DEL // d Testing the Future LABORATORIES. |NC. EXHIBITE SYSTEM MANUAL 5473A CLOUDS REST ° MAHIPOSA, CALIFORNIA 95338 0 (209) 966-5240 ' FAX (209) 966-4257 DZL amass ‘ ’ é an/O-ENIUS Pagan ThesAnyJunu {41999 “7.53 AM A? (02- Logitech Logitech' Cordless Desktop" User’s Guide . {é‘fiwo-EN/us Pnpxi TundayJ-me I, 1999 10:53 AM $1 ' my a mama-M lammm, mm me mum-u mewmmnxrdmrd mmmnmewmame mm a me negywma woman ml mm‘flmxmm m n- pmpenyul me- mum»: omen. Part Mamba: sum- Lu... Don-"mt. mm IS mm m uCENSi 01mm 5m 10 momvm “(common rmwwmvmorwmmmnznw mm ucmszmzmzm me : lumen-mm m eu- lulmlmmlcdcurwanzmkflmmvy In neg-hum .mm.mwmn. mmxaummummmm ne-mmmmmmmmmmunm m mu, mflm My mum mum" mun nun-w um "my: ymlflvm minus mull-tum.- mam urn-a mum uun. mm ns syn-“nu a museum me musecmwwmmamm mimvwmrsaM-‘oummmmmu mwmpmflunwum gnaw. No other "ma-e game he Somme u m we 4! vi rs madman" memflws mmmempmry meme-y. Nmpmwfluwmmmmmwmmwmm vm nae-magma: mmcwmcmnumam "mm mm on me Senwn muwm mum. insulation on n m mv mum‘s nuwse nlym: maul dimhman a! me Somme u pennym MN 31 you Me mum in mm some! paths! (arm new 00mm Inmm me suture “mm. was"; mm m m mamas «mm or me son-me vou man not «comm. mussemb‘e. MHWJIMW me sum in anyway. we. may ml Imam: me somamom a um (neon! mm permmnd am), wmmm.m mummy Wm] an, m. nu my nnnmm me smwe area! "pm-mmmmalmeeucmeaumecnummmueamansmmmmuemmmmwmmm mmlznluzwul masom.“ mummagmexmhe bum mmnmmmmmmsmwm" mammalamammwmmmuwm,mmsmuxmsmflmsmlmmflu&mmmlmmimlwmm be mun-ea m mafia-owl cm mm mm mm. leltgd manure-m. mea- mums m any mmueumwm mmmmmmneermm fimmmm xwwmnshplma Br I»! yam 1mm meme m Wm. Wm am wanzllx ma: me n mummm momma“ mu summit; manmm nmmflanm'ma perm ul so mfiwflthe momma. Log-em Him-em 30an yam-s rum-mm am iximw a: we mm“ puma me: me Log-em HAM! hum/m mmmxeummmmrmmmmmd Hm]! uxgim's m,mm wmmnpmmmm minrmnmmmmammwmlmnmmmm mmmmeommwmufwm.m icnwnlmeszm map! Air/m mneu mmmuwfiwagwbemmuflmmmmmrm mangmlwaumypmw «BOWEN»; mummy-1 flaw/54mm mummy-emu mmmmmesaremn u run/reel me mmmem mm rm mmeamm icciunr. muse, e. nlwphauun. minnow DP UAIIUW. HEM SET FORM IN THIS MEEMEM MMMWMRAM‘B. mam DKPIESLV D‘SOAIA ALI am my KNCWDNC. MW? mum VDJNE IMPLIED MIWHKSOF MWNVAHJN AND WINES FORAMK'KIJLAI mswn NONNRMEMENYOF "alumna": WITH RMCT m Di mmmm. Wit Am HAIDNAIE. W IDCH'ECH DEALER m1, DR [Mm ‘S wmowzm V0 WEANV ImVMWN. WNW. OlADWDN V0 WWW. N NO EVENVWMLNVYiOlOfi ITS Sum If "All! MW CDSYSG’ROQJREMENTOF WBSWUTE mwcu 0K smmnosrmxns, IDSS CF NW 0! MYAMM OWNER SKEW. WNDiREU. Mia/EMU“. OR IMDMTAL M MEWS IN ANV WAY M DPTHE SNEO‘. USE OF, OR {WNW YO USE ANV LOCKED! mDUCTOlm NE! W IDGTECN WWWSEDWTHEMXWUNGSW DAME. N WCASE SW “ms was am wzgm'fing 71:50! mezuch/u “1:5 