
Users Manual

Page 1 of 34Handheldtt8350LSAUser manualRelease Sept. 2009 - Version 1.0Technical modification without prior notice
Page 2 of 34Table of Content1 Safety precautions..........................................................................42 Getting started................................................................................82.1 Battery....................................................................................8Installing the battery.......................................................................8Charging the battery.......................................................................8Removing and replacing the battery ..............................................92.2 Hand strap..............................................................................92.3 Starting the mobile computer.................................................9Switch ON/OFF .............................................................................9Touch screen and Stylus...............................................................10Calibration window......................................................................10Keyboard......................................................................................11Desktop window with taskbar icons and buttons.........................112.4 Reset.....................................................................................133 Settings - Control Panel ...............................................................133.1 Brightness ............................................................................133.2 Button assignment................................................................133.3 Certificates ........................................................................... 143.4 Date/Time ............................................................................143.5 Display.................................................................................153.6 Keyboard..............................................................................153.7 Mouse...................................................................................153.8 Owner...................................................................................153.9 Password ..............................................................................163.10 PC Connection .....................................................................163.11 Power ...................................................................................163.12 Regional Settings .................................................................173.13 Remove Programs................................................................183.14 Storage Manager..................................................................183.15 Stylus....................................................................................193.16 System..................................................................................193.17 System Information..............................................................203.18 TTN Device tt8XXX............................................................213.19 Sounds..................................................................................23
Page 3 of 343.20 Volume & Sounds................................................................234 Communication............................................................................244.1 Infrared (IrDA).....................................................................244.2 USB and ActiveSync ...........................................................245 Scanning.......................................................................................265.1 Scanning process..................................................................265.2 Scanning position.................................................................266 Printing.........................................................................................276.1 Printing via Infrared.............................................................277 Additional Programs....................................................................287.1 MagicKey.............................................................................287.2 Camera.................................................................................288 Technical features........................................................................319 Special hints.................................................................................3210 FCC Information to the User ...................................................33
Page 4 of 34!1 Safety precautionsWe thank you for the confidence you put in the t+t netcom´s industry handheld series.Before starting1 - Check the packing of the handheld at its delivery. If you notice any damages dueto the transport, immediately inform your dealer and send the handheld back tohim.2 - Check the whole delivery according to your order.3 - Start up the device by carrying out the instructions described on the next pages.The warranty does not apply in case of damages due to the shipping of the!industry PDA in an inappropriate packing and/or due to interventions byoutsiders.Following indications have to be respected as well:●Do not immerse into water●Working temperature -10° up to +55° CExposing the handheld to too strong temperature differences could cause theforming of condensation on the device.Softwaret+t netcom recommend to install the software applications using a SD/MMC!card and to keep it on the card, so that it remains available at any time.Read the following safety precautions carefully before using the handheld for the first time.Markings and symbolsThe following are the meanings of markings and symbols used in these safety precautionsto warn you against the possibility of personal injury and/or material damage or loss to youand others.
Safety precautionsPage 5 of 34●!This symbol indicates information that, if ignored or appliedincorrectly, creates the danger of death or seriouspersonal injury.This symbol indicates information that, if ignored or appliedincorrectly, can create serious personal injury ormaterial damage.A circle with a diagonal line indicates something you shouldnot do.Supplied Lithium-Polymer battery●Never allow the battery to become wet with either fresh or salt water. Watercan create the danger of battery heat emission, explosion and fire.●Never use or leave the battery next to open flame, near a stove or any otherarea exposed to high heat. Doing so creates the danger of battery heat emis-sion, explosion and fire.●Never use the battery with any device other than the handheld. Doing so cre-ates the danger of battery heat emission, explosion and fire.●Never dispose of the battery by incinerating it or otherwise exposeit toheat.Doing so creates the danger of battery heat emission,explosionand fire.●Never allow the battery to become connected (shorted) by metal. Doing socreates the danger of battery heat emission, explosion and fire.●Never try to take apart the battery or modify it in any way. Doing so creates thedanger of battery heat emission, explosion and fire.Use only the specified power supply to charge the battery. The use of anothertype of power supply creates the danger of battery heat emission, explosionand fire.●Depending on the version of tt8000, the handheld may be equippedwith a LASER SCANNER CLASS 2. DO NOT STARE INTO THE BEAM!
