MAG Technology Co U7003-02 Color Monitor User Manual 55014
MAG Technology Co Ltd Color Monitor 55014
User’s Guide 17" (16.0” viewable) Ultra High Resolution Plug & Play Ready Color Monitor with JAGTM OSD Control @ 7721/9211? 07 m w r i i J mu @ L 2 MAG InnoV|5ion Notices Copyright© 1999 MAGTet‘llnolog'Co.,Lti ISRNO. ZE7.SeC.3.Nanking E. Rd, Taipei‘ Taiwan Tel: +886(2)27l9-88|l Fax‘ +386(2)271872211 All Right Reserved No part of this publication may he produced or transmitted in any from or by any means‘ electronic or mechanical‘ including photocopying. recording. ortranslat- ing intoany language in any form without the ecpress written permissionofMAG Technology Co., Ltd JAG“. the MAG Innovisinn logo, and the screen logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of MAG Technology Co‘, Ltd‘ in the United States and other countries. Windows0 is aregistered u‘adcmarks efMicrosoftCorpuratwn Macintosh‘a is a registered trademark of Apple Computers All other trademarks are the Q» property of their respective owners. Q XJ796 User’sGuide Model no.: 07003-02 07/99 77 t‘ xnsspss 2 “Q“ 7/2l/99‘l207F’M ‘ r l l Vii—JJ Q T ‘ Xflsépefi Contents TC095 Environmental Labelling Specifications Safety Precautions Introduction JAGTM Control On Screen Display(OSD) DDC Plug & Play MPRiiand TCO Comphant EPA‘M iEnergySteiflu andVESA” DPMS Setting up Your Monitor Installing the Base ConnectingtheMomtor Operation ImageAdJustrnem OSD OplIDflS Video Modes PinAssignmeni Regulatory Compliance Statement: Customer Service XJ796 User’s Guide 7/21/99,‘2 07 m ®@mmm\|O-h _-__~___.a___ Wwothooo i f 1—.J_]_l<§ 4 MAG InnOVISan TC095 Environmental Labelling (TCO95 only) congrarnlarinnal You have jusl purchased a Tcovs approved and labelled pmducl' Yum clinic: has provided you with n pmducl developed for professional use Your purchase has also oonrnbnred in reducing rlre burden on rhe envrronmenl and also, in (he funher development of envlmnmcmally adapred eleerronrcs prodncrs Why do we have environmentally labelled compunelfl In many canniries, envlmnlnenml labelling has bemme an eslahllshed meth for encouraging me adnplalion of good: and services no me envrmnmcm, The main problem, as far as compurers and ether cleclmnlies equipmenr are ooneemed. ls rlrar environmemally harmful substances are used bath in (h: pmducl! and during lhe manufacluring. Slime rr has lml been possible for lhe majonry of elecrronres equipmenr lo be recycled ln a snrrsfaorory way, nrorr of lhese poreniially damaging suasranees sooner or lnrer emer Nalure. There are also other charwcrisllcs of a computer, such as energy eunsumpdorn levels‘ that m imperial“ from me viewpoinls nf bnlh Ihc work memal) and nalural (enema!) enyrronmenis. Since all meihods of conventional eleciricrly generalion have a neganve effecl Q“ the environmem (acidic and cllmalerlnl‘luencmg emissions. rildlblCllVe wnsle, ere). ii is vnal ro consenre energy Elecrronrc equipmenl rn offices consumes an enormous amounr or energy since it is oflcn lcfi mnning connnnonsly What does labelling Involve? This prndaer meels rhe requirements [or me TCO 95 scheme which provide: for rnlemauonal and envrrnnmenral labeling or personal computers. The labelling scheme was deyeloped as a yornr elran by rhe TCO (The Swedish Confedernuon or professional Employees). Namrskyddslorenrngen lThe Swedish Sociely for Nalure Conservallun) and NUTEK (The Nauonal Board fol lnduslrlal and Technical Develaplllenl in Sweden) The reanircmenrs cover a wide range or issues enyrronmenr, ergonomics. usabilny, emission of olecmoal and mngnerre fields, energy consumpnon and elecmcal and fire saiery. The environmental demands colloem xesmclluns on lhe presence and use of heavy metals. bromlnaled and chlorinaled flame xemxdanls, CFCs (lreuns) and chlorinated solvems. among orner rhings The produei mnsr be prepared for recycling and rhe manufacrurer is obliged 1D have an environmental plan which