seam mtwwsclmivs GEM IHM I7! Immune! m, mm, , m. a. ,. w W, m m n. ”may...” m m um. a. my ». m mm. W m. m a. ”32.193"..th m m my my. us.cummm-m-d mum msmwlre 1: mowed m m Us. Mntmwm venrimd ms nu IlmM rammed mmmnwmus.WMuwlfieflmmmmiutmrmlnucnldm wank” . cw“ m maICn mm'm'cnmm‘d mrmmmnxwummsnumn m. u 12 (sepmmev ‘95 , and m 961mm 5142744 and 5 227mm nmssecm 922mm” (1) 4m, 11er mm. is apuigme, came": an A! c u. mm m an cm. 22172024 mm 127.720“ m1 1. a w macaw mwunons. my; wmmn panned m us Guam-Mm umwmuamm um um 1nd mm nun nerem. murmur: Mszmueus mgm m, 5505 me. mam, 054555 form-pum- Ind Mvh EDI-null. 1m: "1mm seat! can humm m vs a: me rec mes. Opeflhon a man mum Mew“ mememyrmmxemmm .MZImkMW3tWZN/mm mm, m mum “(Mameumwmmam Yhnmunmxms mm and 7mm mmmpwm me mm: m a Class M am new, man: m m xsm the KC mm "use hm: lmkflgm a name resume momma mm! mm me in a rememm mmlhmn ms «um-m gem. use; an can mix ram fume-aw am. I m: mum a, sled m auto/Gm mm mew-1mm ma, (me mum mam: m mob mmmumumm mam, me-e vino gym-mu m mm mm mum.” gammy mummy. n mmmpmmmaue mm mm mmnweteymnrecepmmmmneummwmmmmmmmmon.num;m mum cnmnmnmdemmtmwarmmmmhkmhg mums: ummummmgmanmm me mum Damn vacuumed and me mm a) mum me aquvpmem m an wm an: mull Mammy“ m m Mum we maker 11 convened; 4) mm me duh! m an cum nannv rem-nan in: min. Any mange: or mam: mt exp-euryappvm by me pmv mamas maximum (outawi me uurx authmym mum Hermann. mug-mm Maeganravemurmdedmmmuwmflnmmmmmnmfimfldmmwm mm min me mmmbn 0 me 9mm me, mm used in menu emu-e camel-um Fcc-eguum unen- no: sue-mu. my: new one fines not emu me can u hm bv nan) noise err-imam 7mm algal appamu: game name mmmmng «1mm mm emitted vim/«om: {55001 M me Demnmaf mmnmm. m amei mm mm m um mm; rmméieclmm mums m rm mmtv’nue; ne 0m 3 yew!!! m u man I! mum Wynn-Mk my mum «wee par 187mm» m comm-um"; 1mm emu-s mm mm m Manny and summaonmnnn u mm mmemm mo comm; H mm mlfitmagfinéemm, and 21m ue-m mm accept any madam mama nerve-em mm! amen-«s wen an. hummer humanly: 25395, zlmsjzws; 27 95 ma. ma cum/w mvlm a 3m W? m3.” . ; ..._.,»;._.f:*_~fl_,"’..»_.4; 01, 0 ’ é T=xl BN/us moi Tum-Mullen. 1999 mum Cé’ . Important Ergonomic Infon'nah'on Sm: meam Suggest: that Imq periods 01 repefilm rmhm will] in lmpvopem saw mm, m belly positbn. and pool won mm: may oe axiodamd wlm Mal downfall ald lolly no new, lemons, and muscles. ll you leel palm nummss. find-lg, meanness. swelling, oumlng, mmpmg, w names; in ya" mm mm, shamans, nedt o- ma while using a keyboard, ”0.1mm mm. see a waffles health pummel TD REUCE THE RISK OF IN‘UIY. Fol-MN THESE PRECAUTIONS: ' Tile mum mbmlh46fiwflfldwafl< mm selenlfinlesemybwr. - valyylumks mougnuln me day. Du lmmlng flll’hmmwlm