MGA Entertainment 366898 Bratz The Movie RC 1962 Corvette - 49MHz User Manual Page 1

MGA Entertainment (HK) Ltd. Bratz The Movie RC 1962 Corvette - 49MHz Page 1

User Manual

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Document ID832555
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Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize11.57kB (144629 bits)
Date Submitted2007-08-22 00:00:00
Date Available2007-08-22 00:00:00
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EMtssons on mmnssnsncz OF sunnovnbms ascmomc (QUIPMENT my AFFECT mm
I. N91 m.» Mdlldmudu! m
NOTE: m; WWI-ll! has ban was ml fan-d u «amply mm. me In": for Clout s dlgmi drug, pram N
Van 15 of l=cc N‘s. These lam.“ dawned to 9m.“ ml: mum». game! an...“ mm in
. msthl Mulhtm This WM gullm'es. um m4 5-- rdifle mdu frequency umqy and If ma
"mm ad mud in «am m». m mam-ls, mu, m lawful Mal-few w rad» MIMI-us
Han-cur, mm s m gum-la mm mmm mu m m a. a mulls imallmiul. xf um «llpvavt
dus mm mm! mum-um lo mdw u» lama... mm, mm cal ha luv-mm a», m
mpmflcfldmAfumrlsmmrflgd'flkymmmdfihcImmbymcrmo' afoI-ming
- mm er mm w- man/m, mm
~ "Luna'- m sap-mien mu».- mam-f and m.
- coma m «um-n m a. «nm on a firm" d-H-um in». ma Va and» flu mm“ -s maxi
~ Cans” flu dank ur n cmiulud "Ala/TV mm“. 601 ml.»
Thnsrkvium-nlln "m. Pm 15am mm. was" mammals fill-uh; Own mndificm'. mms
am my my mt: hum-fin mm, on! m m dtvlm mun mm W imflmu mm, lnMng
mmnm met may as: undzslmdopawm
Wu'mlg: om a» mdlfimnvns u was mm M «mm, ”mm by w my resporu‘lblt m mlm
amid w»: "l: leis «mum v. opt-mt: mg mm.
m: max-mewmmr '
mam-wmwmmmmm unmmua’ summon"
Wham Vkasllstdtfgnflzdm flier-mare mum-mam";
_ of n: ml
am or IAI'TERAEE: m m um .« mums u ans-rm mu. m. m... m . «nun-lei many My.
”nu km mm: w u n mm: mm mfumMml
cwmmcmda IuMkmeamC-xvellclhecawak Emumanfl m rdzbedvehide Mydnugmre
fined mummy-mks m undeflinenselo m
mbm'mm mmmva
mm, mrz rE‘rz‘, Lru mm.
mu nun-l, nan-z lan did all
Imam ragga ms, amt-1. drum»:
. ikuuscs slogans. as , u
mmnl'fl" mfififiwflfifi’m M"
moo Mm aw
Val m. 54 mos USA
(no) 222—46”
owm-E/xm' mm m m...
Age: 6»
nus smell-cool, crnsm'. class-c mr is mam m vi m Bnflx" movl=l wnl. its sixxlin' stylz And
kickirr cums, ifs fl|= perfect rid: ("your sun-l
m 1 sun'- The anil. Rx: 1962 comm (mum under mm mm: or 49mm frequency)
5, mmm Control
Mm hmlngfhz road lnywr classic car an adult mun lnmll fh: mum, Here's m:
aware comm
l. Turn on ONIOFF M'dl m OFF
2. Usinga Phillips “ma-w (not Included)mnm flu sum and battery compartmm cover on
m buk of m mm. (51; Fig, l)
a. 1mm ev ALKALINE bonny (not mum) making 5111 an (em (an-4s we the proper
diuflian a Mama mm the battery umpnrflmm. (Sn Fug. a)
4. mm m comrflmm mwr,fl9ht¢n the scrw and firm the ONIOFF swell 00 m on
NUTE Do mt us; Natalya-Ma ban-ties M "I: Rama: Control Hakim.
i. press the bittor. or. the tohirle M to one. the trunk Ild.
2. Turn the oN/OFF switch lame-d inside the M t. OFF. (See fig 3)
s using ii triiiiips saeudriuer (M ineliidedl ieiiiooe the sore-tone bettery wnioartnient oerer ffvm
mM the mark
4 xriirall sin at) AA usv> alkaline batteries (not included) nioliing m 1hz(t)md[~)uvds toixtteoroper
direetiorias Mme/d inside thebattery ooaioartriart.
5. lupin“ the eotnoannnnt rarer, tighten the Sm, turn the ONIUFFMdi to on and elotr the truih.
Fig 3 fig. 4 F195
More: Whmmun’ t-r Bum" The Mini: RC 1962 Cornflefihtynnnbvaioppswe radio
1. Using a Phillips screwdriver (not included) remove the serew and the battery mm on the bottorn
of the vehiele. (Fig. 6)
2. insert trro (2)AA (15V) alkaline batteries as ltldlockd inside the battery crinoa—tnienurig, 7)
a. Pzpkmg the battery cmr and tighten the sereit.
