Lg 20Ls7Dc Ub Users Manual MFL37186102

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MODEL : 20LS7D(C) 20LS7D(C)-UB
- 2 -
CONTENTS .............................................................................................. 2
PRODUCT SAFETY ..................................................................................3
SPECIFICATION ........................................................................................6
ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTION ...............................................................10
TROUBLE SHOOTING ............................................................................14
BLOCK DIAGRAM...................................................................................19
EXPLODED VIEW ...................................................................................20
REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST ............................................................... 22
SVC. SHEET ...............................................................................................
- 3 -
Many electrical and mechanical parts in this chassis have special safety-related characteristics. These parts are identified by in the
Schematic Diagram and Replacement Parts List.
It is essential that these special safety parts should be replaced with the same components as recommended in this manual to prevent
Shock, Fire, or other Hazards.
Do not modify the original design without permission of manufacturer.
General Guidance
An isolation Transformer should always be used during the
servicing of a receiver whose chassis is not isolated from the AC
power line. Use a transformer of adequate power rating as this
protects the technician from accidents resulting in personal injury
from electrical shocks.
It will also protect the receiver and it's components from being
damaged by accidental shorts of the circuitry that may be
inadvertently introduced during the service operation.
If any fuse (or Fusible Resistor) in this TV receiver is blown,
replace it with the specified.
When replacing a high wattage resistor (Oxide Metal Film Resistor,
over 1W), keep the resistor 10mm away from PCB.
Keep wires away from high voltage or high temperature parts.
Before returning the receiver to the customer,
always perform an AC leakage current check on the exposed
metallic parts of the cabinet, such as antennas, terminals, etc., to
be sure the set is safe to operate without damage of electrical
Leakage Current Cold Check(Antenna Cold Check)
With the instrument AC plug removed from AC source, connect an
electrical jumper across the two AC plug prongs. Place the AC
switch in the on position, connect one lead of ohm-meter to the AC
plug prongs tied together and touch other ohm-meter lead in turn to
each exposed metallic parts such as antenna terminals, phone
jacks, etc.
If the exposed metallic part has a return path to the chassis, the
measured resistance should be between 1Mand 5.2M.
When the exposed metal has no return path to the chassis the
reading must be infinite.
An other abnormality exists that must be corrected before the
receiver is returned to the customer.
Leakage Current Hot Check (See below Figure)
Plug the AC cord directly into the AC outlet.
Do not use a line Isolation Transformer during this check.
Connect 1.5K/10watt resistor in parallel with a 0.15uF capacitor
between a known good earth ground (Water Pipe, Conduit, etc.)
and the exposed metallic parts.
Measure the AC voltage across the resistor using AC voltmeter
with 1000 ohms/volt or more sensitivity.
Reverse plug the AC cord into the AC outlet and repeat AC voltage
measurements for each exposed metallic part. Any voltage
measured must not exceed 0.75 volt RMS which is corresponds to
In case any measurement is out of the limits specified, there is
possibility of shock hazard and the set must be checked and
repaired before it is returned to the customer.
Leakage Current Hot Check circuit
1.5 Kohm/10W
To Instrument’s
Good Earth Ground
such as WATER PIPE,
AC Volt-meter
- 4 -
CAUTION: Before servicing receivers covered by this service
manual and its supplements and addenda, read and follow the
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS on page 3 of this publication.
NOTE: If unforeseen circumstances create conflict between the
following servicing precautions and any of the safety precautions on
page 3 of this publication, always follow the safety precautions.
Remember: Safety First.
General Servicing Precautions
1. Always unplug the receiver AC power cord from the AC power
source before;
a. Removing or reinstalling any component, circuit board
module or any other receiver assembly.
b. Disconnecting or reconnecting any receiver electrical plug or
other electrical connection.
c. Connecting a test substitute in parallel with an electrolytic
capacitor in the receiver.
CAUTION: A wrong part substitution or incorrect polarity
installation of electrolytic capacitors may result in an
explosion hazard.
2. Test high voltage only by measuring it with an appropriate high
voltage meter or other voltage measuring device (DVM,
FETVOM, etc) equipped with a suitable high voltage probe.
Do not test high voltage by "drawing an arc".
3. Do not spray chemicals on or near this receiver or any of its
4. Unless specified otherwise in this service manual, clean
electrical contacts only by applying the following mixture to the
contacts with a pipe cleaner, cotton-tipped stick or comparable
non-abrasive applicator; 10% (by volume) Acetone and 90% (by
volume) isopropyl alcohol (90%-99% strength)
CAUTION: This is a flammable mixture.
Unless specified otherwise in this service manual, lubrication of
contacts in not required.
5. Do not defeat any plug/socket B+ voltage interlocks with which
receivers covered by this service manual might be equipped.
6. Do not apply AC power to this instrument and/or any of its
electrical assemblies unless all solid-state device heat sinks are
correctly installed.
7. Always connect the test receiver ground lead to the receiver
chassis ground before connecting the test receiver positive
Always remove the test receiver ground lead last.
8. Use with this receiver only the test fixtures specified in this
service manual.
CAUTION: Do not connect the test fixture ground strap to any
heat sink in this receiver.
Electrostatically Sensitive (ES) Devices
Some semiconductor (solid-state) devices can be damaged easily
by static electricity. Such components commonly are called
Electrostatically Sensitive (ES) Devices. Examples of typical ES
devices are integrated circuits and some field-effect transistors and
semiconductor "chip" components. The following techniques
should be used to help reduce the incidence of component
damage caused by static by static electricity.
1. Immediately before handling any semiconductor component or
semiconductor-equipped assembly, drain off any electrostatic
charge on your body by touching a known earth ground.
Alternatively, obtain and wear a commercially available
discharging wrist strap device, which should be removed to
prevent potential shock reasons prior to applying power to the
unit under test.
2. After removing an electrical assembly equipped with ES
devices, place the assembly on a conductive surface such as
aluminum foil, to prevent electrostatic charge buildup or
exposure of the assembly.
3. Use only a grounded-tip soldering iron to solder or unsolder ES
4. Use only an anti-static type solder removal device. Some solder
removal devices not classified as "anti-static" can generate
electrical charges sufficient to damage ES devices.
5. Do not use freon-propelled chemicals. These can generate
electrical charges sufficient to damage ES devices.
6. Do not remove a replacement ES device from its protective
package until immediately before you are ready to install it.
(Most replacement ES devices are packaged with leads
electrically shorted together by conductive foam, aluminum foil
or comparable conductive material).
7. Immediately before removing the protective material from the
leads of a replacement ES device, touch the protective material
to the chassis or circuit assembly into which the device will be
CAUTION: Be sure no power is applied to the chassis or circuit,
and observe all other safety precautions.
8. Minimize bodily motions when handling unpackaged
replacement ES devices. (Otherwise harmless motion such as
the brushing together of your clothes fabric or the lifting of your
foot from a carpeted floor can generate static electricity
sufficient to damage an ES device.)
General Soldering Guidelines
1. Use a grounded-tip, low-wattage soldering iron and appropriate
tip size and shape that will maintain tip temperature within the
range or 500°F to 600°F.
2. Use an appropriate gauge of RMA resin-core solder composed
of 60 parts tin/40 parts lead.
3. Keep the soldering iron tip clean and well tinned.
4. Thoroughly clean the surfaces to be soldered. Use a mall wire-
bristle (0.5 inch, or 1.25cm) brush with a metal handle.
Do not use freon-propelled spray-on cleaners.
5. Use the following unsoldering technique
a. Allow the soldering iron tip to reach normal temperature.
(500°F to 600°F)
b. Heat the component lead until the solder melts.
c. Quickly draw the melted solder with an anti-static, suction-
type solder removal device or with solder braid.
CAUTION: Work quickly to avoid overheating the circuit
board printed foil.
6. Use the following soldering technique.
a. Allow the soldering iron tip to reach a normal temperature
(500°F to 600°F)
b. First, hold the soldering iron tip and solder the strand against
the component lead until the solder melts.
c. Quickly move the soldering iron tip to the junction of the
component lead and the printed circuit foil, and hold it there
only until the solder flows onto and around both the
component lead and the foil.
CAUTION: Work quickly to avoid overheating the circuit
board printed foil.
d. Closely inspect the solder area and remove any excess or
splashed solder with a small wire-bristle brush.
- 5 -
IC Remove/Replacement
Some chassis circuit boards have slotted holes (oblong) through
which the IC leads are inserted and then bent flat against the
circuit foil. When holes are the slotted type, the following technique
should be used to remove and replace the IC. When working with
boards using the familiar round hole, use the standard technique
as outlined in paragraphs 5 and 6 above.
1. Desolder and straighten each IC lead in one operation by gently
prying up on the lead with the soldering iron tip as the solder
2. Draw away the melted solder with an anti-static suction-type
solder removal device (or with solder braid) before removing the
1. Carefully insert the replacement IC in the circuit board.
2. Carefully bend each IC lead against the circuit foil pad and
solder it.
3. Clean the soldered areas with a small wire-bristle brush.
(It is not necessary to reapply acrylic coating to the areas).
"Small-Signal" Discrete Transistor
1. Remove the defective transistor by clipping its leads as close as
possible to the component body.
2. Bend into a "U" shape the end of each of three leads remaining
on the circuit board.
3. Bend into a "U" shape the replacement transistor leads.
4. Connect the replacement transistor leads to the corresponding
leads extending from the circuit board and crimp the "U" with
long nose pliers to insure metal to metal contact then solder
each connection.
Power Output, Transistor Device
1. Heat and remove all solder from around the transistor leads.
2. Remove the heat sink mounting screw (if so equipped).
3. Carefully remove the transistor from the heat sink of the circuit
4. Insert new transistor in the circuit board.
5. Solder each transistor lead, and clip off excess lead.
6. Replace heat sink.
Diode Removal/Replacement
1. Remove defective diode by clipping its leads as close as
possible to diode body.
2. Bend the two remaining leads perpendicular y to the circuit
3. Observing diode polarity, wrap each lead of the new diode
around the corresponding lead on the circuit board.
4. Securely crimp each connection and solder it.
5. Inspect (on the circuit board copper side) the solder joints of
the two "original" leads. If they are not shiny, reheat them and if
necessary, apply additional solder.
Fuse and Conventional Resistor
1. Clip each fuse or resistor lead at top of the circuit board hollow
2. Securely crimp the leads of replacement component around
notch at stake top.
3. Solder the connections.
CAUTION: Maintain original spacing between the replaced
component and adjacent components and the circuit board to
prevent excessive component temperatures.
Circuit Board Foil Repair
Excessive heat applied to the copper foil of any printed circuit
board will weaken the adhesive that bonds the foil to the circuit
board causing the foil to separate from or "lift-off" the board. The
following guidelines and procedures should be followed whenever
this condition is encountered.
At IC Connections
To repair a defective copper pattern at IC connections use the
following procedure to install a jumper wire on the copper pattern
side of the circuit board. (Use this technique only on IC
1. Carefully remove the damaged copper pattern with a sharp
knife. (Remove only as much copper as absolutely necessary).
2. carefully scratch away the solder resist and acrylic coating (if
used) from the end of the remaining copper pattern.
3. Bend a small "U" in one end of a small gauge jumper wire and
carefully crimp it around the IC pin. Solder the IC connection.
4. Route the jumper wire along the path of the out-away copper
pattern and let it overlap the previously scraped end of the good
copper pattern. Solder the overlapped area and clip off any
excess jumper wire.
At Other Connections
Use the following technique to repair the defective copper pattern
at connections other than IC Pins. This technique involves the
installation of a jumper wire on the component side of the circuit
1. Remove the defective copper pattern with a sharp knife.
Remove at least 1/4 inch of copper, to ensure that a hazardous
condition will not exist if the jumper wire opens.
2. Trace along the copper pattern from both sides of the pattern
break and locate the nearest component that is directly
connected to the affected copper pattern.
3. Connect insulated 20-gauge jumper wire from the lead of the
nearest component on one side of the pattern break to the lead
of the nearest component on the other side.
Carefully crimp and solder the connections.
CAUTION: Be sure the insulated jumper wire is dressed so the
it does not touch components or sharp edges.
- 6 -
NOTE : Specifications and others are subject to change without notice for improvement
4. General Specification(TV)
No Item Specification Remark
1 Receiving System ATSC/64 & 256 QAM/ NTSC-M
2 Available Channel 1) VHF : 02~13
2) UHF : 14~69
3) DTV : 02-69
4) CATV : 01~135
5) CADTV : 01~135
3 Input Voltage 100-240V~, 50/60Hz
5 Screen Size 20 inch Wide For 20LC7D-UB
23 inch Wide For 23LC7D-UB
6 Aspect Ratio 16:9
7 Tuning System FS
8 LCD Module T200XW02 Wide, AUO
T230XW01 Wide, AUO
9 Operating Environment 1) Temp : 0 ~ 40 deg
2) Humidity : ~ 80 %
10 Storage Environment 1)Temp : -20 ~ 60 deg
2) Humidity : 0 ~ 90 %
1. Application range
1) This spec sheet is applied all of the 20/23" LCD TV with
LA74E chassis.
