MTD 31A 250 800 User Manual SNOW THROWER Manuals And Guides 1109431L
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Safety ,, Set-Up ,, Operation ,, Adjustments ,, Maintenance ,, Troubleshooting ,, Parts Lists ,, Warranty A OF A O ingle-Sta!e now Thrower AL Model Model Model Model Model 230, 240, 250, 260, 261, $230 S240 S250 S260 S261 iMPORTANT READ SAFETY RULES AND iNSTRUCTiONS CAREFULLY BEFORE OPERATION Warning: This unit is equippedwith an internalcombustionengineand shouldnot be usedon or nearany unimprovedforest-covered,brushcoveredor grass-coveredland unlesstheengine'sexhaustsystemis equippedwith a sparkarrestermeetingapplicablelocalor statelaws(if any). If a sparkarresteris used,it shouldbe maintainedin effectiveworkingorder by the operator.In theState of Californiathe aboveis requiredbylaw (Section4442 of the CaliforniaPublicResourcesCode). Otherstatesmay havesimilarlaws.Federallaws applyon federallands.A sparkarrester for the muffleris availablethroughyour nearestengineauthorizedservicedealeror contactthe servicedepartment,RO. Box361131Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019. PRINTEDIN U.S.A. For USCustomers: MTDLLC,P.O.BOX361131CLEVELAND,OHiO44136-0019 FORMNO. 769-00805C For CanadianCustomers: MTDProducts Ltd., P.O.BOX 1386,KiTCHENER,ONTARION2G4J1 05/17/06 This Operator's Manual is an important part of your new snow thrower, it will help you assemble, prepare and maintain the unit for best performance. Please read and understand what it says. Table of Contents Safety Labels ...................................................... Safe Operation Practices ................................... Set Up & Adjustment .......................................... Know Your Snow Thrower .................................. 3 4 6 7 Adjustments & Maintenance ........................... Off-Season Storage .......................................... Trouble Shooting .............................................. illustrated Parts Lists ....................................... 10 12 13 14 Operation 8 Warranty ............................................................ 18 ............................................................. Finding and Recording Model Number BEFOREYOU START ASSEMBLING YOUR NEW EQUIPMENT, please locate the model plate on the equipment and copy the the model number and the serial number to the sample model plate provided to the right. You can locate the model plate by standing at the operating position and looking down at the frame. Model Num#ro Number de module XXXXXXXXXXX Serial Number Num#ro de s#rier XXXXXXXXXXX MTD LLC CLEVELAND, OH 44136 MTD PRODUCTS LIMITED KITCHENER, ON N2G 4J1 1-800=800-7310 1=800=668=1238 Customer Support Please do NOTreturn the unit to the retailer from which it was purchased, without first contacting Customer Support. If you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regarding the controls, operation or maintenanceof this unit, you can seek help from the experts. Choose from the options below: 1.Visit www.mtdcanada.cafor many useful suggestions, click on Customer Support button. 2. Call a CustomerSupport Representative:For US Customers: 1-330-220-4MTD (4683)or 1-800-800-7310 For Canadian Customers" 1-800-668-1238 3. The engine manufacturer is responsiblefor all enigne-related issues with regards to performance, power-rating,specifications, warranty and service. Please refer to the engine manufacturer's Owner's/Operator's Manual, packedseparately with your unit, for more information. Please have your unit's model number and serial number ready when you call. See previous section to locate this information. You will be asked to enter the serial number in order to processyour call. 2 i i l_I ii_ _ i _iii _! i _ _ii_ ii WARNING • NEVERPUT HANDiN CHUTE.CAN AMPUTATEHANDSAND FINGERS. • STOPENGINEANDAUGERBEFOREUSING CLEAN-OUT TOOLORSTICK. This symbol points out importantsafety instructionswhich, if not followed,could endangerthe personal safety and/or property of yourselfand others. Read and followall instructionsin this manual beforeattemptingto operate this machine. Failure to complywith these instructionsmay result in personalinjury.When you see this symbol. HEED ITS WARNING! Your Responsibility Restrict the use of this power machine to persons who read, understand and follow the warnings and instructions in this manual and onthe machine. 3 WARNING: Engine Exhaust, some of its constituents, and certain vehicle components contain or emit chemicals known to State of Californiato cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductiveharm. DANGER: This machine was built to be operated according to the rules for safe operation in this manual. As with any type of power equipment, carelessness or error on the part of the operator can result in serious injury. This machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects. Failureto observe the following safety instructions could result in serious injuryor death. Training WARNING This symbol points out importantsafety instructionswhich, if not followed,could endanger the personalsafetyand/ i or propertyof yourself and others. Readand follow all instructions in this manual before Preparation 1. Read,understand,andfollowall instructionson the machineandin the manual(s)beforeattemptingto assembleand operate.Keepthis manualina safe place forfutureand regularreferenceandfor ordering replacementparts. 2. Be familiarwithall controlsandtheir properoperation. Knowhowto stopthe machineanddisengagethem quickly. 3. Neverallowchildrenunder14 yearsoldto operatethis machine.Children14 yearsold andovershouldread andunderstandthe operationinstructionsandsafety rulesin thismanualand shouldbe trainedand supervised bya parent. 