Luxul Wireless XWR3100 Dual-Band AC3100 Gigabit Router User Manual Statements

Luxul Wireless Dual-Band AC3100 Gigabit Router Statements


User Manual (Statements)

Fold Fold Fold
FCC Compliance
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
FCC Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment
does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be deter-
mined by turning the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one of the following measures:
X Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
X Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
X Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit dierent from that to which the
receiver is connected.
X Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Refer to included Quick Installation Guide for device-specific FCC Class information.
FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsi-
ble for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
XThis transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other
antenna or transmitter.
XFor operation within 5.15 ~ 5.25GHz frequency range, it is restricted to indoor
Radiation Exposure Statement
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncon-
trolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum
distance of 38cm between the radiator & your body.
Note: The country code selection is for non-US model only and is not available to all
US model. Per FCC regulation, all WiFi products marketed in US must be fixed to US
operational channels only.
The device complies with internationally-recognized standards covering human expo-
sure to electromagnetic fields from radio devices. This equipment also complies with
FCC radiation exposure set forth for an uncontrolled environment. In order to avoid
the possibility of exceeding the FCC radio frequency exposure limits, human proximity
to the antenna shall not be less than 38cm (15 in) during normal operation.
Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or attachments could cause damage and
may violate regulatory approvals. Any changes or modifications not expressly
approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the authority to
operate the equipment.
Luxul equipment marketed in the U.S. is restricted to usage of channels 1-11 only for
2.4GHz and channels 36-48/149-165 for 5GHz.
Warnings and Safety Information
XEnsure that the electrical circuits have appropriate grounding,
overload and surge protection.
XAttach only approved power cords to the device.
XVerify there is adequate ventilation around the device, and that ambient
temperatures meet equipment operation specifications.
XDO NOT install in or near hot or humid places, such as a kitchen or bathroom.
Take care to minimize exposure to excessive heat or moisture.
XSmall parts and plastic bags used for packaging may be harmful to small children.
Frequency/Band Information
Channel Frequency (MHz) US (FCC) Europe (ETSI)*
2.4GHz Band
12412  
22417  
32422  
42427  
52432  
62437  
72442  
82447  
92452  
10 2457  
11 2462  
12 2467
13 2472
5GHz Band
36 5180  
40 5200  
44 5220  
48 5240  
149 5745
153 5765
157 5785
161 5805
165 5825
* On the European version of this product the maximum output power is
19.97dBm on frequencies 2412-2472MHz and 22.98dBm on frequencies 5180-5240MHz.
©2016 Luxul. All Rights Reserved.
The name Luxul, the Luxul logo, the Luxul logo mark and Simply Connected are all trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of Luxul Wireless, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective holders.
This documentation contains regulatory compliance and safety information. No part of this publication, or any other
publication may be modified or adapted in any way, for any purposes without written permission from Luxul.
14203 Minuteman Drive, Suite 201
Draper, UT 84020-7211
Last Update:
Dual-Band AC3100 Gigabit Router
2.4GHZ & 5GHZ 802.11B/G/N/AC
Fold Fold Fold
XThis product may become hot when in use for extended time periods. This is
normal and is not a malfunction. DO NOT install where it will be exposed to
paper, cloth or other flammable materials.
XOperation within the 5.15-5.25GHz frequency range is restricted to indoor use.
Health and Safety Recommendations
Warnings for the use of Wireless Devices: Please observe all warning notices with
regard to the use of wireless devices
Potentially Hazardous Atmospheres: You are reminded of the need to observe
restrictions on the use of radio devices in fuel depots, chemical plants, and other
similar areas where the air contains chemicals or particles (such as grain, dust, or
metal powders).
Safety in Hospitals: Wireless devices transmit radio frequency energy and may
aect medical electrical equipment. When installed adjacent to other equipment, it
is advised to verify that the adjacent equipment is not adversely aected.
RF Exposure Guidelines
Safety Information: The device complies with internationally-recognized standards
covering human exposure to electromagnetic fields from radio devices.
