MTD 11A 073A800 User Manual LAWN MOWER Manuals And Guides 1108463L
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Safety • Setup • Adjustments • Operation • Maintenance • Troubleshooting A OF O \ • Parts Lists • Warranty A AL \ \ 22" Rotary Mower- Model Series 070 iMPORTANT READ SAFETY RULES AND iNSTRUCTiONS CAREFULLY BEFORE OPERATION Warning: This unit is equippedwith an internalcombustionengineand shouldnot be usedon or nearany unimprovedforest-covered,brushcoveredor grass-coveredland unlesstheengine'sexhaustsystemis equippedwith a sparkarrestermeetingapplicablelocalor statelaws(if any). If a sparkarresteris used,it shouldbe maintainedin effectiveworkingorder by the operator.In theState of Californiathe aboveis requiredbylaw (Section4442 of the CaliforniaPublicResourcesCode). Otherstatesmay havesimilarlaws.Federallaws applyon federallands.A sparkarrester for the muffleris availablethroughyour nearestengineauthorizedservicedealeror contactthe servicedepartment,RO. Box361131Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019. PRINTEDIN U.S.A. For USCustomers: MTDLLC,P.O.BOX361131CLEVELAND,OHIO44136-0019 For CanadianCustomers: MTD Products Ltd.,P.O.Box 1386,KITCHENER,ONTARION2G4J1 772C0793 02/04/2006 This Operator's Manual is an important part of your new equipment, it will help you assemble, prepare and maintain the unit for best performance. Please read and understand what it says. Table of Contents Slope Gauge ....................................................... Safe Operation Practices ................................... Set-Up & Adjustments ........................................ Operation ............................................................. 3 4 6 8 Maintenance & Off-Season Storage ................ Trouble Shooting .............................................. Warranty ............................................................ illustrated Parts Lists ....................................... 10 12 13 14 Finding and Recording IVlodel Number BEFOREYOU START ASSEMBLING YOUR NEW EQUIPMENT, please locate the model plate on the equipment and copy the the model number and the serial number to the sample model plate provided to the right. You can locate the model plate by standing at the operating position and looking down at the rear of the deck. Model Number Num6ro de module XXXXXXXXXXX __ Serial Num6ro Number de s_rie XXXXXXXXXXX CLEVELAND, OH 44136 LLC MTD PRODUCTS LIMITED KITCHENER, ON N2G 4J1 1-800-800-7310 1-800-668-1238 Customer Support Please do NOTretum the unit to the retailer from which it was purchased, without first contacting Customer Support. Ifyou have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regarding the controls, operation or maintenanceof this unit, please call a Customer Support Representative. For US Customers: 1-330-220-4MTD (4683)or 1-800-800-7310 For Canadian Customers: 1-800-668-1238 Please have your unit's model number and serial number ready when you call. See previous section to locate this information. You will be asked to enter the serial number in order to processyour call. The engine manufacturer is responsiblefor all enigne-related issueswith regards to performance, power-rating,specifications, warranty and service. Please referto the engine manufacturer's Owner's/Operator's Manual, packed separately with your unit, for more information. 2 o Sight and hold this level with a vertical tree... o o o __[.,-_ o or a corner of a building... ,_[._--_ q) or a fence post | ! 03 (D (1) 0.0 _O/dalongdotted no % ::>,, E | '23 0 o 0 I 03 0 0... o 03 (D _Z o o9 z_ O3 o9 C o5 0 15 ° -- _ a 15 ° emit chemicalsknownto Stateof Californiato causecancerand birthdefectsor otherreproducWARNING:EngineExhaust,someof its constituents,and certainvehiclecomponentscontainor tive harm. iil / i¸¸i :/ (: DANGER:This machinewas builtto be operatedaccordingto the rulesfor safeoperationin this manual.As with anytype of powerequipment,carelessnessor erroron the partof the operatorcan result in seriousinjury.This machineis capableof amputatinghandsand feet and throwingobjects.Failureto observethe followingsafety instructionscould resultin seriousinjuryor death. General Operation a. Stepback from the mowerto fullyextend yourarms. 1. Readthis operator'smanual carefully inits entiretybefore attemptingto assemblethis machine.Read,understand, andfollowall instructionson the machineandin the manual(s) beforeoperation.Be completelyfamiliar with the controls andthe proper useof this machinebefore operatingit. Keepthis manualin a safe place forfuture and regularreferenceand for orderingreplacementparts. b. Be sureyou are well balancedwithsure footing. c. Pullthe mowerback slowly,no morethan half way towardyou. d. Repeatthesesteps as needed. 