Linda Technology 666 WIRELESS INTERCOM SYSTEM User Manual

Shenzhen Linda Technology Co., LTD WIRELESS INTERCOM SYSTEM Users Manual

User Manual

Multi-Channel Long-Range FM Wireless IntercomSystemMODEL:LD-666;WL-666USER MANUALWe have always been relentlessly improving our professional level and studyingnew technologies to provide trustworthy products and service for the clients,and to become the real solution provider for wireless intercom. We pursuewinning your trust via fine reputation and excellent quality.We always deliver goods against high standard. However, defects are inevitabledue to transport or some other force majeure factors. If you find any problem,please contact us in the first time, and we will give prompt attention andsatisfying solution.If you have any question in installation or using, please contact us directly, andwe will arrange a technical service specialist to provide you with professionaldirection until you are completely familiar with use method of the product.
DESCRIPTION OF DEVICE FUNCTIONSI. Device FeaturesThe standard signal scope is 1800 feet(600M). The concrete scope isdetermined by the environment where the device is located. The receivingdistance is farther in open field, up to 1-3KM, while the scope may be narrow indense cities or places with dense hindrances. Please make adjustment and testaccording to concrete environment in actual use. The device placed nearwindow or open field has stronger receiving capacity.1.ANT (antennae): Receiving and emitting FM wireless signal2.MIC: Talk to MIC 5-10cm away from it with normal volume to talk.3.DC+5V power socket: DC power interface, with rated current being 5V 1A.4.DIGITAL CODE(A/B/C): It can reduce external interference by changingdifferent digital code. Note: CODE keys are on the back of device and besidepower socket.5.0-9 channel number: This is used to set channel of device, and you need setchannel as the same with the device which you want to talk with. Which channelnumber lights blue indicate the channel number of the device.6.VOL+/VOL-:increase or decrease volume,you can set comfortable voice byVOL+/VOL-.7.GROUP(Group-Call Function):Thisisusedtotalkwithalldevicesintheintercom system, even the device in different channel code.8.CALL:Thisisusedtocallthedevicewiththesamechannelcode.9.VOX (Voice Operated Exchange):When you set VOX function in one device,thevoice information will automatically send to other device with same channelcode.It will work all the time.10.TALK:Press this key and indicator becomes red. After talking, release the key,and indicator becomes OFF, the voice information is be sent out.II. Description of StartingThe AC adapter need pass the UL Certified , with voltage range is 100V-240Vand current is 5V DC/1A.After power adapter is connected to power source, insert the power line to thedevice. The device will make a "Du" sound, and channel 1 will be light blue.The device has been successfully started.Factory default channel code is channel 1 code A.The device default volume is 5 level.the device total has 8 levels.III. Volume AdjustmentThe volume range is 1-8 level. The default volume is 5 level.Press VOL+ to increase volume and VOL- to decrease volume. "Di" cue tonemeets the volume reaches the highest or lowest. The user is recommended to
adjust volume based on ambience.IV. Channel Code Setting1.The wireless intercom device's channel is 0-9. Digital code is: A, B, C. Thedefault setting is channel 1 code A.2.To change channel number, select channel number and long press for 3second, and "Bi" cue tone is emitted, the channel number light becomes blue,indicative of setting success.If press channel number short time ,less 3 second ,and not sound a “Bi” cuetone,the channel number will be change back to the previous channel after 1minute.3、Switch channel: temporary channel and lock channelTemporary channel: For example: the default channel is channel 1 after thedevice starting, now press channel number 4, and the channel 4 becomes bluemeaning channel 4 temporary channel is made. you can talk with other devicewhich is channel 4. Yet after communication, the device will automaticallychange back to channel 1 after 1 minute.Lock channel: select channel number and long press for 3 second, a "Bi" cuetone is emitted, indicating the channel is locked.The default channel number will become the locked channel after startingeach time.REASONABLY SET CHANNEL CODE:Affect the cause of the signal1.As the device communicates via FM wireless signal, which is public to thesociety, the channel code sometimes repeats with channel code of other brands.2.The FM wireless signal is influenced by many factors. when the interferencesignal on a channel interference is strong, the device will be issued 'Zizi' or othersound, Dialogue sound quality will be affected.NOTE:1.The user shall select appropriate channel code. Different channel code can beset via different digital code for the same channel. Code setting: Theinterference can be reduced by setting different code.2.The noise, harsh or unclear sound due to interference by interfering signal isnot caused by device quality but is due to surrounding interfering signal. In suchsituation, please change channel code to avoid interfering signal.3.The device channel code shall be the same with that of the devicecommunicated with.
