MAG Technology Co S5T012 User Manual 65220

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Date Submitted1999-10-20 00:00:00
Date Available1999-12-22 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-05-21 16:47:12
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Document Title65220.pdf
Document Author: VicodinES /CB /TNN

' gn- @ la II IL
. 570m -
User’s Guide
15” (‘I4.0” viewable)
ultra High Resolution
Plug & Play Ready
FD Trinitron' Color Monitor
with JAGTM OSD Control
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Copyright 0 1999 MAGTeclmology Co., Ltd.
15F.No, 237, Sec 3, Nanking E. Rd.
Taipei, Taiwan
Te]: +886(2)2719-881I
Fax:+886(2)2718-221 I
All Right Reserved
No part of this publication may be produced or transmitted in any from or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording. or lranslat»
mg into any language in any form without the ecpress written permissionof MAG
Technology Co., Ltd
JAG‘“, the MAG lnrwvision logo, and the screen logo are trademarks or
registered hademarks ofMAG Technology Co., Ltd. in the UnitedStalca and other
Windows. is a registered trademarks ofMicrosofl Corporation. Macintosh“ is
a registeredmdemark oprple Computers. All omeruademarks are the property
4? of their respective owners,
57an User's Gulde
Model no.: ssrolz
7 | smcpifi J ‘ mam/21m um
4 MAG lnnoVision
Please read all of the followlng Instructlons before use.
The screen surface is coated with a special thin optical coating to
ensure the Ergonomic characteristics.
Clean the screen surface lightly with a soft cloth. If necessary,
use a soft cloth lightly moistened with a mild detergent solution
(no abrasive) diluted with water to remove hand oils or
fingerprints, etc,
Do not use any type of abrasive pad, scouring powder or any type
of solvents containing an alcohol, benzene or similar additive as
they may cause damage to the anti-reflective coating.
Do not rub, touch, or tap the screen surface with sharp or
abrasive items such as a ball point pen. This contact may result
in a scratched screen surface.
Thank you.
57061: 965 A wee/am PM aw
J l
Safety Precautions
JAGW Control
e-Wdco Function
On Screen DisplayiOSD)
DDC Plug & Flay
MFR ll and TCO Compliant
EPAN Energy Star®and VESAfEDPMS’“
Setting up Your Monitor
OSD Options
Wdeo Modes
evvmeo Function
S70FD User's Guide
TCO 95 Environmental Labelling (For TCO95 User only)
Regulatory Compliance Statements
Customer Service s t
mas/eras, PM our
l F
j 1 57an p65 a
6 MAG lnnoVision
Bilie 15m Si! di! lnlgmden Hlnwelu var der Inbetricbnlllme wrgfilflg durch.
- Baum/an Si: all: mm mm angebrnchtm Wamungen und Hinweisei
' Trennen Sic das Gcrfil var dcm Reinigen zunichsl Vam Smamnetz, Verwenden Sis
wederReinigungsfliissigkeilen nach Sprays Reinigen Sie dasGeracmneinemleicm
angcfeuchmen Tuch.
- Belreiben Siedieses Gail nichr in emerUmgehung, in derWasserxpriucr aufirewn
- sullen Sic das Geri! nllr an cinem slcherm, slabilen On auf, um es vor dcm
Henmlerfnllen zu schiilzen.
- Admin 51: durauf, dull die Belfiftungsschhtze und Jiffmmgen murder Rfickseit: und
Unterseite a“ Geribes rm zuganguch sind, damiteine Beschidigung des Monitors
dutch Uberhitzung vermiedzn wird.
' Vermeiden Sic es, dzs Gcrél in unminelhzrer Niihe ciner Heizung aufzustellen.
- Betreiben Sic dieszs Gerfit ausschliefllich mil dz: nuf dem Etikm angegebznen
Nelzupnmung, Fl"! Sic nichl sicker sind, welchc thzsplmmng in Hirer Umgebung
van-lender wird, erhmdigcn Sie sich hei Ihmn Fachhindler odef hci Harem
- Dieses Geri! islmil einem dreipnligen, geen‘lelen Nelzsteckerausgerfislel. Es will:
aus Sicherheilsgrfindgnancine garden Suckdase angeschlassen warden. Bewhrngm
Sle gegebenmfalls Ihren Elektrikef, nichl geerdele Sleckdosm dutch gcerdete zu
arsenal-L Vemnden s1¢ keinesfixlls elm 3-auf-Zpollgzn Adapter.
