MTD 11A 429R729 User Manual LAWN MOWER Manuals And Guides 1107423L
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Safety • Assembly • Operation • Tips & Techniques • Maintenance • Troubleshooting • Parts Lists • Warranty A OF \ O AL \ 21 =inch Rotary Mower- Model 420 Series iMPORTANT READ SAFETY RULES AND iNSTRUCTiONS CAREFULLY BEFORE OPERATION Warning: This unit is equippedwith an internalcombustionengineand shouldnot be usedon or nearany unimprovedforest-covered,brushcoveredor grass-coveredland unlesstheengine'sexhaustsystemis equippedwith a sparkarrestermeetingapplicablelocalor statelaws(if any). If a sparkarresteris used,it shouldbe maintainedin effectiveworkingorder by the operator.In theState of Californiathe aboveis requiredbylaw (Section4442 of the CaliforniaPublicResourcesCode). Otherstatesmay havesimilarlaws.Federallaws applyon federallands.A sparkarrester for the muffleris availablethroughyour nearestengineauthorizedservicedealeror contactthe servicedepartment,RO. Box361131Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019. PRINTEDIN U.S.A. MTD LLC, P.O. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44136-0019 FORMNO. 769-02336 01/11/2006 This Operator's Manual is an important part of your new lawn mower, it will help you assemble, prepare, and maintain the unit for best performance. Please read and understand what it says. Table of Contents Slope Gauge ....................................................... Safe Operation Practices ................................... Setup and Adjustment ....................................... Operating Your Lawn Mower .............................. Maintaining Your Lawn Mower ......................... 3 4 6 8 10 Trouble Shooting .............................................. Safety Labels .................................................... Parts List ........................................................... 12 13 14 Warranty ............................................................ 16 Characteristicsandfeaturesdiscussedand/or illustratedinthis manualmaynot be applicableto all models.MTDLLCreservesthe rightto changeproductspecifications, designsand equipmentwithoutnoticeand withoutincurringobligation. Finding and Recording Model Number Before you begin to assemble the mower, please locate the model plate on the equipment and copy the informationto the sample model plate providedto the right. You can locate the model plate by standing at the operating position and looking down at the rear of the deck. This information will be neces- Model Number sary to use the manufacturer's web site, to obtain assistance from the CustomerSupport Department,or when contacting an authorizedservice dealer. , Serial Number MTD LLC P. O. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND,OH 44136 330=220=4683 800-800-731 0.. Customer Support Please DO NOT return the unit to the retailer from which it was purchased contacting Customer Support. without first If you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regarding the controls, operation, or maintenanceof this unit, you can seek help from the experts. Choose from the options below: 1. Visit Click on the Service & Support menu option. Con_ec_ Us _riv_cy Po_y Ser_dce 8_SuFpo_ Product Registration 2. Phone a Customer Support Representativeat 1-800-800-7310. 3. The engine manufacturer is responsible for all engine-related issues with regards to performance, power-rating,specifications, warranty and service. Please refer to the engine manufacturer's Owner's/Operator's Manual, packedseparately with your unit, for more information. 2 O Sight and hold this levelwith a vertical tree... o 1= o >:. (13 O3 (13 (13 OO O (-O5 E also O (13 (13 o3 (13 OO o3 I (13 E (]3 (13 o o5 (13 OO O3 (13 -5 C5 O3 ('5 O O3 O5 (13 O E t"b (13 O9 15° WARNING: Engine Exhaust, some of its constituents, and certain vehicle components contain or emit chemicals known to State of Californiato cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductiveharm. DANGER: This machine was built to be operated according to the rules for safe operation in this manual. As with any type of power equipment, carelessness or error on the part of the operator can result in serious injury. This machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects. Failureto observe the following safety instructions could result in serious injury or death. Children WARNING This symbol points out importantsafety instructionswhich, if not followed,could endangerthe personal i safety and/or property I ofyourselfand others. Read and follow all instructionsin this manual beforeattemptingto operate i this machine. Failure I to comply with these instructionsmay result i in personalinjury.When you see this symbol. i HEED ITS WARNING! Your Responsibility Restrictthe use of this power machine to personswho read, _ understand ano follow the warnings and instructions in this manual and on the machine. Tragicaccidentscan occur if operatoris not alert to presence of children.Childrenare oftenattractedto mowerand mowing activity.Theydo not understandthe dangers.Neverassume thatchildrenwill remainwhereyou lastsawthem. 