MTD 11A 54MB055 User Manual LAWN MOWER Manuals And Guides 1107424L
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Safety • Assembly • Operation • Tips & Techniques • Maintenance • Troubleshooting • Parts Lists • Warranty A OF O AL 21 =inch Rotary Lawn Mower- Model 54M iMPORTANT READ SAFETY RULES AND iNSTRUCTiONS CAREFULLY BEFORE OPERATION Warning: This unit is equippedwithan internalcombustionengineand shouldnot be usedon or nearany uniiprovedforest-covered,brushcoveredor grass-coveredland unlesstheengine'sexhaustsystemis equippedwith a sparkarrestermeetingapplicablelocalor statelaws(if any). If a sparkarresteris used,it shouldbe maintainedin effectiveworkingorder by the operator.In theState of Californiathe aboveis requiredbylaw (Section4442 of the CaliforniaPublicResourcesCode). Otherstatesmay havesimilarlaws.Federallaws applyon federallands.A sparkarrester for the muffleris availablethroughyour nearestengineauthorizedservicedealeror contactthe servicedepartment,RO. Box361131Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019. PRINTEDIN U.S.A MTD LLC, P.O. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44136-0019 FORMNO.769-02396A 9/29/2006 This Operator's Manual is an important part of your new lawn mower, it will help you assemble, prepare and maintain the unit for best performance. Please read and understand what it says. Table of Contents Slope Gauge ........................................................ Safe Operation Practices ................................... Setup and Adjustment ....................................... Operating Your Lawn Mower .............................. Maintaining Your Lawn Mower ......................... Trouble Shooting .............................................. Safety Labels .................................................... 3 4 6 8 10 12 13 Engine Appendix .............................................. Engine Safe Operation Practices ................. Operating Your Engine .................................. Maintaining Your Engine ............................... Parts List ........................................................... Warranty ............................................. 14 14 16 18 22 Back Cover MTDLLCreservesthe rightto changeproductspecifications,designs,and equipmentwithoutnotice and withoutincurringobligation. Finding and Recording Model Number BEFOREYOU BEGINTO ASSEMBLEYOUR NEW EQUIPMENT,please locatethe model plateon the equipmentand copy the informationto the sample Model Number model plate providedto the right. You can locatethe model plateby standingat the operatingpositionand lookingdown at the rear of the deck. This information will be necessaryto use the manufacturer'sweb site,to obtain assistancefrom the CustomerSupport Department,or when contactingan authorized service dealer. Serial Number MTD LLC P.O= BOX CLEVELAND, 330-220-4683 361131 OH 44136 800-800-7310 Customer Support Please do NOTreturn purchased, without the unit to the retailer from first contacting Customer which it was Support. If you havedifficulty assemblingthis productor haveany questions regardingthe controls,operation,or maintenanceof this unit, you can seek help from the experts. Choosefrom the options below: = Visit • Call a CustomerSupport Representativeat 1-800-800-7310. 2 !i!_i!il < Sight and hold this levelwith a vertical tree... _ z_ I I d_ o9 or a corner of a building... __ _D I _D or a fence post I I O O -- E =5 O d_ _0 o6 d_ o O9 d_ _ _D O o3 -5 C5 O3 C o o _ E _D C5 c_ 0 o3 c_ _,_ c'_ _ fir_e (repros _ _ er_ts a 15o 15° WARNING: Engine Exhaust, some of its constituents, and certain vehicle components contain or emit chemicals known to State of Californiato cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductiveharm. DANGER: This machine was built to be operated according to the rules for safe operation in this manual. As with any type of powerequipment, carelessness or error on the part of the operator can result in serious injury. This machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects. Failure to observe the following safety instructions could result in serious injury or death. Children WARNING This symbol points out importantsafety instructionswhich, if not followed,could endangerthe personal i safety and/or property I ofyourselfand others. Read and follow all instructionsin this manual beforeattemptingto operate i this machine. Failure I to complywith these instructionsmay result i in personalinjury.When you see this symbol. i HEED ITS WARNING! i Your Responsibility Restrict the use of this power machine to personswho read. i understand and follow the warnings and instructions I. =nthis manual and on the machine. Tragicaccidentscan occur if operatoris not alert to presence of children.Childrenare oftenattractedto mowerand mowing activity.Theydo not understandthe dangers.Neverassume thatchildrenwill remainwhereyou lastsawthem. 1. Keepchildrenout of the mowingareaand underwatchful careof a responsibleadultotherthanthe operator. 2. Be alert andturn moweroff if a childentersthe area. 3. Beforeand whilemovingbackwards,look behindanddown forsmallchildren. 4. Useextremecare when approachingblind corners, doorways,shrubs,trees,or otherobjectsthat may obscure yourvisionof a child whomay run intothe mower. 5. Keepchildrenawayfrom hot or runningengines.Theycan sufferburnsfrom a hot muffler. 6. Neverallowchildrenunder14 yearsoldto operatea power mower.Children14 yearsoldand overshouldreadand understandoperationinstructionsandsafetyrulesinthis manualandshouldbe trainedandsupervisedbya parent. General Operation 1. Readthis operator'smanualcarefullyin its entiretybefore attemptingto assemblethis machine.Read,understand, andfollowall instructionson the machineandin the manual(s)beforeoperation.Be completelyfamiliar with the controls andthe proper useof this machinebefore operatingit. Keepthis manualin a safe place forfuture and regularreferenceand for orderingreplacementparts. 2. This machineis a precision pieceof powerequipment, not a plaything.Therefore,exerciseextremecautionat all times.Yourunit has beendesignedto performonejob: to mowgrass. Do not use it for any otherpurpose. 3. Neverallow childrenunder 14yearsold to operatethis machine.Children 14yearsold and overshould readand understandthe instructionsinthis manualandshould be trainedand supervisedby a parent.Onlyresponsible individualswho arefamiliar withthese rulesof safe operationshould be allowedto usethis machine. 4. Thoroughlyinspectthe area wherethe equipmentis to be used. Removeall stones,sticks,wire, bones,toys andotherforeignobjects, whichcould be trippedover or picked up andthrown bythe blade.Thrownobjects can causeseriouspersonalinjury.Plan your mowingpattern to avoid dischargeof materialtoward roads,sidewalks, bystandersandthe like.Also,avoid dischargingmaterial againsta wall or obstruction,whichmay causedischarged materialto ricochetback towardthe operator. 5. Tohelp avoid bladecontact or a thrown objectinjury, stay inoperatorzone behindhandlesand keepchildren, bystanders,helpersand pets at least 75 feetfrom mower whileit is inoperation.Stop machineif anyoneenters area. 4 6. Alwayswearsafetyglasses or safetygogglesduringoperation andwhile performingan adjustmentor repairto protect youreyes. Thrownobjectswhich ricochetcan causeserious injury to the eyes. 7. Wearsturdy, rough-soledworkshoesand close-fitting slacksandshirts. Shirtsand pantsthatcoverthe arms and legs andsteel-toedshoesare recommended.Neveroperate this machinein bare feet,sandals, slipperyor light-weight (e.g. canvas)shoes. 8. Do not put hands or feet near rotatingparts or undercutting deck. Contactwithblade can amputatehands andfeet. 9. A missingor damageddischargecovercan cause blade contactor thrownobject injuries. 10. Manyinjuriesoccuras a resultof the mowerbeing pulled overthe foot duringa fall causedby slippingor tripping. Do not hold on to the mower if you are falling; releasethe handle immediately. 