re 7 figs
1. Press the ON/DFF biittan ta tirn lights on press it again ta turn lights off. (Flg. a)
mam-ms THE RADIO
l. Press the £5wa buttan (Fig. s) to turnthe Radio on press itagain to turn the Radio off.
2. Press the PESET button (Fig. alto setyaur radio iit the Imam! orthe FM freoiieney bend
(qsmximotely as mi
3. Press the SCAN button (Fig. 5) repeatedly to sean radio ststiaris, from the Iarrest frequeney to
the highest.
NOTE: Hold the button dawn for taster soannirg neleoee the Mall ta stop at a station.
4. When only static can be heard and ynn have reaehed the highest m trequeney band (we FM),
otess the REsET birttan to restart at the low! end rt the freguerey band, then press the
SCAN biittan againta sean for a twin station.
i. switch the rehiele to the “ON" position. (Fig. 3)
2. switch the Rum-n: cantrel to the -o- oasitiori (Fig. 1)
3. Use the Left and Right eantrol suitehes te eontral the retiiele
LEFT CONTWL - Press forward to mm the rehiele for-word.
Press human! to mow the vehiele backward,
mm CONTROL e Press right to tnove the vehiele right.
Puss left to time the vehiele left,
I. it the radio signal or the lights beeaiiie weaker tail to work, replaee the batter-er with
(ush alkaline batteries (see Figs 6 and 7)
2. Radio oertorniaree may be affected by sirraunding buildings, Mum or eguionient.
If the radio sigm| is poor, "WV: the vehiele te another loeatian ter a better signal.
3. Radio pertarnionee may be atteeted when the behiele is niarirg. Either stop the rehiele
to listen to the radio ar more the rehiele to another loeation ta uuiw o better signal,
If there is no signal between the beniate Control and the vehicle:
Make sire the Denote control is smtehrd an.
Mnhe sure the vehiele ls swiuhed on
cheek that the batteries are inserted bieperly.
Replace the aid batteries with neir alholiiie bamries.
. More the mom control elaser to the rehiele until yau find the optimum operating range.
. when not in use turn aft bath the rernote A behiele tome battery power.
DO NOT ooeiiite the urrts during thunder-stuns.
. l>o NOT operate the vehiele on streets or in truffle.
. Knp fingers, hair and loose elathirg may train thetires, ml hubs and motors.
upeclnlly when they are rnaring
. Do NOT mbfin unit to moisture vftxny k d.
. DO nor mm: the unit insand,snirn or war".
. Ynlr lz/c vehicle is operated by radio noues. it is possible the unit may not perform
properly due to tmcrfa‘em train nearby devims siiehas ii cordless phones, heir
dryers-edios, iuiillae-taliiies or why radiaeonti-elled my;
7. Use the unit indoors for best oeriornianee.
~ use alkaline bunnies far beet pei-fottiianee and larger lite.
« Use oniy the type bafiuy reeariirnended for the unit
~ batteries should be ieplaeed only by an adult.
~ ireert batteries mm the eorreet polarity ( e and - l
~ 00 not mix erent types irf batterla or old orid rew batteries.
- Do In! swan- Mi' Inherits.
‘Mflmf ieed for an mended tine, remare batteries to prmm possible lerslioge and deniage
ta um.
- Do not nor rechargeable ond non-reehiegeoble batteries
~peehargeeble bunches aie te be 1111104“me the try before chorging.
- peehargeeble batteries are to be recharged only under adult supervision
- Do not recharge nonreehergeable batteries,
- Exhausted batteries are to be reniorad trani the try.
~ Do not dispose of batteries in tin as they may leak or explode
NOTE The voltage rt lfi‘lyA-fitag‘d, ieehorgedole battery i ttan later than thatofofresh quinine battery.
mutate. it is Momma-dad 7M owns bettarnes be med insiesd at ieohargedbh batteries for best
mien-cinema tor longest playing.

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