MOVON MK20 Bluetooth Handsfree Carkit User Manual
MOVON Corporation Bluetooth Handsfree Carkit
Users Manual
www,movon_co_Kr Wm Moww Cow Kovea m mm: reserved MWDN am wvow mu are regmerea mew; or ' MWON Covwalm and cu B‘uetoo‘h Dmducrs Bluetonth Bun-mm “mm mm mm» mm and \s used W MOVOV Cup Korea umer heeme Deswgned by MOVON Korea 0/717mV7mk204 (D CIamD (2) Speaker 6) TALK Eunen @ END Eunon <5) HOTLWE Bunon 13 Lou (D we 67 Earphone Jack ® JOE Bunon as Chargmg pen G) Speakzrphone mm z msPLAv CD Brueloeln Cunnecunn <2) we Mule <3 CaH Achvaflon -------------------------------- @ Banery El Vmume (a) RSSI (Recelved smnar Strengm marcanon; ® sums mspray Earphone Ac I DC adavlev English ' . Boobs-h mum CONNECTION fl HANDSFREE MODE no on Wm no common mm mes u some o as gummy connected to me ‘ast connected phone she. turned on CON/OFF AAMN A c LL (D Llst Number Red Press TALK buuontn one nme aher connected wwlh a mobne phone 'Tummg On > Phone number I§ dwsmayed on me phone Make a can by pressmg 'Turmn on TALK butlon(n) one |ime_ Howo up ch g oanew Io (um Pun down LCD <2! mm“, D... on |he um. Dam w mm a" 5 Las« mcoming caH numbers are onspwayeo on LCD by mevmg mom uoc bunom , ' (he mm. A desneo number can be sewecneo by muvmg JOG buuon Len and ngm ’PDWER SAVING LCD Bzckhghl LS aummaneauy ow aner 60 seconds. °'- " Y“ M“ W" “m °“"°"- "W‘W’s "‘ "New“ 3'9 “WHY“- Press any ounon once m oroer (0 Ham on aqam ”555 TALK WWW") me “me ’°’ ”W"? a w”- CD Vmce Recognmon Dm Press TALK bulkerflfl} to! 3 seccnus unm a shovl beep Ls heard. Speak nhe name or person to can To cancew Vmce Recugnmnn Dwa‘, Press End ounon(n) «or press Eno bunon(n) shomy once. 3 seconos «o enter me Pamng mooe unm you see [None] Make sure VOICE vecugmnan mncflnn on your mobwle phone ns acnvated and {flue LED bhnkmg. yonoe tags have been reooroeo m (he phone Rerer «o your phone manuaL be noted that Pairmg mooe vemzms 0m 50 secnnds G) Honine Dwal '\ u you new (he Pamng mode. Press HDTUNE bunonw one «we to max me homne number smved 3sec you can push Eno button“) You can se« a Hofline number on «he menu mooe. Pwease rerer «o ‘s. Menu mooe‘ "om shorny once (Ms manuaw 4. RECEWING A CALL Tms unn rmgs when a can 5 come m and (he caHer \D(number or name) us dwsmayed on LCD. Press TALK bunon1fl) «0 answer a can. mu um ‘Clllnr LD : A caHev‘s name wm appear on LCD n (he caner‘s number rs snared m (ms unn under me name Your phone wm find the unn maxim name and ask n you warn «o Pawrwwm n connrrn ems by pressmg “Yes“ or "OK“. Enter PLN number 0000 (A zeros) then press "yes" or OK' Beep rs hearovrom «he ® REM”? a “3” Wm afler SUCCESSN‘ When Ihe uml Hugs, mess END buflon ( Dawns; (23 Endmg a can Press END bunon tn ) one one to eno an aenue caH oonng a eaH_ REJECTWG r‘ ENDING A CALL Set your rnobne phone «o "(mom/er“ this mm. by fonowmg your phone mslructmn ) one «one (0 78mm a caH. o. TRANSFERRING A CALL During an acttve catt, press TALK bulton(f\) one tune to Iranster a catl tram the untt to a ntobtte phone at ttont a mobtte phone to the untt ADJUSTING A VGLUME Move dos