1. Keepchildrenout of the mowingareaand underwatchful careof a responsibleadultotherthanthe operator. 2. Be alert andturn moweroff if a childentersthe area. 3. Beforeand whilemovingbackwards,look behindanddown forsmallchildren. 4. Useextremecare when approachingblind corners, doorways,shrubs,trees,or otherobjectsthat may obscure yourvisionof a child whomay run intothe mower. 5. Keepchildrenawayfrom hot or runningengines.Theycan sufferburnsfrom a hot muffler. 6. Neverallowchildrenunder14 yearsoldto operatea power mower.Children14 yearsoldand overshouldreadand understandoperationinstructionsandsafetyrulesinthis manualandshouldbe trainedandsupervisedbya parent. General Operation 1. Readthis operator'smanualcarefullyin its entiretybefore attemptingto assemblethis machine.Read,understand, andfollowall instructionson the machineandin the manual(s)beforeoperation.Be completelyfamiliar with the controls andthe proper useof this machinebefore operatingit. Keepthis manualin a safe place forfuture and regularreferenceand for orderingreplacementparts. 2. This machineis a precision pieceof powerequipment, not a plaything.Therefore,exerciseextremecautionat all times.Yourunit has beendesignedto performonejob: to mowgrass. Do not use it for any otherpurpose. 3. Neverallow childrenunder 14yearsold to operatethis machine.Children 14yearsold and overshould readand understandthe instructionsinthis manualandshould be trainedand supervisedby a parent.Onlyresponsible individualswho arefamiliar withthese rulesof safe operationshould be allowedto usethis machine. 4. Thoroughlyinspectthe area wherethe equipmentis to be used. Removeall stones,sticks,wire, bones,toys andotherforeignobjects, whichcould be trippedover or picked up andthrown bythe blade.Thrownobjects can causeseriouspersonalinjury.Plan your mowingpattern to avoid dischargeof materialtoward roads,sidewalks, bystandersandthe like.Also,avoid dischargingmaterial againsta wall or obstruction,whichmay causedischarged materialto ricochetback towardthe operator. 5. Tohelp avoid bladecontact or a thrown objectinjury, stay inoperatorzone behindhandlesand keepchildren, bystanders,helpersand pets at least 75 feetfrom mower whileit is inoperation.Stop machineif anyoneenters area. 4 6. Alwayswearsafetyglasses or safetygogglesduringoperation andwhile performingan adjustmentor repairto protect youreyes. Thrownobjectswhich ricochetcan causeserious injury to the eyes. 7. Wearsturdy, rough-soledworkshoesand close-fitting slacksandshirts. Shirtsand pantsthatcoverthe arms and legs andsteel-toedshoesare recommended.Neveroperate this machinein bare feet,sandals, slipperyor light-weight (e.g. canvas)shoes. 8. Do not put hands or feet near rotatingparts or undercutting deck. Contactwithblade can amputatehands andfeet. 9. A missingor damageddischargecovercan cause blade contactor thrownobject injuries. 10. Manyinjuriesoccuras a resultof the mowerbeing pulled overthe foot duringa fall causedby slippingor tripping. Do not hold on to the mower if you are falling; releasethe handle immediately. 11. Neverpullthe mowerback towardyou whileyou are walking.If you must backthe mowerawayfrom a wall or obstructionfirst look down and behindto avoid trippingand thenfollowthese steps: a. Stepback from mowerto fully extend yourarms. b. Be sure youare well balancedwithsurefooting. c. Pullthe mowerback slowly,no morethan half way toward you. d. Repeatthesesteps as needed. 12. Do not operatethe mowerwhileunderthe influenceof alcoholor drugs. 13. Do not engagethe self-propelledmechanismon unitsso equippedwhilestartingengine. 14. The bladecontrol handle is a safetydevice.Neverattempt to bypassits operation.Doingso makesthe safetydevice inoperativeandmay result in personalinjurythrough contactwiththe rotatingblade. The bladecontrol handle mustoperateeasily in bothdirectionsandautomatically returnto the disengagedpositionwhen released. 15. Neveroperate the mowerinwet grass. Alwaysbe sure of yourfooting. A slip and fall can causeseriouspersonal injury.If you feel you are losing yourfooting,releasethe bladecontrol handle immediatelyand the bladewill stop rotatingwithinthreeseconds. 16. Mowonly in daylightor good artificial light. Walk,never run. 17. Stopthe bladewhen crossinggraveldrives, walksor roads. 18. If the equipmentshouldstartto vibrateabnormally,stop the engineand check immediatelyfor the cause.Vibrationis generallya warningof trouble. 19.Shut the engine off andwait untilthe bladecomesto a completestop before removingthe grasscatcheror unclogging the chute. The cuttingbladecontinuesto rotatefor a fewseconds after the engine is shut off. Neverplaceany part of the bodyin the bladearea untilyou are surethe blade hasstopped rotating. 