musi be adhered ll) each eonnrry where lhe company rmplenrenr irs operanonal policy The energy requiremenrs include a demand rhru rhe oompurer and/or display. aner a cenarn period or inncrivny, shall reduce “5 power ronsumprion lo a lower level In one or more slages The Icnglh oi "me In lencilvale the cnmplller shall be reasonable for lhe user. Labelled pmducts musk meet siricl mvironmenlal demndse for example, |l| respea of [he reduerron or eleclnc and nragnerie fields, physwl‘ll and yrsual ergonomics and good nsabilny. ln rhe following paragraphs. you Will find a hnef summery or rhe environmenml requrrenrem men by rlns producr. The complere enyrronrnenral cnreria doonrnenr may be ordered from: TCO Development Unit s-lle 9A Sroekholrn Sweden Fax‘ +46 8 732 92 07 Email (lnlemel): developmenl®tco se 1 was as; a i 7mm, 12 07 PM o [nu-lL XJ7% User’sGulde 5 Curreni intonuaiion regarding TCO as approved and labelled products may also too obtained Via the internei, usmg the addicts; hitp llwww [co-lufaJmm/ Tea 95 is a co-opcralive project between TCO (The Swedish Confederation of Pmressionai Employees), Nukurskyddslolenlngen (The Swedish Society for Natur: Conservation) and NUTEK (The Niuumal Board for Industrial and Technical Development in Sweden) Envlronmemal quulmments Bret-imam: flame retardants Brominatcd flame remmlmls are present in pnnlcd clmuit boards, cables. eres. Cuslug and housings in turn. they delay the spread of fire . Up to "tidy peruenr of the plastic in a computer casing can consist of flame retardant substance There are related to another group of entimnmenial tnxms, PCBs, which are suspected to give rise to similar harm, including repioducitve damage in fishealmg birds and mammals, due to the bioeaccumuluttvc‘ process. Flam/a wlurdams havz been hunt! in human blood and rcscmchcls fear (hm dislulhauces iii foetus developments may occur. TCO 95 rcquireiiienr states that plastic components weighing more than 25 gmms most lint contain organically bound chlom’le and bromine Lead-- Luau can he found in picture ratios, display scnens. spiders and capacitors. Lead damages the nervous system an in higher doses, causes lead poisoning TCO 95 requirement permits the inclusion of lead sthce no replacement has yet been developed. @ cadmium“ @ Cadmium is present in rechargeable batteries and in the colour generating layers of certain computer display Cadmium damages the riemous system and IS toxic in high doses. TCO 95 requirement states that battens may not contain more than 25 ppm (parts per million) of cadmium The colouregcncmting layers of display screens must not contain any cadmium. Mercury" Mercury is sometimes found in ballelics, relays and swttclies Mercury damages the nervous system nnd is toxic in high doses TCO 95 requirement states that batteries inny nor cumuln more than zs ppm (pans per million) of meiciuy. I! also demands that no mercury is present in any of the electrical or eleclronlcg eampanenis concerned with rne display unit CFC: ltreonsl CFC; (frcmts) are sometimes used for washing printed Clmull bonrds and in the manufacturing of cxpani‘lcd foam for puckaging CFCs break down ozone and tlteioay damage the ozone layer in the stratosphere, causing increased reception on Earth of ultmvtolct light wilh consequent incense risks of skin cancer (mllgnmt melanoma) TCO 95 mqullemenl Slala that neither CFC: nor HCFCs may be used during tho manufacturing at the product or its packaging ‘ BIO'flECtIlflIIlZfil/C is defined as substances which accumulate wilhtn Il'vtng nrganisms “ Lead, Cadmium and Mercury are heavy metals which are Bio-accumulative a l xnsapss 5 7/21/9512NFM l 6 MAG innGVision Specifications All Specifications are sulayect to changed wttliout notice or obligation. CRT Dot pitch Max Resolution Display color Scanning Frequency Display area Video handwidili lnput signal Power supply Power cunsumpliun Recommended ambience Dimensions Weight