MAXWEST NITRO5R Mobile Phone User Manual


User Manual

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Document ID4127665
Application IDOZRi+ElrB23pEIIyew2+Sw==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize50.04kB (625486 bits)
Date Submitted2019-01-02 00:00:00
Date Available2019-01-02 00:00:00
Creation Date2018-12-24 14:08:15
Producing SoftwareAdobe Acrobat 9.0 Image Conversion Plug-in
Document Lastmod2019-01-02 10:02:56
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorAdobe Acrobat 9.0

User Manual
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SIM Card Installation
A Sit ca contars you prone
e has c S sot t
urmber ond otrer necesiay doto
oh weees sawcowa) sw
To Installthe SIM Cora
1. M srethe devices umed ol and e font laing doun, Ned
thefimy and uie h natchathe batom comerto loowen e cover
se materatwih ahord. in edge sich s you fngemat or o ctt
cartto coretuy un olongthe seam to losen.then t e cover un
iaetachs competat
2. Remove ha batiey it in Locate th Sht cardsot and iier the
properSM cart n t propersot formarenormation on SM cord
infolalonchec out the includea 5ht Cod & mro 50 Cont
Intotaton Gu
3. To tum on/ot ob crd gs to Setings> Sht monagement,tren
siaetne Sb cortsides To tun on/otlaSM eart‘ s dolacomnecton
go o Setiegs> M manogement cict on the ‘Dota comecton®
opton ond slect S cartthathas 36 conobity:
Keys/fouch Points
Power Key: To poweren/at t.cres and noks powerkoy tora tew
second on top otyour phone. When it OR cresthe powerkey
ence to actwote o deactvate e scroon
Home key [ 0 }:touch the key o retur tothe home screon in
ide sereen.fouch and hols the key to vew recenty accessed
Options key( O }; in stondoy mode, touch the Key to set
wolbopet, manage gops. access to stem seltngs. Touch t to
vewi meng optors
Back key ( 4 }touchto go boct tothe previousmans
Charging battery
batleies o shoped periaty chaiged. Betere uing you
fot ond chorge t bartay, Batlres perfam best tler
severaltlchorge / dichorge cycie
ging Your brtter
Pease chorgs the battey ving hefotowing metnocs
1. c ns phone by comectng it t a conpuler va t Uss
2. Comecthe S# eabletathe phone ond the C odanter Pug the
ACadonteinto on alctrcatoutet o tor chorgng
s the battey chorges. on con wl aopear in he staks bar ofthe
rame serean.When the battoy s fly chorged. a hA battoy on
cppeas onscreen
* bo notremove he battey whiathe device s chaging
* se ony ns AG adapter & USS cable movided wih your devee
Note forsafayne batar wl stp cherging t donger o verhecting
Audio Profile/Sleep Made
Inteligent keyboard
From thehemascreen. touch *A Mend® A it ‘tetings" .Go
16. "Audontier® onacrange the cudl elieg by cickng on re
settegs caled nex To the: ‘Ganera® opton For you
Conveiance. you may abo mint Sant Meatng,or Outaco preset
Sleep Mode
tun on sean mode to save your battey poner.