Page 6 of 34!Caution!Disassembly and modification●Never try to disassemble the handheld in any way. This would break the war-ranty seal and void the warranty. Only removing the battery case and topcap(as described in this manual) has no impact on the warrantty
Page 7 of 34!!!!Caution!AC Power supply●Do not use the power supply at a voltage other than the specified voltage ofAC 100-240V. Also do not connect it to a multi-plug strip. Doing so may causedanger of fire and electric shock.●Avoid conditions that may cause damages or breaks in the power supply ca-ble. Do not place heavy objects on it and keep it away from heat sources. Anyof these conditions may cause danger of fire and electric shock.●Never modify, sharply bend, twist or pull on the power supply cable. Doing somay cause danger of fire and electric shock.●Use only the power supply delivered with the handheld. The use of any otherpower supply may cause danger of fire and electric shock.●Should the power supply cable become severely damaged (wires exposed orbroken), contact your original dealer for repair or replacement. The use of adamaged electric cable may cause danger of fire and electric shock.Battery handling●Misuse of batteries can cause them to leak, which damages and corrodes thearea around the battery and creates the danger of fire and personal injury. Besure to observe the following precaution:●use only the battery types specified for the handhelds.Backup copies of all data●Note that t+t netcom AG shall not be held liable to you or any third party forany damage or loss caused by deletion or corruption of data due to use of thehandheld, malfunction or repair of the handheld or its peripherals or due tobattery going dead.●The handheld uses electronic memory to store data, which means thatmemory contents can be corrupted or deleted if power is interrupted due tobattery going dead or incorrect battery replacement procedures. Data cannotbe recovered once lost or corrupted. Be sure to make backup copies of alldata regularly.
Page 8 of 34!2 Getting started2.1 BatteryThe handhelds are powered by a rechargeable lithium-polymer battery.Charge the battery for 16 hours without any interruption before using it for the first time.Do not charge the handheld overnight in the car at minus temperatures,this would damage the battery. Also, do not leave any  handheld with 25%or less battery charge in the car overnight at minus temperatures, thiswould make the batteryto go flat quicker than normal or lead to a total discharge of the battery.Installing the batteryUnscrew the 4 screws of the battery case and remove the battery cover.Make sure that the 4 contacts of the battery and battery case face each other and insert thebattery.Screw the battery cover back again.Charging the batteryThe lithium-polymer battery is the main power supply of the handheld and provides powerfor normal operations and memory backup. Any battery, so also the one from t+t netcom,will provide full capacity after minimum 4 to 5 charge/discharge cycles.A handheld with a battery almost empty (25% or less) should not be left over the weekendin this condition.This may cause loss of data in the memory.Be sure that the battery is inside. Plug in the connector of the synchronization cable to thehandheld (picture 3). Be sure to hold it by the top and the bottom (picture 4). Slightly pull onthe connector to check if it is correctly fixed.Connect  the  cable  of  the  power  supply  to  the  corresponding  connector  of  thesynchronization cable (picture 5).Connect the line cord to the power supply. Plug in the line cord to the power outlet. Thebattery is now being charged and the red light is on (picture 6-A). As soon as the batteryhas been fully charged (the green light is on - picture 6-B), remove the power supply fromthe power outlet and the synchronization cable. Remove the connector from the handheldby pressing both sides simultaneously (picture 7).