Cenificaliom Power Management i l xms p55 17-inch “6.0” viewable) flat square tube with TCO/Anti- reflective coating, anti-glare, anti-static, 90” deflectiun 0.26mm 1600 x 1200 (Nonrintctlaced) Unlimiled Horizontal: 30 - 96 KHz Vertical: 50 , 160 Hz Factory presctting: 3 l0 x 230 mm (W x H) 203 MHz (-3le) nominal Video: Analog, 0.7Vp-p, 750hm Sync: Separale TTL level Composite TTL level 100 - 240 Vac, 50/60 Hz Normal: < 130W Suspend: < 15W Active Off: < EW Operating temperature: 32°F~ |04°F (0“C~40°C) Operating humidity: 10~90 % Storage temperature: <4“F~ l 40“F (-ZO“C~60“C) 425x425x460mm(WxHxD) Net: 16.0Kg Gross: 19.0Kg UL, CUL. TUV/GS, SEMKO, NEMKO, DEMKO, FINKO, CE, DHHS. FCC B. MPR—ll, TCO92/ TC095(oplionaI) EPA Energy Stair" , VESA DPMSTM 5 1/21/99, 12 m PM XJ796 User's Guide 7 Safety Precautions Please read all of the following instructions before use. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on this product, When cleaning this monitor, first unplug it from the wall outlet. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning Do not use this product where water spills may occur. Prevention from falling, do not place this product on an unstable surface. To protect this monitor from overheating. slots and openings on the back and bottom of this unit (use for ventilation) should never be blocked. Never be placed near a radiator or heating element, Only operate this monitor from the power source indicated on the marking labs]. If you are not sure of the type of power source available in your area, consult your dealer or your local power company, This product is equipped With a 3—wire grounding type plug, For safety this device is meant to be used with a grounding-type power outlet If you do not have one, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do not use a 340-2 prong adapter. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord or leave any cords hanging where people frequently walk. If an extension cord is used with this product, make sure that the total amperage ratings do not exceed the extension cord’s amperage or 10 amperes Never puncture any objccts through the walls of the monitor. High voltage points could result in electric shock, fire hazard or cause a short circuit. Never attempt to service this product yourself. Opening this unit may expose you to dangerously high voltages. Refer all servicing to a qualified service personnel. Save this instruction manual for later use. Note: Unplug this product and contact qualified serVice personnel if: was 966 - The power cord or plug is damaged or frayed - The product has been exposed to rain or water - The product does not operate normally when used properly - Improper adjustments has been made - The product has been dropped or damaged ' The product does not achieve maximum performance 7 waves. |2.07 FM o—ii mos p55 8 MAG lnfloViStDn Introduction The XJ796 is a l7»inch (16 0" viewable) muIIi-scanning, ultra high resolution color monitor with an advanced High Contrast flat square tube. With state»of— the-an electronics. this monitor is capable of resolutions up to 1600 x [200 non-interlaced, The intelligent microprocessor-based design enables the monitor to automatically synchronize and adjust to most common video modes. Check list: Before operating this monitor. please make sure that all ofthe following items are included: ' XJ796 Monitor - Swivel base - Power cord - This user‘s guide JAG” Control The JAGTM is designed to provide full user programming capabilities in one simple~to~use location for a more ergonomically-friendly design. This allows you to choose a control function and make necessary display adjustments with just one dial. On Screen Dlsplay (OSD) The combination oflhe JAGW‘ control and OSD (On~Screen Display) makes it easier for you to make precise screen format adjustments simply, The User Mode control within the OSD allows you to change and save custom display