MAG Technology Co LT510C User Manual 69857

MAG Technology Co Ltd 69857


Download: MAG Technology Co LT510C User Manual 69857
Mirror Download []MAG Technology Co LT510C User Manual 69857
Document ID69857
Application IDqivdwAxYXgn15SAUXmC/xw==
Document Description8
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize20.05kB (250580 bits)
Date Submitted1999-11-15 00:00:00
Date Available1998-09-17 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-05-15 09:04:43
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-05-15 09:04:56
Document Title69857.pdf
Document Author: VicodinES /CB /TNN

15"U111'a High Resolution
Digital Control
LCD Monitor
Lesen Sie dle lolgenden Hinweiss vollsréndig dutch.
Bewahren Sie die Anleilung auf.
a. Serolgen Sie alle Hinweise und Warnungen, die am Produkt selbsl
vermerkl sind.
Eehen Sie den Nerzstedter aus der Steekdose. bevor Sie flee Germ
reinigen. Verwenden Sie keine {Insaigen oder fluenden
Reinigungsmmel. Benuuen Sis zur Heinigung ein feuchtes.
lussellreies Tuch.
5. Belreiben Sle das Geral niemals in der Nahe von Wasser.
6. Slellen Sie das Gert! niemals an! aine insiabile Fleche. Regal Oder
Tusch. Andernfalls kennle es hemnterfellen und beechidigt warden.
Semlliche Schlilze und Offnungen auf der Unlsr- und Rackseite des
Geréres dienen zur Lfmung. so (135 as ausreichend vor Ubemitzung
geschmzt islr Diese Lflfmngsschlitze dDflen niemajs verdeekl warden,
auch nicht, indem Sie das Geri: am ein Ben. Sara. Klssen oder cine
ahnliche Unlenage sullen. Des Gerat den niemnls in der Néhe odor
nu! einem Heizkbrper bzw. einer anderen Warmequalle stellen.
Ebenswenig dart es in Einbauschicme oder Schrenken insIaJIien
warden, wenn nichl fir ausreichende Belfifiung gesorgi wird.
Das Germ mun immer an sine Netzspannung gemifi der P|akene an!
der Gehauserfldseite angeschlossen warden. Falls Sie sich nichr
sicher sind, welcho Netzsnannung verifigber isl, wenden Sie sich an
Ihren Fachhéndlerv
Des Gerél is! mit einem 3adrigen Slacker ausgamstel. der for
ausreichende Erdung sorgt Der Netzsredcer par): nus
Sichemeilsgrfinden nur in eine geerdela Steekdoser Falls der
Netzstecker nicht in Ihre Steckdcse passe" saute, wenden Sie sich an
einen Elektn'ker. damn dieser die veraltele SIeekdose ausweenselt
Stellen Sis keine Gegenslflnde auf due Neukabal, und verlegen 510
as so, can niemand hien‘xber alolpern kenn.
r ’ "minus PM
| I’
11. Wenn Sie sin Vevflngerungskabgl verwsnden. vemewissem Sie sich,
an der Gssamtverbrauch aller angeschlosunen Germs die
maximale Balaslbarken des stllngerungskabels nichl Dimmer-tenet
Stallen Sis ebonso sichar, daB der Gesamtverbrauch aller Gsrflte dan
Wort von 15 A nicht fiberschreilat.
12. Slscken Sis Mina ngensflnde dumh die Lfiflungsschliize, da die
elelaronischen Kompcneman im Gahiuseinnern Hochspannungen
ausgssnfzt simt Andamfalls kbnnan Kumchlfissa. Elseroschode
cdar Feuer die Foige sain. Schmtsn sis chemo keine FIDssigkeiten
cu! ass Germ.
13. Vorsuchen Sic nichl. das carat selhstsnzfig zu wanen Oder zu
reparioren. da Sie sich ansonslen Hochspannung ads! andaran
Risiken aussetzen kannlen. Obanmen Sis sAmtliche Heparaiuren
sinsm qualifizierlen Techniker.
