CRU from you within thirty (30) days of your receipt of the replacement CRU. 1. Período de Garantia: 3 anos para a América do Norte e Europa Ocidental; 1 ano para os demais países ou regiões Scheduling of service will depend upon the time of your call, parts availability, and other factors. 2. Tipo de Serviço de Garantia: Unidade Substituível pelo Cliente (CRU) e Serviço de Transporte pelo Cliente 3. Versão da Garantia Limitada Lenovo: L505-0010-02 08/2011 Para obter informações sobre o serviço de garantia, consulte a lista de telefones em http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. Os números de telefone estão sujeitos a alterações sem aviso prévio. Lenovo Ограничена гаранция – Забележка за клиента Прочетете Ограничената гаранция на Lenovo (LLW) на адрес http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Ако нямате достъп до LLW, свържете се с местния офис или риселър на Lenovo, за да получите печатна версия на LLW. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. YOU MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS ACCORDING TO THE APPLICABLE LAWS OF YOUR STATE OR JURISDICTION. YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS UNDER A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH LENOVO. NOTHING IN THIS WARRANTY AFFECTS STATUTORY RIGHTS, INCLUDING RIGHTS OF CONSUMERS UNDER LAWS OR REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE SALE OF CONSUMER GOODS THAT CANNOT BE WAIVED OR LIMITED BY CONTRACT. 2. On-site Service L505-0010-02 08/2011 Part 2 - Country-specific Terms Australia Part 1 - General Terms Part 2 - Country-specific Terms “Lenovo” means Lenovo (Australia & New Zealand) Pty Limited ABN 70 112 394 411. Address: Level 10, North Tower, 1-5 Railway Street, Chatswood, NSW, 2067. Telephone: +61 2 8003 8200. Email: lensyd_au@lenovo.com Under Courier or Depot Service, your product will be repaired or exchanged at a designated service center, with shipping at the expense of the Service Provider. You are responsible for disconnecting the product and packing it in a shipping container provided to you to return your product to a designated service center. A courier will pick up your product and deliver it to the designated service center. The service center will return the product to you at its expense. 3. Версия на Ограничената гаранция на Lenovo: L505-0010-02 08/2011 This Lenovo Limited Warranty consists of the following parts: Part 3 - Warranty Service Information 4. Customer Carry-In Service The following replaces the same section in Part 1: The terms of Part 2 replace or modify terms of Part 1 as specified for a particular country. Ograni eno jamstvo tvrtke Lenovo prona i ete i na adresi http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Ako ne možete vidjeti ograni eno jamstvo tvrtke Lenovo, obratite se lokalnoj podružnici ili prodava u proizvoda tvrtke Lenovo da biste dobili tiskanu verziju tog jamstva. What this Warranty Covers: Part 1 - General Terms Lenovo warrants that each hardware product that you purchase is free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and conditions during the warranty period. If the product fails due to a covered defect during the warranty period, Lenovo will provide you a remedy under this Limited Warranty. The warranty period for the product starts on the original date of purchase specified on your sales receipt or invoice unless Lenovo informs you otherwise in writing. The warranty period and type of warranty service that apply to your product are set forth below in Part 3 - Warranty Service Information. Telephone numbers are subject to change without notice. The most up-to-date telephone list for Lenovo Support is always available at http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. If the telephone number for your country or region is not listed, contact your Lenovo reseller or Lenovo marketing representative. Lenovo Limited Warranty This Lenovo Limited Warranty applies only to Lenovo hardware products you purchased for your own use and not for resale. This Lenovo Limited Warranty is available in other languages at www.lenovo.com/warranty. What this Warranty Covers Lenovo warrants that each Lenovo hardware product that you purchase is free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use during the warranty period. The warranty period for the product starts on the original date of purchase as shown on your sales receipt or invoice or as may be otherwise specified by Lenovo. The warranty period and type of warranty service that apply to your product are as specified in “Part 3 - Warranty Service Information” below. This warranty only applies to products in the country or region of purchase. THIS WARRANTY IS YOUR EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY AND REPLACES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. AS SOME STATES OR JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. IN THAT EVENT, SUCH WARRANTIES APPLY ONLY TO THE EXTENT AND FOR SUCH DURATION AS REQUIRED BY LAW AND ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE WARRANTY PERIOD. AS SOME STATES OR JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON THE DURATION OF AN IMPLIED WARRANTY, THE ABOVE LIMITATION ON DURATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. How to Obtain Warranty Service If the product does not function as warranted during the warranty period, you may obtain warranty service by contacting Lenovo or a Lenovo approved Service Provider. A list of approved Service Providers and their telephone numbers is available at: www.lenovo.com/support/phone. Warranty service may not be available in all locations and may differ from location to location. Charges may apply outside a Service Provider’s normal service area. Contact a