MR COFFEE Coffee/Tea Maker Manual L0906218
User Manual: MR MR COFFEE Coffee/Tea maker Manual MR COFFEE Coffee/Tea maker Owner's Manual, MR COFFEE Coffee/Tea maker installation guides
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ced tea qb_CK_V 8_0,80;rW@Y _eetiY!/_
Please r68d all of _:I_t(: _s_nsctons iu this booklet carefully before you eeg
_ouse this applia_sce Proper care ano maintenance will eas are ff_e _ar _ _*_
_ m_s apo_aanc:e ano _ts b+oubled@e ooe_:@on. Saw} _hese ms_ructsons
ana @!Or lo _hem @_en fo_ cleaning and sere bDs
Do lot _C)UOhPie 8t,_fS_,_o tht;e _ _£dJ/es el knobs.
re pro_,ec_ against elecl! c _moc_o dO nol immerse cord p_dgs o_
machine in water o_ ,my other _qu/_
Qose aduil superws_o_ _s necessary vdsen t_sis ea_silence _s used by
o_ nea_ children
nt_odmc_ion .............................................. 2
mpo rtan_ Sa_eg uards .................................................. 8
Cord So! Ins_ructions ............................................... 1
Precautior_s ........................................................... ¢
Diagram of Par_s ....................................................... 5
asttuctao_ai Hiustrations .............................................. _s
Brewing iced lea. and _ced Co,lee ......................................... 7
C/eanin cj In£ruct_ons .................................................. 9
Pitcher Cleaning ............................................. I O
1_e_w_ce is Reqdit\ed ......................................... 11
Warranb//nlomflahon .............................................. 12
For Ques boss of Sewice Csii
¢o800o672o6333 (U.S.A. SGanada}
Monday- Friday, 9:00 A,_,k,Un_16:00 RM, Eastern Standard Time
Saturday, 9:00 A._. until 3:00 :M, Eastern Standard Time
De not oeera_e any app an :_ 'wi!ls a oamau(_t_ co:ragor pk_9 o_ _fter
me app)iance maltunc¢ _s o_ has been damage( in a_v_ m _isax_;_
_etL_r_ h_s appliance only _.£s_.__ea_'es_,authorized service
for examination1, repa_ o_ acJ _sm<sen_
The use of accesser a_ac_,men_s 8or l,e_0£_me_+_dedle_ M_ 8 { r_:/:.
products m_w cause: _:_zards o_, t_r_es
_} _}(> bse Oi.¢Joors
Do "_c el rx'_rd hanf# over eoge oF table or coun_e_ or to_Jch
hot su r_.ces
Do nee _>_acem_s appliance on et tear _ sol' 9as ot e!ec/d¢ burner
o u_ a hea_ed oven
To disconnect emew, pIug from out_e_ _uaH
Do not _]se app/ianoe for o_lse_ man u_enaea use.
use on a ha_ I fla! 4ve_ suMace onw, i( avo_a m_erruphon of a_rt/ow
underneath _he appli sr s_o_
_ltcBer U_ and Ca_e
Bfeakae}e may _ccur _ the following instructions are nc£ foNovved;
a ! h_s pr[cher _s des_9 _,_,ufor use w_h this iced _ea maker
and therefore must never De iJseaon a range_op or m am_ ov_2_1_
if;@udh'h_ a c
b. Do not use a cr'acked pitehe£
_; Do nol clean the ot_cher wRh saeansers stee WOOax_s£ _:._o_het
aora.e_ve _nste_ials,
d. A',/o_a sharp blc>ous,,scratches or roueh _ano_s_g
WARNING: To _'er.suceme ns_ o8 hre o_ e_s<cmc shock do no_
_v service covers. No user ser',acea_z_e par_s _ns_oe. Repair
De done b/authorized personnel only,
Pitcher is not dishwasher safe
iiiiilx i_
A snarl power sup_w cor(_ _sprovided _e u_ ace [_e nazaros resuttmg
froe'_becomJn9 e_tang_e_ m or Jr@ping over a _on!_e_,ca<J
An extensios cord may _e l_urchased and used if care _'._exerase_
_ its use,
3 _ a_ ex]ension cerd s use8 I_e ma_ked electrmal ra_ing ot theexmns_nn
core m_s_ be mteas ld am >Salso 120 veBs_The @suBin9 e×teno®8 co_{
mus_ be arran{., _dSOthe1 _,,q/! not dra2e o_verme eo:umer_oo or Iable_o}
wnere Btsan be pu le_ on _y c_ldren or _dpped over aceuaen[al y.