2) Not included spec and each product spec in this spec sheet
apply correspondingly to the following each country
standard and requirement of Buyer
2. Specification
Each part is tested as below without special appointment.
1) Temperature : 20±5°C
2) Relative Humidity : 65±10%
3) Power Voltage : Standard input voltage
* Standard Voltage of each product is marked by models
4) Specification and performance of each parts are followed
each drawing and specification by part number in
accordance with BOM.
5) The receiver must be operated for about 20 minutes prior to
the adjustment.
3. Test method
1) Performance : LGE TV test method followed
2) Demanded other specification
Safety : UL, CSA, IEC specification
EMC : FCC, ICES, IEC specification
5. Chroma & Brightness
5.1. FOR 23LC7D (CONDITION : EZ-Picture "Daylight")
- 7 -
No Item Min Typ Max Unit
1 White peak brightness 360 450 cd/m
260 450 cd/m
2 Contrast ratio 550 700
400 700 Refer to LCD SPEC.
3 Brightness uniformity 1.25
4 Color coordinate RED X Typ -0.03 0.638 Typ +0.03
5 Y Typ -0.03 0.337 Typ +0.03
6 GREEN X Typ -0.03 0.299 Typ +0.03
7 Y Typ -0.03 0.604 Typ +0.03
8 BLUE X Typ -0.03 0.145 Typ +0.03
9 Y Typ -0.03 0.059 Typ +0.03
10 WHITE X Typ -0.03 0.280 Typ +0.03
11 Y Typ -0.03 0.292 Typ +0.03
12 White Balance Target Cool X Typ -0.015 0.274 Typ +0.015
13 Y Typ -0.015 0.274 Typ +0.015
14 Medium X Typ -0.015 0.287 Typ +0.015
15 Y Typ -0.015 0.289 Typ +0.015
16 Warm X Typ -0.015 0.314 Typ +0.015
17 Y Typ -0.015 0.318 Typ +0.015
18 Viewing angle 140 176 Right / Left
19 140 176 Up / Down
20 Color Temperature Medium 8,300 9,300 10,300
Cool 11,000 12,000 13,000
Warm 5,500 6,500 7,500
- 8 -
5.1. FOR 20LC7D (CONDITION : EZ-Picture "Daylight")
6. Component Video Input (Y, CB/PB, CR/PR)
No Resolution H-freq(kHz) V-freq(Hz) Pixel clock Proposed
1. 720*480 15.73 59.94 SDTV ,DVD 480I
2. 720*480 15.73 60.00 SDTV ,DVD 480I
3. 720*480 31.47 59.94 SDTV 480P
4. 720*480 31.50 60.00 SDTV 480P
5. 1280*720 44.96 59.94 HDTV 720P
6. 1280*720 45.00 60.00 HDTV 720P
7. 1920*1080 33.72 59.94 HDTV 1080I
8. 1920*1080 33.75 60.00 HDTV 1080I
No Item Min Typ Max Unit Remark
1. White peak brightness 360 450 cd/m2
250 450 cd/m2PSM : Daylight
2. Contrast Ratio 600 700
400 700 PSM : Daylight
3. Brightness uniformity 1.25 Refer to LCD SPEC.
4. Color coordinate RED X 0.640 +/- 0.03
Y 0.330 +/- 0.03
GREEN X 0.290 +/- 0.03
Y 0.600 +/- 0.03
BLUE X 0.150 +/- 0.03
Y 0.060 +/- 0.03
WHITE X 0.295 +/- 0.03
Y 0.305 +/- 0.03
5. White Balance Target Cool X 0.274 +/- 0.015
Y 0.274 +/- 0.015
Medium X 0.287 +/- 0.015
Y 0.289 +/- 0.015
Warm X 0.314 +/- 0.015
Y 0.318 +/- 0.015
6. Viewing angle 130 160 Right / Left
110 140 Up / Down
7. Color Temperature Medium 8,300 9,300 10,300 <Test Signal>
Cool 11,000 12,000 13,000 85 IRE
Warm 5,500 6,500 7,500
No. Item Content Remark
1 Product Dimension Width(W) Length(D) Height(H)
Before Packing 499.6 175.0 401.4 Head depth : 73.0mm
After Packing 563.0 173.0 423.0 (stand detachable, 3 piece type)
2 Product Weight Only SET 6.22 Kg
With Box 7.73 Kg
3 Container Loading Quantity Individual or Palletizing 20 ft 40 ft 40 ft_HC
Indi. Wooden Indi. Wooden Indi. Wooden
689 576 1443 1296 1665 1512
4 Appearance General
- 9 -
8. Mechanical specification
7. RGB input (PC/DTV)
No Resolution H-freq(kHz) V-freq.(Hz) Pixel clock(MHz) Proposed
1 640*350 31.469 70.08 25.17 DOS O
2 720*400 31.469 70.08 28.32 DOS O
3 640*480 31.469 59.94 25.17 VESA(VGA) O
4 800*600 37.879 60.31 40.00 VESA(SVGA) O
5 1024*768 48.363 60.00 65.00 VESA(XGA) O
6 1280*768 47.776 59.87 79.50 VESA(WXGA) O
7 1360*768 47.712 60.01 85.50 VESA(WXGA) O
8 1366*768 60.023 60.00 80.00
No. Item Content Remark
1 Product Dimension Width(W) Length(D) Height(H)
Before Packing 581.5 198.8 458.3 Head depth : 82mm
After Packing 655.0 186.0 490.0 (stand detachable, 3 piece type)
2 Product Weight Only SET 7.9 Kg
With Box 9.8 Kg
3 Container Loading Quantity Individual or Palletizing 20 ft 40 ft 40 ft_HC
Ind. Wooden Indi. Wooden Indi. Wooden
468 396 1008 924 1176 1092
4 Appearance General
- 10 -
1. Application Object
These instructions are applied to all of the LCD TV, LA74E.
2. Notes
(1) Because this is not a hot chassis, it is not necessary to use
an isolation transformer. However, the use of isolation
transformer will help protect test equipment.
(2) Adjustments must be done in the correct order.
(3) The adjustments must be performed in the circumstance of
20±5°C of temperature and 65±10% of relative humidity if
there is no specific designation.
(4) The input voltage of the receiver be must kept 110V, 60Hz
when adjusting.
(5) The receiver must be operational for about 15 minutes
prior to the adjustments.
(6) Perform preliminary operation after receiving 100% White
Pattern (06CH). (Or 3. White Pattern status of Ez-Adjust)
- White Pattern entry method
1) Enter into Ez-Adjust by pressing the ADJ key on the
adjustment R/C.
2) 100% FULL WHITE PATTERN appears if pressing the
OK (
) key after selecting the 3.WHITE PATTERN with
the CH + / - KEY.
* It is possible to heat run the set without a separate signal
generator in this mode.
Caution : Care must be taken as afterimage phenomena
may occur about the black level part of screen If leaving
pause image turned on for more than 20 minutes
(especially inner digital pattern (13 CH), Cross Hatch
Pattern (09CH) with significant black/white contrast).
3. MICOM Download(Option)
3-1. Required Test Equipment
(1) JIG-LEVER TYPE for adjusting: 1EA
(4) 15P D-SUB CABLE: 2EA
(5) Using the 12/15 line of D-SUB 15P
3-2. JIG Connection
3-3. Establishment Program
(1) Establish LGE Monitor Tools v1.1
(2) The program work and it is opened program window as
seen below.
(3) Click the first icon shown in fig.9. The window seen in
fig.10 should appear.
- 11 -
3-4. Set Method
(1) MCU Select: MTV512M64
(2) Option
R/W Option: Auto Write(Verity)
Jig Option: Myson
Transmit Speed: Medium
(3) Check: Just do it with blank micom.
(4) PORT
Chose Parallel Port (normal LPT1)
Attention:You must chose EPP when select Rom BIAS at LPT
3-5. Download Method
(1) Click the Load File.
(2) Locate and select the correct file from your computer.
(3) Click the Send.
(4) When you see (ISP COMPLETE) the download is complete.
4. ADC-Set Adjustment
4-1. Synopsis
ADC-Set adjustment to set the black level and the Gain to
4-2. Test Equipment
Service R/C, 801GF(802V, 802F, 802R) or MSPG925FA
Pattern Generator
(480i/1080i The Horizontal 100% Color Bar Pattern adjust to
within 0.7±0.1Vp-p)
4-3. Adjustment
(1) Select Component as the input with 100% Horizontal Color
Bar Pattern(HozTV31Bar) in 480i Mode
(2) After receiving signal for at least 1 second, press the ADJ
Key on the Service R/C to enter the ‘Ez - Adjust’ and select
the ‘2. ADC 480i Comp1’.
Pressing the Enter Key to adjust automatically.
(3) When the adjustment is over, 'MST3361 Component
Success’ is displayed. If the adjustment has errors,
'MST3361 Configuration Error’ is displayed.
(4) Select Component 1 as the input with 100% Horizontal
Color Bar Pattern(HozTV31Bar) in 1080i Mode.
(5) After receiving signal for at least 1 second, press the ADJ
Key on the Service R/C to enter the ‘Ez - Adjust’ and select
the ‘3. ADC 1080i Comp1/RGB’.
Pressing the Enter Key to adjust automatically.
(6) When the adjustment is over, 'MST3361 Component
Success’ is displayed. If the adjustment has errors,
'MST3361 Configuration Error’ is displayed.
(7) After the Component MST3361 adjustment is over, convert
the RGB-DTV Mode and display Pattern.
When the adjustment is over, 'MST3361 RGB_DTV
Success’ is displayed.
(8) Readjust after confirming the case Pattern or adjustment
condition where the adjustment errors.
(9) After adjustment is complete, exit the adjustment mode by
pressing the ADJ KEY.
Ez Adjust
1. CVBS ACC Adjust
2. ADC 480i Comp1
3. ADC 1080i Co mp1/ RGB
4. Reserved
5. Sub- Brightness/Contrast
6. White-Balance
7. Module Control
8. Temperature Threshold
9. White-Pattern
10. 2 Hour Off Option
<Adjustment Mode>
<Adjustment Pattern: 480i/1080i 60Hz HozTV31Bar Pattern>
5. EDID (The Extended Display Identification Data)
/ DDC (Display Data Channel) Download
This is the function that enables “Plug and Play".
5-1. HDMI EDID Data Input
(1) Required Test Equipment
1) PC, Jig for adjusting DDC. (PC serial to D-sub
Connection equipment)
2) S/W for writing DDC(EDID data write & read)
3) D-Sub cable
(2) Preparation for Adjustments & Setting of Device
1) Set devices as below and turn on the PC and JIG.
2) Open S/W for writing DDC (EDID data write & read).