11. Neverpullthe mowerback towardyou whileyou are walking.If you must backthe mowerawayfrom a wall or obstructionfirst look down and behindto avoid trippingand thenfollowthese steps: a. Stepback from mowerto fully extend yourarms. b. Be sure youare well balancedwithsurefooting. c. Pullthe mowerback slowly,no morethan half way toward you. d. Repeatthesesteps as needed. 12. Do not operatethe mowerwhileunderthe influenceof alcoholor drugs. 13. Do not engagethe self-propelledmechanismon unitsso equippedwhilestartingengine. 14. The bladecontrol handle is a safetydevice.Neverattempt to bypassits operation.Doingso makesthe safetydevice inoperativeandmay result in personalinjurythrough contactwiththe rotatingblade. The bladecontrol handle mustoperateeasily in bothdirectionsandautomatically returnto the disengagedpositionwhen released. 15. Neveroperate the mowerinwet grass. Alwaysbe sure of yourfooting. A slip and fall can causeseriouspersonal injury.If you feel you are losing yourfooting,releasethe bladecontrol handle immediatelyand the bladewill stop rotatingwithinthreeseconds. 16. Mowonly in daylightor good artificial light. Walk,never run. 17. Stopthe bladewhen crossinggraveldrives, walksor roads. 18. If the equipmentshouldstartto vibrateabnormally,stop the engineand check immediatelyfor the cause.Vibrationis generallya warningof trouble. 19.Shutthe engine off and waituntil the bladecomesto a completestop beforeremovingthe grasscatcheror unclogging the chute. The cutting bladecontinuesto rotatefora few secondsafter the engine is shut off. Neverplace any partof the body in the bladearea until you are surethe bladehas stopped rotating. 20. Neveroperate mowerwithoutpropertrail shield, discharge cover,grasscatcher,bladecontrol handle or othersafety protectivedevices in placeand working.Neveroperate mowerwith damagedsafetydevices.Failureto do so can result in personalinjury. 21. Mufflerand engine becomehot andcan causea burn.Do not touch. 6. Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars, pipesand othersources of ignition. 7. Neverfuel machineindoorbecauseflammablevapors will accumulatein the area. 8. Neverremovegas cap or add fuel whileengine is hot or running. Allow engineto cool at least two minutesbefore refueling. 9. Neveroverfill fuel tank. Filltank to no morethan Y2inch below bottomof filler neckto providefor fuel expansion. 10. Replacegasoline cap andtighten securely. 11. If gasolineis spilled,wipe it off the engine and equipment. Moveunit to another area.Wait 5 minutesbeforestarting engine. 12. Neverstorethe machineor fuel containernear an open flame,sparkor pilot light as on a water heater,space heater,furnace, clothesdryeror othergas appliances. 13. Toreducefire hazard,keepmowerfree of grass, leaves, or other debrisbuild-up.Clean up oil or fuel spillage and removeany fuel soakeddebris. 14. Allow a mowerto cool at least5 minutesbeforestoring. 22. Only use parts andaccessoriesmade forthis machineby manufacturer.Failureto do so can resultin personalinjury. 23. Ifsituationsoccur whichare not coveredinthis manual, use care and goodjudgment.Contactyour dealerfor assistance. Slope Operation Practices General Service: Slopesare a majorfactor relatedto slip andfall accidents,which can result insevereinjury.Operationon slopes requiresextra caution.If youfeel uneasyon a slope,do not mowit. Foryour safety,use the slope gaugeincludedas part of this manualto measureslopes beforeoperatingthis uniton a slopedor hilly area.Ifthe slope is greaterthan 15 degrees,do not mow it. 1. Neverrun an engine indoorsor in a poorlyventilatedarea. Engineexhaustcontainscarbonmonoxide,an odorless anddeadlygas. 2. Beforecleaning,repairing,or inspecting,makecertainthe bladeandall movingparts havestopped.Disconnectthe sparkplug wire andgroundagainstthe engineto prevent unintendedstarting. 3. Checkthe bladeandengine mountingbolts atfrequent intervalsfor propertightness.Also,visuallyinspectblade fordamage(e.g.,bent,cracked,worn) Replacebladewith the originalequipmentmanufacture's(O.E.M.)bladeonly, listedin this manual."Useof partswhichdo not meetthe originalequipmentspecificationsmay leadto improper performanceand compromisesafety!" 4. Mowerbladesare sharp andcan cut.Wrap the bladeor weargloves,anduse extracautionwhen servicingthem. 5. Keepall nuts,bolts, andscrewstight to be surethe equipmentis insafe workingcondition. 6. Nevertamperwithsafetydevices.Checktheir proper operationregularly. 7. After strikinga foreignobject,stop the engine,disconnect the sparkplug wire andgroundagainstthe engine. Thoroughlyinspectthe mowerfor any damage.Repairthe damagebeforestartingandoperatingthe mower. 8. Neverattemptto makea wheel or cuttingheightadjustmentwhilethe engine is running. 9. Grasscatchercomponents,dischargecover,andtrail shield aresubjectto wear anddamagewhichcould exposemovingparts or allowobjectsto be thrown.For safetyprotection,frequentlycheck componentsand replace immediatelywithoriginal equipmentmanufacturer's (O.E.M.)parts only, listedin this manual."Use of parts whichdo not meetthe originalequipmentspecifications may lead to improperperformanceand compromise safety!" 10. Do not changethe enginegovernorsettingor over-revthe engine.The governorcontrolsthe maximumsafe operating speedof the engine. 11. Maintainor replacesafetylabels,as necessary. 12. Observeproperdisposallawsand regulations.Improper disposalof fluidsand materialscan harmthe environment. Do: 1. Mow acrossthe face of slopes;neverupand down.Exercise extremecautionwhen changingdirectionon slopes. 2. Watchfor holes,ruts, rocks,hidden objects,or bumps which can causeyouto slip or trip. Tallgrasscan hide obstacles. 3. Alwaysbe sure of yourfooting.A slip and fallcan cause serious personalinjury.If youfeel you are losingyour balance,releasethe bladecontrol handle immediately,and the bladewill stop rotatingwithin3 seconds. Do Not: 1. Do not mow near drop-offs,ditchesor embankments,you could loseyourfooting or balance. 2. Do not mow slopes greaterthan 15degreesas shown on the slope gauge. 3. Do not mow on wet grass. Unstablefooting could cause slipping. Service Safe Handling Of Gasoline: 1. Toavoid personalinjury or propertydamageuse extreme care in handlinggasoline. Gasolineis extremelyflammable and the vapors are explosive.Serious personalinjury can occur when gasolineis spilled on yourselfor your clothes, which can ignite.Washyourskin andchangeclothes immediately. 2. Use onlyan approvedgasolinecontainer. 3. Neverfill containersinside a vehicleor on a truck or trailer bed witha plasticliner.Alwaysplacecontainerson the ground awayfrom yourvehicle beforefilling. 4. Removegas-poweredequipmentfrom the truckor trailer and refuel it on the ground. If this is not possible,then refuel such equipmenton atrailer witha portable container,rather than from a gasolinedispensernozzle. 5. Keepthe nozzle in contactwiththe rim of the fuel tank or containeropeningat all times untilfueling is complete.Do not use a nozzle lock-opendevice. 5 WARNING This symbol points out important safety instructions, which if not followed, could endangerthe personal safety and/or property of yourselfand others. Read and follow all instructions in this manual before attempting to operate this machine. Failureto comply with these instructions may result in personal injury. When you see this symbol. HEED iT'S WARNING! Your Responsibility Restrictthe use of this power machine to persons who read. understand and follow the warnings and instructions in this manua and on the machine. i _ 1. Removeanypackingmaterial.Thefirst step in assemblyis to attachthe rearwheels. a. Placerearof the mowerdeck on raisedblocks. b. Removelock nutand washer(if equipped)from pivotarm assembly,Figure3-1.(On selectmodels, these maybe includedseparatelyin a plasticbag). c. Slidewasher (if equipped)followedbythe wheel (bothwith hollowside in) ontopivot arm. See Figure3-1. d. Securewith lock nut removedearlier. e. Assemblethe other sidein the samemanner. Removeblocksand lowerdeck whencomplete. 2. Followthe stepsbelowto setupthe handle. ,._ NOTE:ThisOperator's Manualcoversseveral models.LawnMower features varyby model.Notallfeatures discussed (orengines pictured)in this manual ..J Figure3-1:Attachwheels. b. Tightenstar knobsto secureupper handleto lowerhandle.Make surethat eachcarriagebolt is seatedproperlyin the handle. 