MTD 31AS6FEF729 User Manual SNOW THROWER Manuals And Guides 1108152L
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Safety • Assembly • Operation • Tips & Techniques • Maintenance • Troubleshooting • Parts Lists • Warranty A O AL Two-Stage Snow Thrower- E, F Style iMPORTANT READ SAFETY RULES AND iNSTRUCTiONS CAREFULLY BEFORE OPERATION Warning: This unit is equippedwith an internalcombustionengineand shouldnot be usedon or nearany uniiprovedforest-covered,brushcoveredor grass-coveredland unlesstheengine'sexhaustsystemis equippedwith a sparkarrestermeetingapplicablelocalor statelaws(if any). If a sparkarresteris used,it shouldbe maintainedin effectiveworkingorder by the operator.In theState of Californiathe aboveis requiredbylaw (Section4442 of the CaliforniaPublicResourcesCode). Otherstatesmay havesimilarlaws.Federallaws applyon federallands.A sparkarrester for the muffleris availablethroughyour nearestengineauthorizedservicedealeror contactthe servicedepartment,RO. Box361131Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019. MTD LLC, P.O. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND, PRINTEDIN U.S.A OHIO 44136-0019 FORMNO. 769-01275C 06/13/2005 This Operator's Manual is an important part of your new snow thrower, it will help you assemble, prepare and maintain the unit for best performance. Please read and understand what it says. Table of Contents Safety Labels ...................................................... Safe Operation Practices ................................... Setting Up Your Snow Thrower .......................... Operating Your Snow Thrower ........................... MakingAdjustments ......................................... 3 4 6 8 12 Maintaining Your Snow Thrower ...................... Off-SeasonStorage ........................................... Trouble- Shooting ............................................. illustrated Parts List ......................................... Warranty ............................................ 14 18 19 20 Back Cover Finding and Recording Model Number BEFOREYOU START ASSEMBLING YOUR NEW EQUIPMENT, please locate the model plate on the equipment and copy the information to the sample model plate provided to the right. You can locate the model plate by standing at the operating position and looking down at the rear of the deck. This information will be necessary to use the manufacturer's web site and/or obtain assistancefrom the Customer Support Department or an authorized service dealer. www.mtdproducts.com_ IViTD LLC P. O. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND,OH 44136 330-220-4683 8oo=8oo=731 o J Customer Support Please do/VOTreturn the unit to the retailer from which it was purchased, without first contacting Customer Support. If you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regardingthe controls, operation or maintenanceof this unit, you can seek help from the experts. Choose from the options below: 1. Visit for many usefulsuggestions.Clickon CustomerSupportbutton and youwill get the optionsreproducedin the screenshot below.Clickon the appropriatebutton and help is immediatelyavailabb. . Theengine manufacturer is responsiblefor all engine-relatedissues with regardto performance,power-rating,specifications,warrantyand service. Pleasereferto theengine manufacturer'sOwner's/Operator's Manual,packedseparatelywith yourunit, for moreinformation. 2. Phonea Customer Support Representative at 1(800)800-7310. Ya_d_Man Yard Machi_ea Maltreats OHHne Pa_50eHne 2 $e_ce Locater 1. KEEPAWAYFROMROTATING IMPELLER ANDAUGER.CONTACT WITHIMPELLER OR AUGERCANAMPUTATE HANDSANDFEET. TOOLTOUNCLOG , USECLEAN-OUT DISCHARGE CHUTE. iil _I ii_ _ i _iii_!i _ _ii_ ii CLUTCH LEVERS, STOPENGINE, 3. DISENGAGE ANDREMAINBEHINDHANDLES UNTILALL MOVINGPARTSHAVESTOPPEDBEFORE UNCLOGGING ORSERVICINGMACHINE. , TOAVOIDTHROWNOBJECTS INJURIES, NEVER DIRECT DISCHARGE ATBYSTANDERS. USEEXTRA CAUTION WHENOPERATING ON GRAVELSURFACES. 5. READOPERATOR'SMANUAL. WARNING This symbol points out importantsafety instructionswhich, if not followed,could endangerthe personal safety and/or property of yourselfand others. Read and follow all instructionsin this manual beforeattemptingto operate this machine. Failure to comply with these instructionsmay result in personalinjury.When you see this symbol. HEED ITS WARNING! A chute clean-outtool is fastenedto the top of the augerhousingwith a mountingclip. Thetool is designed to cleara chuteassemblyof ice and snow. This item is fastenedwith a cabletie at the factory.Cut the cabletie beforeoperatingthe snowthrower. _ hands to clear a clogged chute ARNING: Never use your assembly. Shut off engine and remain behind handles until all moving parts have stopped before using the clean-out tool to clear the chute assembly. 3 Your Responsibility Restrict the use of this power machine to persons who read, understand and follow the warnings and instructions in this manual and onthe machine. WARNING: Engine Exhaust, some of its constituents, and certain vehicle components contain or emit chemicals known to State of Californiato cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductiveharm. DANGER: This machine was built to be operated according to the rules for safe operation in this manual. As with any type of power equipment, carelessness or error on the part of the operator can result in serious injury. This machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects. Failureto observe the following safety instructions could result in serious injury or death. Training Preparation 1. Read,understand,andfollowall instructionson the machineandin the manual(s)beforeattemptingto assembleand operate.Keepthis manualina safe placefor futureandregularreferenceandfor orderingreplacement 2. 3. WARNING This symbol points out importantsafety instructionswhich, if not followed,could endangerthe personal i safety and/or property I ofyourselfand others. Read and follow all instructionsin this manual beforeattemptingto operate i this machine. Failure I to comply with these instructionsmay result i in personalinjury.When you see this symbol. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. Thoroughlyinspectthe area wherethe equipmentis to be used. Removeall doormats,newspapers,sleds, boards, wiresand otherforeignobjects,whichcould be tripped over or thrown bythe auger/impeller. parts. 