(operated in DOS mode)
(1) 23LS7D-UB : RGB
EDID Block 0, Byte 0 - 127 [00H-7FH]
Block Type : EDID 1.3
(2) 20LS7D-UB : RGB
EDID Block 0, Byte 0 - 127 [00H-7FH]
Block Type : EDID 1.3
(3) 23LS7D-UB : HDMI
EDID Block 0, Byte 0 - 127 [00H-7FH]
Block Type : EDID 1.3
EDID Block 1, Byte 128 - 255 [80H-FFH]
Block Type : CEA EDID Timing Extension Version 3
(4) 20LS7D-UB : HDMI
EDID Block 0, Byte 0 - 127 [00H-7FH]
Block Type : EDID 1.3
EDID Block 1, Bytes 128-255 [80H-FFH]
Block Type: CEA EDID Timing Extension Version 3
0 00FFFFFFFFFFFF001E6D01 00 01 01 0101
10 00 10 01 03 68 33 1D 96 0A E6 98 A3 54 4A 99 26
20 0F 4B 4E A1 08 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
30 01 01 01 01 01 01 64 19 00 40 41 00 26 30 18 88
40 36 00 98 07 32 00 00 18 0E 1F 00 80 51 00 1E 30
50 40 80 37 00 C4 8E 21 00 00 1C 66 21 50 B0 51 00
60 1B 30 40 70 36 00 C4 8E 21 00 00 1E 00 00 00 FC
70 00 32 33 4C 53 32 44 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 6C
- 12 -
(or Digital Board)
<Fig. 2>
0 00FFFFFFFFFFFF001E6D01 00 01 01 0101
10 00 10 01 03 68 2C 19 96 0A E6 98 A3 54 4A 99 26
20 0F 4B 4E A1 08 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
30 01 01 01 01 01 01 64 19 00 40 41 00 26 30 18 88
40 36 00 98 07 32 00 00 18 0E 1F 00 80 51 00 1E 30
50 40 80 37 00 C4 8E 21 00 00 1C 66 21 50 B0 51 00
60 1B 30 40 70 36 00 C4 8E 21 00 00 1E 00 00 00 FC
70 00 32 30 4C 53 32 44 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 7A
0 00FFFFFFFFFFFF001E6D01 00 01 01 01 01
10 00 10 01 03 80 33 1D 96 0A CF 74 A3 57 4C B0 23
20 09 48 4C 2F CE 00 31 40 45 40 61 40 01 01 01 01
30 01 01 01 01 01 01 66 21 50 B0 51 00 1B 30 40 70
40 36 00 C4 8E 21 00 00 1E 0E 1F 00 80 51 00 1E 30
50 40 80 37 00 C4 8E 21 00 00 1C 00 00 00 FD 00 38
60 4B 1F 3C 09 00 0A 20 20 20 20 02 20 00 00 00 FC
70 00 32 33 4C 53 37 44 2D 55 42 0A 20 20 20 01 B5
0 020315F1468405030220222315075065
10 03 0C 00 10 00 01 1D 00 72 51 D0 1E 20 6E 28 55
20 00 C4 8E 21 00 00 1E 01 1D 80 18 71 1C 16 20 58
30 2C 25 00 C4 8E 21 00 00 9E 8C 0A D0 8A 20 E0 2D
40 10 10 3E 96 00 C4 8E 21 00 00 18 8C 0A D0 8A 20
50 E0 2D 10 10 3E 96 00 13 8E 21 00 00 18 00 00 00
60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A7
0 00FFFFFFFFFFFF001E6D01 00 01 01 01 01
10 00 10 01 03 80 2C 19 96 0A CF 74 A3 57 4C B0 23
20 09 48 4C 2F CE 00 31 40 45 40 61 40 01 01 01 01
30 01 01 01 01 01 01 66 21 50 B0 51 00 1B 30 40 70
40 36 00 C4 8E 21 00 00 1E 0E 1F 00 80 51 00 1E 30
50 40 80 37 00 C4 8E 21 00 00 1C 00 00 00 FD 00 38
60 4B 1F 3C 09 00 0A 20 20 20 20 02 20 00 00 00 FC
70 00 32 30 4C 53 37 44 2D 55 42 0A 20 20 20 01 C3
0 020315F1468405030220222315075065
10 03 0C 00 10 00 01 1D 00 72 51 D0 1E 20 6E 28 55
20 00 C4 8E 21 00 00 1E 01 1D 80 18 71 1C 16 20 58
30 2C 25 00 C4 8E 21 00 00 9E 8C 0A D0 8A 20 E0 2D
40 10 10 3E 96 00 C4 8E 21 00 00 18 8C 0A D0 8A 20
50 E0 2D 10 10 3E 96 00 13 8E 21 00 00 18 00 00 00
60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A7
- 13 -
7. Adjustment of White Balance
7-1. Required Equipment
(1) Color analyzer (CA-100 or CA210 similar product)
(2) Automatic adjustor (with automatic adjustment necessity
and the RS-232C communication being possible)
7-2. Connection Diagram of Equipment
for Measuring (Automatic Adjustment)
* RS-232C Command (Automatic Adjustment)
7-3. Adjustment of White Balance(manual)
(1) Enter ‘Ez - Adjust’ by pressing ADJ KEY on the Service
Remote Control.
(2) Select "9. TEST PATTERN" using CH +/- Key and HEAT
RUN at least 30 minutes by pressing the ENTER Key.
(3) Calibrate of the CA100+, then attach sensor to LCD
module surface when you adjust.
(4) After attaching sensor to center of screen, select ‘6. White-
Balance’ of ‘Ez - Adjust’ by pressing the ADJ KEY on the
Service R/C. Then enter adjustment mode by pressing the
Right KEY (
(5) Set test-pattern on and display inside pattern. Control is
carried out on there color temperature, COOL, MEDIUM,
* Fix all color temperature to 64.
* Color Temperature: Cool, Medium, Warm
1. When R GAIN is set to 192
- Control G GAIN and B GAIN by lowering from 192.
2. When B GAIN is set to 192
- Control R GAIN and G GAIN by lowering from 192.
3. When G GAIN is set to 192
- Control R GAIN and B GAIN by lowering from 192.
One of R Gain / G Gain / B Gain should be kept on 192, and
adjust other two lower than 192.
(When R/G/B GAIN are all 192, it is the FULL DYNAMIC
Range of Module)
Full White Pattern
TYPE; CA-210+
<Fig. 3> Connection Diagram of Automatic Adjustment
R Gain
G Gain
B Gain
R Cut
G Cut
B Cut
- 14 -
1. TV/CATV doesn't display
Check TU4002 Pin9(Video output)
Can you see the normal signal?
Could you measure voltage of
TU4002 & IIC lines?
Are they all normal?
You should replace TUNER.
You should check power line
& IIC lines.
Check the input(Pin63) of AV switch(IC5003).
Can you see the normal waveform?
After checking the Power of AV switch you should
decide to replace AV switch or not.
No No
Check the output(Pin56) of AV switch(IC5003).
Can you see the normal waveform?
After checking the Power of AV switch you should
decide to replace AV switch or not.
Check the input(Pin1) of LPF(IC4006).
Can you see the normal waveform?
After checking the Power of LPF you should
decide to replace LPF or not.
Check the output(Pin8) of LPF(IC4006).
Can you see the normal waveform?
After checking the Power of LPF you should
decide to replace LPF or not.
Check the input(PinH26) of BCM3550(IC4006).
Measure waveform at C1010 because it’s more
easy to check.
Can you see the normal waveform?
This board has big problem because Main chip
(BCM3550) have some troubles.
After checking thoroughly all path once again,
You should decide to replace BCM3550 or not.
- 15 -
2. Video doesn't display
Check J5007 Pin2
Can you see the normal waveform? J5007 may have problem. Replace this Jack.
Check the input(Pin1) of AV switch (IC5003).
Pin1 is for video1,Pin8 is for video 2.
Can you see the normal waveform?
After checking the Power of AV switch you should
decide to replace AV switch or not.
Check the output(Pin56) of AV switch(IC5003).
Can you see the normal waveform?
After checking the Power of AV switch you should
decide to replace AV switch or not.
Check the input(Pin1) of LPF(IC4006).
Can you see the normal waveform?
After checking the Power of LPF you should
decide to replace LPF or not.
Check the output(Pin8) of LPF(IC4006).
Can you see the normal waveform?
After checking the Power of LPF you should
decide to replace LPF or not.
Check the input(PinH26) of BCM3550(IC1001).
Measure waveform at C1010 because it’s more
easy to check.
Can you see the normal waveform?
This board has big problem because
Main chip(BCM3550) have some troubles.
After checking thoroughly all path once again, You
should decide to replace BCM3550 or not.
- 16 -
3. Component doesn't display
Check J5004
Can you see the normal waveform? J5004 may have problem. Replace this Jack.
Check the input of Component switch(IC5001).
Can you see the normal waveform?
After checking the input TR of component, you
should decide to replace component switch or not.
Check the output of Component switch(IC5001).
Can you see the normal waveform?
After checking the Power of component switch
you should decide to replace component switch or
Check the input of MST3361(IC7012, Pin 6,9,12).
Can you see the normal waveform?
After checking the Power of MST3382M you
decide to replace MST3382M or not.
Check the output of MST3361(IC7012 ).
Can you see the normal waveform?
After checking the Power of MST3361 you should
decide to replace MST3361 or not.
Check the input and output of BCM3550(IC1001).
Especially you should check
The H,V sync and clock.
Can you see the normal waveform?
This board has big problem because
Main chip(BCM3550) have some troubles.
After checking thoroughly all path once again,
You should decide to replace BCM3550 or not.
- 17 -
4. RGB_PC doesn't display
Check input connect P7004.
Can you see the normal waveform? P7004 may have problem. Replace this Jack.
Check the input of Component switch(IC5001).
Can you see the normal waveform?
After checking the input TR of RGBHV, you
should decide to replace these components or
Check the output of Component switch(IC5001).
Can you see the normal waveform?
After checking the Power of RGB switch you
should decide to replace component switch or not.
Check the input of MST3361(IC7012, Pin 6,9,12).
Can you see the normal waveform?
After checking the Power of MST3382M you
should decide to replace MST3382M or not.
Check the input of MST3361(IC7012).
Can you see the normal waveform?
After checking the Power of MST3382M you
should decide to replace MST3382M or not.
Check the input and output of BCM3550(IC1001).
Especially you should check
The H,V sync and clock.
Can you see the normal waveform?
This board has big problem because
Main chip(BCM3550) have some troubles.
After checking thoroughly all path once again,
You should decide to replace BCM3550 or not.
- 18 -
5. HDMI doesn't display
Check input connect J7101.
Can you see the normal waveform? J7101 may have problem. Replace this Jack.
Check DDC communication lines(IC702 Pin5,6)
After checking the Power of this chip, you should
decide to replace this or not.
Check HDCP communication lines(IC701 Pin5,6) After checking the Power of this chip, you should
decide to replace this or not.
Check the input of MST3382M(IC7012).
This signal is TMDS.
Can you see the normal waveform?
After checking the trace of TMDS lines and power
of MST3382M, you should decide to replace
MST3382M or not.
Check the output of MST3361(IC7012)
Can you see the normal waveform?.
After checking the Power of MST3361 you should
decide to replace MST3361 or not.
Check the input and output of BCM3550(IC1001).
Especially you should check
The H,V sync and clock.
Can you see the normal waveform?
This board has big problem because
Main chip(BCM3550) have some troubles.
After checking thoroughly all path once again,
You should decide to replace BCM3550 or not.
- 19 -
TV Tuner
SP (R)
SP (L)
DDR (IC2002)
DDR (IC2003)
FLASH (IC2001)
(0..7) x3
AUO 20
LPL 23"
3.3V 2.6V
6.0V 5.0V
3.3V 1.2V
5.0V 3.3V
ST 5.0V 3.3VST
3.3VST_MICOM P4004
D2.5V_BCM DDR_1.25V
+6.0V +5.0V
AMP (IC7017)
- 20 -
520 521 530
- 21 -
EAB35995501 Speaker,Full Range A11 EN1227C-6710 3W 8OHM 80DB 300HZ 31 X 78.5 X 21 LUG KOREA
6304FAU027A LCD,Module-TFT T200XW02-V0 T200XW02-V0 AU TFT COLOR TN,450NITS,600 BY 1,8MS
ABJ32724402 Cabinet Assembly 20ls7d la74e 20” cabinet assy dtv-us_CSKD
ACQ32625702 Cover Assembly 20LS7D LA74E 20” BACK COVER ASSY FOR DTV, US
AAN32620402 Base Assembly BASE 20LS7D LA74E BASE ASSY 20”_CSKD
AAN31023102 Base Assembly STAND 20LS1R CL81 20LS1R STAND BODY ASSY’ , ”A”-CSKD
MCK36500501 Cover,Rear MOLD ABS 380 19LS4R ABS, HF-380 19LS4R STAND BODY COVER
MCK30233401 Cover MOLD HIPS 51SF LS1R HIPS 51SF LS1R-holder cable management
EBR32575201 PCB Assembly,Main MAIN1 M.I LA63E 20LS2D . Broadcom
EBU37686401 Main Total Assembly 20LS7DC-UB BRAND LA74E
EBR36026101 PCB Assembly,Sub CONTROL T.T LA74E 20LS7D BASIS Local key Total Ass’y
EAY33982301 Power Supply Assembly YP20106DTV FREE 20LS2D LCD YUYANG For DTV 196*196
EBR36139501 PCB Assembly,Sub SUB T.T LA74E 20LS7D/23LS7D BASIS IR & LED
- 22 -
C1001 0CE107WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC100M 100uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+
C1007 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C1008 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1009 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1010 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1011 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1012 0CK105CD56A C1608X7R1A105KT 1uF 10% 10V X7R -55TO+125C
C1016 0CK475CC94A C1608Y5V0J475ZT 4.7uF -20TO+80% 6.3V Y5V -
C1017 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1018 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1019 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1020 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1021 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1022 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1024 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1025 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C1027 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1028 0CK475CC94A C1608Y5V0J475ZT 4.7uF -20TO+80% 6.3V Y5V -
C1030 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1032 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1034 0CK475CC94A C1608Y5V0J475ZT 4.7uF -20TO+80% 6.3V Y5V -
C1037 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C1038 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C1039 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1040 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1041 0CK475CC94A C1608Y5V0J475ZT 4.7uF -20TO+80% 6.3V Y5V -
C1042 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1043 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1044 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1045 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1046 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1047 0CK475CC94A C1608Y5V0J475ZT 4.7uF -20TO+80% 6.3V Y5V -
C1050 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C1051 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1052 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1053 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1062 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1063 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1064 0CE106WFKDC MVK4.0TP16VC10M 10uF 20% 16V 16MA -40TO+10
C1065 0CE106WFKDC MVK4.0TP16VC10M 10uF 20% 16V 16MA -40TO+10
C1066 0CK104CF56A 0603B104K160CT 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C1067 0CC470CK41A C1608C0G1H470JT 47pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C1068 0CC470CK41A C1608C0G1H470JT 47pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C1069 0CC470CK41A C1608C0G1H470JT 47pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C1070 0CC470CK41A C1608C0G1H470JT 47pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C1071 0CC151CK41A C1608C0G1H151JT 150pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125
C1072 0CC151CK41A C1608C0G1H151JT 150pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125
C1073 0CE107WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC100M 100uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+
C2001 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C2002 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C2004 EAE30840301 10SVPC68M 68uF 20% 10V 1.97A -55TO+105C SV
C2005 0CK475CC94A C1608Y5V0J475ZT 4.7uF -20TO+80% 6.3V Y5V -
C2006 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C2006 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C2007 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C2008 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C2009 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2011 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2012 0CK473CH56A C1608X7R1E473KT 47nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+125
C2013 0CK473CH56A C1608X7R1E473KT 47nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+125
C2015 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C2016 0CK272CK46A 0603B272J500CT 2.7nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125
C2017 0CK272CK46A 0603B272J500CT 2.7nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125
C2018 0CK102BK56A 0402B102K500CT 1nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C2019 0CK102BK56A 0402B102K500CT 1nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C2020 0CK102BK56A 0402B102K500CT 1nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C2021 0CC471CK41A C1608C0G1H471JT 470pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125
C2022 0CC471CK41A C1608C0G1H471JT 470pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125
C2023 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2024 0CK102BK56A 0402B102K500CT 1nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C2025 0CK102BK56A 0402B102K500CT 1nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C2026 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C2034 0CC471CK41A C1608C0G1H471JT 470pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125
C2500 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2501 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2502 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2503 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2504 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2505 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2506 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2507 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2508 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2509 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2510 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2511 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2512 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2513 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2514 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2515 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2516 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2517 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2518 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2519 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2520 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2521 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2522 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2600 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2601 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2602 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
DATE: 2007. 03. 10.
