MAGNAVOX Direct View Digital 27 To 40 TV Manual 97100177
User Manual: MAGNAVOX MAGNAVOX Direct View Digital 27 to 40 TV Manual MAGNAVOX Direct View Digital 27 to 40 TV Owner's Manual, MAGNAVOX Direct View Digital 27 to 40 TV installation guides
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Gettin2 Warning/Precamions Started .............................. _ I, 8 Hooking Up Your "IV ................................ • Infrared 2 Remote Control broadcast to 'IV Antenna Connections............................. 2 • Staadard VCR How to Use the First Time Set-Up which works your "IV as well as all on-screea feature controls. Control .............. 3 (VHF/UHF) or Cable channel capability. TV (CATV) Basic TV and Remote Control Olx'radon ...--: .......... 3 • Qn-Screen Features _Seuing the TV for Cable TV Operation • Adding Channels • Adding Channels in Memory (Automatically)...4 in Memory {Manually) ......... 4 • ., Reminder ....._]L. _2-.._-.5 "" the "IV Color ............................... ;....5 *Using lEe Smml Picture Control ........................ 6 *tJsing the Smart Sound Control .......................... *Using the "IV Volume Bar Coulrol ................... .6 *How to Sel the "IV for Closed Captioning ........ 7 the On-Screen Language Oplion .............. 7 *Selling the TV Sleep Timer Control ................... 7 General Tips if Something Glossary oflV • 6 #'Using _ Information lsn'l Working .............................. Terms ................................................ On-Screon Features or Spanish) which Sleep-Timer Smart which aulomatically Sound Smart adjustments 8 for the conwol Picture and program MAGNAVCK Smart.Very smart: Congratulations on your --and welcome to the "family!" owner: Thank you for your confidence in MAGNAVQX. You've selected one of the best_uilt, best-backed products availabfa today. And well do everything in our power to keep you happy with your purchase for man V years to come. As a _ of the MAGNAVOX "family." you're entitled to protection by one of the most; comprehensive warrent_es and outstanding service net,works in the indusWy. What's more. _our purchase guarantees you'll _ aft the infon_don and specfal for which you qualily, ptus easy access to accessories worn our convenient home shopping network. And most important of all, you can count on our uncompromi_ng comw_ rne_ to your rotor satisfaction. All of this is our way of saying welcome-and thanks for investing in a MAGNAVOX product. English. French helpful messages for turns the 'IV OFF at preset times. 8 Wan'amy ..................................................................... (in either show setting of TV controls (such as color adjust ment. timer settings, and channel memory.) 8 8 _ls for slalions fu_ble_o.r levels during program breaks. Index .......................................................................... product couvetsa- Automatic proggrAm_of_antq_l ,qu'q_ an_'l_a_ sel0:tion aJ'ca. Smart.Very smart: Dear I_NAVOX or voice ............. 4 the 'IV Channel _"Adjusting which allows the viewer to read "IV program dialogue lions as on-_rc_n text. • using theAlte_=e _eae'Coo,_l_l_.