Page 9 of 34Removing and replacing the batteryAttach the power supply to the Honda connector.Turn OFF the handheld by using the ON/OFF key.Unscrew the 4 screws of the battery case and remove the battery cover (picture 1).Remove the batterybyusing the notch (picture8)and insertanew one.Screw the battery cover back again.Detach the power supply from the Honda connector (or leave it if the new battery is not fullycharged, notified by green LED).2.2 Hand strapIf necessary, you can fix the hand strap  (pictures 19-20-21). The hand strap is to befixed at the back of the handheld and can be used also in combination with thebackpack (additional device).2.3 Starting the mobile computerSwitch ON/OFFTo switch ON/OFF the handheld, briefly and slightly press the ON/OFF keyOnce the handheld has been switched ON, do not try to shut it downwithin the next 20 seconds. The following window would appear (picture22).Caution! Depending on the settings, the handhelds automatically switch OFF thedisplay and keyboard backlight. BUT THE COMPUTER IS NOT SWITCHED OFF,ALL FUNCTIONS REMAIN ACTIVE AND POWER IS STILL BEING USED. SeeSettings - Power on page GB-20 to define new  power settings.The handheld has the following settings at delivery:!Screen + Keyboard backlight ONAutomatically Switch OFFBattery scheme ACPowerschemeIdle ModeSuspend Modett8XXX after 5 min Nevertt8XXX after 5 min NeverTo change the settings, see Settings - Control Panel - 3.17 Power - page GB-19
Page 10 of 34Touch screen and StylusThe high-contrast, non-reflective color display of the touch screen is clearly legible.To operate the touch screen, use only the stylus, which is located in the hand strap.Hold the stylus longer on an icon to have it run like a right mouse key (picture 23).!Never use any sharp pens or objects!Calibration windowThe calibration window appears automatically after the firmware upgrade or when selecting„Set Registry Default“ or „Set Factory Default“ in Settings -> Control Panel -> TTN Device-> SetDefault Tab.In addition, the calibration can be initiated manually by selecting Settings -> Control Panel-> Stylus.Remove the stylus from the hand strap.Carefullytip andbrieflyhold thestyluson thecenterof thecalibration screentarget(picture24).Repeattheprocedureas the cross moves and stops around the screen, until no cross appearsany more.Tip then in the middle of the window.
Getting startedPage 11 of 34KeyboardThe keyboard of the handheld is by default automatically backlighted, as soon as thepower key has been turned ON.Short key to start scanning processIn non-scanning mode, keys to move insidethe desktop or a text  (left and right, up anddown)4 free programmable function keys, usedfor setting various program functionsKey used for turning the power ON/OFFKey used to delete previous inputKey used to confirm input and go to thenext stepNumerical keys, used for input ofnumbers, signs and letters(depending on application)Desktop window with taskbar icons and buttonsBy carrying out the last step of the calibration process, you get to the main menu and theWindows®desktop window appears.Start Button Power status KeyboardInput PanelWindow title Time DesktopDisplay
Getting startedPage 12 of 34Indicates thatpowerIndicates that theStart button. Click to launch the StarIndicates thatIndicates that thTime dist menu:Access to available ProgramsFiles display in Favorites directoryFiles display in Documents directoryAccess to Control Panel / Network and Dial-up Connections /Taskbar and Start menuAccess to Windows CE HelpRunning a program or applicatione battery is lowthe battery is chargingthe battery is fully charged and the handheld is running on externalActiveSync application - for connection to a PC - is runningplay icon. Click to launch the date/time propertiesKeyboard Input Panel display button. Click to display the Keyboard Input PanelKeyboard Input Panel hide button. Click to hide the Keyboard Input PanelCapital letters of keyboard input panelDesktop display button. Click to switch between active applicationMagicKey application iconttscan application icon
Page 13 of 342.4 ResetFor a soft „Reset“, press the button at the back of the device by using a pen or the stylus(picture 25).For a „Hard reset“, press the Reset button at the same time as the ON/OFF key.3 Settings - Control PanelThis chapter provides basic instructions for customizing the mobile computer by adjustingsettings. The system settings are accessed from the Windows CE Control Panel menu.To view available options for the settings, select Start - Settings - Control Panel (picture 26)The Control Panel window opens and lists all files that can be configured (picture 27).„View“ enables to change the display of the Control Panel (pictures 28 and 29): from smallto large icons, display details, arrange icons by name or description.3.1 BrightnessBrightness is used to adjust the brightness of the display (picture 30).Move the slider to the left to make it darker.!the right to make it brighter.The brighter the display, the higher the power consumption!The keypad can also be lightened.Tick the checkbox to have it lightened.Remove the mark to have it unlightened.Confirm with or click to exit without saving the new entries.3.2 Button assignmentButton assignment is used to assign a function to each of the 4 function keys (F1 to F4).Proceed as follows to configure each function key according to your needs:Click the button (picture 31) to browse the content of the file directories and display theinput panel (picture 32).Select the application from the file directories or type it with the input panel. Make sure thatthe selected file is an .exe file format.
