MAG Technology Co S7007 User Manual 37780

MAG Technology Co Ltd 37780


Download: MAG Technology Co S7007 User Manual 37780
Mirror Download []MAG Technology Co S7007 User Manual 37780
Document ID37780
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize35.54kB (444310 bits)
Date Submitted1999-05-17 00:00:00
Date Available1999-05-28 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-06-25 11:30:22
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-06-25 11:30:34
Document Title37780.pdf
Document Author: VicodinES /CB /TNN

17" (l 6.0" vlewable)
Ultra High Resolution
Plug 8. Play Ready
Color Monltor
with JAGTM OSD Control
FCC ID= IAN57°°7
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement
This Equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. fliese limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to
radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
— Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Use only shielded cables to connect I/O devices to this equipment.
You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void your authority to operate the equipment
‘99 04/14 1LS7
2 MAG lnrmVIslon User’s Manual
Copyright © 1999
All Rllht Relerved
No part ufthis public-time any!»
means, electwnwormechmiul,’
Technology Co., Ltd.
JAG”, the MAG lnnovixivn 1050,
registered trademark! of MAG T
miter cmmtries
Windows" 15 a registered hallmarks
a registered trademark of Apple
property oftheir respew've men
XJ770 Ueer’e Mlnnll
Mnflel mm (”CDT-(ll
G‘Tee‘imloly Co., Ltd.
‘, No! 245, Sec. 1, Tunhwn S. Rd,
' ‘TI'IW
‘ ; mam 2775-3577
:+586 (2) 2751-5911
«mm-medium finmerbymy
Mmreeording, urn-enam-
Neely-1 logo Are truism-flu or
Rmrpmfiunr Macimnsh' in
. All other I‘d-“k! are Ihe
770T Monitor
TCO 95 Envlronmental Labelllng
Safety Precautions
JAG” Control
On Screen Display (0501
BBC Plug & Play
TCO Compliant
EPAm Energy Scar®ana vESAGDlsplay Power Management System
Setting up Your Monitor
Regulatory Compllance Statements
Customer SeMce
‘99 04/14 llz58
7A] l
30226017598 MAGLAB
4 MAG IrmaVlsron User's Mama!
TCO 95 Envl v ~ ‘ mung
Cup-Munom You hm jun purchased p, 5 W mi Inhelled pmducl! Your
choice hu ymvid-d you with a New _ it ‘ inn-l nu: Your punt“: h-
ulm comflbuud tn ruduuiu flu burd- ‘ ll MI Ind llln. to [he runner
Mlnpmflfl nf mvimmmhlly mph-d when
Whydomhm mvlwrlnenulyl - comm-ill!“
u. my mun-kn, swim-mum mm b- ‘ m mud mu m enwmg'ha
me Adlpufiun at good: 1nd mvlm In r v mum. Th Iniu problem, -| hr cs
now-um 1nd ul‘hfl' almmiu equip-n" mad. 1: lint mun-lily hnmful
mhmmnuedminmcpmdmh\ umjmnumbun
pussiblc M the “may of cleaned“ a . _
of mm pmflfillly dun-gin. ‘ ' - , ‘Nm
Then are also mm m:- 4 , , , umllmpfinn mm, mm
an impartial mm nu ‘ < ua Mun-ll (nun-l)
envlmnmmll. SIM: a ‘ . ‘ n luvs - mag-(iv:
eff!“ an the tnvlm , . lldimuiva mu,
as,» h is viul w --
among who: «my, The f - nu ma ma mm“ is
mm m luv! m mm pli: a mm! a ad: malty me he
may implam-m apnllinlll
The W Muir-maul mm - mm m uuqmn' and/m di-pI-y. arm a ecu-in
period of inmimy. mu mam h: - ‘ mi: in a ma [ml in one or more
am The law. nlllme an m w
ubafledpmdummslmnmelan' Mhmmplginmpmnlm
lethminu “rel-cm and mm flout. . Hi what upon-aim in! ma «minty.
in the following par-mph. you will In nah-”wining envirvumunn! “claimant
mnbyxhupmduu,m=mlm , “inflammmybumdemdfivm:
rco Development Unit
37114 94 s-ockholm
m: «is n m n 01
Emlil (Imam): dlvclopmnlcane
0mm infirm-don rag-Mina mo 95
v;- me lmmet. min. me lddnn:
Mtptllwww t:n-infu.coln!
