MOVON MB80 Bluetooth Handsfree-Bracelet User Manual 1

MOVON Corporation Bluetooth Handsfree-Bracelet 1


Users Manual II

Download: MOVON MB80 Bluetooth Handsfree-Bracelet User Manual 1
Mirror Download []MOVON MB80 Bluetooth Handsfree-Bracelet User Manual 1
Document ID976874
Application ID76nNnGgt0LNmvRKMFfZnow==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual II
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize375.67kB (4695923 bits)
Date Submitted2008-07-28 00:00:00
Date Available2008-07-28 00:00:00
Creation Date2008-07-28 14:47:15
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 7.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2008-07-28 14:47:27
Document TitleUntitled-1
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2.2
Document Author: sunpark1

m Commands basiqee
waemew ewwewww
eeeewewwew eewe sewewwweeew-
Ma wwwwwwe w. heumnApW L. vflyarwl ew.e
m“ emeweepeweemeeeeeweee MeweeweMwee eweweweeeeweee
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weeee M ewe . eewwemem nwlemnwamen'
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mewe dumwcv'vurwc eweeweewww Le mewe eLw leDha’wc pee- vavwcrcn wewewwew eee
w'wpnnms Exécmevwx wewewwew Recherche e ewewwwewwe eeewee
a Lewseee we Dmduwu! meweeeewawe wewevwwewe wemew we cunnexwon
9 LanuewewdePwNEpw'nfiwsuwsw‘wflu Leuweeeeewewewewewmwwe
Anoewew ewmewwewemem in! we eeewewAepew ewwe eeeLew
Leewewe [Faun Mme , W,
eemewe we w as deux pmnml! eemeeeewmewmmeewee ew eywewweemeewwew
wmpemL sw we DJ! pee” eLe eww eeeeee we vnyanl ewweweLeeeex wee lume‘ wee eme
eeeeweeew ewwwew ww weewwewwewe quurwehws
MM“, a“ > "wwmmr‘mrr‘lufiuvquernwa-eLiuwarkuiuunpcnué
, Muwmemven‘ence we hauanAWe‘ pendant ee ; secanfles
~Lewewweeee Lmew. peew eww. wwmw-eeee.e eww eewew. eeewe wewmew
w,w w:w,wmmewww ewwwweew we wewemwewwe
‘ Passer un apnew
nosey-w ewmewwewemewww eew w. eeewewwnee- ww. eeeLew
5“? Vewmee . eLw —eewweemz eeeeweee
Meee neeevwewwee
we we we pee Mmrwlen wemewwee we eeewewwzewemeepeweeww 7 eeeeweee
wae we Dwslc eewe Mewmeww wewwwewwee we eeeLewVeweme~ eemweww 2 eeeewweee
Mmrwlen wemewwee we eeewewwzewemeepeweeww eweeae 3
Mewmeww wewwwewwee we eeeLewVeweme~ eemweww ewee ee z
Reweew weewee
Avnmee weewee
Vewem. Anvuycv eew we naemww . eL,
wwwwwewww wepewwuwe e W 19st wew
L.» lewauwueuuevelhws
, Le meeweee s‘arww eewemewweeememew on emewe we eewwewwe
weeeeww sugwd‘ur‘ eeeew emmwww
—Avwww eeww. eeewewwAee-w peew wepewwem
, Lewseee weneew eew wewmme we meeweee weewewe eewemeueeeme wl
Emmmmmm "" ”" weeyewewe weweeew we eee-eweepcw
me' ewwemew eLw ewemewe we Mawrwlemvveu we bus we anew/mwew eewweem z
wee rnavweur eeeeweee ee eeewe e ew eee-w
Remmpow' we wewwewe du
eewwweweppew eeeem
semeeeew we wewwewe an dench
mew emmm
Awuyez Dnevemzm eew we nmwmr‘
mewwwwewewwew ew meee VmHe
wa meee ewwe wwe eneeyewsew wee boulorws
Veweme . e,
Anoey-eeew we boulon mewww'eweeew mm
2 eeeeweee eww meeeVewwwe
Land un epp-w .wwwwem mewmemwem w.; m
we eeewewwAwwew eewweemz eeeewweee
Miwnlemrsrmnm w. buuhnvnmmE , Barman“ z
eeewwweee wemee w mew
lenniwiianna veeewe
Rewe'er ew mew
Aclwvu we snu'flwredu mwewe
neeemew we eeL weme wwe mwewe Anneyez bnzvcmcwnsm we human Veweme .