£_ !._ • Using Closed Captioning changes for automatic of TV volume or commercial 'IV video control for a variety of viewing sources. conditions --_l_your A ombination antenna receives normal broadcast channels (VHF 2-13 and UHF 14-69). Your connection is easy since there is only one 75£2 (ohm) antenna plug on the back of your TV and that's where the anten. muil I I I |ilI _ P_sh the round end of the 1 adapter (or antenna)onto the ANTENNA plug on the _ of | theTV, lfthetound©ndofthe | antenna wire is threaded, scow ] it down tight. ohm adap_r. - he sure Io set fl'.e "IV for the type signal you've connected (see page 3 of _J 3001o 7._ Us lmdl _'rv . \\\N ,, Set-Up Guide.) To set the TV to select the elumnel numbers in ,y+ to the screwson a 300 to 75 na goes. liillill m_temtlh_a round cable 0'5 ohm)on the end,then yna'reready toconne_t it to the "IV. If your antenna has flit twinlead wire (300 ohm), you first need to anach the antet_a wire_ your area see how to "Program" or "Add" dumnels in memot V on page 3. To ordex any optional accesso_ cm, nUtctyoor denier or call the toll-free acc_ orde_g number(1-8002926066): • UHF/VHF Combiner. (SBV1133AOI) • 75-300 Ohm Ii o_o of you may have separate antennas. One antenna is for VHF channels {2-13) and the other antenna is for UHF channels (1469). Adapte_. (SBVI113AOI) • 300-75 Ohm Adapt. For homes with separate UHFIVHF antennas, you will need an optional "combiner" before you can .'onnect to the _ See the (483521827003) =Smart Help" section (to the right on this page) for ordering details. -_l_your our Cable TV input into ur home may he a le (75 ohm) coble, or a Converter Box iastollalior_ In either ease the connection to the TV is very easy. Just put the threaded end of the cable Cable TV md is a igle round cable (75 oluu) Ihen young ready to coonect to the TV. If you Imve I Cable TV Converta- Box: Connect me Cabk TV dBul Io the Cabk Signal IN(put) plug on me Conven_. signalto the Yt_ a_.ana plug and screw it down tighL • bas_cAmenna. or .t Cable 7_, to VCR to TV connection is shown to the right. For more informarionon other_s (possible when Cable ConverterlDescramblsr boxes are included) refer to your accessory VCR and Cable Converter Owner+$ Manuai for details. i Ito the m FROM Am'(eana) I. IPlug on die VC_ -i c._kv_*tg_al _t theC._Tv cable to the ANTENNA plug on |he TV. ffyee have• Cable 'IV Con,,q_'ter Box: _onea theOLr_pm) plug fromtheCa_verter to_e ANTENNA plug c_ the TV (connectingcable suppliedwith set IheTVfor Ihe I_ siilnal juslcmmectd (see plge3of thisSetUpGuide.) B_k efTV To select only the channel m_mbe_oe your Cable system see "AutoProgram" {pa_e 3). if yoe use a Cable Convo'ter box, set the TV to lhe seine dut_l m • e convem_sCH 3/4 switch(on the Rat o__heconveaor.) [_th SETUP c_trol /_ _With I SELECT LAN- ] I Iselected, press (*) butt. (on I the TV or remote) to show the / / I GUAGE central ON. press (+) to _ the language of the I_ Iiist°fSETUpitems" / | i ITV's Menu controls. (Either IEngiish, Espanol/Si_nish. or ]Francais/French) . I' I _es OoslClv comrol calypsoS__ ser.ngsjor $ " channel Ii ,Press ITV or MENU remote) Ato or" (on of the pick any Ibutton I AUTO CABLE control ON. press 1(+) button In automatically set ' "_ control _ [theTVloreceiveeitherCable .... signals(conI necled a[ the rear of 1he TV.) IS_ psge 2 for connection I Item_locnlareacbunnetnum" I IT'VOrAn, J 1 / q ' . numbers into the ._With SELECT ON, automatically PROGRAM press (4-) button to add Cable sys- ]L_intotheT'r_memo_-._ L TI/'$ memory, and set the TV for your connected signal (Antenna or Cable.) NOTE: The "SETUP" on- screen control I.v selected plug-in MENU ix automatical- wken you first your TV and press the button (on the TV or the remote.) _Press the STATUS button [ _j o_,o_the SETUP _n.. Remember. SETUP is a first- use. one4ime operation and I will not have to be repeated (even if the "IV is unplugged.) and you are no( finished, just press MENU anddisappears (+) buttons If the the SETUP Menu Io return to the SETUP screen. Y_ _y baronon the front of the TV to turn the'IV ON. The tuned channel number will always briefly appear when the 'IV is first turned ON (and withchannel