12. Do not operatethe mowerwhileunderthe influenceof alcoholor drugs. 13. Do not engagethe self-propelledmechanismon unitsso equippedwhilestartingengine. 2. This machineis a precision pieceof powerequipment, not a plaything.Therefore,exerciseextremecautionat all times.Yourunit has beendesignedto performonejob: to mowgrass. Do not use it for any otherpurpose. WARNING This symbol points out importantsafety instructionswhich, if not followed,could endangerthe personal i safety and/or property I ofyourselfand others. Read and follow all instructionsin this manual beforeattemptingto operate i this machine. Failure I to complywith these instructionsmay result i in personalinjury.When you see this symbol. HEED iTS WARNING! 14. The bladecontrol handle is a safetydevice.Neverattempt to bypassits operation.Doingso makesthe safetydevice inoperativeandmay result in personalinjurythrough contactwiththe rotatingblade. The bladecontrol handle mustoperateeasily in bothdirectionsandautomatically returnto the disengagedpositionwhen released. 3. Neverallow childrenunder 14yearsold to operatethis machine.Children 14yearsold and overshould readand understandthe instructionsinthis manualandshould be trainedand supervisedby a parent.Onlyresponsible individualswho arefamiliar withthese rulesof safe operationshould be allowedto usethis machine. 4. Thoroughlyinspectthe area wherethe equipmentis to be used. Removeall stones,sticks,wire, bones,toys and otherforeignobjectswhichcould be tripped overor picked up andthrown by the blade.Thrownobjectscan cause seriouspersonalinjury.Plan yourmowingpatternto avoid dischargeof materialtoward roads,sidewalks,bystanders andthe like.Also, avoiddischargingmaterialagainsta wall or obstructionwhich may causedischargedmaterial to ricochet backtoward the operator. 5. Tohelp avoid bladecontact or a thrown objectinjury, stay inthe operatorzonebehindthe handlesand keep children,bystanders,helpersand pets at least 75 feet fromthe mower whileit is in operation.Stop machineif anyoneentersthe area. 15. Neveroperate the mowerinwet grass. Alwaysbe sure of yourfooting. A slip and fall can causeseriouspersonal injury.If you feel you are losing yourfooting,releasethe bladecontrol handle immediatelyand the bladewill stop rotatingwithinthreeseconds. 16. Mowonly in daylightor in goodartificial light.Walk, never run. Stopthe bladewhen crossinggraveldrives,walks or roads. 17. If the equipmentshouldstartto vibrateabnormally,stop the engineand check immediatelyfor the cause.Vibrationis generallya warningof trouble. 18. Shutthe engineoff andwait untilthe bladecomesto a completestop beforeremovingthe grass catcheror uncloggingthe chute.The cutting bladecontinuesto rotate fora few secondsafter the engine is shut off. Neverplace any part of the bodyin the bladearea untilyou aresure the blade hasstoppedrotating. 6. Alwayswearsafetyglasses or safetygogglesduring operationand whileperformingan adjustmentor repair to protectyour eyes.Thrownobjectswhich ricochetcan causeseriousinjury to the eyes. 19. Neveroperate mowerwithoutproper trail shield, discharge cover,grasscatcher,bladecontrol handleor othersafety protectivedevices in place andworking. Neveroperate mowerwithdamagedsafetydevices.Failureto do so, can result inpersonalinjury. 7. Wearsturdy, rough-soledworkshoesand close-fitting slacksandshirts. Shirtsand pantsthatcoverthe arms and legsand steel-toedshoesare recommended.Never operatethis machinein barefeet, sandals,slipperyor light weight (e.g.canvas) shoes. 20. Mufflerandengine becomehot and can causea burn.Do not touch. i Your Responsibility i Restrict the use 8. Do not put hands or feet near rotatingparts or underthe cuttingdeck. Contactwiththe blade can amputatehands andfeet. 21. Only use partsand accessoriesmadefor this machineby the manufacturer.Failureto do socan resultin personal injury. i of this powermachine to persons who read, understand 9. A missingor damageddischargecovercan cause blade contactor thrownobject injuries. 22. If situationsoccurwhich are not coveredin this manual,use careand good judgment. Call customerassistancefor the name of yournearestservicingdealer. and follow the warnings and instructions ,I in this and onmanual the machine. 10. Manyinjuriesoccuras a resultof the mowerbeing pulled overthe foot duringa fall causedby slippingor tripping. Do not hold on to the mower if you are falling; releasethe handle immediately. Slope Operation Slopesare a majorfactor relatedto slip andfall accidentswhich can result insevere injury.Operationon slopes requiresextra caution. Ifyou feel uneasyon a slope,do not mow it. For your safety,usethe slope gaugeincludedas part of this manualto measureslopes beforeoperatingthis unit on a slopedor hilly area.If the slope is greaterthan 15degrees, do not mowit. 