20. Neveroperate mowerwithoutpropertrail shield, discharge cover,grass catcher,bladecontrol handleor othersafety protectivedevices in placeand working.Neveroperate mowerwithdamagedsafetydevices.Failureto do so can resultin personalinjury. 21. Mufflerandengine becomehot andcan causea burn.Do not touch. 7. Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars, pipesand othersources of ignition. 8. Neverfuel machineindoorbecauseflammablevapors will accumulatein the area. 9. Neverremovegas cap or add fuel whileengine is hot or running. Allow engineto cool at least two minutesbefore refueling. 10. Neveroverfill fuel tank. Filltank to no morethan Y2inch below bottomof filler neckto providefor fuel expansion. 11. Replacegasoline cap andtighten securely. 12. If gasolineis spilled,wipe it off the engine and equipment. Moveunit to another area.Wait 5 minutesbeforestarting engine. 13. Neverstorethe machineor fuel containernear an open flame,sparkor pilot light as on a water heater,space heater,furnace, clothesdryeror othergas appliances. 14. Toreducefire hazard,keepmowerfree of grass, leaves, or other debrisbuild-up.Clean up oil or fuel spillage and removeany fuel soakeddebris. 15. Allow a mowerto cool at least5 minutesbeforestoring. 22. Only use parts and accessoriesmadefor this machineby manufacturer.Failureto do so can result inpersonalinjury. 23. If situationsoccurwhich are not coveredin this manual, use careand goodjudgment. Contactyourdealerfor assistance.Telephone1-800-800-7310for the name of your nearestdealer. Operation General Service: Slope Operation 1. Neverrun an engine indoorsor in a poorlyventilatedarea. Engineexhaustcontainscarbonmonoxide,an odorlessand deadlygas. 2. Beforecleaning,repairing,or inspecting,makecertainthe bladeandall movingparts havestopped.Disconnectthe sparkplug wire andgroundagainstthe engineto prevent unintendedstarting. 3. Checkthe bladeandengine mountingbolts atfrequent intervalsfor propertightness.Also,visuallyinspectbladefor damage(e.g.,bent,cracked,worn) Replacebladewiththe originalequipmentmanufacture's(O.E.M.)bladeonly,listed inthis manual."Use of partswhichdo not meetthe original equipmentspecificationsmay leadto improperperformance andcompromisesafety!" 4. Mowerbladesare sharp andcan cut.Wrap the bladeor wear gloves,anduse extracautionwhen servicingthem. 5. Keepall nuts,bolts, andscrewstight to be surethe equipmentis insafe workingcondition. 6. Nevertamperwithsafetydevices.Checktheir proper operation regularly. 7. Afterstrikinga foreignobject,stop the engine,disconnect the sparkplug wire andgroundagainstthe engine. Thoroughlyinspectthe mowerfor any damage.Repairthe damagebeforestartingandoperatingthe mower. 8. Neverattemptto makea wheel or cuttingheightadjustment whilethe engine is running. 9. Grasscatchercomponents,dischargecover,andtrail shield aresubjectto wear anddamagewhichcould expose movingparts or allowobjectsto be thrown.For safety protection,frequentlycheck componentsandreplaceimmediatelywithoriginal equipmentmanufacturer's(O.E.M.) parts only,listed inthis manual."Use of parts which do not meetthe original equipmentspecificationsmaylead to improperperformanceandcompromisesafety!" 10. Do not changethe enginegovernorsettingor over-revthe engine.The governorcontrolsthe maximumsafe operating speedof the engine. 11. Maintainor replacesafetylabels,as necessary. 12. Observeproperdisposallawsand regulations.Improper disposalof fluidsand materialscan harmthe environment. Slopesare a majorfactor relatedto slip andfallaccidents,which can resultinsevereinjury.Operationon slopes requiresextra caution.If you feel uneasyon a slope,do not mow it.For your safety,usethe slope gaugeincludedas part of this manualto measureslopes beforeoperatingthis unit on a slopedor hilly area.If the slope is greaterthan 15degrees,do not mowit. Do: 1. Mowacrossthe face of slopes;neverup anddown.Exercise extremecautionwhenchangingdirectionon slopes. 2. Watchfor holes,ruts,rocks, hiddenobjects,or bumpswhich can causeyouto slip or trip. Tallgrass can hide obstacles. 3. Alwaysbe sure of yourfooting.A slip andfall can cause serious personalinjury.If you feel you are losingyour balance,releasethe bladecontrol handle immediately,and the bladewill stop rotatingwithin 3 seconds. Do Not: 1. Donot mownear drop-offs, ditchesor embankments,you could loseyour footing or balance. 2. Donot mowslopes greaterthan 15degrees asshown on the slope gauge. 3. Donot mowon wetgrass. Unstablefooting could cause slipping. Service Safe Handling Of Gasoline: 1. To avoid personalinjury or propertydamage useextreme care inhandlinggasoline. Gasolineis extremelyflammable and the vapors are explosive.Serious personalinjury can occur when gasolineis spilled on yourself or your clothes, which can ignite. 2. Wash yourskin andchangeclothesimmediately. 3. Useonly an approvedgasolinecontainer. 