Page   of 3414According to the program you want to open, do not forget to switch the correspon-ding button from Launch Application to Send Key Code.Confirm with or click to exit without saving the new entries.3.3 Certificates!This part is specially for the system administrator.Certificates are used by some applications for establishing trust and for secure communi-cations. They are signed and issued by certificate authorities and are valid for a prescribedperiod of time.Select the certificate group (from the drop-down list) to be viewed or modified (picture 33):●The „Trusted Authorities“ store lists the top-level certificates for trusted authorities.●The „My Certificates“ store contains the personal certificates, which are used for identifi-cation.●The „Other Authorities“ store lists intermediate certificate authorities that help establish achain of trust.Add a certificate or associated private key.Display more details of the selected certificate.Delete a certificate.Confirm with or click to exit without saving the new entries.3.4 Date/TimeDate/TimePropertiesis used to change the date, time and time zone information (picture35). Use the left/right arrows to select the month and the up/down arrows to select theyear. Click the date to select it.Click to highlight the hours, minutes or seconds entry.Click the up or down arrows to increment the highlighted value.Select the appropriate time zone from the Time Zone drop down list.Confirm with or or click to exit without saving the new entries.
Page 15 of 343.5 DisplayDisplay Properties window is used to customize or change the desktop background imageand appearance.Background Tab (picture 38)Select the desktop image from the drop-down list of the „Image“ field. To get an image fromanother folder, click Browse.To have the image cover the entire background, select  „Tile image on background“.Confirm with to save the new entries or click to exit without saving the new entries.Appearance Tab (picture 39)Select the appearance scheme from the drop-down list of the „Scheme“ fieldSelect the color scheme item from the „Item“ drop-down list. View the choice inthe preview box and click to valid.3.6 KeyboardKeyboard Properties is used to change the keyboard repeat rate and delay.Click the Enable repeat sequence check box (picture 45).Move the Repeat delay slider to change the repeat delay time or use the arrows.Move the Repeat rate slider to change the repeat rate or use the arrows.Confirm with to apply the changes or click to exit without saving the new entries.3.7 MouseThe mouse properties will be carried out by the stylus (see Stylus on page GB-21).3.8 OwnerOwner Properties window is used to enter the owner information. The information can bedisplayed when the mobile computer is turned on.Identification Tab (picture 46)
Page   of 3416Fill in or edit the owner information.Select the Display Owner Identification check box to display this information when the mobilecomputer starts.Notes TabEnter information in the Notes box to add more details if requested.Select Display owner notes box to include this information on the startup display.Network ID Tab (picture 47)Select the Network ID tab to setup identification for remote networks and enter the username, password and domain name used to log on to the remote network.Confirm with to apply changes or click to exit without saving the new entries.3.9 PasswordPassword Properties is used to set up a password for the handheld (picture 48).To enter the password in the „Password“ field: open the keyboard input panel, click then inthe password field and enter the password using the keyboard input panel.Select „Enable password protection at power-on“ in order to be asked for the password whenstarting the handheld.Select „Enable password protection for screen-saver“ in order to be asked for the passwordwhen exiting the screen-saver program.Confirm with to apply changes or click to exit without saving the new entries.3.10PC ConnectionPC Connection Properties window is used to set the mobile computer communication withthe host computer.Select „Enable direct connections to the desktop computer“ to allow for direct connections.Select „Change Connection“ to change the selection.Select the connection type from the drop-down list (picture 50).Click then to exit the Change Connection window.Confirm with to apply the changes or click to exit without saving the new entries.3.11Power