- 23 -
C2603 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2604 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2605 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2606 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C2607 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C3005 0CK475CC94A C1608Y5V0J475ZT 4.7uF -20TO+80% 6.3V Y5V -
C3007 0CC080CK11A C1608C0G1H080DT 8pF 0.5PF 50V C0G -55TO+12
C3008 0CC080CK11A C1608C0G1H080DT 8pF 0.5PF 50V C0G -55TO+12
C3012 0CC150CK41A C1608C0G1H150JT 15pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C3013 0CC150CK41A C1608C0G1H150JT 15pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C3014 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C3015 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C3016 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C3017 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C3018 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C3019 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C3021 0CE336WD6D8 RC1A336M05005VR 33uF 20% 10V 34MA -40TO+10
C3022 0CK106DC67A JMK212JB106MG-T 10uF 20% 6.3V X5R -55TO+85
C3022 0CK106DC67A JMK212JB106MG-T 10uF 20% 6.3V X5R -55TO+85
C3023 0CK106DC67A JMK212JB106MG-T 10uF 20% 6.3V X5R -55TO+85
C3023 0CK106DC67A JMK212JB106MG-T 10uF 20% 6.3V X5R -55TO+85
C3024 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C3025 0CK102BK56A 0402B102K500CT 1nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C3026 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C3027 0CK475CC94A C1608Y5V0J475ZT 4.7uF -20TO+80% 6.3V Y5V -
C3028 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C3029 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C3030 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C3031 0CK102BK56A 0402B102K500CT 1nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C3032 0CK475CC94A C1608Y5V0J475ZT 4.7uF -20TO+80% 6.3V Y5V -
C3034 0CH8106F691 MVK4.0TP16VC10M 10uF 20% 16V 16MA -40TO+85
C3035 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C3036 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C3038 0CK102BK56A 0402B102K500CT 1nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C3039 0CK475CC94A C1608Y5V0J475ZT 4.7uF -20TO+80% 6.3V Y5V -
C3041 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C3042 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C3043 0CK102BK56A 0402B102K500CT 1nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C3044 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C3045 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C3046 0CK102BK56A 0402B102K500CT 1nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C3047 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C3048 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C3049 0CK102BK56A 0402B102K500CT 1nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C3050 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C3051 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C3052 0CK102BK56A 0402B102K500CT 1nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C3053 0CK475CC94A C1608Y5V0J475ZT 4.7uF -20TO+80% 6.3V Y5V -
C3054 0CK475CC94A C1608Y5V0J475ZT 4.7uF -20TO+80% 6.3V Y5V -
C3055 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C3056 0CE336WD6D8 RC1A336M05005VR 33uF 20% 10V 34MA -40TO+10
C3057 0CK106DC67A JMK212JB106MG-T 10uF 20% 6.3V X5R -55TO+85
C3058 0CK475CC94A C1608Y5V0J475ZT 4.7uF -20TO+80% 6.3V Y5V -
C3059 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C3060 0CK102BK56A 0402B102K500CT 1nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C3061 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C3062 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C3063 0CK102BK56A 0402B102K500CT 1nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C3064 0CC150CK41A C1608C0G1H150JT 15pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C3065 0CE336WD6D8 RC1A336M05005VR 33uF 20% 10V 34MA -40TO+10
C3066 0CK106DC67A JMK212JB106MG-T 10uF 20% 6.3V X5R -55TO+85
C3067 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C3068 0CK475CC94A C1608Y5V0J475ZT 4.7uF -20TO+80% 6.3V Y5V -
C4000 0CN1040K949 CH UP050 F104Z-B-B Z 100nF -20TO+80% 50V Y
C4001 0CK334CF56A C1608X7R1C334KT 330nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+12
C4001 0CN1040K949 CH UP050 F104Z-B-B Z 100nF -20TO+80% 50V Y
C4002 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4003 0CK334CF56A C1608X7R1C334KT 330nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+12
C4004 0CK473CH56A C1608X7R1E473KT 47nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+125
C4004 0CK473CH56A C1608X7R1E473KT 47nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+125
C4005 0CK334CF56A C1608X7R1C334KT 330nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+12
C4006 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4007 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C4008 0CC180CK41A C1608C0G1H180JT 18pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C4010 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4011 0CC180CK41A C1608C0G1H180JT 18pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C4012 0CE336WD6D8 RC1A336M05005VR 33uF 20% 10V 34MA -40TO+10
C4013 0CE107WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC100M 100uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+
C4013 0CE476WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC47M 47uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+10
C4014 0CC221CK41A C1608C0G1H221JT 220pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125
C4015 0CC221CK41A C1608C0G1H221JT 220pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125
C4016 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C4017 0CE106WFKDC MVK4.0TP16VC10M 10uF 20% 16V 16MA -40TO+10
C4018 0CK102BK56A 0402B102K500CT 1nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C4019 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4019 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4020 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4021 0CH2474F566 0805B474K160CT 470nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4022 0CH2474F566 0805B474K160CT 470nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4023 0CE106WFKDC MVK4.0TP16VC10M 10uF 20% 16V 16MA -40TO+10
C4024 0CE106WFKDC MVK4.0TP16VC10M 10uF 20% 16V 16MA -40TO+10
C4025 0CE476WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC47M 47uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+10
C4026 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4028 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4029 0CE107WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC100M 100uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+
C4030 0CE106WFKDC MVK4.0TP16VC10M 10uF 20% 16V 16MA -40TO+10
C4031 0CK103CK56A 0603B103K500CT 10nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C4032 0CE107WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC100M 100uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+
C4032 EAE30840201 4SVPC330M 330uF 20% 4V 2.32A -55TO+105C SV
C4033 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4034 0CK105CD56A C1608X7R1A105KT 1uF 10% 10V X7R -55TO+125C
C4035 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4036 0CK105CD56A C1608X7R1A105KT 1uF 10% 10V X7R -55TO+125C
C4037 0CK103CK56A 0603B103K500CT 10nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C4038 0CK225DD66A LMK212JB225MG-T 2.2uF 20% 10V X7R -55TO+12
C4039 0CK105CD56A C1608X7R1A105KT 1uF 10% 10V X7R -55TO+125C
C4040 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4041 0CH8106F691 MVK4.0TP16VC10M 10uF 20% 16V 16MA -40TO+85
C4042 0CK103CK56A 0603B103K500CT 10nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C4043 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
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C4044 0CE107WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC100M 100uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+
C4046 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4047 0CE107WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC100M 100uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+
C4047 EAE30840201 4SVPC330M 330uF 20% 4V 2.32A -55TO+105C SV
C4048 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4056 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4058 EAE30840201 4SVPC330M 330uF 20% 4V 2.32A -55TO+105C SV
C4062 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4064 0CE476WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC47M 47uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+10
C4066 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4067 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4068 0CE476WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC47M 47uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+10
C4070 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4072 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4073 0CE476WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC47M 47uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+10
C4074 0CE107WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC100M 100uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+
C4077 0CC220CK41A C1608C0G1H220JT 22pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C4078 0CC220CK41A C1608C0G1H220JT 22pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C4082 0CE106WFKDC MVK4.0TP16VC10M 10uF 20% 16V 16MA -40TO+10
C4083 EAE30840301 10SVPC68M 68uF 20% 10V 1.97A -55TO+105C SV
C4084 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4085 0CE227WF6DC MVK8.0TP16VC220M 220uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+
C4086 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4087 0CE107WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC100M 100uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+
C4088 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4089 0CE107WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC100M 100uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+
C4090 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4091 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4094 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4096 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4097 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4098 0CK476FD67A LMK325BJ476MM-T 47uF 20% 10V X5R -55TO+85C
C4099 0CK224CF56A 0603B224K160CT 220nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4099 0CK224CF56A 0603B224K160CT 220nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4100 0CK153CK51A 0603B153K500CT 15nF 10% 50V Y5P -30TO+85C
C4101 0CC561CK41A C1608C0G1H561JT 560pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125
C4102 0CK476FD67A LMK325BJ476MM-T 47uF 20% 10V X5R -55TO+85C
C4103 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4104 0CE336WD6D8 RC1A336M05005VR 33uF 20% 10V 34MA -40TO+10
C4104 EAE30840301 10SVPC68M 68uF 20% 10V 1.97A -55TO+105C SV
C4105 0CE336WD6D8 RC1A336M05005VR 33uF 20% 10V 34MA -40TO+10
C4105 EAE30840301 10SVPC68M 68uF 20% 10V 1.97A -55TO+105C SV
C4106 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4111 0CK475CC94A C1608Y5V0J475ZT 4.7uF -20TO+80% 6.3V Y5V -
C4112 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C4115 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4116 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4117 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4119 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4120 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C4121 0CE477WF6DC MVK10TP16VC470M 470uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+1
C5000 0CH5101K416 C2012C0G1H101JT 100pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125
C5001 0CE476WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC47M 47uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+10
C5001 0CH5101K416 C2012C0G1H101JT 100pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125
C5002 0CH5470K416 0805N470J500LT 47pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C5002 0CK103CK56A 0603B103K500CT 10nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C5003 0CH3104K566 0805B104K500CT 100nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125
C5005 0CK105DH56A C2012X7R105KFT 1uF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+125C
C5006 0CK105DH56A C2012X7R105KFT 1uF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+125C
C5006 0CK105DH56A C2012X7R105KFT 1uF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+125C
C5007 0CK105DH56A C2012X7R105KFT 1uF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+125C
C5007 0CK105DH56A C2012X7R105KFT 1uF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+125C
C5008 0CK105DH56A C2012X7R105KFT 1uF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+125C
C5015 0CK105DH56A C2012X7R105KFT 1uF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+125C
C5016 0CK105DH56A C2012X7R105KFT 1uF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+125C
C5016 0CK105DH56A C2012X7R105KFT 1uF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+125C
C5020 0CE225WK6DC MVK4.0TP50VC2.2M 2.2uF 20% 50V 10MA -40TO+
C5022 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C5025 0CH2474F566 0805B474K160CT 470nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C5025 0CH2474F566 0805B474K160CT 470nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C5026 0CC101CK41A C1608C0G1H101JT 100pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125
