MED EL Elektro Ger te FT Fine Tuner for speech processor User Manual

MED-EL Elektro. Geräte GmbH Fine Tuner for speech processor Users Manual

Users Manual

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Date Submitted2007-10-17 00:00:00
Date Available2007-10-17 00:00:00
Creation Date2007-10-16 09:25:48
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 7.0.5 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2007-10-16 09:25:48
Document TitleAW5473 OPUS 2 Manual englisch US_Rev.1.0 - in Bearbeitung.pdf
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2.2
Document Author: bstoebic

omus 2 need" processor
Switching your processor ON and OFF
The battery pack Tock (unchons as an ON/OFF swuch.
You may sewect the (ouowmg posmons
Battery pack Tock open on:
Battery pack Tock dosed ON
tn pasccn arr fig 4 The om 7 meem crncessm w cospnn w
After swnchmg on the opus 2 speech processor, the red Tnmcetor hgh' m the earhookwm bhnk
up to Tourtrnes Tnmcat-ng the activated prugram (Le number ufbhnk sTgnaTs corresponds to
the numberofacuvated program). Durmg (ms urne the speech processor Ts awready workmg
Tn posmon OFF the speech processor Ts turned off No current Ts drawn m tins posmon Make
sure to open the battery pack Tock oryourspeech processorwhen no! m use as the prowongs
the hfehme of the bettenes (see aTso Chapter 8, Care and maintenance).
The OPUS 2 speech processorhcs an |ntegratedte\ephone (OH (teTecon) The teTecon pm up
magnehc sound sngnak (ommg from teTephone recewers or Toop systems, whmh are mnaHed
w some pubhc hunomgs and converts them mto eTectncaT sTgnaTs When you sztch on the
speech processon the nncrophone Ts actwe even w you had the teTecon sewected before you
swttched offthe speech processor When the teTecon ts acuveT you may hear buzzmg sounds
when operatmg a FmeTurver key The buzxmg ls norm and mdwcales that a command ts bemg
Sent To reduce mterference wuh venous ewectromc and eTectr-caw equipment when the tewecon
ts acme, we recommend you reduce sumo Sensmthy (see Chapter 5, opus z speech procesxal,
FmeTuner. FmeTunel canmfix)
OPUS z speech processor
Your audioiogist wrii program your OPUS z speech processorto your needs The FlneTuner rs
an accessory device to heip you optrrhaiiy use your speech processor rn changing dariy hstenrng
Your OPUS 2 speech processor has oniy em ON/OFF switch an other functrohs are accessed
with a separate devicer the FrneTuner whrch transmrts commands lo your OPUS z speech
processor ura a radro frequency (RF) irrrk ics ergohornrc desrgn and iorger srze keys lacriitate
changing the settrngs or your OPUS z speech processor
Keeping the FineTurrer out orthe reach orchrrdren prevents them trons rnadyertehtry chehgrng
the settrhgs ortherr OPUS z
The PrneTuner rs not necessary forthe Tunctroh otyourspeech processor When swrtched on
the OPUS z speech processor actruates the sanre program, yoiunre and audro sens-tryrty settrrrg
it had when it was switched Off
The FineTLmer rs (Onfigured for rts desrghated target OPUS z speech processor re Oniy the
target OPUS z speech processor wiH execute the desrred command when a certarrr key rs
pressed onthe FrneTuner The typrcar maximum Operating drstance between the FrneTuherend
the OPUS z speech processor rs approximateiy so crn (2 HR) Thrs range courd be decreased
dose to eiectronrc and eiectrrcai edurpnrent eyen rtthrs eourprheht corrrphes wrth an appircaoie
eiectrornagnetrc ernrssroh reourrernents
How to configure your FineTuner