11. Neverpullthe mowerback towardyou whileyou are walking.If you must backthe mowerawayfrom a wall or obstructionfirst look down and behindto avoid tripping andthen followthese steps: 4 8. Neverfuel machineindoorsbecauseflammablevapors will accumulateinthe area. Do: 1. Mowacrossthe face of slopes; neverup anddown. Exerciseextremecaution when changingdirectionon slopes. 9. Neverremovegas cap or add fuel whilethe engineis hot or running. Allow engineto cool at least two minutes beforerefueling. 10. Neveroverfill fuel tank. Filltank to no morethan Y2inch below bottomof filler neckto providefor fuel expansion. 2. Watchfor holes,ruts,rocks, hiddenobjects,or bumpswhich can causeyouto slip or trip. Tallgrass can hide obstacles. 3. Alwaysbe sure of yourfooting.A slip andfall can cause serious personalinjury.If you feel you are losingyour balance,releasethe bladecontrol handle immediately,and the bladewill stop rotatingwithin 3 seconds. 11. Replacegasoline cap andtighten securely. 12. If gasolineis spilled,wipe it off the engine and equipment. Moveunit to another area.Wait 5 minutesbeforestarting the engine. Do Not: I. Donot mownear drop-offs, ditchesor embankments,you could loseyour footing or balance. 13. Neverstorethe machineor fuel containernear an open flame,sparkor pilot light as on a water heater,space heater, furnace, clothesdryeror othergas appliances. 2. Donot mowslopes greaterthan 15degrees asshown on the slope gauge. 3. Donot mowon wetgrass. Unstablefooting could cause slipping. 14. Toreducefire hazard,keepmowerfree of grass, leaves, or other debrisbuild-up.Clean up oil or fuel spillage and removeany fuel soakeddebris. Children 15. Allow a mowerto cool at least5 minutesbeforestoring. Tragicaccidentscan occur if the operatoris not alertto the presenceof children.Childrenare often attractedto the mower and the mowingactivity. Theydo not understandthe dangers. Neverassumethat children will remainwhereyou lastsaw them. 1. Keepchildrenout of the mowingarea and underthe watchful careof a responsibleadult otherthan the operator. 2. Be alert andturn moweroff if a child entersthe area. General Service: 3. Beforeand while movingbackwards,look behindand down for small children. 3. Checkthe bladeand enginemountingbolts at frequent intervalsfor propertightness.Also,visuallyinspectblade for damage(e.g.,bent,cracked,worn) Replacebladewith the original equipmentmanufacture's(O.E.M.)bladeonly, listed inthis manual."Use of parts whichdo not meetthe originalequipmentspecificationsmay lead to improper performanceand compromisesafety!" 1. Neverrunan engine indoorsor in a poorlyventilatedarea. Engineexhaustcontainscarbon monoxide,an odorless anddeadlygas. 2. Beforecleaning,repairing,or inspecting,makecertain the bladeand all moving parts havestopped.Disconnectthe sparkplug wire and groundagainstthe engineto prevent unintendedstarting. 4. Useextremecare when approachingblind corners, doorways,shrubs,trees, or otherobjectsthat mayobscure your visionof a childwho may run into the mower. 5. Keepchildrenawayfrom hot or runningengines.They can suffer burnsfrom a hot muffler. 4. Mowerbladesare sharp andcan cut. Wrapthe bladeor weargloves,and use extra cautionwhen servicingthem. 6. Neverallowchildren under14 yearsold to operatea power mower.Children14years old andover shouldread and understandthe operationinstructionsand safetyrules in this manualandshould be trainedand supervisedby a parent. 5. Keepall nuts,bolts, and screwstight to be surethe equipmentis insafe workingcondition. 6. Nevertamper withsafetydevices.Checktheir proper operationregularly. Service Safe Handling Of Gasoline: 1. To avoid personalinjury or propertydamage useextreme care inhandlinggasoline. Gasolineis extremelyflammable and the vapors are explosive.Serious personalinjury can occur when gasolineis spilled on yourself or your clothes which can ignite. 7. After strikinga foreignobject,stop the engine,disconnect the sparkplug wire and groundagainstthe engine. Thoroughlyinspectthe mowerfor any damage.Repairthe damagebeforestartingand operatingthe mower. 2. Wash yourskin andchangeclothesimmediately. 9. Grasscatchercomponents,dischargecover,andtrail shield aresubjectto wear anddamagewhichcould exposemovingparts or allowobjectsto be thrown.For safetyprotection,frequentlycheck componentsand replace immediatelywithoriginal equipmentmanufacturer's (O.E.M.)parts only, listedin this manual."Use of parts whichdo not meetthe originalequipmentspecifications may lead to improperperformanceand compromise safety!" 8. Neverattemptto makea wheel or cuttingheightadjustmentwhilethe engine is running. 3. Useonly an approvedgasolinecontainer. 4. Neverfill containers insidea vehicle or on a truckor trailer bedwitha plasticliner.Alwaysplace containerson the ground awayfrom yourvehicle beforefilling. 