3. Locatethe hairpinclipon the weldpin on eachsideof lowerhandle. a. are applicableto all Lawn Mower models. NOTE: Stand behind the mower as ifyou were going to operate it. Your right hand corresponds to the right side of the mower; your left hand corresponds to the left side of the i mower. NOTE: Make sure to route cable outside the I lower handle. Do not i crimp cable while lifting i the handle up. a. Pull up and backon upperhandleas shownin Figure3-2. Makecertain the lowerhandleis seatedsecurelyintothe handlemountingbrackets. Do notcrimp cablewhilelifting the handleup. Removehairpinclipfrom this hole.Usinga pair of pliers,insert hairpinclip into the holeon pin closestto the bracket.See Figure3-3. Repeaton otherside. b. Inserta carriagebolt fromthe hardwarepack into the upperhole on the handle mountingbracket. Securewith one plasticwing nut,also includedin the hardwarepack. Repeaton otherside. 4. The ropeguide is attachedto the right sideof the upperhandle.See Figure3-4. Loosenthe wing nut which securesthe ropeguide. a. Holdblade controlagainstupper handle. Figure3-2: Unfoldhandleandtighten hardware. b. Pull starterropeout of the engine.Releaseblade control. HardwarePack Wing Nuts(2) IMPORTANT This unit is shipped I without gasoline or oil in the engine. Fill Lp gasoline and oil as instructed in the accompanying engine manual BEFORE operating your mower. J Figure3-3:Securelowerhandleto mountingbrackets. Figure 3-4: Pull recoil starter through rope guide and tighten. 6 c. Slip starterropeinto ropeguide. d. Tightenwing nut. 5. To securecablesto the handle,insert postson cable ties intoholesprovidedon the lowerhandle.Pullcable ties tight andtrim excess. 6. Followstepsbelowto assemblethe grasscatcher. Makecertainbag is turned rightsideout before assembling(warninglabelwill be on the outside) a. Placebag overframe sothat its black plasticside is at the bottom. b. Slip plasticchannelof grass bagoverhooks on the frame,Figure3-5.All the plasticchannelsexcept centertop of bag attachfrom outsideof bag. c. Attachcentertop of bag from insideof bag. 7. Followthe stepsbelowto attachthe grasscatcher: Figure3-5:Assemblethe grasscatcher. a. Lift rear dischargedoor.See Figure3-6. b. Placegrass catcheron thepivot rod. Letgo of dischargedoor sothat it restson thegrass catcher. WARNING Never operate mower _l_j_ll WARNING:Never operate mower unless the hookson the grass catcherare firmly seated on the pivotrod and the rear discharge door rests firmly against top of the grass catcher. w thout themu ch ng plug, the grass catcher, or the discharge chute properly installed, 8. Yourmoweris shippedas a mulcher.Toconvertto side discharge,makesuregrasscatcheris off of the unit and rear dischargedoor isclosed. a. On the sideof the mower lift the mulchingplug See Figure3-7 below. b. Slide two hooks of sidedischargechute under hinge pin on mulchingplug assembly.Lowerthe mulchingplug.Do not removeside mulchingplug at any time,evenwhenyouare notmulching. \ f Figure3-6:Attachthegrasscatcher. NOTE: When adjusting the cutting height, al wheels must be positioned at the same height. Figure3-7:Liftmulchplugandinstallsidedischarge chute. Adjustments An adjustingplateand thumb leverat each wheel providescuttingheightadjustment. 1. Depresslevertowardswheel. 2. Moveitto anyone of the positionsfordesiredcutting height. See Figure3-8. Makesurethat each wheelis positionedat the sameheight. Figure3-8:Useleversto adjustcuttingheight. 3. Releaselevertowardsmowerdeck. 7 Know Your Lawn Mower Y _ Blade Control .g Choke Knob You r LaWn Recoil Starter Mower \ Fill Cutting Height AdjustmentLevers (one at eachwheel) WARNING MulchingPlug This blade control mechanism is a safety device. Do not bypass its operations, Use extreme care when handling gasoline. Gasoline is extremely flammable and the vapors are explosive. Never fuel the machine indoors or while the engine is hot or running. Extinguish cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and other sources of ignition. Figure4-1:The majorcomponentson the mower. Now that youhavesetupyour lawnmowerforoperation, it's importantto becomefamiliarwith its controls. Mulching Blade Control The bladecontrolisattachedto the upperhandle. Depressand squeezeit againstthe upperhandleto operatethe unit. Releaseit to stop engineand blade. _lL Cutting Gas and Oil Fill-Up device. Do not bypass controlis its operations. ARNING:Thisblade a safety Height Adjustment Refer to the enginesection in this manual for engine information. Levers 1. Add oil providedbeforestartingunitfor the firsttime out of the box. One adjustmentleveris locatedat eachwheeland is usedto adjustthe cuttingheight.All fourwheelsmust be positionedat the sameheightto ensurea uniformcut. Recoil 2. Servicethe enginewith gasolineas instructedin the enginesectionof this manual. Starter The recoilstarteris attachedto the rightupper handle. Standbehindthe unitand pullthe recoilstarterto start the unit. Choke Plug Themulchingplug is usedfor mulchingpurpose.Instead of collectingthe grassclippingsin the grasscatcher,your mowerhasthe optionof recirculatingthe clippingsback to the lawn. Makesurethat the reardischargedoor is closedand the grasscatcheris removedfrom unit while mulching. ,_ WARNING:Use extremecarewhen handling gasoline. Gasoline is extremelyflammable and the vapors are explosive.Never fuel the machine indoorsor while the engine is hot or running. Extinguish cigarettes, cigars, pipesand other sources of ignition. Knob Pull the chokeknobto activatethechoke on the engine. Use of the chokemay notbe necessaryifthe engine is warmor theair temperatureishigh. 8 _ WARNING:The operationof any lawn mowercan result in foreign objectsbeing thrownintothe eyes,whichcan damageyoureyes severely.Nways wear safetyglasseswhileoperating the mower,or whileperformingany adjustmentsor repairson it. Starting Engine ,_ operatoris standingnear WARNING:Be sure no onethe otherthan lawn mower the whilestartingengineor operatingmower. Neverrun engine indoorsor in enclosed, poorly ventilatedareas. Engineexhaustcontainscarbon monoxide, an odorless and deadly gas. Keep hands, feet, hairand looseclothing away from any moving parts on engineand lawn mower. 1. Pull out thechoke knoblocatedon the left sideof the upper handle.See Figure4-2. Figure4-2:Startingthe mower. Note: Useof the choke may not be necessary if the engine is warm or the air temperatureis high. Oncethe engineis running,squeezeand hold blade controlagainstupper handleto engagethe blade.For best results,do notcut wet grassand nevercut off morethan one-thirdof thetotal lengthof thegrass. 2. Standingbehindthe mower,squeezeand hold the bladecontrolagainst upperhandle. 3. Pull the recoilstarterlightlyuntil resistanceis felt, thenpull rapidlyto overcomecompression,prevent kickback,and startthe engine.Repeatif necessary. See Figure4-2. Using as a Mulcher Formulchinggrass,removethe grass catcher(or side chute deflector)from the mowerand lowerthe mulching baffle. Important: Do not allow the recoil starter to snap back against the ropeguide. 4. Whenenginewarmsup,pushin thechoke knob. Stopping Using the Grass Catcher Youcan use thegrass catcherto collectclippingswhile you are operatingthe mower. 1. Attachgrass catcherfollowinginstructions in setup section.Grassclippingswill automaticallycollectin bagas you run mower.Operatemowertill grassbag isfull. Engine 1. Releasebladecontrolto stop the engineand the blade. 2. Disconnectspark plug wirefrom spark plugand groundagainstthe engine. 2. Stopengine completelyby releasingthe bladecontrol. Makesurethat the unithas cometo a completestop. ,_ WARNING:Wait forperformingany the blade to stop completelybefore work on the moweror to removethe grass catcher. 