Page 17 of 34!Power Properties are used to view and set the power parameters.Battery Tab (pictures 51 and 52)This window gives information about- actually used power source - battery or external (picture 51)- status of main battery- status of secondary battery (picture 52 - battery of Powerscan - only for tt8000)Schemes Tab (pictures 53 and 54)This window enables to setup the stand-by and suspend parameters.Select the power source from the drop-down list of the Power Scheme field.Setup the duration of both fields Switch state to User IdleSwitch state to Suspend.Confirm with to apply changes or click to exit without saving the new entries.To keep all COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS AVAILABLE the Suspend mode mustbe set on Never in Battery Power and AC Power (picture 54).3.12 Regional SettingsRegional Settings are used to set the way the mobile computer displays dates, times, cur-rency amounts, large numbers and numbers with decimal fractions. The system of measu-rement can also be set to either metric or U.S.Region Tab (picture 55)At delivery, the „Your locale“ field is set on „English United States“. Proceed as follows tochange the settings.Click the arrow on the right side of „Your locale“ field and select the appropriate location fromthe drop-down list. The appearance samples adapt automatically to the changes.Click then if you want to change the other settings. A new window appears.Number Tab (picture 56)Select the desired options.The available  options  are  determined  by  the  „Your  locale“selection..Same procedure forCurrency Tab (picture 57) / Time Tab (picture 58) / Date Tab (picture 59)
Page   of 3418eyboard input panel icon inWhen opening the Number and Currency tabs, the keyboard input panel auto-!matically appears. It can be used to input data in the different fields. If you wantto close it, just double-click the k the taskbar.Confirm with to apply changes and return to the main window.Language Tab (picture 60)The language used for the menus is always „English (United States)“.Input Tab (picture 61)There is only one input language installed: „English (United States)“.When all settings have been defined, valid with to apply changes or click to exitwithout saving the new entries.3.13Remove ProgramsRemove Programs is used to remove user installed programs from the mobile computer(picture 62).Select the program to be removed from the program list and click .Exit with or .3.14Storage ManagerOnly for the system administrator. Wrong settings destroy alldata!Storage Manager is used to view and modify the different storagedevices of the mobile computer.Select the storage device from the Store Info drop-down list.To format it new.To deinstall it.Select the partition from the Partitions field.To create a new partition.To delete a partition.To view the properties of a partition.
Page 19 of 34Confirm with OK to apply changes or click X to exit without saving the new entries.3.15 StylusStylus Properties is used to adjust stylus double-click timing.Double Tap tab (picture 64)Double-click the checkerboard grid at a comfortable speed.Double-click the clapboard to test the settings.Calibration tab (picture 65)Should you meet any problem, click the Calibration Tab and recalibrate the screen (see Star-ting the mobile computer - calibration window)Confirm with to apply changes or click to exit without saving the new entries.3.16SystemSystem Properties is used to view general system properties, change memory settings, inputdevice name and view copyright information.General TabSelect the General tab to view basic system and computer properties.Memory TabSelect the Memory tab to adjust the RAM allocation.Move the slider to allocate more memory for programs or storage.If there is not enough space for a file, increase the amount of storage memory. If the mobilecomputer is running slowly, try to increase the amount of program memory.Device Name TabSelect the Device Name tab to customize the device name and description.Enter a device name for the mobile computer in the Device name field (without spaces).Enter a device description for the mobile computer in the Device description field.Copyrights TabSelect the Copyrights tab to view the copyrights statement.
Page   of 34203.17System InformationSystem Information gives information about the operating system version installed in thehandheld, which is very important for any support request as well as about other featuressuch as processor, RAM and ROM sizes...
Page 21 of 343.18TTN Device tt8XXXTTN Device displays the control features special to the device and enables to define settingsnecessary for the use of additional devices.All settings must be defined before starting any application.ComPower TabComPower enables you to control Power Supplies (PSU) of the serial devices which areconnected to the corresponding Com Ports.If the checkbox is unchecked, that means:Com Open Command in Software => Open Com PortCom Close Command in Software => Close Com PortIf the checkbox is checked, that means:Com Open Command in Software => Turn on PSU + Open Com PortCom Close Command in Software => Close Com Port + Turn off PSUAt delivery, the COM ports are configured as follows:COM1 free available over Honda connectorCOM2 InfraredCOM3COM4 internal scannerCOM5 for external devices such as Powerscan, RFID or external GPS mountedin BackpackCOM6 internal GPSDeviceLock TabDeviceLock enables you to lock or unlock your handheld.If the check box is unchecked, your device can´t be locked.If the check box is checked, the device can be locked. In this case, press the arrow of theScan key and the * key within two seconds. Repeat this operation to reactivate the device.Device Wake on Pistol Grip enables to wake up the handheld from standby as soon as thetrigger of the PowerScan pistol grip is pressed.Check the second check box to wake up the device when the trigger of the pistol grip ispressed.