2. Alwayswearsafetyglasses or eye shieldsduringoperation Be familiarwithall controlsandtheir properoperation. andwhile performingan adjustmentor repairto protectyour Knowhowto stopthe machineanddisengagethem quickly. eyes. Thrownobjectswhich ricochetcan cause serious Neverallowchildrenunder14 yearsoldto operatethis injury to the eyes. machine.Children14 yearsold andovershouldread and understandthe operationinstructionsand safetyrulesin 3. Do not operatewithoutwearingadequatewinterouter this manualand shouldbe trainedand supervisedbya garments.Do not wearjewelry, long scarvesor other parent. loose clothing,whichcould becomeentangledin moving Neverallowadultsto operatethis machinewithoutproper parts. Wearfootwearwhich will improvefooting on slippery instruction. surfaces. Thrownobjectscan causeserious personalinjury.Plan 4. Usea groundedthree-wireextensioncordand receptacle yoursnow-throwingpatternto avoiddischargeof material forall units withelectric startengines. towardroads,bystandersandthe like. Keepbystanders,helpers,pets andchildrenat least 75 feet 5. Adjustcollectorhousingheight to cleargravel or crushed rock surfaces. fromthe machinewhileit is in operation.Stopmachineif anyoneentersthe area. 6. Disengageall control leversbeforestartingthe engine. Exercisecautionto avoidslippingor falling,especially 7. Neverattemptto makeany adjustmentswhileengineis running,exceptwherespecificallyrecommendedinthe when operatingin reverse. operator'smanual. 8, Let engine andmachineadjustto outdoortemperature beforestartingto clearsnow. 9. Toavoid personalinjury or propertydamage use extreme care inhandlinggasoline.Gasolineis extremelyflammable andthe vaporsare explosive.Serious personalinjury can occurwhen gasolineis spilledon yourself or your clothes, whichcan ignite.Washyour skinand changeclothes immediately. a. Useonly an approvedgasolinecontainer. b. Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars, pipes andothersources of ignition. c. Neverfuel machineindoors. d. Neverremovegas cap or add fuel whilethe engineis hot or running. e. Allow engineto coolat leasttwo minutesbeforerefueling. f. Neveroverfill fuel tank. Filltank to no morethan Y2inch i HEED ITS WARNING! Your Responsibility Restrictthe use of this power machine to personswho read, _ understand below bottomoffiller neckto providespacefor fuel expansion. g. Replacegasolinecap andtighten securely. h. If gasolineis spilled,wipe it off the engine and equipment. Movemachineto another area.Wait 5 minutes beforestartingthe engine. i. Neverstorethe machineor fuel containerinside where ano follow the warnings and instructions in this manual and on the machine. there is an openflame, sparkor pilot light (e.g.furnace, waterheater,spaceheater,clothesdryeretc.). j. Allow machineto cool at least5 minutesbeforestoring. 4 Operation Maintenance 1. Donot put hands or feet near rotatingparts, inthe auger/impellerhousingor chuteassembly.Contactwiththe rotatingparts can amputatehands andfeet. 2. The auger/impellercontrolleveris a safetydevice.Never bypassits operation.Doingso makesthe machineunsafe and may causepersonalinjury. 3. The controlleversmustoperate easilyin bothdirections and automaticallyreturnto the disengagedpositionwhen released. & Storage 1. Nevertamper withsafetydevices.Checktheir proper operationregularly.Referto the maintenanceandadjustmentsectionsof this manual. 2. Beforecleaning,repairing,or inspectingmachinedisengageall control leversandstop the engine.Wait untilthe auger/impellercometo a completestop. Disconnectthe sparkplug wire and groundagainstthe engineto prevent unintendedstarting. 3. Checkbolts and screwsfor propertightness at frequent intervalsto keepthe machinein safe workingcondition. Also,visuallyinspectmachinefor any damage. 4. Do not changethe engine governorsettingor over-speed the engine.The governorcontrols the maximumsafe operatingspeed of the engine. 5. Snowthrowershaveplatesand skidshoesare subjectto wearanddamage. For yoursafetyprotection,frequently check all componentsand replacewith originalequipment manufacturer's(OEM) parts only."Use of partswhich do not meetthe original equipmentspecificationsmaylead to improperperformanceandcompromisesafety!" 6. Checkcontrols periodicallyto verify they engageand disengageproperlyandadjust, if necessary.Referto the adjustmentsection inthis operator'smanualfor instructions. 7. Maintainor replacesafetyandinstructionlabels,as necessary. 8. Observeproper disposallaws andregulationsfor gas, oil, etc. to protectthe environment. 9. Priorto storing,run machinea few minutesto clearsnow from machineand preventfreezeup of auger/impeller. 10. Neverstorethe machineor fuel containerinside where thereis an openflame, sparkor pilot lightsuch as a water heater,furnace, clothesdryeretc. 11. Alwaysreferto the operator'smanualfor proper instructions on off-seasonstorage. 4. Neveroperate witha missingor damagedchuteassembly. Keepall safetydevicesin place andworking. 5. Neverrunan engineindoorsor in a poorlyventilatedarea. Engineexhaustcontainscarbonmonoxide,an odorlessand deadly gas. 6. Donot operate machinewhile underthe influenceof alcohol or drugs. 7. Mufflerandengine becomehot andcan causea burn.Do not touch. 8. Exerciseextremecaution when operatingon or crossing gravel surfaces.Stay alert for hidden hazardsor traffic. 9. Exercisecaution when changingdirectionandwhileoperating on slopes. 10. Plan yoursnow-throwingpatternto avoid dischargetowards windows,walls, cars etc. Thus, avoidingpossibleproperty damage or personalinjury causedby a ricochet. 11. Neverdirect dischargeat children,bystandersand pets or allow anyonein front of the machine. 12. Donot overloadmachinecapacity byattemptingto clear snow at too fast of a rate. 13. Neveroperatethis machinewithoutgoodvisibility or light. Alwaysbe sure of yourfooting and keepa firm hold on the handles.Walk, neverrun. 14. Disengagepowerto the auger/impellerwhentransportingor not in use. Do not modify 15. Neveroperate machineat hightransport speedson slippery surfaces. Lookdownand behindand use care when engine Toavoid seriousinjury or death,do not modifyengine inany way.Tamperingwiththe governorsettingcan leadto a runaway engineandcauseit to operateat unsafespeeds.Nevertamper withfactorysettingof enginegovernor. Notice regarding Emissions backingup. 