4. Neverfill containers insidea vehicle or on a truckor trailer bedwitha plasticliner.Alwaysplace containerson the ground awayfrom yourvehicle beforefilling. 5. Removegas-poweredequipmentfromthe truck or trailer and refuel it on the ground.If this is not possible,then refuel such equipmenton a trailer witha portablecontainer,rather than from a gasoline dispensernozzle. 6. Keepthe nozzlein contactwiththe rim of the fuel tank or container openingat all times until fuelingis complete.Do not use a nozzle lock-opendevice. 5 WARNING This symbol points out important safety instructions, which if not followed, could endangerthe personal safety and/or property of yourselfand others. Read and follow all instructions in this manual before attempting to operate this machine. Failureto comply with these instructions may result in personal injury. When you see this symbol. HEED IT'S WARNING! Your Responsibility Restrictthe use of this power machine to persons who read. understand and follow the warnings and instructions in this manua and on the machine. Yourmowermaydiffer slightlyfromthe illustrations shown. 1. Removeanypackingmaterialwhich may be between upperand lowerhandles. a. Pull up and backon upperhandleas shownin Step 1.Makecertainthe lowerhandleis seated securelyintothe handle mountingbrackets. b. Tightenhandknobs securingupperhandleto lowerhandle.Make surethat eachcarriagebolt is seatedproperlyin the handle. 2. Locatehairpinclip foundin holeon the weldpin on eachside of lowerhandle. a. Removehairpinclipfrom this hole.Usinga pair of pliers,insert hairpinclip intothe other holeon the weldpin. Repeaton otherside. Step 1 b. Inserta carriagebolt fromthe hardwarepack into the upperhole on the handle mountingbracket. Securewith one plasticwing nut,also included in the hardwarepack.Repeaton other sidewith remainingitemsfrom hardwarepack. Hardware Pack NOTE:Standbehind themowerasil you . Wing Nuts (2) Carriage Bolts (2) weregoing tooperate it.Yourright handcorresponds totheright i sideofthemower;your lefthandcorresponds totheleftsideofthe mower. The ropeguide is attachedto the right sideof the upperhandle.Loosenthe wingnut which securesthe rope guide. a. Holdblade controlhandleagainstupper handle. b. Pull starterropeout of the engine.Releaseblade controlhandle. c. Slip starterrope into ropeguide. d. Tightenwingnut. . NOTE:Yourmower isshippedwiththe handleinthehigher heightposition. Insertpost on cable ties intoholes providedon the lowerhandle.Pull cabletie tight and trim excess. F NOTE:Eachendof i thelowerhandlemust beplacedinthesame i relativeposition. iMPORTANT I This unit is shipped i without gasoline or i oil inthe engine. Fill !i up gasoline and oil as instructedinthe i accompanying engine manual BEFORE operating your mower. Step 3 Step 4 6 5. An adjustingplateand thumb leverat each wheel providescuttingheightadjustment. a. Depresslevertowardswheel. b. Moveit to anyof the ninepositionsfor desired cutting height.SeeStep 5. c. Releaselevertowardsmowerdeck. 6. Followstepsbelowto assemblethe grasscatcher: a. Placebag overframe sothat its black plasticside is at the bottom. uStment b. Slip plasticchannelof grass bagoverhooks on the frame.See Step6. All the plasticchannelsexcept centertop of bag attachfrom outsideof frame. c. Attachcentertop of bag from insideof frame. 7. Followstepsbelowto attachgrass catcher: a. Lift rear dischargedoor. CUTTING HEIGHT Step 5 b. Placegrass catcheron thepivot rod. Letgo of dischargedoor sothat it restson thegrass catcher.See Step7. To removegrass catcher,lift reardischargedooron the moweras shownin Step7. Lift grass catcherup and out, off of the pivot rod. Releaserear dischargedoor to allow it to close rearopeningof mower. Step5 All wheelsmust be placedin the same relative positionl GRASS CATCHER f Stepe Makecertain bag is turned right side out before assembling (warning label Willbe on the outside): ,_ WARNING:Never operate mowerunless the hookson the grass catcherare firmly seated on the pivotrod and the rear dischargedoor rests firmly against top of the grass catcher. J Step 6 WARNING Using The Mulcher Never operate mower unless the hooks on To utilizethe mulchingfeature,lift the reardischargedoor on the moweras showninStep 7.Lift grass catcherup and out, off of the pivot rod. Releaserear dischargedoor to allow itto close rearopeningof mower. the grass catcher are firmly seated on the _ivot rod, and the rear discharge door rests firmly against top of the grass catcher. Step 7 7 Know Your Lawn Mower Blade Control Upper Handle Recoil Starter Lower Handle Oil Fill Starter Rope Grass Catcher Cutting Height Adjustment Lever (for each wheel) WARNING The blade control mechanism is a safety device. Never attempt to bypass its operations. Gasoline Fill I Use extreme care when handling gasoline. Gasoline is extremely flammable and the vapors are explosive. Never fuel the machine indoors or while the engine is hot or running. Extinguish cigarettes, cigars, pipes and other sources of ignition. Keep