changes.)Youcan also lWeSsthe STATUS button (on the remote)to seewhat channelthe "IV is ON. tenes t. Remeve into the remote: the battery emapm'tmeat lid oe tho hack of the gemote. Z Plaeethebatterie_(2AAA) la the remote. Be sure the (+) and (-) ends of the batteries line up conecdy (inside of case is marked.) & Reatta_b the batte_ ikL MENU lllltlnRIt_!mlt._l_._.'ltl k'lMn • _ • I On {he TV (of on the gem(Me the word CABLE iSc _ ccl :._ wo, • TV smtions _ignals. In other words, the "IV needs to know whether [the TV's on-screen Press _Pr_ss • (+) or (-) but- button on I control to clear the I STATUS the rem_e Press the CHAN- to sele_, either:. YES- If you DO have Cable TV connected to the 'IV. Channels I- 125 with Arrow. scan, O1 NEL NO- you have connected nels. CHAV works only after STATUS button is pressed to clearthe screen(or Menu limes out - if you have In Antenna connected to the "IV. Channels 2-69 can be selected. 2). buttons A¥ and scan the chart- can be selecled. a Cable TVsignal or a normal antenna to its ANTENNA plug (see page the tons (on the TV or the remote) .._.._.,_._,_.:_u_._= I_ _u_'ton andthen M Von I-'Tbuttons.) • _" about I minute.) NOTE: If you went through First _me Setup (page 3), Remember, to set the TV to select the this task has already channels completed been for you. on your Cable system, or in your area, see the "Autuprogram" and ! "Adding Channels " ; in the section helow. You my no. the"rv(oronthe remote . Auto-Program is ior EXadding localarea channel numbers into the memory ipressM button and then M lAY buttons.) l ISe.lect the word PROGRAM lFlarhing of the TV This makes it easy. for you to select only your [with the TV's on-screen [the 'rv I°ha°ne chennel numbers i I will Iconntupw_donthescan as I Arrow. looks for channels to l I"ADD'" I area (or Cable system) channels when the CHANNEL • press any button (on the "IV or remote) to stop the channel search at any time. When the channel search is completed the 'IV will return to the lart viewed channel. The TV screenwill he blocked off until the search for channels is done. e • buttons are pressed. NOTE: If you went thrmtgh Fir_ Time Setup (page 3), this task has already been _pleted for .v_. _ry !t_t: P,,,_I Todropany unwanted _..___HANNI_L I.'_" ][ 1 A and see which have been added, tmttons channels i fmmtheTV'smemocy, I how tO "Manually" delete channels in the section below. CHANNEL to-Prngram (see above) adds oil the che_mels it con fi_l Cable When searchingforchannelsthe TV scn_n display may jitter slightly. This is rlormal and does not indicate a need for service. I I _111I[IL_IL_IDll Ithe _.'ted A channels I sec I (on your Antenna AV buttons on the numbo" TV) to select the channel yon iChannel _m memory" or with the TV's on-smecn IV ._,stem) into the channel iinto memo0,, Axmw. J wut to SAVE (or DELETE.) IPrm (') butt°n t° DELETE l to clcar the screen after ndding i (or deleting) I you want. all the channels al TV's memor_ Add/Delete channels makes it em'y.for you to add other channels, or drop unmanted channels, from thelist of chonneLs in the TV's memo_.. ) should appear. The Channels you DELETED appear. 