5. Removegas-poweredequipmentfromthe truck or trailer and refuel it on the ground.If this is not possible,then refuel such equipmenton a trailer witha portablecontainer,rather than from a gasoline dispensernozzle. 10. Do not changethe engine governorsettingor overspeed the engine.The governorcontrols the maximumsafe operatingspeed of the engine. 6. Keepthe nozzlein contactwiththe rim of the fuel tank or container openingat all times until fuelingis complete.Do not use a nozzle lock-opendevice. 11. Maintainor replacesafetylabels, as necessary. 7. Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars,pipes and othersourcesof ignition. 12. Observeproper disposallaws andregulations.Improper disposaloffluids and materialscan harmthe environment. 5 Practices WARNING This symbol points out importantsafety instructionswhich, if not followed,could endangerthe personal safety and/or property of yourselfand others. Read and follow all instructionsin this manual beforeattempting to operate this machine. Failure to comply with these instructionsmay result in personalinjury.When you see this symbol. HEED ITS WARNING! Your Responsibility Restrict the use of this power machine to persons who read, understand and follow the warnings and instructions in this manual and on the machine. r " ) _ , ,_ ,A_ - -_ !| _ WARNING: Disconnect and ground the spark plug wire as instructed in the separate engine manual. 1. Thechute deflectoron your mowermaybe held in an uprightpositionbya block for shippingpurposesonly. This shippingblock mustbe removedand discarded beforethe moweris putinto operation.See Figure1. Adjustmen a. Pull thechute deflectorup towardsengine. b. Removetheblock and carefullylowerthe chute into operatingposition,keepingfingersout of the way. / . Tools Required for Assembly: • 9/16-inchwrench • 3/4-inch wrench k,. Performthe followingsequencefor handlesetup: a. Pull up and backon theupper handleto raisethe handlefrom positionA intothe operatingposition B. See Figure2. j Figure 1 b. Makesurethe carriageboltis seatedproperlyin the handle.Tightenwingnuts (star knobs)securing upperhandleto the lowerhandle. (or a pair of adjustable wrenches) NOTE: On somemodels wingnuts havebeen replaced with star knobs.Figuresshow wingnuts only. 3. If satisfiedwith heightof handle,tightenwingnuts (star knobs)atthe endsof the lowerhandle shownin Figure 3. Forconvenienceof operating,you mayadjust the handleheightas follows: Your mower is shipped with the handle in the higher height position. _iOTE:Each end of he lower handle must a. Removethewing nuts (star knobs)shownin Figure 3 and removethe lowerhandle. b. Positioneach handlebracketstud intothe top hole in thelowerhandle.See Figure3 inset. be placed in the same relative position. c. Tightenthewing nuts (star knobs). . iMPORTANT This unit is shipped WITHOUT GASOLINE or OiL. After assembly, service engine with gasoline and oil as instructed in the separate engine manual packed with your unit. Insertpost on cable ties into holesprovidedon the lowerhandle.Pullcabletie tight and trim excess.See Figure4. Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 6 , RopeguideSetupas follows,see Figure5: a, Holdthe bladecontrolagainstthe upper handle, PositionA, b, Slowlypull starterropeout of engine,PositionB, c, Slip starterrope intothe ropeguide,Tighten rope guide wingnut, PositionC, , Adjustmen If yourwheels are notassembled,install as follows usingFigure6 and 7: a, Usinghardwarefrom hardwarepack,secure the rearwheelsto the deck as shownin Figure 6 and front wheelsas shown in Figure7.The smallcuppedwashershouldbe installedwith the cuppedside of washertowardsthe deck, b, Securethe wheelsto the deck with thelarge cuppedwasherand nut (cuppedsideof large washertowardsthe deck), J Figure 5 c, Tightenall wheelhardware, , If your moweris equippedwith an optionalmulching baffle,install it as shownin Figure8, , The three holes provide i three cutting heights for i your mower. Use the same hole locationfor all four wheels when } assembling. Fora higher cutting height, use the lower hole; for a lower cutting height, usethe upper hole. a, Lift up and hold theside-dischargechutedeflector and insertbottomlip of the mulchingbaffle inside the chute opening. b. Pushthe hookson the top of the baffleuntil they snapoverthe hingeon the dischargechute. Releasethe chutedeflector. NOTE: Whenyouwish to mowinsteadof mulch, simplyraisethe chute deflector,graspthe handleon the mulchingbaffle and lift upwardto removethe baffle. It is notnecessaryto removethe mulchingblade. Figure 6 Figure 8 Figure 7 7 Know Your Lawn Mower Blade Control lVlo We r Starter Rope WARNING Chute Read, understand, and follow all instruco tions and warnings on the machine and in this manual before operating. This blade control mechanism is a safety device. Never attempt to bypass its operations. Baffle Figure 9 Blade Control Handle To Start Engine The bladecontrolhandleis locatedon the upperhandle of the mower.See Figure9. The bladecontrolhandle mustbe depressedin order to operatethe unit. Release the bladecontrolhandle to stopthe engineand blade. 