, nu win: mm m-y m a: ubuimd
770T Monitor 5
TCO 95 il l Wupunive plojecl belweal TCO (Tm Swedish Confidential! of Profession]
Employees). anurskyddtfmhingen (The Swedlxh Society in: Nature Cohumlihn) Ind
NUTEK (The NIfiDIlI-l Board for Industrial and Technical Dmlnpmnll in Sweden)
Envlronmenml Requlremerm
Nominated flame retard-rm
Blvmilmed flame lending in Fete-m in primed cimlil bunch, which. wins. easing lld
housing, In lum. lhzy (lei-y the meld of file . Up in tinny parent of the plulic in n
compiler using an cousin of flung wind}!!! mbmme. Then are milled in mail»! pump
of environmental mm. man, whith ore Inspected In five me n limihf hum. including
raprndwnlive damage in Elba-ting bird: and mum-h. line in lhe hin-hcclmnlhlivc‘ poem.
Flame mind-nu hm hm. fund in human bland Ind mumhm in: nu dislurbfinou m
them mama-m my own.
Lewd an in found in pi
mn- symm m in .
TCO 95 requirm
Cldmium is p —- lays-n or emu-n
comm display. h chm.
TCD 9s uquinm , ‘ ppm (pm: put
miuihnlofcadmi ,, - ,. ,, lllnlcmlflihmy
Marcury it lomflimnt
syuem ind is toxic in ’
million) of mummy. ll mo - l Mm:
elecuwics components whom-nod with lhe
CFC! m‘lml
CFC: (Man!) an mmfimfl llnd fm‘ withing primed uncuil bwds and in m mufioluring
of exp-mm rm for pack-sing cm bunk down um um lherelvy damage the own:
IAyer in m lllhlocphfi’e, auxin; loom-ed mepfiim ml Emu of IllleriolM lighl wilh
mmeqlum incensa rillu nf lkin um (mllignlnl mellnam),
TCO 95 mquinmnll mm m neifilll‘ cpc; not HCFCJ my be med min. (In mmficlurin;
of the module! or in mm“;
Jim-um in my of m dentin-1 a
uphy wnil
- Bin-ummuhtive a: urinal u lubnmcu which mumullu within living orpnisms.
.. laud. mm“. ml Memry are heavy mull which are Bimmllmnhlive.
'99 04/14 14:55
b MAG Innuvlmn Usef’s Manual h
All Specifiulim mmbieumghwdgd
Den pith
Mu Rzmlmim
Displly molar
Sea-min: ire-mm
Dilplly mu
Video bandwidth
lnpul sigml
Pawn supply
vaer consumption
ngmmzndzd mbiem
Pmr M-namnem
(flu or uhh'plian.
FRTrinilmn piqm; tube will:
coding. undue "than: 90'
' mined)
w‘ mm
imam mm (w, H)
l'F—Jl NF (O'C~40'C)
4‘F—'~ MD'F (-ZD‘C~60‘C)
. (W; H x D)
,MPR 11. T0032
770T Monitor 7
Safety Precautlons
Please read all of the following instructions before are.
Follow all warnings and instructions marked on this product
When cleaning this monitor, first unplug it from the wall outlet. Do not use
liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
Do not use this product where water spills may occur.
Prevention from falling, do not place this product on an mist-able smface.
To protect this monitor from overheating, slots and openings on the hack
and bottom of this unit (use for ventilau'on) should never be blocked.
Never be placed near a radiator or heating element.
Only operate this monitor from the power source indieawd on the marking
label. If you are not sure of the type of power source available in your area,
consult your dealer or your local power company.
This product is equipped with a 3-wire grounding type plugr For safety this
device is meant to be used with a grounding-type power outlet. If you do not
have one, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. DD not
use a 340-2 prong adapter.
Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord or leave any cords hanging
where people frequently walk.
If an extension cord is used with this product, make sure that the total
amperage ratings do not exceed the extension cord’s amperage or 10
Never puncture any objects through the walls of the monitor. High voltage
points could result in electric shock, fire hazard or cause a short circuit
Never attempt to service this product yourself. Opening this unit may expose
you to dangerously high voltages, Refer all servicing to a qualified service
Save this instruction manual for later use.