local Service Provider for information specific to your location. Customer Responsibilities for Warranty Service Before warranty service is provided, you must take the following steps: ● Follow the service request procedures specified by the Service Provider. ● Backup or secure all programs and data contained in the product. ● Provide the Service Provider with all system keys or passwords. ● Provide the Service Provider with sufficient, free, and safe access to your facilities to perform service. ● Remove all data, including confidential information, proprietary information and personal information, from the product or, if you are unable to remove any such information, modify the information to prevent its access by another party or so that it is not personal data under applicable law. The Service Provider shall not be responsible for the loss or disclosure of any data, including confidential information, proprietary information, or personal information, on a product returned or accessed for warranty service. THE BENEFITS GIVEN BY THIS WARRANTY ARE IN ADDITION TO YOUR RIGHTS AND REMEDIES AT LAW, INCLUDING THOSE UNDER THE AUSTRALIAN CONSUMER LAW. The following replaces the same section in Part 1: Replacement Products and Parts: When warranty service involves the replacement of a product or part, the replaced product or part becomes Lenovo’s property and the replacement product or part becomes your property. Only unaltered Lenovo products and parts are eligible for replacement. The replacement product or part provided by Lenovo may not be new, but it will be in good working order and at least functionally equivalent to the original product or part. The replacement product or part shall be warranted for the balance of the period remaining on the original product. Products and parts presented for repair may be replaced by refurbished products or parts of the same type rather than being repaired. Refurbished parts may be used to repair the product; and repair of the product may result in loss of data, if the product is capable of retaining user-generated data. The following is added to the same section in Part 1: Use of Personal Contact Information: Under On-Site Service, a Service Provider will either repair or exchange the product at your location. You must provide a suitable working area to allow disassembly and reassembly of the product. Some repairs may need to be completed at a service center. If so, the Service Provider will send the product to the service center at its expense. 3. Courier or Depot Service Under Customer Carry-In Service, your product will be repaired or exchanged after you deliver it to a designated service center at your risk and expense. After the product has been repaired or exchanged, it will be made available to you for collection. If you fail to collect the product, the Service Provider may dispose of the product as it sees fit, with no liability to you. 5. Mail-In Service Under Mail-In Service, your product will be repaired or exchanged at a designated service center after you deliver it at your risk and expense. After the product has been repaired or exchanged, it will be returned to you at Lenovo's risk and expense, unless the Service Provider specifies otherwise. 6. Customer Two-Way Mail-In Service Under Customer Two-Way Mail-In Service, your product will be repaired or exchanged after you deliver it to a designated service center at your risk and expense. After the product has been repaired or exchanged, it will be made available to you for return shipping at your risk and expense. If you fail to arrange return shipment, the Service Provider may dispose of the product as it sees fit, with no liability to you. 7. Product Exchange Service Under Product Exchange Service, Lenovo will ship a replacement product to your location. You are responsible for its installation and verification of its operation. The replacement product becomes your property in exchange for the failed product, which becomes the property of Lenovo. You must pack the failed product in the shipping carton in which you received the replacement product and return it to Lenovo. Transportation charges, both ways, shall be at Lenovo’s expense. If you fail to use the carton in which the replacement product was received, you may be responsible for any damage to the failed product occurring during shipment. You may be charged for the replacement product if Lenovo does not receive the failed product within thirty (30) days of your receipt of the replacement product. Гаранционна информация, приложима за вашия компютър: 1. Гаранционен срок: 3 години за Северна Америка и Западна Европа; 1 година за други страни и региони 2. Тип гаранционно обслужване: Подменяеми от клиента части (CRU) и обслужване с донасяне от клиента За възможностите за гаранционно обслужване разгледайте списъка с телефони на адрес http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. Телефонните номера подлежат на промяна без предизвестие. Lenovo ograni eno jamstvo – Napomena za korisnike Informacije o jamstvu koje se odnose na vaš ure aj: 1. Jamstveno razdoblje: tri godine za Sjevernu Ameriku i Zapadnu Europu, jedna godina za ostale države i regije 2. Vrsta jamstvenog servisa: korisni ki zamjenjive jedinice (CRU) i servis s korisni kom dostavom 3. Verzija ograni enog jamstva tvrtke Lenovo: L505-0010-02 08/2011 Informacije o jamstvenom servisu potražite na popisu telefonskih brojeva na adresi http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. Telefonski brojevi podložni su promjeni bez prethodne obavijesti. Omezená záruka Lenovo – upozorn ní pro zákazníky P e t te si prosím Omezenou záruku Lenovo (Lenovo Limited Warranty, LLW) na webové stránce http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Pokud