1. Onhehomescrean louch "ArpMena® Alect
2 seect *Oloy
3. Selct ‘Seen" ond chooieatimenfevalton he it
Schedule Power On/Off
1. Ontrahomescreon ho sarphiona®
2 seect »tcreduespower on t
3 Cick on e tme tochonge tha tima and day forthe shone t tun
t Sottvg
Screen Lock
1.On h homescrean louchthe APr Mena® Asalect ‘settngs
2 sect "Securty" thanselct "Screen ock®
3 Seectha dawee toe oflock & folow t promals o setue
Phone Features
Description Icons
Deseiptions Descrptons
Show ie ghone‘ s
Speckerhosbeen Youhave ureod S
IE] en
V‘;(mg"g Ts EI
Yeuhave mised cots - Aciock comiocive
u Pm
Main Menu & its Functions
Alowyouto vew alito!teot
esovalotie nyour phone
Alowyou o set the Alam tom Glok
2 mowser
Bome thatemal Search engine— defost t os Googe
Aowyouto mae eclousc
4. Colendor
Vn baco
5. Camera
Abowyouta cick picves nytimayou wont You NSR hosa ut
Hgh Detrion comera w (ED fash wppering mory inecia
feotiesike Auto Focus & Face Dotection which ensires you oway
ic good lt ofpictwre ondtorstham unde the Gotey falder
in Comera.east chooie Gomcorderto recort Viseo es
6 Contact
To we you lt of Contacls Acces phonebock iyough ths uncon
7. tmai
Aboun yousetup you PON/WMA® emat occounts
rators uic
nder . adcevents
Phone Features
4 Gotoy
Alowyou o save & vawphato A videos
9. MoyStore
toa i to you Gmal accountto vew atthe appicatons & dounicad
tom irawands of appicatons avototle under tne Google Morket
To use ths pp lease comectto n rtemet commection
10. Messagng
Alow youto vaw masogessnt & received o weod
11. Muse
Veew the it f songs avaiabl n you phone. Vew e rtts abum:
slofats& more
12. Phone
Alowyou t moke vick outgoing c
13. me Manager
You coud nsl h in AMK fomat & obo vw you es
14. Sh Tookit
Thi servce i provided by e onerato. it povides many tyoes of
pesoratred message sevices
18. Sound Recorder
Aloun youtorecordsounds
16. Videos
Intornational, nc
other marks are trademarks of Google L
ogle Play and
Phone calls/Texting
To Make Phone Cals
1. toveh thephone con
2. seect SW1 couor SW cort
3 Cick on contect rom your contactitlo
Composing text messages
Mamest cutematicaty corects and suggests words as you
Cut, Copy and Paste
Touch and hok taxt content o bing up the magnitng gios.
and then side your fnger to move the insrton poins. Then
choase o cul. capy. o poste.I s vay easy to copy text rom
web pages. emall ortext messages
Turn on WLAN
Mamwest upports WLAN Drect which alows Ancrold4.1 orlatr
devices with the appropiate herchwore to comect drecty to
each oher va WLAN wihout an infemediate access pon
Uisng the APls you can dscover and comnectto oter devices
when each device supports WLAN Drect,then communicate
overa speedy connection actoss ditances much longerthan
a Buetooth comection. Tis is uselu for appications tat shore
data among uses. such as a mutiplayer gome or ie saing.
€. veribec. wnone
a. Enter Sellngs" interlace & Cick ‘More" in WRELESS &
NETWORIS. Then ciek WLAN drect to access Weh drect
featire. en tun on the teature
b. Affeturing on t featire cick ‘Search t the bottom and
itwil daplay te ovaiable devices
. Cick"Anciold 7e3%° n ths cose speciicoly| and it wil give
youopton o comect
d. Cick‘Comnect to comect and it wil pap up annterlace to
confim ie betow
e Cick‘OK and the devices wilbe comected
Captire images or record vdeos and shore with fomiy and
Connecting to. E—mails
You may login to your emai accounts hom the phone to
access your e mais
from he Homescreen select ‘Emoi®
Enter your emailaddres. password and top "Next
Select which type of emai account you ore settng up and
complete setings POF3 /IMA® / Microsof Exchonge Account)
You wil need to enter you user name, password. and server
infomation depencing on the type of email account or you
can chonge the setings by tapping "Manual selup" _ at the
top right comer screen. fap  ‘Next®. nd select ‘OF . to
accent the actvation notficaton.
1 Pss MENU sselect*Compose
2. Add recisients by tyoing 0
nome or emai address in the
‘To‘ feld. Matching contocts
wil appear.Solect a recipient or
conaue tyoing in the emai
addres to send to muticle » .