4. Neverallowadultsto operatethis machinewithout properinstruction. 5. Thrownobjectscan causeserious personalinjury.Plan yoursnow-throwingpatternto avoiddischargeof material towardroads,bystandersandthe like. 6. Keepbystanders,helpers,pets andchildrenat least 75 feet fromthe machinewhileit is in operation.Stopmachineif anyoneentersthe area. 7. Exercisecautionto avoidslippingor falling,especially when operatingin reverse. attemptingto operate this machine.Failure to comply with these instructionsmay result in personalinjury.When you see this symbol. i HEED iTS WARNING! 1. Thoroughlyinspectthe area wherethe equipmentis to be used. Removeall doormats,newspapers,sleds, boards, wiresand otherforeignobjects,whichcould be tripped over or thrown bythe auger/impeller. 2. Alwayswearsafetyglasses or eye shieldsduringoperation andwhile performingan adjustmentor repairto protectyour eyes. Thrownobjectswhich ricochetcan cause serious injury to the eyes. 3. Do not operatewithoutwearingadequatewinterouter garments.Do not wearjewelry, long scarvesor other loose clothing,whichcould becomeentangledin moving parts. Wearfootwearwhich will improvefooting on slipperysurfaces. 4. Usea groundedthree-wireextensioncordand receptacle forall units withelectric startengines. 5. Adjustcollectorhousingheight to cleargravel or crushed rock surfaces. 6. Disengageall control leversbeforestartingthe engine. 7. Neverattemptto makeany adjustmentswhileengineis running,exceptwherespecificallyrecommendedinthe operator'smanual. 8, Let engine andmachineadjustto outdoortemperature beforestartingto clearsnow. 9. Toavoid personalinjury or propertydamage use extremecare in handlinggasoline.Gasolineis extremely flammableand the vapors are explosive.Serious personal injury can occur when gasolineis spilledon yourselfor yourclothes,which can ignite.Washyourskin andchange clothesimmediately. a. Useonly an approvedgasolinecontainer. b. Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars, pipes andothersources of ignition. c. Neverfuel machineindoors. d. Neverremovegas cap or add fuel whilethe engineis hot or running. e. Allow engineto coolat leasttwo minutesbefore refueling. f. Neveroverfill fuel tank. Filltank to no morethan Your Responsibility i Restrictthe use of this power machine i to personswho read, understand and follow Y2inch below bottomoffiller neckto providespace for fuel expansion. g. Replacegasolinecap andtighten securely. h. If gasolineis spilled,wipe it off the engine and equipment.Movemachineto anotherarea.Wait 5 minutesbeforestartingthe engine. i. Neverstorethe machineor fuel containerinside where the warnings and instructions in this manual and on the machine. there is an openflame, sparkor pilot light (e.g.furnace, waterheater,spaceheater,clothesdryeretc.). j. Allow machineto cool at least5 minutesbeforestoring. 4 Operation Maintenance 1. Do not put handsor feet near rotatingparts, inthe auger/impellerhousingor chute assembly.Contactwiththe rotating partscan amputatehandsand feet. 2. The auger/impellercontrol leveris a safetydevice.Never bypassits operation.Doing so makesthe machineunsafe and may causepersonalinjury. 3. The control leversmustoperateeasily in bothdirections and automaticallyreturnto the disengagedpositionwhen released. & Storage 1. Nevertamper withsafetydevices.Checktheir proper operationregularly.Referto the maintenanceand adjustmentsectionsof this manual. 2. Beforecleaning,repairing,or inspectingmachine disengageall control leversandstop the engine.Wait until the auger/impellercome to a completestop.Disconnectthe sparkplug wire and groundagainstthe engineto prevent unintendedstarting. 3. Checkbolts and screwsfor propertightness at frequent intervalsto keepthe machinein safe workingcondition. Also,visuallyinspectmachinefor any damage. 4. Do not changethe engine governorsettingor over-speed the engine.The governorcontrols the maximumsafe operatingspeed of the engine. 5. Snowthrowershaveplatesand skidshoesare subjectto wearanddamage. For yoursafetyprotection,frequently check all componentsand replacewith originalequipment manufacturer's(OEM) parts only."Use of partswhich do not meetthe original equipmentspecificationsmaylead to improperperformanceandcompromisesafety!" 6. Checkcontrols periodicallyto verify they engageand disengageproperlyandadjust, if necessary.Referto the adjustmentsection inthis operator'smanualfor instructions. 7. Maintainor replacesafetyandinstructionlabels,as necessary. 8. Observeproper disposallaws andregulationsfor gas, oil, etc. to protectthe environment. 9. Priorto storing,run machinea few minutesto clearsnow from machineand preventfreezeup of auger/impeller. 10. Neverstorethe machineor fuel containerinside where thereis an openflame, sparkor pilot lightsuch as a water heater,furnace, clothesdryeretc. 11. Alwaysreferto the operator'smanualfor proper instructions on off-seasonstorage. 4. Neveroperatewith a missing or damagedchuteassembly. Keep all safetydevices in place andworking. 5. Neverrun an engine indoorsor ina poorly ventilatedarea. Engineexhaustcontainscarbonmonoxide,an odorlessand deadlygas. 6. Do not operate machinewhileunderthe influenceof alcohol or drugs. 7. Mufflerand engine becomehot andcan causea burn.Do not touch. 8. Exerciseextremecaution when operatingon or crossing gravel surfaces.Stay alert for hidden hazardsor traffic. 9. Exercisecautionwhen changingdirectionandwhile operatingon slopes. 10. Planyour snow-throwingpatternto avoiddischargetowards windows,walls, cars etc. Thus, avoidingpossibleproperty damageor personalinjury caused bya ricochet. 11.Neverdirectdischargeat children,bystandersandpets or allowanyoneinfront of the machine. 