Example:Channel number: CHANNEL 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/0,Digital Code:A/B/C1.: If the device channel code is channel 1 code A, and you find device interferedby external signal and emit noise or unwanted dialogue, it shall be first adjustedby changing digital code, i.e. change all code A of all device into code B (Note:All Equipment), then test. If there still exists interference, please continue tochange digital code.2. If all codes for one channel are interfered by unknown external noise andsound, please change channel and continue to test and adjust. If channel 1 andcode A/B/C all suffer from external interference, please change channel numberto channel 2 and continue to adjust and test until a proper channel code isselected.Model:LD-666 &WL-666FRS DIGITAL FREQUENCYHOW TO USE WIRELESS INTERCOMI. TALK:Step 1: After receiving the call signal from another equipment, the equipmentemits a series of ringing. Press TALK key to start emitting and the light becomered, talk to MIC 5-10cm away from it with normal volume. After speaking,release TALK key. The another device with the same channel code receives thesound. Release TALK key after speaking and wait for reply.Step 2: After receiving the reply, if you want to continue to talk, just continue topress TALK key to start emitting, continue to talk, then release TALK key to emitthe speech to another equipment.CHANNEL FREQUENC CODECH1 462.7250MHzCODE A: 754NCODE B: 743NCODE C: 734NCH2 462.5875MHzCH3 462.6125MHzCH4 462.6375MHzCH5 462.6625MHzCH6 462.6875MHzCH7 462.7125MHzCH8 467.5625MHzCH9 467.5875MHzCH0 467.6125MHzGROUP 462.7000MHz CODE:743N
Note:1.The intercom system is the same-frequency simplex system, which does notreceive message when TALK is pressed to emit, and can not receive when TALKkey is pressed in receiving.2.TALK: It is provided with TOT function (Time out Timer), i.e. the deviceautomatically exits emit mode after emitting for 1 minute, which is to say, thetime for each talking shall not be longer than 1minute.3.One piece of device can only talk with the same channel code at the same timenode. If the channel code for multiple pieces of device are the same, thesedevice can all receive voice information.4.When talk ends, the channel code of calling device automatically change tothe originally set channel code after 1 minute. For example, if the previouschannel code is channel 1 code A, the device's channel code will automaticallychange to channel 1 code A 1 minute after talk ends.II.CALLPlease call another device by following steps1.Step 1: Confirm the calling device's channel code is the same with that of theto-be-called device. If the to-be-called device is in channel 4 code B, you shallset the calling device's code as channel 4 code B.2.Step 2: Press CALL key and the talk cue indicator turns red. The calling deviceemits a series of ringing, and the device with the same channel code receives aseries of ringing that prompts reply to the calling equipment.3.Step 3: When receiving the reply from other device, press TALK key to talk toMIC with normal volume. After speaking, release TALK key to send the speech tothe another device.Similarly: To call another device, first confirm the channel code of calling andto-be-called device are the same, then follow above steps. For example: If thecalling device is in channel 1 code A, while the to-be-called device is in channel7 code B, first set the calling device's channel code as channel 7 code B, thenpress CALL key to call.NOTE:When talk end, the channel code of calling device automatically changeto the originally channel code after 1 minute. For example, if the previouschannel code is channel 1 code A, the device's channel code will automaticallychange to channel 1 code A 1 minute after talk end.III.VOX (Voice Operated Exchange)VOX: Press VOX key and channel number indicator flashes to prompt thatcurrently the VOX state is enabled. Talk to MIC or surroundings to activatestarting and emitting with sound, the emitting indicator becomes red, the soundcontent will be sent to the device with the same channel code. There is a timelag of 2 second after speaking.It will work 24 hours per day.Press any key to cancel VOX function.
IV. MONITORMONITOR: Put the equipment in the to-be-monitored place, press MONITORkey and the equipment goes into state of emitting. The monitor time is 10 hoursonly.Description:1.The MONIOTOR function is similar to VOX sound control and TALK function,that is to set the device as always in emitting state but not need to press TALKkey to automatically emit the received speech content.2.Use range: It can be placed in room needing to be monitored emphatically,such as kindergarten, baby's room, game room, the elder's room, ward, etc.3.When you press MINITOR key, the emit indicator becomes red, indicative ofsetting success, then the device will be monitored by another device with thesame channel code.4.Use method: For example, to monitor a baby's room, just put the equipmentin the baby's room, press MONITOR key, then you can monitor it in anotherroom via the device with the same channel code.5.The MONITOR will automatically terminate 10 hours later, so a knowledge ofthe starting time you set is more favorable for your monitoring.6.The TALK key indicator on the device receiving monitored voice will turn redwhen receiving the voice, meaning voice is transmitting.V:GROUP(Group-Call Function)Step 1: Press GROUP key, and the whole intercom system can receive the voicemessage no matter what channel code of the device is in. When the device isreceiving group-call signal, all the channel number indicators of equipmentflash.Step 2:When other equipment reply, press GROUP key and talk with normalvolume.After talking,then release the key,the speech will be send out.Note: The group-call function entails to press GROUP key for talking to establishgroup-call instead of pressing TALK key.SET CHANNEL CODEPlease set different channel codes for different device by following steps, thenthese different devices within a wireless intercom system can talk with others.Example: If you want to set your device as in channel 2 (General ManagerRoom)Step 1: Connect power and start, the device emits a starting cue tone of "Du",the factory default channel code is channel 1 code A, then the channel 1 lightturns blue.