si text LLW nem žete prohlédnout, vyžádejte si tišt nou verzi od místního zastoupení Lenovo nebo od prodejce. Informace o záruce platné pro tento po íta : 1. Záruční doba: 3 roky pro Severní Ameriku a západní Evropu; 1 rok pro ostatní země či oblasti 2. Typ záru ního servisu: servis typu CRU (Customer Replaceable Unit, sou ásti vym nitelné zákazníkem) a servis typu Customer Carry-In 3. Omezená záruka Lenovo verze: L505-0010-02 08/2011 Informace o záru ním servisu získáte na telefonních íslech uvedených na webové stránce http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. Telefonní ísla se mohou m nit bez p edchozího upozorn ní. Bemærkning til kunden vedrørende Lenovo Begrænset garanti Lenovo will not be able to perform our service under this warranty if you refuse to provide your information or do not wish us to transfer your information to our agent or contractor. You have the right to access your personal contact information and request correction of any errors in it pursuant to the Privacy Act 1988 by contacting Lenovo. Les garanties statutaires de conformité et des vices caches Læs Lenovo Begrænset garanti (LLW) på http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Hvis du ikke læse LLW, kan du kontakte det lokale Lenovo-kontor eller den lokale Lenovo-forhandler for at få en trykt version af LLW. Cette information complète les informations contenues dans le « Chapitre 2 – Dispositions nationales particulières » de la Garantie Limitée Lenovo (L505-0010-02). Garantioplysninger for maskinen: 1. Garantiperiode: 3 år for Nordamerika og Vesteuropa; 1 år for andre lande eller områder The following replaces the same section in Part 1: France Limitation of Liability: Autres Droits 2. Den type service, der er omfattet af garantien: CRU-service (Customer Replaceable Unit) og Kundeindleveringsservice Lenovo is responsible for loss or damage to your product only while it is in the Service Provider’s possession or in transit, if the Service Provider is responsible for the transportation. LA PRESENTE GARANTIE VOUS CONFERE DES DROITS SPECIFIQUES. IL EST POSSIBLE QUE VOUS DETENIEZ D'AUTRES DROITS, DONT LA NATURE VARIE SELON LA LEGISLATION QUI VOUS EST APPLICABLE. VOUS POUVEZ EGALEMENT DISPOSER D'AUTRES DROITS CONFORMEMENT A UN ACCORD ECRIT AVEC LENOVO. AUCUN ELEMENT DE LA PRESENTE GARANTIE N'AFFECTE LES DROITS LEGAUX, Y COMPRIS LES DROITS DES CONSOMMATEURS DANS LE CADRE DES LOIS ET REGLEMENTATIONS QUI REGISSENT LA VENTE DE BIENS DE CONSOMMATION ET QUI NE PEUVENT ETRE NI SUPPRIMEES NI LIMITEES PAR CONTRAT. Les garanties statutaires de conformité et des vices cachés se appliquent aux consommateurs. Le consommateur peut, indépendamment de la garantie commerciale éventuellement consentie, mettre en oeuvre la garantie légale de conformité et la garantie contre les défauts cachés. 3. Version af Lenovo Begrænset garanti: L505-0010-02 08/2011 Suplemento de Garantía para México 2. Takuuhuollon laji: Asiakkaan vaihdettavissa olevia osia (CRU) koskeva palvelu ja asiakkaan toteuttama kuljetus Neither Lenovo nor the Service Provider is responsible for loss or disclosure of any data, including confidential information, proprietary information, or personal information, contained in a product. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND NOTWITHSTANDING THE FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY REMEDY SET FORTH HEREIN, SHALL LENOVO, ITS AFFILIATES, SUPPLIERS, RESELLERS, OR SERVICE PROVIDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY OF THE FOLLOWING EVEN IF INFORMED OF THEIR POSSIBILITY AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE CLAIM IS BASED IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY: 1) THIRD PARTY CLAIMS AGAINST YOU FOR DAMAGES; 2) LOSS, DAMAGE OR DISCLOSURE OF YOUR DATA; 3) SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS, BUSINESS REVENUE, GOODWILL OR ANTICIPATED SAVINGS. IN NO CASE SHALL THE TOTAL LIABILITY OF LENOVO, ITS AFFILIATESS, SUPPLIERS, RESELLERS OR SERVICE PROVIDERS FOR DAMAGES FROM ANY CAUSE EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF ACTUAL DIRECT DAMAGES, NOT TO EXCEED THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THE PRODUCT. Este Suplemento de Garantía se considera parte integrante de la Garantía Limitada de Lenovo y será efectivo única y exclusivamente para los productos distribuidos y comercializados dentro del Territorio de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. En caso de conflicto, se aplicarán los términos de este Suplemento. El comercializador responsable del producto es Lenovo México S de R L de CV y para efectos de esta Se telefonlisten på adressen http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone vedrørende garantiservice. Disse telefonnumre kan ændres uden forudgående varsel. Lenovon rajoitettu takuu - ilmoitus asiakkaalle Lue Lenovon rajoitettu takuu (Lenovo Limited Warranty) osoitteessa http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Jos et näe Lenovon rajoitettua takuuta (LLW), ota yhteyttä paikalliseen Lenovo-toimistoon tai -jälleenmyyjään ja pyydä painettu versio LLW:stä. Konetta koskevat takuutiedot: 1. Takuuaika: 3 vuotta – Pohjois-Amerikka a Länsi-Eurooppa; 1 vuosi – muut maat ja alueet 3. Lenovon rajoitetun takuun ehtojen versio: L505-0010-02 08/2011 Saat takuuhuoltopalveluja soittamalla sopivaan Web-sivustossa http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone olevan luettelon puhelinnumeroon. Puhelinnumeroita saatetaan Fourth Edition (November 2015) © Copyright Lenovo 2013, 2015. LIMITED AND RESTRICTED RIGHTS NOTICE: If data or software is delivered pursuant a General Services Administration “GSA” contract, use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in Contract No. GS-35F-05925. muuttaa ennalta ilmoittamatta. Garantie Lenovo - Notification client Consultez la Garantie Lenovo (LLW) à l'adresse suivante : http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Si vous n'arrivez pas à afficher la Garantie, prenez contact avec votre distributeur Lenovo ou avec le bureau Lenovo local afin d'en obtenir une version imprimée. 