yourhaldsnnd aims lmm alum-m. ‘ usealgmwmmmmmamhmmolmemmmmmll. - leepywlxmuldm nlmmmmrmamrwe,Poolinnmlewoomandmmmmaorm hmwrethllu meme - Adjust your cm“. and lemma so yuurva arms and wuss ale mam, - marl resting yourwrms anmarpeoges. - ummsmmle maturesMyourmm,mamwmmmsmsmmms,wfim.w hands byminimlzirlg lepefifiueorwlwo mlons. Fer Mammal Information max minim your list or lnyuly, read me cm Guidelines mat comes mynur product. or read mesa same guidelines on women: Imam me. mlogloemum. Using the Cordless Keyboard and ITouch'" Software You! lagilem'mmless keyboard, wlm me lneluned lTnudl'" suflwm, brlngs you doserand keep you in MM! much wnn your damp world. Bmwslnn me web. moi-lg email. huncrllng appllnllons anu playing cu; or DVD: in more lnlulnve. easy tn use. emdem. lull. ml nimrol witll yearn-miles; ktyhoam and mm software set up and mgm'ze your keyboard your way. mng nu ma bysand me mum ”awe. alsmmiu your leyoummmannaalywnmemelmmeolmm-mm,rlomnyuurmnnapplmnwlm we push of a ourmn. The much hey; are drvlded mm mm qmups, as defined by their mnaiufls‘ Using the Internet Keys mere arefiv! program-mole meme: lays. whlch you must set up before uslngl (refer mm: mm sudelwlneirlocaxlonmm layman.muluvmelouuonorlneomunoxmemvlzucencummlzem Internet keys to sun you xpeelllc needs. For nimplz. win an u: up me Imam-net Irzys 90 fi ~ Tnewllomelleymessesyuunomewebpageorfmmelmmaadlm E - me E-ma‘ll key launches in e—mall appliallnn ~ mseamueyulsplayxanemofmlemnmmm ' Thalia]mmanmp‘ififim‘mamfltmrdhplzynmofapplimwmdwfifim - Tne logitedl key man applimm.accesxes a weo menrmplaysa menu 04 apphflom one wan ma, me me 50 key example abme mlmzlzysnayemllannwmyulmmammmmmmplemmmsemw macassalwoflmwebmhmadoldipwmalimtflamwgimmflmxmm fivayeasyinryoulvmm. . i é Team/us hp: Twat-Mun: 1, 1m (MSAM launching an mum" Software to mm m; v'l‘wm'“ 501m. doubitflick me from. icon on the an'nm. SetfingUpdlllmannkays |. Conn-am me Imam u you an nmly mlgn Internet addmssu w m- Nwm" unmet Ieyl. W dllnd. 2. land! the rrm software. The mgnecn' mm Keys dung box displiyx SEE mm sex: at me u: by 5610 by 5710!“ Wm“?! M 3M“ "m mac-mama: sewn-MW —— n'_-]m~1u..|.. 1 “key inlanmmmzl Mariam datum ms 1 choose an Inter-m luv/w sit up by dlclflng : "tab,"md| n the My anm uh wanna an. L m ‘Wlb Sh.""ngnm.‘nr“Munl'hr the lily you are mmixlng. Ukk the am mm m flis‘phy Hes! ML men hrytligm ynur chair: by Gliding it. Sm w Hum- Plum Mm - waslunnmweommmmy. ~ Programlilts anapflicfllmmmfley. ~ um um menu ohm: addresses Internet mm angina snafu applcaflwname by. mm will need In specify. mg imam Keys dialug Ixx has a dmerent layout when mm is muse". qn—[r-fln— pi. Jug-[sir n.---....