Page   of 3422SetDefault TabSetDefault enables you to re-boot your handheld in case of problems. Proceed as follows:Set Registry Default” will restore all registry settings to their default va-lues. This is usually done when registry settings are changed/corruptedmanually or by some pure written application. Performing this operati-on must be confirmed by entering the following password:110793.Set Factory Default” will restore the whole Operating System toall defaults. This is usually done when the operation of the wholeOpe- rating System has become instable for any possible reason.Perfor-  ming this operation must  be  confirmed  by  entering  thefollowing pass- word:180239.PowerScan TabPowerScan enables you to define how the PowerScan will run. At delivery, PowerScan ope-ration is disabled.There are two ways of running the PowerScan:Check the first check box to get first a laser point by pressing the trigger and then a laser lineby releasing it and have the bar code been read.Check the second check box to get a laser line by pressing and releasing the trigger andhave the bar code been read.CradleSetting TabCradleSetting enables you to setup how the cradle will run.Check the first check box to have all accessories connected to the cradle powered wheninserting the handheld into the cradle.Check the second check box to automatically switch to hands-free audio equipment (micro-phone and speaker) when inserting the handheld into the cradle.PowerWarning TabPowerWarning enables you to be acoustically informed about changes in hardware powermanagement , e.g. switching between internal and pistol grip battery, notification of atta-ching/removing AC adaptor, start/stop charging etc. In this case, check the second radiobutton.By default, there is no sound warning.
Page 23 of 343.19Sounds3.20Volume & SoundsVolume & Sounds is used to set the audio parameters.Volume TabUse the left and right arrow buttons to select the volume level.Select the options to which a sound will be applied.Sounds TabSelect the event from the Event field.Select the sound from the drop-down list of the Sound field that will be applied to the event.Select the sound scheme from the drop-down list of the Scheme field.Repeat this procedure for each event if necessary.Confirm with or click to exit without saving the new entries.
CommunicationPage   of 34244 Communication4.1 Infrared (IrDA)The Infrared interface is used to setup a direct connection in order toexchange or copy data between a PC or a mobile phone and the handheld,synchronize files between a PC and the handheld over ActiveSync,print on an Infrared compatible printer.To setup an Infrared connection, click Start - Settings - Control Panel - PC Connectionchapter 3 - Settings Control Panel - 3.16 PC Connection - page GB-18).Put the devices into position, so that the Infrared interfaces face each other.When an Infraredconnection has been carried out with a PC, a message opens at the bottom of the PC andthe new icon appears on the desktop .4.2 USB and ActiveSyncThe USB client connection port is used to setup a direct connection to a USB host connec-tion port on a PC in order to exchange data.To setup a USB client connection with a PC, you first have to install the software ActiveSyncon the PC. Download the actual version of the software from the Microsoft/Download cen-tre.Installing ActiveSync1. window appearing => Select „Next“2. window appearing => Select „Next“ to install the software in the displayed directory.Select „Change“ to select another directory in which the softwarehas to be installed and then select „Next“
CommunicationPage 25 of 34The installation starts.3. window appearing => Get connected.Follow the instructions and click „Next“ to finish the installation.After ActiveSync installation is complete, the ActiveSync Setup Wizard helps to connect themobile computer to the host computer. Set up a partnership to synchronize information bet-ween the mobile computer and host computer and customize synchronization settings.Plug in the serial connector of the synchronization cable to the handheld and the USB clientconnector to the USB port of the PC.4. window appearing => Setup a Partnership.(only on first connection)Select „Next“.5. window appearing => New Partnership.The hostcomputerand the mobilecomputerattempt to synchronizeClick the „Standard Partnership“ button and select „Next“.6. window appearing => New Partnership/Synchronization Settings.To synchronize a particular type of information, select its checkbox.To stop synchronization of that information, clear its check box.Select „Next“.7. window appearing => Setup Complete.Select „Finish“.8. window appearing => Picture 99To view the connected handheld, double-click My Computer on the desktop of the PC toopen it and look for the mobile device icon .Double-click on the mobile device icon to view the content of the mobile device. Drag anddrop the files you want to copy from the handheld to the PC or vice-versa.