2. Vrsta garancijskega servisa: nadomestni del, ki ga lahko zamenja stranka (CRU), in osebna dostava na servis 3. Razli ica omejene garancije Lenovo: L505-0010-02 08/2011 V zvezi z garancijo za storitve je na naslovu http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone na voljo seznam telefonskih številk. Pridržujemo si pravico do sprememb telefonskih številk brez predhodnega obvestila. Attention: Lenovo Director of Licensing LENOVO PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. Informations relatives à la garantie applicable à votre machine : Garantía Limitada de Lenovo - Aviso para el cliente 1. Etendue de la garantie : 3 ans pour l'Amérique du Nord et l'Europe de l'Ouest ; 1 an pour les autres pays ou régions Lea la Garantía limitada de Lenovo (LLW) en http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Si no puede ver la LLW, comuníquese con la oficina local de Lenovo o el revendedor para obtener una versión impresa de LLW. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. Lenovo may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. Información de la garantía aplicable a su equipo: Recycling and environmental information 2. Types de services prévus par la garantie : Service d’unité remplaçable par l’utilisateur (CRU) et Service de livraison ou d’expédition par le client ou service postal 3. Numéro de version de la garantie : L505-0010-02 08/2011 Pour obtenir les services prévus par la garantie, consultez la liste de numéros de téléphone à l'adresse http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. Les numéros de téléphone sont susceptibles d'être modifiés sans préavis. Περιορισμένη Εγγύηση της Lenovo - Ειδοποίηση προς τους Πελάτες ∆ιαβάστε την Περιορισμένη Εγγύηση της Lenovo (LLW) στον δικτυακό τόπο http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Εάν δεν μπορείτε να προβάλετε την Περιορισμένη Εγγύηση της Lenovo (LLW), επικοινωνήστε με τα τοπικά γραφεία ή τον μεταπωλητή της Lenovo για να λάβετε μια έντυπη έκδοση της Περιορισμένης Εγγύησης της Lenovo (LLW). 1. Periodo de garantía: 3 años para Norteamérica y Europa Occidental; 1 año para otros países o regiones 2. Tipo de servicio de garantía: Unidad reemplazable por el cliente (CRU) y servicios centralizados 3. Versión de la garantía limitada de Lenovo: L505-0010-02 08/2011 Para conocer el servicio de garantía, consulte la lista de teléfonos en http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. Estos números de teléfono están sujetos a cambio sin previo aviso. Kundbrev om Lenovo Begränsad Garanti Lenovo encourages owners of information technology (IT) equipment to responsibly recycle their equipment when it is no longer needed. Lenovo offers a variety of programs and services to assist equipment owners in recycling their IT products. For information on recycling Lenovo products, go to: http://www.lenovo.com/recycling Recycling and disposal information for Japan is available at: http://www.lenovo.com/recycling/japan The latest environmental information about our products is available at: http://www.lenovo.com/ecodeclaration Recycling information for China Servis İstasyonları ve Yedek Parça Malzemelerinin Temin Edileceği Adresler Garanti süresi içerisinde müşteri arızalı ürünü aşağıda belirtilen merkezlere teslim ederek garanti hizmetinden yararlanır. Ürün yerinde garanti hizmeti içeriyorsa, bu merkezlerden birine telefon edebilirsiniz. Yedek parça malzemelerini de bu merkezlerden temin edebilirsiniz. Garanti Hizmetinin Alınabileceği Merkezler Arızalı Ideapad / IdeaCentre /Lenovo B serisi/Lenovo G serisi /Lenovo H serisi /Lenovo V serisi ürünlerini ücretsiz servise gönderebilmeniz için aşağıdaki numaralardan servis kaydı açtırabilirsiniz. Telefon: 0 212 336 03 66 Ücretsiz aramalar için: 00800 448 825 165 (Sadece sabit hatlardan aranabilir) BDH Gülbahar Mah. Avni Dilligil Sk. Çelik iş merkezi No:2 Mecidiyeköy - Şişli/ İstanbul Telefon: 0212 217 85 87 ANKARA Bdh Bilişim Destek Hiz. San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. Läs Lenovos begränsade garanti (LLW) på http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Om du inte kan visa LLW-garantitexten kan du kontakta ditt lokala Lenovo-kontor eller din återförsäljare och be om en tryckt version av LLW-garantitexten. Adres: Çetin Emeç Bul. 7. cad. No: 37/5-6 Öveçler Garantiinformation för den produkt du har köpt: 2. Είδος υπηρεσιών εγγύησης: Μονάδες αντικαθιστώμενες από τον πελάτη (Customer Replaceable Unit ή CRU) και Μεταφορά από τον πελάτη (Customer Carry-In) Fax: 0212 320 81 37 1. Garantitid: 3 år för Nordamerika och Västeuropa, 1 år för andra länder eller regioner Web: http://www.bdh.com.tr 3. Έκδοση Περιορισμένης Εγγύησης της Lenovo: L505-0010-02 08/2011 2. Typ av garantiservice: CRU (Customer Replaceable Unit - kunden byter själv delen) och inlämningsservice Destek Bilgisayar Ve İletişim Hiz. Tic. A.Ş. Για υπηρεσίες εγγύησης, συμβουλευτείτε τον τηλεφωνικό κατάλογο στον δικτυακό τόπο http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. Οι αριθμοί τηλεφώνου υπόκεινται σε αλλαγή χωρίς ειδοποίηση. 