- Swllen Sic kcine schweren Gegenxlfinde nufdns Netzknbel, und lsssen Sie an stark
frequcnnenen Oncn keineKabeI lm Weg hmmliegen.
. Falls Sic disses Gui! mit einem Verlingerungskabel beu'eiben. achlcn Sic darauf. daB
die gas-ml:Stromlsslderangeschlcsxeanm-fite nichl mm dummmal zula'issigen
Strombelasmng des Verlingemngsknbels und nicht fiber I0 Ampere Iiegl.
- Stecken Sie keinesfalls irgendwelche Gegenstiinde dutch die Gehiuseiiffnungen d=s
Monitors. Dies him an Smmstéflen, Brand ode: Kunxchlfissen mhmn.
~ Versuchcn Sic keinesfalls, disses Geri! sclbsl zn wartcn odcr zu rcpariercn. Bcim
0mm: des Garfilas bestahtdie Gefnhr, dxflSie in Konmkl mitfiochspflnnunggflnteni
chrlassen Sic all: Wammgs- und Repnamrarbmlen dcm dafiir ausgebfldmn
- Heben Sic diese Anleimng zum spitcrcn Gebrauch luL
Hinwuli': In den folgcnden Fillen miissen Sic dus Geri! vom Siromnclz Bennett und
sich mifi lhrer Servicewerkstan in Verbmdung scizen:
- Dns Nelzklbel in beschidigl bzw. dmchgsschcuen
- Das Geri! wurd: chen bzw. nnderwemgcr Feuchngkcit ausgeseizl
~ Das Gerit funktionien m1 normalen Benieb nicht erwartungsgemifl
- Es wurdcn falsche Einslellungen vorgcnommen
- Das Geréit is! herunlergefallen udcr wurde andcrweitig bemhiidigl
- Das Gerfit funktioniert mu eingeschr'a‘nkt
mum/23. PM 0417
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570FD User‘s Guide 7
Allgemeine Sicherhelt Shh-wells
Fclgende Schnllc solltcn fiirdie richlige Velbindlmg des 57°F!) Blldschimgerlres mi!
dem Compom hefolg! warden Due folgenden Hmweixe solllen var def Install-(ion des
57IIFD sorgmng heachm werdcn
Dizse Anleilung ffir spiteful Gebnuch inrlgllllg lulbe wahren
- Dns Bildschirmgem mchl dirakm Sonneneinstrahlung ausseucn.
~ Das Bildschirmgerit nicht in derNEhz van wamequenen uufnellen, as, Huzgemen,
' Das Bildschmngerit nichl Regen oder fibermifliger Feuchligkeil aussetzcn.
- Nich! die Beli’lfiungscffnungm blackieren Oder abdecken. Dleu (“memgen und
Schlitz: im Gchius: sol-gen fir die nolwendige Ventilation. Dzs Bildschirmgzriit
some niemals miteiner Vcrkleidung umgeban min in einem Raga] eingebautwerdcu,
falls m’cm fir cine nusreichende Belfifiung gesorgl isL
- Niemnls versuchen, das Gchinse zu emfemen odor du Bildschmngarfil selbst zu
warten. Alle Wammgsnrbeiten semen nur vom auwrisicncn Kundendiensl
dutchgefiihn wcrden.
' Niemals versnchen, dieses Geri! selbst zu warren, da beim Olfnen odzr Abnehmcn
des Gchinses die Gefahr eines zlaktrischen Schlages bzslehl.