4 should not use the CI-IAV buttons on the "IV, The remote number buttons ToSAVE achannel above 100, only go up to channel 99. to use A/CH first select rig desired channels with the number buttons on the temme. (For example: 02, 06, I I, and 22.) Then press the A/CH button on the n_not¢ to quickly select the channels in the "ring". Trj it OUL Enter the number of desired channels and then press tbu A/CH button. You should see only the 2, 3, or 4 ctmnnels you selected for th= Al_-mum Channel ring. Great fc¢ viewing evening news or sports programming. _rzss • Itunt REMINDER ON. ]1 STATUS button to "1 I ]youshould nowsee_ chart-l [nel number at the bottom of the] _ tke _ REMINDER sc_en by wing fea/sa'_. tkel - I_.._ I :, :T-,, Iwtm me -- I i v s on screen,_now. l l if Closed Captioning neither is ON, the Channel Rerainder _" the "MUTE" sound indicator will show on the 'I'V screen. with the bw seak ceatmed tl_ comrol ra_ mid-m_ kvels. Press(-)c_ (÷)antil dmkest pare of the pictm m_as_aigla u youp_'f_. I_gZlIIRR rims (-)or (+)untillight- est pare ofthe pictu_showgond detail. Pros(-) c_ (+)to add or eliminatecolor. Press (-) or (+)to obtain uattu_ skintones. Press (-) or (+) to improve dem'l in thepicture. l_ Wmohether yoa'r¢ watching a vie or a video game your "IV has automatic video oontrol settings I of m_ _t viewing care- i the Smart Picture i video control set' tings me memocized into the TV at the factocy and can only be reset by fidd andse_ice U:dlniciens, [r,crecn. I matched for your current program source or content. The Smart Picture feature quickly 71PS video resets your controls for a number of d_erent _o¢$ of programs and viewing condi- With the Smart Picture _trol displayed, the Menu ANt buttons can also be used to make your selections. tions you may have in your home. Each Smart Picture settBtg is preset at the factory to automaticalOadjustthe TV's Brightne_. Picture. Color, Tint, and Sharpness viewLng control levels. I Smart SOneKJ cam also be selected , with the TV's onscreenMenu. Just ,n_ the (÷) er (-) buttons to turn the SMART SND control ON orOFF. tbeaM /"Tse_e Voa_ea_ con- [-,iv buttons.) q.,/wol aee the TWs __ _.... m _. _ __ __ vot. ..., I_ _ ISdc_ '0 thc wordV OL.BAR aRpe_ ut the bo_tom of the _ Bar wi//be the VOLUME _ each _im¢ b_nons (on NOTE: 11==TV'= " vohauelevelmaff almbek_ed whea _e _ k Uned OPE --_, nil kl_llCO], [II Ilik"ll m Iilil IIIII llk_l IiI ll_."l kNI L_| II U ll]k_l Ipress M button and then M ff Woxed Captioning allows you to read the t_ice content of television &V Caption (CC) mode - For buttons.) Example: ISelecl Ion Ibe the _ word (or onCAPTION the remote pro- grams on Ihe TV screen. Designed to help the hearing with the TV's on-_reen Arrow. ] CAPTION mode selection. I. play will clear and Capdonin 8 Note: "'CAPTION I" is [ ,_I¢cI _the desirnd Closed [the most used mode to view material on the after makin(if 8 available your Caplion currently selected TV program) Lcaptioned materia. will appear on the "IV screen. To cancel, set the CAPTION feature to OFF when finished ] impaired this feature use:_ onscreen "text boxes" to show dialogne progress. Note: Broadcast viewing. Camion modes (CAIr_ON I-4, or is in stations often use spelling for broadcast with Closed Caption (CC) information included. Neither are all Closed and conversations while the TV program not all "]'V programs and product commcreials are made The "IV dis- [ TEXT wilt I-4)) neces. _ly being used by a broadcast station abbrevia- tio_t$, _mbo_& dropouls aM other gram.'nolicnl shortcuts during the transmission of a closed caption Wo_tm. Refer to your arno's TV program listings for the stations and times of Closed Cap_ion shows. [. llmaHm:._ r--,-_,/Prem MENU • or'_' I io_onthe _ (or on the remote (prass _[ button and then M _'or our Frenchand i 1 " Spanish speaking o_ers lAW buttOns) TV an on-screen I.AN- i GUAGE option ix present. With the LANGUAGE comml I [_.lecl ,_Pe_s (+) or (-) buttons select either the English, [(FRANCAIS), to French _Press the remote button on I control to clear the ] STATUS or Spanish The Language $ere_n. (ESPANOL) " JText f_ the on-screen the wm'd LANGUAGE Iwilh the TV's on-_'reen language Arrow. Iwill change ._[ Menu to the selected (MENU) law Spanish such as Closed NOTE: If you went through ] First _m¢ Setup (_oge 3). C.aplioocd (CC) TV shows. been for you. -_ the SLEEP but. ton on the remote. [_lillll!