-,.._--~ ; Mymafldtzmsmme «madman m mayo-gm whiz-sauna monkey-um mm mm . . é “hum/US Pngei Tundllemel. I999 ms! AM —4>lo_ 5. Emr "10th m the web flu, PerM. or menu. ~ websll-JmmusemeMMMWsrmelncznunbmom-ewqhedxmmxmm mmwmrmbmrlllltismalm’flymwwmnawigammmdmdsk.5\t=ra namefcnheunminmmmmmtzrmwdflmhmmwm - ProgramUselfiearwvsebunmumermLflmbflmfinflmwiflfimlmam'flm applicamninmmmhogwmmwafilepmmmewaflmm. - Mom]. Chck the Add bunm nan-spay szmu mm dalug bu. Enter xmorrmm mmisdidng box, as mam: below, mmmmnmfl A (nun-mouth! * h; r— press-gum” uunmmemmu lufifimflv’wy mm mu apphczm '£mermmm mm nrflem crewman mum — m mama/um b m we web m a apumm Men spam m mmzmmsxynuun mmgilfin mane-mum m,ammmece.presxcmuum wmuywu immwmwkg‘mefikww mmmmammmammamnmmmm. a Cllck max hxmnn to me your cow-gene «rumour entries or m mak changes «a your mum It}! all wartime. mmmmps I- S. Mslgnlng : web Sine no In unmet Kay Qulckw You can fish assign a web mg mn nmw key mu surfing the Net. 1. while logy-4 on m H: Internet, “wig-ans the M an m vmldl yw wanna “sign In n'ouch key. 2 Affirm MEI-Id!“ the deslred “in. Ff.“ cm. "H I’l- I'lblldl luv M trembnlng. Forweermrare-wgnmmwmqmsmwmwmmuyflmmm Using the Multimedia Keys Mmmstmdem'cmmieflsmndboadevmafl m‘mmwmmiakys, FI-yn’lm Pm; the cum Damn play. SUP- Stow WV- mvnws mm Phys me pm an NmTflm flays we next trai- . Mm Mm mm whim: I7] 3 mm 3mm. valume lip. Immises mm! wlume. vol-um Down. Beams sound mime, ’ {émswus mp4 MyJuuum 10.58AM $1. The match" Software Mam! Whack on ymr mean for and» Mme Watkins, Using the Suspend Key 3 Acummws'shutbmdidng bu.memanmmrmmmmmmsmxmwmm, Getting Mdluonll lMommion about the "half Keys Amlawmmmmawxa‘mwu mus“?! w'nMWubme. I. mmwmmmmmmwmflmmflm 2. m the up, yuu mm Inform-nan mm; am. sick ~v- In the dialog but am dim-n. 3. laden. hip pineflutnpm Youmalsoomwwmmmmflwmnfinmwcfidmgahfiobymufiwmenmmmmg awamhleckmng u: help inldyh m Lngltem me pmgram gmuwo msthe Lowm French mumgwmmmm Tmmflzmmwnm.mwp, Using Your Cordless Wheel Mouse Youwd‘ssmxermamdmhmbmasamdinduam Tom.mflymwemewhell. Tnusememlibammmmeh‘mxmwimjmem. Menu om Mum tau-mm saomng with the coral-- Wheel Mouse in mmm' 951m nduws' sa/vwndm m' 4.0 Mm m: commune um,” can scrofl boxhvemnmam huuwrallymdyou cmzoom W “stable to find not move an»: walling and memmg w-h ynur cordless weal mom. rm what 15 m um» Do m Wheelmun uuwheel kmllhrplvcise up and Tune" up,mm=wht¢lfblwlmzwsaoll dmmmfm dummmlmwfieelbank ”Grimm 5am Um Hcrhonql 5m“ m Wmaows' _ when mml and mmnmmwm 95mm smmmm-mm npminzwindmwwmedfllnfl 4.0111sz naturism-mum Shmlwysonywrkqmalmmmnmeme Immenzvy honmmzl won bars mouse wheel hrwam to non me mm the "Mamammm mounwheel mummmsuonngmnm vertical mu ban a: mum. xllwry