Logitech Far East 201760 Wireless Mouse User Manual scan XDW

Logitech Far East Ltd Wireless Mouse scan XDW

User manual

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Document ID381696
Application IDqAFNC6ENT9mZ1tB/ZSxrJQ==
Document DescriptionUser manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize65.66kB (820718 bits)
Date Submitted2003-12-16 00:00:00
Date Available2003-12-16 00:00:00
Creation Date2003-12-15 10:51:30
Producing SoftwareAcrobat PDFWriter 5.0Windows NT ª©
Document Lastmod2003-12-15 11:33:39
Document Titlescan.XDW
Document CreatorDocuWorks Desk
Document Author: kim

o\ -
installation Cordless Optical Mouse
English Important Ergonomic Information. Long periods of repetitive motions using
an improperly set-up workspace, incorrect body position. and poor work habits may be associated
with physical discomfort and injury to nerves, tendons. and muscles. If you feel pain, numbness,
weakness. swelling, burning, cramping, or stiffness in these areas, see a qualified health professional.
For more information, please read the Comfort Guidelines in the software help system or
on the logitech' web site at httpzllwwwjogltech.com)comfort.
Warnlngl Read battery warning in the software help system. The mouse has no serviceable parts
and complies with International Standard IEC 825-1: 1993. CAUTION: Use of controls or adjustments
or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may resultin hazardous radiation
exposure. Class 1 LED Product. See help system.
Warranty. Your mouse comes with a five—year limited warranty, and is FCC compliant. See the
software help system for more information.
Bpafiol Informacién sanitaria importante. Realizar tareas repetidas durante Iargos pericdos
de tiempo, una disposicion inadecuada del Iugar de trabajo, una posicién incorrecta del cuerpo
y habitos de trabajo deficientes pueden ocasionar cansancio y lesiones fisicas en nervios, tendones
y musculos. Ante cualquier sintoma de dolor, hormigueo, debilidad, inflamacién, quemadura.
calambre o agarrotamiento en estas zonas, péngase en contacto con un profesional sanitario
titulado. Para mas informacién consulte las Recomendaciones para evitar el cansancio. que
encontrara‘ en el sistema de ayuda deJ software 0 en la pagina Web de Logitech“
iAdvertencIal Lea Ia advertencia sobre Ias pilas en el sistema de ayuda del software.
Este ratén no incluye piezas que puedan repararse o sustituirse y cumple con la normativa
internacional lEC 825-1: 1993. PRECAUCION: La utilizacién de controles, alustes o realizacién
de procedimientos no especificados en este documento puede dar como resultado Ia exposicién
a radiaciones peligrosas. Producto LED de clase l. Consulte el sistema de ayuda.
Garanti’a. Este raton tiene cinco anos de garantia limitada y cumple con Ias normativas FCC. Para
mas informacién, consulte el sistema de ayuda del software.
Franrzis Informations importantes relatives au confort. Des taches répétio‘ves effectuées
pendant de Iongues périodes et un espace de travail mal agencé risquent de provoquer un certain
inconfort, voire des blessures au niveau des neris, des tendons et des muscles Si vous ressentez
des douleurs, engourdissements, faiblesses, gonfiemenrs. brfilures, crampes ou raideurs a ces
endroits, consultez un médecin. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter Ie guide Logitech et
votre confort, situé dans I'Aide du Iogiciel et sur Ie site Web de Logitech' a I'adresse suivante:
Attentionl Veuillez lire I‘avertr‘ssement relatif aux piles dans I’Aide du Ioglciel. La souris ne nécessite
aumn entretien et est conforme a la norme intemationale IEC 825—1: 1993. ATTENTION: I’ufilisation
de commandes et rég'lages ou I’emploi de procedures autres que ceIIes spécifiées dans Ie cadre du
present document risquent de prov0quer une exposition a des radiations. Produit DEL de Classe 1.
