MAXWEST LUXPAD9 Tablet User Manual


Users Manual

Download: MAXWEST LUXPAD9 Tablet User Manual
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Document ID2978385
Application IDYwwn7vr3Shayu/v4lntFrQ==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize195.76kB (2447043 bits)
Date Submitted2016-05-03 00:00:00
Date Available2016-05-03 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-12-03 23:19:06
Producing SoftwareGPL Ghostscript 9.18
Document Lastmod2017-12-03 23:19:06
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAdobe Acrobat Professional - [7寸英文说明内容.pdf]
Document Author: elena

LuxPad Stream 9
User Manual
This handbook contains important security measures and the correct use ot the product
information, in orderto avoid accidents. Pls make sure to reading the manual carefully
before use the device.
- Please don‘t be in high temperature, moisture or very dust place
0 Please don't be in high temperature, Especially in summerdon't put the oeVice in the
carwhen vthndows closed.
- Avoid tall orVioleht collision of the deVice, don‘t make the TFT display screen were
Violent tremor, This could cause TFT display screen abnormal or damage
o Please choose the appropriate volume, Use headphones shoulds not be too big
volume, ltteel tinnitus, towerthe volume or stop using it
please charge tn the tollcwing condition,
The battery power ICONS shows have no power
The system automatically shut oft, startup alter power on soon
Operation buttons no response
The machine that the top right cornershowred icons
- When the device in the tonal or ongoing upload and download file, please do
n't suddenly disconnect, This could cause application error
o For those who because ot damage to the product, repair, orothercauses oteraseo
the memory, The company shall not be liable lorany responsibility please tollow the
user manual hr the standardized operation In use the device
- Dcn'l disassemble the product, den'l use alcohol, Thinner or benzene to scrubbing
o Don‘t use the deVice one otthe place or prohibit to use electronic equipment in
regional (such as the plane)
0 Please dun‘t using the Tablet PC when you in nging nrwalklng down the street,
0 USE iust only be used tor data transmission
The company reserves the right to improve product, pruducls specification ano desi
gn have any change, The information is subyect to changes without prior notice
(This tablet is rm waterproot lunction)
[Remark] All pictures in this manual is iust tor your reterence products specihcati
on and design have any change, The intormaticn is subject to changes Without pri
or notice.
1 appearance and bulton
stanup Lung Press and hold lhe power button, the system will enter the main in
shuldown in the main menu intenace, Press the power button about 5 second to
shutdown. The system can hinl "pnwerorf‘ option. Clike‘ok” you can sarely shutdown
Luck screen snort press Power button to lack screen or unlock screen
Remark 1 When power is emptysystem Will shut down automatically
2 illegal turn on the devicerestan will scan and restore lhe disknt may take
longertime to enter into system
1.2 ESC
Short Press ESC button \Mll return the last interface. long Press ESC button Wlll return
the main lntertace
1 a Menu
the Tablet under normal operating conditions. short press M button will Back to the
home screen
1.4 Volume +, Volume
1he out1ons on top Volume +. Volume-achieve changes in the volume
1 5 earphoneiack
3 5 mm standard earphone lack
1 a video oulpui lntertace
1.7 TF card
TF-CARD salt external T—FLASH card
1.8 use
use lack: you can use it to connecl the computer rordata transmission. charging
and external connection uss llash drive
1.9 Reset
When the Tablet under the cundltlon at the crash, use the small objects to short press
RESET oution, Tablet Will lorce lo shutdown
[Remark] : unless unable to shutdown ctherwlse don’t use the reset suggest you to
shutdown by normal. il no will easy to damage the machine system
2. First use
21 Battery management and charge
Belore first use, please set the deirice‘s battery is fully charged
Just need to connect the adapter or use interlace then you can charge
The rirst two times charging please keep about 5 hours. arter that you Just need 4
hours to charge
[Remark] This tablet using Built-in type polymer battery, Charge must be to choose
standard adapter (Input 1DO-240VAC SO/SOMHZ UJADUTPUTEV 2A).
Any Changes or modifications no1 expressly approved by the party responsible tar compliance
could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment
This device complies with pan 15 pi 1he FCC Rules. Operaiion is subieci to me iolloWing two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmlul interierence. and 12) this device must
accept any interierence received, including interrerenoe that may cause undesired operation.
Note This equipment has been tested and round to comply Wllh the limits for a Class E digital
device. pursuant to part 15 or the FCC Rules These limits are designed to provide
reasonable prntectmn against harmful Interlerence In a reSIdehllal installatmh. This
equlpment generates, uses and can radia1e radio frequency energy and, mm ins1a||ed and
used in accordance Wllh the instructions. may cause harmrul Interference Iu radia
communications However. there is he guarantee that Interterence Wlll not occur In a
particular insiallalion lf1his equlprrlent does cause harmlul inlerlerence to radio or1elevision
reception, which can be determined by 1urning the equipment on and on. the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more olthe rollowmg measures
—Reorierlt or relocate the receiving antenna.