move me mom wind in soon mnmmny. Zoom uu 2mm an army mgnuy or Place me culsur in an appnuuen m I: umgmymmofuaxumm Mloosokommwcunuhmnsuw hold inan lppfimlanflwusupwmk mettflkeymme magnum-mm in, move the wired forward: a» zoom out. m we mul bldwafls. Using the MouseWare’ Software in winum' sswvlndm' sslwindowx m’ 440 Ybur mmlzss meal mouse cm wm the Mousmm' scfiwire‘ which mm; 1mm in: making bum-m asignmemumnudllng um mm. and mpng up me mouse. mm the Mow-um doubledldflm mamelmn anthem-“1m: Ynstbar. nrmrt MounVnnfn-mnfl-eCuv-ml ml. The Mouse Propenies tabs arrow, as shown (mow. Choose from (P: avalanle upmns m at up the mag. Modlfitx mmvmouemrm mmmmmmm mun a mm—fi‘nh- m- ._|-._|__|u_|n..fl———msmmmn m .. .... _-j- Smlmflmr "um-W—nnum Mmmmnmmn Inn—- memwtwnm mmwumtwam ...; minimum-cum "mum—m” ‘—_ mm mm “WM-ems g i é TstEN/US Paps TusdAyJuntLI999 10:53AM f“. choosing options for the Cotdlss Wheel Mm Need Mp mommg calms? m m Mouse Wrard show yw how. we begin, guy so the Mouse mum. roan mis, emblem m: muse-zmhmew-mws nmwmmmmmukmp lab on Device Sam, men fnbw the 0mm mmms. Flndlng 0m: what Is AllIgM In an Manse 5mm By default, the noun buttons are axlgneu van‘ms uieful imam-115, sum as Duck/Select, Ausoscmu, Contact Mum/Alma: sum, owlescilck. etc. Using me Mm tab of me Mane Pmpemes. M an change me bum semngs at your mum and configure m. mam whzel. (ma no the (tyre w the signs.) mm The mung comm Menu/Amman! Select prwides mun-u shortcutstu speed up mmmm tasks, sum as cut and past. to mange human assvgnmenrs. dd: the dam mm m select a mmnmamewarammmnwnm assigned to Clidrlselecl.) clad the m am under Sawing Size to mom me amount at mumng “sum: the means mxmlllng In nlafimm M Mild! you lumen-euro" wheel click the caucus bum to specify mugs hr AutoScml. Cybeuurm . Hypermmp and dwb‘edid: tilting. For more Newman, M the Help button. min; the Cordless m Access the vwndmvs Ken/bum Pmpm‘zs tabs by gluing sun on the Winduws hikbar. idiuwed by Semrgs, (bum)! Pavia. then mom. To msptay the page sham, click the Mia! tab. 71: Cordless us: sums “my level fume keyboard (alkaines only). mu allows ym to mm mm on me vwmsm mam fur the keyboard and (maps Lock. Num Luck and Scull um D/chcin’ng the comma-ammo arms: the softwammhdp you eslaflim cmim‘nn between the mom and five mew. Battery w-rlflng - Impnrnntl mnbmenpmislvulunxemwsemkybnam,p= Mausewilt mum aisplavxg smug be: merde 95. WNW; Qfl‘andW1muwst an suggeseng mm mm m: mm. A “gum the recesses wil also um mp is me nnlyvafisgywullmmflmuamumgmmm 1m Dm,nhmwmwmtmnmmatg=bammesmdwgemmlovmemousgmktyburflmm same m wwflmizc mums. when rephelng me bunnies. use allahnes m ritzy/use omev battery types. Butda netmntmemwim