MSA Innovation 10154953 G1 RFID Board User Manual G1 SCBA CBRN NFPA
Mine Safety Appliances Company G1 RFID Board G1 SCBA CBRN NFPA
- 1. G1 Manual v02-1
- 2. G1 Manual v02-3_reduced_part 1
- 3. G1 Manual v02-3_reduced_part 2
G1 Manual v02-3_reduced_part 1

![65Cleaning and DisinfectionG1US11.1 Cleaning and Disinfection FacepieceIn general, only the facepiece requires cleaning and disinfecting after each use.WARNING-Do not use cleaning products containing hydrocarbons or solvents [e.g. nitro-thinner].-Cleaned parts must not be dried in radiant heat [sun, radiators]. -When using a drying cabinet, the temperature must not exceed 140 °F (+60 °C).-Perform a tightness test after every cleaning, disinfection and maintenance or after every exchange of parts. Failure to follow these warnings can result in serious injury or death.(1) Remove the facepiece mounted regulator from the face-piece. The power supply for the HUD is not part of the G1 facepiece and is therefore not damaged during cleaning of the facepiece.](

![67CylindersG1US12 Cylinders12.1 Safety Precautions for MSA Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus CylindersBreathing apparatus cylinders should be fully recharged as soon as possible after use.WARNING-This system must be supplied with respirable [Quality Verification Level (Grade) D, see ANSI/CGA G-7.1-1989] or higher quality air; and a dew point not to exceed -65°F/-54°C (24ppm v/v) [Compressed Gas Association Specification G-7.1 for Quality Verification Level (Grade) D Gaseous Air]. In fire service applications, MSA recommends breathing air quality in accordance with NFPA 1989.-DO NOT drop the cylinder or bump the valve knob. An unsecured cylinder can become an airborne projectile under its own pressure if the valve is opened even slightly. -Never carry or move a cylinder by the handwheel. If a cylinder is removed from a horizontal shelf by grasping the handwheel, the weight of the cylinder can cause the cylinder to rotate downward causing the valve to open slightly. -Avoid dropping the cylinder or bumping the handwheel.-Use the handwheel only to open and close the cylinder valve.-A valve could partially open causing the cylinder to become an airborne projectile under its own pressure and result in serious personal injury or death.-Remove from service if cylinder shows evidence of exposure to high heat or flame: e.g., paint turned to a brown or black color, decals charred or missing, gauge lens melted, or elastomeric materials distorted. -Use this device only after receiving proper training in its use. Use in accordance with this label and MSA apparatus instructions. -To maintain NIOSH approval, the cylinder must be fully charged with respirable air meeting the requirements of the Compressed Gas Association specification G-7.1 1989 for Quality Verifica-tion Level (grade) D air or equivalent specification. In fire service applications, MSA recommends breathing air quality in accordance with NFPA 1989. -Do not use unless the cylinder is filled to the maximum working pressure.-Do not alter, modify, or substitute any components without approval of the manufacturer.-Inspect frequently. Maintain according to manufacturer's instructions. Repair only by properly trained personnel. Misuse can result in serious injury or death.](