button to) tett and tteht dutthg a eatt to must the yetutne teyet. When you mnve nqht/tett the dot; buttont 0 1. the yotume ts uo/down 8. MUTtNG THE MtcRoPNoNE tt you pvess JOG button one ttnte durtng an aottye catt‘ the other puny can not heat you. To end the mute tunetion, otess JOG button onetime agam 9. CALL WAtTtNG Make suve yout mobite ohone shoutd supoott NFPtNands—Eree Ptottte) to use 3 way catttng_ ae noted that eatt hotdtng ot muttt Party oatt can be ayattabte onty when yout setytoe operatot otters thts teature. [Recommended] Use standard ntethod by otesstno ‘sENn‘ button ot yout tnootte phone. ' CALL WAtTtNG av UstNG THE UNIT 0) Push tett JOG buttont 4» ) to. 2 seconds unttt t shnvt been ts heard. Then the can tn watttng ts accepted whtte the aottye can tn use ts reteased <2) Push noht JOG button( 0 “at 2 seconds unttt t shovl beep ts heetd. Then the oatt tn watttng ts accented whtte the aettye can tn use ts hetd. to T )F THE t ttT Pvess END buttontfl) to! about 3 seconds to reset the Untl then “RESET“ shalt be dtsptayed on LCD. tn thts ease, batted deytce tnlavmatton‘ seteeted nnd tone, and tncotntnd catt ttst beeonte att teset onty except phonebook tntotntatton Ptus, the untt shatl autontatteatty statt patttng due to the teset ot paited devtce. Regatdtng tesetttnd the phonebook tntotntatton as wett. otezse tetet to ‘7. RESETTtNG TNE PNoNEBooK‘on tttts manuat. [Note] Be oetetut about tostng att tntonnatton saved tn thts untt due to thts teset otocess. n MENU MODE Ptess JOG button( 0 ) tor about 2 seconds unttt “MENU MODE" is dtsptayed on LCD. z. ENDtNG THE MENU MODE Ptess END button (If!) one ttme to escape tn otesent state Ptess END button (in) once more to escade tn ntenu mode. 3 MENU MODE SLROLUNG Seateh a destted menu by mDthg JOG buttonto) ten and ttght 4. SELECTtNG A MENU MODE Select a destred htenu by Presstng JUG buttonto) one tthte 5 sTomNG A MENU MODE Present ntenu ts stated when you press JOG button(<>) tot 2 seconds and retease. Engllsll a mum A ENU MODE Menu mooe conslsls ol Rlng Tone, Pnone Bank, and Holllne (1) Time Tone Press JDG bullon lol aboul 2 seconds lo enlel me menu mode. Move JOG buncn(4>) lell ano rlgnl lo searcn (he vlng lone menu Press JOG bullon one llme lp enler me Tlrlg lone menu_ Move JOG bunonlo) lell and fight lo llnd lne oeslreo Vlng lone lrcm a lo 2 Press JOG bullon lor aboul 2 seconds lo slore lne menu mooe lnen lne menu mooe shall be ended ® Phoneoook Press JQG bullon lor abpul 2 seconds lo enler me menu mode. Move JOG bunonlo) lell and fight lo searcn me pnonebook menu Press JOG bullon one llme (hen nhonebook llsl ls olsolayed Move JOG buncn(<>) lell ano rlonl lnen 5 llsls snall be on. e llsl win. no number ls shown as EMPTy UST_ A Ilst lnal conlalns only pnone number shows me pnone number, wnlle a llsl slored along wlln me name dlsplays me name aller snolulng lne pnone number Press we bullon ll you wanl lo newly cnanee a soeolllc llsl_ wnen lne cursor ls snown on LCD, llnd lne number movlng JOG bullon lell ano rlgnl. ll you press uos bullon one llme, a