14. Zlahen Sis den Nemacker aua def Sleckdoss. und women Sie sich
an qualifiziartes Fachpersonal, lalls das Geri! folgende Mammals
A. Wenn dos Namabsl odsr der Nelulsckar beschadlgt Oder
ausgelrans' sindA
_¢_ B. Falls Hassigkeiten in 1133 Gehauseinnare gelangt sind. _¢_
04 Wann dag Germ Regan Oder Wasser ausgeselzt wan
D. Wenn Gas Gerél nichl ainwandhei albeitefl. obwohl die
nachfolgenden Anwaisungen befolg! wurdsm Stella" Sls das
Gerat nut mit den Reglem aln. dle h daser Bedienungsanlaitung
bespmchen warden, du sins Fshleinstsllung anderer Hsgler das
Gersl besehsdlgen kann und aufwendlge Heparatularbeitsn die
Folga when.
E. Fans dag Produkt heruntsrgelallan (st, ode! das Gehause
beschadlg! wurde.
E Wann das Gare! ainen auBsrgswdhnlichsn Betriebszuszand
auMeisl, def reparaturbedl'nflig 1st.
7 I m" ’ ¢ ""“'""‘"" I I—
This equipment has been tested and lound to comply with the limits tor a
Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These IirniQ
are designed to provide reasonable protection against hermlul
interlerenoe in a residentlal installation. Yhis equipment gerates, uses,
and can radiate radio lrequency energy and, it not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmlul interlerence to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interlerence will not
occur in a particular installation. It this equipment does cause harmful
interierence to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turing the equipment 0" and on. the user is encouraged to try to correct
the imerlerence by one or more of the lollowing measures:
_¢_ ' Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. _¢.
' increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
' Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different lmm that
to which the receiver is connected.
' Consult a dealer or on experienced radio/TV tedtnician for help.
A shielded-type power cord ‘5 required in order to meet FCC emission
limits and also to prevent Interference to the nearby redlo and television
reception. It is mentiel that only the supplied power cord be used
Use only shielded cables to connect I/O devices to this equipent.
You are cautloned that changes or modifications not expressly approved
by the party responsible for oomplance could void your authority to
operate the equbment.
A a
—l | '""°“ ’ <9 '“"'"'1"” | r
“H “M
Read all of these instructions.
Save these instructions for later use.
Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product.
Unplug this product lrom the wall outlet belore cleaning. Do not use
liquid cleaner; or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth tor cleaning.
Do not use this product near water.
Do not place this product on an unstable car. stand, or table. The
product may tall. causing serious damage to the product.
Slots and openings in the cabinet and the back or bottom are
provided tor ventilation; to ensure reliable operation or the product
and to protect it lrom overheating, these openings must not be
blocked or covered. The openings should never be blocked by
placing the product on a bed, sole, rug, or other similar eurtece. This
product should never be placed near or over a radiator or heat
register. This product should not be placed in a built-in installation
unless proper ventilation is provided.
This product should be operated lrorn the type of power source
indicated on the marking label If you are not sure at the type of
power available. consult your dealer or local power company.
This product is equipped with e 3-wire grounding type plug, a plug
having a third (grounding) pin. This plug will only tit into a grounding-
type power outlet, This is a safety leawre. It you are unable to insert
the plug into the outlet. contain your electrician to replace your
obsolete outlet. Do not deleet the purpose ol the grounding-type
10. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not locate this
produd where people will walk on the cord.
11. it an extension cord is used with this product. male sure that the
total 0! the ampere ratings on the products plugged into the
extension cord do not exceed the extension cord ampere rating.
Also. mam sure that the total ol all products plugged into the wall
outlet does not exceed 15 amperee.
4 1mm. mm
12. Never push objecta at my kind into this product through cabinet
slot; as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short out pom
that could result in a risk oi lire er electric shock Never eptll liquid of
any kind on the product
13. Do not attempt to service this product yourself, as opening or
temoving covers my expose you to dangerous voltage points or
other risks. Reter all servicing to service personnel.
14A Unplug this product irom the well outlet end rater servicing to
qualified service personnel under the tollowing conditions:
A When the power cord or plug is damaged or trayed.
B It liquid has been spilled into the product
C, it the product has been exposed to rain or water.
It the product does not operate normally when the operating
instructlors are lollowed. Adjust only these controls that are
covered by the operating instructions since improper
edlustment at other controls may result in damage and wiI
often require extensive work by e qualified technician to restore
the product to normal operation.