3. Version av Lenovo Begränsad Garanti: L505-0010-02 08/2011 Lenovo Begrenzte Herstellergarantie - Hinweis für Kunden Om du behöver garantiservice använder du telefonlistan på http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. Telefonnumren kan komma att ändras utan att detta meddelas i förväg. Πληροφορίες σχετικά με την Εγγύηση που ισχύει για το Μηχάνημά σας: 1. Περίοδος εγγύησης: 3 έτη για τη Βόρειο Αμερική και τη ∆υτική Ευρώπη, 1 έτος για άλλες χώρες ή περιοχές Lesen Sie die begrenzte Herstellergarantie von Lenovo (LLW) unter http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Wenn Sie die begrenzte Herstellergarantie nicht anzeigen können, wenden Sie sich an Lenovo oder Ihren Lenovo Reseller vor Ort, um eine gedruckte Version der begrenzten Herstellergarantie zu erhalten. Lenovo Uluslararası Garanti Bildirimi - Mü teri Notu Für Ihre Maschine gelten die folgenden Garantieinformationen: Lenovo Uluslararası Garanti Bildirimi'ni (LLW) http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02 adresinden okuyun. LLW belgesini görüntüleyemezseniz, yerel Lenovo ofisine ya da yetkili satıcısına ba vurarak LLW belgesinin yazılı bir kopyasını edinin. 1. Garantiezeitraum: 3 Jahre für Nordamerika und Westeuropa; 1 Jahr für andere Länder oder Regionen Makineniz için geçerli olan garanti bilgileri: 2. Art des Garantieservice: CRU-Service (Customer Replaceable Unit, durch den Kunden austauschbare Funktionseinheit) und Anlieferung durch den Kunden 1. Garanti Süresi: Batı Avrupa ve Kuzey Amerika için 3 yıl; Türkiye için 2 yıl; diğer ülkeler ya da bölgeler için 1 yıl 3. Lenovo Begrenzte Herstellergarantie: L505-0010-02 08/2011 2. Garanti Hizmetinin Tipi: Mü teri Tarafından De i tirilebilir Birim (CRU) ve Mü teri Tarafından Teslim Um Garantieservice in Anspruch zu nehmen, rufen Sie die entsprechende Telefonnummer aus der Liste unter der folgenden Adresse an: http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. Telefonnummern können jederzeit ohne Vorankündigung geändert werden. 3. Lenovo Uluslararası Garanti Bildirimi Sürümü: L505-0010-02 08/2011 Lenovo Korlátozott Jótállás – Vásárlói közlemény Обмежена гарантія Lenovo – Примітки для покупця Olvassa el a Lenovo Korlátozott Jótállás (LLW) részleteit a http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02 címen. Ha nem tudja megtekinteni a Lenovo Korlátozott Jótállást, akkor lépjen kapcsolatba a Lenovo helyi képviseletével vagy viszonteladójával, és kérje a Lenovo Korlátozott Jótállás nyomtatott példányát. Ознайомтеся з Обмеженою гарантією Lenovo (LLW) на сайті http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Якщо не вдається переглянути LLW, зверніться до локального офісу Lenovo або до торгового посередника, який надасть вам роздруковану версію LLW. A számítógépére vonatkozó jótállási információk: Гарантійна інформація для вашого комп'ютера: 1. Jótállási időszak: 3 év Észak-Amerikában és Nyugat-Európában; más országokban és régiókban 1 év 1. Гарантійний термін: 3 роки для Північної Америки та Західної Європи; 1 рік для інших країн і регіонів 2. Jótállási szolgáltatás típusa: Vásárló által cserélhet egység (CRU) és Beszállításos szolgáltatás 2. Тип гарантійного обслуговування: обслуговування на основі елементів, замінюваних користувачем (CRU), і обслуговування виробів, зданих клієнтами A jótállási szolgáltatás elérhet ségével kapcsolatban tekintse meg a telefonszámok listáját a http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone címen. A telefonszámok bejelentés nélkül megváltozhatnak. 3. Версія обмеженої гарантії Lenovo: L505-0010-02 08/2011 Leggere la dichiarazione di Garanzia limitata Lenovo (LLW, Lenovo Limited Warranty) all'indirizzo http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Se non è possibile visualizzare la dichiarazione LLW, contattare l'ufficio locale Lenovo o il rivenditore per ottenerne una versione stampata. Adres: Çetin Emeç Bul. 8. Cad. No: 18/4 06460 A.Öveçler Recycling information for Brazil Declarações de Reciclagem no Brasil Descarte de um Produto Lenovo Fora de Uso Equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos não devem ser descartados em lixo comum, mas enviados à pontos de coleta, autorizados pelo fabricante do produto para que sejam encaminhados e processados por empresas especializadas no manuseio de resíduos industriais, devidamente certificadas pelos orgãos ambientais, de acordo com a legislação local. A Lenovo possui um canal específico para auxiliá-lo no descarte desses produtos. Caso você possua um produto Lenovo em situação de descarte, ligue para o nosso SAC ou encaminhe um e-mail para: reciclar@lenovo.com, informando o modelo, número de série e cidade, a fim de enviarmos as instruções para o correto descarte do seu produto Lenovo. Important WEEE information Electrical and electronic equipment marked with the symbol of a crossed-out wheeled bin may not be disposed as unsorted municipal waste. Waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) shall be treated separately using the collection framework available to customers for the return, recycling, and treatment of WEEE. Garanti hizmeti için http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone adresindeki telefon listesine bakın. Telefon numaraları önceden bildirilmeden de i tirilebilir. 3. Lenovo Korlátozott Jótállás verziója: L505-0010-02 08/2011 Garanzia limitata Lenovo (LLW) - Avviso per il cliente Telefon: 0312 473 16 40 З питань отримання гарантійного обслуговування звертайтесь за телефонами, наведеними на сайті http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. Номери телефонів можуть змінюватися без попереднього повідомлення. Informazioni sulla garanzia applicabili alla propria macchina: Country-specific information is available at: http://www.lenovo.com/recycling Export Classification Notice This product is subject to the United States Export Administration regulations (EAR) and has an Export Classification Control Number (ECCN) of 5A992.c. It can be re-exported except to any of the embargoed countries in the EAR E1 country list. Bdh Bilişim Destek Hizmetleri San.Ve Tic. Fethiye Mah. Mudanya Cad. No: 327 Solukçu İş merkezi Bodrum kat - Nilüfer Telefon: 0224 241 62 68 Fax: 0212 320 81 37 Web: http://www.bdh.com.tr Netpro Bilgisayar Büro Makinaları Elektronik Sanayi Ve Özel Eğitim Hizmetleri Ticaret Ltd.