- Zum Nelznnschlufl diescs Germs is! cine geprime Lcimng zn vemnden. Fiir
cinsn Nennslrom hls 6A is! cine Leitung nichl Leichler als H05VV~F SG 0.75mmz
v Die Slcckdosc mull nahe dem Ger “a‘l angebracm and laid“ mginglich scin‘
- Zur Vermeidung Von Fewer oder Stromschlag nicmnls Gcgenstinde durch d]: Ofl‘nung
dos Bildsnhirmgcriites shaken odcr fallen lasssn. Kcinc Flflssigkmen fiber darn
Gus: verschfitten,
- Vm‘ Anschlufl des Netzkabels an die Sleckdosz somedie Sm’mve'rsorgung iiberprn'm
und sichergestellt werden. daB sic der Netzspannung dos Blldschirmgerfiles
emspnchl. Die vorgeschrisebene Nelzspannung is! auf der Ri‘lckscite des
- Nicht die Stackdosen fiberlnsten, d: dies zu Feuer odor Suomschlag fiihren 1mm.
- Fiin dgn anschlul! m den Versolgungsstmmkmis mun ein: mud“ VDE-gepriifin
Auschluflleimng mch 1mm" als HOSVV-F vzrwendcl werden
swaps 7 i 1mm; m 94.47
B MAG lnnnVisian
All Specifications are subject in changed without nolice or obligation
Dot pilcll
Max Resnlulinn
Danny mlnr
Scanning frequency
Display area
Pix Rate
lanII signal
é' Power supply
Power consumption
Recommended nmbience
Power Management
j ’ snows
l5-inch “4.0" viewable) SONY FD Trinitmn'piclnre
mlze with TCO/Anii»refledive coating. and-glare, anti-stau'e,
90“ defieclion
I 280 x IOZ4 (Non-interlaced)
Horiznnhl: 30 - 70KHz
Vertical: 50 - I30Hz
Factory preselting 270 x 200 mm (W x H)
"B MHz nominal
Video: Analog. own 75m
Sync: Separale “1. level
Composite TTL level
100 - 240 Vac. 50/60 Hz
Normal: < l 10W
Suspend: < low
Aclive Off: < SW
Operating “maxim: 32°F~ | 04°F (WC—41K?)
Operating humidity: |o~9o %
Storage temperature: 4“F~ |40°F (-20’C~60’C)
Nu: 133K;
Gml: 16.0Kg
TCO9Z/TCO95 (Optional)
s Q 1mm PM 94:47
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7 l
570FD User's Guide 9
Safety Precautions
Please read all of the following instructions before use.
Follow all warnings and instructions marked on this product.
When cleaning this monitor, first unplug it from the wall outlet. Do not use
liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
Do not use this product where water spills may occur.
Prevention from falling, do not place this product on an unstable surface.
To protect this monitor from overheating, slots and openings on tile back
and bottom of this unit (use for ventilation) should never be blocked.
Never be placed near a radiator or heating element.
Only operate this monitor from the power source indicated on the marking
label, If you are not sure of the type of power source available in your area,
consult your dealer or your local power company.
This product is equipped with a 3-wire grounding type plug. For safety this
device is meant to be used with a grounding-type power outlet. If you do not
have one, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do not
use 4 340-2 prong adapter.
Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord or leave any cords hanging
where people frequently walk.
If an extension cord is used with this product, make sure that the total
amperage ratings do not exceed the extension cord’s amperage or 10
Never puncture any objects through the walls of the monitor. High voltage
points could result in electric shock, fire hazard or cause a short circuit.
Never attempt to service this product yourself. Opening this unit may expose
you to dangerously high voltages. Refer all servicing to a qualified service
Save this instruction manual for later use.
Note: Unplug this product and contact qualified service personnel if:
T I svoflopfifi
- The power cord or plug is damaged or frayed
- The product has been exposed to rain or water
- The product does not operate normally when used properly
- Improper adjustments has been made
' The product has been dropped or damaged
- The product does not achieve maximum performance
9 wows/23, PM 04 n
IO MAG InnoVision
The 570Fl) is a 15-inch ( 140" Viewable) multi-scanning, ultrahigh resolution
color monitor with SONY PDQ-”lat Display) Trinitron'lube. With state-of-the-
an electronics, this monitor is capable of resolutions up to 1280x1024 non-
The intelligent microprocessor-based design enables the monitor to
automatically synchronize and adjust to most common video modes.