hands and feet away from the chute area on cutting deck. Refer to warning label on the unit. Yourmowermay differslightly. Figure 1 Recoil Now that you have set up your lawn mower for operation, get acquainted with its controls and features. These are described below and illustrated on this page. This knowledge will allow you to use your new equipment to its fullest potential. Starter The recoil starter is attached to the right upper handle. Stand behind the unit, depress blade control, and pull the recoil starter rope to start the unit. Gas and Oil Fill-Up Blade Control 1. Check oil level and add oil if necessary. Follow engine manual for this. See Figure 1 above for location of the oil fill. The blade control is attached to the upper handle of the mower. Depress and squeeze it against the upper handle to operate the unit. Release it to stop engine and blade. __1 Cutting 2. Servicethe enginewith gasolineas instructedin the enginemanual. See Figure1 abovefor locationof gasfill. nism is a safetydevice. Never attempt WARNING:Thisbladecontrolmechato bypass its operations. Height Adjustment _ Levers One adjustment lever is located on each wheel and is used to adjust the cutting height. All four levers have to be at the same relative position to ensure a uniform cut. 8 handlinggasoline. Gasoline is ARNING:Use extremecarewhen extremely flammable and the vapors are explosive. Neverfuel the machine indoorsor while the engine is hot or running.Extinguish cigarettes, cigars, pipesand other sources of ignition. ==, WARNING:The operationof any lawn mowercan result in foreign objects being thrownintothe eyes,whichcan damageyoureyes severely.Always wear safetyglasseswhileoperating the mower,or while performing any adjustmentsor repairson it. Starting Engine Mower WARNING:Besure no one otherthan the operatoris standingnear the lawn mower whilestartingengine or operatingmower. Never run engine indoors or in enclosed, poorly ventilated areas. Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide,an odorless and deadly gas. Keep hands,feet, hair and loose clothing away from any moving parts on engine and lawnmower. Figure 2 _klL 1. Pushprimerthreetimes.Wait abouttwo seconds betweeneachpush. See Figure2. Intemperature around550F or below,primefive times.Do not prime to restarta warm engine. 2. Standingbehindthe mower,squeezethe bladecontrol againstupper handle.See Figure2. object, stop the engine.Remove ARNING:If you strike a foreign wire from the spark plug,thoroughly inspectmower for any damage, and repair damage before restarting and operating. Extensive vibration of mower during operation is an indication of damage.The unit should be promptlyinspectedand repaired. 3. Holdingthesetwo handlestogetherfirmly,grasp recoil starterhandleand pull ropeout with a rapid,continu- 1. Forbest results,do notcut wet grass. ous, full arm stroke.See Figure2. Keepinga firm 2. Fora healthierlawn, nevercut off morethan onegrip on the starterhandle,let the rope rewindslowly. thirdof the total lengthof the grass. Repeatuntil enginecranks.Letthe roperewindeach Using as Mulcher time slowly. Formulchinggrass,removethe grasscatcherfrom the mower.The rear dischargedoor shouldbe closed. 1. Foreffectivemulching,do notcut wet grass. completelybefore doing any work 2. Newor thick grassmay requirea narrowercut. _L_kl the blade tograss stop onARNING:Wait the mower or for to removethe Adjustgroundspeedaccordingto conditionof lawn. catcher. 3. If thegrass has beenallowedto growin excessof 4 inches,mulchingis not recommended.Usethe Stopping Engine grasscatcherto bag clippingsinstead. 1. Releasebladecontrol to stop theengineand blade. Using 2. Disconnectsparkplug wirefrom spark plug and groundagainstthe engine. UsingYour Grass Catcher Youcan usethe grass catcherto collectclippingswhile youare operatingthe mower. 1. Attachgrasscatcherfollowinginstructionson page 7. Grass clippingswill automaticallycollectin the bag as you runthe mower.Operatethe mowertill the grass bag is full. Lawn Mower without eitherthe rear door or the entire WARNING:Never operate your mower 2. Stopenginecompletelyby releasingthe blade grass catcher assembly firmly secured. controlhandle.Makesurethat the unit hascometo a completestop. Be surelawnis clearof stones,sticks,wire,or other 3. Lift dischargedoor and pull grassbag up and away objectswhich coulddamagelawnmoweror engine. fromthe mowerto disposeof the grass clippings. Such objectscouldbe accidentlythrownby the mower in anydirectionand cause seriouspersonalinjuryto the operatorand others. _kl= 9 WARNING The operation of any lawn mower can result in foreign objects being thrown into the eyes, which can damage your eyes severely. Always wear safety glasses while operating the mower, or while performing any adjustments or repairs on it. Be sure no one other than the operator is standing near the lawn mower while starting engine or operating mower. Never run engine indoors or n enclosed, poorly ventilated areas. Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide, an odorless and deadly gas. Keep hands, feet, hair and loose clothing away from any moving parts on engine and lawn mower. f Deck Care Clean underside of the mower deck after each use to prevent build-up of grass clippings or other debris. Follow steps below for this job. 1. Disconnectsparkplug wire. Draingasolinefrom lawn mower,or placea pieceof plasticunderthe gas cap. 2. Tip mowersothat it restson the housing.Keepthe sidewith the air cleanerfacingup. Hold mowerfirmly. Maintaining _ more than 90 degrees in any ARNING" Never tip the mower directions and do not leave the mower tipped for any length of time. Oil can drain intothe upper part of the engine causing a starting problem. 6 Figure 3 3. Scrapeand clean the undersideof the deck with a suitabletool. Do notspraywith water. General WARNING A ways stop e,g ne; disconnect spark plugl andground against enginebefore cleaning,lubricating Recommendations 4. Putthe mowerback on itswheelson the ground.If youhad put plasticunderthe gas capearlier,make sureto removeit now. 1. Alwaysobservesafetyruleswhen performing anymaintenance. 2. Thewarrantyon this lawnmowerdoesnot cover itemsthat havebeen subjectedto operatorabuse or negligence.To receivefull valuefromwarranty, operatormustmaintainthelawn moweras instructedhere. Engine 3. Changingof engine-governedspeedwill void enginewarranty. 4. All adjustmentsshouldbe checkedat leastonce eachseason. 5. Periodicallycheckall fastenersand makesurethese are tight. ,_ We do not recommend the use of pressure washers or garden hose to clean your unit. These may cause damageto electric Components spindles i pulleys;bearings the enginel The use of water will resultin shortened life and Care A list of key enginemaintenancejobs requiredfor good performanceby the moweris given below.Followthe accompanyingengine manualfor a detailedlist and instructions. 1. Maintainoil levelas instructed in enginemanual. disconnect spark plug, WARNING: Always stopand engine, ground against engine before cleaning, lubricating or doing any kind of maintenanceon your machine. 2. Serviceair cleanerevery25 hoursundernormal conditions.Cleaneveryfew hoursunderextremely dustyconditions.Poor engineperformanceand floodingusuallyindicatesthat the air cleanershould be serviced.Toservicethe air cleaner,referto the enginemanual. 3. Cleansparkplug and resetthegap once a season. Sparkplug replacementis recommendedat the start of eachmowingseason.Checkenginemanualfor correctplugtype and gap specifications. 4. Cleanengineregularlywith a cloth or brush. Keepthe coolingsystem(blowerhousingarea) cleanto permit properair circulation.Removeall grass,dirt and combustibledebrisfrom mufflerarea. Lubrication 1. Lubricatepivot pointson theblade controlhandleat least oncea seasonwith lightoil. The bladecontrol mustoperatefreely inboth directions.See Figure3. 2. Lubricatethe wheelsat least oncea seasonwith lightoil (or motoroil). If wheelsare removedfor any reason,lubricatesurfaceof the pivotarm and inner surfaceof thewheelwith light oil. See Figure3. 3. Lubricatethe torsionspringand pivot pointon the rear dischargedoor periodicallywith lightoil to preventrust.See Figure3. 4. Followtheaccompanyingengine manualfor lubrication scheduleand instruction for engine lubrication. 10 Blade Care " " cutting blade for sharpening or ARNING: When removing the replacement, protect your hands with a pair of heavy gloves or use a heavy rag to hold the blade. _ Maintaining Yo ur LaWn ow er Periodicallyinspectthe bladeadapterfor cracks, especiallyif youstrikea foreignobject. Replacewhen necessary.Followthe stepsbelowfor blade service. 1. Disconnectsparkplug wirefrom spark plug.Turn moweron itsside makingsurethat the air filter and the carburetorare up. J Figure 4 2. Removethe boltand the bladebell supportwhich hold the bladeand the bladeadapterto the engine crankshaft.See Figure4. 3. Removebladeand adapterfromthe crankshaft. 4. The bladecan be sharpenedwith a fileor on a grindingwheel.Do notattemptto sharpenthe blade whileit is still on the mower. WARNING 5. Whensharpeningthe blade,followthe originalangle of grind. Grindeachcuttingedge equallyto keepthe blade balanced. . Removebladefrom the adapterfor testingbalance. 7. Balancethe bladeon a roundshaftscrewdriverto check. Removemetalfrom the heavysideuntil it balancesevenly. Figure 5 ,__ will cause excessive vibration WARNING: An unbalanced blade when rotating at high speeds, it may cause damage to mower, and could break causing personal injury. 8. Lubricatetheenginecrankshaftand slide the blade adapteronto the enginecrankshaft. 9. Placethe bladeon the adaptersuch that the side of the blade marked"Bottom"(or with part number) facesthe groundwhenthe mowerisin theoperating position.Makesurethat the blade isalignedand seatedon the bladeadapterflanges. 