3. Lift dischargedoor and pull grass bag up and away from the mowerto removethe bag. Disposeof the grass clippingsand reinstallthe bag whencomplete Using Your Lawn Mower Operating Be surethe lawn isclearof stones,sticks,wire, or other objectswhichcoulddamagethe lawnmoweror the engine.Suchobjectscouldbe accidentlythrownby the mowerin any directionand causeseriouspersonalinjury to the operatorand others. _ stop the engine.Removespark WARNING:If you strikea foreignplug object, boot from the spark plug,thoroughly inspect the mower for any damage,and repairthe damage before restartingand operating the mower. Extensivevibration of the mower during operation isan indicationof damage.The unit shouldbe promptly inspectedand repaired. 9 Tips • Newgrass,thickgrass,or wet grassmay requirea narrowercut. o Foreffectivemulching,do not cut wet grass. o Adjustground speedaccordingto conditionof lawn. o If the grass hasbeen allowedto growin excessof four inches,mulchingis not recommended.Mow usingthe side dischargeto reducethegrass heightto 3-1/4inchesor less beforemulching. WARNING The operation of any lawn mower can result in foreign objects being thrown into the eyes, which can damage your eyes severely. Always wear safety glasses while operating the mower, or while performing any adjustments or repairs on it. Be sure no one other than the operator is standing near the lawn mower while starting engine or operating mower. Never run engine indoors or in enclosed, poorly ventilated areas. Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide, an ododess and deadly gas. Keep hands, feet, hair and loose clothing away from any moving parts on engine and lawn mower. Lubrication 1. Lubricatepivot pointson theblade controlat least oncea seasonwith lightoil. The bladecontrol must operatefreely in both directions.See Figure5-1. 2. Lubricatethe wheelsat least oncea seasonwith lightoil (or motoroil). If wheelsare removedfor any reason,lubricatesurfaceof the pivotarm and inner surfaceof thewheelwith light oil. See Figure5-1. Your LaWn MoWer 3. Lubricatethe torsionspringand pivot pointon the rear dischargedoor and side mulchplug periodicallywith lightoil to preventrust.See Figure5-1. Deck Care Cleanundersideof the mowerdeck after eachuse to preventbuild-upof grass clippingsor otherdebris. Follow stepsbelowfor this job. 1. Disconnectsparkplug wire. Draingasolinefrom lawn moweror placea pieceof plasticunderthegas cap. Figure5-1:Areasto lubricateon mower. 2. Tip mowersothat it restson the housing.Keepthe sidewith the air cleanerfacingup. Hold mowerfirmly. _ ARNING:Never tip the mower more than go° in any direction and do not leavethe mower tipped for any length of time. Oil can drain intothe upper partof the engine causing a starting problem. 3. Scrapeand cleanthe undersideof the deck with a suitabletool. Do notspraywith water. 4. Putthe mowerback on its wheelson the ground.If youhad putplasticunderthe gas capearlier,make sureto removeit now. Engine Care NOTE:Referto the engineoperationand maintenance sectionsin this manualfor detailedinstructions. Figure5-2: Removerearflap. IMPORTANT: Do not use a pressurewasher or garden hose to clean your uniL These may cause damage to electric components spindlesl pulleys; bear: ings or the engine The Useof water Willresult Maintainoil level. General Recommendations e • Alwaysobservesafetyruleswhen performing anymaintenance. e Serviceair cleanerevery25 hoursundernormal conditions.Cleaneveryfew hoursunderextremely dustyconditions. e Cleansparkplug and resetthegap once a season. e Cleanengineregularlywith a cloth or brush. Keepthe coolingsystem(blowerhousingarea) cleanto permit properair circulation.Removeall grass,dirt, and combustibledebrisfrom mufflerarea. • Thewarrantyon this lawnmowerdoesnot cover itemsthat havebeen subjectedto operatorabuse or negligence.To receivefull valuefromwarranty, operatormustmaintainthelawn moweras instructedhere. • Changingof engine-governedspeedwill void enginewarranty. Replacing Rear Flap • All adjustmentsshouldbe checkedat leastonce eachseason. 1. Toremoverearflap, lift rear door,and pressflap in on eithersideto removefrom hole.See Figure5-2. Periodicallycheckall fastenersand makesurethese are tight. in Shortenedlife and reduce SerViceabilityl 2. Removeflapfrom oppositeholeand replacewith new flap in the oppositeorderand mannerof removal. ,_ WARNING:Alwaysstop engine,disconnect sparkplug, and groundagainst engine before performing any type of maintenance on your machine. 10 _, ARNING:Whenremovingthe cuttingblade for sharpening or replacement, protectyour hands with a pairof heavy gloves or use a heavy rag to hold the blade. Maintaining Periodicallyinspectthe bladeadapterfor cracks, especiallyif youstrikea foreignobject. Replacewhen necessary.Followthe stepsbelowfor blade service. 1. Disconnectsparkplug wirefrom spark plug.Turn moweron itsside makingsurethat the air filter and the carburetorare facing up. 2. Removethe boltand the bladebell supportwhich hold the bladeand the bladeadapterto the engine crankshaft.See Figure5-3. 3. Removebladeand adapterfromthe crankshaft.See Figure5-3. Blade Bell Support / _,_,_, Bolt Figure5-3:Remove thebolt,support,andadaptertoaccess theblade. 4. Removebladefrom the adapterfor testingbalance. Balancethe bladeon a roundshaftscrewdriverto check. Removemetalfrom the heavysideuntil it balancesevenly. Whensharpeningthe blade,followthe originalangle of grind. Grindeachcuttingedge equallyto keepthe blade balanced. Off-Season Storage Thefollowingstepsshouldbe takento prepareyour lawnmowerfor storage. • Cleanand lubricatemowerthoroughlyas described inthe lubricationinstructions. • Do not usea pressurewasheror garden hoseto cleanyourunit. _ ARNING:An unbalanced blade will cause excessive vibration when rotating at high speeds. It may cause damageto mower and could break causing personalinjury. 5. Lubricatetheenginecrankshaftand the inner surface of the blade adapterwith lightoil. Slide the blade adapteronto the enginecrankshaft.Placethe blade on theadaptersuch that the sideof the blade marked "Bottom"(or with part number)facesthe groundwhen the mowerisin the operatingposition.Makesurethat the blade is alignedand seatedon the blade adapter flanges. Coat mower'scuttingblade with chassisgreaseto preventrusting. Storemowerin a dry, cleanarea. Donot storenext to corrosivematerials,suchas fertilizer. Whenstoringanytype of powerequipmentin a poorly ventilatedor metal storageshed, careshouldbe taken to rust-prooftheequipment.Usinga lightoil or silicone, coat theequipment,especiallycablesand all moving parts of yourlawnmowerbeforestorage. WARNING When removing the cutting blade for sharpening or replacement, protect your hands with a pair of heavy gloves or use a heavy rag to hold the blade. An unbalanced blade will cause excessive vibration when rotatingat high speeds. It may cause damage to mower and could 6. Placeblade bell supporton the blade.Align notches on the bladebell supportwith smallholesin blade. break causing personal injury. 7. Replacehex boltand tightenhex boltto torque:450 in.Ibs. rain.,600 in.Ibs.max. Toensuresafe operationof yourmower,periodically checkthe blade boltfor correcttorque. 11 Problem Cause Remedy "Frouble Engineruns erratic 1. Sparkplug bootloose. 1. Connectand tightenspark plug boot. 2. Blockedfuel line or stale fuel. 2. Cleanfuel line; fill tank with clean, fresh gasoline. 3. Ventin gas cap plugged. 3. Clearvent. 4. Wateror dirt in fuel system. 4. Drainfueltank. Refillwith fresh fuel. 5. Dirtyair cleaner. 5. Referto enginemaintenance section. 6. Unit runningwith CHOKEapplied. 6. PushCHOKEknobin. 1.... Engne o eve Ow 1 F crankcasew th propero 2. Air flow restricted• 2. Removeblowerhousing and clean• 1. Sparkpluggap too close. 1. Adjust gap to .030". 1. Cuttingblade looseor unbalanced. 1. Tightenblade and adapter. Balanceblade. 2. Bentcuttingblade. 2. See an authorizedservicedealer. 1. Wetgrass 1. Do notmowwhen grassis wet; wat unt aterto cut. 2. Excessivelyhigh grass. 2. Mowonce ata highcutting height then mowagain at desiredheight For repairs beyond thembo merits listed here, contact an authorized service dealer. Eng ne overheats I , Occasional skips (hesitates) at high speed Excessive Vibration Mower wi I not mulhc grass I I Unevencut 3• Du bade • or makea narrowercuttingpath. 3. Sharpenor replaceblade. 1. Dullblade. 1. Sharpenor replaceblade. 