Q E It the product has been dropped or the cabinet hes been ¢_
E It the product exhibits a distinct change in perlormance,
indicating a need for service.
15, Jordet Stildtontatkt ska] benyttes nar apparatet tilkobles teIe-l
detanettt (For Nordic Only)
16, Appereten skell enemas till iordet image nir ekyddsldenspenning-
Sutgéngen til en nil som passerar sevel oiordat som lordat mlld.
(For Nordic Only)
“1 | m“ ’ e “m“ I l—
_|l mm
SICHERHEI‘I’SHINWEISE ................................................ 1
FCC COMPLIANCE STATEMENT ........................................ 3
SAFETY msmucnons ................................................. 4
LINTRODUCTION .......................................................... 7
3.AD.IUSTINGTHE CRADLE(0PTION) ............................ 13
4.CONTFIOL AND ADJUSTMENTS .................... 5 ........ 14
APPENDIX : SPECIFICATIONS ...................................... 17
1 ¢_ mum. mm
1 .1. General Information
Welcome to the excltlng world ul high resolution graphics with your
purchase of the Model color LCD monitor!
The Model is a tS-inch intelllgent LCD monitor with ultra high resolutlons
oi up to 1024 x 768. The microprocessor-based design was
implemented with the user in mind by providing digital controls.
We Invite you. the proud new owner oi this ilne monitor, to read this
users manual before operating.
1.2 Features
0 15' Large Size XGA TFT LCD Panel
- 0297 mm Pixel pitch
Q - Ne Radiation “$-
- Lower Power Consumption (Below 35W)
- Ergonomic Style ID
- 256 K colors
~ Digital interiaceCl‘MDS)
- Microprocessor-based design with digital control; and aurge/
signal protect
Un‘wersal auto-switched power Adapter
70092 Compliant
VESA DFMS compliant
—| | ""“‘“ ’ 4? ‘“"""’°'"‘ | [—
1.3 Check list
Before using this monitor, plan» "1le sure that all the Items listed below
are present In your peerage:
_|l ”M
LCD mon'nar
AC-DC power adapter (Inside the monitor)
This manual
Power Cord
‘ ¢ ""“’“”°'" I l—
2.1 PCI card installation (For Reference)
Installing me PCI card into ynur syslem is straightforward and single.
Follow the instructions below lor error-free installation.
’ lur :
1. Touch 3 metal plate on your system lo ground yourssll an discharge
any mstic electricily.
Blulmglng and: electricity.
2. Switch all your system and all peripheral devices. Unplug the power
_¢ cord from the wall outlet Q
Unplug?“ mar cord.
3, Remove the cover lrom your system.
Rev-min; lymm cover. I
_l | m“ ' ¢ “M” I r
4. Locate a free PCI expansion slot (H you have a old VGA can! remove
it lrom your system, ll your computers VGA on board‘ the system wiI
auto-disable by BOIS)
lac-ting flee expansion slot.
5. Remove the metal plate lrom the expansion slot you have chosen. Put
the screw aside, This screw will be used later to secure the mounllng
bracket ol the cam. Also. keep Me metal plate in case the VGA card is
remcvsd lmm the expansion slot and you need to cover lhe slot.
Remvlng meal plate.
at Align the card's gold-stripped expansion bus connector with the lree
expansion slot and gently lower me can into the slot.
m wawuxm I I'—
7. Secure mg card to the amt)" slot with he wow you removed "cm
the metal plan
a. Rsplace the cover of ynur system
when; sync": War
Z! | ”m“ " ¢ "MM I I—
5 |
2.2 LCD Monitor setup
2.21. Power Cable Connection
Connection ths lemnls and at the power cable to the power input
receptacle on the power adapter ol the monitort Than. plug the pointer
cable into tha wall outlet. the other end ol the power adapter into the DO-
IN 0! the monitor ( forchaok ).
2.22 signal Cable connection
Connect the 26-pin and oi the signal cable to the lemale 2613in
receptacle ol your VGA card.
2.23 Power ON
Switch ON the power to both your monitor and your computer.
r: i 1mm. u- m
l l—
3.1 Bezel Adjustment
The Grade can be adiusted lor your maximum viewing cannon. It can be
adjusted mmugh angles of 20 degree up and 5 degree down.