Check llst:
Before operating this monitor,
please make sure that all of the
following items are included: Q
- 570FD Monitor
- Power cord
- This user’s Guide
JAG” Control
The JAG‘" is designed to prowde full user programming capabilities in one
simple-to-use location for a more ergonomically-friendly design This allows
you to choose a control function and make necessary display adjustments with
just one dial,
‘ swupes lo tmmlwmw | [—
S70FD User‘s Guide ll
On Screen Display (OSD)
The combination of the JAG”I control and OSD (On-Screen Display) makes it
easier for you to make precise screen format adjustments simply. The User
Mode control within the OSD allows you to change and save custom display
characteristics and timing modes.
DDC Plug & Play
With VESA‘DDC l/ZB. when the monitor is powered up. it will automatically
notify a Windows” 95/98/NT host computer of its scanning frequencies,
capabilities and characteristics. Windows'95/98/‘NT will automatically recognize
the connection of the monitor and select the appropriate display resolution.
MFR II and TCO Compliant
The monitor has been designed to meet Swedish MPRII, TC092 and T0095
guidelines for electromagnetic and static missions.
EPA”I Energy Star0 and VESA0 DPMS“w
In the business world, the fastest growing use of electrical power is by
computer systems. The amount of electricity used by computers in businesses
and homes is phenomenal. A large portion of this electricity is wasted. The
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has conducted research showing that
most of the time PCs are powered up, they are not in use. The EPA promotes
the use of energy—efficient equipment because generating electricity causes
emissions that pollute the air.
This monitor is Energy Star compliant when used with a computer equipped
with VESA' Display Power Management System (DPMS).
Note: The S7OFD monitorhas three power-saving modes, The power saving
operation is indicated by the LED power indicator on the front panel.
When the LED is green, your monitor is operating normally.
When the LED is orange. your monitor is in a power saving mode.
If the LED is orange and blinking, the monitor is in a sleep mode. Press
a keyboard key or move the mouse to return to normal usage.
If tlte LED is orange and blinking and you cannot return to normal usage
by using the mouse or keyboard. check your video signal connection,
When the monitor is not in use, save energy by turning off the monitor.
men rats n i ism/em. PM 04:47
12 MAG InnaVislon
Setting up Your Momtor
Selling up your monitor is easy. J ust make a few simple connections and
adjustments. The following procedure is to guide you to the proper usage of
this product.
To connect the monltor to the system:
I, Turn off the power to your system and all its attached options.
2. Make sure that your equipment is in cable-reaching distance from aproperly
grounded electrical outlet. Position the monitor and the computer so that
you can access the back panel of both without difficulty.
3. Connect one end of the signal cable into the video input connector on back
panel of the monitor. Plug the other end of the cord into the graphic card
video adapter on the back of the computer.
4, Tighten the screws on the video signal cable connector to keep them from
coming loose and to prevent radio and TV interference.
5. Connect the power cord that cattle with the monitor to the AC connector at
the back of the monitor. Plug the other end of the power cord into a
properly grounded power outlet. 6_
A: AC power connector
B: Attached video cable
Note: It ls important that you use the power cord that came with your monitor
in order to insure that the monitor conforms to mandato FCC standards.
7 l
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570FD User‘s Guide 13
Make sure you carefully follow the "Safety“ and “setting Up Your Monitor"
instructions to install your monitor to your system before operating your
monitor. You may also want to familiarize yourself with the “Image
Adjustment" section of this manual before making any operational adjustments
to your operating monitor.
To operate the monitor:
I, Tum on the monitor by pressing the power button once. The power LED
lights and the monitor demagnetizes itself for about five seconds.
2. Power up the system,
3. Once the system is completely powered up, the LED power indicator on the
monitor should be yeen. lfnot, check the connections.
4. Use On-Screen Display to adjust the controls needed to get the best
picture. Experiment with the display settings to choose the optimum image
size and position for you (refer to the Image Adjustment section of this
manual for Instructions),
A: Power button
B: JAG Dial
Note: If you need to disconnect the power cord fi‘omlhe wall socket or monitor
for any reason, be sure to wait at least 30 seconds afier you nun off the monitor
before you unplug it. This allows the monitor to discharge any static electricity
from the screen surface.