12.Do not overloadmachinecapacityby attemptingto clear snow at too fast of a rate. 13.Neveroperatethis machinewithoutgood visibility or light. Alwaysbe sure of yourfooting and keepa firmhold on the handles.Walk, neverrun. 14.Disengagepowerto the auger/impellerwhen transporting or not inuse. Do not modify 15.Neveroperate machineat high transportspeeds on slippery surfaces.Lookdown and behindand use carewhen engine Toavoid seriousinjury or death,do not modifyengine inany backing up. way.Tamperingwiththe governorsettingcan leadto a runaway 16. Ifthe machineshould startto vibrate abnormally,stop the engineandcauseit to operateat unsafespeeds.Nevertamper engine,disconnectthe spark plug wire andground it against withfactorysettingof enginegovernor. the engine.Inspectthoroughlyfor damage.Repairany Notice regarding Emissions damage beforestartingandoperating. Engineswhichare certifiedto complywithCaliforniaandfederal 17.Disengageall control leversand stop engine beforeyou EPAemissionregulationsfor SORE(SmallOff RoadEquipment) leave the operatingposition(behindthe handles).Wait arecertified to operateon regularunleadedgasoline,and until the auger/impellercomesto a completestop before may includethe followingemissioncontrolsystems:Engine uncloggingthe chute assembly,makingany adjustments,or Modification(EM)andThreeWayCatalyst(TWO)if so equipped. inspections. Your Responsibility 18.Neverput yourhand inthe dischargeor collector openings. Restrictthe useof this powermachineto personswho read, Alwaysuse the clean-outtool providedto unclogthe understandandfollowthe warningsandinstructionsinthis dischargeopening.Do not unclogchute assemblywhile manualandon the machine. engine is running.Shutoff engine and remainbehind handles until all movingparts havestoppedbefore unclogging. 19.Use onlyattachmentsand accessoriesapprovedbythe manufacturer(e.g.wheel weights,tire chains,cabs etc.). 20. Ifsituationsoccur whichare not coveredinthis manual, use care and goodjudgment.Contactyour dealeror call (800) 800-7310for assistanceandthe name of your nearest servicingdealer.. 5 WARNING This symbol points out importantsafety instructionswhich, if not followed,could endanger the personalsafety and/ or propertyof yourself and others. Read and follow all instructions in this manualbefore attemptingto operate this machine.Failure to comply with these instructionsmay result in personal injury.When you seethis symbol. HEED iTS WARNING! Your Responsibility Restrict the use of this power machine to personswho read, understandand follow the warnings and instructions in this manual and on the machine. Contents of Carton Cartoncontentsare listedbelowwith part numbersin parentheses, 1. TwoignitionKeys(725-0201) 2, 2,6 oz Bottleof 2 CycleOil (737-04037) 3, ExtensionCord(if soequipped)(629-0236) __IL wire and groundit against the engineto ARNING: Disconnectthe spark plug preventunintended starting. Positioning the Upper Handle 1. Removepackingmaterial,if present. 2. Makingsurenot to pinchthe cablein the process, pivotthe upper handleintothe operatingpositionas illustratedin Figure1 untilit clicksinto place. 3. Tightenthe star knobsto securethe handlein place as in Figure1. Figure 1 NOTE: This Operator's Manual covers several models. Snow thrower Assembling the Discharge / Chute For shippingreasons,the snow throwerhasbeen packagedwith the upperchute pivotedall the waydown. Topivot itupward,proceedas follows: features vary by model. Not all features discussed in this , manual are applicable to all snow thrower models. , NOTE: All references Turnthe chute untilthe chuteopeningis facing straightahead. Removethewing knob,flat washer and carriagebolt fromthe lowerchute. See Figure2. Pivotthe upperchute upwardoverthe lip on the lower chuteso that there is NOgap betweenthe upper chuteand the lowerchute. 3. Resecurewith the hardwarejust removed. If installed correctly,your snowthrowershouldlook like Figure3. i to left or right side of the snow thrower is IMPORTANT:Do not usethe chute handleto lift the snowthrower. i from the operating position only. Figure 2 IMPORTANT: Do not usethe chute handle to lift the snow thrower. Figure 3 6 AugerControlHandle_ ElectricStarter Button (if equipped) Figure4A YourSnOw FuelCap Primer Spark PlugAccess ChuteAssembl IMPORTANT: This unit runs on a mixture of gasoline and oil. Do NOT / ShavePlate operate the snow thrower without first / Auger reading !,heengines operator s manual for instructions regarding proper fuel and engine oil. Figure 4 IMPORTANT:This unit runson a mixtureof gasoline and oil. DoNOToperatethe snowthrowerwithoutfirst readingthe enginesoperator'smanualfor instructions regardingproperfueland engine oil. Spark Plug Cover Removesparkplug coverto access sparkplug. Auger Whenengaged,the augersrotationdrawssnowinto the augerhousingand throwsitout the dischargechute. Activatingchoke controlclosesthechoke plateon Rubberpaddleson the augersalso aid in propellingthe carburetorand aids in startingengine.Referto the engine unitas they come in contactwith the pavement. manualpackedwith unitfor moredetailedinstructions. Choke Lever Auger Control Primer Handle Depressingprimerforcesfueldirectlyinto engine's carburetorto aid in cold-weatherstarting.Referto engine manualpackedwith unitfor moredetailedinstructions. Locatedon theupperhandle,theaugercontrolhandle is usedto engageand disengagedriveto theauger. Squeezethecontrolhandleagainstthe upperhandleto engageauger;releaseit todisengage. Ignition Discharge Key Ignitionkeymust be present,insertedin keyswitch,and in the "ON" positionfor engineto start. Recoil Chute / Chute Handle Rotatethe dischargechuteto theleft or rightusingchute handle.Pitchof the dischargechutecontrolsangleat whichthesnowis thrown.Loosenwingknobon side of thedischargechutebeforepivotingdischargechute upwardor downward.Retightenthe knoboncedesired positionhasbeenachieved. Starter The starterhandleis usedto manuallystartthe engine. Electric Starter Button (If so equipped) Pressingthe electric starterbutton engagesthe engine'selectric starterwhen plugged intoa 120V power souroe Shave Plate Theshaveplatemaintainscontactwithpavementas thesnowthroweris propelled,allowingsnowcloseto pavement'ssurfaceto bedischarged. Electric Starter Plug (If so equipped) Requiresuseof a two-prongoutdoorextensioncord (packedwith the snowthrower)and a 120Vpower source/walloutlet. 