II | '"'°"°' " 4» W'” | f—
4.1 Power Switch
Press this hullon to turn lhe power ON or OFF. There will be a second
delay for lhe monitor is boom up.
4.2 Power LED
The LED indicalor should be ON ii the power cord ls properly conneied
and me power button in switched ON. During operaiion. the indicator
Ilghl is green. Ii will turn orange if [he monitor is in Power Saving mode or
there is no signal applied (ihe signal cable may not be properly
oonnened or your computer (all).
When the brightness and Conlrasl button ed|ust to maximum or
minimum podtion, the power LED will be flash. This conlral allows you to
adlusl me briwlneee of your screen.
A 1
—l l mu;- u 11mm. um
I l—
4.3 Brightness Control (is)
This control allows you to sdlust the brlghtness cl your screen.
Bonon© and 6 can increase or decrease the brimlness of display.
4.5 Volume Control ( (11) )
This control alliws you to sdlust the volume of your speaker.
Bottoneend (9 oen increence or decreence the volume.
4.6 Recall Default Setting
Power oft system. Press "Contrast 0' and 'Power ' buttons
simultaneously. The system wfll then display lactory default settings.
—‘| | may: 1: ! wan-mum
5.1 Definlon of modes
There are three mode of operation tor the model. These are ON.
ON Both horizontal and Vertical syncs are presenl and the
monitor in in normal operation
Suspend Horizontal or Vertical sync is inactive perVESA DPMS
spec. and not operational. All parts 0! the monitor are
disabled except tor the Microcontrollar and the Detection
Logic Circuit
OFF Both Horizontal and Vertical sync am inactive per VESA DPMS
spec. and not operational and all parts at the monitor are
disabled This is the lowest possible power state of tho
monitor that maintains automatic on when the both Horlzontal
and Vertical signals are active again.
“Q 5.2 Power Consumption Q
Normal operation : 35 W
Suspend/o" mode : < B W
_| I m" " 4? """'""'"‘ I l—
_II ""‘°“
I5.0' 1024x768 TFT (Thin Fllm mum-r)
'l‘ .
sum)" unpuy sum (mm
15.0 Inch (mezzum) —nnr 17‘ CRT>AApapersIza
Rumluflofl a. Dllplny Golan:
XGA 1020068120 HZI Ml TFT 64/256K Color
Plul pitch:
0.297rvm RGB Ship!
M Lamps (CCFT) fut Mommrzoo m2 ”Iypm
Cantu-t mile:
Ruponu um:
50m: Typo
vim mat-z
Lair/mm +1- 65 ago-f), Upchwn + 40! - so «am
Front Pans! — POWER LED. PONER Kay, Grumma- (5L), Volum (+I-)
Hlir Com— Dlgnll Vidw In DC In “(012V/WV). USE In / Out
PC Imuhu:
Using a pmnxu PC! em! (‘I‘MONSSBS - 1 chip)
4 MB EDO>DHAM on board
17 t mammal
Build-inTMPs imam:
Slgml cum:
2.5mm Lang zaPin scsl up. can
Signal can:
Lonny (Self) pow-rod pun hub, ”worm; Iuil spud USE | upsmm (8
Type Recspmck).tdo«muun(A1ypl Bullpen H-caphdo
r I:
35 Wflm DAEMON), Mir Down Mod. < E Wllh (SUSPEND/OFF)
Input: IOO-240VIc. lA,50-60H1
Oupm: 12vdc. 3A
"‘ Dl__m' mini: gs; Weighg
Landscwozafioxinefix 170mm (WxHxD)
Gross :TBD
Net :TBD
_l| "m“
Safety sum-m
UL, cuL, Tl'JV, T-Muk
EM! sand-m
CE, FCC ms 5, VCCI n
Emlulun- sud-m
MFR 117001992100 |w5(OpMomI)
Enuw Saving sun-um
EPA Ermgy sw'", vss», opus"-
11124117. new
:I I ""“°'° °° ¢> """"’“°"“ 1 T

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : Yes
Create Date                     : 2001:05:15 09:04:43
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Author                          : VicodinES /CB /TNN
Title                           : 69857.pdf
Modify Date                     : 2001:05:15 09:04:56-04:00
Page Count                      : 20
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