MAXWEST NITRO4 Mobile Phone User Manual Astro 6 English manaul1 2015 11 10

MAXWEST INTERNATIONAL LIMITED. Mobile Phone Astro 6 English manaul1 2015 11 10


User Manual

Download: MAXWEST NITRO4 Mobile Phone User Manual Astro 6 English manaul1 2015 11 10
Mirror Download []MAXWEST NITRO4 Mobile Phone User Manual Astro 6 English manaul1 2015 11 10
Document ID3115457
Application IDFdhvdwuelP3ZASdVRspYlA==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize86.37kB (1079683 bits)
Date Submitted2016-08-29 00:00:00
Date Available2016-08-29 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-12-13 14:37:25
Producing SoftwareGPL Ghostscript 9.18
Document Lastmod2017-12-13 14:37:25
Document TitleAstro 6 English manaul1 2015.11.10
Document CreatorAdobe Illustrator CC 2014 (Windows)

0 From Camera
8 From-Flash lamp
0 Volume Keys
0 Power Key
9 Back
6 Home
@ Menu
9 Flash and Rear Camera
0 Speaker
SIM Card Installation
A w card mm m my mom mmbcv and mm nacmm'v ua'c
Vow dewce rm mm w 5m ml com mews SCLWCDMM sw
To ‘nsIGH the 3M Card
Make me We flev as y; lumen 011 am the new ‘ucw’vv unwr' Hum
m WNW and m the mm (V me m1“ come' «7 mm the cave'
u), mm W a ham mm edge such mi Yam n'vge'nafl era cream
cum m mmuuym am; We mm m m”, m" mm: covcv 4m
‘dc'cd‘cx commfldy
z Remuyem bafleww “mm LucmemeSWMcums‘u‘u’vdmxe'nre
DvoDerSW curd w o m Dronerfla' w more m‘nvma'nn on w curd
nxmfla'wenfhccx nut m: mama w Cum s wc'o so Cum
myaflmmv Cmdc
3 Vommovlol'uwcovd go“aSe'lmgs>S\Mmanagement, flea
snawesw Layaway; Volumu'v/n‘mSWMcu'fl‘ sfla'ncavmschuh,
90 «a saw; > w Murflgemem chm on We flew: camecuw
abhor urdse‘ecmsw cammumaSKvCEuuth
Keys/Touch Poinls
Power Keyzro nawcvorlmlw,pmn<1nu mm Dowevkey'nru w
Secnnm an am m yuur pku’ve When m 50h, pvesx m meev key
me to ndwme or dsochvale We ic'eevn
Home key( 1» mm w my a m. m we "we m, m
me «m», ma mm W kEV m yew v“My accessed
09mm keyl ): m sluvmby modz, much he (ev a; Se“
waflpopev manage 0”va access m svxtem semngx Vouc ‘ m m
vmw mcru mm
Bock key [ ‘7 ]: Vaud‘ -o go back to we pvewous menu
Seavch key (°~ , s’uwdbvrude mm npe’vsemchpuge
m mu’vy apphcuhom 'uc' vmss 0 mm bax m semen mm the
Charging battery
New ocheuex are swiped pcrhufly c med Before rmrg you'
nevree Nile“ mrd anvge "vs hcflew is“ es ne"a'm hes“ uHev
Sevevm n rr crnrge r arschnrge were;
Charging Your boltery
Heme charge "re ba1flvumgflremuowng Ne'hoax
r Chuvgc m who‘re bv cnnwcctmg w m a comumcr we m m
7 Can mrnhn usamnrc mm 9 worrano m AC oddmcv Puma
AC adapter mm or erecvreer ouflel 'os'orl chcrg "g
A; lhe emery charges, an car- wrrr appear m rr-e nuns ear er he
newemveer When‘ve banevv xmflvchuvyed a uu emervrem
. no "N ”move the batten/Mme "we devrce u chuvgmg
- m omy m AC mm, a. uss we» mam-d Mm vcuv duv‘ce
Note“ Fm m/eN. Me bunew wrrr “an chmgmg w m dungev m nvememrng
A die Profile/Sleep Mode
mlemgent keyboard
rmm mama" much ‘APPMcnu“ mm “Mamas“ Co
to was ave/flex“ cvvdchovvgeh‘ecudmxelhvgxbychckng MM
“szugs ‘wcu'v‘ocmedhsxlmme “Ger-em" Dnhu'v » ‘Yeu'
Canve'nevce v0.4 mm m xe‘ec' Sflenl Meelm av cnauu' pvesel
App Menu
sweep Mode
Tum on sweep modem save youv bonery powev
v On m home xcmcr mm “mm Menu" 3, mm “Scmwgs”
2 3mm ”msmov‘
3 mm mam and chcmcuflmcnmwamo"QM. m
Schedu‘e Power On/Off
v Omhc‘ mmw «mum wumu “mm mm;-
2 mm mmmd pnwcvoranli“