7 I Before Starti ng Electric _ WARNING:Before startingthe _ WARNING:The electric starter must engine,read, understand, andon follow all instructionsand warnings the machine and in this manual, ALL be used withreceptacle a properly at grounded three-prong all times to avoid the possibilityof electric shock. 1. Thespark plug wirewas disconnectedfor safety. Attachsparkplug wireto sparkplug beforestarting, i Follow all instructionscarefully prior to operatingthe electric starter. IMPORTANT:Forcompleteand detailedengine starting,stoppingand storinginstructions,it is recommendedthat you readthe enginemanualalsoincluded with this unit. i 1. Theelectricstarteris equippedwith a groundedthreewirepowercordand plug,and is designedto operate on 120volt AC householdcurrent. 2. Determinethat your housewiringis a three-wire Fuel And Oil Mixture WARNING Read, understand, and follow all instructions and warnings on the machine and in this manual before operating, Use extreme care when handling gasoline. Gasoline is extremely flammable and the vapors are explosive. Never fuel the machine indoors i or while the engine is hot or running, i Extinguish cigarettes, i cigars, pipes and other sources of ignition. i The electric starter must be used with a ' properly grounded three-prong receptacle at all times to _ groundedsystem.Ask a licensedelectricianif you are not certain. handling gasoline. Gasoline is WARNING:Use extremecare when extremelyflammable and the vapors are explosive.Never fuel machine indoorsor while the engineis hot or running.Extinguish cigarettes, cigars, pipesand other sourcesof ignition, 3. If your home wiring system is not a three-wire grounded system, do not usethis electricstarter underany conditions. 4. If your home electricalsystem is grounded, but a three-holereceptacleis not available,one should be installedby a licensedelectricianbeforeusingthe IMPORTANT:This unitrunson a mixtureof gasoline and oil. Do NOToperatethe snow throwerwithout electricstarter. 5. If you have a grounded three-prong receptacle, first readingthe enginesoperator'smanualfordetailed proceedas follows. instructionsregardingproperfueland engineoil. Do NOToperatethe snow throwerwithoutthe fuelcap securelyin placeon the fuel tank. 6. MoveChokeControlto the "Full"position. 7. PushPrimerthree (3) times, makingsureto cover vent holewhen pushing. 8. Connectpowercord to switch boxon dash panel. Plugthe otherend of powercord intoa three-prong 120-volt,grounded,AC receptacle. Positioni ng the Discharge Chute 1. Loosenthe star knobfoundon the left side of the dischargechute and pivotthe upper chute upward 9. Pushstarterbuttonto crank engine. 10.Whenenginestarts,releasestarterbutton,and move chokegraduallyto 1/2Chokeuntil theengine runs smoothly. NextmoveChoketo OFF.If enginefalters, movechokeimmediately to FULLand then gradually to 1/2 thento OFE ordownwardto the desiredpitch, Retightenthe star knobbefore operatingthe snow thrower. 11.Disconnectthe powercord.Always unplug from the outlet first, and then from the snow thrower. Figure 5 Recoil Starter 2. Rotatethe dischargechute to the left or rightusing the chutehandle.See Figure5. 1. Movechokeleverto FULLchokeposition(cold engine start). TO Start Engine 2. If engineiswarm,placechokein OFF positioninstead of FULL. 1. Insertignitionkey intoslot. 3. PushPrimerthree (3) times, makingsureto cover 2. Nowfollow the instructions belowas itpertainsto yourunit. See Figure5 for locationof controls. vent holewhen pushing. 4. If engineiswarm,pushprimerbuttononlyonce. avoid the possibility of electric shock. Fol- NOTE:Alwayscover venthole in primerbuttonwhen pushing.Additionalprimingmaybe necessaryfor first start iftemperatureisbelow15 degreesFahrenheit. low all instructions i carefully Starter(if equipped) prior to 5. Graspstarterhandleand pull rope out slowly,until it pullsslightlyharder.Let rope rewindslowly. operating the electric starter, 6. Pull starterhandlerapidly.Do notallowhandleto snap back.Allowitto rewindslowlywhilekeepinga firm hold on the starterhandle. 8 7. As enginewarmsup and beginsto operateevenly, rotatechoke leverslowlyto the 1/2 Chokeposition. Whenthe enginebeginsto run smoothly,movethe choketo the OFFposition.If enginefalters, return to FULLchoke,then slowlymove to 1/2 thenOFF position. Operating The pitchof the chute assemblycontrolsthe angleat whichthe snow isthrown. 1. Loosenthe star knobfoundon the left sideof the chuteassemblyand pivotthe upper chute upwardor downward to the desiredpitch. Retightenthe star knobbeforeoperating the snowthrower. To Stop Engine 1. To stopengine,turnignitionkey counter-clockwise. Disconnectthe sparkplug wirefrom the spark plug to preventaccidentalstartingwhile equipmentis unattended. . To help preventpossiblefreeze-up of starter, proceedas follows: 1. Runenginefor a few minutesbeforestoppingto help dry off anymoistureon the engine. Clearing Snow _ thrower with bystandersin front of or ARNING:Neveroperatethe snow near the dischargechute opening. 