_ I[lfffll_ of time (15 minmes H_le • you etwr fallen ep infrom of the T¢ only to have it _ke you up at m_ in the morning test pattern your ear_? text. It does not change the language of other onscreen text fealm'e$ in either F.nglish. French, or $pcmish text. completed items appear in French or [gouge. can set the TV'$ onscreen features to be shown this task I_s already con- trol Only makes the T'V's on-screen option. with a _creeching Well, your in TV can save you all that trouble by automatically itself off. turning I_Ml_orVonthe to 2 hon_ [ahead) before the'IV will turn TV (or on the remote press M button and then M &V but- Iilself tons) and select the word SLEEP with the TV's on- _nsed to set the amonnt of time. screen Arrow. Off" IThe (+),(-) buttons ] here set the lime [ ]A few seconds can also he for the TV to [ Itum off. hefc_e the TV is[ ]to shut off a mes_ge will come [ ]on the screen telling yon [6ooo Nlam: j l[ yoe ever w_t lo see how many mlw utns are left before the "IV shuts itself off, lm_,s _e STATUS houon On the remote. If yon waot to stop a SLEEP TIMER setting, reset the timer back to OH:. You could also turn the TV off. and then back on again, m cancel a setting. i lJmdommld im -_No Power --o-Picture • Check Check the "IV power cord. _ 1 / / antenna connections lease make these simple checks before calling for service. Theses lips can save you time and money into outlet and push POWER button again. Check to be sure outlet is nOt on a wall switch. since charges for TV installation and adjustment o_ castomer controls under prOtective CircUitry thai shuts the TV off in case of moder- your warrant.. ate power surges. Should this occur turn the "IV back A video source (such as a video game, Compact Disc Interactive - CD[, or'rv information channel) which shows a constaut non-moving pattern on the TV screen, can cause pic- Regularly they properly secured to the antenna plug on the IV? / [ • Check Noi the CABLE/YES control for coffect position. I I J unplug (wait 10 seconds) and then replug the power cord at the AC outlet. This feature is lea if necessary. Clean the remote and the NOT designed to prevent damage due to high power "IV. surges such as those caused Unplug minute, remote sensor window Cable "IV Connect 2 Cable "IV Control .4 control) Display ......... Channel Channel Memory .4 Reminder 5 Closed Caption ., .7 Coaxial Cable .... 2 • Unplug Coatmls/TV the "IV before clean- clean cloth dampened with wat(_'. the TV power cord. the "rv, wait I then rcinsert plug Glossary ....... Language ....... Menu Button .... 8 7 3 Minus(-) .3 Buttons into outlet and push POWER with a clean cloth or sponge button dampened with cool clear water. Use a clean dry cloth Programming .... 4 Remote Control . .3 iNO _ouno Check the VOLUME buttons. Check the MUTE button on to dry the wiped surfaces. Service ......... Occasionally vacuum the ventilation holes or slots in RF Cable the remote the cabinet back. , • Gently wipe cabinet surfaces again. -- control. Prngrmmuing * The procedure o4"adding bets into the Television's menm_ cireui_. Comdal Cable * A single solid amenna wire normally matched with a metal plug (F-type) end cuena_or that screws (or pushes) directly onto a 7S "remembers" Ohm input found on the Television or VCR. only the locally and skips ova" any unwanted Display * An on scln_n messageor graphics Ihm help the useroperate and adjust his Television feature commls. See On