3 Chck m We tune to cm was We Ame 0rd day lav me {More -<> w
va/ufl qunmu' anV
Screen Lock
va'D'eho'wacree 'cuc4"ve ‘APPMevm‘ “sweat -seuwgs“
zsswecr ”Secmlv‘ wemswecx ”cheevvha‘
3 Se‘ecl “he dewea “y'y! m km A YDHDW me Pmmplx m m m
Phone Feotu es
Description icons
Shaw the mm s
buiisiv capaciiv
icons Descriptions
Shem m Dhanc‘ 3
neiwk ligflci siieiigii
SDenkev he; been
Cuii on hnid
u, l
Jr, JG “WK n u 5
miimiiimai i_,
Main Menu 3. its Functions
voi. havn unmad SMS
um X‘Qrflgc Vumcd on
Fiigivi mm
25 network in me
A den aicim i; Otiwe
Biuetoo’w ON
Ssiecl lo si-ei-ismoiiiiie
Aiiow you (0 viswu hi c! let; i»; m inois ii mi mime
i Ciock
Aiicwvou in mi iiic Aimm mm Ciock
z arewsci
BYOWSE ihe iiiiemei Seflic'v “girl—097mm Sei m Goegie
3 Cuicuiulflv
Aiiow you [0 make, ied ougcciQ/inlions aiiiaiY
o caieiaai
viewiicmimuimm Min;
5 Comic
Aiiuwvcii is ciickp c Jimiiyiim m war iaii LllD'l-M m u zw
High Deiin—eii camera Wi—ii LED Hush sqppom'ig mcry meciai
ica'urcsikc Mic Cu; 5. Face 3cicciioiwhch Gnu/35 w. aim)
ciick91)chmiiivo'pcumscndya'mihc"imdevihc Gniiuvmidv
ii~ Ccmcm, i iii iv rhamr» Camcordcv in Maui Vidm Him
5 Contaci
To see Vouriistmcomucis AcceSX Dhanebook ihraugh ihisiunciion
/ Emuii
Aiiows You 55\ upvoui POP/MAP emuii uccwrfls
Mew you «a Save a vwew m w vmenx
log m (3 y u, Gmud accmmv '0 mm (m “he appflcunons A djwmccd
m" Hvuusnnm or npvh«.'1'rvvs nvu‘mfle unda‘ m cwgwu, mm-
cufled Hay Store
m use was (my) meme ccvmed m «m mewew covmechor
mm you m Asw mesmgés 594' m vsd as 0 mm
Vmwhchs’cnoflgsuvaflqmcmvomwhom vwewthn mm mum
Dkwhsis & mam
Aflowvou m mokf. am cu‘gmng cu“)
You coma Man the New" UK lovmnt & mmww vouv mg
m Mm xx pravwde by we coermm w max/mfg) mar/"(cu m
Dcrsmuhzcd manage sew/mes
Mews vouto recovd Sounds
mew vvom mm wdflms
Phone calls/Texting
To Make Phone CONS
Vouc'vvve phcflmcoa
7 weuw waavswuma
5 Chm/ma mun-«omyumcmmmmo
Composing text messages
meen auxumcucauy wrecn and mggeqs words as You
cm, Copy and Paslc
Touch and how «on comm m bnng up «no magmMng gkxs
and man we ynur hngev «a move me mam poms Men
choose to cm. CON 0! paste u m very saw to cow ten "om
web pages, emu”, av «m messages
Maxwest mppovts WLAN Dwecl wmch guewsAngrem 4 v enmev
dcwccs wnh the nppvopnmu hcvdwurc «a canned mrccnwu
each olhev we WLAN wuneux an mermedwule access poml
um me Aw; you can ducover and connect to omer dewces
when egeh dame surJDuNs WLAN Dwed, then cemmumcme
over a speedy connecflon across msmncex much wongev men
a mucmom Camacho" The e uscm 00V apphcnhom momma
dam anmng usevx, such a; u mumgmyev game ov me shavmg
g Emev Senwvgx wmarfuce & cm Mare m Mmsss &
NETWORKS men chck “WLAN dwed‘ m access Ma dwect
Oenmve Then mm on the qeemye
g Anev (umwg on me vegme chck ‘Search‘ m we bottom and
nwm dwspkw me uvuueme dewces
c cm ‘Angremjess‘ (m meme specmeguvl and mwmgwe
g cm Ccmvem m cmvnedundwwwflpflu up ummev'uce m
comwm hke bewew
c Chck OK“ and ma acwccswm be connected
Cnphns wmuges er recmd wdeos and Share Mm «army and
4“ m MM
Connecting to E—moils
Log inlo your e-rncn'l cccounls.
You mflv Wag—m lo ycuv 97mm accamls !von- me shone m
Fvu’n «he How's scveen sewed “Emu“
mervouv emu uddvesi‘ passwom and mp Next’
5mm chn mm m cmuw uccow you are w ng up and
cnmme'e senmgfi POPE/ NAP / chvoscn Exchange Accomu