characteristics and timing modes. is 7/21/931207PM XJ796 User's Guide 9 BBC Plug a. Play With VESA0 DDCl/ZB, when the monitor is powered up, it will automatically notify a Windowsw 95/98 host computer ofits scanning frequencies, capabilities and characteristics. Windows“7 95/98 will automatically recognize me connection of the monitor and select the appropriate display resolution. MFR" and TCO Compliant The monitor has been designed to meet Swedish MPRII and TCO92/TCO95 guidelines for electromagnetic and static emissions. EPA’” Energy Star“ and VESA‘D DPMS In the business world, the fastest growing use of electrical power is by computer systems. The amount of electricity used by computers in businesses and homes is phenomenal. A large portion of this electricity is wasted. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has conducted research showing that most of the time PCs are powered up. they are not in use. The EPA promotes the use of energy»efficient equipment because generating electrici causes emissions that pollute the air. This monitor is Energy Star compliant when used with a computer equipped Q with VESAQ Display Power Management System (DPMS). Note: The XJ796 monitor has three power-saving modes. The power saving operation is indicated by the LED power indicator on the front panel. When the LED is green, your monitor is operating normally. When the LED is orange, your monitor is in a power saving mode. If the LED is orange and blinking, the monitor is in a sleep mode. Press a keyboard key or move the mouse to return to normal usage. lithe LED is orange and blinking and you cannot return to normal usage by using the mouse or keyboard, check your video signal connection. When the monitor is not in use, save energy by turning off the monitor. DDDEID fl xms p65 9 ¢ 7/21/99. 1sz m fl l 10 MAG InnoV|5ton Setting up Your Monitor Setting up your monitor is easy. All you have to do is make the following connections and adjustments. Installing the Base Turn the monitor upside down. Align the holders on the swivel base with the holes on the bottom of the monitor. Firmly press down and forward (toward the front of the monitor) until the latches catch. Note: As you line up the holes on the bottom ofthe monitor to the latches on the top of the base, the bottom of the base may move, This is because the base has a tilt/swivel function. Let the botton of the base swivel down first. This will help you to connect the monitor to the base and slide them together easily. Connecting the Monltor Once you have attached the base to the monitor unit, you are ready to connect the monitor to your system. It is important that you use the power cord that came wtth your monitor in order to insure that the monitor conforms to mandatory FCC standards. XJ795 p65 to ‘ 7/21/99. 12.07 PM .@_L Xl79é User's Guide ll To connect the monltor to the system: I. Turn off the power to your system and all its attached options. Z Make sure that your equipment is in cable-reaching distance from a properly grounded electrical outlet. Position the monitor and the computer so that you can access the back panel of both Without difficulty. 3. Connect one end of the signal cable into the video input connector on back panel of the monitor. Plug the other end of the cord into the graphic card video adapter on the back of the computer. 4. Tighten the screws on the video signal cable connector to keep them from coming loose and to prevent radio and TV interference. 