1. Engagethe auger by squeezingthe augercontrol handleagainstthe upperhandle.See Figure5. RecoilStarter:With engine running,pull starterrope with a rapid,continuousfull arm strokethree or four times. Pullingthe starterropewill producea loud clatteringsound,which isnot harmfulto theengine or starter. 2. Lift up slightlyon the handleto allowthe rubber paddleson the auger to contactthe pavementand propelthe snowthrowerforward.Pushingdownward on the handlewill raisethe augersoff the ground and stop forwardmotion. 4. Wipeall snowand moisturefrom the carburetorcover in the areaof thecontrol levers.Also, movecontrol leversbackand forth severaltimes. Leavechoke control inthe FULLchoke position. Opera tm ion Positionthe chute assemblyopening Figure 6 by usingthe Chute Handleto throw the snowin the desireddirection. See inset Figure6. 2. ElectricStarter:Connectpowercord to switchbox on engine,thento 120volt AC receptacle.With the engine running,pushstarterbuttonand spin the starterfor severalseconds.The unusualsoundmade by spinningthe starterwill not harmengine or starter. Disconnectthe powercord from receptaclefirst, and then from switchbox. . the Snow Thrower 3. Dischargesnowdownwindwheneverpossible. Slightlyoverlapeachpreviouslyclearedpath. WARNING Muffler' engine and surroundingareas become hot can cause a burn, Do not touch; Never operate the snow thrower with bystanders in front of or near the discharge NOTE:Excessiveupwardpressureon the handlewill result in prematurewearon the rubberauger blades whichwouldnot be coveredbywarranty. 5. Removeignitionkey and disconnectsparkplug wireto preventaccidentalstarting. Operating Tips 1. Runthe enginefor a few minutesbeforestoppingto help dry anymoistureon theengine. 2. Cleanthe snowthrowerthoroughlyafter each use. __i= surroundingareas becomehot and ARNING:Muffler, engineand can causea burn.Be carefuland do not touch when hot. NOTE: Excessive upward pressure on the handle will result in premature wear on the rubber auger blades which would not be covered by warranty. 9 Shave Plate 1. Tocheckthe adjustmentof the shaveplate,placethe uniton a levelsurface.The wheels,shaveplateand augersshouldall contact levelsurface.Notethat if the shaveplateis adjustedtoo high,snowmay blowunder the housing.If the shaveplatewearsout excessively, or the unit doesnot self-propel,the shaveplatemay be too lowand needsto be adjusted. NOTE:On newunits or units with a newshaveplate installed,the augersmay be slightlyoff theground. 2. Toadjust,tip the snowthrowerback sothat it rests on the handle.Loosenthe lock nuts and boltswhich securethe shaveplateto the housing.See Figure7. Movethe shaveplateto desiredpositionand retighten the nuts and bolts securely. Replacing Figure 7 WARNING Disconnect the 2. Installnewshaveplate,making suretheheadsof the carriagebolts are on the insideof the housing. 3. Adjustthe shaveplateaccordingto instructions above.Tightenthe nuts securelybeforeoperatingthe snowthrower. NEVER attempt to make any adjustments while NOTE: Forinformationregardingthe priceand availability of ShavePlateKit referto customersupporton page 2. the engine is running, except where specified in the operator's manual. stop engine. Wait untilall moving parts have come to a complete stop. Theshaveplate is attachedto the bottomof theauger housingand is subjectto wear.It shouldbe checked periodically.Thereare two wearingedgesand the shave platecan be reversed.Referto Figure7. 1. Removethecarriageboltsand hexlock nuts which attachit to the snowthrowerhousing. spark plug wire and ground it against the engine to prevent unintended starting. Before servicing, repairing, or inspecting, disengage the control bail and Shave Plate Control Cable As a resultof both thecontrolcable and thedrive belt stretchingdue to wear,periodicadjustmentsmaybe necessary. Figure 8 If the augerseemsto hesitatewhenrotatingwhilethe enginemaintainsa constantspeed,an adjustmentis necessary.Proceedas follows: _ wire and groundit against the engine ARNING:Disconnectthe sparkplug to preventunintended starting. Theupper hole in the control handleprovidesfor an adjustmentin cabletension.Toadjust,disconnectthe end of controlcablefrom the bottomhole in the control __k any adjustments while the engineis ARNING:NEVERattempt to makethe running, exceptwhere specifiedin operator's manual. handleand reinsertit inthe upper hole.Insertthe cable from theoutsideas shownin Figure8. Testthe snow throwerto seeif thereisa noticeabledifference. Carburetor ,_ be made to the enginewhile the engine WARNING:If any adjustments need to is running(e.g. carburetor), keep clear of all moving parts.Be careful of muffler, engine and other surrounding heated surfaces. 1. Referto the separateengine manual,packedwith yourunit, for carburetoradjustmentinformation. 10 Replacing A Belt or inspecting,disengage the control ARNING:Beforeservicing,repairing, bail and stop engine. Wait until all moving parts have come to a complete stop. Disconnect spark plug wire and ground it against the engine to prevent unintended starting. Removethebeltcoverbyremovingfivehexscrews.See Figure9. Thensimplypullthebeltoff bygraspingitfromthe bottomoftheaugerpulleyandpullingoff. Onceyou remove thebeltfromthepulleys,youcanpushdownonthe idler pulleyto releasethebeltfromunderthebeltkeeper. intenal To replacethe beltfollow theseinstructionsand referto Figure10: 1. Pushdownon the Idlerpulley. Jo remove,pullbelt off here J Figure 9 2. Putbelton top of the augerpulley,underbelt keeper. WARNING 3. Threadbeltaroundengine pulley. 4. Pushbeltoverbottomof augerpulley. Before servicing; repairing, or inspecting, disengagethe control stopengine: lall moving Reinstallthe belt cover removedearlier. Engine 1. Referto the separateenginemanualfor all engine maintenanceprocedures. 