C5026 0CC101CK41A C1608C0G1H101JT 100pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125
C5027 0CC101CK41A C1608C0G1H101JT 100pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125
C5027 0CC101CK41A C1608C0G1H101JT 100pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125
C5028 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C5029 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C5030 0CH8226F691 MVK5.0TP16VC22M 22uF 20% 16V 30MA -40TO+85
C5031 0CH8226F691 MVK5.0TP16VC22M 22uF 20% 16V 30MA -40TO+85
C5032 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C5033 0CH8226F691 MVK5.0TP16VC22M 22uF 20% 16V 30MA -40TO+85
C5034 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C5035 0CH8106F691 MVK4.0TP16VC10M 10uF 20% 16V 16MA -40TO+85
C5036 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C5038 0CH8106F691 MVK4.0TP16VC10M 10uF 20% 16V 16MA -40TO+85
C5039 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C5041 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C5042 0CH8106F691 MVK4.0TP16VC10M 10uF 20% 16V 16MA -40TO+85
C5045 0CK222CK56A 0603B222K500CT 2.2nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125
C5046 0CK222CK56A 0603B222K500CT 2.2nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125
C5047 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C5048 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C5049 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C5050 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C5051 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C5052 0CC101CK41A C1608C0G1H101JT 100pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125
C5053 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C5054 0CC101CK41A C1608C0G1H101JT 100pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125
C5056 0CK222CK56A 0603B222K500CT 2.2nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125
C5056 0CK222CK56A 0603B222K500CT 2.2nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125
C5060 0CK222CK56A 0603B222K500CT 2.2nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125
C5060 0CK222CK56A 0603B222K500CT 2.2nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125
C5061 0CH2474F566 0805B474K160CT 470nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C5062 0CH2474F566 0805B474K160CT 470nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C5064 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C5102 0CC101CK41A C1608C0G1H101JT 100pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125
C5103 0CC101CK41A C1608C0G1H101JT 100pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125
C5104 0CE105WK6DC MVK4.0TP50VC1M 1uF 20% 50V 5.6MA -40TO+105
C5105 0CE105WK6DC MVK4.0TP50VC1M 1uF 20% 50V 5.6MA -40TO+105
C5106 0CE225WK6DC MVK4.0TP50VC2.2M 2.2uF 20% 50V 10MA -40TO+
C5107 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
- 25 -
C6001 0CK105CD56A C1608X7R1A105KT 1uF 10% 10V X7R -55TO+125C
C6002 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C6003 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C6004 0CC101CK41A C1608C0G1H101JT 100pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125
C6004 0CC101CK41A C1608C0G1H101JT 100pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125
C6005 0CE107WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC100M 100uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+
C6008 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C6009 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C6011 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C6012 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C6014 0CK106DC67A JMK212JB106MG-T 10uF 20% 6.3V X5R -55TO+85
C6020 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7001 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C7001 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C7002 0CE226WF6DC MVK5.0TP16VC22M 22uF 20% 16V 30MA -40TO+10
C7003 0CE226WF6DC MVK5.0TP16VC22M 22uF 20% 16V 30MA -40TO+10
C7004 0CK103CK56A 0603B103K500CT 10nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C7007 0CC470CK41A C1608C0G1H470JT 47pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C7008 0CK104CK56A 0603B104K500CT 100nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125
C7011 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7012 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7013 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7015 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7025 0CE107WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC100M 100uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+
C7027 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7028 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7034 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7037 0CE107WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC100M 100uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+
C7038 0CC470CK41A C1608C0G1H470JT 47pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C7046 0CE226WF6DC MVK5.0TP16VC22M 22uF 20% 16V 30MA -40TO+10
C7047 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C7047 0CK103BH56A C1005X7R1E103KT- 10nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+12
C7091 0CE226WF6DC MVK5.0TP16VC22M 22uF 20% 16V 30MA -40TO+10
C7096 0CH5220K416 0805N220J500LT 22pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C7099 0CH5220K416 0805N220J500LT 22pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C7100 0CC150CK41A C1608C0G1H150JT 15pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C7101 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7108 0CC150CK41A C1608C0G1H150JT 15pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C7109 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7110 0CE476WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC47M 47uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+10
C7157 0CE226WF6DC MVK5.0TP16VC22M 22uF 20% 16V 30MA -40TO+10
C7158 0CK225DH94A C2012Y5V225ZFT 2.2uF -20TO+80% 25V Y5V -30
C7159 0CE107WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC100M 100uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+
C7160 0CK103CK56A 0603B103K500CT 10nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C7161 0CK224CF56A 0603B224K160CT 220nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7162 0CK103CK56A 0603B103K500CT 10nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C7163 0CE107WF6DC MVK6.3TP16VC100M 100uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+
C7164 0CK105CF94A 0603F105Z160CT 1uF -20TO+80% 16V Y5V -30TO
C7165 0CK475EF67A C3216X5R1C475MT 4.7uF 20% 16V X5R -55TO+85
C7165 0CK475EF67A C3216X5R1C475MT 4.7uF 20% 16V X5R -55TO+85
C7166 0CK475EF67A C3216X5R1C475MT 4.7uF 20% 16V X5R -55TO+85
C7167 0CE227WF6DC MVK8.0TP16VC220M 220uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+
C7167 EAE30840201 4SVPC330M 330uF 20% 4V 2.32A -55TO+105C SV
C7168 0CK105CF94A 0603F105Z160CT 1uF -20TO+80% 16V Y5V -30TO
C7169 0CK105CF94A 0603F105Z160CT 1uF -20TO+80% 16V Y5V -30TO
C7170 0CE227WF6DC MVK8.0TP16VC220M 220uF 20% 16V 80MA -40TO+
C7170 EAE30840201 4SVPC330M 330uF 20% 4V 2.32A -55TO+105C SV
C7171 0CK104CK56A 0603B104K500CT 100nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125
C7172 0CK475EF67A C3216X5R1C475MT 4.7uF 20% 16V X5R -55TO+85
C7172 0CK475EF67A C3216X5R1C475MT 4.7uF 20% 16V X5R -55TO+85
C7173 0CK475EF67A C3216X5R1C475MT 4.7uF 20% 16V X5R -55TO+85
C7173 0CK475EF67A C3216X5R1C475MT 4.7uF 20% 16V X5R -55TO+85
C7174 0CK106EF56A C3216X7R1C106KT 10uF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7175 0CC102CK41A C1608C0G1H102JT 1nF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C7176 0CK224CF56A 0603B224K160CT 220nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7177 0CC102CK41A C1608C0G1H102JT 1nF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C7178 0CK105CF94A 0603F105Z160CT 1uF -20TO+80% 16V Y5V -30TO
C7179 0CC102CK41A C1608C0G1H102JT 1nF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C7180 0CC102CK41A C1608C0G1H102JT 1nF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C7181 0CK103CK56A 0603B103K500CT 10nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C7182 0CK103CK56A 0603B103K500CT 10nF 10% 50V X7R -55TO+125C
C7184 0CE106WFKDC MVK4.0TP16VC10M 10uF 20% 16V 16MA -40TO+10
C7185 0CE106WFKDC MVK4.0TP16VC10M 10uF 20% 16V 16MA -40TO+10
C7187 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7188 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7189 0CE106WFKDC MVK4.0TP16VC10M 10uF 20% 16V 16MA -40TO+10
C7190 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7191 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7192 0CE106WFKDC MVK4.0TP16VC10M 10uF 20% 16V 16MA -40TO+10
C7193 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7194 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7195 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7196 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7197 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7198 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7199 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7200 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7201 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7202 0CK473CH56A C1608X7R1E473KT 47nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+125
C7203 0CK473CH56A C1608X7R1E473KT 47nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+125
C7204 0CK473CH56A C1608X7R1E473KT 47nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+125
C7205 0CK473CH56A C1608X7R1E473KT 47nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+125
C7206 0CC102CK41A C1608C0G1H102JT 1nF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C7207 0CK473CH56A C1608X7R1E473KT 47nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+125
C7208 0CK473CH56A C1608X7R1E473KT 47nF 10% 25V X7R -55TO+125
C7210 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7212 0CE106WFKDC MVK4.0TP16VC10M 10uF 20% 16V 16MA -40TO+10
C7214 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7216 0CC180CK41A C1608C0G1H180JT 18pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C7217 0CC180CK41A C1608C0G1H180JT 18pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C7218 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7220 0CK104BF56A C1005X7R104KET 100nF 10% 16V X7R -55TO+125
C7221 0CC220CK41A C1608C0G1H220JT 22pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
C7222 0CC220CK41A C1608C0G1H220JT 22pF 5% 50V C0G -55TO+125C
D4001 0DRSE00038A SDC15 1.3V 14.3VTO16.4V 21.2V 10A 300W SOT
D4002 0DRSE00038A SDC15 1.3V 14.3VTO16.4V 21.2V 10A 300W SOT
D4003 0DD184009AA KDS184 KDS184 TP KEC - 85V - - - 300MA KEC
- 26 -
D4005 0DD184009AA KDS184 KDS184 TP KEC - 85V - - - 300MA KEC
D4005 0DD184009AA KDS184 KDS184 TP KEC - 85V - - - 300MA KEC
D4007 0DR340009AA MBRS340 525MV 40V 4A 0SEC 0F 0W DO214 R/TP
D4008 0DS226009AA KDS226 1.2V 85V 300MA 2A 4NSEC 150MW SOT23
D5001 0DD184009AA KDS184 KDS184 TP KEC - 85V - - - 300MA KEC
D5001 0DD184009AA KDS184 KDS184 TP KEC - 85V - - - 300MA KEC
D5007 0DZ560009DA UDZS5.6B 5.6V 5.49TO5.73V 60OHM 200MW SOD3
D5010 0DZ560009DA UDZS5.6B 5.6V 5.49TO5.73V 60OHM 200MW SOD3
D5011 0DZ560009DA UDZS5.6B 5.6V 5.49TO5.73V 60OHM 200MW SOD3
D5015 0DZRM00178A UDZS5.1B 5.1V 4.98TO5.2V 80OHM 200MW SOD32
D6001 0DR340009AA MBRS340 525MV 40V 4A 0SEC 0F 0W DO214 R/TP
D7000 0DS181009AA KDS181 1.2V 85V 300MA 2A 4NSEC 150MW SOT23
D7001 0DS181009AA KDS181 1.2V 85V 300MA 2A 4NSEC 150MW SOT23
D7002 0DS181009AA KDS181 1.2V 85V 300MA 2A 4NSEC 150MW SOT23
D7003 0DD184009AA KDS184 KDS184 TP KEC - 85V - - - 300MA KEC
D7011 0DS226009AA KDS226 1.2V 85V 300MA 2A 4NSEC 150MW SOT23
D7012 0DS226009AA KDS226 1.2V 85V 300MA 2A 4NSEC 150MW SOT23
D7013 0DS226009AA KDS226 1.2V 85V 300MA 2A 4NSEC 150MW SOT23
ZD1001 0DZDI00078A BZT52C3V3S-F 3.3V 3.1TO3.5V 95OHM 200MW SO
ZD4000 0DZ560009CF MTZJ5.6B 5.6V 5.45TO5.73V 40OHM 500MW DO34
ZD4001 0DZ560009CF MTZJ5.6B 5.6V 5.45TO5.73V 40OHM 500MW DO34
ZD5000 0DZRM00178A UDZS5.1B 5.1V 4.98TO5.2V 80OHM 200MW SOD32
ZD5011 0DZ560009DA UDZS5.6B 5.6V 5.49TO5.73V 60OHM 200MW SOD3
ZD5012 0DZ560009DA UDZS5.6B 5.6V 5.49TO5.73V 60OHM 200MW SOD3
ZD5013 0DZ560009DA UDZS5.6B 5.6V 5.49TO5.73V 60OHM 200MW SOD3
ZD5016 0DZ560009DA UDZS5.6B 5.6V 5.49TO5.73V 60OHM 200MW SOD3
ZD7001 0DZ560009DA UDZS5.6B 5.6V 5.49TO5.73V 60OHM 200MW SOD3
ZD7002 0DZ560009DA UDZS5.6B 5.6V 5.49TO5.73V 60OHM 200MW SOD3
ZD7006 0DZ560009DA UDZS5.6B 5.6V 5.49TO5.73V 60OHM 200MW SOD3
ZD7011 0DZ560009GB BZT52C5V6S-(F) 5.6V 5.2TO6V 40OHM 200MW SO
ZD7012 0DZ560009GB BZT52C5V6S-(F) 5.6V 5.2TO6V 40OHM 200MW SO
IC1001 0IPRP00702A BCM3550KPB5G 1.14VTO1.26V,3.135VTO3.465V,2
IC1002 0ISTL00029A MC33078DR2G +-5TO+-18V 2mV 0.002% 0W 0W 80
IC2002 0IMMRIH038B HYB25D(C)256160CE-5 256MBIT 4MX16BITX4BANK
IC2003 0IMMRIH038B HYB25D(C)256160CE-5 256MBIT 4MX16BITX4BANK
IC4001 0IPRP00009A ICL3232CBNZ 3VTO5.5V - SSOP R/TP 16P INTE
IC4003 0IPMGA0010A AZ1117H-3.3 4.75TO10V 3.3V 0W SOT223 R/TP
IC4004 0IKE702900G KIA7029AF -0.3TO15V 2.9V 500MW SOT89 R/TP
IC4006 0IPRPFA015B FMS6400CS1X,LF 4.75VTO5.25V,0VTO0V,0VTO0V
IC4008 0IPMGS1006B SC1566I5M25TRT 2.2V~5.5V 1.2V~4.5V 1.18W T
IC4010 0IKE702900G KIA7029AF -0.3TO15V 2.9V 500MW SOT89 R/TP
IC4010 0IKE702900G KIA7029AF -0.3TO15V 2.9V 500MW SOT89 R/TP
IC4011 0IPMGKE011A KIA78D33F 4TO10V 3.3V 1.3W DPAK R/TP 3P K
IC4012 0IMCRAL021A AT24C512W-10SU-2.7 512KBIT 65536X8BIT 2.7V
IC4014 0IMCRAL006A AT24C16AN-10SU-2.7 16KBIT 2KX8BIT 2.7VTO5.