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l4 MAG lnnoViston
image Adjustment
The JAG” is designed to provide full user programing capabilities in one
stmple—to—use location for a more ergonomically~friendly design. This allows
you to choose a control and make necessary display adjustments with just one
To adjust other visual settings:
l. Press the JAG. The Main Menu appeals displaying the current resolution
and a number of visual setting options. (re fer to the “OSD Options”
section of this manual).
2, Rotate die JAG to highlight the desired option.
3. Press the JAG again to access the option. A control screen for the option
4. If this option is adjustable,
mtatetheJAGtoadjustit. Some 1024 x 755
optionsarenotadjustableand H'GB ”(HZ Vf35 0”!
are simply activated when the
JAG is pressed
5 Press the JAG when
adjustments are complete to
exit the control screen and
return to the Main Menu.
6. Select Exit and press the JAG
to exit the OSD Main Menu.
OSD Options
Contrast - Adjusts the contrast level ( black level) in the display.
Brightness - Adjusts the brightness level (white level) in the display.
Horizontal Position - Shifis the display to the right or left.
Horizontal Size - increases and decreases the display width.
Vertical Position - Shifis the display up or down.
Vertical Size - increases and decreases the display height.
Pineushion - Bends the sides of the screen display inward or outward.
Trapezoid - Adjusts the top and bottom display widths to be even.
Degauss - Removes any discoloration from the display image due to
electromagnetic field buildup. it is not usually necessary to degauss your
monitor, unless it has been moved.
j ‘ 570mm u tows/2x PMuen
570FD User's Guide is
0 Reset A While in a preset Video mode, press the JAG dial to reset all
customer display setting to the factory default settings.
0 Advanced options - Activates the secondary menu that displays options for
rotation, bow, parallelogram, comer, Moire, Focus and Convergence.
- Rotatlon - Adjusts the tilt of
the display.
H: 53.7KHZ V' 85.0Hx
- Parallelogram - Adjusts the D C] D D
tilt of the display sides to the , (U) ml V
lefi or right 031
. Bow - Bends the sides of the RoTATtoN
display in the same direction,
. Corner - Squares off the
display comers.
- H—Molre - Reduces the optical effect of wavy lines or ripples on the
display image in the vertical direction. These effects are usually more
noticeable on large gray areas or on black and white checkerboard
. V-Molre — Reduces the optical effect of wavy lines or ripples on the
display image in the horizontal direction,
- Horizontal Focus - Adjusdaat the horizontal focus of the display image.
c Vertical Focus - Adjust the vertical focus of the display image.
Color Manager » Activates the
H, 68.7KH1 v: arson:
secondary menu that display three
preset level options. Once color
temperature option is selected,
rotate and press the JAG to choose
and adjust the red, green or blue
color levels, You may also userecall
to return to the original factor
Language Manager — Activates the Language Manager submenu. Allows
you to choose the language for the menu screens.
I5 team/23. PM on n
l I
l— 0 Mil
16 MAG lnchislon
o User Mode - Activates the User Mode
submenu. This stores the display
characteristics of a specific resolution
(not already defined as a factory preset
timing mode) into the monitor’s
memory This saves you from having to
readjust the display features each time
you reboot (refer to the "Video Modes"
section for preset timing options) the f l "WM"
0 OSD Manager - Activates the OSD Manager submenu. This allows you to
adjust the OSD menu position on the display.
Vldeo Modes
This multi frequency monitoropemtes at horizontal frequencies of 30 to 70KHz
and vertical frequencies of 50 to 130 Hz, The range refers to a maximum flicker-
free, usable resolution of 1280x1024 at a non-interlaced refl'esh rate of 60Hz
©, This monitor offers 12 preprogrammed settings that covermost of the common _©_
video modes supported by popular yaphics adapters. If the monitor recognizes
one of the preset timing signals, it will recall that mode and any stored display
adjustments you
hav e mad e.
However, the
monitor is multi-
scanning, thus, it
can accept any
signal within its
frequency range.