oTlhlaappliance has a palaHzed p_ug (erie bade _s than the
other). To _educe the r_sk of e_eetdc shock, this p_ug w_Hfit. na
polarized out_e.t only one way, _ t_e #_u# doe_ net fit f@_y i# the
out, eL reverse the p._u9, _f _tstill does not fit. contact a qualified
e_e_rie_an. Do not _odif'y _he p_u_ _nan_ wa2-
Place the machine well back tram me edge e_t_e co_mtero
[b s_op _he brewin9 cy(x_: before comsleted, grasp _ne molded ping
and unplug.
Avoid areas which may beco_e hot o_e_rfi_:;steam when the machine
is on particular y the steeping basket ard w_,a_®_rreservoiL The steep ng
bask:el:id must be as whi_e the machine s brewing
Unplug the unit when not n use or when wiping the ex:tedor,
, DO NOT operate the machine unleSs _he pileher a_d _eepin 9 baske_
with lhe lid on are seug age nst the machine,.
o DO NOT move rise roach ne wh!e n use or a_erwards_ it has cooled,
Steam may es_ap@ from the s_eeping basket whie _he unit iS Coo_in_
e,:4r_stai_1iow beneath the appiiance_• DO N©_ p_ace a cloth or otherwise _ _,'' '"
A/voidie_king or straining the power cord when unp ugging.
GraSp _1e mo_ded pug to unp_ 9
This roach ne in not des 9ned _ercomnse_oia! use
N_,er [ehea_ a beverage by pass n9 t through _h® b_ewing system
Before First Use
1, _eh Ihe pitche< s_eeping baske_ steeping _a:s_e_lid _0t[_ .,., e hd
i_ mi_e detergent and wate_ Rinse each this.roug?_yT_ESE ITemS
WARNiNg::- To p_eve_t _niur_ from hot steam, do no_ p_e9 the _un_i_in
: un_i_'water is }_ the reservoir and the pitcher _s _ pb_eo
2. F ,hop 8tc eiwi_hwae_te_eto:_ater_ ....... eve mark on the pitcser
an< oo_r i-_to_he ,z_a,n_ _r_ _voir..Do not ove¢it_
3. Place ice cubes _, the etcher _o 1heto :__ _ne me seize,mark o_ the pitche__
_. Place the s_eepmg basKoL w_t _lid ir_</the _,_her. an_ slide ruder the
rTuachk_e._ake sure the pit€ her ;_spushed snu_ agaJ_nstthe machine
(See #, qum UL
o Plu_ me cord into an electnca _ Jt_:}tand oua_,h_h_ O_ btmar_ _obeg n the
_rew_ng cycle. 7 he namaTer/_ght _/,,_t! laminate to kat you know d_e machine
_s ON {See FiguresD}
6_When the wate _as _,:yc_edth_'O_an {he uru! v411ehl_. o!1 au! sna_:lc_Im
The indicator light will h_fn OFF _ol_:_Tyea know the cycle is co_ "_sD'_,,
7LSide the pitcher away _om the machir_e (See Ftgur_ E).
8 Remove _e_ n_n_.i baahet and alscard the wa_er _ the pitcher
Fi/sURZD _!GUF!Eim
instructional illustrations
Figure A/Di@ram of Pars
Figure B /t,>itc_er is s_u@agains_ the
Figure C 1Push butt04' t0?urss on
Figure D/Side piteh_r sway irons _ha,
Flgure 8./Pitcbcf s!0rf_s upside (t0wrl u',,_;'_
the ma@ine_when,:,_tef ir_use
Figure F IPlace the s_e@mgbasket o_stoo
7 O I.£_lt=,_" _ 610 regulatr., oags or 5 - 7 coffee, scaops o_
2 4 !@_s!°lbsp, 10 .. !4 evet TBsR
ef loose lea
I -- S fevel Thse,
u_10058 [@a
3 -- 4 cof!ee scoops o
b - 8 lave Tbsp.