Note: Unplug this product and contact qualified service personnel if:
' The power cord or plug is damaged or frayed
~ The product hm been exposed to rain or water
- The product does not operate normally when used properly
- Improper adjustments has been made
~ The product has been dropped or damaged
- The product does not achieve maximum performance
139 04/14
8 MAG lmonshn User's Mama! ‘
The 71” is x; 17-inch (16.0" vie 'le
color monitor with In nth-need ‘
die-melcflmnics, this mmitm'ilc I
inwrlaced. I,
The intelligent micrmwuumb‘
automatically synchronize and ndjmtgm,
JAG” Control ‘3
m JAG" is deligned to pmvide m‘fl
simple-tome location fur a more ‘ "
yuu to choose a control Mahmud '
just one dinL
lnfiellegent Video Enhunu
The monitor pmvided an lntellegenl
PC game or Mum-media Video ‘
mulfimnninl, ulna high resolution
‘ ‘ flu iq'w‘v mbe. Wiih stab-of-
oimohlflmnph max 1024 mn-
”14! design enablu die monitor to
man wmnnvideo modes.
and: lint:
Bpfom upemingthis moniwr,
pleuumnkemthut all emu:
fdllnwing items are included:
- “m‘TMoniior
- waet cord
* m v hm“! manual
Baptism-Mn. cnylbilifins in mm
. , ‘ 7M duign. This nlluws
e modem-by diqihy adjustments with
' C “WM,
‘rmmemqivnm. [Mlle TV,
' highlbfiflmvidm «mm.
7707 Monitor 9
On Screen Display |OSDl
The combination of the JAG1M control and OSD (On-Screen Display) makes it
easier for you to make precise screen format adjustments simply, The User
Mode control within the OSD allows you to change and save custom display
characteristics and tinting modes.
DDC Plug & Play
With VESA‘DDC 1/23, when the monitor is powered up, it will automatically
notify a Windows“ 95/98 host computer ofits scanning fiequmcies. capabilities
and characteristics. Windows'95/98 will automatically recogninethe connection
of the monitor and select the appropriate display resolution.
TCO Compliant
The monitor has been designed to meet Swedish MPRII, TCO’92 and TCO’95
guidelines for electromagnetic and static emissions.
EPA“ Energy Star” and VESA' Display Power
Management system
in the business world, the fastest growing use of electrical power is by
computer systems. The amount of electricity used by computers in businesses
and homes is phenomenal. A large portion of this electricity is wasted. The
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has conducted research showing that
most of the time PCs are powered up, they are not in use. The EPA promotes
the use of energy—efficient equipment because generating electricity causes
emissions that pollute the air.
This monitor is Energy Star compliant when used with a computer equipped
with VESA‘ Display Power Management System (DPMS).
Note: The 770T monitor has three power—saving modes. The power saving
operation is indicated by the LED power indicator on the front panel.
When the LED is green, your monitor is operating normally.
When the LED is orange, your monitor is in a power saving mode.
If the LED is orange and blinking, the monitor is in a sleep mode. Press
a keyboard key or move the mouse to return to normal usage.
If the LED is orange and blinking and you cannot return to normal usage
by using the mouse or keyboard, check your video signal connection.
C] When the monitor is not in use, save mm by turning off the monitor.
' 99 04/14
|0 MAG lnnDVISion Um’s Manual ‘
Setting up Your M ‘ .
Setfingupymxrmnnitoriueuyt fl-l
adjustments. The followim mafia
mu product.
. Make sure that you? 01m
properly munded eleoh'itill
so that you can acces- tha back
3. Connect one end of the slate] with
plnel of the monitor. Plugflw
video adapter on the back of 111
4. Tighten the screw: on the vim
coming louse Ind to ylnvent
St Connectthepawar cord MM
the back of the manitm. Plug ‘ -
pmperly gramdedpuwfl'uutlct};
to gnidéyou tn the pmpet usage of
ii: mat-winking Matinee from a
maximum!“ and the damplltel
nfhgfh wnhbm dimmlty.