5, Connect the power cord that came with the monitor to the AC connector at the back of the monitor. Plug me other end of the power cord into a properly grounded power outlet. A. AC power connector B. Attached video cable Note: It is important that you use the power cord that came with your monitor in order to insure that the monitor conforms to mandatory FCC standards. *. xflsepfis n vat/99. |2 07 PM ‘ I» Jl—lll $ 12 MAG lrinotfision Operation Make sure you carefully follow the “Safety" and “setting Up Your Monitor“ instructions to install your monitor to your system before operating your monitor You may also want to familiarize yourself wnh the "Image Adjustment” section of this manual before making any operational adjustments to your operating monitor To operate the monltor: Ii Turn on the monitor by pressing the power button once The power LED lights and the monitor demagnetizes itself for about five seconds. Power up the system. 3, Once the system is completely powered up, the LED powerindieator on the monitor should be green. If nni, check the connections. 4, Use On-Screen Display to adjust the controls needed to get the best picture. Experiment with the display settings to choose the optimum image size and position for you (refer to the Image Adjustment section of this manual for Instructions), A, LED Power indicator B. Power button C. JAG Dial Note: If you need to disconnect the power cord from the wall socket or monitor for any reason, be sure to wait at least 30 seconds after you tum off the monitor before you unplug it This allows the monitor to discharge any static electricity from the screen surface, 7‘ xnsapss tz ‘ 7/21/99‘1207PM t if xnss p65 XJ796 User's Guide 13 Image Adjustment The JAG” is designed to provide full user programming capabilities in one simple-lo-use location for a more ergonomically—friendly design. This allows you to choose a control and make necessary display adjustments withjust Dne dial. To adjust other vtsual settlngs: 1. Press the JAG. The Main Menu appears, displaying the current resolution and a number of visual selling options. (refer to the “OSD Options" section ofthis manual). Rotate the JAG to highlight the desired option. Press the JAG again to access the option. A control screen for the Option appears. 4. ifrhis option is adjustable, rotate the JAG to adjust it Some options are not adjustable and are simply activated when the JAG is 1024 x 763 press“ Hz68rGKHz V:85.0Hz 5‘ Press the JAG when adjustments are complete to exit the control screen and return to the Main Menu 6 Select Exit and press the JAG to exit the OSD Main Menu tap I'ltNAVtGATE 15 :SELECT 13 mm ta 07 PM 7 l 14 MAG lnnonsion OSD Options xms pas Contrast 0 - Adjusts the contrastlevel (black level) in the display Brightness ak - Adjusts the brightness level (while level) in the display Horizontal Size El - Increases and decreases the display width. Horizontal Position 1024 X 758 H: 63.5KH2 V: 85.0Hz 1 "s : NAVIGATE lb SELECT - Shifts the display to the right or left Vertical Size |I| - Increases and decreases the display height. Vertical Position e - Shifts the display up or down. Pineushion D - Bends the sides ofthe screen display inward or outward. Trapezoid D . Adjusts the top and bottom display widths to be even. Degauss fl - Removes any discoloration from the display image due to electromagnetic field buildup. It IS not usually necessary to degauss your monitor, unless it has been moved. Reset IE - While in a preset video mode. press the JAG dial to reset all customer display setting to the factory default settings. Advanced options - Activates the secondary menu that displays options for rotation, bow, parallelogram, corner, moire and focus Rotation C1)- Adjusts the tilt of the display. Parallelogram C7 - Adjusts the tilt of the display sides to the left or right. Bow G - Bends the sides of the display in the same direction. Corner 9 - Squares off the display corners. " “Q?“ / M NAVIGATE ADVANCED OPTION )DC[EID (D ROTATION E: SELECT 7mm. lz as w Xmas p65 XJ796 User’s Guide 15 - V-Moire - Reduces the optical effect of wavy lines or ripples on the display image in the horizontal direction. These effects are usually more noticeable on large gray areas or on black and white checkerboard patterns. . H-Moire - Reduces the optical effect ofwavy lines Or ripples on the display image in the vertical direction. 