MGA Entertainment 258452 Remote Control Toy Transmitter User Manual 124
MGA Entertainment (HK) Ltd. Remote Control Toy Transmitter 124
users manual
Micro Blast RIC Racer”I AGES 6+ ”777777 Micro Blast RIC Racer (MBR m) is a fully iunctlonal pockel- -s|zal'.1 RIC racers that can be raced Indoors. on open ground or on a track and allow another players with different Irequency. BATTERY STALLA ON REMOTE CONTROL r, Swlloh the power to “OFF“. Unscrflw with A Phillip: hand unmdriunr A. female: tho battery Dollar an the Remain Oorilml, 2. insert 2 AA (I .5V) Alkaline batteries in the proper direction. as indicated inside the battery compartment. 3. Replace the baltefy cover a figntan screw securely. 4. Switch Ihs paw/er tn "ON“. EXTERNAL CHARGER 1, Unscrew with A Phillips head screwdriver 5. remove the battery cover on the handset. 9 lnartrra AAA (1 all) Aikniim: haltnrlnn In this pmpnrfllmeflnn. as lflfliCflle inside the battery compartment, 3. Replace the battery cover a tighten scmw securely. SAFE BATTERY PRECAUTIONS nn ml marinas thn hatlariae in lire- hattariea may limit nr explode. ' Ditlerlnt types DI batteries or new and usbd batteries are not to be mixed. . Only batteries or the same or equivalent type as recommended are to be used. - The supply terminals are not in be shon-u‘rcutledt - Nen-rsdlargeebla bananas are not to be recharged. Rechargeable batteries are only to he charged under adult superwsron. ~ acchcrgoalsle hunches are no he removed ire-n he lay belcrs being charged. - When not in use lorarl extended time. remove batteries to prevent possibla leakage. - Bananas are to be Insened vnth the correct polanty. ~ EAlluuetw batteries er. to In: lwiirvvwd l‘rvlrr Mia ivy. ~ Batteries should be replaced by adult. TROUBLE SHOOTING IF THERE IS NO FUNCTION BETWEEN THE REMOTE CONTROL AND THE RACER: Make sure you have turned ON the Remote Central Dhulr that the hattanue a.- inasrlari (tummy Replace the old binaries Wlth new alknllrli bittirlis. Mail! the remote control above Ihs racer to find the best communication between the Remote control and the Racer. (fire control range wIII be around 3 to a feat.) IF THE EXTERNAL CHARGER HAS NO CHARGING FUNCTION: check "ml the bananas aie lnsened pmperly. Replace the all! batteries with new alkaline batteries. Check that the rarer ta plan-art prhparly Check that the racer has contacted with the charging contact plates. In rumlen I'll'lII'IE Ircunulrls TM 1. 0 5005 MGA Enlonninmenm All lets Reserved 15730 Schoenborn St.- Ncrth Hills. CA 91343 USA (800) 222-4555 Primed in China PLAYING MBFl ”" START PLAYING AND CONTROL Install the batteries into Remote Control and Enema! charger ea in the nantim nl Rnttnry lnatalletinn Charge the racer ea in the eectian or Flacer Charging, Hold the controller in l wmlurtfltlii position in your hands Switch the Remote Cuntml power In '0N'. Press FORWARD button to drive the racer moving rcrwatds. l Press BAOKWORD button to dive the racer moving backwards. - Press LEFT button In turn left while the racer Is mavlng. - Press RIGHT button tn tum right whlla lhe racer ls rnwlng. - What the rec-r is run cut at battery power. chlrg- th- racer as in the section or Fleet-u Charging RACER CHARGING Place the Fiacer onto the Extemai Charger charging cannactar - Press CHARGE button 01“ for charging amund 45 seconds. - The charging Indicator on the charger will turn an only when the racer ta charging. - Take out the Racer lretn the charging cenhsctar and place ll on Ihe ground tor playlng. IMPORTANT: - MODIFICATIONS NOT AUTHORIZED BY THE MANUFACTURER MAY VOID USERS AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THIS DEVICE - EMISSIONS OR INTERFERENCE OF SURROUNDlNG ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT MAY AFFECT OPERATING CAUTION: - Do not use rechargeable batteries for the Remote Control and the Exlemnl Charger. - Not suitihle Ior children under 3 vears. NOTES: This equipment has been tested and lound ta comply wilh limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 at INA FCC Rules, These limits are nasiamd to movies reasonable protection against harmful Interference In a residential inatallallcrr. This equipment generates. uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, n not ulalalisd and used in accordlnce with the Instruction, may cause harmlui inlariaranm tn ranln mmmunimlinna However than la nrl guarantee that intansrence will not occur In a particular installallon. II this equipment does cause harrnlul intuit-renal to radio or tslsvlsion reception. much can be dalemllrled by turning the equipment all and an. the user ls encouraged to try to ccrract tha lntm'srnnml hy hna hr rnhra hi lhn Inllnwirlu measures, - moment or relocate the rscsin‘ng antenna. ' Increase the separation between the nquinment and receiver. - Cannoet the equipment this an aullel e.- a einsuit alumni Imrri that to which the receiver It connected. - Consulrlhe dealeroran axpenancsd radio/TV technician for help
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 1 Creator : July 24, 2002 (124) Create Date : 2002:07:24 15:50:24 Title : (124) Author : cee3 Producer : Acrobat PDFWriter 4.0 for WindowsEXIF Metadata provided by