1. If yourunit isequippedwith a primer,primeengineas instructedin the separateenginemanualpackedwith yourunit. 2. Standingbehindthe unit, depressthe bladecontrol handleand hold it againstthe upper handleas shown in Figure10. Recoil Starter Use extreme care when handling gasoline. Gasoline is extremely flammable and the vapors are explosive. Never fuel the machine indoors or while the engine is hot or running. Extinguish cigarettes, cigars, pipes and other sources of ignition. The recoilstarteris attachedto the rightupper handle. Standbehindthe unitand pullthe recoilstarterropeto startthe unit. 3. Graspthe starterhandleas shownand pull slowlyuntil resistanceis felt, thenpull rapidlyto start engineand avoidkickback.Returnit slowlyto the ropeguide. Mulching Baffle (if so equipped) The mulchingbaffle is usedto recircuiategrass clippingsback to the lawn.Attachit as instructedon page 7 of this manual. To Stop Engine 1. Releasethe blade controlhandleto stop the engine and blade. Before Starting 1. Servicethe enginewith gasolineand oil as instructed in the separateengine manual. _ 2. Attachsparkplug wireto sparkplug. If unitis equippedwith a rubberbootoverthe end of the spark plugwire, makecertainthe metal loop on the end of the sparkplug wire (insidethe rubberboot) is fastenedsecurelyoverthe metaltip on the spark plug. rotate for a few seconds after the ARNING: The blade continues to engine is shut off. 2. Disconnectand groundthe spark plug wireas instructedin the separateenginemanualto prevent accidentalstartingwhileequipmentis unattended. 8 OperatingTips 1. Forbest resultsand effectivemulching,do notcut wet grass. 2. Newgrass,thickgrass,or wet grassmay requirea narrowercut. 3. Fora healthierlawn,nevercut off morethan one-third of the total lengthof the grass. 4. Yourlawnshouldbe cut in the fall as long as there isgrowth. Operating Your LaWn 5. Adjustground speedaccordingto conditionof lawn. 6. If the grass hasbeen allowedto growin excessof 4 inches,mulchingis not recommended.Mow using the sidedischargeto reducethegrass heightto 3-1/4 inchesor less beforemulching. Figure 10 WARNING Using Your Lawn Mower Be surethe lawn is clearof stones,sticks,wire, or other objectswhichcoulddamagethe lawnmoweror the engine.Suchobjectscouldbe accidentlythrownby the mowerin any directionand causeseriouspersonalinjury to the operatorand others. The operation of any lawn mower can result in foreign objects being thrown into the eyes, which can damage your eyes severely. Always wear safety glasses while operating the mower, or while performing any adjustments or repairs on it. WARNING: if you strike a foreign object, stop the engine. Remove wire from the spark plug, thoroughly inspect the mower for any damage, and repair the damage before restarting and operating the mower. Extensive vibration of the mower during operation is an indicationof damage. The unit should be promptly inspected and repaired. Be sure no one other than the operator is standing near the lawn mower while starting engine or operating mower. Never run engine indoors or in enclosed, poorly ventilated areas. Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide,an odorless and deadly gas. Keep hands, feet, hair and loose clothing away from any moving parts on engine and lawn mower. 9 Engine . i_i ii i ii _i i i i i 2. Maintainengineoil as instructedin the separate enginemanualpackedwith yourunit. Readand follow instructionscarefully. Lubricate these points before Maintenance . _i . \ J Figure 11 Alwaysobservesafetyruleswhenperforming anymaintenance. Deck 3. Changingof engine-governedspeedwill void enginewarranty. Theundersideof the mowerdeck shouldbe cleanedafter eachuseto preventa buildupof grass clippings,leaves, dirt or other matter.If this debrisis allowedto accumulate, it will invite rust and corrosion,and maypreventproper mulching. 4. All adjustmentsshouldbe checkedat leastonce eachseason. 5. Periodicallycheckall fastenersand makesurethese are tight. Lubrication 1. Lubricatethe pivot pointson the blade controlhandle at least oncea seasonwith lightoil. The blade controlmustoperatefreely in bothdirections.See Figure11. Wedo not i the use of pressure Washersor garden hose tO clean your unit. These maycause damageto electrical compOnents;spindles; pulley& bearings;or the engine: The use of water will resultin shortened ife and reduce serviceability: 3. Lubricatethe torsionspringand pivot pointperiodically with lightoil to preventrust.See Figure11. 