Reportez-vous a I’Aide.
Cara ntie. Une garantie Iimitée de cinq ans est fournie avec cette souris, et il est conforms FCC. Pour
plus d'inforrnations, consultez I’Nde du logiclel.
Portugués informacbes importantes sabre ergonomla. Longos periodos de movimento
repetitive, num espaco de trabalho inadequado, com uma posiqéo incorrecta do corpo e maus
habitos de tmbalho podem reladonar—se com desconforto fisico e Iesbes dos nerves, tendoes e
musculos. Se sentir dor. dorméncia, fraqueza, inchaco, ardor, dribra ou rigidez nestas areas,
consulte um médico qualificado. Para obter mais informaqoes, Ieia as orientacoes de conforto no
sisterna de ajuda do software ou no web site da Logitech. em http:[/www.logItech.com/comfort,
Ateneéol Leia o aviso sobre baterias no sistema de ajuda do software. Néo existem pecas no rato
que exigem manutencao e 0 rate esta em conforrnidade com o padrao intemacional
IEC 8254: 1993. AVISO: 0 uso de controlos, ajustes ou a adopgao de procedimentos aqui
néo especificados podem resultar na exposicéo perigosa a radiacao. Produto de LED Classe 1.
Consulte o sistema de ajuda.
Garantia. Este rato tern uma gamntia limitada de 5 anos e esta em confom'ridade com FCC Ver 0
sistema de ajuda do software para obter mais inforrnacées.
English Turn OFF computer.
Espaflol APAGUE eI ordenador.
ancais Mettez I'ordw’nateur
HORS tension.
Portugués Dssucus o
Bpafiol Conecte el cable deI receptor al ordenador. Los PC cle sobremesa usan
I: _ el adaptador PS/Z verde. Los PC portatlIes y los ordenadores Macintosh“ usan 5010
eI conector USB negro.
English Plug receiver cable into computer. PC desktops use green PS/2 adaptor.
337} PC notebooks and Macintosh” computers use black USB connector only‘
Frangais Connectez Ie céble du récepteur a I‘ordinateun Les ordnnateurs de bureau
utilisent I‘adaptateur PS/2 vert. Les ordinateurs portables et Ics Macintosh“ utilisent
uniquement Ie connecteur USB noir.
Portugués Ligue 0 fio do receptor as computador‘ PCs de secretaria utilizam
um adaptador para PS/2 verde. PCs notebooks e computadores Macintosh" utilizam
somente conector USB preto.
English Place receiver away from electrical devices. Turn ON computer
Bpar'lol NO coloque eI receptor cerca de dispositivos eléctricos.
ENCIENDA eI ordenador.
Hancals EJoignez Ie récepteur de tout appareil électrique. Mettez I’ordinateur
SOUS tension.
Portugués Coloque 0 receptor Ionge de aparelhos eléctricos. LIGUE o computador.
English Install Malkaline batteries.
Bpahol lnstale Ias pilas alcalinas AA.
Frangais Installez des piles alcalines
de type AA.
Portugués Intruduza as baterias
atcalinas AA.
English Press Connect button on receiver. Then press Connect button on mouse
to establish communication. When changing mouse batteries, reestablish communication.
Espafiol Pulse eI botén de conexién en el receptor. A continuacién, pulse el baton
de conexic‘m en el ratén para establecer Ia comunicacién. AI cambiar Ias pilas del rattan,
vuelva a atablecer Ia comunicacidn.
Francais Appuyez sur Ie bouton de connexion du récepteur. Appuyez ensuite sur le bouton
de connexion de la soun's pour établir Ia communication. Lorsque vous remplacez Ies piles de
a souris, répé‘tez Ia méme opération.
Porngués H'ima o botéo de conexéo no receptors Em seguida, prima o botéo
de conexéo no rato pam estabelecer comunicacéo. Ac substituir as baterias do rato,
Btabeleca comunicacéo.
English Install MouseWare'
Espafiol Instale eI software
Frangais Installez Ie Iogiciel
Portugués lnstale 0 software
English 1. Scroll Wheell 2. Mouse buttonsl
Bpafiol 1. Botdn rueda. 2. Boténes del ratén.
Francais 1. Roulette de défllernenl. 2. Boutons de la souris.
Portugués 1. Roda de deslocagéo‘ 2. Botées do mouse.
English Solving Setup Problems. 1. Check cable connection (step 2). 2. Place receiver
away from electrical devices. Avoid metallic surfaces. 3. Check battery installation. 4. Establish