Şti. Adres: Kükürtlü Mah. Eski Mudanya Cad. No:131/A D:1 Merkez Telefon: 224 234 59 80 DENİZLİ ALM Bilgisayar San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Adresi: 2. Ticari Yol, Kazım Kaynak İş Merkezi, No:65 Kat:3 Denizli Posta kodu: 20100 Web Adresi: http://www.almbilgisayar.com.tr/ Telefon: 258 264 28 55 Faks no: 258 265 74 77 DİYARBAKIR Metro Bilgisayar Eğitim Tic. ve San.Ltd. Şti. Adresi: Ali Emiri 5. Sokak, Kaçmaz Apartmanı, No:4/1 Diyarbakır Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS) Posta kodu: 21100 European Union RoHS Web Adresi: http://www.metrobilgisayar.com.tr/ Lenovo products sold in the European Union, on or after 3 January 2013 meet the requirements of Directive 2011/65/EU on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (“RoHS recast” or “RoHS 2”). For more information about Lenovo progress on RoHS, go to: http://www.lenovo.com/social_responsibility/us/en/RoHS_Communication.pdf 1. Periodo di garanzia: 3 anni per America del nord ed Europa occidentale; 1 anno per altri paesi o regioni China RoHS 2. Tipo di servizio di garanzia: Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU) e Customer Carry-In 为满足中国电子电气产品有害物质限制相关的法律法规和其他要求,联想公司对本产品中有害物质,按部 件分类,声明如下。 3. Versione di garanzia limitata Lenovo: L505-0010-02 08/2011 Telefon: 0312 473 51 00 BURSA Telefon: 412 223 94 36 Faks no: 422 224 55 07 İSTANBUL Bdh Bilişim Destek Hizmetleri San.Ve Tic.Aş. Gülbahar Mah. Avni Dilligil Sk. Çelik iş merkezi No:2 Mecidiyeköy - Şişli/ İstanbul Telefon: 0212 217 85 87 Fax: 0212 320 81 37 Per il servizio di garanzia, consultare l'elenco dei numeri telefonici all'indirizzo http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. I numeri di telefono sono soggetti a modifiche senza preavviso. Web: http://www.bdh.com.tr Bilgi Birikim Sistemleri Elktr. ve Bilg. Lenovo Beperkte Garantie - Kennisgeving aan klant Endüstrisi Müh. Hiz. Ltd. Sti. Lees de Lenovo Beperkte Garantie (LLW) op http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Als u de LLW niet kunt weergeven, neem dan contact op met uw plaatselijke Lenovo-kantoor of -dealer om een gedrukte versie van de LLW te verkrijgen. Adresi: Kocayol Caddesi, Kozyatağı Sokak, No: 3/B Kat:3 Kozyatağı İstanbul Garantie-informatie die van toepassing is op uw machine: Web Adresi: http://www.bilgibirikim.com/ 1. Garantieperiode: 3 jaar voor Noord-Amerika en West-Europa; 1 jaar voor andere landen en regio's Telefon: 216 373 98 00 2. Type garantieservice: Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU) en Customer Carry-In Faks no: 216 373 99 33 3. Versie Lenovo Beperkte Garantie: L505-0010-02 08/2011 D Yedi Yirmidört Bilişim Hizmetleri Ticaret A.S. Raadpleeg voor garantieservice de telefoonlijst op http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. Telefoonnummers kunnen zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving worden gewijzigd. Yeni Sahra Mah. Yavuz Selim Cad. No: 15 Kat: 1 Ataşehir / İstanbul Telefon: 444 5724 Lenovos garantibetingelser - Merknad til kunden Faks: 0216 470 95 35 Les Lenovos garantibetingelser (LLW) på http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Hvis du ikke kan vise garantibetingelsene, må du kontakte ditt lokale Lenovo-kontor eller forhandleren for å få en trykt versjon. İntegra Profesyonel Hiz. Ltd. Şti. Adres: Merkez Mah. Büyükdere Cad. No: 23 K: 2 Şişli/İstanbul Garantiinformasjon som gjelder din maskin: 1. Garantiperiode: 3 år for Nord-Amerika og Vest-Europa; 1 år for andre land eller områder Turkish RoHS 2. Type garantiservice: CRU (Customer Replaceable Unit) og innlevering av kunden The Lenovo product meets the requirements of the Republic of Turkey Directive on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE). 3. Lenovos garantibetingelser versjon: L505-0010-02 08/2011 Hvis du har spørsmål om garantiservice, se telefonlisten på http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. Telefonnumrene kan bli endret uten forvarsel. Telefon: 0212 373 93 93 İntercomp Bilgisayar Sanayi Ve Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. Adres: Perpa Ticaret Merkezi B. Blok Kat 2 No:33 Telefon: 0212 222 57 45 Netservis Bilgisayar Sistemleri San. ve Tic. Ltd.Şti. Ograniczona gwarancja Lenovo - informacja dla Klienta Adresi: Kısıklı Caddesi, Türksoy Sokak, No: 1 Altunizade / İstanbul Prosimy o przeczytanie ograniczonej gwarancji Lenovo (Lenovo Limited Warranty – LLW) pod adresem: http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Je li nie mo na wy wietli LLW, nale y skontaktowa si z miejscowym biurem Lenovo lub z reselerem w celu uzyskania wersji drukowanej. Web Adresi: http://netservis.com.tr/ Telefon: 216 554 64 00 İSTANBUL Informacje gwarancyjne maj ce zastosowanie do Maszyny Klienta: 1. Okres gwarancyjny: 3 lata w Ameryce Północnej i Europie Zachodniej; 1 rok w innych krajach lub regionach Ukraine RoHS 2. Typ serwisu gwarancyjnego: Serwis polegaj cy na dostarczeniu Cz ci Wymienianych przez Klienta (Customer Replaceable Unit – CRU) oraz serwis z transportem przez Klienta. Novatek Bilgisayar Sistemleri San.ve Tic.Ltd.Şti. Adresi: Ayazağa mah. Büyükdere cad. Üçyol mevki Noramin iş merkezi No: 237/A 110 Şişli Posta Kodu: 80300 3. Wersja ograniczonej gwarancji Lenovo: L505-0010-02 08/2011. India RoHS Lista telefonów do osób odpowiedzialnych za serwis gwarancyjny znajduje si w serwisie: http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. Numery telefonów mog ulec zmianie bez powiadomienia. RoHS compliant as per E-Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2011. Web Adresi: http://www.novateknoloji.com/ Telefon: 212 356 75 77 Garantia Limitada da Lenovo - Aviso ao Cliente Faks no: 212 356 75 88 Leia a Garantia Limitada da Lenovo (LLW, Lenovo Limited Warranty) disponível em http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Se não conseguir visualizar a LLW, contacte o seu representante ou revendedor local da Lenovo para obter uma versão impressa da LLW. Peritus Bilgisayar Sist. Dış Tic.San.Ltd.