If your video
liming mode is not
one of the preset
timing modes, 8
screen will appear
instructing you to
save your timing
mode to the User
' Refresh rate. " Maclntosh T|ming,
7 l “m “ Q WWW l l—
Jim Q» ml}!
570FD User's Guide 17
Pin Assignment
The pin assignment of the connectors is listed below for professional use only
Please do not attempt to alter the connections yourself as this may seriously
damage the monitor.
BIL N1. Am
1 Red Video input
2 Green video input
3 Blue video input
4 Ground
5 Ground (BBC)
6 Red video ground
7 Green video ground E
8 Blue video ground
9 No connection
10 Ground
‘ l l Grotmd
Q 12 BBC SDA ' 5 0
13 Horizontal sync. s m 10
14 Vertical sync.
15 BBC SCL " 15
4] ( swoFDpes 17 “WHEAPMOQAV l E
fill _ZEED c ts‘
IR MAG Innonsion
TCO 95 Environmental Labelling (For TC095 User only]
Cnnynulltinns! You have just purchased I TCO 95 approved
and ttoclled produci! Your cholcc has prnvldcd you with a
product dcvclnpcd (or professional use. Your purchase has tho
cunlrl'bulcd to reducing Ihe burdcn on lhc c’flVll’DmEnl ind also,
In the further development of cnvrronmentally adapted
electronics products
Why do we have environmentally labelled
tn mttny countt-tes. environmental labelling has become an established method for enoouraging
the adaptatton of goods and tervicet to the envtronrncnt, The main problem. u for as
computers And other electronics equipmznl are concerned, ts that envtronrrtentlly harmful
substances on used both in the products and during the manufacturing stnoe tt has not been
potsthle fur the mjorlly or electrontcs equipment to be recycled in - salleaclery way, molt
of these potentially damaging substances sooner or later enter Nature
There nu ntso other chzmclerlsllcs of a computer, such as energy consumption levels. lhll
ure important from the viewpolms of both the work (internal) and natural (external)
envtronmenur since all methods of conventtonal eteetnctty generation have a negative
effect on the environment (acidtc und climate-tnt'luenetng emissions, radioactive waste.
elm). tt ts viul to conserve energy. Electronic equipment in tomes consume: an enomtous
amount or energy since it to often tell running eontinuously.
Q What does lehelllng Involve? Q
This producl meets the requirements for Ibis TCO 95 Scheme which pmvldes for lnlnmalluul
and environmental labelling of person-l computers. the tahelhng teherrte wns developed as
a joint effurl by lhe TCO (The Swedish Ccnfedcrariull nf ProfeSSlOnll Emplnyees),
Namrskyddlfoteningen (The Swedish Socicry (Br Nllllre Conservation) and NUTEK (The
Nltlorlal Board fur lndustrial and chhnlcal Developmml in Sweden).
The requtremenu cover a wtde range of traues environment ergonomics, urabtltty, emisaton
of eleetncal and mgnetie fields, energy consumption and electrical and fire safety.
Th: envtmmenul demands Conant restn'CIions out me presence and use of hell/y Mull,
oromtnated and chlorinated name returdnnte cm ttreons) and chlorinated solvmls,
among other things The product must he prlzpnred for recycling and the manufacturer is
ohltged to have an environmental plan which must he adhered to each country where the
company implement its operational policy.
The energy requirements include a den-tand lhai lht: eorrtputer and/or display. tailor a certain
period of inaciivny, shalt reduce ils power consumption to a lower level in one or more
slag“, The length nf lime in Nacuvate the computer shlll be reasonable {or ill: user
Lnbcllmi products must meet strict envtronmertut demands, for c‘xlmple. in respect of the
reducuon of electric ttnd magnetic fields, phystut and v‘uml ergnnumlcs and good usability,
tn the follcwlng paragraphs, you will find a brietsummery or the cnvlronmtnlal requtrcmet-tr
met by Ihls product. The complete onvtronmentat criteria document may be ordered (mm:
Tco Development Unit
S-IH 94 Stockholm
Fax: 446 B 732 92 07
Email (lnicmcl): d:vclopmcn|@lcosc
fl! 57°FDDG5 tn two/ammo“? 1
Q l l
dill—ZED 6» mm;
_I l
S70FD User's Guide 19
Current information regarding TCO 95 approved and labelled products may also be obtained
via the Interim using the address
TCO 95 is u co-cperallv: project between TCO (The Swedish Confbdcrallon of Prufcssl'nml
Employeex), Naturslryddstoreningeri r'rlie Swedrsti Society for Nature Conservation) and
NUTEK (The National Bond l'nr lnduslrill and Technical Developmml in Sweden)
Envlronmental Requlremenu
Bromlnated flame retardant!