Helpful Hints
. Use more o_ less ma or cc¢#_:_e1c su_ your taste. Additional _e_, _su-,
_lay be needed when usins ,erea_ tea
2. IS y©ur ;Icw2 Supply IS] lOW, 70!__ c£ln substitute w_rLn co_a _ao water
ARe[ fi!/h,s he waief rp.sefvair wih _r_ep_ol_e_ a_no_sn at water raN/the
oifcher _vi_hcold taa wa_:er a secona _me re the aeswea WATER _wL
Refd!aerate Jo chift
3 Tea m@ (urn c_ouoy as t chins due to #_e _annie acids tound _n_:ea.
H gher qua_y eas wil! conlaln more _ahn_c actcs than omers.
Using aess _es w_ reauce me cloudiness
4. For extra flavor, [_y addln9 several bags of he@a o_ 1!_va[ed tea
5, F:er exceller_t icet coffee u7 dark roasl collee ar any a_he_ tlavafed aotloe
To Brew Iced Tea
P:lease _efer _c Pa_es u_nd 6 lsr O_:ab_rarnof P_:_s and DssWuc_ancl I/_fJs!rc_¢o_.
1 FiN _be wat,e_ p_lche_wilh tao water _o m8 desired capacity. (When Dssw:tng
en!y IQuart !ilt fo half the at_faunt used tar 2 Quans£ #o Not Ove#l!l,
WARNING: $o prevent injury from hot steam, _o #01 plug She uml!Lin
unlil water is in the reservoir an_ the pitcher is in place,
2. Pour _he water into _lse wate_ reservoir
3. Fill _he sitcher wRh ice cuoes _o _r-_edesqred capacity as marKea o_sthe
rs_tcher. (When brewing only _©uatt, fin _o haft the a£r_ounl _,_s@dtar
a. Place me steeping basket on top of the p_tcher (See Flgu'fe FJ_
5. Place a 8.12 c_o basket size MR COFFEE < paper Nler role the
steepen _ haske¢
e i
iii_ I
J......aMvein tte ptcher dur!_g '_hebrewingThes.e amounts will eompiateiy _ ............'_
cycle, if you ahou:d more sugar add it:directly into the pitcher after
brewing, !t may-be hei_}ui when using loose _ea, _o i}sa two filiere
Race one final oa #_e bottom of the steeping basket. P_ace des red
amount of loose tea (aad suga(_ into trite. Nest the seoand filter oh top
of the loose tea (asd augad OMy 812 cop baskai f it:ors should be used.
Place sL:eersir_giid on _:opof :steeping basket.
CAUT:ON: DO not operate the machine ualees the pitcher and
st:eaRing basket with lid on are _,ushed snug againa_ the maehiae0
@_herwiee0 hot wate_ and steam could ec_
7=Plug the power ce_d into the e_ectncal outlet and push the ON but_o,nto
begs he b ewiag cycle [See F@ure D)., The indicator !ight will illuminate
to iet you knew the machine is on No_'e: _f:you ÷Ash to turn the machine off
durng the brewing cycle., grasp _h®rncid<_dplug and unpug the power cord.
8. When the b_ewing cycle e cam@pied, the unit: wiii sha( off automatica !y
The #sdiea_or iight wiii 9o o_ to iet you knaw the brewing q¢cle, is completed
9. Slide the pitcher away from the machine (See Figure D_°
CAUTION: So_e _'eaidua_ steam may eaeape f_om _ha _aehine
when the, cycle is c:o_pl_te_ For y@_ aafety_ _leaee s_ide she p_ehe_
away from the machine before you eon_ieueo
t 0_,When tire _ea has drained, remove tire steeping baeke_ and rep[aoe
with the ptcher lid Yea are now ready to serve refresh agiy co_d cad _ea,
't1. Discard the contentS of the steeping basket Rinse out _he eteepieg baske_
a_d Hd with water afte_ each _ea
12, _fyou have _efteve_ tea cover the pitcher with the pilcber iid
a_d sR_reit n _he refri:gerator
13, When the nlach nes not n use,, the pi_ehe: steres upside down
on the rnach ne (S£e F,_gure£on Rage @
To Brew: Iced Coffee
Fe!!Ow the instruct ass _o_iced tea using the suggested amount of coffee
_qthe ¢ha4 _isted on Page 7_
ca fe,e,panico:a:: usedwi h he :ca::y
softeaed we:to : _an cause slawe: filtration,
_ii iii i i i
i i iii
"_:" , o _ ,_ _ will cause scratches which
can lead to break,,g8
This us ThUSbe de_imad when vu_ ?e.un to notre _an increase uss:eammg
or " _hep_smpag achon STOPSeeT_W'r:ql t_Tewa:e_ has :s_::_n_uua_,_edout o_
the rnachine.