communications (step 5).
Espafiol Resoluclén de problemas de instalacion. 1.Compruebe Ia conexién del cable
(paso 2]. 2. NO coloque el receptor cerca de dispositivos electn'cos. Evite Ias superflcies
metélicas. 3. Compruebe Ia colocacién de [as pilas,
4. Establezca Ia cornunicacion [paso 5).
Francais Problémes d 'installation. 1.Vérifiez Ie branchement du cable (étape 2].
2. FJoignez Ie récepteur de tout appareil électrique. Evitez tout contact avec une surface
métaliique. 3. Vérifiez que les piles sont bien installées. 4. Etablissez Ia communication (étape 5).
Portugués Resolvendo problemas de configuracao. 1.Verifique a Iigacéo do cabo
(passo 2). 2. Coloque 0 receptor Ionge de aparelhos eléctricos. Evite superflcies metélicas.
3. Verifique a instalacao das baterias. 4. Estabeleca comunicacoes (etapa 5).
Country/Pa s Address/Adresse lnfolinc
H mm -
EUROPEAN, MDDLE EASIERN Moulln—du-Choc ‘41 (my 353 54 no Engush
LAFRICAN HEADQUARTERS CH "22 ananeldurflmges
CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 5505 Kaiser Dnve 1800) 231-7717 fl 702 259 3457
LOCJTECH Inc. USA Fremont. CA 94555
wumcmcnmmnns x2 Creatmn Road [v 435 (Z)27l6s601 xzzus
LOClTECH Far East Ltd. Science-Baud ~ Industrial Park
ROC Hslnchu. Taiwan
AUSTRALIA Level 2. 633 Pittwalzr Hand .51 (02> 3304 696!
LOGITECH Australia Computer AIJS DeeWhyNSW ZDQSstualIa «51 (02) 9972 35m
veripherats pry Ltd.
5025 omiw DI. Bldg. 5, 5mm 200 (800) 231-7717 f|702 269 3457
CDN Mississauga, ON l4W 4V5
NAN Rycshm Ginxa East Mirror mm, on mas-13 2122
LOCICOOL Co. Ltd. 7" 3"5'“’ “m"
Chuo-ku. Tokyo. Japan 104-0051
FAX ‘81 (3) 3543 29"
LATIN AMERICA 01702 269 3457 01 702 269 3457
‘41 (0)21 853 54 01 English
FAX MI (0) 2! 863 54 02 FAX M1 (0) 21 BS] 54 U2
Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may muse harmful
interference to radio communications. However. there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur In a particular Installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
tuming the equipment off and on, the user Is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one of the following measures:
Reorlent or relocate the receian antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that
to which the receiver ls connected
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician tor help.
FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate this equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received. including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
‘ \
www.|ogitech.com ,
e 2004 Logitech. All rights reserved, Logltech. the Logitech logo. and other Logitech marks»
are owned by Logltech and may be registered. All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners. mgltech assumes no responsibility for any'errors that may appear in this
manual Information conralned hereln Is subjectto change without notice.
0 2004 Logltedx Tous droits réservés; Logitech, Ia logo Logltech et les aunts marques
Logicech sont Ia proprlété exclusive de Logltech et sont susceptibles d'etre des marques
deposées Toutes les autres marques sent Ia pmprleté exclusive de l'eurs détenteurs respectlfs;
Loglred) décllne toute responsabilité an as d'erreurs dans oe manual. Les lnformations
énoncées dans Ie present document peuvenl‘falre I’obiet de modifications sans avls
pléalable. ,

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Creator                         : DocuWorks Desk
Create Date                     : 2003:12:15 10:51:30
Title                           : scan.XDW
Author                          : kim
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Modify Date                     : 2003:12:15 11:33:39+08:00
Page Count                      : 17
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FCC ID Filing: JNZ201760

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