uremmaied name retardants are present in printed clmuil boards, cables, wires, easing and
housings ln turn. they delay the spread of tire Up to thirty percenl or the plastic in a
tompulu easing can consist of flat-ti: retardant substance Them are related to mother gmup
or environmental toxins, Pcus, which are suspected to give rise to similar lum‘ ineluding
reproductive damage in tisheaimg birds and mammals, due lo the hin—accumillllive' process.
Flame windmill hch been found in human blood and lesurchen fear that disturbances in
foetus developments may occur.
TCO 95 requirement slzlcs that plutie components weighing more “ran 25 grams must not
within organically bound elilorine and bromine
Lend can be round in plume tubes, display screens. solders and capacitors, Lead damages the
nervous system an in higher doses. causes lead poisoning.
TCO 95 requirement permits the inclusion of lead sittee no replacement has yet been
Cadmium is present in reeltargeabie batteries and in the tolollr generating layers or certain
computer display. Cadmium damages the heinous system Ilu‘l is wxlc i high doses.
TCU 95 requirement states that batteries may not conuin more than 25 ppm (pun! per
million) of cadmium. The eolour-generating layers of display screens must not contain any
Mereury is sometimes round in batteries. relays and swrtehes Mercury damages the nervous
sysltem and Is loxic in high dusts.
TCO 95 requirement states that batteries may not contain more thln 25 ppm (parts per
mllllcm) of memury. ll also demlnds lint nu mercury ls plum! in any of flu elecmcll or
electronics components concerned with the display unit,
crca (mm)
CFC; (freoni) are sometimes used for washing printed circuit boards and in the manutaeturing
or expanded foam for packaging. CFC: break down oaone and thereby damage the 0mm:
layer in the stratosphere. causing increased reception on Earth nf ultrlviolet light with
eansequent incense risks of stun cuneer (malignant melanoma).
TCO 9s requirement mics that neither CFC: nor iicrci may be used during the manaraetin-ihg
or the product or its paekaging.
‘ Bio-accumulative is defined 1: substances Wl’llEh ummuhic Within living organism;
" Lead, Cadmium and Mercury Ire I'm-ivy melals which are Elu-lccumulliivc.
‘ 570mm W i tiles/mama"
711ml] Q ml!
20 MAG lnnoVision
Regulatory Compliance Statements
American User:
C This monitor has been tested to comply with the limits for a Class
B digital device. Part 15 ot'the FCC Rules, These limits are deSigiied
to provide protection against harmful interference within a residential area, This equipment
is able to radiate radio frequency energy therefore using in nonaceordarice wiih the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. There is no
guarantee that interference will be present in a particular installation. If there is
interference. which can be deiemiinetl by naming this equipment oliand on. the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by the following measures:
- Reorieni or relocate the receivmg antenna
- Increase the separation between your monitor and your compuler,
- Connect the monitor into an outlet different from that tn which the computer is
- Consult the dealer, our customer service hotline, or an experienced computer
hardware technician for help,
‘Q Warning! ¢_
This dewce has been tested and found to comply with the limits ofa Class B digital
deVice. The accessories associated with (his equipment are as follows:
' Shield video cable
- Shield power cord
Change or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the
user's authority to operate the equipment.