3. Once Inhed tyoing the mai
selct "Send® .‘Save as
dalt. o ‘Dicord"
4 the reply tab contais Repl"
"renly alfondrowerd" optons
Dotelo mecuge
1. Go to nbor to daplay messages
2. Touch & hald the message you wan!to delee
3. Select «Delote"
File Transfer
Connecting Smartphone to PC
Comect the enciosed Mro U to Us8 catle to your smariphone
and compute
Once comecied mecestuly. on you phone. side he top menu
doun and cick on »I88 comnectec® . ten, prss "lun on Use
sterge" butin:
A new storoge named * MtaSR n w appear on your "Wy
Computer . Gick n t t eview ies in the smatonone ond /o to
¥orier dociments tween cevices Whon frated. cn" Tumot
sE torge® buton on gnoneto dacomnect
Note:Protortatenwth e comera wibesovedunderIhe ‘Dc®
tolder Sreanihots coptzed w be oved under "Ficlees" fode
Pulmuscfiesinthe: "Muste" foiderorthaflesto be nlyedproper
Screen Capture
hes vou
wl ond power button atthe some tme to contur
+ olized icreenawi besoved under gotey
8 hy chorge o meciicaton net rorenly asoroved by e prty morable
for complance cod vadthe se‘ uhary t comml h ensment Tis
deice conpies wh pat 15 of he TCG Rues ond Indiaty Conada
leare:senot SS sordard . Coenion is sbie to he falowng wo
(1 hi dovce m rot oi inrtrnrce
(2 his devis mat ocapt on itedermnce,
ce undesind operoton of h darce
fearc ho moy
Nole: Th i ier h bame ied ond eed t compl uhh ns o a
ow B dglo daic, pumnontto put 15 o h FCG es Th Imis ore
desgred t praide remorable motecion onoint homid inriemce n o
reidertal intaloton Ts exuement gnverdas, aes ond con mdole neto
fequensy enagy ord, it rut intolad ond wied in ocxordonce wth the
Iriucions, may couse homly inefirerce to redo communcatons
Hownes Nes o gusvorie ol ieforice wl n se n uporteder
infalaton I hs easment dn cxan hamt inerrmrc to tado or
ievion mcapion whvdican be delenined b urig h eupnent o ond
s he ine is eresraged to y o core h iterlvance by on or m of
t louing manvres
«feorer o rdoats h reczsin onterea
«rermose h eportion batveen the niomen ord rcutve
«Comec h evipman io on outa on a s dileart bom heto wich
Corniihadacle o on epndencnd TV iecricn o blp
# $ess on contvate usngstndart aperaingnoutonsaccente by
e FGG/NEDC vinino devce varsmtig at ts nghes corite poont
lna in l esod fecuercy bardsaltouh he SA s darmiad athe
otest carifed pover l the actin SA ind o he devce whio
overiry can e vel blon the maaimun vate in genenl t cser
youare o a wredem hase stt aterma, h onerte power oi
# Bb o row deveo is a ealatle o se ts t ul1 ut t testad
arniceried o he EGOIBEDG but i does notacend h ponie it
exatished by he FGGISEDG, Tasl to wadt trnce e parmed in
Feettow and beitors as rmaurad by re FoolbenG
# For baty norm oneriton,ths deves has been esd and meets ts
FCGEEDG RF ewosum qudeinss when ied wth an accomsor
desigraln for ts producor vhe uied w anaccessony ht coriars
ro mhal and it pastons t handat a minmum oftorem fom he
# Namcomplance h theabovs restitons may resul n volaton of RIF
relligent Description des icones
Vue d‘ensemble Installation de la carte SIM Charge de la batterie Profil Audio / Mode Veille Fonctionnalités du Téléphone Fonctionnalités du Téléphone
vatre batrarie
Sckoge Ust Acive
Menu App
Manuel d‘vtilisation
@ Caméra frontale
@ Touches de volume
@ Touche Marche/Arrét
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