0 Vertical Focus A - Adjust the vertical focus oftllc display image. 0 Horizontal Focus A - Adjust the horizontal focus ofthe display image. Color Manager @ - Activates the second. menu that dis-Ia three preset level options. Once color COLOR MANAGER temperature option is selected, rotate and press the JAG to choose and adjust the red, green or blue color levels. You may also use recall to return to the original factor settingsr “my“? Mung" 0 ' rhuawoare Po: SELECT Activates the Language Manager submenur Allows you to choose the language for the menu screensl User Mode U Activates the User Mode submenu. This stores the display characteristics ofa specific resolution (not already defined as a factory preset timin g mode) into the monitor's memory. This saves you from having to readjust the display features each time you reboot (refer to the “Video Modes“ section for preset timing options) the computer. 081) Manager - Activates the OSD Manager submenu, This allows you to adjust the 050 menu position on the display, USER MODE 1 :NAVlGATE l‘_-i:SELEcT 15 7/21/99 |2 ea PM l— Q la l!- lL it: MAG innoV|sion Vldeo Modes This multi frequency monitor operates at horizontal frequencies of30 lo 96 KHz and vertical frequencies of 50 to 160 Hz, The range refers to a maximum flicker— free, usable resolution of 1600x1200 at a nonvinterlaced refresh rate of 751-11 Vertical. This monitor offers 16 preprogrammed settings thal cover most of the common video modes supported by popular graphics adapters. If the monitor recognizes one of the preset timing signals. it will recall that mode and any stored display adjustments you have made. However, the monitor is mum-scanning. thus, it can accept any signal Withm its frequency range, If your video timing mode is not one of the preset timing modes, 2 screen will appear instmcting you to save your timing mode (0 the User Mode. Pu“, Resolution Frequency "M" u (Pixels) v (Lines) H (KHz) v (Hz)’ 1 720 400 31 .5 70 2 540 480 31 .5 50 g s 540 430 43.3 as 4 800 600 37.9 60 5 500 600 $5.9 75 5 sec 600 53.7 as 7" 832 624 49.7 75 B 1 024 755 ‘BA 60 9 1024 765 60,0 75 10 1024 763 68.7 05 11” “52 870 58.7 75 12 l230 1024 54.0 50 13 1280 1024 so» 75 14 1280 1024 91.1 85 15 1500 1200 75.0 60 16 1600 1200 93.7 75 ' Fleiresh rate. " Maclrllush Tlming. . maepss is ‘ 7121/99,12 es PM xme P65 QMlL XJ79b User’s Gurde 17 Pin Assignment The pin assrgm’nent oflhe connectors is listed below for professional use only, Please do not attempt to alter the connections yourself as this may seriously damage the monitor, Pin Ngi Assignment 1 Red Video input 2 Green video input 3 Blue video input 4 Ground 5 Ground (DDC) 6 Red video ground 7 Green video ground 8 Blue video ground 9 No connection 10 Ground 11 Ground 12 DDC SDA Q 13 Horizontal sync. 14 Vertical synci 15 DDC SCL W 7/21/99 12 on FM 18 MAG lfll’lOVlSlOl’l Regulatory Compliance Statements C American User: This munilor has been tested to comply with the limits for a Class E digital devlce. Pan 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to pmvlde protection against harmlul interference within a residential area. This equipment is able to radiate radio frequency energy therefore using in nonaecordance with the inslruclions, may cause harmful interference I0 radio communications There is no guarantee that interference Will be present in a particular lnslallalion ll lhere is interference, which can be determined by turning this equipment offand on. the user is encouraged to try to «meet the interference by the following measures: - Reon‘ent or relocate the receiving antenna - Increase the separalinn between your monitor and your computer. ' Connect the monitor mlo an ankle! differenl from Ihal to which the computer is connected. - Consult the dealer, our customer service horltne, or an experienced computer hardware technician for help Warningl This device has been lesled and found to Comply