IC4016 EAN32662801 KA7809ERTM 35V to 40V 9V 1W DPAK R/TP 3P
IC4017 EAN31513601 SC4519STRT 2.6V to 16V 0.8V to 12.8V 1.6
IC4018 0IPMG78391A SC2595STR 2.3TO5V 0 0W SOIC R/TP 8P SEMTE
IC5001 EAN30744401 MM1731XVBE 4.0TO9.5 50NSEC 50NSEC 350MW TS
IC5003 0ISO206900A CXA2069Q 8.5TO9.5V - - 1.3W QFP TR 64P -
IC6001 0IPMG00063A MP1593DN-LF-Z 4.75TO28V 1.2V - SOIC R/TP 8
IC6004 0ITH638300C THC63LVDM83R 3VTO3.6V 500MW TSSOP R/TP 56P
IC7001 0ICB533100A CS5331A-KSZR 4.75TO5.25V 48KHZ 18BIT 0SPS
IC7002 0ISTL00029A MC33078DR2G +-5TO+-18V 2mV 0.002% 0W 0W 80
IC7002 0ISTL00029A MC33078DR2G +-5TO+-18V 2mV 0.002% 0W 0W 80
IC7004 0IPRP00623A CM2021-00TR 1VTO5.5V,0VTO0V,0VTO0V 0W TSSO
IC7010 0IMMRAL014D AT24C02BN-10SU-1.8 2KBIT 256x8BIT 1.8VTO5.
IC7011 EAN33643401 YDA138-EZ(D-3) 9TO13.5V 7mV 0.02% 10W 1.45
IC7012 0IPRPM3020A MST3382M-LF-110 3TO3.6V_2.25TO2.75V 0 110M
IC7102 0IMMRAL014D AT24C02BN-10SU-1.8 2KBIT 256x8BIT 1.8VTO5.
Q1001 0TR387500AA 2SC3875S(ALY) NPN 5V 60V 50V 150MA 100NA 7
Q1002 0TR387500AA 2SC3875S(ALY) NPN 5V 60V 50V 150MA 100NA 7
Q4000 0TR387500AA 2SC3875S(ALY) NPN 5V 60V 50V 150MA 100NA 7
Q4001 0TR150400BA 2SA1504S(ASY) PNP -5V -50V -50V -0.15A -0.
Q4002 0TR387500AA 2SC3875S(ALY) NPN 5V 60V 50V 150MA 100NA 7
Q4003 0TR387500AA 2SC3875S(ALY) NPN 5V 60V 50V 150MA 100NA 7
Q4010 0TR387500AA 2SC3875S(ALY) NPN 5V 60V 50V 150MA 100NA 7
Q4011 0TR387500AA 2SC3875S(ALY) NPN 5V 60V 50V 150MA 100NA 7
Q5001 0TR387500AA 2SC3875S(ALY) NPN 5V 60V 50V 150MA 100NA 7
Q5002 0TR387500AA 2SC3875S(ALY) NPN 5V 60V 50V 150MA 100NA 7
Q5004 0TR150400BA 2SA1504S(ASY) PNP -5V -50V -50V -0.15A -0.
Q5004 0TR150400BA 2SA1504S(ASY) PNP -5V -50V -50V -0.15A -0.
Q5005 0TR150400BA 2SA1504S(ASY) PNP -5V -50V -50V -0.15A -0.
Q5005 0TR150400BA 2SA1504S(ASY) PNP -5V -50V -50V -0.15A -0.
Q5006 0TR387500AA 2SC3875S(ALY) NPN 5V 60V 50V 150MA 100NA 7
Q5006 0TR387500AA 2SC3875S(ALY) NPN 5V 60V 50V 150MA 100NA 7
Q5007 0TR387500AA 2SC3875S(ALY) NPN 5V 60V 50V 150MA 100NA 7
Q5007 0TR387500AA 2SC3875S(ALY) NPN 5V 60V 50V 150MA 100NA 7
Q5009 0TR387500AA 2SC3875S(ALY) NPN 5V 60V 50V 150MA 100NA 7
Q5009 0TR387500AA 2SC3875S(ALY) NPN 5V 60V 50V 150MA 100NA 7
Q5011 0TR387500AA 2SC3875S(ALY) NPN 5V 60V 50V 150MA 100NA 7
Q5012 0TR387500AA 2SC3875S(ALY) NPN 5V 60V 50V 150MA 100NA 7
Q5013 0TR387500AA 2SC3875S(ALY) NPN 5V 60V 50V 150MA 100NA 7
Q7001 0TR102009AJ KRC102S NPN 30V 0V 50V 100MA 500NA 50 200M
Q7012 0TR102009AJ KRC102S NPN 30V 0V 50V 100MA 500NA 50 200M
Q7012 0TR102009AJ KRC102S NPN 30V 0V 50V 100MA 500NA 50 200M
Q7013 0TR150400BA 2SA1504S(ASY) PNP -5V -50V -50V -0.15A -0.
Q7014 0TR387500AA 2SC3875S(ALY) NPN 5V 60V 50V 150MA 100NA 7
Q7015 0TR102009AJ KRC102S NPN 30V 0V 50V 100MA 500NA 50 200M
AR2002 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
AR2003 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
AR2008 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
AR2009 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
AR2011 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
AR2012 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
AR2013 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
AR2014 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
AR2016 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
- 27 -
AR2017 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
AR2200 EBC32260405 MNR04M0APJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 4P 8P
AR2201 EBC32260405 MNR04M0APJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 4P 8P
AR2202 EBC32260405 MNR04M0APJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 4P 8P
AR2203 EBC32260405 MNR04M0APJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 4P 8P
AR2204 EBC32260405 MNR04M0APJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 4P 8P
AR2205 EBC32260405 MNR04M0APJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 4P 8P
AR2206 EBC32260405 MNR04M0APJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 4P 8P
AR2207 EBC32260405 MNR04M0APJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 4P 8P
AR2208 EBC32260405 MNR04M0APJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 4P 8P
AR2209 EBC32260405 MNR04M0APJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 4P 8P
AR2210 EBC32260405 MNR04M0APJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 4P 8P
AR3021 0RJ1001C687 RCA86TRJ1K00 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 4P 8P
AR6001 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
AR6001 EBC32260601 MNR04M0APJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 4P 8
AR6002 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
AR6002 EBC32260601 MNR04M0APJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 4P 8
AR6003 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
AR6003 EBC32260601 MNR04M0APJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 4P 8
AR6004 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
AR6004 EBC32260601 MNR04M0APJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 4P 8
AR6005 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
AR6005 EBC32260601 MNR04M0APJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 4P 8
AR6006 EBC32260501 MNR04M0APJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 4P 8P
AR6007 EBC32260501 MNR04M0APJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 4P 8P
R1006 0RJ2000D477 MCR03EZPF201 200OHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R1008 0RJ0102D677 MCR03EZPJ100 10OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R1014 0RJ0511D677 MCR03EZPJ5R1 5.1OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R1015 0RJ0182D677 MCR03EZPJ180 18OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP - R
R1015 0RJ0562D477 MCR03EZPF560 56OHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R1016 0RJ0182D677 MCR03EZPJ180 18OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP - R
R1016 0RJ0562D477 MCR03EZPF560 56OHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R1017 0RJ0182D677 MCR03EZPJ180 18OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP - R
R1017 0RJ0562D477 MCR03EZPF560 56OHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R1018 0RJ0562D477 MCR03EZPF560 56OHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R1019 0RJ0562D477 MCR03EZPF560 56OHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R1020 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1021 0RJ0562D477 MCR03EZPF560 56OHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R1030 0RH1504D622 MCR10EZHJ155 1.5MOHM 5% 1/8W 2012 R/TP RO
R1032 0RH1504D622 MCR10EZHJ155 1.5MOHM 5% 1/8W 2012 R/TP RO
R1034 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1035 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1036 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1037 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1038 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1039 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1040 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1041 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1042 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1044 0RH1504D622 MCR10EZHJ155 1.5MOHM 5% 1/8W 2012 R/TP RO
R1045 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1046 0RJ4990D477 MCR03EZPF4990 499OHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP
R1047 0RH1504D622 MCR10EZHJ155 1.5MOHM 5% 1/8W 2012 R/TP RO
R1048 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1049 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1050 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1051 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1054 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R1056 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R1057 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R1061 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R1061 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R1062 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1064 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1073 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1073 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R1074 0RJ5600D677 MCR03EZPJ561 560OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R1079 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1080 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1081 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1083 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R1084 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R1088 0RJ2701C678 MCR01MZPJ272 2.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP -
R1101 0RJ0752C678 MCR01MZPJ750 75OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R1129 0RJ2701C678 MCR01MZPJ272 2.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP -
R1131 0RJ2701C678 MCR01MZPJ272 2.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP -
R1133 0RH1504D622 MCR10EZHJ155 1.5MOHM 5% 1/8W 2012 R/TP RO
R1134 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1135 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1136 0RJ0392D677 MCR03EZPJ390 39OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R1137 0RJ0392D677 MCR03EZPJ390 39OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R1139 0RH1504D622 MCR10EZHJ155 1.5MOHM 5% 1/8W 2012 R/TP RO
R1140 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1141 0RJ0392D677 MCR03EZPJ390 39OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R1142 0RH1504D622 MCR10EZHJ155 1.5MOHM 5% 1/8W 2012 R/TP RO
R1144 0RJ2701C678 MCR01MZPJ272 2.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP -
R1145 0RJ2701C678 MCR01MZPJ272 2.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP -
R1161 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R1162 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R1163 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1164 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1165 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1166 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1167 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R1169 0RJ1000D677 MCR03EZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R1170 0RJ1000D677 MCR03EZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R1171 0RJ2492D477 MCR03EZPF2492 24.9KOHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP
R1172 0RJ2492D477 MCR03EZPF2492 24.9KOHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP
R1173 0RJ4702D677 MCR03EZPJ473 47KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R1174 0RJ4702D677 MCR03EZPJ473 47KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R1175 0RJ2492D477 MCR03EZPF2492 24.9KOHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP
R1176 0RJ2492D477 MCR03EZPF2492 24.9KOHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP
R1177 0RJ2402D677 MCR03EZPJ243 24KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R1178 0RJ2402D677 MCR03EZPJ243 24KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R1179 0RJ4702D677 MCR03EZPJ473 47KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R1180 0RJ4702D677 MCR03EZPJ473 47KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R1181 0RJ1602D677 MCR03EZPJ163 16KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R1182 0RJ1602D677 MCR03EZPJ163 16KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R1183 0RJ1602D677 MCR03EZPJ163 16KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R1184 0RJ1602D677 MCR03EZPJ163 16KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
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R1185 0RJ1000D677 MCR03EZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R1234 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R1235 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R1236 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R2000 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
R2002 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R2003 0RJ1003D677 MCR03EZPJ104 100KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R2012 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R2013 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R2015 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R2016 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R2017 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R2018 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
R2019 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
R2020 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
R2021 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
R2022 0RJ1500C678 MCR01MZPJ151 150OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R2023 0RJ1500C678 MCR01MZPJ151 150OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R2024 0RJ0682C678 MCR01MZPJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R2025 0RJ0682C678 MCR01MZPJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R2026 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R2027 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R2102 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R2103 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R2104 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R2105 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R2106 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R2107 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R2108 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R2109 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R2110 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R2512 0RJ0682C678 MCR01MZPJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R2600 0RJ0682C678 MCR01MZPJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R2601 0RJ0682C678 MCR01MZPJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R2602 0RJ0682C678 MCR01MZPJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R2603 0RJ0682C678 MCR01MZPJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R2604 0RJ0682C678 MCR01MZPJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R2605 0RJ0682C678 MCR01MZPJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R2607 0RJ0682C678 MCR01MZPJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R2608 0RJ0682C678 MCR01MZPJ680 68OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R3001 0RJ2701C678 MCR01MZPJ272 2.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP -
R3003 0RJ2701C678 MCR01MZPJ272 2.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP -
R3005 0RJ2701C678 MCR01MZPJ272 2.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP -
R3006 0RJ2701C678 MCR01MZPJ272 2.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP -
R3007 0RJ2701D677 MCR03EZPJ272 2.7KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R3009 0RJ2701C678 MCR01MZPJ272 2.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP -
R3011 0RJ2701C678 MCR01MZPJ272 2.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP -
R3012 0RJ1501D477 MCR03EZPF152 1.5KOHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R3013 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R3014 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R3015 0RJ1501D477 MCR03EZPF152 1.5KOHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R3016 0RJ3000D677 MCR03EZPJ301 300OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R3017 0RJ3000D677 MCR03EZPJ301 300OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R3018 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3019 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3020 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3023 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3025 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R3026 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R3029 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R3030 0RJ1001D677 MCR03EZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R3031 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R3032 0RJ0000D677 MCR03EZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROHM
R3033 0RJ2701C678 MCR01MZPJ272 2.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP -
R3035 0RJ2701C678 MCR01MZPJ272 2.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP -
R3038 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3040 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3041 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3042 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R3043 0RJ2701C678 MCR01MZPJ272 2.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP -
R3044 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R3047 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3048 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R3049 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R3050 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R3051 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R3052 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R3057 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R3059 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R3060 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3061 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3062 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3063 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3064 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3065 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3066 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3067 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3068 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3069 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3072 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3072 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R3073 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3074 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R3075 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R3113 0RJ1002C678 MCR01MZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R3114 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3115 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3116 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3121 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R3122 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R3124 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R3125 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R3126 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R3127 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R3128 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R3129 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3130 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3131 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3132 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R3202 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
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R3203 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R4000 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R4000 0RN6801F409 RN-96T1F6K80 6.8KOHM 1% 1/6W 3.2X1.8MM NON
R4001 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R4001 0RN2201F409 RN-96T1F2K20 2.2KOHM 1% 1/6W 3.2X1.8MM NON
R4002 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R4002 0RN1001F409 RN-96T1F1K00 1KOHM 1% 1/6W 3.2X1.8MM 5.0MM
R4003 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R4003 0RN6801F409 RN-96T1F6K80 6.8KOHM 1% 1/6W 3.2X1.8MM NON
R4004 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R4004 0RN2201F409 RN-96T1F2K20 2.2KOHM 1% 1/6W 3.2X1.8MM NON
R4005 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R4005 0RN1001F409 RN-96T1F1K00 1KOHM 1% 1/6W 3.2X1.8MM 5.0MM
R4006 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R4007 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R4008 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R4009 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R4010 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R4011 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R4013 0RJ4701D677 MCR03EZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R4014 0RJ1002D677 MCR03EZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4015 0RJ1202D677 MCR03EZPJ123 12KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4016 0RJ1002C678 MCR01MZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R4018 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R4019 0RJ4700D677 MCR03EZPJ471 470OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4020 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R4022 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R4023 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R4028 0RJ4703D677 MCR03EZPJ474 470KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R4029 0RJ4703D677 MCR03EZPJ474 470KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R4030 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R4031 0RJ3300D677 MCR03EZPJ331 330OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4032 0RJ6800D677 MCR03EZPJ681 680OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4033 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R4039 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R4040 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R4041 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R4048 0RJ4300D677 MCR03EZPJ431 430OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4049 0RJ3650D477 MCR03EZPF3650 365OHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R4061 0RJ4702D677 MCR03EZPJ473 47KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4062 0RJ4702D677 MCR03EZPJ473 47KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4062 0RJ4702D677 MCR03EZPJ473 47KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4065 0RJ4702D677 MCR03EZPJ473 47KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4066 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R4067 0RJ4702D677 MCR03EZPJ473 47KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4068 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R4069 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R4070 0RJ0000D677 MCR03EZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROHM
R4071 0RJ1002D677 MCR03EZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4073 0RJ2200D677 MCR03EZPJ221 220OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4074 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R4075 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R4076 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R4077 0RJ4702D677 MCR03EZPJ473 47KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4079 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R4080 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R4082 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R4083 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R4084 0RJ4701D677 MCR03EZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R4084 0RJ4701D677 MCR03EZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R4085 0RJ1000D677 MCR03EZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4085 0RJ1000D677 MCR03EZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4086 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R4087 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R4088 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R4089 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R4090 0RJ1502D677 MCR03EZPJ153 15KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4091 0RJ4702D677 MCR03EZPJ473 47KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4092 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R4093 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R4094 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R4097 0RJ4702D677 MCR03EZPJ473 47KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4097 0RJ4702D677 MCR03EZPJ473 47KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4098 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R4099 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R4100 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R4102 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R4103 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R4104 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R4105 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R4106 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R4106 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R4107 0RJ1000D677 MCR03EZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4108 0RJ0000D677 MCR03EZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROHM
R4109 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R4109 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R4111 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R4113 0RJ4701D677 MCR03EZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R4118 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R4119 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R4122 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R4123 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R4123 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R4124 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R4124 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R4125 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R4125 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R4126 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R4129 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R4134 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R4135 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R4137 0RJ6802D677 MCR03EZPJ683 68KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4140 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R4142 0RJ1000D677 MCR03EZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4143 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R4144 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R4144 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R4145 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R4145 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R4146 0RJ3302D677 MCR03EZPJ333 33KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
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R4147 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R4147 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R4148 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R4155 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R4158 0RJ6801D677 MCR03EZPJ682 6.8KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R4158 0RJ6801D677 MCR03EZPJ682 6.8KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R4159 0RJ0000D677 MCR03EZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROHM
R4164 0RJ1003D677 MCR03EZPJ104 100KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R4165 0RJ1003D677 MCR03EZPJ104 100KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R4166 0RJ1002D677 MCR03EZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4167 0RJ1001D477 MCR03EZPF102 1KOHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R4168 0RJ1003D477 MCR03EZPF104 100KOHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R4168 0RJ1003D477 MCR03EZPF104 100KOHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R4171 0RJ1003D477 MCR03EZPF104 100KOHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R4174 0RJ1001D677 MCR03EZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R4175 0RJ1002D677 MCR03EZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4182 0RJ2202D677 MCR03EZPJ223 22KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R4185 0RJ1003D477 MCR03EZPF104 100KOHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R4206 0RJ3300D677 MCR03EZPJ331 330OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R5001 0RH3001D622 MCR10EZHJ302 3KOHM 5% 1/8W 2012 R/TP ROHM
R5001 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R5002 0RH1001D622 MCR10EZHJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/8W 2012 R/TP ROHM
R5002 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R5003 0RH1001D622 MCR10EZHJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/8W 2012 R/TP ROHM
R5003 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R5004 0RH1001D622 MCR10EZHJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/8W 2012 R/TP ROHM
R5004 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R5005 0RH1001D622 MCR10EZHJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/8W 2012 R/TP ROHM
R5005 0RH3001D622 MCR10EZHJ302 3KOHM 5% 1/8W 2012 R/TP ROHM
R5015 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R5020 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R5023 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R5023 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R5027 0RJ1003D677 MCR03EZPJ104 100KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5027 0RJ1003D677 MCR03EZPJ104 100KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5029 0RJ2201D677 MCR03EZPJ222 2.2KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5029 0RJ2201D677 MCR03EZPJ222 2.2KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5030 0RJ6800D677 MCR03EZPJ681 680OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R5031 0RJ2201D677 MCR03EZPJ222 2.2KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5031 0RJ2201D677 MCR03EZPJ222 2.2KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5034 0RJ2200D677 MCR03EZPJ221 220OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R5035 0RJ7500D677 MCR03EZPJ751 750OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R5036 0RJ1002C678 MCR01MZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R5037 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R5038 0RJ6800D677 MCR03EZPJ681 680OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R5039 0RJ1501D477 MCR03EZPF152 1.5KOHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5039 0RJ1501D477 MCR03EZPF152 1.5KOHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5040 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R5040 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R5042 0RJ7500D677 MCR03EZPJ751 750OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R5044 0RJ1501D477 MCR03EZPF152 1.5KOHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5044 0RJ1501D477 MCR03EZPF152 1.5KOHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5045 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R5045 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R5046 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R5048 0RJ0822C678 MCR01MZPJ820 82OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R5049 0RJ1502D677 MCR03EZPJ153 15KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R5050 0RJ6801D677 MCR03EZPJ682 6.8KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5054 0RJ0822C678 MCR01MZPJ820 82OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R5057 0RJ2201D677 MCR03EZPJ222 2.2KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5059 0RJ0822C678 MCR01MZPJ820 82OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R5060 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R5061 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R5062 0RJ1502D677 MCR03EZPJ153 15KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R5063 0RJ6801D677 MCR03EZPJ682 6.8KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5067 0RJ4703D677 MCR03EZPJ474 470KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5068 0RJ2201D677 MCR03EZPJ222 2.2KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5072 0RJ4703D677 MCR03EZPJ474 470KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5074 0RJ1502D677 MCR03EZPJ153 15KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R5075 0RJ6801D677 MCR03EZPJ682 6.8KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5077 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R5078 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R5081 0RJ2201D677 MCR03EZPJ222 2.2KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5082 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R5082 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R5083 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R5083 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R5120 0RJ0752D677 MCR03EZPJ750 75OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R5121 0RJ0752D677 MCR03EZPJ750 75OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R5122 0RJ4703D677 MCR03EZPJ474 470KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5123 0RJ4703D677 MCR03EZPJ474 470KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5124 0RJ5601D677 MCR03EZPJ562 5.6KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5125 0RJ5601D677 MCR03EZPJ562 5.6KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R5126 0RJ0752D677 MCR03EZPJ750 75OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R5127 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R5128 0RJ0000D677 MCR03EZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROHM
R6001 0RJ6801D677 MCR03EZPJ682 6.8KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R6002 0RJ1002D677 MCR03EZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R6003 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R6004 0RJ2202D677 MCR03EZPJ223 22KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R6005 0RJ1202D677 MCR03EZPJ123 12KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R6005 0RJ1202D677 MCR03EZPJ123 12KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R6006 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R6007 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R6008 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R6009 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R6010 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R6011 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R6012 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R6013 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R6014 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R6015 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R6023 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R6023 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R6024 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R6024 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R6026 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R6027 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R6028 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R6030 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
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R6031 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R6032 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R6033 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R6034 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R6034 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R6035 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R6035 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R6037 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R6044 0RJ1001D677 MCR03EZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R7002 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R7003 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R7004 0RJ1500D677 MCR03EZPJ151 150OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7004 0RJ1500D677 MCR03EZPJ151 150OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7005 0RJ1002C678 MCR01MZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R7006 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R7007 0RJ6801D677 MCR03EZPJ682 6.8KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R7008 0RJ2700D677 MCR03EZPJ271 270OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7009 0RJ0000D677 MCR03EZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROHM
R7009 0RJ1000D677 MCR03EZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7010 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R7012 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R7013 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R7014 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R7015 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R7016 0RJ4702D677 MCR03EZPJ473 47KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7017 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R7018 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R7019 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R7020 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R7021 0RJ6801D677 MCR03EZPJ682 6.8KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R7022 0RJ2700D677 MCR03EZPJ271 270OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7025 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R7026 0RJ4702C678 MCR01MZPJ473 47KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R7027 0RJ1002C678 MCR01MZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R7028 0RJ4702C678 MCR01MZPJ473 47KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R7029 0RJ1500D677 MCR03EZPJ151 150OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7029 0RJ1500D677 MCR03EZPJ151 150OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7030 0RJ1002C678 MCR01MZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R7031 0RJ1002C678 MCR01MZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R7032 0RJ1002C678 MCR01MZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R7034 0RJ0101C678 MCR01MZPJ1R0 1OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R7035 0RJ0101C678 MCR01MZPJ1R0 1OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R7036 0RJ0101C678 MCR01MZPJ1R0 1OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R7037 0RJ0101C678 MCR01MZPJ1R0 1OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R7038 0RJ0101C678 MCR01MZPJ1R0 1OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R7039 0RJ0101C678 MCR01MZPJ1R0 1OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R7040 0RJ0101C678 MCR01MZPJ1R0 1OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R7041 0RJ0101C678 MCR01MZPJ1R0 1OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R7073 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R7085 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R7100 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R7101 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R7102 0RJ4701C678 MCR01MZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP R
R7104 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R7105 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R7114 0RJ1002D677 MCR03EZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7117 0RJ0822C678 MCR01MZPJ820 82OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R7118 0RJ0822C678 MCR01MZPJ820 82OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R7119 0RJ0822C678 MCR01MZPJ820 82OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R7122 0RJ1002D677 MCR03EZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7126 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R7127 0RJ1000C678 MCR01MZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP RO
R7129 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R7130 0RJ1002D677 MCR03EZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7130 0RJ1002D677 MCR03EZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7132 0RJ1002D677 MCR03EZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7132 0RJ1002D677 MCR03EZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7155 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R7155 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R7200 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R7201 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R7213 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R7245 0RJ1002D677 MCR03EZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7246 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R7247 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R7250 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R7252 0RJ0000D677 MCR03EZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROHM
R7253 0RJ1001D677 MCR03EZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R7254 0RJ1003D677 MCR03EZPJ104 100KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R7256 0RJ1500D677 MCR03EZPJ151 150OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7257 0RJ4701D677 MCR03EZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R7259 0RJ4701D677 MCR03EZPJ472 4.7KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R7261 0RJ1000D677 MCR03EZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7265 0RJ1003D477 MCR03EZPF104 100KOHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R7266 0RJ0000D677 MCR03EZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROHM
R7267 0RJ1003D477 MCR03EZPF104 100KOHM 1% 1/10W 1608 R/TP R
R7268 0RJ1000D677 MCR03EZPJ101 100OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7272 0RJ1001D677 MCR03EZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R7273 0RJ1001D677 MCR03EZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R7275 0RJ0000D677 MCR03EZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROHM
R7277 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
R7278 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
R7280 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R7281 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R7282 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R7283 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R7284 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
R7285 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
R7286 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
R7287 0RJ3900D677 MCR03EZPJ391 390OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7288 0RJ0222C692 MNR04 M0APJ 220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005X4 R/TP
R7289 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R7290 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R7290 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R7291 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R7292 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R7292 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
R7295 0RJ1002D677 MCR03EZPJ103 10KOHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7296 0RJ0000C678 MCR01MZPJ000 0OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROHM
R7299 0RJ0682D677 MCR03EZPJ680 68OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
- 32 -
R7300 0RJ0332C678 MCR01MZPJ330 33OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R7301 0RJ0682D677 MCR03EZPJ680 68OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R7302 0RJ0332C678 MCR01MZPJ330 33OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R7303 0RJ3900D677 MCR03EZPJ391 390OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP RO
R7304 0RJ0682D677 MCR03EZPJ680 68OHM 5% 1/10W 1608 R/TP ROH
R7305 0RJ0332C678 MCR01MZPJ330 33OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R7306 0RJ1001C678 MCR01MZPJ102 1KOHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP ROH
R7341 0RJ0222C678 MCR01MZPJ220 22OHM 5% 1/16W 1005 R/TP - R
AL7001 6210TCE002B Filter,Bead HB-4M3216-121JT 120OHM
AL7002 6210TCE002B Filter,Bead HB-4M3216-121JT 120OHM
AL7003 6210TCE002B Filter,Bead HB-4M3216-121JT 120OHM
AL7004 6210TCE002B Filter,Bead HB-4M3216-121JT 120OHM
AL7005 6210TCE002B Filter,Bead HB-4M3216-121JT 120OHM
AL7006 6210TCE002B Filter,Bead HB-4M3216-121JT 120OHM
L2001 6210TCE0013 Filter,Bead HB-1M1608-121JT 120OHM
L3001 6210TCE001G Filter,Bead HH-1M3216-501JT 500OHM
L3002 0LC0233002A Inductor,Multilayer,Chip FI-B2012-332KJT 3.3UH
L3003 6210TCE001G Filter,Bead HH-1M3216-501JT 500OHM
L3004 6210TCE001G Filter,Bead HH-1M3216-501JT 500OHM
L3005 6210TCE001G Filter,Bead HH-1M3216-501JT 500OHM
L3006 6210TCE001G Filter,Bead HH-1M3216-501JT 500OHM
L3007 6210TCE001G Filter,Bead HH-1M3216-501JT 500OHM
L4002 0LCML00020B Inductor,Multilayer,Chip MLI-201209-6R8K 6.8UH
L4003 0LC6832101A Inductor,Multilayer,Chip FI-C3216-682KJT 6.8UH
L4004 0LCML00003B Filter,Bead MLB-201209-0120P-N2 120OHM
L4004 0LCML00003B Filter,Bead MLB-201209-0120P-N2 120OHM
L4005 0LCML00003B Filter,Bead MLB-201209-0120P-N2 120OHM
L4006 0LCML00003B Filter,Bead MLB-201209-0120P-N2 120OHM
L4007 6200J000123 Filter,LCR NFE31PT222Z1E9L LPF(EMI) 200MHZ
L4009 0LCML00003B Filter,Bead MLB-201209-0120P-N2 120OHM
L4016 0LCML00003B Filter,Bead MLB-201209-0120P-N2 120OHM
L4017 6210TCE001G Filter,Bead HH-1M3216-501JT 500OHM
L4017 6210TCE001G Filter,Bead HH-1M3216-501JT 500OHM
L4021 0LCML00003B Filter,Bead MLB-201209-0120P-N2 120OHM
L4022 6140TBZ047B Inductor,Wire Wound,Chip RLF7030T-3R3M4R1 3.3UH
L4023 0LCML00003B Filter,Bead MLB-201209-0120P-N2 120OHM
L4028 0LCML00003B Filter,Bead MLB-201209-0120P-N2 120OHM
L4029 EAM33010401 Filter,LCR MEM2012P25R0 EMI 25MHZ 100pF 400NH
L4030 EAM33010401 Filter,LCR MEM2012P25R0 EMI 25MHZ 100pF 400NH
L4031 0LCML00003B Filter,Bead MLB-201209-0120P-N2 120OHM
L4032 EAM33010401 Filter,LCR MEM2012P25R0 EMI 25MHZ 100pF 400NH
L4033 EAM33010401 Filter,LCR MEM2012P25R0 EMI 25MHZ 100pF 400NH
L4034 EAM33010401 Filter,LCR MEM2012P25R0 EMI 25MHZ 100pF 400NH
L4100 EAM33010401 Filter,LCR MEM2012P25R0 EMI 25MHZ 100pF 400NH
L4101 EAM33010401 Filter,LCR MEM2012P25R0 EMI 25MHZ 100pF 400NH
L4102 6210TCE001X Filter,Bead HU-1H4532-121JT 120OHM
L4103 6210TCE001X Filter,Bead HU-1H4532-121JT 120OHM
L4104 6210TCE001X Filter,Bead HU-1H4532-121JT 120OHM
L4105 6210TCE001X Filter,Bead HU-1H4532-121JT 120OHM
L5001 6210TCE001G Filter,Bead HH-1M3216-501JT 500OHM
L5003 6210TCE001A Filter,Bead HB-1S2012-080JT 8OHM 2X1.25X1MM
L6002 6210TCE001Z Filter,Bead HH-1M2012-600JT 60OHM 2X1.25X1MM
L6003 EAP32842805 Inductor,Wire Wound,Chip NR8040T150M 15UH
L7008 0LCML00020B Inductor,Multilayer,Chip MLI-201209-6R8K 6.8UH
L7011 6210TCE001P Filter,Bead HB-1S2012-121JT(H:1mm) 120OHM
L7013 6210TCE001P Filter,Bead HB-1S2012-121JT(H:1mm) 120OHM
L7020 0LCML00020B Inductor,Multilayer,Chip MLI-201209-6R8K 6.8UH
L7020 0LCML00020B Inductor,Multilayer,Chip MLI-201209-6R8K 6.8UH
L7021 6210TCE001G Filter,Bead HH-1M3216-501JT 500OHM
L7022 EAP32842806 Inductor,Wire Wound,Chip NR8040T220M 22UH
L7023 EAP32842806 Inductor,Wire Wound,Chip NR8040T220M 22UH
L7028 EAP32842806 Inductor,Wire Wound,Chip NR8040T220M 22UH
L7029 EAP32842806 Inductor,Wire Wound,Chip NR8040T220M 22UH
L7030 6210TCE001G Filter,Bead HH-1M3216-501JT 500OHM
L7031 6210TCE001G Filter,Bead HH-1M3216-501JT 500OHM
L7032 6210TCE001G Filter,Bead HH-1M3216-501JT 500OHM
L7033 6210TCE001G Filter,Bead HH-1M3216-501JT 500OHM
L7035 0LCML00003B Filter,Bead MLB-201209-0120P-N2 120OHM
L7036 0LCML00003B Filter,Bead MLB-201209-0120P-N2 120OHM
L7037 0LCML00003B Filter,Bead MLB-201209-0120P-N2 120OHM
L7038 0LCML00003B Filter,Bead MLB-201209-0120P-N2 120OHM
L7039 0LCML00003B Filter,Bead MLB-201209-0120P-N2 120OHM
P3001 6602T20008C SMW200-04P 4P 2.00MM 1R STRAIGHT DIP ST NA
P3002 EAG31022001 UB01123-4HHS-4F A 1P 2.50MM STRAIGHT DIP T
P4000 6602T20009B SMAW200-03P 3P 2.00MM 1R ANGLE DIP ST NATU
P4001 6630G70017A A02-0915-101 D-SUB 9P 2.77MM STRAIGHT MALE
P4003 6602T25008L SMW250-12P 12P 2.50MM 1R STRAIGHT DIP ST N
P4004 6602T25008M SMW250-13P 13P 2.50MM 1R STRAIGHT DIP ST N
P4007 6602T20009D SMAW200-05P 5P 2.00MM 1R ANGLE DIP ST NATU
P4010 6602T20009B SMAW200-03P 3P 2.00MM 1R ANGLE DIP ST NATU
P5000 6602T20009D SMAW200-05P 5P 2.00MM 1R ANGLE DIP ST NATU
P6001 6630VF00530 12507WR-30A00 30P 1.25MM 1R ANGLE SMD TP N
P7004 6630G70016A A03-7071-094 D-SUB 15P 2.29MM STRAIGHT FEM
P7005 6602T20009C SMAW200-04P 4P 2.00MM 1R ANGLE DIP ST NATU
6631900022P SMH200-3P SMH200-3P 400mM 2.00MM 3P UL1061
6631900026A SPK CONN(600/300MM) SMH200 35098-9702 3509
6631900027C SMH250 SMH250 200mM 2.50MM 13P UL1007 AWG2
6631900065B SMH250 SMH250 200mM 2.50MM 12P UL1007 AWG2
6631T20029B 5P(2.0) 750MM SMH200-05 SMH200-05 750mM 2.
J4002 6612J10024A KCN-BT-0-0056 4P NT/RCA - ANGLE DIP TR RCA
J4003 6612F00099A PEJ024-01 1P 4P STRAIGHT TR 3.6MM BLACK DI
J5004 6612J10031B PPJ209-01 14.0MM 1RX3C ANGLE BK SCREW HOLE
J5005 6612F00099A PEJ024-01 1P 4P STRAIGHT TR 3.6MM BLACK DI
J5006 6612F00024C PSJ014-01 SOCKET 4P ANGLE DIP ST 15X15X10m
J5007 6612J10003K PPJ148-07 14.0MM 1RX3C STRAIGHT TR 3PORTS_
J7101 6612B00015B DC1R019WDH SOCKET 21P STRAIGHTP -
SW4000 140-058B EVQPB205K 1C1P 15VDC 0.02A VERTICAL 160GF
SW4001 140-058B EVQPB205K 1C1P 15VDC 0.02A VERTICAL 160GF
- 33 -
SW4002 140-058B EVQPB205K 1C1P 15VDC 0.02A VERTICAL 160GF
SW4003 140-058B EVQPB205K 1C1P 15VDC 0.02A VERTICAL 160GF
SW4004 140-058B EVQPB205K 1C1P 15VDC 0.02A VERTICAL 160GF
SW4005 140-058B EVQPB205K 1C1P 15VDC 0.02A VERTICAL 160GF
SW4006 140-058B EVQPB205K 1C1P 15VDC 0.02A VERTICAL 160GF
SW4007 140-058B EVQPB205K 1C1P 15VDC 0.02A VERTICAL 160GF
IC2001 SAB30308401 S/W Package S29GL128M FLASH MEMORY 20LS2D
IC2001 SAB30791001 S/W Package S29GL128N90TFIR, IC,NOR Flash Memory
IC4015 SAB30308701 S/W Package MTV416GMF 8051 MICRO-CONTROLLOR
IC4015 SAB30791301 S/W Package MTV416GMF,IC,Microcontrollers
PA5000 6712SCA232A Receiver Module TSOP34838SO1 2.7TO5.5V 1.5MA
TU4002 EBL34917003 Tuner,Analog/Digital VA1Y2UR2201 54MHZTO864MHZ
X3001 6212AA2600A Crystal 54MHz 3OT 54MHZ 30PPM 10pF
X4001 6202TST001E Crystal SX-1 24MHZ 30PPM(20PF) 24MHZ
X7000 6202VDT002B Crystal SX-1 14.31818MHZ 30PPM(16PF)
6631T11016Q Cable,Assembly HIROSE 30 TO JAE 30 DF14
68509A0004H Cable,Assembly RCA R/A TO RCA S/T UL
A1 MFL34797001 Manual,Owners PRINTING 20/23LS7D-UB EN
A2 SAC30708005 Title 20/23LS7D-UB CD MANUAL Pacific 2 EN/FR(2)
A3 6410TUW008A Power Cord UL_CSA,LP-31 & SVT 1.87M_BLK
A4 MKJ36998101 Remote Controller COMPLEX LA74E 20LS7D/23LS7D
Mar., 2007
Printed in KoreaP/NO : MFL37186102

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