2. Checkengineand snowthrowerfrequentlyfor loose hardware,and tightenas needed. parts have come toa complete stop: Discon' nect spark plugwire Lubrication gioun i Lubricatepivotpoints on the controlhandleand the extensionspringat the end of the controlcable with a light oil once everyseasonand beforestorageof the snow throwerat the end of the season. Replacing prevent unintendedstarting. Auger Paddles J The snowthrowerauger'srubber paddlesare subjectto wearand shouldbe replacedif any signsof excessive wear is present. Figure 10 f iMPORTANT:Do NOTallowthe auger'srubberpaddles to wearto the pointwhereportionsof the metal auger itself cancome in contact with the pavement.Doingso can result in seriousdamageto your snowthrower. PORTANT: DoNOT,ow NOTE:For informationregardingthe priceand availability of Auger Kit referto customersupporton page2. auger!s padd es Tochangethe rubberpaddles,proceedas follows: 1. Removethe existingrubberpaddlesby unscrewingthe self-tappingscrewswhich securethemtothe auger. See Figure11. to the point where portions of the metal auger itself can come incontact with the 2. Securethe replacementrubberpaddlesto the auger usingthe hardwareremovedearlier. pavement: Doing SO can result in serious damage toyour snow thrower, Figure 11 11 Observethe following,whenpreparingyour snow throwerfor off-seasonstorage: • Drainfuel intoan approvedcontaineroutdoors,away from anyopen flame.Allowengine to cool. Extinguishcigarettes,cigars,pipesand other sources of ignitionpriorto drainingfuel. Fuelleft in engine duringwarmweatherdeterioratesand willcause seriousstartingproblems. If unitis to be storedover30 days,preparefor storageas instructedin the separateenginemanual packedwithyour unit. Runengine untilfueltank is emptyand enginestops due to lack of fuel. Removegasolinefromcarburetorand fuel tank to preventgum depositsfrom formingon these parts and causingpossiblemalfunctionof engine. WARNING Never store snow i thrower with fuel in tank indoors or in poorly ventilated areas, where fuel fumes may reach an open flame, spark or pilot light as on a furnace, water heater, i clothes dryer or gas , appliance. Drain fuel into an Draincarburetorby pressingupwardon bowldrain, locatedbelowthecarburetorcover. • Fuelstabilizers,such as STA-BIL®,are an acceptable alternativein minimizingthe formationof fuel gumdepositsduring storage.Do notdrain carburetor if usinga fuel stabilizer. • Wipeequipmentwith an oiled ragto preventrust. • Removesparkplug and pour one ounceof engine oil throughsparkplug hole into cylinder.Coverspark plug hole with rag.Crankengine severaltimesto distributeoil. Replacespark plug. • Followthe lubricationrecommendationsfoundin the MaintenanceSection. Alwaysstorethe snowthrowerin a clean,dry area. approved container outdoors, away from any open flame. Be certain engine is i cool. Do not smoke. Fuel left in engine during warm weather deteriorates and will cause serious starting problems. Do not drain carburetor if using fuel stabilizer. Never use engine or carburetor cleaning i products in the fuel tank or permanent damage may occur. 12 Problem Fnh n_f_ _ m _ Cause I " " "!" "_" Remedy ChOkenot inON position: MoveChoketo ON post on Spark plugwiredisconnected. 21 Connectwire to spark plug. Fue!tank emptyor stale fuel. &Fill tank with clean,freShgaSeiinel Enginenot primed. Primeengineas instructedin Ope[atingY°U[Sniw Th[°_ei 5 FaultySparkplug 5; & Blockedfuel linei Safetykey notin ignition0n 8. Fue Shut-offva ve c osed. (f Engine runs erratic Clean,adjust gap,or replace: 6. Cleanfuel !inel 8, Trou hie: Shooting keyfU!y int° !heswito!i Open fue shut-offva ve: 1. Unit runningon CHOKE. 1. Movechoke leverto OFFposition. 2. Blockedfuel line or stalefuel. 2. Cleanfuelline; fill tank with clean, freshgasoline. 3. Wateror dirt in fuelsystem. 3. Drainfueltank. Refillwith freshfuel. 4. Carburetorout of adjustment. 4. ContactServiceCenter. NOTEi ThiSsection addresses minor service issues: For further details, contact customer assistancel Eng ne overheats 1 Carburetornot adjustedpropery 1 ContactServce Center Excessive Vibration 1. Looseparts or damagedauger. 1. Stopengine immediatelyand disconnectsparkplugwire.Tighten all boltsand nuts.If vibration continues,haveunit servicedby a ServiceCenter. Loss of power I • Unit fails to propel itself Unit fails to d scharge snow 1. Sparkplugwire loose. 1. Connectand tightenspark plug 2. Gas capvent hole plugged. wire. 2. Removeice and snow from gas 3 Exhaustport plugged cap. Be certa n vent hole is clear. _. 3 ContactServiceCenter 1. Drivecontrolcablein needof adjust- 1. Adjustdrivecontrolcable. Referto merit. 2. Drivebelt looseor damaged. "Adjustments". 2. Replacedrive belt. 1. Chute assemblyclogged. 1. Stopengine immediatelyand disconnectspark plugwire. Clean chuteassemblyand insideof augerhousingwith clean-outtool 2. Foreignobjectlodged in auger. 3. Auger beltlooseor damaged. 13 or a stick. 2. Stopengine immediatelyand disconnectspark plugwire. Removeobject from auger. 