10.Placeblade bell supporton the blade.Align notches on the bladebell supportwith smallholesin blade. 11.Replacehex boltand tightenhex boltto torque:450 in.Ibs. rain.,600 in. Ibs.max. Toensuresafe operationof yourmower,periodically checkthe blade boltfor correcttorque. Replacing Rear Flap 1. To removerearflap, cut off the flat end of the wire rod which securesit to the deck.See Figure5. 2. Attachthe newflapand newrod to deck,bending the endsof the newrod overto secureto deck. Off-Season Storage Thefollowingstepsshouldbe takento prepareyour lawnmowerfor storage. 1. Cleanand lubricatemowerthoroughlyas described in the lubricationinstructions. 2. Wedo not recommendthe use of a pressurewasher or garden hoseto cleanyourunit. 3. Referto engine manualforcorrectengine storageinstructions. 4. Coat mower'scuttingblade with chassisgreaseto preventrusting. 5. Storemowerin a dry, cleanarea. Donot storenext to corrosivematerials,suchas fertilizer. Whenstoringanytype of powerequipmentin a poorly ventilatedor metal storageshed, careshouldbe taken to rust-prooftheequipment.Usinga lightoil or silicone, coat theequipment,especiallycablesand all moving parts of yourlawnmowerbeforestorage. 11 When removing the cutting blade for sharpening or replacement, protect your hands with a pair of heavy gloves or use a heavy rag to hold the blade. An unbalanced blade will cause excessive vibration when rotating at high speeds, it may cause damage to mower, and could break causing personal injury. Problem Cause Engine fails to Start i. Blade controldisengaged. spark p!ug wiredisconnected: 3. Fueltank empty or stale fuel. 4. Enginenot choked. 6. Enginerunserratic 5: Faultyspark p ug BlOCked fuel linel 7: Engineflooded. 1. Sparkplug wire loose. 2. Blockedfuel lineor stale fuel. 3. 4. 5. 6. repairs beyondEngine overheats 1 Engineoil levellow. 2....A r f ow restr cted 3. Carburetornot adjustedpropery. theminor adjustments listed here, contact an authorized service _i _ i ii _ii__ii_ I 1. Fillcrankcasewith proper oil. I 2 Removebower housng and c ean 3• Referto engne manua. 1. Resetgapto .030-inchor replace spark pug. 2. Referto engine manual. 3. Referto engine manual. i 2 Carburetorimproperlyadjusted 3. Dirtyair cleaner. 1. Cuttingbladeloose or unbalanced. 1. Tighten bladeandadapter.Balance blade. 2. Bentcutting blade. 2. See an authorizedservicedealer. 1 Wetgrass• 1. Donot mowwhen grass is wet wait 2. Excessivelyhigh grass. until laterto cut. 2. Mowonce at a high cutting height, then mowagainat desirecJheight or 3. Du bade. 1. Wheelsnot positionedcorrectly. 2. Dull blade. i_ i_ _i!: _ 5. Referto engine manual. 6. Referto engine manual. 1. Sparkplug fouled, faulty or gaptoo wide. Uneven cut ! 1. Connect andtighten sparkplug wire. 2. Clean fuel line; fill tank withclean, fresh gasoline. 3. Clear vent. 4. Drainfuel tank. Refillwithfresh fuel. Idles poorly , i ¸ 4. Choke engineas instructedinthe OPe[atingYOU[Lawn Mower section• 5, Clean, adjustgap, or replace. 6, cieanfueliinel 7: Wait afew minutesto iestart, but do I notprime: 1. Adjust gapto .030-inch. 2. Referto engine manual. Mower will not mulch grass i i Engage biadecontrol conBect Wireto Sparkp!ug_ 3. Fi Itank with clean,fresh gasoline. 1. Sparkplug gap too close. 2. Carburetoridlemixtureadjustment improperlyset. Excessive Vibration ii _ _ i _ I Occasional skips (hesitates) at high speed . _iiii _ Ventingas cap plugged. Wateror dirt infuel system. Dirtyair cleaner. Carburetorout of adjustment. Remedy ! iiiii_ 12 I makea narrowerCuttingpath. , 3• Sharpenor replaceblade. 1. Placeall four wheelsin same heightposition. 2. Sharpenor replaceblade. ii i _iI_ii 13 \ \1) 23i I i TreadTypes Bar Tread Zag Tread 14 1 747-1161A Blade ControlHandle 2 749-1092A UpperHandle 3 710-1205 RopeGuide 24 782-5002B Front Baffle 4 720-0279 WingNut, 1/4-20 25 748-0377C BladeAdapter 5 710-1174 CarriageBolt, 5/16-18x 2 26 742-0741 6 720-04072 HandStar Knob 27 736-0524B Blade Bell Support 7 749-0928A LowerHandle 28 710-1257 Screw,3/8-24x 2.50 8 712-0397 WingNut, 1/4-20 29 712-04065 FlangeLock Nut,3/8-16 9 746-0957 ControlCable- 37.25" 30 787-01290 HeightAdjustmentPlate 746-1130 ControlCable- 40" 31 687-02076A PivotArm Assembly- RH 746-0554 ControlCable- 40.5" 746-1137 ControlCable- 53" 32 _ CableTie 33 738-0507B ShoulderScrew 10 726-0240 23 687-02075A Height.Adj. Assy.Front- LH 687-02074A HeightAdj.Assy. Front- RH Blade iii_ii_ii_ii I_ ii_i ii_i_i _ _i iii _ 687-02077A PivotArm Assembly- LH FrontWheel 11 664-04007A Grass BagAssembly 34 732-0404 Spring Lever 12 747-04080 Grass Bag Frame 35 720-0426 HeightAdjustmentKnob 13 732-0700 TrailshieldWire 36 687-02071A PivotArm Assembly- RH 14 731-04998 Trailshield 15 747-04035 RearDoor PivotRod 687-02070A PivotArm Assembly- LH 37 732-04175 Spring Lever 16 732-04089A TorsionSpring LH 38 738-04136 ShoulderScrew 17 731-04134A RearDischargeDoor 39 _ RearWheel 18 750-04162 40 710-1652 Screw,1/4-20x.625 19 732-04090A TorsionSpring RH 41 714-0104 