4. Followthe accompanyingengine manualfor lubrication scheduleand instruction. Thespark plug shouldbe cleanedand the gap reset oncea season. Sparkplug replacementis recommendedat the startof each mowingseason;check enginemanualfor correctplug type and gap specifications. 5. Cleantheengine regularlywith a cloth or brush. Keepthe coolingsystem(blowerhousingarea) clean to permitproperair circulationwhich is essentialto engineperformanceand life. Be certain to removeall grass,dirt and combustibledebrisfrom mufflerarea. 2. Thewarrantyon this lawnmowerdoesnot cover itemsthat havebeensubjectedto operatorabuse or negligence.To receivefull valuefrom warranty, operatormustmaintainthe lawnmoweras instructedhere. 2. If yourmoweris equippedwith ball bearingwheels, lubricateat leastonce a seasonwith a light oil, all othertypes requireno lubrication.However,if the wheelsare removedfor any reason,lubricatethe surfaceof the axle bolt and the innersurfaceof the wheelwith lightautomotiveoil. Undernormalconditionsserviceair cleaneras instructedin the separateengine manualpackedwith yourunit. Cleanevery few hoursunderextremely dustyconditions. Poorengineperformanceand floodingusuallyindicatesthat the air cleanershouldbe serviced. NOTE:This spark ignitionsystemmeetsall requirementsof the CanadianInterference-Causing Equipment Regulations. General Recommendations . Referto the separateengine manualfor engine maintenanceinstructions. Thedeck may be cleanedbytilting the mowerand scraping cleanwith a suitabletool (makecertainthe spark plug wireis disconnected). Blade Care __1 cutting blade for sharpening or ARNING: When removing the replacement, protect your hands with a pair of heavy gloves or use a heavy rag to hold the blade. Periodicallyinspectthe bladeadapterforcracks,especially ifyou strikea foreignobject.Replacewhennecessary. Followthe stepsbelowfor blade service: 1. Disconnectspark plug wirefrom sparkplug. 2. Tip moweras specifiedinseparateenginemanual.If itdoes notspecify turnmoweron itsside makingsure that the air filter and the carburetorare up. 3. Removethebolt and the blade bell supportwhich hold the bladeand the bladeadapterto the engine crankshaft.See Figure12. i i 10 mowerfor storage. 1. Cleanand lubricatemowerthoroughlyas describedin the lubricationinstructions. 2. Wedo not recommendthe useof a pressurewasher or gardenhoseto cleanyour unit. 3. Referto engine manualfor correctengine storageinstructions. 4. Coatmower'scutting bladewith chassisgreaseto preventrusting. 5. Storemowerin a dry, cleanarea. Do notstore nextto corrosivematerials,such as fertilizer. Figure 12 4. Removebladeand adapterfrom the crankshaft. 5, The blademay be resharpenedby removingitand eithergrindingor filing thecuttingedge keepingas closeto the original bevelas possible.Donot attempt to sharpenthe bladewhile itis stillon the mower, NOTE:Whenstoringany type of powerequipmentin a poorlyventilatedor metal storageshed, careshould be takento rust-proofthe equipment.Usinga light oil or silicone,coat the equipment,especiallycablesand all movingparts of yourlawn mowerbeforestorage. 6. it is extremely importantthat eachcuttingedge receivesan equal amountof grindingto preventan unbalancedblade. NOTE:improperblade balancewill resultin excessive vibrationcausingeventualdamageto theengine and mower. Be sureto carefullybalancebladeafter sharpening.Possibledamageresultingfrom bladeunbalance conditionisnotthe responsibilityof the manufacturer. NOTE:Alwaysremovebladefrom the adapterfor testing balance. WARNING When removing the cutting blade for sharpening or replacement, protect your hands with a pair of heavy gloves or use a heavy rag to hold the blade, ...........; An nba anced b ade will cause excessive vibration when rotat, :ing at high speeds;it may cause damage to mower, and could 7. The bladecan be testedfor balanceby balancingit on a round shaftscrewdriver.Removemetalfrom the heavyside untilit balancesevenly. 8. Beforereassemblingthe bladeand the blade adapter to the unit, lubricatethe enginecrankshaftand the innersurfaceof the bladeadapterwith lightoil. tea,causing per, sonal injury, 9. install the bladeadapteron thecrankshaftwith the "star"awayfromthe engine.See Figure12.Place the bladewith the side marked"bottom"(or with part number)facingawayfrom the adapter.Alignthe blade bell supportoverthe bladewith the tabs in the holesof the bladeand insertthe hex bolt. 10.Tightenthe hexbolt to thetorquelisted below: Blade Mounting Torque CenterBolt450,600,max. Toinsuresafe operationof your unit, ALL nutsand bolts mustbe checkedperiodicallyfor correcttightness. 11 Problem Cause _Enginefails to start Shooting 1. Blade control handle disengaged._ 1. Engaie blade_--control handle• -- 2. Sparkplug w re disconnected. 