Lincoln Electric Idealarc 250 Users Manual Stick Welders
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Idealarc 250 STICK WELDERS ® Output 250 Amp DC Stick Welding Power Source The Idealarc® 250 is the classic workhorse of the Lincoln Electric stick welding power source line. It produces up to 300 amps of brute AC welding strength or down to 40 amps of smooth DC welding performance. AC DC Input Add the optional TIG Module to create a versatile AC/DC TIG welder for welding aluminum or other alloy metals. 1 PHASE 60 The Idealarc® 250 is well suited for industrial production welding applications, for maintenance and repair shops where welding versatility is needed, and for the shop or farm where ruggedness and durability is required. Hz Processes Stick, TIG, Gouging Advantage Lincoln • Outstanding arc stability and built-in stabilizer provide popoutresistant welding with all AC electrodes. • Versatile welding range with up to 300 amps AC and 250 amps DC. • Suitable for use with every type of electrode including low hydrogen, stainless steel, hardfacing, aluminum and bronze. • Easy set-up and operation. Full range continuous current control dial with current indicator for exact heat required for each job. • Fan-cooled for extra thermal protection. • CSA NRTL/C certified. • PC boards for extreme environmental protection. • Manufactured under a quality system certified to ISO 9001 requirements and ISO 14001 environmental standards. • Three-Year Lincoln Warranty on parts and labor. Two-year extended warranty available in the U.S. • Change polarity with a twist of the wrist –– AC, DC+ or DC-. • Stackable case design allows machines to be stacked 3 high to save valuable floor space. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Product Name Product Number Idealarc® 250 K1053-7 K1053-9 with Power Factor Capacitors 208/230/460/1/60 K1053-8 230/460/575/1/60 Input Power Rated Output Current/Voltage/ Duty Cycle AC: 250A/30V/30% DC: 250A/30V/30% Input Current @ Rated Output 95/86/43A 75/68/34A Output Range Dimensions HxWxD inches (mm) Net Weight lbs (kg) AC: 35-300A Max. OCV: 72V 27 x 19 x 21.5 (686 x 483 x 546) 350 (159) DC: 40-250A Max. OCV: 70V AC: 250A/30V/30% DC: 250A/30V/30% 86/43/34A 68/34/27A Publication E2.70 02/08 RECOMMENDED OPTIONS GENERAL OPTIONS STICK OPTIONS, CONT. Power Factor Capacitor Kit Used to reduce current draw and keep electricity cost to a minimum when machine is routinely operated at high outputs. Reduces input amps by approximately 20% at rated load. Order K1894-1 Accessory Kit, 150 Amp For stick welding. Includes 20 ft. (6.1 m) #6 electrode cable with lug, 15 ft. (4.6 m) #6 work cable with lugs, headshield, filter plate, work clamp, electrode holder and sample pack of mild steel electrode. Order K875 Undercarriage For hand moving. Includes handle, axle, wheels, front bracket and mounting hardware Order K866 TIG OPTIONS TIG Module Portable, high frequency unit with gas valve for TIG welding. Rated at 300 amps/60% duty cycle. Order K930-2 STICK OPTIONS Accessory Kit, 400 Amp For stick welding. Includes 35 ft. (10.7 m) #2/0 electrode cable with lug, 30 ft. (9.1 m) #2/0 work cable with lugs, headshield, filter plate, work clamp, and electrode holder. Order K704 Contactor Kit Installs in the K930-2 TIG Module for use with welders without a contactor. Makes the TIG torch electrode electrically “cold” until the Amptrol® is activated. Order K938-1 Control Cable Connects TIG Module to power source. 9-pin to 115V. Order K936-4 IDEALARC® 250 ORDER FORM PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDER NUMBER Idealarc® 250 (208/230/460/1/60) Idealarc® 250 (230/460/575/1/60) Idealarc® 250 (208/230/460/1/60) with Power Factor Capacitors Recommended General Options Power Factor Capacitor Kit Undercarriage 2-Year Extended Warranty - U.S. Only Recommended Stick Options Accessory Kit, 400 Amp Accessory Kit, 150 Amp Recommended TIG Options TIG Module Contactor Kit Control Cable K1053-7 K1053-8 K1053-9 QUANTITY PRICE K1894-1 K866 X1053 K704 K875 K930-2 K938-1 K936-4 TOTAL: C U S T O M E R A S S I S TA N C E P O L I C Y The business of The Lincoln Electric Company® is manufacturing and selling high quality welding equipment, consumables, and cutting equipment. Our challenge is to meet the needs of our customers and to exceed their expectations. On occasion, purchasers may ask Lincoln Electric for information or advice about their use of our products. Our employees respond to inquiries to the best of their ability based on information provided to them by the customers and the knowledge they may have concerning the application. Our employees, however, are not in a position to verify the information provided or to evaluate the engineering requirements for the particular weldment. Accordingly, Lincoln Electric does not warrant or guarantee or assume any liability with respect to such information or advice. Moreover, the provision of such information or advice does not create, expand, or alter any warranty on our products. Any express or implied warranty that might arise from the information or advice, including any implied warranty of merchantability or any warranty of fitness for any customers’ particular purpose is specifically disclaimed. Lincoln Electric is a responsive manufacturer, but the selection and use of specific products sold by Lincoln Electric is solely within the control of, and remains the sole responsibility of the customer. Many variables beyond the control of Lincoln Electric affect the results obtained in applying these types of fabrication methods and service requirements. Subject to Change – This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of printing. Please refer to for any updated information. T H E L I N C O L N E L E C T R I C C O M PA N Y 22801 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44117-1199 • 216.481.8100 •
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : 3.1-702 Producer : QuarkXPress(R) 7.1 Keywords : E2.70; stick welder; stick welding; TIG welder; TIG welding; arc gouging; welding equipment X Press Private : %%DocumentProcessColors: Cyan Magenta Yellow Black.%%EndComments Create Date : 2008:02:12 16:05:47Z Creator Tool : QuarkXPress(R) 7.1 Modify Date : 2008:02:14 08:20:11-05:00 Metadata Date : 2008:02:14 08:20:11-05:00 Format : application/pdf Title : Stick Welders: Idealarc 250 Description : The Idealarc 250 is the classic workhorse of the Lincoln Electric stick welding power source line. .It is well suited for industrial production welding, for maintenance and repair, and for the shop or farm. Subject : E2.70, stick welder, stick welding, TIG welder, TIG welding, arc gouging, welding equipment Document ID : uuid:d74eb06d-00ea-479c-8b82-b31c672740c6 Instance ID : uuid:574a9a32-74d2-4279-88f4-366a633b8270 Page Count : 2 Creator : QuarkXPress(R) 7.1 Warning : [Minor] Ignored duplicate Info dictionaryEXIF Metadata provided by