12 WARNIN DO NOT remove safety (or any)labels from mower for any reason. ii i _iI_ ii NOTE: Safety labels vary by model. Not all labels shown on this page are applicable to all Lawn Mower models. 13 WARNING: Gasoline and its vapors are extremely flammable and explosive. Fire or explosion can cause severe burns or death. If gasoline is spilled on yourself or your clothes, wash your skin and change clothes immediately. • Whenoperatingequipment,do not tip engineor equipmentat anglewhich causesgasolineto spill. Gasoline and its vapors are extremely flammable and explosive. Fire or explosion can cause severe burns or death, if • Do notchoke carburetorto stopengine. gasoline is spilled on yourself or your clothes, wash your skin and change clothes immediately. • Whentransportingequipment,transportwith fuel tank EMPTY. Whenstoringgasolineor equipmentwith fuel in tank, storeawayfrom furnaces,stoves,waterheatersor otherappliancesthat havepilot lightor other ignition sourcebecausethey can ignitegasolinevapors. Whenaddingfuel, turnengineOFF and let engine coolat least2 minutesbeforeremovinggas cap. o Fill fueltank outdoorsor in wellventilatedarea. o Useonlyan approvedgasolinecontainer. o WARNING Gasolineand itsvapors are extremelyflammableand explosive. Fireor explosioncan cause severeburns or death. If gasolineis spilledon yourselfor your clothes,wash your I skin and change clothes i immediately. i Starting enginecreates sparking. Sparking can ignite nearby flammab Ie gases. Explosion and fire could result. Unintentionalsparking can result in fire or electric shock. Unintentional start-up can ,_ __ Neverfill containersinsidea vehicleor on a truck or trailerbed with a plasticliner.Alwaysplacecontainers on the groundawayfrom yourvehiclebefore filling. ing. Sparking can ignite sparknearby Starting engine creates flammable gases. Explosion and fire could result. If thereisa naturalor LP gas leakagein area,do not startengine. • If possible,removegas-poweredequipmentfrom the • Do not usepressurizedstartingfluidsbecausevapors truckor trailerand refuelit on theground.If this is are flammable. not possible,then refuelsuch equipmenton a trailer with a portablecontainer,ratherthan froma gasoline dispensernozzle. • Keepthe nozzlein contactwith the rimof thefuel tank or containeropeningat all timesuntilfueling is complete.Do notuse a nozzlelock-opendevice. _ • Do notoverfillfuel tank. Filltank to approximately 2 cm belowlowestportionof neckto allowfor fuel expansion. Start and run engineoutdoors. • Keepgasolineawayfrom sparks,open flames,pilot lights,heat,and other ignitionsources. • Do not startor run enginein enclosedarea,evenif doorsor windowsare open. • Neverfuelequipmentindoorsbecauseflammable vaporswill accumulatein the area. • Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars,pipes,and other sourcesof ignition. _ • Checkfuelline,tank, cap, andfittings frequentlyfor cracksor leaks.Replaceif necessary. • Whenstartingengine,makesurespark plug,muffler, fuelcap and air cleanerare in place. in fire or electric shock. Uninnintentional sparking can result tentional start-up can result in entanglement, traumatic amputation, or laceration. Beforepeformingadjustmentsor repairs,disconnect sparkplug wireand keepitawayfrom spark plug. • Do notcrank enginewith spark plug removed. • If fuelspills,wait untilit evaporatesbeforestarting engine. oxide, angive odorless, colorless, ngines off carbon monpoisonous gas. Breathing carbon monoxide can cause nausea, fainting, or death. • Whentestingfor spark,use approvedspark plug tester. , result in entanglement, traumatic amputation, i or laceration. Do notcheckfor spark with sparkplug removed. 14 Running engine produces heat. Engine parts, especially muffler, become extremely hot. Severe thermal burns can occur on • Tie up long hairand removejewelry. • Do notwear loose-fittingclothing,danglingdrawstringsor itemsthat couldbecomecaught. contact. Combustibledebris, such as leaves, grass, brush, etc., ,__ can catch fire. (kickback) will pull Rapid retraction of hand starterand cord arm toward engine faster than you can let go. Broken bones, fractures, bruises or sprains could result. * Allow muffler,enginecylinder,and fins to cool before touching. . Keepchildrenawayfrom hot or runningengines.They can sufferburnsfrom a hot muffler. Removeaccumulatedcombustiblesfrom mufflerand cylinderarea. • Whenstartingengine,pull cordslowlyuntil resistance isfelt,then pull rapidly. • Removeall externalequipment/engineloadsbefore startingengine. _ contact entangle hands, Rotatingorengine parts can feet, hair, clothing, or accessories. Traumaticamputation or severe laceration can result. * Operateequipmentwithguardsin place. * Keephandsand feet awayfrom rotatingparts. • Directcoupledequipmentcomponentssuchas, but not limitedto blades,impellers,pulleys,sprockets, etc., mustbe securelyattached. Safety Label Location This labelwarns youof potentialhazardsthat can causeseriousinjury. Readit carefully.See Figure1 for explanationof symbols. If the labelcomesoff or becomeshard to read,contact the dealerfor replacement. WARNING Running engine produces heat. Engine parts, especially muffler, become extremely hot. Severe thermal burns can occur on contact. Combustible debris, such as leaves, grass, brush, etc., can catch fire. International Symbols Rotating engine parts can contact or entangle hands, feet. hair.cloth- and Meanings A SafetyAlert ReadOwner's Manual Toxic Fumes Hot Surface UnleadedFuel Start Figure 1 15 GasolineIs Flammable Run ing, or accessories. Traumaticamputation or severe laceration can result. Rapid retraction of starter cord (kickback) will pull hand and arm toward engine faster than you can let go. Broken bones. fractures, bruises or sprains could result. Know Your Engine f"- Fuel Cap -'_ Air Cleaner Starter Gri Oil Fiii Cap Oil Drain-----_ Muffler Spark Plug !%5Eng!n eSh°wn t IMPORTANT:This engine is shipped without gasoline or oil in the engine. Running the enginewith insufficient oil can cause serious engine damage andvoid the engine warranty. iMPORTANT: Using nondetergent oil or 2stroke engine oil could shorten the engine's service life. Be sure to check the engine on a level surface with the engine stopped. Figure9-1:Themajorcomponents oftheengine. Theshroudonyourenginemaydiffer. Readthis sectionbeforestartingyourlawnmowerengine.Comparethe illustrationsin Figure9-1with your lawn mowerengineto familiarizeyourselfwith the locationof variouscontrolsand adjustments. Pre-Operation Check Oil Recommendations __ IMPORTANT:This engineis shippedwithoutgasolineor oil in the engine.Runningthe enginewith insufficientoil cancause seriousenginedamageand voidthe engine warranty. 20w m__ 20 mmlmml lil_l • Beforestartingengine,fill with oil. Donot over-fill.Oil capacityis about20 oz. Use a 4-stroke,or an equivalenthigh detergent, premiumquality motoroil certifiedto meet or exceed U.S.automobilemanufacturer'srequirementsfor service classificationSG, SE Motoroils classifiedSG,SF will showthis designationon thecontainer. 20w40, !0w50 _____ I 0 _ mmmm mJlml 15w40, m3o v _ _ _ v I 10W30 _____1 SAE 10W-30is recommendedfor general,all temperatureuse. If singleviscosityoil is used, selectthe appropriateviscosityfor theaveragetemperaturein your area fromthe chart to the right. (°C)-30 ° -20 ° -10 ° ("F)-20 ° 0° P" 0° 200 10 ° 400 200 300 400 600 800 1000 Ambient Temperature 1. SingleViscosity 2. Multi Viscosity iMPORTANT:Usingnondetergent oil or 2-stroke engineoil could shortenthe engine'sservicelife. 16 Check Oil Level IMPORTANT:Be sureto checkthe engineon a level surfacewith the engine stopped. . Removethe oil fillercap and wipethe dipstickclean. See Figure9-2. 2. Insertthe dipstickintothe oil fillerneck, butdo not screwit in. 3. if the levelislow,slowlyadd oil to the upperlimit on thedipstick. 4. Tightendipstickfirmlybeforestartingengine. IMPORTANT:Donotoverfill.Overfillingwith oil may causesmoking,hardstarting,spark plug fouling,or oil saturationof air cleaner. Fuel Recommendations Use automotivegasoline(Unleadedor Iowleadedto minimizecombustionchamberdeposits).Neverusean oil/gasolinemixtureor dirty gasoline.Avoidgettingdirt, dust,or waterin the fuel tank. Figure9-2:Checkingthe oil level. WARNING mable and is explosiveunder certain ARNING:Gasolineis extremelyflamconditions. _ Always keep hands and feet clear of equip' ment moving parts:Do not use a pressurized starting fluid, Vapors Refuel in a well-ventilatedarea with the engine stopped.Do not smoke or allow flames or sparks in the area where the engineis refueledor where gasoline is stored. Do not overfill the fuel tank (there should be no fuel in the filler neck). After refueling, makesure the tank cap isclosed properly and securely. Be careful not to spill fuel when refueling. Spilled fuel or fuel vapor may ignite,if any fuel is spilled, makesure the area is dry before startingthe engine. Avoid repeatedor prolongedcontact with skin or breathing of vapor. Figure9-3:Startingthe mower.(Yourmowermaydifferfrom thatshown) Check Fuel Level 1. Cleanaroundfuelfill beforeremovingcap to fuel. NOTE:Useof the choke maynot be necessaryifthe engineiswarmor the air temperatureishigh. 2. Filltank to approximatelyone inchbelowlowest portionof neck to allowfor fuelexpansion.Be careful notto overfill. IMPORTANT: Donot allow the starter grip to 2. Standingbehindthe mower,depressthe bladecontrol and hold itagainstthe upperhandle. snap baCkagainstthe enginel Returnit gently to reventdamage to the starter: 3. Pullthe startergrip lightlyuntil resistanceisfelt, thenpull rapidlyto overcomecompression,prevent kickbackand startengine.Repeatif necessary. IMPORTANT:Beforerefueling,allowengineto cool two minutes. Starting IMPORTANT:Do notallowthe startergrip to snap backagainstthe rope guide.Returnit gentlyto prevent damageto the starter. The Engine feet clear of equipmentmovingparts. ARNING:Alwayskeep hands and Do not use a pressurizedstartingfluid. Vaporsare flammable. 1. Pull out thechoke knoblocatedon the left sideof the _ 4. Whenenginewarmsup, pushin the choke knob. Stopping The Engine 1. Releasethe bladecontrol. upper handle.See Figure9-3. 17 WARNING:Shut off the engine before performingany maintenance. To preventaccidental start-up, disconnect the spark plug boot. Periodicinspectionand adjustmentof theengine is essentialif high levelperformanceis to be maintained. Regularmaintenancewillalso ensurea long servicelife. The requiredserviceintervalsand the kindof maintenanceto be performedare describedin thetable below. Followthe hourlyor calendarintervals,whicheveroccur first. Morefrequentserviceis requiredwhenoperatingin adverseconditions. IMPORTANT:If enginemustbe tippedto transport equipmentor to inspector removegrass,keepspark plug sideof engine up.Transportingor tippingengine spark plugdownmay causesmoking,hardstarting, spark plugfouling,or oil saturationof air cleaner. Maintenance First5 hours Tasks ChangeEngine Oil Eachuseor every5 hours Schedule Everyseason Everyseason or 25 hours or 50 hours v" Everyseason or 100 hours Service Dates v" Service Air Cleaner WARNING Shut off the engine v" Service Spark Plug beforeperforming type of maintenance, Clean Finger ro.roveo ,oo!doo Guardo! ........ start-upidisconnect t,e parkp boot: Beforetipping engine Muffler CleanAround 1-Servicemorefrequentlywhenusedin dustyareas. ff If operatingunder heavyload or highambienttemperature. drain oil, drain fuel f Oil Change Oil Fill Cap from tank by running engine until fuel tank is empty; IMPORTANT:Be sureto checkengineon a level surface with the enginestopped.Drainthe oil whilethe engine is still warmto assurerapidand completedraining. Removeoil fill cap and drain oil by eitherremoving drain plugor turningmoweron its side (air cleanerside up) and allowingoil to drain intoa suitablecontainer. See Figure10-1. WARNING: Before tipping engineor equipmentto drain oil, drain fuel from tank by runningengine until fuel tank is empty. P iMPORTANT:Be sure to check engineon a Drain level surfaceW th the engine stopped Drain the oil while the engine is still warm to assure rapid and complete J i Figure10-1:Changing theoil. Oil Service • Checkoil level regularly. draining: i Be sure correctoil levelis maintained.Checkevery five hoursor daily beforestartingengine.See oil checkingprocedurein the Operationsection. 2. Reinstallthe drain plug(if removed),and tightenit securely. 3. Refillwith the recommendedoil (see Operation section)and checkthe oil level.See Figure10-1. 4. Reinstallthe oil fill cap securely. 18 IMPORTANT:Usedmotoroil may causeskin cancer if repeatedlyleft in contactwith the skin for prolonged periods.Althoughthis is unlikelyunlessyou handleused oil on a dailybasis,it is still advisableto thoroughlywash yourhandswith soapand wateras soon as possible after handlingusedoil. PaperElement NOTE:Pleasedisposeof usedmotoroil in a mannerthat is compatiblewith the environment.We suggestyoutake it in a sealedcontainerto yourlocal servicestationfor reclamation.Donot throwit in the trash or pourit on the ground. Air Cleaner Service Foam Element A dirty air cleanerwill restrictair flow to the carburetor. Topreventcarburetormalfunction,servicethe air cleaner regularly.Servicemorefrequentlywhenoperatingthe enginein extremelydustyareas. Figure10-2:Servicing theair cleaner. Spark Plug __k flash pointsolventsfor cleaningthe ARNING:Never use gasolineor low air cleaner element.A fire or explosion could result. WARNING Never use gasoline or low flash point solvents for cleaning the air cleaner element. IMPORTANT:Neverrunthe enginewithouttheair cleaner.Rapidenginewearwill result. 1. Removethe wing boltand the air cleanercover. Removethe elementsand separatethem. See Figure 10-2.Carefullycheck bothelementsfor holesor tears and replaceif damaged. A fire or explosion could result. 2. Foam element: Wash theelementin a solutionof householddetergentand warm water,then rinse thoroughly,or wash in nonflammableor high flash pointsolvent.Allowtheelementto dry thoroughly. Soakthe elementin cleanengineoil and squeezeout theexcessoil. The enginewill smokeduring initial start-upif too muchoil is left in the foam. 3. Paper element: Taptheelementlightly severaltimes on a hard surfaceto removeexcessdirt, or blow compressedair throughthe filterfrom the insideout. Nevertry to brushthedirt off; brushingwillforce dirt intothe fibers.Replacethe paperelementif it is excessivelydirty. Spark Plug DO NOT check for Figure10-3:Thesparkplugandboot. Spark Plug Service spark with spark plug removed. DO NOT crank engine with spark plug removed. __i= with spark plugremoved. DONOT crank ARNING:DONOT check for spark engine with spark plug removed. Toensureproperengineoperation,thespark plug must be properlygappedand free of deposits. 1. Removethe spark plug bootand usea sparkplug wrenchto removethe plug.See Figure10-3. ,_ running, the muffler will be very hot. Be WARNING:if engine has been carefulnot to the touch the muffler. 2. Visuallyinspectthe spark plug.Discardthe sparkplug if thereis apparentwear,or if the insulatoriscracked or chipped.Cleanthe sparkplug with a wirebrushif it is to be reused. 19 if the engine has been running, the muffler will be very hot. Be careful not to touch the muffler. f Storage Electrode Maintaining Enginesstoredover30 daysneed to be drainedof fuel to preventdeteriorationand gumfrom formingin fuel systemor on essentialcarburetorparts. If the gasolinein yourenginedeterioratesduringstorage,you mayneed to havethe carburetor,and otherfuel systemcomponents, servicedor replaced. 1. Removeall fuel fromtank by runningengineuntil it stopsfrom lack of fuel. 2. Changeoil. See Oil Changesection. --,,- *-- 0.030 in. Figure10-4:Measurethepluggapwitha feelergauge. 3. Measurethe plug gap with a feelergauge.Correct as necessaryby bendingsideelectrode.See Figure 10-4.Thegap shouldbe set to 0.030in. WARNING Accumulation of debris around muffler cause afire: b foovery o o 4. Checkthat the sparkplug washeris in good conditionand threadthe spark plug in by handto prevent cross-threading. 5. Afterthe sparkplug is seated,tightenwith a spark plug wrenchto compressthe washer. 6. If possible,alsoavoidstorageareaswith high humidity, becausethat promotesrustand corrosion. IMPORTANT:The sparkplug mustbe securelytightened.An improperlytightenedsparkplug can become very hotand maydamagethe engine. Clean IMPORTANT: DO not 7. Keepthe enginelevelin storage.Tiltingcan causefuel or oil leakage. Removing 2. If the fuelwas drainedduringstoragepreparation,fill the tank with freshgasoline.If you keepa container of gasolinefor refueling,makecertain it containsonly freshfuel. Gasolineoxidizesand deterioratesover time,causinghard starting. 3. If the cylinderwas coatedwith oil duringstorage preparation,the enginewill smokebrieflyat startup. This is normal. Using a garden hose IMPORTANT: Do not spray engine with water to clean because water could contaminate fuel. Using a garden hose or pressure washing equipment can also force water into the air cleaner or muffler opening. Water in the air cleaner will soak the paper element, and water that passes through the element or muffler can enter the cylinder, causing damage. or pressure Washing equipment Cana so force water into the air cleaner ormuffler opening:Water in the air cleane! will soak the paper e!emen and water that Passes through the element or muffler canenter __lk From Storage 1. Checkyourengineas describedin the Pre-Operation Checksectionof this manual. Engine If theengine hasbeen running,allowit to coolfor at least halfan hour beforecleaning.Periodicallyremove grassand dirt build-upfrom engine.Cleanfingerguard and aroundmuffler.Cleanwith a brushor compressed air. spray engine Withwater to clean because water could contaminatefuel 4. Cleangrassand debrisfrom aroundengine,under fingerguard,and under,aroundand behindmuffler. Touchup anydamagedpaint, and coatother areas that may rust with a lightfilm of oil. 5. Storein a clean, dry and wellventilatedarea awayfrom anyappliancethat operateswith a flame or pilotlight, such as a furnace,waterheater,or clothesdryer.Also avoidanyarea with a sparkproducingelectricmotor, or wherepowertoolsare operated. NOTE:Wheninstallinga newspark plug,tighten 1/2 turnafter the spark plug seatsto compressthewasher. Whenreinstallinga usedsparkplug,tighten 1/8-1/4turn after the sparkplug seatsto compressthe washer. Inspect and clean 3. Removesparkplug and pour about1/2 an ounceof engineoil intocylinder.Replacespark plug and crank slowlyto distributeoil. around muffler could causea fire. ARNING:Accumulationof debris Inspect and clean before every use. the cylinder;causing: damage: i 2O NOTES 21 Model 54M Wheel Treads Bar K2 Bar Zag 22 Re,. ]po,tNo.ooso,iptioo Re,. l po,tNo.[ooso,iptioo 2 731-048591- BaiIOover 28 738-0507B ShoulderScrew,.5D x .434 3 712-04064 FlangeLockNut 1/2-20 29 732-0404 FrontSpringLever 4 726-0240 CableTie 30 720-0426 HeightAdjust Knob 5 664-04027 GrassBag Assembly 31 710-0599 TT Screw,1/4-20x.500 6 747-04080 GrassBag Frame 32 736-0270 BellWasher 7 731-05401 EngineShroud 33 710-0654A TT Screw,3/8-16x 1.0 8 731-05642 Trailshield 34 710-0216 HexScrew,3/8-16x.75 9 747-04588 Pivot Rod 35 710-1652 TT Screw,1/4-20x.625 10 631-04225 RearDischargeDoor 36 720-0312 FoamGrip 11 687-02280 RearHandleBrkt.Assy.- LH 37 734-04216 RearWheel, 12x 1.8, K2 Bar 734-04082 RearWheel, 12x 1.8, Bar 687-02279* RearHandleBrkt.Assy.- RH 12 787-01279 Deck21-inch 38 736-01821- SpringWasher 13 687-02099A Frt. Hgt.Adj.Assy-LH(7"Wheel) 39 732-0866 RearHi-WheelSpringLever 687-02075A Frt. Hgt.Adj.Assy-LH(8" Wheel) 40 687-02039A RearPivotArmAssy- RH 687-02040A* RearPivotArmAssy- LH 687-02100A* Frt. Hgt.Adj.Assy-RH(7" Wheel) 687-02074A* Frt. Hgt.Adj.Assy-RH(8" Wheel) 41 714-0104 HairpinClip 14 782-5002B FrontBaffle 42 731-04177 Side DischargeChute 15 738-0377C BladeAdapter 43 710-0703 CarriageBolt,I/4-20 x.75 16 742-0741 21-inchMulchingBlade 44 731-04150C RearBaffle 17 736-0524B Bell BladeSupport 45 710-1241 18 710-1257 Hex Screw,3/8-24x 2.5 46 732-04090A TorsionSpring- RH 19 731-1950A1 DeckCover 47 731-0981A1- HubCap,RadialSpoke 20 17032A ChuteDeflectorAdapter 48 712-0397 Wing Nut 49 749-0928A LowerHandle HingePin 50 710-1174 CarriageBolt,5/16-18x 2 720-04072 Star Knob 21 _ 732-1014 22 747-0710 LTorsionSpring Screw HL, 1/4-15x 1.00 23 687-02055 HingedMulchPlugAssembly 51 24 712-04065 FlangeLockNut 3/8-16 52 720-0279 HandleKnob 25 787-01290 HeightAdjustmentPlate 53 710-1205 EyeBolt 26 687-02076A Frt PivotArm Ass'y-RH(7"Wheel) 54 749-1092A UpperHandle 687-02077A Frt PivotArm Ass'y-RH(8"Wheel) 55 710-0606 HexScrew,1/4-20x 1.50 687-02077A* Frt PivotArm Ass'y-LH(7" Wheel) 56 746-04239A Cable,Choke38-inch 687-02076A* Frt PivotArm Ass'y-LH(8" Wheel) 57 746-04299 Cable, ERS48-inch 734-04211 58 710-04577 MachineScrewM4-.7x10.O0 27 FrontWheel,7x 1.8,K2 Bar 1 If Equipped * Not Pictured 23 : I m _ Parts List To order rep!acement parts; call1:8oo-8oo-731o or visit us on the web at Wwwlrntdproducts:com ii i _iI_ ii Engine 1 P65 21- --7 I 22 16 24 Ref. Part No. Description 1. 951-10337 FuelTank 2. 951-10336 FlywheelShroud 3. 951-10335 RubberFuelTankMountingWasher 4. 951-10334 Oil FillerTubeAssembly 5. 951-10333 DipstickAssembly 6. 951-10406 CylinderHeadComplete 7. 951-10407 Short BlockAssembly 8. 951-10320 Stop Switchand BrakeAssembly 9. 951-10319 RecoilSpringand PulleyAssembly 10. 951-10314 PushRod Kit 11. 951-10313 ValveKit 12. 951-10370 Oil DrainPlugand WasherAssembly 13. 951-10367 IgnitionCoil 14. 951-10309 CarburetorAssembly 15. 951-10307 FlywheelKey 16. 951-10405 Air CleanerHousingAssemblyComplete 17. 951-10304 MufflerStudAssembly 18. 951-10363 FuelLine Kit-Inc. hoses,clamps& filter 19. 951-10358 FuelFilter 20. 951-10300 FuelCap Assembly 21. 951-10299 RecoilStarterAssembly 22. 951-10298 Air CleanerKit 23. 951-10297 Air CleanerThumbScrew 24. 951-10404 MufflerGuard 25. 951-10403 Muffler 26. 951-10402 MufflerGasket/Heat Shield 27. 951-10293 GovernorReturnSpring 28. 951-10292 Spark Plug - 952Z1P65FU Engine- Complete - 951-10325 CarburetorKit- Major - 951-10322 CarburetorKit- Minor - 951-10409 GasketKit- Complete - 951-10410 GasketKit- External - 951-10351 SparkArrestor NOTE:Illustrated partswithouta numericcall-outarenotservicable components. 25 MTD LLC (MTD), The United States Environment Protection Agency (U. S. EPA) Emission Control System Warranty Statement (Owner's Defect Warranty Rights and Obligations) The U. S. EPAand MTDare pleasedto explaintheemissionscontrolsystemwarrantyon your modelyear2005and latersmalloff-roadengine. New smalloff-roadenginesmust be designed,built and equippedto meet the stringentanti-smogstandards.MTDmustwarrantytheemission controlsystemon your enginefor the periodof time listed below,providedthere hasbeen no abuse,neglector impropermaintenanceof your small off-roadengine. Youremissioncontrolsystemmay includeparts suchas the carburetor,air cleaner,ignitionsystem,exhaustsystem,and otherassociatedemission-relatedcomponents. Wherea warrantableconditionexists,MTDwill repairyour smalloff-roadengineat no cost to yourincluding diagnosis,parts and labor. MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY COVERAGE: This emissionscontrolsystemiswarrantedfor two years.If anyemission-relatedparton your engineisdefective,the partwill be repairedor replacedby MTD. OWNER'S WARRANTY RESPONSIBILITIES: As the smalloff-roadengineowner,youare responsiblefor the performanceof the requiredmaintenancelistedin yourOwner'sManual.MTD recommendsthat you retainall your receiptscoveringmaintenanceson yoursmall off-roadengine,but MTDcan notdenywarrantysolely for the lack of receiptsor for yourfailureto ensurethe performanceto all scheduledmaintenance. As the smalloff-roadengineowner,youshouldhoweverbe awarethat MTDmaydenyyour warrantycoverageifyoursmall off-roadengineor part hasfaileddue to abuse,neglect,impropermaintenanceor unapprovedmodifications. Youare responsiblefor presentingyoursmalloff-roadengineto an AuthorizedMTDServiceDealeras soonas a problemexists.The warranted repairsshouldbe completedin a reasonableamountof time,notto exceed30 days. If youhaveanyquestionsregardingyour warrantyrightsand responsibilities,you shouldcontact a MTDServiceRepresentativeat 1-800-800-7310 and addressisMTDLLC, EO. Box361131,ClevelandOH,44136-0019. DEFECTS WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS FOR 1995 AND LATER SMALL OFF=ROAD ENGINES: This sectionappliesto 1995and latersmalloff-roadengines.Thewarrantyperiod beginson the datetheengine or equipmentisdeliveredto an ultimatepurchaser. (a) GeneralEmissionsWarrantyCoveracj#_ MTDmustwarrantto the ultimatepurchaserand eachsubsequentpurchaserthat the engineis: (1) Designed,built,and equippedso as to conformwith all applicableregulationsadoptedbythe Air ResourcesBoardpursuantto itsauthorityin Chapters1 and 2,Part 5, Division26 of the Healthand SafetyCode;and (2) Freefrom defectsin materialsand workmanshipthat causethe failureof a warrantedpartto be identicalinall materialrespectsto the part as describedin the enginemanufacturer'sapplicationfor certificationfor a periodof two years. .(b)The warrantyon emissions-relatedpartswill be interpreted as follows: (1) Anywarrantedpart that isnot scheduledfor replacementas requiredmaintenanceinthe writteninstructions requiredby Subsection(c) mustbe warrantedfor the warrantyperioddefinedinSubsection(a)(2). If anysuch partfails during the periodof warrantycoverage,it mustbe repairedor replacedby MTDaccordingto Subsection(4) below.Any such partrepairedor replacedunderthewarrantymustbe warrantedfor the remainingwarrantyperiod. (2) Any warrantedpartthat isscheduledonlyfor regularinspection in the writteninstructions requiredby Subsection(c) mustbe warrantedfor thewarrantyperioddefinedin Subsection(a)(2).A statementinsuch writteninstructions to the effect of "repairor replaceas necessary"will not reducethe periodof warrantycoverage.Anysuch part repairedor replacedunderwarrantymustbe warrantedforthe remainingwarranty period. (3) Anywarrantedpartthat whichis scheduledfor replacementas requiredmaintenancein the writteninstructions requiredby Subsection(c) mustbe warrantedfor the periodof time prior to the first scheduledreplacementpointfor that part. If the partfails prior to the first scheduled replacement,the part mustbe repairedor replacedby MTDaccordingto Subsection(4) below.Any such part repairedor replacedunder warrantymustbe warrantedfor the remainderof the period priorto thefirst scheduledreplacementpointfor the part. (4) Repairor replacementof any warrantedpart underthe warrantyprovisionsof this article mustbe performedat no chargeto the ownerat a warrantystation. (5) Notwithstandingthe provisionsof Subsection(4) above,warrantyservicesor repairsmustbe providedat all MTDdistributioncentersthat are franchisedto servicethe subjectengines. (6) Theownermustnot be chargedfordiagnosticlabor that leadsto the determinationthat a warrantedpart isinfact defective,providedthat such diagnosticwork isperformedat a warrantystation. EPA-1 (7) The enginemanufactureris liable fordamagesto otherenginecomponentsproximatelycausedbya failureunderwarrantyof anywarranted part. (8) Throughoutthe engine'swarrantyperioddefinedin Subsection(a)(2), MTDwill maintaina supplyof warrantedparts sufficientto meet the expecteddemandfor such parts. (9) Any replacementpart maybe usedin the performanceof any warrantymaintenanceor repairsand mustbe providedwithoutchargetothe owner.Such usewill not reducethe warrantyobligationsof MTD. (10) Add-onor modifiedparts that are not exemptedby theAir ResourcesBoardmay not be used.The useof anynon-exemptedadd-onor modifiedpartsshall be groundsfor disallowinga warrantyclaimmade in accordancewith this article.The enginemanufacturershall notbe liable underthis article to warrantfailuresof warrantedpartscausedby the useof non-exemptedadd-on or modifiedpart. (c) MTDwill includea copy of the followingemissionwarrantyparts list with each newengine,usingthose portionsof the list applicableto the e__&gine. (1) FuelMeteringSystem • Coldstart enrichmentsystem(soft choke) • Carburetorand internalparts • Fuel Pump (2) Air InductionSystem • Air cleaner • Intakemanifold (3) IgnitionSystem • Sparkplug(s) • MagnetoIgnitionSystem (4) ExhaustSystem (5) MiscellaneousItemsUsed in AboveSystem • Vacuum,temperature, position,time sensitivevalvesand switches • Connectorsand assemblies EPA-1 MANUFACTURER'S LiMiTED WARRANTY The limitedwarrantyset forth belowisgivenby MTDLLCwith respectto newmerchandisepurchasedand usedin the UnitedStates,its possessionsand territories. "MTD"warrantsthis productagainstdefectsin materialand workmanship for a periodof two (2) yearscommencingon the dateof originalpurchase and will, at its option,repairor replace,free of charge,anypart foundto be defectivein materialsor workmanship.This limitedwarrantyshallonly applyif this producthas beenoperatedand maintainedin accordance with the Operator'sManualfurnishedwith the product,and has not been subjectto misuse,abuse,commercialuse, neglect,accident,improper maintenance,alteration,vandalism,theft, fire,water,or damagebecause of otherperil or naturaldisaster.Damageresultingfrom the installationor useof any part, accessoryor attachmentnotapprovedby MTDfor use with the product(s)coveredbythis manualwill voidyourwarrantyas to any resultingdamage. Normalwearparts are warrantedto be free fromdefects in materialand workmanshipfor a periodof thirty (30) days fromthe dateof purchase. Normalwearparts include,butare notlimitedto itemssuch as belts, blades,bladeadapters,grass bags,wheels,engineoil, air filters,and spark plugs. NOWTO OBTAINSERVICE:Warrantyserviceis available,WITH PROOFOF PURCHASE,throughyour localauthorizedservicedealer.To locatethe dealerin yourarea,checkyourYellowPages,or contact MTD LLCat RO. Box 361131,Cleveland,Ohio44136-0019,or call 1-800-8007310or logon to our Website at This limitedwarrantydoesnot providecoveragein the followingcases: a. b. c. Log splitterpumps,valves,and cylindershavea separateone yearwarranty. Routinemaintenanceitemssuch as lubricants,filters, blade sharpening,tune-ups,brakeadjustments,clutch adjustments, deck adjustments,and normaldeteriorationof the exteriorfinish due to use or exposure. Servicecompletedby someoneotherthanan authorizedservice dealer. d. e. f. FOR MTDdoes notextendany warrantyfor productssoldor exportedoutsideof the UnitedStates,its possessionsand territories,exceptthose soldthroughMTD'sauthorized channelsof exportdistribution. Replacementpartsthat are not genuineMTDparts. Transportationchargesand servicecalls. No impliedwarranty, includingany impliedwarranty of merchantability of fitness for a particularpurpose,applies after the applicable periodof express written warranty above as to the partsas identified. No other express warranty, whether written or oral, except as mentionedabove, given by any personor entity,includinga dealer or retailer,with respect to any product,shallbind MTD. Duringthe periodof the warranty, the exclusive remedyis repairor replacement of the productas set forth above. The provisionsas set forth in this warrantyprovidethe sole and exclusiveremedy arising from the sale. MTDshallnot be liable for incidentalor consequentialloss or damage including,without limitation, expensesincurredfor substituteor replacement lawncare servicesor for rentalexpenses to temporarily replacea warranted product. Somestatesdo not allowtheexclusionor limitationof incidentalor consequentialdamages,or limitationson howlong an impliedwarranty lasts, so the aboveexclusionsor limitationsmay notapplyto you. In no eventshall recoveryof any kind be greaterthan theamountof the purchasepriceof the productsold. Alterationof safety features of the productshall void this warranty. Youassumethe risk and liability for loss, damage,or injuryto youand your propertyand/orto others and their propertyarisingout of the misuseor inabilityto use theproduct. This limitedwarrantyshall notextendto anyoneotherthanthe original purchaseror to the personfor whom itwas purchasedas a gift. HOW STATELAWRELATESTO THiSWARRANTY: This limitedwarrantygives youspecificlegalrights,and you mayalso haveother rights which vary from stateto state. IMPORTANT: OwnermustpresentOriginalProofof Purchaseto obtain warrantycoverage. MTD LLC, P.O. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND, OHiO 44136=0019; Phone: 1=800=800=7310
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