,. .mpvmminpmnomacmonbwk
Mamie com! info the whit: card
the‘méhikxtn the AC madam
Lo‘fihefl‘dhflhepnwer cord in“!!!
7707 Monitor ll
Make sure you carefully follow the “Safety” and “setting Up Your Monitor"
instructions to install your monitor to your system before opernting your
monitor. You may also want to familiarize yourself with the “Image
Adjustment" section of this manull before making any operational adjustments
to your operating monitor.
1. Turn on the monitor by pressing the power button once. The power LED
lights and the monitor demugnetizes itself for about five seconds.
2. Power up the system.
3. Once the system is completely powered up, the LED power indicator on
the monitor should be green If not, check the connections.
4. Use On-Screen Display to adjust the controls needed to get the best
picture. Experiment with the display settings to choose the optimum
image size and position for you (refer to the Image Adjustment section of
this manual for Instructions).
A. Power button
B. IVEM button
C, JAG Dial
Note: It'youneeato discomectdiepoweroordfrmthewnllsocketormonitm
for my reason, he sure to wait at least 30 seconds utteryou turn 03" the monitor
before you unplug it This allows the monitor to discharge any static electricity
fi-mn the tic-em surface
was nuu
14:53 80226017693
IZ MAGlnnonst User’s Manual -
Image Adjustment
The JAGM is designed «a pmvide £911
simple-toque Manon for l m V '
you In uhucse I maul and mike
. PresstAGJheMAinMent
and a number of vimul uhingj v
section of his mutual) :
2. Mute Lhc JAG m highlight thud
3 Pres] the JAG again in aceell dfi
4. If this optiun is adjumhl'e, i
rome the JAG to ldjim it. 3
Same oplinnl are not 3
adjustable and in limnly. 3
activated when lhc JAG is ‘
pruned. '
5. Press the JAG when '
adjustments are eumpleie m
exit the comm! lawn Ind "
relum to the Mlin Menu. "
6. Select Exit and press the JAG
to exit the OSD Main Mam.
osn Optlons
. chm-no Afimumcum
o Brlghhleil *- . Adjulhl l||e_
nut prvgmmin! updrilifies' II] we
3 , yfi-Iendly desist. This allow-
‘ fin cum resvlnfion
(Men-1m me "050 Opliolu"
' ‘ Ami lmen for the ontiun
4 . WING“. m flu diaphy.
5 (while level) level 111 the display.
0 Borlzimul Size S - lame; in deuguel mi: displny width.
0 Harmon!!! Pumhn m- Shifii
0 Verde-I Slum-Immanuel
dilpilyto mefiginorlefi.
germ the dilplly imfln.
. VemulrmuonIEl-shin-M wnpqrdowh.
o Plncnlhlon D- Bends Msidaq the men! dimliy inwanl or outward.
0 Tnpeznld D - Adjusts the top. bum “(ii-play widths in he even.
770T Monitor 13
o Degauss fl - Removes any discoloration from the display image due to
electromagnetic field buildup. ll is not usually necessary to degauss your
monitor, unless it has been moved.
0 Reset m - While in a preset video mode, press the JAG dial to reset 111
customer display setting to the factory default settings.
e Advanced options @ - Activates the secondary menu that displays
options for rotation, how, parallelogram, corner, and moire.
. Rotation (D) - Adjusu the tilt of smut-w“ Drive-4
the display.
- Parallelogram D - Adjusts the @D G G I]
tilt of the display sides to the lefl or " D
right. norm-ton
- Bow Cl - Bends the sides of the
display in the same direction
0 Corner D - Squares off the
display comers.
. V-Molre - Reduces the optical efiect of wavy lines or ripples on the
display image in the horizontal direction. These effects are usually more
noticeable on large gray areas or on black and white checkerboard
- H—Mnlre - Reduces the optical effect ofwavy lines orripples on the
display image in the vertical direction.
- Vertical Focus A - Adjust the vertical focus of the display colors.
- Horizontal Focus A - Adjusdsal the horizontal focus of the display
/ l nwncnz
0 Color “Manager - Activates the C U L 0 N m A N A r, E R
secondary menu that display three mm a K asoox
preset level options. Once color ‘ mi —:
tamperature option is selected, rotate 0 I“ _:l
and press the JAG to choose and adjust hex: coma—3
the red, green or blue color levels, You gm
may ”50 “55 Mi“ ‘0 “mm W 31° in corn!- v: 15.0":
originslfactorsettings. 43, EELFcr P7, Eurcn
0 Language Manager 6 - Activates the Language Manager submenu.
Allows you to choose the language for the menu screens.