Step 2: Long press channel 2 for 3 second, when hear a cue tone of "Bi", channel2lightturnsblue,thenreleasethekey.Thechannel2lightturnsblue,meaningthe device has been set as channel 2. This also means the equipment in thegeneral manager's room is in channel 2.Step 3: If you need to place the device in other offices and set channel, such assetting financial department as in channel 3, HR department as in channel 4,sales department as in channel 5, please follow above step 1 and step 2.Note:1.If you desire to talk with all equipment at the same time, please set the camechannel code of all device or use GROUP function.2.To communicate with a single piece of device, just set the device as differentchannel code, i.e. set channel code in all office/room as different.3.When the calling device calls another device, the called device cannotrecognize the calling device's channel code, so please first indicate the channelcode of device, i.e. your identity when calling another device.4.Please keep digital code consistent in setting channels, for example: allequipment uses code A or code B, and please record the channel code of eachoffice/room, to enable you to rapidly and accurately call others.Channel:2345Code:AAAADeviceLocation GeneralManagerRoomFinancialDepartment HRDepartment SalesDepartmentConnect Device of Other Brands:If the device’s channel code of other brands is the same with any channel codeof our device, you can connect it for talking via the same channel code by addingthe device of other brands into our wireless intercom system.Installation description:1.The wire length for adapter is 6 feet (1.8M), and you can place the device inany place that can connect to power to move and use it conveniently.2.On the back of device is arranged hook hole to fix the device on wall, table andkitchen, etc.3.The equipment's receiving power is 5V 1A. So if you needed, you can start thedevice via power bank, then the device can be take out, which largely extendsthe use scope of device.4.Please directly email us if any question.
Troubleshooting GuideProblem Possible SolutionChannel Button (Powerindicator) does not light.‐Check the AC power cord; is it connectedproperly?Cannot receive response. ‐Is intercom set to designated channel?‐Release TALK when not talking.‐If the intercom is monitorpressing TALK or CALL.‐Press the Vol+ increase sound level.Cannot talk to otherintercom.‐Are both intercoms set to the samechannel?‐Wait until other user has finished talking.Strong, continuous"beep" sound.‐Move intercoms further apart toeliminate audio feedback.Unit doesn't work. ‐Try units in a different location. If theunits work in different location but notin your home, there is a problem withyour home concrete wall.Static noise or cannotcommunicate.‐All unit should be set to the same channel code‐Change locations by using Power Bank, moving to otherlocations for better reception and transmission.‐change channel codeSpecifications are typical; individual units might vary.Specifications are subject to change and improvement without notice.THE FCC WANTS YOU KNOWYour intercom might cause TV or radio interence even when it is operating properly.To determinewhether you intercom is causing the interferenc turn off the staions,if the interferenc goesaway,your intercom is causing the interference. try to eliminate the interference by:1 Moving your station away from the receiver.2 connecting your stations to an outlet that is on a different electrical circuit from the receiver.
ifyoucannoteliminatetheinterference,theFCCrequiresthatyoustopusingyourintercom.WARNING:ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15oftheFCCRules.Operation is subject to thefollowingtwoconditions:(1)thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and(2)thisdevicemust accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation.Changesormodificationsnotexpresslyapprovedbythepartyresponsibleforcompliancecouldvoidtheuser'sauthoritytooperatetheequipment.NOTE:ThisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundtocomplywiththelimitsforaClassBdigitaldevice,pursuanttoPart15oftheFCCRules.Theselimitsaredesigned to provide reasonableprotectionagainstharmfulinterferenceinaresidentialinstallation. This equipment generates,usesandcanradiateradiofrequencyenergyand,ifnotinstalledandusedinaccordancewiththeinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is noguaranteethatinterferencewillnotoccurinaparticularinstallation.Ifthisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferencetoradioortelevisionreception,whichcanbedetermined by turning theequipment off and on, the user is encouragedtotrytocorrecttheinterferencebyoneormoreofthefollowingmeasures:‐‐Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna.‐‐Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver.‐‐Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfromthattowhichthereceiverisconnected.‐‐Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianforhelp.RFExposureStatementTo maintain compliance with FCC’s RF Exposure guidelines, This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance between 20cm the radiator your body: Use only the supplied antenna.
Important:Do ont hold down CALL for more than 10 seconds.the fcc dose not allow you tosend a continuous tone for more than 10 seconds at a time on FRS frequencies.Warranty1.The equipment in regular service enjoys a one-year warranty.2.We will provide you a perfect solution for any quality problem within warrantytime.3.We will also provide a solution in case of quality problem outside warrantytime to maintain your benefit.4.We will place your benefit as top considerstion in the whole transaction anduse course.5.Contact mode:E-MAILAcknowledgementThank you for choosing us. We hope you can have a nice shopping experienceand use the equipment with satisfaction. Please contact us if any question, andwe will contact you within 12 hours for prompt attention.If you think our product is of high quality and up to your expectation, pleasecomment us. Your favorable comment is the power for our improvement.

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