Anlwvav h eeewewweee Mm— Mewmemwewweme we bumnrwvnhme ~ eeweew- 2
pawweew em wdcs weweee w ewew
neeeeweew we eeL mime ee hunt—
»awweew N’Dwersuv we eeewew vommee
1" me “mm
nrw‘l e empewe wL—wwem.
ww— ham—pa
Lewe e eww epeew ewwwwewww nxwmzmv we eeeweww vow“: Le wyew ewee cwrwmedeexhws
Leewee wee 5 iacnndli
emewwee eeweeww z eeeewwees eewamewwwe we wan—pnnemzn eeeweme enecevow‘ npvew
Appew eww ewwewwwe weppew e www,wwew
mm e ewww eewwe wewewweww eeeeew nee eewmew eee we Leweeeewe eel eeqe ee w. wewwewwee
ees weweLwewe e Su‘nenme un eepew , e- , anmumca'wun . eweeweewe . eewL emeeemem
e eeewwwewee zewpms ee wepemeew
—(R-cnmmlndlhnn} Le Nehnne www pweeewmpwe eeewewaweeww .peew ew wweemeeew
e ewwweew we baulorw . [mum ,
'ADDEI en meme ave: romwlene
, En awnyarwl ewmewwewememeew we eeeweweppe . w. eeewewwVewem. . ww m peeewewe
ee eeeeewewwewe urw mew ew ewwemeew eewewmwwwew weepew ew eeewe
, En awnyarwl ewmewwewememeew wee eeewewe eeweme eeee ww Kw eeeewewee. eeeeewew
vars urw mew ew enemeewee menwe ew eweme w mew ew saw!
, En iwuyanl eeww. eeewewwnepew eL we eeewew Vnwuma— ww .ew eeeewewee. wewmwwwewew
mew ew meme
wwewww de I‘BDDEI we-e
e Vawds ee eweweme rre
Annuyez ewweeemewwewa we eeeweww Veweme w ee —erw meeeVewwwe ee wewe n‘ufl nvnzw
emwem Veee Duwex ewewe enlerflre w weemwweee weppewem . eewwwwee w enemeww
wn Kappeweeeeewewweeeewwe,
Leweeeww ya un eeeew En eeeeweew ew ewe mwemwueewee wee ZDS-cnndsi Pm”
z'mewnvm'lnw'wma'w d‘avumnnmam eewewn zwwnvsuv we numn/wADnuw ee we
eeeLew Veweme w~ ee ew
Vrerle'rr ee Mnmére
ww w_w:rrwmemp:1mrw
ww eepeeeweweee eeweeLwemewew eee wnzsNenes me meweeweee eeee meweewe
Pom eewee-wewwew we -Meee Mewewe- zueeyee in we eeeeew/eweme . Dcrwnamlxecnnfler
Puurlnnfleru meee Memee- upvuyu su' we hau‘en‘lv‘ume— eeweewwsseeeweee
e ewnwwew
—Lc meme wwbrcsvwbre ee mewwewe r‘éguwwem wars a‘un eeeew emwem
eLe m mewwwe hhvzsvwbrv wweewewe ew we weweewwewe we eewewe eeewe eLw Leeweee we
emw. ewe. ewa.eweeeem. -ee weeeee we pweeewa.eweweeeewewe rayfln e.
w: 07”er
nww wx eme'mquy
L‘apvamwueme ee ee mnnzde' eewemeemwemem ee Leweewwewwe Dunme
(ee ee-we 1mm mewwwe eweeLeewww pewweem we mmewee weeeeww eew eeeeeweew.
duxéwéphnm: Donabwc wee eewwe emwe mewwwe Bwucmom)
e ewewwww
Meee Vnyam DEL Sans
Lee thM ew.e ewwewwewe e.ex
Le vuy-M weeee ew ewwewe
dcux wee
Le wewem ewee ewwewwewe wawe
Mweeeww Numhe Mewea e Mwse ew mewewe
Amew Mewee e/wwwew
En enewwLe ewewww
eewwmwew weweweewn wee 5 slcnndsi
VewHeaDves we Le vuyawvthweu ewwewwewe fleux
nunnaxwuw ans‘aulls wee 5 slcnndsi
Smut Anew Leewewe
ee we meeweee
Le voyam ewee ewwewewe wwewe
wee eww s eeeeweee
Liannnsrl eeme ww wewe
wewaee wee 1a securwflu
lewr we weweww. ee
ewewe e eneew en
Le eemwew . ewe dlux
wee weewee weeza eeeeweee
Charge eww cow: VWM weeeeewweme
ceeweewewmmee vweweweeeeewewww
Awewwe ee balwwe
h ew.