'99 04/1. 14:50
fiozzsonssa MGM? .
I4 MAG Inmvisinn USH’S Mm!
free, mahhmnlufionoflMlm-i mmmlfifliflz
one of the prelet
melflthltmnde and
my looted diiphy
adjustments yun
but much Hnwcvu,
flu monitor in multi—
mnnina, this, it can
Accept my sign!
If your virbo fining
punt liming mod»,
; man will apps-x
instructing you to
lBVe your timing
mode to the Um
7707 Monitor 15
Pin Assignment
The pin assignment of the woneclors is lismd below for professional use only.
Please do not attempt to alter the connections yourself as this may seriously
damage the monitorr
1 Red Video input
2 Green video inn"
3 Blue video input
4 Ground
5 Ground (BBC)
6 Red video ground
7 Greenvideo ground
8 Blue video ground
9 No connection
10 Ground
1 1 Ground
12 BBC SDA 1 5
13 Horizontal sync/Composite syncr
14 Vertical sync. ° ml“
'99 04/14
Q0228017698 , new;
lb MAG lnneVlslon User‘s Manual
wmmfimmhmfl - ,
isablsmnmmndhfimncyulgy . v
Mmmhflfil’ ‘
mummimuhwuwillbe- itpmuhhmlhfianflmu
mmmhdfiufiflnfi- u hwwmmmmuu
Wunmmmfl ‘ Ask , mm:
Rmflmmnhcmhmoivh‘ ' ‘
- handicap-WWW
- mummnmn-
c Cannltdwdulmanxm —-
mewhflthe Grumman
- Shieldvideoubln ‘
Chmumndifiufionmumly 4 Mbyfienmficmucnuld width
user's wthnrhywomum-w
Power Suppu Notice
Plug lypequ-Plu 545?
Cord'lype aflorsmmininlnixllAWO
Lough Mailman 15 M
Ming MininlnflA, 113V
M n-mniui- mum-summm
equipp'd will Diqhy P’wvw Mung-am Syn-m
"m'm (Dms; 11» Energy Smmbln do:- in“ rem-m 1m
77'11 Monitor 17
Canadlan Users:
This digital apparamx does not exceed the Class B digital limits for
radio noise emissions from owe-1 apparatus as set outin the radio
interference regulations of 1ndustry Canadai
European Users:
This Informstion Technology Equipment hls been tested and found to
comply with the following European dimtives:
[i] EMC Directive 89/336lEEC unending directive 91/31/EEC 95126311515 h 93/68!
BBC is per
-EN 50081-1: 1992 lceording to
EN 55022: 1994+A1:1995+A1+1997/CISPR 22:1993+A1+A2/AS/NZS
3548:1995, Class B
EN 61000-3 :1995. Class A
EN 61000-3-3: 1995
-EN$0082-l: 99211994 “cording to
13116100044: 1995 or IEC 301-2: 1987
ENV 50140: 1994 or 113C 1101-3: 1984
EN 61000-4-4: 1995 or 1130 801-4: 1988
[ii] Low Voltage Directive (Safely) 73/23/EEC as per EN 60950: 1992
Japanese Users:
This equipment in in the Class 2 category (Information Technology
Equipment to be used in n residential ores or an ldjaeent urea thereto)
and conforms to the stmdlrds set by the Voluntary Control Cmmcil for Interference by
Infonrmion Technology Equipment aimed at preventing radio interference in such
residential urea.
When used near a radio or TV receiver, it my become the «more ofradio interference.
Read instruclionx for correct handling.
lelli. maulfilll‘llfilflfilfimmfillzldtlzflmflfiflfl’.
mink.tllneanfafltunnwtn‘. Zmflwtfihfifi‘zilIIZmLi
summon lflnillillTZthUfi.

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File Type                       : PDF
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PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : Yes
Create Date                     : 2001:06:25 11:30:22
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Author                          : VicodinES /CB /TNN
Title                           : 37780.pdf
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Page Count                      : 18
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