The FrneTuher rs configured (or your speech processor and cannot be used by another cochiear
rrhpiant user. Your eudroiogrst or cirrrrcai stafl wiH configure the FrneTuner to your needs
Sometimes rt rnay be necessary that you synchronrze your PrneTuner and speech processor (e g
rt you purchase a backup FineTurrer) Swrtch ohyour OPUS z speech processor and piace the
cori ofthe OPUS z speech processor systern oh the keyboard ofthe FlneTUner (approxrrhateiy
oyer key ®> Then swrtch on your OPUS z speech processor The speech processor and the
FlneTunerwiH he synchronrzed automatrcaiiy Successtui synchronrzatron rs indicated oy a short
birnking srgnai oTthe two arnher rndrcator irghts on your PrneTuner
For bilaterally implanted users
W you want to use your FlneTuner for both speech processor systems, your audioiugist or
cirrrrcai engrneer has receryed the MAESTRO software manuai wrth detaried programming
rnrorrnatron and wrii assrgn two speech processors to yourdataset. Once yourOPus z speech
processors are programmed correctiy the synchronrzatron procedure descrrped auoye shouid
be performed wrth both speech processors
OPUS z speech processor
FineTuner controls
The keyboard has I5 keys (see Fig, 5)
. Volume keys: Two keys to mcrease e or decrease 6 overs” toudness Loudness ts
mcreased ordecreased conttnuousty
- Sensmvtsy keys: Two keys to mcrease O or decrease o the audto Senxmwly Audlo
sensmytty ts tncreased or decreased contmuousty
- Defautr key: Tnts key 3 sets uveraH yotume and eudto sens-ttytty to predefined yotues
determmed by your eudtotogtst or dwnlm‘ staff
- Program Setestton keys: Fourkeys ° O 66 to access «our dtrferent programs
~ Input Selectlcn keys: Three keys to setect (he mtcropnone 0 the (e\e(0t\ 0 or the
m-croonone and the (e\e(01\ (mtx) @ as (he s-gnat source.
- Processor Selecrion keys (tor ototerat patents onty) Tne Processor Sewers-on keys aHow
setecttng the weft o tgnt 0 or both processors (I) These buttons are atso reoutred m
progv amrwng mode, e g to acuvate or deactwete the keyboard took (see Chayler 5. opus 2
speech processor FineTuner, FmeTuner functions - Automatic keyboard lurk)
AH FmeTuner controts can be setecttyety deemed by your audtotogtst or cuntcat stau by dlxabhng
tne respecttye command m the (Entrm umt. Your FmETurver WW” XUH be one to transmtt aH
commands. but your controt umt Wm not execute dtsebted commends
Hg 5 FrneTunsr
Opus 2 speech processor
FineTuner Functions
Automatic keyboard iotk: To avoid unintentionai operation ofa key the FinETurier features an
optionai automatic keyboard ioek This function eiectronieaiiy iocks the keyboard if no key is
pressed iornnorethan i0setonds
To activate the keyboard ioek ieatuie oiyoo. rineTunen press the 0 key ioi more than 5
seconds to enterthe program mode (the red and both amber indicator iights on your FineTuner
Wiii both start biinking aiternateiy indicating that you have soteesstoiiy entered the FineTurier‘s
program mode) and then the 0 key to activate the automatic keyboard iock (the FineTuner
wiH contirrn successioi activation oi the automatic keyboard iock by a short biinking signai of
the two amber indicator iights)
To deactivate the automatic keyboard iock enter the program rnode iust as described above
and press the 0 key As above the FineTaher Wiii toni'irrn successiai deactivation oi the
autoniatic keyboard iock by a short biinking signai otthe two aniber indicator iights
Ta enter the program mode while the keyboard lock is active, the (I) key must be pressed
twtee (seeond tinie tor more than 5 seconds).