16. Ifthe machineshouldstartto vibrate abnormally,stop the engine,disconnectthe sparkplug wire and groundit against the engine.Inspectthoroughlyfor damage.Repairany damage beforestartingandoperating. 17. Disengageall control leversandstop engine beforeyou leavethe operatingposition (behindthe handles).Wait untilthe auger/impellercomesto a completestop before uncloggingthe chuteassembly,makingany adjustments,or inspections. 18. Neverput yourhand in the dischargeor collectoropenings. Alwaysuse the clean-outtool providedto unclogthe discharge opening.Donot unclogchuteassemblywhileengine is running.Shut off engine and remainbehindhandlesuntil all movingparts havestoppedbefore unclogging. 19. Useonly attachmentsandaccessoriesapprovedbythe manufacturer(e.g. wheelweights,tire chains,cabs etc.). 20. If situationsoccurwhich are not coveredin this manual, use careand goodjudgment. Contactyourdealeror call (800) 800-7310for assistanceand the nameof your nearest servicing dealer.. Engineswhichare certifiedto complywithCaliforniaandfederal EPAemissionregulationsfor SORE(SmallOff RoadEquipment) arecertified to operateon regularunleadedgasoline,and may includethe followingemissioncontrolsystems:EngineModification (EM)andThreeWayCatalyst(TWO)if so equipped. Your Responsibility Restrictthe useof this powermachineto personswho read,understandand followthe warningsand instructionsin this manual andon the machine. 5 Operation WARNING This symbol points out important safety instructions, which if not followed, could endangerthe personal safety and/or property of yourselfand others. Read and follow all instructions in this manual before attempting to operate this machine. Failureto comply with these instructions may result in personal injury. When you see this symbol. HEED IT'S WARNING! Your Responsibility Restrictthe use of this power machine to persons who read. understand and follow the warnings and instructions in this manua and on the machine. 1. Observethe lowerrear area of the snowthrowerto be sure bothcablesare alignedwith rollerguides beforepivotingthe handleupward. NOTE:Referenceto right i and left side of the machine are observedfrom the operatingposition. 2. Securethe handleby tighteningthe plasticwing knoblocatedon boththe left and rightsidesof the handle.Removeand discardany rubberbands,if present.Theyare for packagingpurposesonly. 3. Positionthe chute assemblyoverthe base. NOTE:This Operator's Manualcoversseveral models.Snowthrower featuresvary by model.Not all featuresdiscussedin this manualare applicable to all snowthrowermodels. 4. Closethe flangekeepersto securethe chute assemblyto the chute base.Theflangekeeperswill click intoplacewhenproperlysecure. NOTE:If the flangekeeperswill not easilyclick into place,usethe palmof yourhand to applyswift,firm pressureto the back of each. NOTE:Two replacement i augershearpinsand bow i tie cotterpinsare provided , foryour convenience.Store in a safe placeuntil i needed.Referto Augers" I in the MaintenanceSection I of this manualfor more information. 6 u 5. Removethe fiat washerand hairpinclip from theend of the chute directionalcontrol. insertthe end of the chute directionalcontrolinto the lowerbracketand securewith thefiat washerand hairpin clipjust removed.If necessary,the lowerbracket can be adjusted.Referto ChuteBracketAdjustment. on Page 13. Setting Adjustments Up Auger Control iMPORTANT:Priorto operatingyoursnowthrower,refer to Auger ControlTeston page 11.Readand followall instructions carefullyand performall adjustmentsto verify your snowthrowerisoperatingsafelyand properly. Skid Shoes iMPORTANT:It is not recommendedthat you operate this snowthroweron gravelas loosegravelcan be easily picked up and thrownby the augercausingpersonal injury or damageto the snow thrower. IMPORTANT Priorto operating your snow thrower, refer to Auger Control Test on page 11. Read and follow all instructions The snowthrowerskid shoesare adjustedupwardat the factory for shippingpurposes.Adjust themdownward,if desired,prior to operatingthe snowthrower.Referto Skid Shoeson page 13. carefully and perform all adjustmentsto verify your snow thrower is operating safely and properly. NOTE:If youchooseto operatethe snow throweron a gravelsurface,keepthe skid shoes in positionfor maximumclearancebetweenthe groundand the shave plate. Tire Pressure Beforeoperating,checktire pressureand reducepressure in bothtires to between15psi and 20 psi. NOTE:If thetire pressureis not equalin bothtires,the unit may nottravel in a straightpathand the shaveplate may wearunevenly. 7 Know Your Snow Thrower f Shift Lever DriveControl ,,_ _ AugerControl ElectricStart Button Operating Your S"ow Th rower GasCap ChuteAssembly Oil Fill \ CleanOut \ Tool EngineControls RecoilStarter Handle ignition Key \ WARNi / Choke Control Augers Read,understand, and fo,oa, nstruc tions and warnings i on the machineand in thismanual before Control Figure 1 operating, Choke Now that you have set up your snow thrower for operation, get acquainted with its controls and features. These are described below and illustrated in Useextremecare whenhandling Control I,,'1 Figure 1.This knowledge will allow you to use your gasoline, Gasolineis extremely flammable new equipment to its fullest potential. andthe vapors explosive:Neverfuel NOTE: Fordetailedstartinginstructionsand more informationon all enginecontrols,referto the separate enginemanualpackedwith your unit the machine indoors or while the engine is hot or running, Extinguish cigarettesl cigars, pipes and Shift Thechokecontrol is foundon the rear of the engineand isactivatedby rotatingthe knobclockwise.Activatingthe chokecontrolclosesthe chokeplateon thecarburetor and aids instartingthe engine. Lever Throttle The shiftleverislocatedin the rightside of the handle paneland is usedto determinegorundspeedand directionof travel. othersourcesof Control Thethrottlecontrolis locatedon the engine.Itregulatesthe speedof the engineand will shut off the enginewhen pusheddowncompletely. | 6 Primer NOTE: Snowthrowersvary by m0de!with regardto featuresand components: Your snowthrowermay NOT resemb!elin detail, snowthrowersillustrated in figuresthroughout this manual. Depressingthe primerforcesfuel directly intothe engine'scarburetorto aid in cold-weatherstarting. Forward Thereare six forward(F) speeds.Positionone (1) is the slowestand positionsix (6) is the fastest. Oil Fill Reverse Thereare two reverse(R) speeds.One (1) is the slower and two (2) is the faster. Engineoil levelcan be checkedand oil addedthroughthe oil fie i 8 © Auger Control Ignition Key The ignitionkeyis a safety devise.It mustbe fully insertedin orderfor the engineto start. Removethe ignitionkey whenthe snowthrowerisnot inuse. Donot turnthe ignitionkey in an attemptto startthe engine.Doingso maycause it to break. f Clean-Out to clear a clogged chute assemWARNING• Never use your hands bly. Shut off engine and remain behind handles until all moving parts have stopped before unclogging. ,_k -Theauger controlislocatedon the left handle.Squeeze thecontrol grip againstthe handleto engagethe augers and start snowthrowingaction. Releaseto stop. The chuteclean-outtool isfastenedto the topof the auger housingwith a mountingclip. Thetool isdesigned to clear a cloggedchuteassembly. Drive Control "x DRIVE CONTROL Tool NOTE: This item is fastenedwith a cabletie to the rear of the auger housingat the factory.Cut the cabletie beforeoperatingthe snowthrower. WARNIN,3 Skid Shoes Positionthe skid shoesbasedon surfaceconditions. Adjust upwardfor hard-packedsnow.Adjustdownward whenoperatingon gravelor crushed rock surfaces. Recoil Handle This handleis usedto manuallystart the engine. Thedrivecontrol is locatedon the right handle.Squeeze thecontrol grip againstthe handleto engagethe wheel drive. Releaseto stop. Chute Directional Starter Electric Starter Control Electric Starter CHUTE DIRECTIONAL DISCHARGE _'_DISCHARGE Button Pressingtheelectricstarterbuttonengagesthe engine's electricstarterwhenpluggedintoa 120Vpowersource. CONTROL Outlet Requirestheuse of a three-prongoutdoorextensioncord and a 120Vpowersource/wailoutlet. ADJUSTABLE CHUTE TiLT Augers Whenengaged,the augersrotateand draw snowinto the auger housing. Chute Assembly # J Thechute directionalcontrolis locatedon left side of the snowthrower. Tochangethe directionin whichsnow is thrown,turn chutedirectionalcontrol as follows: * Crankclockwiseto dischargeto the left. The operation of any snow thrower can result in foreign objectsbeing thrown into the eyes; which Can damage your eyes severely, Always wear safety glasses while operating the snow thrower, or while performing anyadjust: ments or repairs on it: Be sure noone ott than the operator is standing ,,ear thesno,, Snowdrawnintothe auger housingisdischargedoutthe chute assembly. thrower while starting engine or operating snow thrower, Never Gas Cap run engine indoors or Unthreadthe gas capto add gasolineto the fueltank. in enclosed, poorly ventilated areas, En, gine exhaust contains carbon monoxide; an odo, and ess deaa y * Crankcounterclockwiseto dischargeto the right. gaS;Keep hands; feet, hairandoose c oth ng away from any moving parts on engine and 9 Gas & Oil Fill-Up WARNING Servicethe enginewith gasolineand oil as instructedin theTecurnsehEnginesmanualpackedseparatelywith yoursnowthrower.Readinstructionscarefully. StartingThe Engine 1. Attachsparkplug wireto sparkplug. Makecertain the metalloop on the end of the sparkplug wire (inside the rubberboot)is fastenedsecurelyoverthe metal tip on the spark plug. Read, understand, and follow all instruc- 2. Makecertain boththe augercontroland drivecontrol are in thedisengaged(released)position. tions and warnings on the machine and in this manual before 3. Movethrottlecontrolup to FASTposition.Insert ignitionkeyinto slot. Makesureit snaps intoplace. Do notattemptto turn the key. operating. NOTE:The enginecannotstart unlessthe key is insertedintoignitionswitch. Use extreme care when handling gasoline. Gasoline is extremely flammable and the vapors are explosive. Neverfuel the machine indoors or while the engine is hot or running. Extinguish cigarettes, cigars, pipes and other sources of ignition. if your home's wiring system is not a three-wire grounded system, do not use this electric starter under any conditions. if your home electrical system is grounded, but a three-hole receptacle is not available, do not use your snow thrower's electric starter. 7. Whendisconnectingtheextensioncord, always unplugtheend at thethree-prongwalloutlet before unpluggingthe oppositeend from the snowthrower. Recoil Starter 1. Rotatechokecontrolto FULLchokeposition(cold enginestart). NOTE:If the engineis alreadywarm,placechokecontrol in the OFF positioninsteadof FULL. 2. Pushthe primertwo or threetimesfor coldengine start, makingsureto covervent hole in the centerof theprimerwhenpushing. Electric Starter 1. Determinethat yourhome'swiringis a three-wire groundedsystem.Ask a licensedelectricianif you are notcertain. _ 6. Asthe enginewarms,slowlyrotatethe chokecontrol to the OFFposition.If the enginefalters,quicklyrotate thechokecontrol backto FULLand then slowlyinto theOFF positionagain. NOTE:DO NOTuse primerto restarta warm engine aftera short shutdown. NOTE:Additionalprimingmay be necessaryif the temperatureis below150Fahrenheit. 3. Graspthe recoilstarterhandleand slowlypull the ropeout. At the pointwhereit becomesslightlyharder to pull the rope,slowlyallowthe ropeto recoil. starter is equipped with a ARNING: The optional electric grounded three-wire power cord and plug, and is designed to operate on 120 volt AC household current, it must be used with a 4. Pullthe starterhandlewith a firm, rapidstroke.Do not releasethe handleand allowit to snapback.Keepa firm holdon the starterhandleand allowit to slowly recoil. properly grounded three-prong receptacle at all times to avoid the possibility of electric shock. Follow all instructions carefully prior to operating the electric starter. . Asthe enginewarms,slowlyrotatethe chokecontrol to the OFFposition.If the enginefalters,quicklyrotate thechokecontrol backto the FULLpositionand then slowlyintothe OFF positionagain. NOTE:Allowthe engineto warmup fora few minutes after starting.The enginewill notdevelopfull poweruntil it reachesoperatingtemperatures. If youhavea groundedthree-prongreceptacle,proceed as follows: 1. Plug theextensioncord intothe outletlocatedon the engine'ssurface.Plugthe otherend of extensioncord intoa three-prong120-volt,grounded,ACoutlet in a well-ventilatedarea. 2. Rotatechokecontrol to FULLchokeposition(for a coldengine start). NOTE: If the engineis alreadywarm,placechokecontrol in the OFFpositioninsteadof FULL. 3. Pushthe primertwo or threetimesfor coldengine start, makingsureto covervent hole in thecenterof the primerwhenpushing. Stopping The Engine Runenginefor a few minutesbeforestoppingto help dry off any moistureon the engine. • Tohelp preventpossiblestarterfreeze-up,proceedas follows: Electric Starter 1. Connectextensioncord to the electricstarteroutlet on the engine,then to 120volt AC outlet. 2. Withthe engine running,pushthe starterbutton and allowthe starterfor spin for severalseconds.The noisemadebythe starteris normal.The engine's starteris not beingharmed. NOTE: DONOT useprimerto restarta warm engine after a short shutdown. 3. Whendisconnectingtheextensioncord, always unplugtheend at thethree-prongwalloutlet before unpluggingthe oppositeend from the snowthrower. 4. Pushstarterbuttonto start engine. 5. Oncethe enginestarts,releasestarterbutton. 10 4. Movethrottlecontrolto STOPposition. To Engage Augers 5. Removethe ignitionkey and store in a safe place. 1. Toengagetheaugersand start throwingsnow, squeezethe augercontrolagainstthe left handle. Releaseto stopthe augers. 6. Wipeall snowand moisturefrom thearea aroundthe engineas wellas the area in and aroundthe drive controland augercontrol.Also,engageand release bothcontrolsseveraltimes. Auger Control Test Performthe followingtest beforeoperatingyour snow throwerfor the firsttime and at the startof eachwinter. Checkthe adjustmentof the augercontrolas follows: 1. Whenthe auger controlis releasedand in the disengaged"up"position,the cableshouldhavevery little slack. It shouldNOTbe tight. Recoil Starter Drive Speed; use the slower speeds unt you are comfortable and familiar with the operation of the snow 2. In a well-ventilatedarea,start the snowthrowerengine thrower, 1. With enginerunning,pull starter ropewith a rapid, continuousfull arm strokethreeor fourtimes. Pulling the starterropewill producea loud clatteringsound, which is notharmfulto engine. 2. Movethrottlecontrolto STOPposition. as instructedon the previouspage.Makesurethe throttleis set in the FASTposition. 3. Removethe ignitionkey and store in a safe place. 4. Wipeall snowand moisturefrom thearea aroundthe engineas wellas the area in and aroundthe drive controland augercontrol.Also,engageand release bothcontrolsseveraltimes. Chute Clean-Out When selecting a 3. Whilestandingin the operator'sposition(behindthe snowthrower),engagethe auger. 4. Allowtheauger to remainengagedfor approximately ten (10)secondsbeforereleasingtheauger control. Repeatthis severaltimes. Tool Thechute clean-outtool is convenientlyfastenedto the rear of the augerhousingwith a mountingclip. Should snowand ice becomelodgedin the chuteassembly duringoperation,proceedas followsto safelycleanthe chuteassemblyand chuteopening: 1. Releaseboththe AugerControland the DriveControl. 2. Stopthe engineby removingthe ignitionkey. 3. Removethe clean-outtool fromthe clip which secures it to the rearof the augerhousing. 4. Use the shovel-shapedend of the clean-outtool to dislodgeand scoop anysnow and icewhich has formedin and nearthe chute assembly. 5. Refastenthe clean-outtool to the mountingclip on the rear of the augerhousing,reinsertthe ignitionkey and startthe snow thrower'sengine. 6. Whilestandingin the operator'sposition(behindthe snowthrower),engagethe augercontrolfor a few secondsto clearany remainingsnowand ice from the chuteassembly. To Engage Drive 5. Withthe throttlecontrol in the FAST(rabbit)position and theauger controlin thedisengaged"up"position, walkto thefront of the machine. NEVER reposition the shift lever (cha nge direction I)without first releasing the drive control and bringing snow toa complete stop, Doing sowill result in 6. Confirmthat the augerhas completelystopped rotatingand showsNOsignsof motion.If theauger premature wear tothe showsANY signsof rotating,immediatelyreturnto the snow thrower's drive operator'spositionand shutoff the engine.Wait for system. ALL movingpartsto stop beforere-adjustingtheauger control. 7. Toreadjustthe controlcable, loosentheupper hex nut on the augercable bracket. 8. Positionthe bracketupwardto providemoreslack(or downwardto increasecabletension).See Figure2. 9. Retightenthe upper hexnut. 10.RepeatAuger Control Test to verify properadjustment hasbeen achieved. :WARNING Never use your hands to clean snow and ice from the chute assembly or auger I With thethrottlecontrol in the Fast(rabbit)position, moveshift leverintoone of the six forward(F) positionsor two reverse(R) positions.Selecta speed appropriatefor the snowconditionsand a paceyou're comfortablewith. The muffler' engine 2. Squeezetheauger controlagainstthe handleand the augerswill turn. Releaseit and the augerswill stop. and surrounding areas become hot 3. Squeezethedrivecontrol againstthehandlethe snow throwerwill move.Releaseit and drivemotionwill stop. and can cause a Figure 2 11 f Auger Control Referto AugerControlTeston Page11to adjustthe augercontrol. Shift Cable Mak=ng Adjustments If thefull rangeof speeds(forwardand reverse)cannot be achieved,referto the figuresto the rightand adjust the shiftcableas follows: 1. Placethe shiftleverinthe fastest forward speed position. 2. Loosenthe hex nuton the shiftcable indexbracket. See Figure3. 3. Pivotthe bracketdownwardto take up slack in the cable. 4. Retightenthe hex nut. J Figure 3 Drive Control f Whenthe drivecontrol isreleasedand inthe disen- WARNING Read, understand, and follow all instructions and warnings on the machine and in this manual before operating. Never attempt to make any adjustments while the gaged"up" position,the cable shouldhavevery little slack. It shouldNOT be tight. Checkthe adjustmentof the drivecontrolas follows: 1. Withthe drive controlreleased,pushthe snow throwergently forward.The unitshouldroll freely. / 2. Engagethe drivecontroland gentlyattemptto push the snowthrowerforward.Thewheels shouldnot turn.The unit shouldnotroll freely. 3. Withthe drive controlreleased,movethe shift lever backand forth betweenthe R2positionand the F6 positionseveraltimes.There shouldbe no resistance in the shiftlever. 4. If anyof the abovetests failed,the drive cableis in needof adjustment.Proceedasfollows: 5. Loosenthe lowerhexnut on the drivecable bracket. See Figure4. Figure 4 engine is running, except where speci- 6. Positionthe bracketupwardto providemoreslack (or downwardto increasecabletension). fied in operator's manual. 7. Retightenthe upper hexnut. Chute f ) Assembly Thedistancesnowisthrowncan be adjustedby changingthe angleof the chute assembly.Todo so: 1. Stopthe engineby removingthe ignitionkeyand loosenthe plasticwing knobfound on the left sideof thechute assembly. 2. Pivotthe chute upwardor downwardbeforeretighteningthe wingknob. See Figure5. Figure 5 12 fi Skid Shoes The spacebetweenthe skid shoesand the groundcan be adjusted.See Figure6. • Forclose snow removalon a smoothsurface,raise skid shoes higheron the augerhousing. Use a middleor lowerpositionwhenthe areato be clearedis uneven,such as a graveldriveway. Toadjustthe skid shoes: 1. Loosenthe four hexnuts (two on each side)and carriagebolts. Moveskid shoesto desiredposition. 2. Makecertainthe entirebottomsurfaceof skid shoeis againsttheground to avoidunevenwearon the skid shoes. 3. Retightennutsand boltssecurely. Chute Bracket Figure 6 Adjustment If the spiralat the bottomof the chutedirectionalcontrol isnot fully engagingwith the chuteassembly,thechute bracketcan be adjusted.Todo so: 1. loosenthe two nutswhich securethe chute bracket WARNING and repositionit slightly.See Figure7. 2. Retighteningthe nuts. Loosegravelcan be picked up andthrown bythe auger, causinginjuryto the operator and bystandersand/or damageto the snowthrower Tire Pressure Beforeoperating,checktire pressureand reducepressureto between15 psiand 20 psi. If thetire pressureisnotequal in bothtires,the unit may pull to one side or the other. and surroundingproperty. Figure 7 13 ==, Engine Referto the separate TecumsehEnginesmanual packedwith your unitfor all enginemaintenance. Lubrication Maintaining Your Snow Engine Referto the separate TecumsehEnginesmanual packedwith your unitfor all enginelubricationinstructions. Gear Shaft Thegear (hex) shaftshouldbe lubricatedat least once a seasonor after every25 hoursof operation. 1. Removethelowerframe coverby removingthe two screwswhichsecureit. 2. Applya lightcoatingof an all-weathermulti-purpose greaseto the hex shaft.See Figure8. Wheels At leastonce a season,removeboth wheels.Cleanand coat theaxles with a multipurposeautomotivegrease beforereinstallingwheels. Figure 8 f I I I Bearing Chute Directional Control Oncea season,thejoystickshouldbe lubricatedwith petroleumjelly, linseedoil, mineraloil, paraffinwax or 3-in-1oil. Auger Shaft At leastonce a season,removethe shearpinson auger shaft. Spraylubricantinsideshaft, aroundthe spacers. Alsolubricatethe flangebearingsfoundat eitherend of the shaft. See Figure9. Gear Case Theaugergear case has beenfilled with greaseat the factory.If disassembledfor any reason,lubricatewith two ouncesof grease(Part Number737-0168). Figure 9 NOTE: Donot overfillthe gearcase. Damageto the sealscould result.Be surethe vent plug is freeof greasein orderto relievepressure. Avo!do! sp!l age on rubber friCtionWheel and aiuminum drive DOnot overfill the gear easel Damage to the seals could resUltl l Shave Plate and Skid Shoes Theshaveplateand skid shoeson the bottomof the snowthrowerare subjectto wear.Theyshouldbe checkedperiodicallyand replacedwhennecessary. Toremoveskid shoes: 1. Removethefour carriagebolts and hexflangenuts whichsecurethem to the snowthrower. / / 2. Reassemblenew skid shoeswith the fourcarriage bolts (two on each side)and hexflange nuts.Refer to Figure10. / / @ NOTE:Augersnot shown for clarity, Toremoveshaveplate: J 1. Removethecarriageboltsand hexnuts which attachit to the snowthrowerhousing. Figure 10 2. Reassemblenew shaveplate,makingsureheadsof carriagebolts are to the insideof housing.Tighten securely. 14 m Auger Belt Replacement / / To removeand replaceyoursnow thrower'sauger belt, proceedas follows: 1. Removethe plasticbelt coveron the front of the engineby removingthe two self-tappingscrews. NOTE:Drainthe gasolinefrom the snowthrower,or placea pieceof plasticunderthe gas cap. . . C re,u,y p,vo,soow up so that it restson the augerhousing.Removethe frame ntaining Your Snow coverfrom the undersideof the snow throwerby removingfour self-tappingscrewswhich secureit. Rollthe auger beltoff the enginepulley. 4. a. Loosenand removethe shoulderscrewwhich actsas a belt keeper. b. Unhookthesupport bracketspringfromthe frame. . Removethe beltfrom aroundtheauger pulley,and slipthe beltbetweenthe supportbracketand the augerpulley.Reassembleaugerbelt by following instructionsin reverseorder. NOTE:Do NOTforgetto reinstallthe shoulderscrew and reconnectthe springto the frame after installinga replacementaugerbelt. NOTE: Although multi;viscosity oils (5W30, !0W30 etci) improve starting in cold Weather; these multi; Viscosity oilSalso reSUlt higher oil consump_ tion when used above 32°R C!eck your snow thrower s engine oil leVelmore frequently to avoid possible engine damage from running loWon oil; NOTE: Do not sand, b ast spark p ugl spark f' i plug should be cleaned ioysCrapingor wire brushing and Washing with a commercial solVenL "_ IMPORTANT NEVERreplace the auger shear pins With standard pins. Any damage to the auger gearbox or other com, resultof I sol WillNOT be CoVeredby your snow throwerls Warrantyl 15 Augers * Theaugersare securedto the spiralshaftwith two shearpinsand cotterpins. If the augershouldstrikea foreignobject or icejam, the snowthroweris designed so that the pinsmay shear.Referto Figure9. If theaugerswill notturn, checkto seeif the pinshave sheared.One set of replacementshearpins hasbeen providedwith the snowthrower.When replacingpins, sprayan oil lubricantintoshaft beforeinsertingnew pins. Drive Belt Replacement Toremoveand replaceyoursnow thrower'sauger belt, proceedas follows: 1. Removetheplasticbelt coveron thefront of the engineby removingthe two self-tappingscrews. * Drainthe gasolinefromthe snowthrower,or placea pieceof plasticunderthe gas cap. NEVERreplace theaugershear pinswithanything otherthanOEM PartNo.738-04124 replacement shear pins.Anydamageto theaugergearbox orothercomponents asa resultoffailing todosowillNOTbe coveredbyyoursnow i thrower's warranty. * Carefullypivotthe snowthrowerup and forwardso that it restson the augerhousing. 