—lncrease the separation between the equipment and receiver.
—Connec1 the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different 1mm that to which the receiver is
—Consult the dealer ar an experienced radio/TV technician tor help.
Radiation Exposure statement
This equlpment complies wlth rcc radiation exposure limi1s se1ror1h1or an uncon1rolled environment.
This transmitler must not be co-loca1ed oroperating in cunlunctmn wilh any o1heran1enna or transmit1er
this device Without suppiy Dc charging use interiace can charge, Choose use intenace
to charger
Dunng the charging the oahery icon wiH scroh
When finished charging, oattery icon wiH oecorne green and stop roihno
in orderto proiong the service Me or the machine, suggest use out battery power peiore
charge it
[Remark] 1 ityou iong time don‘l to use this Taoiet ‘m orderto avoid power
consumption caused damagepis charge/piay the battery once a month
2 t Afler iow battery shut downrconnect DC adaptoroeyice wiH remind iow
batterycharginoneed to wait some time untii the battery is enough power to enter into
main menu
3 Device charglng shouio oe in standby status for reach normai chargmg time
Because with device and screen consumption,“ may cause ionger charging time
2 2 Connection wrth PC
u Use USB cabie to connect device to PC,devlce wilt pop up the use connection
winduwphck Turn on USB Storage 10 Connect (a PC
Turn on use storage
into the toad mode you can copy deiete the hie on thedeyice and the he on the memory
3 Equipment operation interface
31 Mam interface describe
After slanup wiH enter the main interface
in the main |n|erface you can
Management main Interface soflvtmre iCONS tang press the icons 3 Secund‘ afleri
he icons wiH biger then you can drag anywhere in the inierlace
Deiete icons tong press the icons 3 second drag the icons to the Recyoie Bin ico
n‘ once it become red. Loosen your hand. aiter that you can deiete icon
You touch the screen keep a time, appear the diaiog box‘Add yo Home screen“ as shown
tn the mam mterfece you can touch the teen to open the APPS
tn etherent hrawsertme mustc‘ ureec, ptctures) Vou shitt and drag the scrott ban
so that the me Itst can up or down to run
3.2 status bar describe
I The slams bar above a! the screen
Top teft disptay mam rntertace software, T-Ftash cant use oohnectron status and
so on
4 Equtpment haste set
Sailing, cttck setttng rcons enter settrng tnterface
Tap nght dtsplay the battery‘ ballery charge rcens, current ttme‘ set trrne, s
eltmgs Menu ESC button
33 Use touch panel
Devtce equrppett wtth a touch screen Fullnwtng the mam touch screen area ts
described and descrtbes some cfthe lips fer howlc use the touch screen
No matter whrch rnterface you are on the screen. can go back to mam screen
through pressing the soft key n on the bottom right comer ofthe main screen.
(Attentron) The main screen sott key -funotions as the machine back ken (t ‘jntmd
In dtflerent apphcaltons‘ by tapprng the hack sctt key -cn the D thentay
bouum nghl corner on the touch screen you can return to tls rntertace on the upftoor. 7 My
tn dtfferent appticetions by tapping the menu key Ion the upper right t. Battery
camer nttuuch screen‘ the screen will appear the uperahun settrng mterrace as tcttcws,
(Remark) ‘The mam screen saft key ltunctruns es the machtne mamE
1 sm—
mum u
C Accuums L sync
analmn sauces
n Secumy
n Lsngusgsxmpm
0 Backupswsm H mm M. ,.
t AcLessnbllny
u wanna uplmns
‘ Abnut mm
4.1 Silent mode‘Volume‘Ncnfcatlon vmgloneAumbh Selecllon Screen lock sounds,
MM \ w r. in mm» anumes
v w. 4, Numnm Ammwuuws
u Dale usage gerauu nonficsnun
Mm svsvm
um .
_ ”mm
o Dnsmay 5mm mu sound
5 Sluuqe
1 Emery
5 Apps
;. sr. mu
' W“ F' Wznpapa
1 am usage
MA rs Autu- rotate sateen
M» snap
(”Sound " “ "‘
2 vaage Accewevcmemcoovmnalesysxm
‘ ‘ firm‘uw
u Baum
semen aaapnon
E‘DD: w .>MM'\>4.N'>‘J
4.2 Apphcahcn
Manage appwicanons
m mm”
s Accounts 5. sync
Make passwords Vlslhi!
10» Locannn services
I: | r I Devlcaadmmlsflamrs
arvquaqenhpu , H u
” “RF“W‘L'W‘ Unknown sources
unvu‘ WW
7‘ ml»; “we cmmm smmfif
Trusmfl crzdmuals
t Assessmnuy
I ‘1 De eloDevoDnans Install 110m SDcald
‘ mm yams!