Şti. İthalatçı – İmalatçı / Üretici Firma Bilgileri ve Diğer Bilgiler Informações de garantia aplicáveis à sua máquina: 1. İmalatçı ya da ithalatçı firmaya ilişkin bilgiler: 1. Período de Garantia: 3 anos para a América do Norte e Europa Ocidental; 1 ano para outros países ou regiões Ürünün ithalatçı firması, Lenovo Technology B.V. Merkezi Hollanda Türkiye İstanbul Şubesi’dir. Adresi ve telefonu şöyledir: 2. Tipo de Serviço de Garantia: Serviço de Unidades Substituíveis pelo Cliente (CRU) e Serviço de Entrega Üner Plaza. Eski Üsküdar Yolu. Erkut Sokak. No: 4 / 1 Kat: 3 3. Garantia Limitada Lenovo Versão: L505-0010-02 08/2011 Kozyatağı, Para contactar o serviço de garantia, consulte a lista telefónica em http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. Os números de telefone indicados estão sujeitos a alteração sem aviso prévio. Kadıköy, İstanbul, Türkiye Tel: 90 216 570 01 00 Faks: 90 216 577 01 00 Observaţie pentru client - Garanţia limitată Lenovo 2. Bakım, onarım ve kullanımda uyulması gereken kurallar: Vă rugăm să citiţi Garanţia limitată Lenovo (GLL) la http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Dacă nu puteţi vizualiza GLL, contactaţi reprezentanţa locală Lenovo sau reseller-ul pentru a obţine gratuit o versiune imprimată a GLL. Elektronik cihazlar için gösterilmesi gereken standart özeni göstermeniz yeterlidir. Cihaz çalışır durumda iken temizlik yapmayınız. Islak bezle, köpürtülmüş deterjanlarla, sulu süngerlerle temizlik yapmayınız. Son kullanıcılar onarım konusunda yetkili değildir. Arıza söz konusu olduğuna inanıyorsanız telefonla danışabilir ya da ürünü bu kitapta yer alan servis istasyonlarından birine götürebilirsiniz. Informaţii referitoare la garanţie aplicabile unităţii dumneavoastră: 1. Perioada de garanţie: 3 ani pentru America de Nord şi Europa de Vest; 1 an pentru alte ţări sau regiuni 3. Taşıma ve nakliye sırasında dikkat edilecek hususlar: 2. Tip de serviciu garanţie: Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU) şi Customer Carry-In Ürününüzü ve bağlı olduğu aygıtı taşırken ya da nakliye sırasında dikkat etmeniz gereken birkaç nokta vardır. Aygıt taşımadan önce tüm bağlı ortamların çıkartılmış olması, bağlı aygıtların çözülmesi ve kabloların sökülmüş olması gerekir. Bu aygıtın zarar görmemesi için gereklidir. 3. Versiunea Garanţie limitată Lenovo: L505-0010-02 08/2011 Pentru service-ul în garanţie, consultaţi lista de telefoane la http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. Numerele de telefon pot fi modificate fără preaviz. Ограниченная гарантия Lenovo – Замечания для заказчиков Ознакомьтесь с Ограниченной гарантией Lenovo (Lenovo Limited Warranty – LLW) на Web-странице http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Если вы не можете просмотреть LLW, то распечатанную версию LLW можно получить в местном представительстве Lenovo или у вашего дилера. Информация о гарантии для вашего компьютера: 1. Гарантийный срок: 3 года для Северной Америки и Западной Европы; 1 год для других стран или регионов 2. Тип гарантийного обслуживания: обслуживание при отказе узлов, подлежащих замене силами заказчика (CRU), и обслуживание при доставке силами заказчика Compliance information The latest compliance information is available at: http://www.lenovo.com/compliance Electronic emission notices For electronic emissions information on Class B digital devices, refer to the appendices in the Lenovo USB Smartcard Keyboard User Guide, which is available on the Software and User Guide Disc. Lenovo, Einsteinova 21, 851 01 Bratislava, Slovakia 3. Версия Ограниченной гарантии Lenovo L505-0010-02 08/2011 Ukraine compliance mark Lenovo product service information for Taiwan 7. Ürünün özelliklerine ilişkin tanıtıcı ve temel bilgiler: Ürününüze ilişkin tanıtıcı ve temel bilgileri kitabınızın ilgili bölümlerinde bulabilirsiniz. 8. Periyodik bakıma ilişkin bilgiler: Obmedzená záruka spolo nosti Lenovo – Vyhlásenie pre zákazníkov Ürün bir uzmanın yapması gereken periodik bakımı içermez. Eurasian compliance mark 1. Záručná lehota: 3 roky pre Severnú Ameriku a Západnú Európu; 1 rok pre ostatné krajiny alebo regióny Omejeno garancijo Lenovo (LLW) si lahko preberete na naslovu http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. e si ne morete ogledati omejene garancije Lenovo (LLW), se obrnite na lokalno pisarno Lenovo ali prodajalca, kjer boste dobili natisnjeno razli ico. Garancijske informacije, ki veljajo za vaš ra unalnik: 1. Garancijsko obdobje: 3 leta za Severno Ameriko in Zahodno Evropo; 1 leto za druge države ali regije 9. Bağlantı ve montaja ilişkin bilgiler: Aksamınızı çalışır hale getirebilmeniz için gerekli bağlantı ve montaj bilgileri bu kılavuzda yer almaktadır. Kuruluş işlemini kendiniz yapmak istemiyorsanız satıcınızdan ya da bir Servis İstasyonu’ndan ücret karşılığı destek alabilirsiniz. Záru né informácie týkajúce sa vášho po íta a: Lenovova omejena garancija – obvestilo za stranke Alet üzerine katı ya da sıvı gıda maddesi dökülmesi Aletin taşıma sırasında korunmaması ve darbe alması Za uslugu garancije, pogledajte spisak telefonskih brojeva na veb lokaciji: http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. Telefonski brojevi se mogu menjati bez prethodnog obaveštenja. V prípade záujmu o záru ný servis volajte na ísla uvedené v telefónnom zozname na adrese http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. Telefónne