alkalines. Mammal mebatttvylevel imwwmmmnxm Mme Keybnad Properties or the Mouse "memes isalibmzd tor ale-um mam m" not gm an amuse inductors m balmy life for batteries om than altahnes. é’fiaws m1 Tuesquune mm 10:55 AM _0 man all used batteries mm 11: me battery mmhmfler‘s mun-mum name are when run-dung mienwnm M1515 a! nimsemneymay mlwe or week. mmg bums m pawn! Injury. Dom: open a battery or urine. aspen at m a me, amuse to heat mm an" F (100°C), nmmevsein men Inna! Mammogram mamas.unasmgsmacelensamlzygmsmmamwm hwmwmflwkimmvmnmwmtuswwmcmsxmefuwperbdsdfim, mmmmmmmmadwpmnmmmmmm uuug me mules Dump loans on me Window; mum Vania): Cnldless pm we appear an the Viflmws'fislrbafi'mese imns Me mime inhmwfion am the comm am. me made u some (0ku m display mum and mm. pmpefly measirymd Wlwcmllmrm mmwmwmlmmmmmwmmiflm-mmmwfy 0pm. sands"! Itybwdfunabnsare ntsu oomflurmy dlwlayedunmeTaskbar, Mud! grvemesmmsnmum mwmamwm.whenmm$¢akryboambatmrypowensbw.awamingmflawflrxmlet mmmnkumwmmm banensAWhenmryw mmmbamfiesmngwamwmam mmmhmflmekzwwdindmmlmwfimflwbfitpemm Using the Canines Wheel Mouse In WIndnws' 3.“ much the uwseWare‘ ”an loam m me mgnem'MuuseWa-e group mm (or in me vwmm cwu M.Mmmanilab\eoptmmmnfiqum mewhgimouse. mum mums zoo-unwe- as cybmnnp mu Nypmump famine-s. m not suppumd In mm 111. The Mons-11m; Comml Center in wmdm‘ 3.1x a"! wwmm a m nmse Mes am"! up MM mm: m «nun mmm wmn tummy mummies Mlusu mmrweea mm mm mum In mi: "mm! Cursor snn-nmm in Mnm‘ 11x Uxe "E Cursor Enhancement dialog box I'D cuflnmixe me cum. 7b fiwb/ lhe didog Dun dldt Ire Cursor bum m (he Mouse Control (em. mm mm cww mm a: me mueo _ cum me mm "x. mm" m we cumr 0.— Sets mm! me Imesrrfl mun-mm: ‘Dfllmmmwmmm ”mummifimxmmhlfie. nuuon Assignments In Windows“ 11x mmmgmwwu nmmxmm musmmmwmm met-mix? Sena-mmmmucmhge mummm- «nonhuman-enema“ mam mummmowmmm alums mummmmmpmn muons mmmmmm mum sunny Home?! almyuu m assign Mnmsmmmnbmsmflmflbfimmwmm. mmas Denmark, Drigwck‘ sumo a smglebutmn dammit“ bum mgnmenttervwmrysaym cm use an ammmmfic immune, was (he Comm! layman dud-mg me hum» m be Gunmen Malnnlning the Cordless wheel Mouse n ma cursm skips u mm: “homily. dean the ball nfynur mum 1. unmummmnngmmmnuonmmn mm mm pm: In an nmmn m the Open am unpnnned on me mun-mung our. 2. wupefin ml with: man. llnt-h‘e doth. men blow wnlmmmn-uagzm dblodgadnnmdlnt. Lookfur a bum-up own an me rubbzrmllefls) inside me ball-age. 3. traumas-m: rdkrm uflnglmmnnnbm Ilantfyvmh unpmpyl (ml-Hug) mum Anewdmmg. mane sum thevollevts) are m4! termed inn-w channels. Md! mam fiufl 0mm the swab 15 not led! onme numb). 