To activate a certain function whiie the keyboard iock is active press the desired function key
tWice. The first ciickternporariiy uniocks the keyboard, the second ciickexecates the command
After io seconds Without pressing another keyi the keyboard iotk is attiye again
Battery low warning The protessarfeatures an optitai warning signai which appears as a red
indicator iight flashing 3 times on the FineTurier The signai is generated after pressing a key if
the voitage ievei oi the FineTuner reaches a criticai iovyer innit (see aiso Chapter a Care and
Maintenance, Batteries, Changing the battery oryoar FineTuner)
Transmitter time-out: The FineTuner stops transmitting after 3 seconds to save energy. even
itthe key is stiii pressed
Your FineTurier does not have an ON/OFF switch.
Three indicator iights with different coiors (2 amber i red) indicate various condl Gris of
the FlrieTulier For a detaiied description or their function see Chapter 9. Traabieshaating
The FurieTunerdoes not affect connected Assistiye Listening Devices (ALD‘s)
Care and ma ntenznce
Your OPUS 2 Speech processor rs desrgneo for durablhly and rehahrhty Wheh handted wrth
sumcrem care. rt Wm functroh (or a tong (me The battery pack and partrcutarty rts cover
may wear out due to frequent mpemng and dosmg and theretore have to be reptaced more
Do not dean the excernat parts m orunderwater Use a damp doth to genfly dean the speech
processor Do not use aggresswe deamng agents. Prevent waterfrorn runnrhg mtc the speech
processoryra the connectors. contruk, orthe battery pack.
Protect your OPUS z speech processor from water (see arso Chapter 7, General premunan:
and warnings}
Do not try to reparr etectromc parts otyouroPus 2 speech processorarrd do not try to open
the (ontrm urnt
Do not touch the battery contacts. tithe contacts need to oe deaned. use a cotton swab and
a smaH arnount ofdeamng atcohot Genfly wrpe dry after deamng
hyou do not use your speech processor for an extended perrod oftrrhe you shoutd remove
the batteries and store them separatety (overthe arr opehrhgs on the top wrth adhesrye tape
when storrhg the hatterres to ayord seW—dtscharge Atso remove the hatterres when drymg the
speech processor m the endosed drymg ktt
Hahdte your hneTunerwrth care Ayord gemng the FmeTuner wet. Do not dean the FmeTuner
m or under water Use a darnp doth to genfly dean the FmeTurver Do not use aggresswe
dezmng agents
Care a'ld maln'er‘ar‘te 33
h (x (ure'ltve'iorl he oms z seeeth procexsor 'equ resih’ee 575 z Ka’bztterlei
T'lcsc baitcrcs tupply m cxtc'rval and warm co~panents wnh cr‘crgy
W you We'll to get more ‘fiJ'lHalloW Lm pelleres plcdsc Lurlldd you leeel MFDeFl
fcpl‘emnlauvc or Cl carter
l we bailey pztk (over has two a r holes 01 each s ce el the bot-em em: Do not teuer these
”tale: 3 , 3 my Vic—(ell battery Me l‘me holes are tommnetezl remcve the Battery pet<
(over end (a'efLHy Clea" we holes Wlih the encloses cleaning brush
Always remove used batteries immediately to avoid leaking and possibly
damaging the device,
Dispose oiused hunches according to loeal regulations. Genera y, batteries are
eolletted separately and not discarded with tlte household garbage.
batteries out ofthe leach ofchlldrell. Children Should be Instructed no! lo Swallow or put any
components othelr Cochlear lrnplanr System mm the/{mouths and nat to play wnh any campanenrs
Far young children, it it mandatory to use the safety lock to prevent them fl'am disassembllng the
Speedl pracessw (see Chapter 5, opus 1 speech pretetsar, Safety lock).
9 To prevent children from xwallawlng Dr choking an batteries always keep new and used
Care and maintenance
Changing the batteries of your OPUS 2 speech processor
When the red rndrcator hght rn the earhook bhnkx contrnuouny < r—\_r—\_r ), the
batteny Xet mutt be reoTaeed (See aho Chapter 9, Troubleshaalmz)
To change the batteries, proceed zs lollows
It Remove the corT from your head and swrtch of! the OPUS 2 Speech procesaor before
repwatrng the banana;
14 Open the battery pack bet (a) and remove the battery pack cover (b).
1. Reoware the used battery set (c) by remuvmg the three battenet wrth the con magnet or
by genfly shakmg them rnto your hand Try not to touch the battery contacts
4a Before msertmg the new battery set, make sure that the battery contacts are dean and
dry The ion (cvermg the zrnc arrbatterres must be removed before use Check for correct
pohrlty when rhsemngthe new batter-es. The posmve powe (+) must fare outward, r e the
w' stgn K stru ymbwe when the batterres are mser‘ted
s. Shdethe cover overthe battery pack frame (d) and dose the battery pack Tock
frg [é Changrng the battenex ufynuripeeth prflcexior
Care 31d mam'er‘ar‘te
Changing the battery of your FineTuner
WMr‘yoJrF neTme'ge'xerateszn macaw batterywowwm ngygraw (seem Chapters, opus:
speedy waressor, FmeTuner, FmeTuner fumwnsy m g retommended TO rEp‘aLE The bauery of
you' F ncTu'xc'
To change {he battery, proceed as follows
L Upew the w c on me back or the Mnehne”wwih 3 mm” sm‘ewdrwve”.
14 isp‘zieme ma Jv'cw battery (type cums) Jy ‘emowr‘g twt‘ (‘e (on ”‘zgwetorby
genfly shakwg wt w. you' mad Try wot to mm me at. . 'y mmacts.
J. wnwuhcncwbamrywmm +‘ Egr'arngp
4A Gme me m by careruuy msermg v, on me rghl 3 as men shdmg v, n Mace arc ighlemflg
he XU‘eW
. . d
”g w U‘angmgr‘mbutmryotyowh‘chwU
Three rndrcator hghts wrth drtrerent cotors (tett and fight embers center. red [warmngsD
rndrcate vanous condnrons otthe FrneTuner
Keyboard locked
ttyou press a key whne the keyboard rs rocked the red mdlcamr th comes on For power
savrng reasons the red rndrcator hght goes orratter 5 seconds even rnhe key rs stru pressed
Na key rs accepted and the FrneTunertransrnrts commands to the speech processor the Ieft or rrgnt
or both rndrcator hghts (dependrng on the cur rent srde mode otthe FmeTurver) bhnk synchronousty
to the transnmted srgnats To save energy the FmeTurverstops transnnthng (and the rndrcator hght
bhnklng) after] seconds even rtshe key rs sou pressed
switch to side
Wthe FmeTtmer rs programmed tor two drtterent speech processors 
Configuration success'ul
w (onfiguratmn of your FmeTtmer (see cnoprer 5, opus 2 speech processor, FineTuner, How
to configure your FmeTuner) was successfut or n the automatrc keyboard rock feature was
xuccesttu attwated/deacuvateds both amber rndrcator hghts W|H ruurnmate (or approxrnratety
one second.
Program mode
MD rs pressed for rnore than 5 seconds (must be untocked; see Chapter 5, opus 1 speech
processor, FineTunen FmeTuner funcnnns for rockrng/untockrng rnstructrons), the FmeTtmer enters
the program mode The three rndrcator hghts start flashrng. When the red rndrcator hgnt rs on
the two arnber rndrcator hgnts are off and vrce versa Hashmg stops and the program rnode rs
tett after 5 seconds or earherwhen a correct key rs pressed
Tec'wcz‘ czta
Dimensions ofOPUS z speech processor (mm)‘
ZS.‘ mm 70mm(0276m)
(w m m) * ‘
+ ¢
(mam) 87mm(0313m)
m4 g (a 437 02) (mdudmg banenes)
Power supply
3 hearmg am bauenex type 575 zmt aw (w 4 V)
Ftu mgw swgna‘ process-mg
Varmus parameters programmapwe
4 programs sewembwe
up to wz band pan finer; mm tharactemtms programmabwe
Nowhnearamphficauun prpgrammabwe
Frequency range up to m 000 Hz
Speech protessor seWtest checksum on programs, continuous parity check
Automamc Gam Comm (AGC) (onflguratfle
FmeTuner command: can sewecuwy be msabwed
Tec'wcz‘ czta 45
Audio Input
‘ Vwa FM Battery Pack Cover
- Hearmg m type three pm connemcn (sum/mm) m. to wsc em wen
- Sens-My Vex 4 asv' (corresponds (: mas SPLat \ kHz)
- wmpedance 19 m
uypuw mm
' ON/OFF switch
- mdlcator hght \ ved LED for a‘arm and mdwcatol functions
- Mmure of powycarbonate and acry‘cnwtrfle—butadweneatyro‘ powymer (PCABS). speech
procexsor, battery patks, 3” mar;
~ Powyamme (PAJ' earhook‘ mwcrophone cover
Temperagure and humidity range
Operalmglemperalure range wo°c (50°F) to 45°C 0 H'F)
Sturagelemperalure range macaw; m eo=c
um to 93%(be\ow3\’C/BB“F)
Radio frequency (RF) link
Carrierfrequency 9 07 kHz (to 7%)
Type ofmcduhuon phase snift keying (PSK)
Maximum RF output power H 7 dBuA/m @ H) m
Tec'wtczt czta
Appttcubte In Canada anty.
Tnts Category tt tadtocontmutttcatton deutce compttes wtttt tndustry Canada Standard R554 to
Operatton ts suutect m tne fottowng two cendtttens (t) tnts device may not cause tnterterence,
and (2> tnts deytce must accept any tnterference tnctudtng tnterference that may cause undestted
opetatton ottne device
Ce dtspostttt de radtocommuntcauon de catégotte tt tespecte ta ndmte CNRezto d‘tndustrte Canada
Euttttxatton de ce lepOStttf est auturtsée seutentent aux deux condtttons sutuantes : (t) tt ne don
pas pmdutre de broutHage, et <2) t‘uttttsateur du dtsposttf dott ette prét a accepter tout bruulHagE
tadtoetectnoue tecu, méme st ce broutHage est cuccepttote de compromettre te toncttonnentent
du uttoostttf
Applicable In the USA unty:
Tnts deutce cotnpttes wttn Part ts otttte FCC Rutes
Operaltort IS suotect to tne tuttowng two cundtttuns (t) tnts deutce ntay not cause narnttut tnten
terence, and tz> tnts deytce must accept any tnterterence recetyed, tnctudtng tnterference that may
cause undestred operatton
anlngt Changes or modtftcaltom made to tnts equtpmem not expnessty approved by MEDVEL
may votd the FCC aumottzatton to operate tnts equtpmenL
NOTE Tnts equtpment ttas been tested and found to compty wtm me tttntts tor a Ctass B dtgttat
devtcet pursuant tc Part ts ottne FCC Rutes Tnese ttmtts are destgttted to provtde teasonabte protecc
tton age-mt ttanntut tnterference tn a restdettttat tttstattatton ms equtpntent generates uses and can
radtate radto frequency energy and. Nnot tnstatted and used tn accordance wtn me tnsttucttons, tnay
cause narntmt tnterterence to radto cotnntuntcattens Howeuenmere ts no guarantee tnat tntertetence
th not occur tn a pantcutar tnstattatton tttnts equtpment does cause nanntut tmerference to radto
orteteytston retepltlmt Wntcn can be determtrted by lumtng tne equtpment otr and on tne uset ts
encouraged to ttyto correctlhe tntenetence by one or more otme tottthng nteasutes.
- Reortent or tetocate me necetutng antenna.
- tncrease ttte separatton between ttte equtpntertt and tecetver.
- Connect tne eoutpntent tnto an outtet on a cttcutt dntetent Front tnat to wntdt tne tecener ts connected
- Consuttme (later oran expertenced radto/‘FVtecrttttctan For netp.
c The Speecn Processor Test Deytce ts tn compttance wttn EU Dttecttve 89/336/EEC
(Etecttomagnettc Compattbthty/EMC)
CE mark apptted tn zoos
Tec'wcz‘ czta
Twe OPUS 2 speeth J'OKEXSOI' 31d He FmeTme’ are m tomshawte wwth [J
D “eat ve 90/385/IC {Ad vs \n\p\anta:\e Wedwca‘ Dawes/AME)
c: ma'k appw (‘L‘ m 70mg
Twe O’JS 7 speerh sroresmrard me F neTuwe' (RF m) rcmprse (was; 7‘ rad o
ecmmemmder [he «a! wt m—eczwe.
Hereby wwfl dedures («at (he ows z speem arocesso— m the me urer
(m hnk) are p Lomphar‘ie er" the essenuaw reqwemem; m zt‘er ramp:
provmors of :u mrezme mam/[c (Rama [mmem m Te‘ecoMmu'ucan'xs
Tc’rvw‘a\ qumcm/RefiF) w ncrwamon of Cowformmy (an be mamcd
d’cgt‘y Pom MFDVH Wondwdc fcddquavtn s (in Addvcss Sec Chapter II,
Camom comh mommy ng cocnmefltx (mmw)
Type B“
(mc 6060H /[N 606on
wamammg mm: on (iwcincr)
Appnmm m Bufgana only
he oyus z xpeec‘ processor and (new nehme' (m m} We m aciordawie mm
the O—cmance for essenuaw requreMEr‘is and cmfomty assessment of rad:
ecJDMent and (ewecommm canons mm eqmmem
Zragflc‘ wawdkv Wm (arc
Remwe Vurmcwty mom-me content
TEMJEraiu’E hmr.
Apaend ces
our warranty rs m agreement wtth statutory warranty dams
MED—EL grant athreeryear guarantee torthe OPUS 1 speech pracessarsystern
Thrs warranty echusryeTy (overs product fanures; rt shah not appTy to any MEDVEL product
subyected to physrca eTectrrcaT abuse or rnrsuser or operated tn any manner rnconsrstentwrth
the apphcalfle MEDrEL tnstructrons
Statutory warranty dawns shah not be granted unwess the regtstratton cavd rs contpweted
and returned to MEDrEL wllhm 30 days of the ma htttng for newTy purchased systems
The warranty perrdd fer the OPUS z speech processor systern hegrns wrth the date or first
speech processorhttrng
The rrinant rtseTt rs covered by a TOryear warranty MEDVEL shaH proyrde a new rinant free
at charge rt the rinant tans due t: a mechanrcaT or eTectrrcaT detect mused by MED—EL The
warranty perrud torthe rmpTant begms wrth the date at Tmphnt surgery and depends on the
corinet-on and return ottne regrstratron form wrthrn 30 days
Guarantees exceeding statutory warranty penads shah not be granted unTess the regtstratron
term n competed and sentto MEDrEL
PTease ensure that you and your chnrc carinete both the regrstratren card and regrstratron
torrn (O patrent card>r and return them to MEDVEL yra regrstered man
MED-EL Worldwide Headquarters MED-EL distributor m the u s :
MED—EL Ewektromedtztnrsche Gerate GmbH MED—EL Corp: atron
Furstenweg 77a l5H OTd Cornwahrs Roadsrnte Too
A76020 mrtsbruck, Ausma Durharn. NC 277m USA
TeT 443,5sz 38 89 TeT + T79T9757zrzz 22
Fax +43—5T2729 33 ST Ten free Nessa—53373524
EeMatL 0NT(e@medeL(om Fax + T79T97484792 29
Ernan office@uxmede\mm

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