2. Removetheframe coverfrom the undersideof the snowthrowerby removingfour self-tappingscrews which secureit. 3. a. Graspthe idler pulleyand pivot it towardthe right. b. Rollthe auger beltoff the enginepulley. c. Lift the drivebelt off engine pulley. 4. Slip the drivebeltoff the pulleyand betweenfriction wheeland frictionwheeldisc. * Removeand replacebelt in the reverseorder. f J 16 Friction Wheel Removal If the snowthrowerfails to drivewith the drivecontrol engaged,and performingthedrivecontrol cableadjustmenton page 14fails to correctthe problem,the friction wheelmay needto be replaced.Followthe instructions below.Examinethe frictionwheelfor signsof wearor crackingand replaceif necessary • Placethe shiftleverin third Forward(F3) position. • Drainthe gasolinefrom the snowthrower,or placea pieceof plasticunderthe gas cap. Carefullypivotthe snowthrowerup and forwardso that it restson the augerhousing. 1. a. Removethe frame coverfrom the undersideof the snowthrowerby removingfourself-tapping screwswhichsecure it. b. Removethe right-handwheelby removingthe screwand bell washerwhichsecureit to the axle. 2. Carefullyremovethe hex nutand washerwhich securesthe hexshaft to the snowthrowerframeand lightlytap the shaft'send to dislodgethe ball bearing fromthe rightsideof the frame. When reassembling the friction wheel as- 3. Carefullypositionthehex shaftdownwardand to the left beforecarefullyslidingthefrictionwheel assemblyoff the shaft. sembly,tighten each screwonly one rotation beforeturning the wheel clockwise and NOTE: If you'rereplacingthe frictionwheelassembly as a whole,discardthe wornpartand slidethe newpart ontothe hex shaft. Followthe stepsabovein reverse orderto reassemblecomponents.If you'redisassemblingthe frictionwheeland replacingonly the rubber ring,proceedas follows: proceeding with the next screw. Repeat this process several times to ensure the 4. Removethe four screwswhich securethe friction plates are secured with equal force. wheel'ssideplatestogether. Removethe rubberring from betweenthe plates. Reassemblethe side plateswith a newrubber ring. Slide thefrictionwheelassemblybackontothe hex shaftand follow thestepsabovein reverseorder to reassemblecomponents. NEVER replace the auger shear pins with anything other than OEM Part No.738-04124 replacementshear pins.Any damageto the auger gearbox or other components as a result of failing to do so will NOT be covered by your snow thrower'swarranty. 17 If the snowthrowerwill not be usedfor30 daysor longer, or if it is the end of the snow seasonwhenthe last possibilityof snow is gone,the equipmentneedsto be stored properly.Followstorageinstructionsbelowto ensuretop performancefrom the snowthrowerfor many moreyears. Preparing Engine 1. Removeall gasolinefrom thecarburetorand the fuel tank to preventgumdepositsfromformingon these partsand harmingtheengine. 2. Runthe engineuntilthe fuel tank is emptyand it stops due to lack of fuel. 3. Draincarburetorbypressingupwardon bowldrain, locatedbelowthe carburetorcover(referto the Tecumsehenginemanualfor moredetailedinstruction). WARNING: Never store snow thrower with fuel in tank indoors or in poorly ventilated areas, where fuel fumes may reach an open flame, spark or pilot light as on a furnace, water heater, clothes dryer or gas appliance. WARNING Never store snow thrower with fuel in tank indoors or in poorly ventilated areas, where fuel fumes may reach an open flame, spark or pilot light as on a furnace, water heater, clothes dryer or gas appliance. Drain fuel into an approved container outdoors, away from any open flame. Be certain engine is cool. Do not smoke. Fuel left in engine during warmweather deteriorates and will cause serious _ NOTE:It is importantto preventgum depositsfrom forming in essentialfuelsystempartsof the engine suchas the carburetor,fuel filter,fuel hoseor tank duringstorage. CAUTION:Alcoholblendedfuels (calledgasoholor using ethanolor methanol)canattract moisturewhich leadsto separationand formationof acids duringstorage.Acidic gas can damagethe fuel systemof an enginewhile in storage. NOTE:Fuelstabilizer(suchas STA-BIL)is an acceptable alternativein minimizingtheformationof fuel gum depositsduringstorage.Add stabilizerto gasolinein fuel tank or storagecontainer.Alwaysfollow mix ratiofoundon stabilizercontainer.Runengineat least 10minutesafter adding stabilizerto allow it to reachthe carburetor.Do not drain carburetorif usingfuel stabilizer. . To avoidengineproblems,the fuel systemshouldbe emptied beforestoragefor 30 days or longer.Follow these instructionsto prepareyour snowthrowerfor storage: _ tor if using fuel stabilizer. Never ARNING: Do not drain carbureuse engine or carburetor cleaning products in the fuel tank or permanent damage may occur. Removethe spark plugand pourone (1) ounceof engine oil throughthe sparkplug hole intothe cylinder. Coversparkplug hole with a rag and crank theengine severaltimesto distributethe oil. Replacesparkplug. NOTE:Referto the Tecumsehenginemanualfor more informationon preparingthe snow throwerenginefor storage. proved container outdoors, ARNING" Drain fuel into anaway apfrom any open flame. Be certain engine is cool. Do not smoke. Fuel left in engine during warm weather deteriorates and will Preparing Snow Thrower Whenstoringthe snow throwerin an unventilatedor metalstorageshed,care shouldbe takento rustproof the equipment.Usinga lightoil or silicone,coatthe equipment,especiallyanychains,springs,bearings and cables. cause serious starting problems. 2. Removeall dirt from exteriorof engine and equipment. 3. Followlubricationrecommendationson page 12. 4. Storeequipmentin a clean,dry area. starting problems. Do not drain carburetor if using fuel stabilizer. Never use engine or carburetor cleaning products in the fuel tank or permanent damage may occur. 18 Problem Cause Egn nefa sto sta rt 1: Chokenot nONposton Remedy . 2, Sparkplugwiredisconnected• 21 Connectwireto Sparkplug, 3: Fueitank emptyor stale fue!, &Fill Enginenot pi medl , Engine overheats tank with €leanlfreShgasoiine: ,Primeengineas inStructedin OpeiatingYoui snow ThiOwe[! 