2. Connectwireto spark plug. 3. Fueltank emptyor stalefuel. 3. Filltank with clean,freshgasoline. 4. Enginenot primed. 4. Referto enginemanual. 5. Faultyspark plug. 5. Clean,adjustgap,or replace. 6. Blockedfuel line. I 7. Engineflooding. I Enginerunserratic For repairs beyond the minor adjustments listed here; Remedy 6. Cleanfuel line. 7. Waita few minutesto restart,butdo not prime. 1. Sparkplug wire loose. 1. Connectand tightenspark plug wire. 2. Blockedfuel line or stalefuel. 2. Cleanfuelline; fill tank with clean,fresh gasoline. 3. Gas capvent plugged. 3. Clearvent. 4. Wateror dirt in fuel system. 4. Drainfueltank and carburetor.Refillwith freshfuel. 5. Dirtyair cleaner. 5. Referto enginemanual. 6. Referto enginemanual. contact anautho;i=ed Engineoverheats service dealer. 1. Engineoil levellow. 2. D rty air f lter 1. Fill crankcasewith proper oil. 2. Referto the enginemanualpackedwith 3. Air flow restricted. yourunit. 3. Removeblowerhousingand clean. .4. Carburetornotadjustedproperly. Occasionalskip (hesitates)at high speed 4, Referto enginemanual. 1. Sparkplug gap too close. 1. Adjustgap to .030".Referto engine manual. 2. Carburetoridle mixtureadjustment improperlyset. 2. Referto enginemanual. 1 Sparkplug fouled,faultyor gaptoo wide. 1. Resetgap to .030' or replacespark plug. Referto enginemanual. 3. Dirty air cleaner. 3. Referto enginemanual. 1. CuttingBladelooseor unbalanced. 1. Tightenbladeand adapter.Balanceblade 2. Bentcutting blade. 2. Replaceblade. Mowerwill notmulch 1 Wetgrass 1 Do notmow whengrass iswet grass 2• Excessivehigh g rass• 3 Dull bl de wat untillaterto cut. 2 Mowonce at a h gh cutt ng heght, then dies poorly , Excessivevibration a mowagain at desiredhleghtor makea I I Unevencut narrowercuttng path. 3. Sharpenor replaceblade. 1. Wheelsnot positionedcorrectly. 2. Dull blade, 1. Placeall fourwheels in same height position. 2. Sharpenor replaceblade. \_i 3J 12 MANUFACTURER'S LiMiTED WARRANTY FOR The limitedwarrantyset forth belowis givenby MTD LLCwith respectto new merchandisepurchasedand usedin the UnitedStatesand/or its territories and possessions,and by MTDProductsLimitedwith respectto new merchandisepurchasedand usedin Canadaand/or its territoriesand possessions (eitherentity respectively,"MTD"). MTDwarrantsthis product(excludingits normalwearpartsas describedbelow)againstdefects in materialand workmanshipfor a periodof two (2) years commencingon the dateof originalpurchaseand will, at its option,repairor replace,free of charge,anypart foundto be defectivein materials or workmanship.This limitedwarrantyshallonly applyif this producthas beenoperatedand maintainedin accordancewith the Operator'sManual furnishedwith the product,and has notbeen subjectto misuse,abuse,commercialuse, neglect,accident,impropermaintenance,alteration,vandalism, theft, fire, water,or damagebecauseof other peril or naturaldisaster.Damageresultingfrom theinstallationor useof any part,accessoryor attachment not approvedby MTDfor usewith the product(s)coveredbythis manualwill voidyourwarrantyas to any resultingdamage. Normalwearparts are warrantedto be free from defectsin materialand workmanshipfor a periodof thirty (30) daysfrom the dateof purchase.Normal wear partsinclude,but are not limitedto itemssuch as: batteries,belts,blades,bladeadapters,grass bags,rider deck wheels,seats,snow throwerskid shoes,frictionwheels,shaveplates,augerspiralrubberand tires. HOWTO OBTAINSERVICE:Warrantyserviceis available,WITH PROOFOF PURCHASE,throughyour localauthorizedservicedealer.To locatethe dealer in yourarea; In the U.S.A.: CheckyourYellowPages,or contact MTDLLCat RO. Box361131,Cleveland,Ohio 44136-0019,or call 1-800-800-7310or 1-330-220-4683or log on to our Website at In Canada: ContactMTDProductsLimited,Kitchener,ON N2G4J1,or call 1-800-668-1238or log on to our Website at This limitedwarrantydoes not providecoveragein the followingcases: a. The engineor componentparts thereof.Theseitemsmay carrya separatemanufacturer'swarranty.Referto applicablemanufacturer'swarrantyfor termsand conditions. b. Log splitterpumps,valves,and cylindershavea separateone-yearwarranty. c. Routinemaintenanceitemssuchas lubricants,filters, blade sharpening,tune-ups,brakeadjustments,clutchadjustments,deck adjustments,and normaldeteriorationof the exteriorfinishdue to useor exposure. d. Servicecompletedby someoneotherthan an authorizedservicedealer. e. MTDdoes notextendany warrantyfor productssoldor exportedoutsideof the UnitedStatesand/or Canada,and their respectivepossessionsand territories,exceptthose soldthroughMTD'sauthorizedchannelsof export distribution. f. Replacementpartsthat are not genuineMTDparts. g. Transportationchargesand servicecalls. h. If Productsare usedcommercially.