4. Manama Ilndrfizlngrrlng. ...,.m_@ é him/US Pups Tuwaul-e I. 1999 10.58 AM _Q 4?” Troublahooting file Cordless Keyboard and Mouse The COMES Mulls! or Klybolrd Does Not Wm‘k sitar lnslzlhfinn - Mahmmmmemmflm mmmmly.mrecemramwemmnu (Wsmnm pmonenalpm. Mupfimll mnnpmm MIMI! mntlnmscrmumim may (rem on male-l 3mm, men as mmmpuur. m. mmpm mnnlmr. or mml mug-s arlm - Make sum you have lnslalled the banlerles comfy. - Blahiishmmmuliulioflmemmrmhmmdwvmmwnwmnw memeim,mnpmsmemnnq{b\mmumermmstamunmerlgmsmaflmltmzd. 7‘ - "mammfmgonamu-cmrfammymgammmammgmleeewmmmlmm mtepmn. The Cordlen Manse or Keybnrd I: Not Demand - Male me me renew cable Ii plugged ma ma Pslz "nus: pm or serl-l part. no not plug w unplug m neelver able mul- m campus I! mull-lg - Male sure the P512 muse pm or senal pun has (he mmgumtm. ne'er a: your mmpuner duwmmtzflm fur me when pm mlmgumion. - vou may have other system rim; that mmlln with me mouse and keybone. Mme Ire/amass setmgsm‘meszdevlm lumflmm mange m Mingus mulled. mmrmmvmr documemzfion m male mes: changes, mmmmmwmmmmmmmmingmm ummmlammemmmmnsnlleannmmmmanaginalmrmOe.Mmay almmdmremthmnummmmmflammrflmTomlfls‘wefll-TE commonmule1mmmmmanmlmmnmmmmmurmmcrmmsmm Mnghlslde smile/beard. The Screen CIIrWr Dos Nu Mm Properly on the sum Clam In: muse ball ma ldltvlsjfiychflanmwifianntmelacmfiispmlhlemmmmrm betwhvnommemuseormeccmpumrmmdmalargemeulobkclmuybeimflsingwm mmrsmlo mpfianleJne "ms! mm; magnum ammugmmmmls as “Mamvmmdmw wre-embfishmecmcfimbuweenmemxmnmmiudu mls. pmnmwmwmnmm recelvenmen pressmeamml mum m: mum. u'memoux. 4A. 17m 7" - Logitech Addresses and Phone Numbers’ “a: , x WIRING!) Wm B ‘!|MW243HI7 m 0 mammals: Unb- anmun mums 0 dawns-on nun-m a maximum run-u M-Gflfium 0 «moves-wt Mm 0 ¢32|flp625l950 Ill—um mm mum-w o «mums o ususussn mural-mum mzmm meme-mm“ mm! 0 49W§SZDR|ES E «amazes: mucus-nun D-mmm Emma ”Heme-1M 0 cum-375135: a «manna I“ E0154. “elm“?!- i-msm ht: murmur-gum 0 mum-41523"; 0 033M|4382M14 mama-nun. ”scum mm mwwml o Amalgam r-n a mwmum m Sl-Dm mmm) laymen avian-W H4“. nah Woman- 0 vM15|$2 5 OWZMW’H mmmn mama-mum mm M Mum “ailmmfi D «JENSBZZE‘M 0 uzlwsmzzua mum mssanm Misuse/Sm mm o n ~momlsasuo c n «mm-535m mmnswlmr-u CM'W’MW e r ummmsaaa o r mom-sum OI 0057121105450 0 I MHW‘WS‘Q mamuwmmlflm mmnn c usmsswmw m. o nstmbswszum x... lamina-mum S~|4nsnmmm c «manual-n ~---, 0 mmzssmes w o gamma“ m a: qsmpenmon m.- Ut'fir! MMCMANW 0 manna-mm: “WHHJO'M m "A” m, awn my. 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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2001:06:14 18:33:56 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows Author : jsoscia Title : 50359.pdf Modify Date : 2001:06:14 18:34:02-04:00 Page Count : 13EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools