META System S p A 4682 Automatic remote control transmitter User Manual 5040112301 Ist Keyless MBUS T
META System S.p.A. Automatic remote control transmitter 5040112301 Ist Keyless MBUS T
user manual
C E @ KEYLESS MBUS per METASAT RC SCHEMA GENERALE 5040112301 ANTENNA GPS ANTENNA asM sENsoRE RADIO CARD INcLINAzloNE 5 (Tx KEVLESS) \\\‘ Q RICEVITORE KEYLESS SAT PROG RAMM ER MODALITA’ APPRENDIMENTO RADIO CARD Per eflenuare ra memonzzazrune derle Radrcr Card (masslmo 2) e necessarru Che rI prudutw non sra mar slaw attrvato cppure erre sr (rovr m rnanurenzrone Quesra corrdrzrnrre e necessana rn quanta r menu rerarrw arr‘abmnamenm snrro a drsposrzrone sore a Liverro INSTALLATORE e quesm rrverra e aecessrbrre solo se rI prodono norr e anrvam oppure se sr nonreae ra messa rn manulerrzrone aer srsrenra enramando ra cemrare opevauva onuure mrrrzzando rr sevvlzm remmo 3 rvedr manuare m pvogramrvrazrorre oer Me\aSal RC). Una vorta avulo accessu al Lrverro rNsTALLATORE. per potervrsualrnare re scnermare derr'apprendrmenw, scurrere r van menu name re frecce uppure dlgltare drrettameme rI comando rapr'dn rnr nurnero (ra parentesr] e dr segurm OK. MEMORIZZAZIONE RADIO CARD N"1(385) ~ Tvarvrrte quesro menu e passrbrre memorrzzave ra Radro Card n’l per urrrrzzare ra Installatore on funzrorre Keyress rsbruccc autumatrcn "Emits Irasmrssrone perrodrca ner cadres Sce Ii lunllone: dr sbroccor 5 ~ Per r'abbrnamemo fare rrferimenta al paragraro successive vrguardante re Radio Card ~ Se ner menu comparono degrr asrensehr srgnmea che una Radlo Card e gra slam abnrnara. - Per cancerlare e rlberare Ia posurcne pvemere rr taste 7 0K per confermave. Apprendi “Ls 4&1 ~ Per verrrrcare se ra Radio Card e era appresa currenameme e se rr segnare e rn segurw rr taste amva ar prodono emvare ner menu ‘ rsualrzza r/O" (AA7). Se r'abbrnamemo e conenn appavr'ré ra scrrna “(x Keyless". |n case contrario appanra ra scvma “codlce radrc‘. MEMORIZZAZIONE RADIO CARD N°2 (386) Per nremcvrzzare ra secunda Radlc Card ermave nelr'aruo menu “Apprenur KLS #2“ ed esegurre re sIesse uperazronr menzronate ner menu pvecendeme. RADIO CARD Abbinamemo: Enrrarc nclra runzronc rn mode da vrsualrzzarc ra scnua “Apprcndr ms at"; ’ (mere prcmum rr rasm acrra Card per armcnu 12 secundr rm 6 quande rI rod rrmanc access rrsso rdopa crrca e secundr dara un breve rampeggru ma comrnuare a (snare premum rI taste Irrro ar rermrne der 12 secundr) Sore alrora rrrascrare rr taste, rr red rampeggera per arcunr seccndl e rr Sat Programmer emenera un beep dr Conlemra e vrsuarrzzera rn sequenza r ssguerrfl rnessaggr : ‘Apprendr Krsw Anenaere prego". e per "Ora zrasmem" A quesm puma premere rr pursarrle aerra Card fine a quando appanra ra scnna ‘Funzrone Esegurra’ pm un beep dr converrna dr awenum memovrzzazrone. varrrrearc Ia rrcclrcnc rrchrflmando Ia Iumrcnc A47 “Vrsuarlua r/o" Premendo rr pulsame surra Card. 0 scuorendola. deve appanre la scnua “Tx keyless‘ Se rnvece appare senrpre Ia scnna “codrbe radro' 2 srgnrrrca one ra perrlenca non rrconosce ra Card. La procedura dr apprendrrwsrrm dovra essere ruperura. Frrma a: tuna verr’fr’care sempre cne ra Radro Card sra spema. se, maneggranda ra Cam, rr red rnrzra a rampeggrare e necessarra aprr're rr radrocamarrda e togrr‘ere re battens A banerre sfirare premere ner un amnro rr tastrno aer radrocomando e rn segurm nnrenere re harzerre e nenruaere rr rx. Anenzrone: rn nresenza dr‘ altre Card amve purrehbem essere vrsualr'zlare alternatr’wmeme entrambe re scrrrre E’ necessano alrwrtanare o senennare re arrre Card. Note dl lunzlonamemo: La Radro cam permene m sbroccare rr srsrerna sarerrrrare Melasat RC rn moan del mm Uaspareme e auromarrcu —La Card rrasmeue aummarrcamenre ed e suflrcrenle parmrra can se per sbrcccare rr Slslema smelrrmre Memsar we ner momenta cne Sr awra ra veuura laccomanda enere la 0an sen-we con sé, mm In ndola m vemua, alt menti verra alum; la sicureua del sistema. - Non (enere la earn a comma can u cellulare 0 con ame sunerflcl merarrrche, mmehbe non nasmenere can eMcacIa. rr LED ranrpeggrame perrodrcameme, rndrca one ra Card e amva e are Iunzlonando rn modo rrovmare. —Se ra perrlevrca vr chrede rI cadres, nanosranre ra cam sra presenre e anrva, prernere rr taste aerra cam per srncramzzave rI snstema. —Se ra Card vrene manlenum rmmcbrre per arcurrr mrnuh, emm rn smnd—by. cessando ogm Vasmrssmne (rI LED smeuera dr rampeggrare) Per rr sua navvre basrera un sernprrce movrmemo —5e ner franenrpo rr LED nurr sl accenae perrodrcameme provare a Ieneve premum rI pulsame fine ar pvrmc rampeggro der LED (dopa once 6 secondr) .rrrascrare e conuorrare se ha rmreso a ranrpeggrare permdrcameme: rn case dovesse comrnuare a non accendevsr provme a carnbrare re nanene. —In case m sesrrruzronc ucrrc banana. ancnzmnc ad rr’rscrrrrc rrcrla grusm paranra. Rrsrncrnnrzzare qurndr ra Card mantenende premum rr pulsame per armenn 12 seccmdr —Quando rr LED derra Card resteré acceso frsso. nrascrate rr pursante anendende ra npresa der nonnare rampeggro LED. —La Card da quesro momenm e nuovanreme amva. savé suflrcreme Dremere rr pursame una varra rn vrcrrranza delra vemua per nsrncmnrzzare rr srstema. ATTENZIONE AL RISCHIO DI ESPLBSIBNE IN CASO DI SOSTITUZIDNE DELLE BATTERIE CON UN MODELLO SBAGLIATO. UTILIZZARE SOLO LE BAITERIE PREVISTE E INDICATE NELLE ISYRUZIDNI (solo bafleria aI lilio, modello CR2032). @ MBUS KEYLESS for METASAT RC WIRING DIAGRAM GSM ANTENNA YILT SENSOR \\\\@> mate; this device complies Part 15 or the rec rules subject to the lollowing two cond on . KEVLESS 1) This evlce may not cause hermlul Interlerence @ RECEIVER 2) This device must accept a interlcrenee received, ineluding interrercnce that may cause undesired operation. ~change or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance SAT could void the user's authorit to a crate the e ul merit." " " “' ° PROGRAMMER Ecc ID: noun ‘ HOW TO LINK UP RADIO CARD To store Radio Card (maxlmum 2) into the product's memory, it must never have been initialised Delete or be in maintenance mode. This is essential because the menus relating to the linking process are only accessible at leTALLER level and this level is only accessible irthe product has not be initialised or ifyou ask for the system to eiiter maintenance mode by calling up the service centre or by using remote service 3 (refer to the MetaSat RC programming lnstluctlcns manual) once you have accessed lNSTALLER level, view the link—up screens by scrolling through the various menus using the arrows or by entering the quick command number directly lthe number in brackets) iollowed by ck STORING RADIO CARD REMOTE N°1(385) » This menu cart be used to store Radio Card ngi so you can use the keyless function Installer 0K (automatic disarming owtng to the periodic transmission 01 the disarm code) Select lllllctio - Refer to the paragraph below on the Radio card for details on linking up. » lfa series of asterisks appears on the menu, this means that a Radio Card has 1, 7 7 already been linked up. 3485); OK I - To delete this and vacate the position, press the "a "button rollowed by the on button .. . - to confirm To check that the Radio Card has been linked up correctly and that the product Memo, 9 KLS ”1 receives the signal, enter the -Display l/O” menu (447). ‘tx keyless " will appear if it has been linked up correctly. Otherwlse, "radio code' will appear irthis is not the case STORING RADIO CARD REMOTE N°2 (388) To store the second Radio card in the product‘s memory, enter the other "Mcmallzc KLS A2" menu and carry out the same steps as lot the previous menu RADIO CARD How to Illlk up: Entertne runction so ‘ lvlemonze KLS ta' is displayed ’ press and hold the button on the Card for at least 12 seconds until the LED remains lit Without flashing (it will rlash once quickly after about 6 seconds, but you must keep the button pressed for the full 12 seconds) only now can you release the button The LED will rlash for a rew seconds and the Set Programmer WlIl beep once to confirm and then display the following messages in seouence "Memurl'ze kLs» Please Wait", followed by "Now transmit". Now, press the button on the Card until "Done" appears with one beep confirming it has been stored in the memory Verify reception by calling up function 447 "Dlsplay l/O”. Press the button on the Card or shake it: ‘Tx keyless " should appear ll "radio cadc' appears, 2 this means that the peripheral unit does not recognise the card Repeat the whole llrlk—up procedure First orall, always check that the Radio card is arr. ll the LED starts Ilashlng when you handle the card, you must open the remote control and take out its batteries. After removing its batteries, press the remote controls button for a second and then replace the batteries and close the remote control up Attenlmrl: if there are any other active cards operating, both messages may be displayed alternately. Move the other cards away or shield them. Comments on operation: The Radio Card lets you disarm the MetaSat Rc satellite system discreetly and completely automatically —The Card transmits automatically and you simply have to have it on your person forthe MetaSat RC satellite system to be disarrned when you start up your vehicle. -Alwaye keep your card with you; never leave It inside your vehicle as this would put the security or the system at risk. . Do not let your card come into contact with a mobile phone or any other metal surface, as this could compromise the strength or its signal. The LED flashes regularly to indicate that the Card is operational and is working normally —lfthe peripheral unit asks you for the code, despite the 0an being present and operational, press the button on the Cardin orderto synchronise the system —Aftefthe Card has been kept immobile tor a lew minutes, it will go into standby and stop transmitting its signal lthe LED wllI stop flashing). Slmply move it in order to start it up again —lf the LED no longer lights up regularly in the meantime, try keeping the button pressed until you see the first rlash or the LED [after about 5 seconds) Now release the button and check that it starts flashing normally. should it fail to do so. try changing the batteries —Wherl changing the batteries, rriake sure you insert them the right way. Now repeat the synchronisation of the Cam by keeping its button pressed for at least 12 seconds. —When the LED on the card stays lit without rlashing, release the button and wait ror normal flashing or the LED to resume —The card is now operational again, simply press the button once when you are close to the vehicle in order to synchronise the system cAuTIoN RISK OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERY IS REPLACED BY AN INCORRECT TVPE. DISPosE OF USED BATTERIES AccaRDING 10 THE INSTRUCTIONS (only lithium battery, choaz type). KEYLESS MBUS pour METASAT Rc scuEMA GENERAL ANTENNE GSM CAP‘IEUR RADIO CARD D'INCLINATION TX KEVLESS \\\\ ( ) @ REcEPTEUR KEVLEss SAT PROGRAMMER APPRENTISSAGE DES RADIO CARD Paul etteetuer wa me'monsatlon des vadwo card (2 au maxwmum) we prauuwt ne don lama'ws avoir ete aetwve uu bwen ww unit de trauver en entretwen. cetle candwtwon est nécessalre parce eue |es menus d'assocwalworw ne sonl dwspanwbles que pDur we vaeau wNSTALLATEuR, ce nweau est accesswbwe un-quement sw we pmduwI n‘est pas actwue' on s. I‘on demande la mwse en entretwen du systeme en appewant la cemrawe operatwannewwe nu en utwwwsant we servwce a dwstanee 3 (volt we Manuel ae nragrammatwon au MetaSat RC). Aplés I'accés au vaeau wNSTALLATEURw pour afiwener les pages u'apprentwssage parcouvwr les dwvevs menus e w'awde des tweenes cu bwell taper uwrectement we cummande rapwde (numero entre parentneses) et puws on. MEMORISATION DE LA RADIO CARD N'1(385) v Ce menu nennet ae mémorwsev wa Radwa Card n,1 pour utwwlser la ranetwen Keywess lnstallateur 0K (débwocage automatmue par la transmlssmn perwoawque du code de débwocage) Choisll Function: - Pour w‘assocwalwon se rapporler au paragrapne suwant concernant wes Radwo Card - Sw dans we menu ww y a des astensques cewa swgnwfie qll'une Rama Card 7 7 a uele ete' assnclée. 5335]; 0K ‘; » Ppureffaceret wwbélsr la peswtwen, EDPuyersur wa toucne ‘—' el puws sur la teucne ‘ ‘ on pour eonrwrmer ~ Paul venlwer sw wa Radlo card a e'te apprws earreetement et sw we swgnal amve au Memor g KLS x1 proeuwt entrer dams we menu “Affwcner E/ ‘(447w. Sw w'assocwatmn est currecte, we . . _ _ message “tx keywess' s'awrwcne Dans we cas contrewre Ie message alwwcné sera “code radio". MEMORISATION DE LA RADIO CARD N'Z (386) Pour mc‘rnorwscr wa dcuwamc Radwo Cam cnlmr nans l'autre menu “Mcmurlsc KLS #2' et cfieetucr wcs mémcs opc'valwons décthcs dams we menu prficédcm RADIO CARD Association: Entrer dans la tonetwon pour affwcner w‘inscr‘wmwan “Memovwse KLS x" ; ltenwr wa touene de la Card entoneee pendant au mowns 12 secondes,jusqu'é ce que la wed resle awwumee fwxe (meme 5! la wee emel un bvef elwgnotemenl apres enuwron 6 secanues, comwrwuer a appuyer sur la luuenewusqu'a wa fin des 12 secondes). Rewecner wa Iouchc uanucmcm a co moment—m : wa wed ua cwwgneter qucwqucs sccondcs at we Sal Programmer e‘mettra un beep ae eonlwrmauon cn afrwcnant aans w'ordrc wcs messages suwvents : “Memorwse KLSn Attendre svp”, et puts ‘Trarlsmellez" Appuyer awore sur we twuten de la Card lusqu‘a obtenwr w‘alfwcnage de “Fpnctwen ExécuIée" plus un beep confwrnlant que la memprwsatwpn a ete Iawle. venlwer la re'ceptwon en rappewant wa lonctwen AA"! "Arvweher E/S". En appuyant sur we bautun de la Carat cu en la secauam, we message “Tx keywess" dowt s‘affwcner Le message “code radio" ‘ contwnue de s'afw‘wcner sn we Metasat RC ne reconne'wt pas la Card Dans ce cas repeter wa procedure d'apprenlwssage Vérifwer toujours tout d’abnrd clue wa Radw’o Card est etewnte. Sw‘ la led commence a cllgnoterpenaant que vous manwpuwez la Card, ouwlr la rad/occmmande et sortrr wes batterres Apres awl! enweve‘ les batterwes, appuyer pendant un wnsrant sur le clawer de la radwocammandé, puws tememe les batteries er retermer le TX Attentron : w y a d‘autres Card acrlves, les deux messages pourrarent s'amcner alternatw'vement ww est nécessaw‘re a worgner au as bllnder les autres Cards lnstmetlons de Ionetlonnemen . La Radio card permet de déblcquer we systeme satewlwtaure Metasat RC 59 manwere entwerement transparente et autemalwque. , La Card transmet automatwquement et ww sumt de I'amener even saw pour débwoquer we systeme Melasat RC au moment am we vulture démane. - Nous recommflnduns de porter taujaurs Ia cam avee soi de ne lamais la laisser dans la vulture. an r que de eampmmettre Ia sac-trite flu systeme. , Ne pas tenir Ia earn an contact an telepnone mobile on name; surfaces metalliqnes, ear iI poun t ne pas transmettre avec effica . La LED clwgnme pérlodwquemem pour swgnawer que la Card est aetwve et en trawn de ranctlonner de mamere normawe. —Sw we MetaSat RC vous demande we code, bwerw aue we Card suwt presente et activew appuyer sur la toucne de la Card pour syncnranwser we systeme —Sw wa Cam cst mamtcnuc lmmobwlc pendant quewques mwnutcs, cwlc so met on slandrby an ccssant teute transmlsslon (la LED ccssc do cwwgnotcr) Un swmpwe mouvement sumra a la rane Iedémaner. —Sw entre'temps la LED ne s‘awlume pas pérwodwquementw appuyer en commu sur we boutonjusqu‘au prermer cw-gnotement 59 we LED (spree envwron 5 secondes), rewaener we boulon et uerwlwer s‘ww a reprls a cwlgnoter pérwodlquemenl : sw ewwe conlwrlue a ne pas s‘alwumer, enanger les battenes. —ch5 du rempwacement des banerwesw fawre anentwun a wes monter eorrectement en respectant les Dowamés. Synchlorwwser ensuwte de nouveau wa care en mawntenant enronce le poutcn pendant au moms 12 secondes , Des que la LED de la Card reste awwume'e wae, rewaeher we botlmn en attendant wa repnse du elwgnotement normal de la LED. , La Card est awers de neuveau aetwve et wI suflna u'appuyer sur le human une lows pres de la vulture pour syncnron-ser le systeme. ATTENTION AU RIquE D'ExPLosIoN EN cAs DE SUBSTITUTION DES BATTERIES AvEc UN MODELE ERRoNE. uTI SER UNIQUEMENT LEs BATTERIES PREqus ET INDIQUEES DANS LE MANUEL D'INSTRUCTIONS (settlement batterie an Iltqum, CR2032 Iype). KEYLESS MBUS para METASAT RC ESQUEMA GENERAL ANYENA GSM RADIO CARD sENsoR (TX KEVLESS) mcuNAcléN R ECEPTOR KEVLESS \\\\ SAT PROGRAMMER \ L MODALIDAD APRENDIZAJE RADIO CARD Para efecmav xa memavxzacxéxx de la radxa card (maxlmo 2) es necesarxa qua ex pvoducm no naya slda nunca achvado a bxen se encuenlve en mamemmxemo Esta candlzxc’rx es necesana puas xcs menus vexatxvus a xa cambxnacxén estén a dxspusxcxén séln en Nxvsx INSTALADOR y este rxxvex es accesxbls sc’xc an El mama no he Sldo actxvado 0 bxen sx se requxeve Ia puesla en mantenxmxemo aex sxstema xxarvxarxdo Ia cennal operahva o bxerx uuxxzando ex sexvncxo remote 3 (véase manuax de pmgramacxén dex MeIaSal RC). Una vez omemdo ex acceso ax Nxvex INSTALADOR, para podervlsuaxxzar Ias pagmas de aprendxzaxe, vecorvev xas dlfevemes menu's medxame xas flecxxas a dugnama uxreuameme ex manna va’pxdu xex mimew erxue parémasxsx y a contxnuaclén apxefiar on. MEMORIZACIDN RADIO CARD N'1(335) Medxame este menu es pas-me memorxzar xa Radxo cam para u\xxxzar la mncxen Keyxess (desbxoqueo automatxco medxame Iransrvx‘xs n perxédxca del cédxgo de desbxcqueo) Para xa combxrxacxén consunav ex parraxo sucesxvo some Radxo Card Sx en el menu apavecen asxenscos sxgnmaa que una Radm Cam ha ya 5de combinada. Para bovrar y xlbcvar xa posxcxdn aprcmr xa (ccxa ‘ ox para confxrmav. - Para verxficar s- la Radxo Card ha 5de reconccnda coxrectamente y s- la sefiax xlega a| product!) ermar en el mam] “szuaxxza I/o” (447). Si xa combxnacxérx es correcla apaveceré el mensaxe "tx keyxess". Erx caso contrano apareceré el nxerxsaxe “cédxgo rad-o" MEMORIZACIDN RADIO CARD N°2 (388) Para rvxcmnrxzav xa scgunda Radxo Cam away on ex ono xxrxcm‘n “Mcmcnzar KLS x2" y cvccmar xas mxsrvxas operacxorxcs mcrxcxnnadas on ex menu prcvxo RADIO CARD Instalador 0K Elegir Funcnon: y a conlxx’xuacxdx’x xa (ccxa Memovlzar KLS £1 combinacion: Emrav en xa funcxérx y vxsuaxxzar ex mensaxe “Memonzar KLS xxx 1 mamerxev apmada xa lecxa de la Cam par la menos 12 segundos hasIa que ex xed permanecera ancenmdo as man 1ij) (después de a segundos aprcx nara un breve Daxpadeo pen) mamener apvetada xa (ecxa haska ex fxnax de x05 12 segundos). Soxameme enmnces dejar de apxelar Ia leCIax eI led paxpadearé durante axguncs segundos y ex Sm Pxogrammer emlw‘é un beep de conlxrmamén y vxsuaxnzaré en secuencxa Ics slgulentes mensaxes: “Memorizar KLS# Espere par favor'n y después “Ahora zransmna" Erx este momenm apvetav ex bcuin de xa Card haste Que aparecera el mensaxe ”Furxcxérx Efecmaaa" y urx been de canfirmacxén de xrxemovxzacxén efectuada Vcerxcax Ia rcccpcxén ackxvando Ia iuncxéx’x 1147 ‘szuaxxzar I/O" Apretando ex botén en xa Cam, 0 sacudxéndoxa, debe apavecer ex mensaxe "Tx keyxess“ Sx en cambxo aparece snempre ex mensaje “cédxgo radxo” 2 sxgnxflca Clue ex perxférxco no reconoce xa cam. Ex pmcedxmlemo de aprendlzaje se debs execmar nuevameme Antes we nada venrxcar siempre que la Radx‘o Card esté apagaaa. 5x, locandu xa Card, el xea mm a pamadear es necesano abrx'r el radx'omando y extras! xas bakeries. Sm xas baterx'as aprelardurame un xnstante xa tee/a deI radxomando ya contxnuacxdn volver a poner xas barerias y valvera Eelrarel rx Atencxén: erx presencla de otras Card actxvas se [maria venrxcar xa visuaxxzacxan axtemada de amhos Mensa/es. Es necesarxo axejar a separar con pamaxxa xas dema’s Card Nata: de Inncionamenlo: La Radx’o Card perrvme desbxoqueav ex sstema saIeIx'ax MeIaSal RC de mode maxmeme Iranspaveme y automa’mo —La Card vansmue autométxcamerxte y es squcxeere Ixevarxa consxgo paxa desbloqueax ex sxstema Dndxralinn orCDnrormin sakexxIax MetaSa‘ RC en ex momemo en que se ananca ex vehxcuxo. - Aconseiamns (ewe! la Card siemme en nuestm podev, no deiarlaiamis en el unis-no, de lo contrarlo u puma almar Ix segurldad dgl slstema. - No pone! Ia curd en comma con el telélnnn mévil 0 can mas luperficies metilicns, podrin no transmit" con efica ia. Ex LED xmermxteme perlo anxeme, xndxca que xa Cam esIé acnva y esIa’ mncxonanuo en made normax —Sx ax perxférxco mde el céaxgox no obsxama la 0am se encuemve preseme y acuva, apmar xa was de xa Card para sxncrcm/ar ex sxstema —Sx la Cam Se mamlene xnxvxdle durame axgunos mmuws, enua en sIand—by, cesando (ado (xpo de (ransnxxsxén xex LED aaxava de pavpadear) Para rcactxvavxa cs suficxcmc urx sxmpxc mnvxrmcn —Sx durame ex xrxtevvalo el LED no Se encxende pend icameme Drabanenxexxda ametado ex bolén hasta ex Dxxmex pamadeo dex LED (después de amox. 6 segundos). soxtar y cannolar 5. ha vuexm a pavpadear pevxédxcamente en ex caso que cumxnuara a no encendevse Dvobar a cambxar |as b texx'as. —Erx case de sustxlucxén de xas Dmenas, presm extent-«Sn de mvaducuxas con xa poxanuad coxxecia Voxver a sxncmnxzav xuego xa Cam xvxantenxexxda apvelado ex bold" duvame pm xo menos 12 sagundos.. —Cuandn cx LED do xa cam pcvmancccra crxccndxdo max soxmx cx Damn y cspcrar quc so rcstaaxczca ex novmax parpadea dex LED , La cam desde este momemo esté nusvarrxeme acuva, sexé squcxente apretar ex man urxa vez cerca dex automévxl para voxvev a sxrxcronxzar eI sxstema. RIESGO DE EXPLOSIDN SI LAS BATERIAS SE SIISTITUVEN CON IIN MDDELB EQUIVOCADD. UTILIZAR sow EL MODELO INDICADO EN LAS msmucclonss (solo bah as AI min, mod-Io cnzosz). C € 0470 Wa Men. Sys‘cm S.p.A. m “a Addvvn m "(Maw 10 blamcfixukrggm Ln... Declare maymmmwmxamnmmam n) ng . man-am mum lrammiller nonlrnl I'D whithz'muxhulxnn (mm “mommy flcrckunl mam m aw ms! m w m 1 am LA Am 110 1 1m 5017] Award rxgw Dxmcmc w» 5 Ci mum. Dwuur mm mm 5055qu mm. zwwzuoy - (I f“? ’
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : Yes XMP Toolkit : 3.1-701 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 7.0.5 for Macintosh Create Date : 2009:12:22 11:38:40+01:00 Modify Date : 2009:12:22 11:38:40+01:00 Creator Tool : FreeHand 9.0.1: LaserWriter 8 T1-8.7.1 Format : application/pdf Title : 5040112301 Ist. Keyless MBUS T Creator : Giuliano Document ID : uuid:3b0c3992-eee6-11de-ba09-0017f2090948 Instance ID : uuid:3b0c7c2c-eee6-11de-ba09-0017f2090948 Page Count : 4 Author : GiulianoEXIF Metadata provided by