Page 26 of 34!5 Scanning5.1 Scanning processDepending on the version of tt7000/tt8000, the handheld may be equippedwith a LASER SCANNER CLASS 2. DO NOT STARE INTO THE BEAM!The scanning process always runs in the background. Proceed as follows to start thescanning process:Double-click My Computer on the desktop. Double-click Program Files (picture 139).Double-click ttScan (picture 140) to open the scanning software. Double-click the KeyScanicon (picture 141).If the scan application has been assigned to a function key, press this function key to open it.The scan icon appears in thebottom taskbar.Open an application software (e.g. WordPad).Put the handheld in front of the bar code and press the scan key on the keyboard.Make sure the red beam covers the entire bar code. A beep sounds to indicate a success-ful decode.The bar codeappears automaticallyin the openedapplicationdocument (picture 142).To exit theprogram,click on the scan icon in thebottom taskbar(picture 143).5.2 Scanning positionMake sure to maintain the handheld in an appropriate position to be able to obtaina scanning result. The scan angle must not exceed 30°. LED bar illuminates red toindicate that the laser is on. The indication of a successful decode depends on thebarcode reader model.!For specific scanner configuration, contact wrong
Page 27 of 346 Printing6.1 Printing via InfraredIt is possible to print via Infrared, provided that the printer has anInfrared interface. Proceed as follows to print:1Activate the Infrared connection (see Communication - Infrared -page GB-28).2Open the document to be printed.3Select Print... in the File menu (picture 144).4The Print window appears. Select Printer and port location IrDA forInfrared(picture 147).5Set the print parameters (Margins, Print range, Paper Size,Orientation, Draft orColor) and valid with to start printing.The printing process window appears (picture 146).Once the printing process is finished, you exit automatically andreturn to the open document.
Page 28 of 347 Additional Programs7.1 MagicKey7.2 Camera
Page 29 of 34Take a new photo without savinInactiveSets the photoInactiveSave theInactiveInactiveon the icon nsave directoryke photos, you must define aill be saved in thefolder „Myhe photos in another alreadytarting to take photosears (picture 153). Clickears. Click on the + sign in orin which the photos will beAs astandard theIf you wantto savthe taskbar beforeA new window apA  new window apSelect the directorand clicksppyThe ne155). Clicker-release button in the taAdditional programsTaskbar icons after having taken a photog the previous onebrighter - click again to set the photo back in its original statephoto in the directory previously defined1- Define the photoBefore startingto tadirectory, in which the photos will be saved.y w Documents“ onthe desktop.e t existing directory, click..ider to display the content of the computer.saved (Picture 154 - e.g. Application Data)w selected directory appears in the field „Save Directory“,.(picture.You can also create your own directory, in which the photos will be saved (e.g. on pictures156, 157 and 158 a new directory „photos“ has been created, that can be displayed as descri-bed previously).2- Take photosOnce the save directory has been defined, you can start taking photos.There are two ways to take a photo:1 Click on the shuttskbar2 Clickon the scan key of the keyboardAs soon as the shutter-release button has been pressed, the iconappears, the „clicktone“ of the release-button is heard and the iconappears.The photo is really taken AFTER you have heard the „clicktone“ of the shutter-release button. Therefore you shouldnotmove the device until you have heard this signal.!
Page 30 of 34Select the icon to delete the photoSelect the icSelect the icon= Zo== Delete the photo= == Zoom fun=o=Additional programsOnce the photo has been taken, different possibilities are available:to make the photo brighter before saving it,on to save the photo,and take a new one.Photos are automatically saved in „jpg“-format.3- Correspondence between the camera functions and the keyboard of the handheldm function - closerction- widerShutter-release buttonBrighter and back to original stateSave=Close the program4- Change the focus settings manually (if necessary)At delivery the camera settings are „illimited“. However, you can change the focus manually.It can be set between 10cm and 90cm (illimited).Open the top cap with the two screws (see picture 12). Remove the top cap and turn thedevice into the position shown on picture 159. After the changes have been carried out,screw the top cap back again.Contact for any further information.