3. Referto Maintenancesection ii i _iI_ ii iVlodels/iVlodeles 230-260 @ 14 iVlodels/iVlodeles REF NO. PART NO. N ° DE REF N ° DE PIECE 230-260 DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 629-0236 710-0627 710-1003 710-3025 Cord-Extension 110V3M 2 Prong Hex L-Bolt 5/16-24 x .75 Gr. 5 Corde Boulon Hex Wash Screw-Hex Vis taraudee nO. 10 x 0,62 po de Ig. Vis & t6te hex 5 6 7 712-04063 725-0157 726-0154 Flange Locknut 5/16-18 Cable Tie Push Mount Tie 8 10 11 12 726-0205 736-0242 747-04150 7511825510 Hose Clamp Cupped Washer .340 ID x .872 OD x .06 Gas Tank Support Wire Choke Lever Knob 13 14 15 16 751-0535 751-10023 751-10278 754-0101A Fuel Line Fuel Tank 17 18 754-0367 756-0416B 756-04232 V-Belt (3.5 HP Tec. only) Pulley Half .625 ID x 2.25 OD V-Pulley 1/2 x 6,0" OD ( 5.0 Tec. 756-04243 790-00225 734-04225 684-04228 Pulley (3.5 HP Tec. only) 2-cycle Mounting Bracket Wheel, 7 x 1.50 dia. Lug Auger Assembly Hex Screw 1/4-20 x 1.25 Gr. 5 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 710-0106 710-0642 710-0653 710-0896 26 27 28 B-Tapp Cap Scr #10 x .62" Lg. Gr. F, Nylon hex 5/16-24 Contre-ecrou Attache-c&ble x 0,75 Qual. 5 & embase Cap-Fuel V-Belt 1/2 x 35.0" Lg. HP only) Qual. F, nylon Tige de poussoir Collier Rondelle creuse 0,340 Dt x 0,872 DE x 0,06 Fil de support - reservoir & carburant Manette du volet de depart Ligne d'essence Reservoir de carburant Capuchon d'essence Courroie trapezoidale 2 Quart 5/16-18 de 2 quarts 1/2 x 35,0 po de Ig Courroie trapezoidale (Tec. 3,5 HP seulement) Moitie poulie 0,625 DI x 2,25 DE Poulie, 1/2 x 6,0" DE (Tec. 5,0 HP seulement) Poulie (Tec. 3,5 HP seulement) Support de montage Roue, 7 x 1,50 diam. Lug Ensemble de la tariere Visa t6te hexagonale 1/4-20 x 1,25 Qual 5 Thd Forming Scr. 1/4-20 x .75 Lg. Hex Wash HD Tapp Scr 1/4-20 x .375 Hex B-Tap Scr 1/4-28 x .25" Lg Vis taraudee 1/4-20 x 0,75 Ig. Vis auto-taraudeuse hexagonale 1/4-20 x 0,375 Vis taraudee a t6te hexagonale 1/4-28 x 0,25 710-0352 710-3008 712-04064 Hex Tap Scr. 1/4-14 x .375" Lg. Hex Bolt 5/16-18 x .75" Lg. Gr. 5 Flange Locknut 1/4-20 Gr. F, Nylon 29 30 31 32 726-0299 732-0357A Push Cap x 1/2" Rod Extension Spring .33 OD x 1.12 Lg. Flat Washer .25 ID x .93 OD x .125 Vis taraudee 1/4-14 x 0,375 po de Ig. Boulon hex. 5/16-18 x 0,75 po de Ig. Qual. 5 Contre-ecrou a embase 1/4-20 Qual. F, nylon Ecrou pour tige de 1/2 po 33 34 35 36 736-0329 741-04188 684-04168 748-0234 37 38 39 712-0896 750-04571 790-00283 790-00045A 40 41 42 43 44 736-0176 790-00249 756-0625 735-04033 735-04032 684-04202 Bearing L-Wash Cup 1/4 ID Contre-ecrou Entretoise Paddle (trou 1/4 po) de blocage 1/4-28 Pale en caoutchouc Spirale en caoutchouc - croissant Ensemble de la tari@e de 21 po avec arbre solide Shaft (w/o rubber paddels) Recoil Handle, Mitten Primer (sans pale en caoutchouc) Poignee du demarreur Amorgeur 45 46 47 7510009636 7512B1476 738-0924A 48 49 684-04227 721-04006 Auger Assembly Housing Fuel Tank Gasket 5O "51 722-3022 750-0589 750-0716A Tape Spacer Spacer * 52 ,,Service apr_s-vente_> la page 2 pour ce qui ;oncerne les pi_ces et/ou accessoires. Support du tendeur Couvercle de courroie Guide du c&ble Rubber Spiral-Crescent Auger Ass'y 21" w/Solid Hex Shld.Scr.1/4-28 Ressort d'extension 0,33 DE x 1,12 po de Ig Rondelle plate 0,25 DI x 0,93 DE x 0,125 Roulement a cuvette Poulie du tendeur Entretoise epaul6e Shoulder Spacer Idler Bracket Belt Cover Cable Guide Roller Rubber customer support on page 2. Adressez-vous au Rondelle frein 1/4 Dt Roulement a billes 0,625 x 37,0 x 12,63 Ball Bearing .625 x 37 x 12.63 Idler Pulley (1/4" hole) Shoulder Spacer .25 Thk. Hex Ins Jam L-Nut 1/4-28 x .375 Visa epaulement 1/4-28 x 0,375 Logement de la tari@e Joint Bande .325 ID x .625 OD x .88 .630 x .88 x .747 Entretoise 0,325 DI x 0,625 DE x 0,88 Entretoise 0,630 Dt x 0,88 DE x 0,747 31A-2501 * 3.5 HP Tec. only/3,5 HP Tec. seulement 5.17.06 NOTE:Snowthrowerfeatures/componentsvary by model.NOTall parts listedaboveand picturedon the previous pageare standardequipment. 15 For parts and/or accessories refer to iVlodels/iVlodeles 230-260 / 16 REF NO. N ° DE REF PART NO. N ° DE PII_CE DESCRiPTiON DESCRiPTiON 1 684-04127 Lower Chute Ass'y (Incl. #5-7 and 10) 2 3 710-04071 710-0451 4 5 6 712-04063 720-0284 731-04388A Carriage Screw 5/16-18 x 1.0 Carriage Bolt 5/16-18 x .75 Flange Locknut 5/16-18 Gr. F, Nylon 7 8 731-04354A 736-0159 Upper Chute Flat Washer .349 ID x .879 OD x .063 9 10 710-04532 720-04072 Carriage Bolt 5/16-18 x 2.0 Gr. 5 11 13 725-0157 747-04165 14 15 Handle Knob Assembly Chute Handle Ens. de la goulotte inf. comp. les nos. 5-7 et 10 Vis ordinaire 5/16-18 x 1,0 Boulon ordinaire 5/16-18 x 0,75 Contre-ecrou a embase 5/16-18 Qual. F, nylon Bouton Poignee - goulotte d'ejection Goulotte superieur Rondelle plate 0,349 DI x 0,879 DE x 0,063 Boulon ordinaire 5/16-18 x 2,0 Qual. 5 Bouton Handle Knob Assembly Cable Tie Attache-c&ble Gull Wing Bail Etier de suspension 749-1092A 684-04144 Upper Handle Shroud Ass'y (3.5 HP) Guidon superieur Capot (3,5 HP) 16 684-04145 710-04187 Shroud Ass'y (4.5 HP) Hi-Lo Screw 1/4-15 x .50 Capot (4,5 HP) Vis 1/4-15 x 0,50 17 18 19 710-1003 710-1882 712-0252 Hex Wash B-Tapp Scr #10 x .62" Lg. Hex Scr. 5/16-18 x 1.50 Gr. 5 Hex Nut 5/8-32 x .12 Special Vis taraudee no. 10 x 0,62 po de Ig. Vis hexagonal 5/16-18 x 1,50 Qual. 5 Ecrou b.six pans 5/8-32 x 0,12 speciale 20 21 725-2018 736-0225 Key Switch-Electric L-Washer Internal Contacteur d'allumage Rondelle frein interne 22 24 736-0400 736-0362 Flat Washer .218" ID x .62" OD Flat Washer .22 ID x 1.25 25 26 710-0134 710-3008 Carriage Bolt 1/4-20 x .62 Hex Bolt 5/16-18 x .75" Lg. Gr. 5 Rondelle plate 0,22 DI x 1,25 Boulon ordinaire 1/4-20 x 0,62 Boulon hex. 5/16-18 x 0,75 po de Ig. Qual. 5 27 28 712-04064 731-1033 Hex L-Flanged Shave Plate Contre-ecrou Grattoir 29 30 736-0176 746-04237 Flat Washer .25 ID x .93 OD x .125 Control Cable Rondelle plate 0,25 DI x 0,93 DE x 0,125 C&ble de la commande 31 32 749-04114 725-0201 Lower Handle Guidon inferieur Clavette 33 34 35 731-1133C 731-04127 731-04353 Spark Plug Cover Lower Chute 5" Dia 36 731-04886 Chute Adapter 5" Dia Adaptateur 37 732-04111 Chute Adjustment Ressort d'ajustement Start electrique Rondelle plate 0,218" DI x 0,62" DE Nut 1/4-20 Gr. F Nylon Ignition Key Ring-Lower - demarreur For parts and/or accessories refer to customer support on page 2. Adressez-vous au a embase 