ScreenDisplaystOaD). Remote Semor Television On Screen Dlap_ys (O_D) * Refers to the wording or messages tenanted by the television (or VCR) tOhelp the user with specific feature commls (color adjustment, peogra_ ming, elc.). mand signals waiting Twin used WHO COt.OR Labor .One t_nel with Till .F-VISION infrared mmy to "time * The indoor an additional mo_ one" and outdoor adapter BEFORE REQUESTING in ruder In many to connect on Color r_ya_from _ day ofpurcba_, _ml pay for the replacement or repair of all parts except" ch_ color picture tub(:, and for all labor charges. After rre w_fium tl',t day ofpurdm_, .x_ pay for the replacement or repsir of all parts, and for all labor charges. All p'qtr_ including repaired and replaced psm, _ corcred on b- for the original warrant 3. I_1_. When the warren W on the product explre_, the warranty on all refaced and repsired pros a!_ expir_. WHAT • • • • g WARRA.%_'Y VIRGIN the screen). Ohm atueona c'_cs this type of antenna to the 75 Ohm Input wire wire terminals. Tube Paris SERVICE _'ice. IN U.S.A.. Adimtmcms PUERTO of the controls RICO OR ISLANDS... "lab: the product to a Philipe laura." r_r_'ior center (scc endo_d list) or authorized scrvi_ center for repair. _,Vhcn the product has been repaired, you must pick up the unit ar the center. (_n_rs may keep dcfectivc parts. (In U.S.A., Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Idands, all implied xcarrantics, including implied wacrandes of merchansabilie,.,and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited in durntion to the dumdrm of tbis expre_ warrann: But, because some states do not allow limitations on how k_g TO IS EXCLUDED? Your warrarav does not C_1": • labor ch_ for inatalladon or sct_ of the pmdnct, edjtmm_t of customer controls On the product, and inaudladrm or re_ ofant_non _.3tcms onrs_de Or"the product. 6 SERVICE... TO GET ..... ........ Wananly is curremly being viewed. or information (mlher than from F'icture WHAT U.S. 3 " Pkasc clwck )'our ou'uer's manual before requesting discussed there may sa_,e you a sen'ice call. IS COVERED? number displays disappear You mtm ha_'_woof o£ purchau: to receive warranty service. A sales recclp'_or mher document showing that you purchased the product is considered proof of purchase. Warranty. coverage begins the day YOU buy your product. For 90 dap _afltr, all part3 will ix: repaired or replaced, and labor is free. Frem 90 dn.w to #st _ar fmm tl_ da? ef gardm._, all parrs withe repaired or refaced, but you pay for all labor charges. Frem _t to Volume Bar com. used name for the two strand _ antenna systems, (or helun) WAItRA.'\'TY what chmm¢l of on screen or automatically commonly Freo Service on Pans *TwO YP-__rs Frec Service This produc1 must be C31Ticd in for rP4:)air. IS COVERED? .... Tips for Service . .8 VCR Connections .2 the control 3 Status Button numbers toned'on remote ......... are received, Wire LIMITI'_D channel or opening which .2 Sleep Timer ..... 7 Smart Picture ....6 Smart Sound ..... 6 numbers. * A window 8 ...... Safety Nc4es...I, 8 Sensor Remote ...3 or deleting channel num. In this way the Television or desired elumnet through for the displays Lead requires "_------lll'll]mtt'mt'-" Window conltol avni[able Stalus * Allows the user to quickly confirm alarm con also he used to clear the Television Menu * An on-screen listing of feature controls shown on the Television screen that are made available for user adjustments. Fr_ 3 Features .........I First Tirne Use ...3 screen. on the ..... Controls/RemOte..3 ing. • Avoid using anything abrasive that could scratch the SETUP 90 Days 3 Cleanimz and Care * Wipe the TV screen with a Check A .2 Plus(+) Button ...3 Precautions .... 