HairpinClip 20 710-04371 Screw,1/4-15x 1.25 42 787-01292 RearHandleBracket- RH 21 787-01276 Deck21 inch 787-01291 RearHandleBracket- LH 22 687-02068 HandleBracketAssy- RH 43 710-0703 687-02069 HandleBracketAssy- LH 44 731-04150C RearBaffle Spacer CarriageBolt, 1/4-20 45 710-0654A TT Screw,3/8-16x 1 1 if equipped Referto WheelChart _:Wheel Chart Type Part No. Tread Wheelsw/o bearing 734-1781,8 x 1.8Slot HubGray Bar 734-1987,8 x 1.8SpokeGray Bar 734-1988,7 x 1.8SpokeGray Bar 734-2004A,8 x 2 DiscHub Zag 734-2005A,8 x 2 Zag Wheelsw/BB PartS List 15 To order replacement parts;contact 1_800_800'7310 or visit www, rntdproducts,com MANUFACTURER'S LiMiTED WARRANTY The limitedwarrantyset forth belowisgivenby MTDLLCwith respect to newmerchandisepurchasedand usedin the UnitedStates,its possessionsand territories. "MTD"warrantsthis productagainstdefectsin materialand workmanshipfor a periodof two (2) years commencingon the date of original purchaseand will, at its option,repairor replace,freeof charge,any part foundto be defectiveinmaterialsor workmanship.This limitedwarranty shallonlyapply if this product hasbeen operatedand maintained inaccordancewith the Operator'sManualfurnishedwith the product, and has notbeen subjectto misuse,abuse,commercialuse, neglect, accident,impropermaintenance,alteration,vandalism,theft, fire, water, or damagebecauseof otherperil or naturaldisaster.Damageresulting fromthe installationor useof any part, accessoryor attachmentnot approvedby MTDfor use with the product(s)coveredbythis manual willvoid yourwarrantyas to any resultingdamage. Normalwearparts are warrantedto be free fromdefects in materialand workmanshipfor a periodof thirty (30) days fromthe dateof purchase. Normalwearparts include,butare notlimitedto itemssuch as: batteries,belts,blades,blade adapters,grass bags, riderdeck wheels,seats, snowthrowerskid shoes,shaveplates,auger spiralrubberand tires. NOW TO OBTAIN SERVICE: Warranty service is available, WITH PROOF OF PURCHASE, through your local authorized service dealer. To locate the dealer in your area, check your Yellow Pages, or contact MTD LLC at RO. Box 361131,Cleveland, Ohio 441360019, or call 1-800-800-7310 or 1-330-220-4683 or log on to our Web site at This limitedwarrantydoesnot providecoverageinthe followingcases: a. Theengineor componentparts thereof.These itemsmaycarry a separatemanufacturer'swarranty.Referto applicablemanufacturer's warrantyfor termsand conditions. b. Log splitterpumps,valves,and cylindershavea separateone year warranty. c. Routinemaintenanceitemssuch as lubricants,filters, blade sharpening,tune-ups,brakeadjustments,clutchadjustments,deck adjustments,and normaldeteriorationof the exteriorfinish due to useor exposure. FOR e. MTDdoesnot extendanywarrantyfor productssoldor exported outsideof the UnitedStates,its possessionsand territories,except those soldthroughMTD'sauthorizedchannelsof export distribution. f. Replacementparts that are notgenuine MTDparts. g. Transportationchargesand servicecalls. No impliedwarranty,includingany impliedwarrantyof merchantabilityof fitness for a particular purpose,applies after the applicable periodof express written warranty above as to the parts as identified.No otherexpresswarranty, whetherwritten or oral, except as mentioned above, givenby any personor entity, includinga dealeror retailer, with respect to any product,shall bind MTD.Duringthe periodof the warranty,the exclusiveremedy is repairor replacementof the productas set forth above. The provisionsas set forth in this warrantyprovidethe sole and exclusiveremedy arising from the sale. MTDshallnot be liable for incidentalor consequentialloss or damage including,without limitation, expensesincurredfor substituteor replacementlawn careservicesor for rentalexpensesto temporarily replacea warranted product. Somestatesdo notallowthe exclusionor limitationof incidentalor consequentialdamages,or limitations on howlong an impliedwarranty lasts,sothe aboveexclusionsor limitations maynot applyto you. In no event shallrecoveryof any kindbe greaterthanthe amountof the purchasepriceof the productsold.Alterationof safety features of the product shallvoid this warranty. Youassumethe riskand liability for loss,damage,or injuryto you and yourpropertyand/orto others and theirpropertyarisingout of the misuseor inabilityto usethe product. This limitedwarrantyshallnot extendto anyoneotherthan theoriginal purchaseror to the personfor whomitwas purchasedas a gift. HOWSTATELAWRELATESTOTHIS WARRANTY: This limited warrantygivesyou specificlegal rights,and youmay alsohaveother rightswhich vary from stateto state. IMPORTANT:OwnermustpresentOriginal Proofof Purchaseto obtain warrantycoverage. d. Servicecompletedby someoneotherthanan authorizedservice dealer. MTD LLC, P.O. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44136=0019; Phone: 1=800=800=7310, 1=330=220=4683
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