number ls cnpsen and lne nexl cursor ls dlsplayed. Mler lnpulllng a pnone number llke above, press JOG bullon lor abpul 2 seconds men a pncne number snall be slored and me cursor ls snown Move me bullon(<>) lell and rlonl lo searcn an alonabel. and lnen press JOG bullon aoaln lo selecl_ ANe pulllng me name lollolulng above slep, lermlnale lne menu mode by presslrlg JOG bunon lor aboul 2 seconds aller slorlne me name ll you press END bullon (n) belore slormg above menu mode, a menu mode ls released. G} Holllne Press JOG bullon lor aboul 2 seconds lo enler lne menu mode. Move use bullorl1<> ) lell ano rlgm lo sealch me home menu Press JOG bullon one llme lnen nolllne llsl ls dlsolayed you can slore a number ln «be same way as llle Pnonebook‘s 'El>l1lNG A HOTUNE NUMBER Press HOTUNE bullon lor 3 seconds lo eoll a nolllne number Tnen. lne sloreo number ls dlsolayed wnlle llle cursor bllnks on me lasl chalaclel. When you Dul llle cursor on a sneclllc cnaracler and push TALK bullonln) sllorlly, lne cnalaclel ls oul as lne cursor moves. you can sel a new number ln lne same way as me Phonebook‘s. “ PHONEBOOK EDITING l. DELETING’lNG THE SELECTED PHONEEDOK Move lell JOG bullon and ‘sELEcT LETTER‘ wlll be snown on LCD lolloweo by Me dlsplay ol Move JOG bullon ngnl and lell lo selecl lrle llrsl alphabel ol deslreo name. and men push me bullon snorlly. "SEARCHlNG" snall be olsolayed on ch. ll mere ls me name slarllno wlln me deslred alphabel, llle onone number ls snorlly dlsplayed and me name appears Press TALK bullonlfl) lor 3 seconds lo delele a selected phenebaek llsl. 2 Emma; THE SELECTED PHONEBDOK Move lell JOG bullon and ‘sElEcT LETTER‘ Wlll be snown on LCD lollowed by lne elsolay ol “A" Move JOG bullon mom and lell lo selecl lne lllsl alpnabel ol oeslred name, and men pusn JOG bullon snorlly 'SEARCHING“ snall be dlsplaved on LCD_ ll mere ls lne name slarnng wlln lne deslred alpnabel, me pnone number ls snorlly dlsplayed ano lne name appears Press me bullon one llme lo cell a selecled phonebuok llsl Tnen, lne slored number ls dlsolayed wnlle lne cursor bllnks on lne lasl chaleclel. wnen you oul lne cursor on a soeclllc cnaracler and ousn TALK bullon(f\) snorlly, lne cnalaclel ls oul as me cursor moves you can sel a new number ln lne same way as me Pnoneboox's Enuhsh English n PHONEBOOK DOWNLOADING Be noled «ha« «he mobne phone mus« suppon ‘op«eo« Push Prome‘ «o use «me «unchen. conlacl «s downloaded one by one. a) Open LCD «p«der up whne END ou««on pressed‘ and ‘OEJECT PUSH‘ shaH be disp«ayed on LCD mns s«a«e «S mscoveralfle and cannectahle) ® Search «he phone numper m a moods phone «o send and «onow «he me«hod gmded by your own moone phone «or sendmg «he numper. Pm code «5 bond. (2) Aner semne up «he connecuon m «he phone (“CONNECTED' shau pe msmayed on LCD). «he phone numoer is aulemalicaHy sen| «"DowmooDws“ shau oe msplayefl on LCD) and discannecfion «5 done «duer “COMPLETED“ «5 disp«ayed on LCD‘ "oadEc‘r PUSH“ shan he d«sp\ayed) ® mose LCD «omer «o power on and reopen «o pan Handslree Kn wnh your mumle phone (9 Fonow «he me«hod ol pamno and oonneohne your mopne phone wnh handshee kn [Reierence] Exampwe wdh Sony Ericsson K750i Press 'END‘ ou««pn ol hands«ree kn mine LCD a« «he same «nne 5e«eo« tomhcrs‘ in «he menu or a mopde phone Press ‘MoRE‘ and se«ec« '5end Connacn‘ m «he menu se«eo« ‘wA B«ue«oo«h' as «he «rans«er me«hod Search handwee kn «o Iransier «o, and se«ec« Handsnee Kn «n ««s«s searched And «hen cheese ‘ADD‘ and mpul Pm Code (0000) Ahev «he conneohon, «he phone number «5 aummaucaHy «rans«erred huer cumplefinn. cu« «he conneonpn hepea« apove procedure «or «he «rans«er o« ano«her phone number [Note] Pwease make sure «ha« you need «o «ouow «he pamna preceduve gulded «n «he manua‘ aflev complelion my the phone number «vansiev above Specmca «Drs and Veanxes a'e supec «a change when no yce ‘MAKING A can THROUGH THE PHONEEOOK Move «en JOG punch and SELECT LETTER‘ mu be shown on LCD «ouowed by «he d«sp\ay o« "A". Move JOG puuon ngh« and «e«« «o select «he hrs« a«phape« or desned name, and «hen push JOG pu««pn shortly. “sEARchwc” shaH oe dwsmayed on LCD. «« «here «5 «he name slavlmg wnh «he desned a‘phabet, «he phone number «5 shorny msmayed and «he name appears. «u you move JOG ou««on«<>) ngm and «en agam, you can search «he nex« name s«arhna wnh «he desned a«phaoe«_) Press mm ou««on«n) no make a can. - RESETTINGTHE PHONEBOOK «I «eke: poem 2 mmmes and 30 seconds «o reset |he phonepook Push END ou««on(r:w m conneohomess s|a|e unm ‘kESET phaook‘ wm oe shown on LCD. (apou« «5 seconds) Handslvee kn rese« «he phoneoook and ‘REsETT«NG" shan be dismayed on LCD Auer «he phonepook rese« «s comp«e|ed. Memory «es« begms "THING“ sth pe d«sp\ayed on LCD Auer memory «es« «s completed‘ “HELLO“ shan oe d«sp«ayed on «CD n Safety and General Information « mease read «ms gumebank caremHy and «ouow «he «hstmcunn 2 To avmd any damage or mayunonon o« «he um« do nol drop unMrom high places 3 keep away um««rom hummly, wa«erand any o«her hqwd And .««he und «5 exposed py waler‘ molsmre and o«her qud dyecuy «hen dnn‘l opera«e n normaHy «o avmd any e«ec«noa« shook, exp‘osmn and damage 07 «he um«. 4 Do no« mace or keep «he und near «he hea« sources such as d.reo« sun hghL ramatdm s«oves or olher apparams wmoh produce heal |« may cause exp‘osiony degrade of pedormanoe and reduce oa««ery Me 5 Do no« muddy reoayr s msassemme umlat mscretmn «Espedauy no««ery: «« may cause an exp«osion) 6 no no« mace «he heavy ooyeus on «he um« 7 Use amy supphed and approved charger a. Rep«acemen« or service mus« be done an a quahfied sennoe oen«eror re«urned «0 «he manufacturer 9 Unpmg «ms um«when unused «or «ong oenods cfhme or durmg homemng s«orms AcAunoNs ELEchc SHOCK HAZARD The hauery used m (ms dewoe may presen« a nsk own; or ohem.oa« durn um«s4reatefl ' chili“? MKZO ‘ n PCCSTATEMENT rm mm compiles wa- pan vs 04 (ha Fcc Rah; Onaoon s subjacl In lhn kahuna no cot-flaw: (1 ) mas duvim may ml cam harmlul inmrlumno. mu (2) mm mm rum accept any mum mama A mung mam mu may “we unusmo 090mm New Tho manufsclum s not mmnlc MANY madam, WW HAD” 0! TV mmflcv. Hut” by unauthorized "MW in Ihlt equipment. Such modifiulions came void lha users nulhotily lo mane Inc «M. luau This nodal ls CE Md Roofing in Ihe unwism ol (he RflTTE Dlrsclivu QQWEC), More by MON Corporation, Wu mil mks mun is An commune. with me annual wmmemm olmv minim annular-wt Wows ‘WfiEC. For lam»! inletmalion m will mm): You w “no Inn DOC Imm hm umnt mm.movon.w.kflewllflw|lm. Plnaw not: Ihul he pmducl unis man (mummy binds nnl Pummrlxlld Winn EU. wnmn Inc EU um: mam rs mm noon me An 1mm, erratum. Danmm PM, mum Germany, 6mm, Ireland. m. Luxembourg ma "mus-m Podugal. scam 9mm United Kingdom and mlhin EFTA in bum. Norway and smarts-m. Blutlwfi’i Is a "ad-mark Wind 51 (M M"! SIG. be u Warranty TM common clinic warmly and out rcspohthlilias under Ihis whammy are as Inllmrs: Suppws nanny IS nmlvanshm And mks warranty Is lmlhad w m. ongmnl mammary, ' You M b. ablo lows lhe Us“ 01 Mgintl ouch». 0! W unil wilh a “us TOOOIDI. ' Tho mummy ls rml apalcnblu u urn prom: fins noun whim b phyncnl anusn, nmpropu mutual. modmuum or «per by unawnnm mm party" ' Tn. ruponsnluy ol suwtm products WI DO mum to ma rap-n a: vacuum of ms producl at m m 5mm. rum My ' Specialty exam! [mm any warranty are mind—He ammonia oamponanu lubiecl In mama! wear and In! such as Mush". ammo: and other matches, "Awwnar wil not um any moonwlhy 01 (ha him 01 m uml has rammed 1mm accident. abuser min», or any unaumonm main maximum or mammals. ' Mudlncmton and "par 01 in mm mould be can. by numnm and qu-Ind mm monntt corner or mum‘s lo Iho mhulnclurer - m. warranty gm: you spoclllc Inga! ngms, and yau may also have am- was WM?! WY IMO“ lml Wt. wees Symbol Information hg’ne MKZO curred Dismal at This Pmflud _ (Wash Ehclvial 8- Eluclronic Equipmcnlj (Awhcabk in (he Euowm Union rd olhu Europa" countries wilh taperale colleflm mums ; Thb mm M" on (he woducl 07 ilt mm. macaw; IN! Pl would "M b. disposed nilh dlhar hounhold miles at lha em 0! ii: roiling Ile. To wave"! possbh hlrm m In: umronmum or run-n hullh 1mm unmmmllm wash: disposal. dust separate mus 1mm warm of visits and new: A womanly lo women ma uuslmnable nun 01mm! mounts. "w “W! would wfllltl Uln- ‘h. ml“ “M M DHMNI’OG “5 W000“ Of "16" ”C“ Wflmflfll «from W! 60min“ ‘m W "Oil my w mm m ilnm for emironmanlally m recyclng. BMSMN um “I!” contact “It" wppll‘i In! M if. I.“ W commons ol Inc purcheu counsel, rm producl should m be mixed mm «her cart-martial mm tot moosal. |MPORTANT NOTE: To corruy wrlh RF cxposutc rwurmmenls, lnis uevvce may rm be co—Ioczded wilh any 1)th lransmmer or amenm
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Page Count : 7 XMP Toolkit : XMP toolkit 2.9.1-14, framework 1.6 About : uuid:dcf2bc79-3385-4f77-9245-4506075bc8bb Producer : Acrobat Distiller 6.0 (Windows) Create Date : 2007:01:04 17:35:15+09:00 Modify Date : 2007:03:05 14:30:48+01:00 Metadata Date : 2007:03:05 14:30:48+01:00 Document ID : uuid:7f0f5324-4f94-41a6-bd22-7e5ce05641d4 Instance ID : uuid:03850c66-3b6e-4567-b424-5eec92e09945 Format : application/pdf Title : untitledEXIF Metadata provided by