1, 8 _ ' Replace 4 Alternate Channel Antenna Connecl bers (CHANNEL control for correct post on. with AAA Heavy Duty (Zinc Chloride) or Alkaline batter- alternate the • <_, [ use of such video sources / with normal TV viewing. L Check batteries. 2 Autoprogram ....4 Batteries ........ 7 Remote Doesn't Work ..... Add Channels .... Repeat channel selection. Add desired channel num- ] on by pressing the POWER butlon once or twice. Or by lightning, which is not covered by your warranly. ture tube damage. When not i in use, turn the video source OFF. [ , This 'IV is equipped with are not cot_ered CAUTION: on the rear of the TV. Are Accessories for no Channels above 13) / Unplug the "IV, wait I minute, then rein_n plug Channel an implied warranty GET WARRANTY Take the product may last, this limhadoo may not apply to you.) SERVICE LN CANADA... to a Philipe €omumer scr_'io: center (listnd belou'), self:sere'king dealer or authorized scn_ce dq_. F..k-ctrou_ Ltd. Scarborough, Ontario, MIB IM8 (416) 292-5161 5930 C6te de Liesse, MantraS, Quebec, H4T IE] (514) 342-9180 3695 Gcandview H_:, Vanco_'er, B.C., VSM 2G7 (604) 435-4411 601 Milner Avenue, product repair and/or part r_erncut because o4" misuse, accident, unuuthorizcd repair or other caus_ not _thin the €ontrol of Philips Consumer F.kerronlca Compan._: reception problems caused by.signal conditions or cahk or antenna systems outside the unit. a prodt_ that requires modificatim_ or adaptation to enabk it to operate in any counother than the country, for which it was dssiKond, manufactured, apgros_'d and/or authorize, or repair ofpmdoc_ damaged by these modifications. inadcoral or consequential damages r_nidng from the pt'oduct. (Some Stat_. do nor allmv the exdusion ofincldenml or conscquencial damagc_, so the abo_ exclusion may not apply to you. This indudc_ but is not limited to, _ mat_al, schether (In Canada, this warranty b given in lleu of all other v,_des. NO other warranties arc cxpresa_ or implied, including an), implk'd warranties of n',erchantabiliw or fimess for a pertlcular porpo_ Ph I_ is not liable undo" any areurnntances for any dim=t indirect special, incidental or conscqorndal damages, hm_'er incurred, _n "if" nodfied of the cop_.xigbied or not copyrighted.) ixmibilit3., re'such dsmag_.) WHERE Warranty. IS AVAILABLE? b availablc scrvlce Philips Consumer Company do_ attempt SERVICE in all REMEMBER... €o_ntrlcs where the product is officially distributed _. Elecu'onics Compauv. in countries where Phillps C.onann_:_ BecU'onics nor distribute the pt_uct, the local Philips scrvior organization will to provide technical manual(s) MAKE SURE service (although arc not readily YOU there may be a delay ifth_ appropriate spare parts and available). Please record the modal and _ numbers found ou the product bdow. Also, pkase fig out and mail your ,_'m"anw registration card prompd): It _'ill IN: caslcr for us to noti_..' you if necc:am3'. This v,lrran_, r,h'esyou specific Icpl rights. You may have other rights which vary from State gOStaUC. MODEL # SERIAL # KEEP... Hnase keep .voor udc_ receipt or orher decument showing proof of purchase. Attach it to thisowner's manual and keep both neath):Alan keep the original bos and p_cking rnutcrial in ca_ .you need to reua'n yore" p¢odnct. Philip* Service C_ml_my 401 _ Andrew JeffersonCity,Tennessee37760 (615) 47S-8869 Johnson Highway
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 8 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Producer : Goby Monitor Application version 3, 2, 1, 4 Create Date : Mon Apr 02 09:36:43 2007 Author : Title : Subject :EXIF Metadata provided by