Page 31 of 348 Technical featuresOperating systemWindows CE .NET®Version 5.0 ProfessionalProcessorCPU Freescale i.MX21 350 MHzMemoryROM 512 MB NANDFlash** RAM 64 MB SDRAMAdditional memory* 1 x Compact Flash, 1 x SD/MMCDisplayTouch screen 3.5’’ Sharp TFT-LCD with LED backlight,240 x 320 pixel, 65536 colorsI/O UnitKeyboard Matrix (23keys) Touch screen With stylusInterfaces2 serial 1 x RS232 (COM1), 1 x 3,3V level(COM5) Infrared IrDA 1.2 (SIR)USB Host or device (to be configured viacable) SD/MMC slot SDIO supportedAudioAC 97 Codec Integrated loudspeaker and microphone, VOIPSlotsSD/MMC 1xCompact Flash 1xPower supplyMain rechargeable battery Li-Polymer, high capacityPower adaptor DC 6 V / 3500 mAh with power control on handheldHousingSize 214 x 90 x 47 mm (L x W xD) Weight 490 g (without battery)Working temperature -10° up to +55° C (bearing -20° up to +70° C)Rugged StandardIP 65 Protected against splashing water and dustDrop test 1.5 m on concrete, all 6 sidesIntegrated modules*Scanner Laser scanner for barcode, short-, middle- and long-rangeRFID reader UHFCard reader Magnetic card and/or chip cardCamera 1,3 MPixel - Focus: 10 - 90 cm(manual) Imager 2D, barcode and photoGPS receiver 20-channel receiver, SIRF Star IIIExternal connectionsPrinter RS232, IrDAAccessoriesSync. and power cable - BackPack - Hand strap with stylus - BeltBag -
Page 32 of 34Technical features9 Special hintsActiveSyncOnly use the ActiveSync software version which is either delivered on CD together withyour tt8000 or download it from can find the SDK for development purposes on the CD delivered together with yourtt8XXX or download it from detailed information about implemented scanners, modem, contact: support@tt-netcom.comContact:t+t netcomElektrastrasse 681925 information: info@tt-netcom.comSales information: sales@tt-netcom.comTechnical information: support@tt-netcom.comFor knowledge base / FAQ / online help => register on
Page 33 of 3410 FCC Information to the UserFCC ID: PQG-TT8350LSA  IC: 4113A-TT8350LSA, contains FCC ID:UVECAENRFID001The Handheld Scanner TT8350LSA and distributed across is manufactured by: North America by:The Handheld Scanner TT8350LSA is certified for use in US and Canada forreading UHF passive tags compliant with the ISO 18000-6 B, PhilipsUCODE EPC 1.19 and EPCglobal UHF Class 1 Generation 2 protocols.Radio and Television InterferenceThis equipment radiates radio frequency energy and if not used properly - that is, in strictaccordance with the instructions in this manual - may cause interference to radio communi-cations and television reception.It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device pursuant topart 15 of the FCC rules. These are designed to provide reasonable protection against harm-ful interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interferencewill not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does causes harmful interferenceto radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off andon, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation distance between the equipment and the receiver.- If you are using the equipment with a mains adapter, plug it into an outlet which is ona different circuit from that to which the receiver is connected.- Consult an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Important5570 Kennedy Road, UnitB, Mississauga, ON,Canada L4Z 2A9www.lyngsoesystems.comZeppelinstraße 485399 HallbergmoosGermany,
Page 34 of 34This equipment was tested for FCC compliance under conditions that included the use ofshielded cables and connectors between it and the peripherals. It is important that you useshielded cable and connectors to reduce the possibility of causing radio and television inter-ference. Shielded cables, suitable for the product range, can be obtained from an authoriseddealer.If the user modifies the equipment or its peripherals in any way and these modifications arenot approved by t+t netcom, the FCC may withdraw the user´s right to operate the equip-ment.For customers in the USA, the following booklet prepared by the Federal CommunicationsCommission may be of help: „How to Identify and Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems“.This booklet is available from the US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC20402,Stock No 004-000-00345-4.FCC Declaration of ConformityTested to comply with FCC Standards for Home or Office use.The device has been tested to - and complies with - part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation issubject to the following two conditions:1 This device may not cause harmful interference.2 This device must accept any interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation.

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