You M“ Waco m cmcv vouv user rumc password, am 513va
mrmmmm nepevvumg an N's «we a! emu accauM m ycu
conchcvgetvesemvgsbytc pmg “Mcvxla\§etup u‘the
«opngr-«comcmcmcn You ch‘“ museum -ox~ m
accepl Ive achvahon nomcanm
Compose new.
VPvess MENU & med
2 Ada vecwmenlx by wypmg a
nerve ov emu addvexs n we
0' we mmcmng coma;
Wm appeav seem a vscwpwevn av
cunflrue wnmg w the emoH
uddvess In 59rd «a mm‘wp‘e
3 Once mmu ryp mg m mod
sewec- "Send“, “Save as
mow ,ur ‘Dscard‘
L he ven‘y m, cm“;
“Remy ‘ “Remy GH’ and
‘ orwnrd' omens.
Dewete message:
v 60 'o wbox to <1 Spkw msxsuges
2 chtn$ha‘d‘hemesxugeyaqwunflcdfie‘e
3 Sewea “De‘ete”
File Transfer
Connecting Smavtphone to PC
cwea we ev‘dosed More m m usn some to mm smcvxpnme
arm cbmvulev
Once cornec’ed mccesxluflv an ymr Prone shde « 9 mp New
acwr (mu m on ‘usz camel: ed‘ mu press m a'v m
s’ovugn" mm
A m, ficmgc named - mm:- , Wm apncuv an My “My
Comm-c cm m w m chmw ”Wm M m smmiuvowc mu m m
xvcm/emccwenubetweeacwces Whe'vhmsved megs- won
USBXIOVCQeV buhwu'vp'vore'u uwxcu'vred
Nc'e P'volex“nkervww'hhscumeruwflbssnvenmderme muw
mmev Screenshoficflphwed wummeu “er “mm mm
m Mum: m \r m ‘Mnsc‘ mow—av we max '0 as moved mum
Screen Coplure
has VOWV‘EH urn aner m mm m m same me «7 cflphve‘
chee'vs'vm‘ AH summed screenshmwm De Saved ”my yuHeW
. Any Changes or modmeunons no« expresswy approved oy «he
oony'esoonnme «or eomohonee cemd yom the usev‘s eu|hon«y
«o opeme «he equwpmemm; oey-ce commes wmh pan «5 0:
«he Fcc Ruwes Opevuhun h suo«e:« «o «he «euewing two
(V) The devms may not cause hamm «menstence. and
(2) «he oewce mus! occem any Imevisrence recewed
«nemmno «n«e«rerehee (hm may cause uneesiee npemhon
NM m. anpmm hm bump-«m main-ma «a aflmwywh «m m m o
pmnue pm «serm- rcc Ru‘uma mu-
«is-"Hm «nnu‘wn. m. uwnwn con-lawn um ene een mm. min
tenancy may ma, 1 ml "new Ind M n ucmnu w. m.
meme me, can he...“ man-4m in me cmmafiflmume
in «x m wvmhn men «nwnm MN nm em. h e Dulcmu
mulch w «his whim!" duet wuis mm tnlmancl m m or
uncommwfla am e. «mum-d w «who «he equwnnenenu eh, m.
Mkammwfih Wmmmmsmmm by mum-mm.
MM mew-e
4mm when. «m V‘s-MW emu“.
emu ma "Damien oemenneeabMono-em
women». wmmnlnm momma“ ecmundmu-m mmmm
«h. luau-vb 5mm
Acornm me mm. on emaflmdmdb/W «echnhhn «o. hnp.
- SAR «es«s ova canduclsd usmg nonocvc ope-onng poxlhons
oeeemeo oy the FCC th «he phone (mmmwmng m «h mghen
cenmed power «eye« «n a” «eneo hequency bonds, ammugh
«he SA? «5 oe«enmned onhe hes« cemheu power «ex/9L «he
oc«uo« we «eye« 0! «he phone whne onevmmg can be wen
oewew «he maximum vmua, m 99erch «he mosey you ore «e c
w‘le‘ess base smhon en«enno, the «ewe. «he pewev eumm
. Belme a new mode« phone «3 a cyo-«obwe «ov sowe «o «he Pubhc.
«« mun be tested ono cemfied «o «he FCC «hm «« does not
exceed «he exposure hmn aslabhshed by «he rcc, Vests «av
each phone ave pevlofmed «h pcsmans and «ocuflem (eg ul
«he ecrand worn on «he bodvlos vequlved by «he rcc.
. Fm oooy wom onemhon, «hn mode phone has been «eneo
and mesh «he FCC RF exposure guldshnes when used w-«h an
accesmvy eengnmeo rm «th viaduct av when used wnh on
accessory «ho« Commns no mean and «hm posmons «he
honose« o nnmmum o« m mm «mm «he oooy
lNon—ccmphancs w««h «he above vesmchcm may vasuK «n
womflen 0! RF expesuve gundehnes

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