1/4-20 Qual. F nylon <, la page 2 pour ce qui concerne les pi_ces et/ou accessoires. Couvercle de la bougie Goulotte d'ejection inferieur dia. 5 po Bague - goulotte d'ejection inferieur Chute Spring de la goulotte 5 po de dia. - goulotte d'ejection 31A-2502 5.17.06 17 TWO YEAR LiMiTED WARRANTY The limited warranty set forth below is given by MTD LLC with respect to new merchandise purchased and used in the United States and/or its territories and possessions, and by MTD Products Limited with respect to new merchandise purchased and used in Canada and/or its territories and possessions (either entity respectively,"MTD"). MTD warrants this product (excluding its normal wear parts as described below) against defects in material and workmanship for a periodof two (2) years commencing on the date of original purchase and will, at its option, repair or replace, free of charge, any part found to be defective in materials or workmanship. This limited warranty shall only apply if this product has been operated and maintained in accordance with the Operator's Manual furnished with the product, and has not been subject to misuse, abuse, commercial use, neglect, accident, improper maintenance, alteration, vandalism, theft, fire, water, or damage because of other peril or natural disaster. Damageresulting from the installation or use of any part, accessory or attachment not approved by MTD for use with the product(s) covered by this manualwill void your warranty as to any resulting damage. Failureto comply with suggested maintenance and lubrication specifications will void warranty. Normal wear parts are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of purchase. Normal wear parts include, but are not limited to items such as: batteries, belts, blades, blade adapters, grass bags, rider deck wheels, seats, snow thrower skid shoes, friction wheels, shave plates, auger spiral rubber and tires. HOW TO OBTAIN SERVICE: Warranty service is available, WITH PROOF OF PURCHASE, through your local authorized service dealer. To locate the dealer inyour area; In the U,S,A,: Check your Yellow Pages, or contact MTD LLCat RO. Box 361131,Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019,or call 1-800-800-7310 or 1-330-220-4683 or log on to our Web site at In Canada: Contact MTD Products Limited, Kitchener, ON N2G 4J1, or call 1-800-668-1238 or log on to our Web site at This limited warranty does not provide coverage in the following cases: a. The engine or component parts thereof. These items may carry a separate manufacturer'swarranty. Refer to applicable manufacturer's warranty for terms and conditions. b. Log splitter pumps, valves, and cylinders have a separate one-year warranty. c. Routine maintenance items such as lubricants, filters, blade sharpening, tune-ups, brake adjustments, clutch adjustments, deck adjustments, and normal deterioration of the exterior finish due to use or exposure. d. Service completed by someone other than an authorizedservice dealer. e. MTD does not extend any warranty for products sold or exported outside of the United States and/or Canada, and their respective possessions and territories, except those sold through MTD's authorized channels of export distribution. f. Replacement parts that are not genuine MTD parts. g. Transportation charges and service calls. h. If Products are used commercially. (MTD may separately offer Limited Commercial Warranties on certain select products. Ask your dealer or retailer for details or contact MTD Service for more information.) No implied warranty, including any implied warranty of merchantability of fitness for a particular purpose, applies after the applicable period of express written warranty above as to the parts as identified. No other express warranty, whether written or oral, except as mentioned above, given by any person or entity, including a dealer or retailer, with respect to any product, shall bind IVITD.During the period of the warranty, the exclusive remedy is repair or replacement of the product as set forth above, The provisions as set forth in this warranty provide the sole and exclusive remedy arising from the sale. MTD shall not be liable for incidental or consequential loss or damage including, without limitation, expenses incurred for substitute or replacement lawn care services or for rental expenses to temporarily replace a warranted product, Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusionor limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above exclusions or limitations may not apply to you. In no event shall recovery of any kind be greater than the amount of the purchase price of the product sold. Alteration of safety features of the product shall void this warranty. Youassume the risk and liability for loss, damage, or injury to you and your property and/or to others and their property arising out of the misuse or inability to use the product. This limited warranty shall not extend to anyone other than the original purchaser or to the person for whom it was purchased as a gift. HOW LOCAL LAWS RELATE TO THIS WARRANTY: This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary in different jurisdictions. IMPORTANT: Owner must present Original Proof of Purchase to obtain warranty coverage. MTD LLC, P.O. BOX361131 CLEVELAND, OHiO 44136-0019; Phone: 1-800-800-7310, 1-330-220-4683 MTD Products Ltd., P.O. BOX 1386, KITCHENER, ON N2G 4J1; Phone: 1-800-668-1238 18
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 18 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Producer : Goby Monitor Application version 3, 2, 1, 4 Create Date : Sat Mar 29 02:12:24 2014 Author : Title : Subject :EXIF Metadata provided by