Warning: Exposure to Radio Frequency (RF) Radiation:
The radiated output of this device is below FCC radio frequency exposure limits.
Nevertheless, the device should be used in such a manner that the potential for
human contact during normal operation is minimized.
XThe end user must avoid any extended human RF exposure directly in front of the
device, up to a distance of 38cm, when the unit is on.
XWhen servicing the equipment and selecting a location for the antennas, it
is important to note that a minimum distance of 38cm is required between
personnel and the device or antenna, to comply with radio frequency
exposure limits.
XThe antenna used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation
distance of at least 38cm from all persons and must not be co-located or
operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
The following safety precautions should be observed:
XDo not touch or move the antenna while the unit is transmitting or receiving.
XDo not hold any component containing the radio such that the antenna is very
close or touching any exposed parts of the body, especially the face or eyes,
while transmitting.
XDo not operate the radio or attempt to transmit data unless the antenna is connected;
this behavior may cause damage to the radio.
ErP Statement
The purpose of this product is to create a constant network connection for your devices.
It does not have a standby mode or use a power management mode. If you wish to power
down this product, please unplug it from the power socket.
Industry Canada
This device complies with RSS-247 of the Industry Canada Rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
Ce dispositif est conforme à la norme CNR-247 d’Industrie Canada applicable aux appareils
radio exempts de licence. Son fonctionnement est sujet aux deux conditions suivantes:
(1) le dispositif ne doit pas produire de brouillage préjudiciable, et (2) ce dispositif doit
accepter tout brouillage reçu, y compris un brouillage susceptible de provoquer un
fonctionnement indésirable.
(i) the device for operation in the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor use to reduce the
potential for harmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems;
(ii) the maximum antenna gain permitted for devices in the band 5725-5850 MHz shall be
such that the equipment still complies with the e.i.r.p. limits specified for point-to-point
and non-point-to-point operation as appropriate.
(i) les dispositifs fonctionnant dans la bande 5150-5250 MHz sont réservés uniquement
pour une utilisation à l’intérieur afin de réduire les risques de brouillage préjudiciable aux
systèmes de satellites mobiles utilisant les mêmes canaux;
(ii) le gain maximal d’antenne permis (pour les dispositifs utilisant la bande de 5725 à 5850
MHz) doit être conforme à la limite de la p.i.r.e. spécifiée pour l’exploitation point à point
et l’exploitation non point à point, selon le cas
Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance
38cm between the radiator & your body.
Déclaration d’exposition aux radiations:
Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d’exposition aux rayonnements IC établies
pour un environnement non contrôlé. Cet équipement doit être installé et utilisé avec un
minimum de 38 cm de distance entre la source de rayonnement et votre corps.
Detachable Antenna Usage
This radio transmitter (IC: 8584A-XWR3100 / Model:
XWR-3100) has been approved by ISED to operate
with the antenna type listed below with maximum
permissible gain indicated. Antenna types not includ-
ed in this list, having a gain greater than the maximum
gain indicated for that type, are strictly prohibited for
use with this device.
Le présent émetteur radio (IC: 8584A-XWR3100 /
Model: XWR-3100) a été approuvé par ISED pour
fonctionner avec les types d’antenne énumérés ci-dessous et ayant un gain admissible
maximal. Les types d’antenne non inclus dans cette liste, et dont le gain est supérieur au
gain maximal indiqué, sont strictement interdits pour l’exploitation de l’émetteur. CAN
ICES-3( )/NMB-3( )
Simplified EU declaration of conformity
Hereby, Luxul declares that the radio equipment type is in compliance
with Directive 2014/53/EU.
The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet
Le soussigné, Luxul, déclare que l’équipement radioélectrique du type est
conforme à la directive 2014/53/UE.
Le texte complet de la déclaration UE de conformité est disponible à l’adresse internet
Hiermit erklärt Luxul, dass der Funkanlagentyp der Richtlinie 2014/53/EU
Der vollständige Text der EU-Konformitätserklärung ist unter der folgenden
Internetadresse verfügbar:
Hierbij verklaar ik, Luxul, dat het type radioapparatuur conform is met
Richtlijn 2014/53/EU.
De volledige tekst van de EU-conformiteitsverklaring kan worden geraadpleegd op het
volgende internetadres:
Approved antenna(s) list
Type Gain
Dipole 3.88 2.4~2.4835GHz
3.62 5.15~5.25GHz
2.9 5.25~5.35GHz
2.34 5.47~5.850GHz

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