(MTD mayseparatelyoffer LimitedCommercialWarrantieson certain selectproducts.Ask yourdealer or retailer for detailsor contactMTDServicefor more information.) No impliedwarranty, includingany impliedwarrantyof merchantability of fitness for a particular purpose,applies after the applicable period of expresswritten warranty above as to the parts as identified.No other expresswarranty,whetherwritten or oral, exceptas mentioned above, givenby any personor entity,includinga dealer or retailer, with respect to any product,shall bind MTD. Duringthe period of the warranty, the exclusive remedyis repair or replacementof the productas set forth above. The provisions as set forth in this warrantyprovidethe sole and exclusive remedy arising from the sale. MTDshall not be liablefor incidental or consequential loss or damage including,without limitation,expensesincurredfor substituteor replacementlawn care servicesor for rentalexpensesto temporarily replacea warranted product. Somejurisdictionsdo notallowthe exclusionor limitationof incidentalor consequentialdamages,or limitationson howlong an impliedwarrantylasts, so the aboveexclusionsor limitationsmay not applyto you. In no eventshall recoveryof any kind be greaterthan theamountof the purchaseprice of the productsold.Alterationof safety features of the productshall void this warranty. You assumethe risk and liabilityfor loss,damage,or injuryto youand your propertyand/orto othersand their propertyarisingout of the misuseor inabilityto use theproduct. This limitedwarrantyshall notextendto anyoneotherthanthe originalpurchaseror to the personfor whom itwas purchasedas a gift. NOW LOCAL LAWSRELATETO THIS WARRANTY:This limitedwarrantygivesyou specificlegal rights,and youmay also haveother rightsthat vary in differentjurisdictions. iMPORTANT:OwnermustpresentOriginalProofof Purchaseto obtainwarrantycoverage. MTD LLC,P.O.BOX361131CLEVELAND,OHiO44136-0019;Phone: 1-600-600-7310,1-330-220-4683 MTD Products Ltd., P.O. BOX 1386,KITCHENER,ON N2G4J1; Phone: 1-800-668-1238 13 14 REF NO. N° DE REF PART NO. N ° DE PII_CE DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION 1 17032A Chute Hinge Charniere de deflecteur 2 17098 Hinge Clip 3 687-02145 Handle Bracket Assembly LH Support de guidon CG 4 687-02144 Handle Bracket Assembly RH Support de guidon CD 5 787-01084A Plateau de coupe de 22 po 6 712-3017 Deck Assembly 22" Hex Nut 3/8-16 8 710-0216 Hex Cap Screw 3/8-16 x .75 Vis A chapeau A six pans de 3/8-16 x 0,75 9 Attache 12crou A six pans 3/8-16 710-0599 Hex Wash S-Tapp Scr 1/4-20 x .50 Vis autotaraudeuse 10 710-0654A Hex Wash HD Tap Scr 3/8-16 x .88 Vis autotaraudee 11 710-1044 Hex Screw 3/8-24 x 1.5" Lg. (Gr. 8) Vis A t_te hex. 3/8-24 x 1,50 po de Ig (Qual. 8) 12 710-1174 Carriage Bolt 5/16-18 x 2.0 Boulon ordinaire 5/16-18 x 2,0 13 710-1205 Rope Guide Bolt Boulon de guidage de cordon 14 712-04065 Flanged Lock Nut 3/8-16 12crou de blocage 3/8-16 15 720-0279 Knob - ERS Guide 1/4-20 Bouton - 1/4-20 16 720-0284 Wing Nut 12crou A oreilles 17 749-1092A 18 725-0157 Upper Handle Cable Tie Guidon superieur Attache-cAble 19 731-04019 Trail Shield Abattant de protection 2O 731-04197 Mulching Baffle Deflecteur 21 731-1035B Chute Deflector Deflecteu r late ral 22 749-04037 Lower Handle Guidon inferieur 23 732-1014 Torsion Spring Ressort de torsion 24 734-04063 Wheel, 7 x 1.5 Star-Diam Gray Ensemble de roue 7,0 x 1,5 Star-Diam. Gris 25 748-04096 Blade Adapter Adaptateur 26 736-0270 Rondelle creuse 0,265 DI x 0,75 DE x 0,062 27 736-0451 Cup. Wash..265 ID x .75 OD x .062 Saddle Wash..320 ID x .937 OD 28 736-0524B Blade Bell Support Support de lame 29 736-0105 Cupped Washer.375 30 736-0331 31 738-0533 Cupped Washer.389 x 1.13 x .062 Shoulder Screw .498 x 1.635 Vis A epaulement 32 747-1161A Blade Control Handle Poignee de commande 33 742-0642A Blade 22" Lame 22 po x .870 x .063 A rondelle hex. de 1/4-20 x 0,5 3/8-16 x 0,88 For parts and/or accessories refer to arriere customer support on page 2. Adressez-vous au de dechiquetage ,_Service apr_s-vente_, la page 2 pour ce qui concerne les pi_ces et/ou accessoires. de la lame Rondelle selle 0,320 DI x 0,937 DE Rondelle creuse 0,375 x 0,870 x 0,063 Rondelle creuse 0,389 x 1,13 x 0,062 0,498 x 1,635 742-0742A Mulching Blade 22" Lame dechiqueteuse 34 746-0946 Blade Control Cable 48.25" Lg. CAble de la commande 35 747-0710 Hinge Pin Axe fixe 36 731-1034B Side Dis. Chute Ass'y Deflecteur 37 720-04072 Knob (star) Bouton (etoile) de la lame 22 po 48,25 po de Ig. lateral complet 11A-070 10.15.05 15
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 15 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Producer : Goby Monitor Application version 3, 2, 1, 4 Create Date : Sat Mar 29 01:46:43 2014 Author : Title : Subject :EXIF Metadata provided by