ísla môžu by zmenené bez predchádzajúceho upozornenia. Burada belirtilenler ile sınırlı olmamak kaydı ile bu bölümde bazı kullanıcı hatalarına ilişkin örnekler sunulmuştur. Bu ve benzeri konulara özen göstermeniz yeterlidir. Kılavuz içinde daha ayrıntılı bilgiler verilebilir. Aleti çalışır durumda taşımak, temizlemek vb. eylemler 3. Verzija Lenovo ograni ene garancije: L505-0010-02 08/2011 3. Verzia obmedzenej záruky Lenovo: L505-0010-02 08/2011 Bu tür durumlar söz konusu olduğunda ürüne özel olarak bu kitabın ilgili bölümünde detaylı olarak ele alınmıştır. Kitabınızda bu tür bir uyarı yoksa, kullanmakta olduğunuz ürün için böyle bir durum söz konusu değildir. Kumanda butonlarına gereğinden yüksek kuvvet uygulanması 2. Vrsta usluge garancije: korisni ki zamenljiva jedinica (CRU) i usluga servisiranja li nom dostavom 2. Typ záru ného servisu: Servis dielcov vymenite ných zákazníkom (dielcov CRU) a Služba doru enia zákazníkom 5. Kullanım sırasında insan ya da çevre sağlığına zararlı olabilecek durumlar: Kabloların zorla ait olmadıkları yuvalara takılması Informacije o garanciji koje se odnose na vašu mašinu: Pre ítajte si obmedzenú záruku spolo nosti Lenovo (LLW) na adrese http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Ak záruku LLW neviete zobrazi , kontaktujte miestne zastúpenie spolo nosti Lenovo alebo jej predajcu a požiadajte o tla enú verziu záruky LLW. Aygıta ilişkin kullanıcının yapabileceği bir bakım ya da onarım yoktur. Bakım ya da onarıma gereksinim duyarsanız bir Çözüm Ortağı’ndan destek alabilirsiniz. Ayrıca servis istasyonlarına ilişkin bilgileri kitabınızın eklerinde bulabilirsiniz. Örnekler: Pro itajte Lenovo ograni enu garanciju (LLW) na adresi http://www.lenovo.com/warranty/llw_02. Ukoliko niste u mogu nosti da pogledate Lenovo ograni enu garanciju, obratite se lokalnom predstavništvu kompanije Lenovo ili distributeru da biste dobili štampanu verziju Lenovo ograni ene garancije. 1. Garantni period: 3 godine za Severnu Ameriku i Zapadnu Evropu; 1 godina za druge zemlje ili regione 4. Aygıta ilişkin bakım, onarım ya da temizliğe ilişkin bilgiler: 6. Kullanım hatalarına ilişkin bilgiler: За гарантийным обслуживанием обращайтесь по телефонам, приведенным на Web-странице http://www.lenovo.com/support/phone. Номера телефонов могут быть изменены без уведомления. Lenovo ograni ena garancija – obaveštenje za kupce Ayrıca aygıtınızı taşırken uygun koruma sağlayan bir taşıma kutusu kullanılmasına dikkat edin. Bakıma ilişkin diğer ek bilgiler için kitabın ilgili bölümünden (eğer sağlanmışsa) yararlanabilirsiniz. 10. Bakanlıkça tespit ve ilan edilen kullanım ömrü: Notices Lenovo may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in all countries. Consult your local Lenovo representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to a Lenovo product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that Lenovo product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any Lenovo intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user’s responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any other product, program, or service. Lenovo may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: Lenovo (United States), Inc. 1009 Think Place - Building One Morrisville, NC 27560 U.S.A. Bakanlıkça tespit ve ilan edilen kullanım ömrü 7 yıldır. 11. Enerji tüketen mallarda, malın enerji tüketimi açısından verimli kullanımına ilişkin bilgiler: Ürüne ait kullanma kılavuzunda belirtilmiştir. 12. Servis istasyonlarına ilişkin bilgiler: Bunlar kitabınızı aynı başlıklı bölümünde belirtilmiştir. Herhangi bir onarım ya da yedek parça ihtiyacı durumda bu istasyonlardan birine başvurabilirsiniz. 13. İthal edilmiş mallarda, yurt dışındaki üretici firmanın unvanı ve açık adresi ile diğer erişim bilgileri (telefon, telefaks ve e-posta vb.): Lenovo PC HK Limited 23/F, Lincoln House, Taikoo Place 979 King's Road, Quarry Bay Hong Kong Tel: +852-2516 4700 Faks: +852-2516 5384 Adresi: Ziverbey Eğitim Mahallesi, Poyraz Sokak, Sadıkoğlu İş Merkezi 1, D: 15 Ziverbey Kadıköy İstanbul Posta kodu: 81040 Web Adresi: http://www.pbs.biz.tr/ Telefon: 216 345 08 00 Faks no: 216 349 09 92 Seri Bilgi Teknolojileri LTD ŞTI. Alemdağ Cad. Masaldan İş Merkezi G Blok Kat: 2 Çamlıca/İstanbul Telefon: 444 0 426 İZMİR Adapa Bilgi Sistemleri Tur.San. Ve Tic.A.Ş. Adres: Ankara Asfaltı No:26/3 Rod-Kar 2 İş Mer. D:305-309 Bornova Telefon: 0232 462 39 59 Bdh Bilişim Destek Hizmetleri San.Ve Tic. A.Ş. Adres: Gazi bulvarı No: 37 Çankaya Telefon: 0232 446 33 33 Fax: 0212 320 81 37 Web: http://www.bdh.com.tr Ege Bimtes Bilgi İşlem Mak.Ser.San.Ve Tic.Ltd.Şti Adres: Refik Saydam Blv. Caddesi No: 5 Telefon: 0232-4890060 MALATYA Bdh Bilişim Destek Hizmetleri Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.Ş. Büyük Hüseyinbey Uçar sok. Deniz Apt. No: 12 Kat: 1/2 Telefon: 0422 326 31 03 Fax: 0212 320 81 37 Web: http://www.bdh.com.tr SAMSUN Bdh Bilişim Destek Hizmetleri San.Ve Tic.A.Ş. Adres: Mimarsinan Mah.Atatürk Bulvarı No:266/1-Atakum Telefon: 0362 437 96 31 Fax: 0 212 320 81 37 Web: http://www.bdh.com.tr VIP Bilgi İşlem Ltd. Şti. Adresi: İstiklal Caddesi, No:159/13 Samsun Posta kodu: 55060 Web Adresi: http://www.vipbilgiislem.com Telefon: 362 230 88 52 Faks no: 362 234 77 22 ŞANLIURFA Bdh Bilişim Destek Hizmetleri San.Ve Tic. Sarayönü Cad. Kızılay işhanı Zemin kat No: Z-8 Telefon: 0414 215 05 52 Fax: 0212 320 81 37 Web: http://www.bdh.com.tr Bilban Bilgisayar Eğitim Tic. San. Ltd. Şti. Adresi: Kızılay işhanı, Kat: 1-2 Şanlıurfa Web Adresi: http://www.bilban.com.tr/ Telefon: 414 215 05 52 Faks no: 414 212 22 12 Legal notices Lenovo and the Lenovo logo are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
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