With the llmlls of a Class B digital devtce. The accessories associated wilh this equipment are as follmws: - Shieidvideocable - Shieidpowercord Change or modifications nor expressly approved by rhe manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Power Supply Notice install only a UL LISTED/GSA LABELED power supply cord meeting the following specifications Plug Type Nema~Plug 5-1 SP Card Type SVT or SJT. minimum 3 x 18 AWG Length Maximum 15 feet Rating Minimum 7A, [25V EPA Energy Star M: y This monitor is Energy Star compliant when used W“?! a computer equipped with VESA Display Power Management System 5“ ’°‘“’"°" "‘“’""“ (DPMS). The Energy Star emblem does not represent EPA endorsement or any product or service. um ass is 7/21/9112 De PM xim p65 XJ796 User’s Guide 19 Canadlan Users: This digilal apparatus does nci exceed the Class B digital limits for radio noise emissions t’mm digital apparatus as set our in me radio inrerferenee regularmns cflndusrry Canada. 12 European Users: This lnfonnalinn Technology Eqnlpmenl has been resled and found to comply With the [allowing European directives: [i] EMC Directive 89/336/EEC amending directive 91/3I/EEC 95/263IEE & 93/63! EEC as per -EN 50081-1 1992 according to EN 55022 1994+A1 1995$A2+19971CISPR 22:1993+A1+A2/AS/NZS 35481995, Class B EN 6100032: 1995, Class A EN 61000-3-3: 1995 -EN50082-1: 1992/1994 according to EN61000-4-2 1995 or IEC 801-2: 1937 ENV 50140: 1994 ("DEC 8016: 1984 EN 6100044: 1995 Gr IEC 801—4 1988 [ii] Low Vollage Directive (Safely) 73123/EEC as per EN 60950: 1992 Japanese Users: This equipment is in the Class 2 category (Information Technology Equipment lo be used in a residential area or an adjaceni area iherero) and conforms to rhe smndards 5:1 by the VD1|lntary Cunirol Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment aimed at preventing radm inlerference in such resrdcnual area. When used near a radio or TV receiver, 11 may become the cause of radio inrerferenee. Read insrrucrions for correct handling. Iifill‘ :m§lli. fiflflfliifllfifllémflflfllfilvocimiEGCS’Xlimiflttfifilvfl zmsllz. tnmlffimteckéaneuutrnfl :m§l§3’)1¢*ve¢a>§mfil.ififiu illfilli'xéh Qfilfitiilfifllfltb‘hfliflr umfiflflilifla’tzl-L‘IYUNL‘El-Iflz'fibh 19 1 7/21/99.1205 PM 11—711 @ 20 MAG InnOWSlon Customer Sen/ice Please direct inquires regarding warranty coverage to your Authorized Ultimate Reseller, Authorized Distributor, or Worldwide servtce centers listed below: Australia: MAGTRON MONITORS (Australia) P'l'Y., LTD, Unit 132, 1-3 Rodborough Road, Frenehs Forest, NSW 2086 Tel: +61 (2) 9975-3727 Fax: +61 (2)997574872 Internet: http'llwwwmagtron comau E—mail: Europe: EuroMAG Technology B.V. Valkenierstraat 10h Donkersloot-Noord 2984 AZ Ridderkerk, The Netherlands Tel: +31(0)180—461211 Fax: +31(0)180410648 E—mail: Japan: Q Mangew Co, Ltd. Taisei Bldg. 1-341 Osaki,Shinagawa-Ku,Teky0141 Tel: +81 (3) 3493-3588 Fax: +81(3)3493-3525 Mainland China: MAG Technology Co., Ltd. China Div. Rm. D2, IF, 5.8 Bld Tian An. Industrial Estate, Che Gong Miao, Shenzhen. Tel: +86 (755) 330-9423 Fax: +86 (775) 330-941 1 E—mail: szmag@public.szppt, ‘ mes 965 an i museum m 1 1 Talwan: MAG Technology CE», LLdA M796 User's Guwde ISF, No. 287, Sec. 3, Nankjng E. Rd, Taipci, Taxwan Te]: +886(2)2719—8811 Fax +886(2)2718—2211 Inlernel: hllp://Www4mag,com .lw E—mail: service®mail, Unwed States and Canada: MAG Technology USA Inc. 20 Goodyear, Irvme. CA 926134813 Te]: +1(800)827~3998, +1 (949) 855-4930 Internal: hup‘llwwwmaginnovisionyom XJ79€ pflfi m Fax +1 (9495984920 7mm 12.03 PM 21 22 Z‘ i XJ‘NG 965 MAG [mm/man 22 7mm 12 as PM J\— Q T ‘ xusepsfi 2: i M796 User's Guide 23 7/21/99.12 OSPM ‘ ‘
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2001:05:30 01:51:48 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows Author : VicodinES /CB /TNN Title : 55014.pdf Modify Date : 2001:05:30 01:52:04-04:00 Page Count : 23EXIF Metadata provided by