/he frequency of cleaning{4de,_}e_ ; an :he hardness of wa_ r used
isted be:ow aret_e s_ug_sste<s::_w_ :g m:ervals
Hinsn m:)s_c_aeRsteeps_lg .has_ r_t arc d _:horo_ghly with water.
8_Hepea_ Steps I through _qw_t_ c_ea_ water oaBv i_noc/eaRing se@tiom
_:or#_se out the machii:_e_*
9 Be su_ _o tl'}oro_lghty mee me mn unt you see no trac£_ o# tlse b_Je
SOki41oe. Whe_u CO_Hpleted wash p tc_er s_:eepmg basket also Hd with miU
deterge:r_[ ar_a inse ho_onsghly_
O, ! a _o[ma_ _¢ewmg t_e_J rare s ao_ acn_eveo, repeat the c_ean_r
_OCeO[ He
Using Vinegar:
1 Po_4r s user1 oi una_u(ec wn_e househ@d vmefSa_ into I:he 'wa_e_ re_ervom
2 Place one _a_' off ice :subes in p_ehm
3 P_ace _h@s_eeemg basket with lid _BTC'._he p#cher and s_e _ under the
machine The pitcher must be plac_ snu 9 against 1he machine before
4J P,ush Hse ON bu_ten to segin the Mewu°lj cycle. Atter a:@ro×_ma_e_y 1 cue
_osa_tot s0 minutes
5 P_ug [he ce_ back _, and turn _he macbane Oh to pu_llp OU_the rer:n_ain._
v_qelj xr.
8,.When the macmse shuts off, remove the pitcher and @scald the wnegan
£ Fill the uitcher with c_ear _ap water to ff_e water _eve marked o_ lhe p_tche_
and repea_ S<_eps _ throL_!_n 4 _no wn_!qa@.. [i_rn _he macame ©N _e rinse
ou_ aJ t_aces of v_nega_.
8. Repeat _insin9 o_ocedure
Hard wa:_;, ca_ leave whitish mineral :Sepos_s irsside ,lhe ei_ohet Tea _:_ndcc_fff_e
disco_or these {_epossts.1o "emove till _he si_cher with not wR_e wnegar
aria let soakfa_ about_20 minules Do net use ha[s abrasi_ c_ear_e_s.
T;bev w_Hcause scratches wh_e_scan cad to breakage.
,_voK_u,.'s,n_f_ehe_._',_c_.m-y _,o,._liened w__er W_'_(_n_:.v_rpc_ssib/e The use o_
chernaca/fy soRened _a e_ ,san'._"iinhtbi_pm_er tHraaon, This will affect t_e
beverage t_avor and w_Bcause a tong or_ hr're 1rein _ne s_eepin# bash:eL
:or Service. cal! -B00_672-6333
9;08 _M. _o b:(;u _,,_4_as_em Standard Time. Monday throu_]h P _cia}
900 A>, 'kO9 P_ Eas_er_"Sta_._dardTime Sahms_
as sis_ us in _ervmg you, p_ease have the mode!
#mbe_ Sedea T_I a_d dete of pureha_ a_aitabJe,
A_ _(ep_, ;_u_,_uu reade ey an Au#]orized Sunbeam Serwce Cen[er,
_e _..... cal! _s tot t_]8 autrlonzeo serwce center in your a_ea
We welcome your quesN,o_ls eemmeRt.s or s#ggestienSo
tn _:_ you r coau[n_ Hcat:!oas stease inck_de your comolete name.
:_ddress and 1el_c_a_wmenumbe:r aad _sescnr)t on of preo_em
Consumer Service _a:rtment
Su _bea_ Produc.ts, _nc.
PoO,Rex 948389
_ait_and, FL 327_-8389
_:S 39475