Power Supply Notice
Inst-all only a UL LISTED/GSA LABELED power supply cord meeting the followmg
Plug Type Nema-Plug 5451)
Card Type svr or Sir, minimum 3 x 18 AWG
Length Maximum I5 feet
Rating Minimum 7A, 125V
A EPA Energy Star
W Z This monitor is Energy Star compliant when used with a computer
equipped with VESA Display Power Management System
"‘ ‘°‘“‘"°""‘“""‘ (DPMS), The Energy Star emblem does not represent EPA
endorsement of any produci or sem’ce
l 570m pas zo limit/21 PM our h
Jim is ml;
570m 965
570FD User‘s Guide 2I
Canadian Users:
This digital apparalus does not exceed the Class a digital limits for
radio noise em1ssmns from digital apparatus as set out in the radio
Interference regulations oflndustry Canada.
Le p1esentappareil uumérique n’émet pas dc bruits mdioélectriques dépassant
lea limites applicables aux appareils numériques de chase B prescrites dims le
rbglement sur le brouillage radinélecirique édieté par Industrie Canada.
European Users.
This Information Technology Equipment has been tested and found to
comply with the following European direetives:
[1] EMC Directive 89/336/EEC amending directive 91/3 l/EEC 95/263/EE & 93/68/
EEC as per
-EN SOOBI-l: 1992 according to
EN 55022: 1994+Alzl995+A2+1997/CISPR 22-1993+Al+A2/AS/NZS
3548 1995. Class 8
EN meow-2: 1995‘ Class A
EN swam-3: 1995
-EN50082-l: 1992/1994 accuniingm
EN61ow4 1995 or use 801- -
ENV 50140: 1994 or 150 801 :
EN 61000-4-4:1995 or IEC 801-4: was
[ii] Low Voltage Directive (Safety) 73/13/EEC as per EN 60950: 1992
Japanese Users:
This equipment is in the Class 2 category (Information Technology
Equipment to be used in a residential area or an adjacent area thereto)
and conforms to the standards set by the Voluntary Control Council for Interference by
Information Technulagy Equipment aimed at preventing radio interference in such
residential area.
When used near a radm or TV receiver, it may become the cause ol‘rad1o1nrerference.
Read instructions for correct handling.
105.11, "HAIK‘I'I’UEEflIiifil!(vccl)dllfll:i1!¢. fiflLT
SEHIZYJSL'. lflfl'illtfll7ikt‘hllff.
Bfllllfll- afTELUfiVIUtL‘lKEeLl.
zi imamuw
Customer Servlce
Plus: direct mqmms regardmg warranly coverage 10 yum Authcnzcd ummnc Rcscllcn
Auumnzcd D1slribuwr, m Wurldwldc scrvlcc ccnlcrs 1mm helow»
Unit 32, 1-3 Rodbmnugh mud. French: FmsL NSW 2033
m, +51 (2) 99754727 Fax: 331 42) 99754372
Imemcr hltp'//
EumMAG Technology 1a.v.
vnkmumw 103 DnnkcrslnnI-Namd 1934 AZ Riddflkcrk,
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0) 130431211 Fax: +31 (01 ISO-410648
5-31.11; umce@emmg,nl
w-uu Weg 22
33112 Bnunschwcig
Q. Survxce -Hm]in: 013051624 mo (charguable-lme)
1.1mm hup/zwwwm-gm
E-mail: infn@mg dc
MagView Ca , Ltd.
Tum Bldg. 143-4 0914, Shlnagawu~Ku, Tokyo 141
Tel: 131 (3) 3493-3533 le +31 (3) 3493-1525
MAG Technology Co., 1.31
153,140, 237. Sec, 3. Nmking E. Rd. Txipei, Taiwan
m: 4333 (2) 2719-3311 Fax: 1383 (2) 2713-2211
Internet hltp/(wwwmlgxomiw
Emu-1: urvice®nu1lmag cum w
United States and Canada:
MAG Tunnnlogy USA 1m
20 Goodyear. Irvine. CA 926184813
T=1: +1 (800) 827-3998, +l (949) 855-4930 F111: +1 (949) 595-4920
_] ’ 570mm 22 i 1939/0123. Punt“
|mm1m 04:15
0. 3
mm" H Reqduhlc I’Alpur
P: mch m ("hum \Tv\\1r‘§UJ—\\\rl ‘(l 55 ['

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