Ymi [nulls w.e m meme
eww eew ewee mmww'udcux
Le vuyawvt weLwee ew ewewewwewe
wewe .ww an upeweee
Les Wyznu ewee cl weewwe
chgrmenl wwwLemweweemem
w wae eeeewee ww‘mumem ct suwvr! wwmeweewwew
1 w>eew .wwe.w.eeem eemeeee ee d-thd- Vunmunmm-nlcr Vlvvi'ewww we Du
weeewwemeew Vlvvim‘ d-x nndrmtx . we
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w.pp.wewweeeeepeeeep.wwe.e wwemwewweeeeeeeeeewewweewee ewewewe mwemeepu
wewmewemem murwwurluwm (wee (kurwquew eepwewwew a eemmm ee weppeweww
0 Ne pee eepeeew wwepp.weww .ex ,eewee, e. emweew eewwee eee wes wewewe ee eeweww.
we, neweweewe we, weemeeex ee eweeewee iwirewh eew Wvduwsmt h eweweew
ww Dan! eeeeew w‘flp‘uswun eemeewee Vexémlmrw ew weeeww. w. eewee e. emewwe
5 Ne pee meewwwew ee pee wepewee u we pee démonur w eppeweww l weewe Gunman
wew pewwwLewwew, m m ee eeweewwe ww peemeeew ewe expweeweww
e Ne Dn Dhur wee eewm weewee xur w‘eppeweww
1 smpwew.w emeeemem we eweweeewweewwww em eee at weweeee
5 Le rzmvhummt ee we xemm eewe ewwe weww ee (mm eemmeweew eeewwwwe ee
eewe weweewwe ee weewweem
AAWENYwaNs Rwsau; DE cuoc Mamet/E
L, eeweewwe eewweee em, eeeeppeweww peee pweeewee, ew weeee ee wee ee e.
eeewe». eewmweee ,w ewwe ulAemenue weeewe en eeep ee eeee weeee wempemeee
L‘ém ee eewee nwewewe eewee weepewweeewwweee eeee eeewe mmwe eem eemme eeww
' Le linrvm ew nan ewemmewwewe ee rut! eewemwe m we eeewemewe
. wweeweeeew wmml
Wee, eem peeeeww pweeeew h eewe ee w “th eww,wwew ee w eppeweww me ee weee eeeL
~ Le meme ee wewwe ,w w. pweeewe , ewe Leeme 1 Fame; pwyeweee w‘wwuuflmorw. w
, mndwhumn ee w. wLpewmew meme, pew we (wen nun eeeewee
- L. wepemwew ee pweeewe eeewewe e... w.wwe pew we peweemew ee eemwe e. umwee
mmvwsé eeeeewwwwe ee weeeeme .e hbrwnnl
v speewweeemem exempe ee we lemme fart we; mmvmxnu eememmeewew e
w eweee weemew. wee eeeeewwem ew wee eeweew weeewweweew
- WEEE symbew lnremwezien
eemmem ew mmev cs women
(dechets u‘ qewnemewwws éweewwwqees ew e'weewwewwwqeesl
wAeeweeewe eewe wex pay! as wewew zeweeeew ew eex eewep Dav! eemeeewe
eeeesew ee svs1é'fles ee eewweewe eeweewwee'w
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e wwwwe eww ww ee ee ee wee eew eeewee mereeewe Le mwew "c'rw'acc
eee Jcc'wcw; eeeew Dc'c' auucww e w‘cww'orrcmrw ee e e eew ' wemewe
wee e: e sunmu' ncs eewwee wweee ee eeewewe ew e w ee eeew weeeeweeee
vaus weweewee e ew e wee wew eeweewe eee ‘cssautcs mewewewee
w eew —e wzewwe eww weeeeeweww ewwwwmwemew
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Cbmn cargar
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o Mxexxm xe eexmexe ex mm ex m) ueexexxeen mm ycuzmm xaca'na ash
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Impamnu Laflmcxnn warms xxnxee rm em dxswnxnxe eexexxxe xe Ca'flx
Be an ac Neruda! ,
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Memexx e msxa'xarmex
NhnflZLf’mmmmmfi mu m ‘CémncmvinmunrlPNdunanxumaumdlMPHMiNidorn nxy
Aeegeee d h m M3 Mexwxeee pexpeeeexeee unlnlflonn
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x Asegwexe He exxeex Mennsx xm eexe
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Gavin's Sslgunflm xxeexe ee. xus LED mxe ,
21mm crxnxc'xdarx exxemewexxexxe
3 mek ees Dxlxdug mmee ex mndn ee
Emparc‘zmxcna mmxcma
1 km . uni axucmcuivxm-x mutual Urn-MAN 1an eexxxxexe.