Unknown sources Chck “Unknown Sources“ Men chck ”OK"
Manage apphcahcn manager and umnstallApp‘ication
[Remark] when you Firmware Upgrade, pIS close the USB connect
How in unmsisll’l
1. enter s “semng”>”AppI\canon">‘Manage appllcauon’And than there w||| be
rnsraued rne program her
2. Click you want (0 unlnstal‘ wens, will enter the in‘luwlng Interface
3 Cllck unmstzlh Lnen yuu can verererne applreanon
:A Wee».
l Hm MP1 mama
mrrrr ‘nHU w.
v Wr n D"
\ Datausage
usa srurage app
0 (”why Dan
Swag? 50 card
i Baum
4 3 Prwacy
Faclury dala reser
"“' «Aunpxumrum
., Aeeegnraaayne Back upmyda‘a
mm H rm- r.
O Locannn SPNlL‘eS
it Sammy
u languages mpul
, Piksonn um
n males lum-
Faclo dala use!
a Accessrbmw 7M”, M,”
( D Developempvmnfi
- About raam
4.4 Storage
Remove TF earg, new onne avarlame emrage space
0 nos
0 nos
0 nos
Moveto SD card
0 nos
wrrw nrwnw
v w; H nsr r
! nara usage Erase SD card
Euw «Hm w M,”
MD" mso
(" Saund
0 Display Enable media scanmng on exlsd
5 W975
Enahle medra scannrng en usbnosn
(Remark) pls (ouch aptlcn“delele SD card', so that can safe'y (a mnreve SD card
4 6 Language & keyboard
Seuing (Language) «en mput and amomauc error correction uptions
r we“
c Arroums «ynt , nrr M,
r, Locaumv semees , 5M...“g mum"
a Secumy
— ”WNW“
mama; rurnn Mkmubs
o Backups. reeer
mm n r m Mur m
le a "me Android keyboard
l Acnesmbmlv
( > Devereueroungns JapaneSelME
r About ramer
Selecl Language 54 kind of nanenal languages are avanable
Remark Android system can support 54 kind ol language, now manu interleoe yust
supon 14 language \ Systemupdates
Android keyboard Android keyboard setting
in m tor-w... si t 5
Sound on Key-press e i i i 7 do H
. n- .uiiiy
Auto capitalisation Lew ”New
Show suggestions Display suggested words while typing n Language iiuui
Auto-complete Specebar and punctuation automatically insert tiignligtited word ro Estvuaérlesm
4 7 Date a time setting Jeanne
Set date set time Select time zone and select date format in m MM
ti l. yi-tiiiiei iiiiiiint
i-iivi ii
Automaticdaiegiime atriiiniotiliit
" Aocounispsync rt ”i i in iu
location aewlces Aummallc time zone
i.i iiii
ldllgudqr 5. Apps lnstall and manage
an“ E, 5 1 Appinstaller
WM This Tablet can support Android APP in market toy third party mostApps can install in the
“M . netwaork can copy to NAND FLASH or so card.
Click Appinstellei ioon, Will appear lnstall manager Exit options.
“25“ ”m” use Z4'haulfixmil lnstall: click install, enterApk install interlace
BMW“ 09W“ ‘ ‘ Separately lor Internal Memory disk and SD Card disk
About tamer We“ “a" “1mm Selec ltie APK you would like to installolick it to installgo back to main menuwill display
tne installed app you jusl selected
Remark some 3'“ APP must install properly oy memory card downloaded a“ paty app
4 a use Mode Select may not install properly on deuioe.
Choose USE work paltern OTG/HOST/SLAVE
Manage click manage‘ entertnird party interlace
4 9 About device Click install icon will enter/Mitten lmer'ace
a. Problem solution
Devlce can‘l to open
1. cneek tne oattery power
2. Connect adaptorfilst‘ tnen check again
3. Alter charging ttien can‘t to open, pls contacy Witn tne supplier
A'ter stanuo tne screen or tne upenlrlg picture nas oeen apoear tne tne devlce appear
1. Power is notenoogn please charge
Headset can‘t near tkc VOlCC
t. Pls oneek tne volume wnetner set to o
11 12
2. Check the muslc Ne wherther damaged. Try playing ether muslc, ll lhe file
have damaged may lead to serlous nolse or hep sounds.
Can copy file or paly muslc and so an
PIS check between campuler and devlce ls correct wnnecllcn
check the memory storage space ls already lull
checl the usa cable ls good or not
uss connectlon I5 dlsconnecled
7 Basic function
hardware configuralion
cpu processor speed. 1 ZGHz SBOMHIDSP
Memory: 46-326
RAM 512 male
TF card 128M-1EG
use USE 2 o
G-sensor 3D
Record: bulti-in mlcmphone
Operatlon System Androld 4 4 005)

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