A Cnrxsux e ex ”mm a xnxcxe ex noun ue Emvarexumxenlu
5 tsmflucax-wwlunnemflul‘RleduflmfleMfi'lnl eeepxeeexe. myu‘nrvflucm
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tmvir‘flrlnlfl ex.mpx-ee.expe,eeexceuee Pm up exxxxxxx eexe .x nflivhflm
7 CanM e ex ”mm eexpmemyeexexxxwexeeexe-:xsueexxxxeeeoxxpexxnxee- zn ex me flex
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u ceexeeeexxxeeexxueexeee.»exx xeee yexmempexexxxmxereeexuexx
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segu'duse ee xe wnlxunfl Drama. xnxrxxe'te xxxe m
‘ Renmducclarx
Mada Descnncxun
pxeexeeee sexexx e. xx-mn- . Subxvu Balarvnxuman
Rznmducxrlr’ausu mummmm
FYEsxureex xeexexx ee xxmue . Subxvq Rsxavwxume"
.x [21vaKN111.”HHde“11.1EYY’faHVEHHEH'fa‘eHWYU‘J‘J'WM‘Jsxfa
7 Marxmnwi D'csxarxado ex brawn dc Uz'xxada eexemez wgundos
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' Ruxmx uxxa xxamaua
Cm," i Wm Mamcnwfl D'csxarxado Subxvvoxu'xxcrx dum'xlc z sagurxdas
Mamengfl D'esxurxado Baxavwxwverx uexexxe mastic 3
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we eeeeeee
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xx Ema mxsmms Epmdute muexm
7 LA New ee Huh-we eexemexxeemexxxey .e mnvxax’s en .x mnxdu e. exx lxmhxa
mama hay ma Hamadaemmme
7 pxeexeeee nexexx ee Unmad] xevemenls Dex. msvnndar x. xx.xxxee.
,ceeme xe xxenxeee xxxexm xe meexee u marxudaaummzlxcamcmc
eeeex eeeex
sxmuxxA-xcamcmc dean-e z sngundas F
5ng Mexexeeeeeeeeeeexexeeexeeexeeeeexeee “m, eeee,
mxz‘fimcu o xxeevexee
nemexeex ex eexxx.xe “hem-
qumrma uexexxxe xe xxexxeue
P'esxurxe Dvwememezx Damn muxlxmncxun exx
mevxu meee e. HID-vi
Mm" ex umrvn mexe En mbfln deeinele fireman! geexx. sexex
enlnmc vnxumen
P'esxunezx Damn mm xmrxcxdn mxxnmz 2 sewu'xdus
.xx made e. iflsm
Durante xx, xxanuda enxxenxe mu'xxer‘qu pru Made
ex hcmn dc Uamada mm 2 meme;
Mamenqfl Dmsxonnfln Subxvvohxmerx uexexxxe 2
eegexxeee duvims xe xxexxxeee
Mammy w vuz
Reexezex xxexxeee
chxmnrxo Mudo Amman
chmmm: Mum:
Emma” Pu: one bmvememe ex bow" fie subx' ex xexemex
Mamcxvga Dmsxonafla Enlzvcx vaxumerx fluvaxxm z
“W“ M“"“""““ slqemnnsdenlme xe xxexxx.e.
Nave: Munn Danclxvadu peeexeee sexex ex vnxumun
xVYu xwexbxx xxaxxxeuee Lnxrx ex aha
x: aus’xadex
eeexxeexexxee exx. Av'mda exxxxex x. Hardin]: ex..xexxeee aaxex ex eexexm flumnl-Z
5qu xxuae Dun: sxxencxur ex ex em yvzcxbxvxu Humudu Vresxorxe aeexexxexexxex pexe
xx 55-me x1; Ixnrxxndn.e qurx‘xax‘m me :x emf-x
Ame: fie ulxxxzavxa Uamada ee 3 vxee vevxse ex ex -exexexxa anmu xe mncxdn mama: xxh'er
Liimncxunls Uimiflaanlinflvi y Mexxxpexxxxe menexspeexexeeeexeexmeeem
, (Rlcnmnndzclbn) Lawn“: mashed ee umxuv Uimafliln Esp-m .e hauvxu eexx .x
ham/x E'xvax
- Llama-1a exx esnm usanflo ex auncular
7 peexeeeeee ex hmnn ee Uimafliyux hu'Ar seexx wexmm exxxxexxeeeemeex- Wee.
vaxme'xv Wm Har'xada ex eweva yxmxxzexene xxexxeee acmzx
7 peexeeeeee ex hmnn Subxry Eaxa' lxvuxumln exxxxexxeemeex- Du . xxexxe'eexeee
Hamzda exx espeee Yveaxxmmrxa xxexxeee acluzxe'x espexe
7 peexeeeeee ex hmnn ee Uimafliydl mm vexexxxere Duafll finihziruri Hamid: en
xxxx an xxx ne xe xxaxxxaxxa vyrxhxdi {xx xx
Pvesxnne bravemerxm ex butch ee subxv e balarex vuxumen numme ex
mafia ee espexe omxmme xxxxe xxemeee enxxexxxe Lucas ewucnamex
xmxe xxemeue flex dxslwsxvva
e xxexxxm berdxda
Clxarxrm xay exe Hamada pexexee u" Dxlxdosue'xa eeee zu eemxxeee Viva cancexar
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