5 C ean adjust gap or repace 5, Fauty Sark P P ug, 6 BoCke u e df e!n, .... 7. Safety key notin ignitionon engine! Engineruns erratic 1: Move choketo ON post on 6 Ceanfue : I ne 7: !nse[t keyfully int0the switch. 1. Unit runningon CHOKE. 1. Movechokeleverto OFF position. 2. Blockedfuel lineor stale fuel. 2. Cleanfuel line;fill tankwith clean, fresh gasoline. 3. Wateror dirt in fuel system. 3. Drainfuel tank. Refillwith fresh fuel. 4. Carburetoroutof adjustment. 4. Contact MTDServiceCenter. 1 carburetor notadjustedproperly, Trouble: li Contact MTD serViCeCenter: NOTE:This section addresses minor serviCe issues:For further details, Contact aMTD authorized service center or call 1(800) 800-7310for Excessive Vibration Unit fails to propel itself Unit fails to d schame snow assistance Stop engineimmediately and disconnectsparkplug wire.Tighten all bolts and nuts.If vibration continues,haveunit servicedby a MTDServiceCenter. 1. Looseparts or damagedauger. 1. Drivecontrol cablein needof adjust- 1. Adjust drivecontrolcable. Referto merit. 2. Drive beltlooseor damaged. "MakingAdjustments". 2. Replacedrivebelt. 1. Chuteassemby clogged I 2. Foreignobject lodgedin auger• 3 Augercontro cab e n need of adjustment • 4 Augerbet ooseor damaged • " I 5 Shearp n(s) sheared 19 1. Stop engineimmediatelyand disconnectsparkplugwire•Clean chute assemblyand insideof auge_ housingwith clean-outtool or a stick 2. Stop engineimmediatelyand disconnectspark plug wire• Removeobjectfrom augerwith clean-outtool or a stick• 3 R_^_ .....L_,_uu_^ .... L,_,,uu" ..... _le_L'r ..... u, page 11. 4. Referto Maintenancesection 5. Replacewith newshearpin(s)• Styles E & F 2O 1. 731-2635 SnowRemovalToolMount 29. 684-04107 SpiralAssembly,LH 2. 684-04057 ImpellerAssembly,12"Dia. 30. 684-04108 SpiralAssembly,RH 3. 710-0347 Hex Screw,3/8-16,1.75,Gr5 31. 731-04870" Spacer,1.25ODx.75 ID x 1.00 4. 710-0451 Bolt, Carriage,5/16-18,.750Grl 32. 736-0188 Washer,Fiat,.76x 1.49x .06 5. 710-0604A Screw, 5/16-18,0.625 33. 741-0493A Bushing,Flange,.80 ID x .91OD 6. 710-0703 Screw,Carriage,1/4-20,.750,Gr5 34. 790-00087A Housing,1"Hex Bearing 7. 712-04063 Nut,FlangeLock,5/16-18,Nylon 35. 790-00117 ShavePlate,2.25 x 21.66 8. 712-04064 Nut,FlangeLock,1/4-20,Nylon 790-00120 ShavePlate,2.25 x 23.66 9. 712-04065 Nut,FlangeLock,3/8-16,Nylon 790-00121 ShavePlate,2.25 x 25.66 10. 714-04040 CotterPin,Bow-tie 790-00118 ShavePlate,2.25 x 27.66 11. 725-0157 Cable,Tie, 3/16x .05x 7.4 36. 784-5580 12. 726-04012 Nut,Push-on,.25 Dia 37. 719-0319 Housing,Auger,RH Reduced 13. 731-04705 Chute,Adapter5" Dia 38. 719-0320 Housing,Auger,LH Reduced 14. 732-0611 Spring,Extension,.38OD x 3.6 39. 721-0179 Seal,Oil, .750ID 15. 736-0174 Washer,Wave,.625x .885x .015 40. 741-0662 Bearing,Flange,.75x 1.0x .59 16. 736-0242 Washer,Bell, .340x .872x .060 41. 710-0642 Screw,Self-tapping,1/4-20,0.750 17. 736-0463 Washer,Fiat, .25x .630x .0515 42. 711-04286 Axle, Auger, 22" 18. 731-2643 SnowRemovaITool 711-04285 Axle, Auger,24" 19. 738-0143 Screw,Shoulder,.498x .34, 3/8-16 711-04284 Axle, Auger,26" 20. 738-0281 Screw,Shoulder,.625x .17,3/8-16 711-04283 Axle, Auger,28" . Slide Shoe 21. 738-04124A ShearPin, .25x 1.50 43. 714-0161 Key,Hi-pro3/16x 5/8 22. 741-0245 Bearing,Hex Flangex .75ID 44. 715-04021 Pin, Dowel,.25 ODx 1.2 23. 741-0309 Bearing,Ball, .75ID x 1.85OD 45. 717-04126 Shaft,Worm .75OD 24. 756-0981A Fiat Pulley,Idler, 2.75OD 46. 717-0528A Gear,Worm20T 25. 790-00075 Housing,Bearing,1.85ID 47. 718-04071 Collar,Thrust 26. 790-00080 Bracket,Auger Idlerw/ Brake 48. 721-0325 Plug, 1/4x.437 27. 618-04170 GearboxAssembly,Auger,22" 49. 721-0327 Seal,Oil, .75x 1 x .131 618-04171 GearboxAssembly,Auger,24" 50. 736-0351 Washer,Fiat,.760ID x 1.50D 618-04172 GearboxAssembly,Auger,26" 51. 736-3084 Washer,Fiat,.51x 1.12 618-04173 GearboxAssembly,Auger,28" 52. 741-0663 Bearing,Flange,.75x 1.0x .925 28. 684-04068 HousingAssembly,Auger22" 53. 741-0661A Bearing,Flange,.75x 1.00x .975 684-04069 HousingAssembly,Auger24" 54. 746-04230 ClutchCable,Auger,47.23" 684-04070 HousingAssembly,Auger26" 55. 629-0071 ExtentionCord, 110V 684-04071 HousingAssembly,Auger28" * Nonefoundbetweenspirals on modelswith 22-inchauger housing. * One foundbetweenspiralson modelswith 24-inchauger housing. * Twofoundbetweenspirals on modelswith 26-inchaugerhousing. * Threefound betweenspiralson modelswith 28-inchauger housing. NOTE: Snowthrowerfeaturesand componentsvary by model.NOTall parts listedaboveand pictured on the previouspageare standardequipment. 21 illustrated ii ii iiiii _ i i i To order replacement parts, contact 1,800,800=73101 or visit www,rntdproducts;com, i Styles E & F / / 22 1. 631-04133 2. 3. HandleAssembly,ClutchLock, LH 28. 746-04228 Cable,Speed Selector 631-04134A HandleAssembly,ClutchLock, RH 29. 746-0605 Houlder,Cable Barrel,LH 684-04105A HandleAss'y,EngagementLH 30. 747-04263 Eye Bolt,Chute Crank 4. 684-04106A HandleAss'y,EngagementRH 31. 790-00202 Shift Lever 5. 710-0224 Screw,#10-16,0.500 32. 731-04912A Chute,Lower,5.0 Dia. 6. 710-04326 Screw,#8-16x.50 33. 710-0276 Bolt, Carriage,5/16-18,1.0 7. 710-04354 Screw,1/4-20,.375 34. 710-04071 Bolt, Carriage,5/16-18,1.0 8. 710-0606 Hex Screw,1/4-20,1.50,Gr5 35. 710-0451 Bolt, Carriage,5/16-18,.750 9. 790-00219 Panel,Handle,(nocutout) E-Style 36. 731-04426A Chute,Upper,w/Label 790-00209 Panel,Handle,(w/cutout) F-Style 37. 736-0159 Washer,.349x .879x .063 10. 710-1233 Screw,Machine,#10-24,1.375 38. 741-0475 Bushing,Plastic,.380 11. 711-04287 Pivot Rod 39. 784-5647 Bracket,ChuteCrank 12. 712-04063 Nut,FlangeLock,5/16-18,Nylon 40. 684-04104 CrankAssembly,Chute 13. 712-04064 Nut,FlangeLock,1/4-20,Nylon 41. 710-0449 Screw,Carriage,5/16-18,2.25 14. 712-04081A Nut,Hex, 1/4-20,Shoulder 42. 710-1260A Screw,5/16-18,0.75,Gr5 15. 720-0274 Grip,1.0ID x 5.0 43. 714-0104 Pin, Cotter,.072x 1.13 16. 720-04039 Knob,Shift 44. 720-0201A Crank Knob,1.0Dia.x 3.2, Black 17. 731-04894A Lock Plate 45. 720-0284 Knob Assembly,WingNut,5/16-18 18. 731-04896A Cam,ClutchLock 46. 726-0100 Cap, Push,3/8 Rod 19. 732-0193 Spring,.39 x .60x .88 47. 735-0234 Grommet,.44ID x .94 ODx .50 20. 732-04219 Spring,ClutchLock 48. 736-0185 Washer,Fiat,.375x .738x .063 21. 732-04238 Spring,Torsion,0.8156ID x .3038 49. 749-04141 Handle,Upper,RH 22. 736-0451 Washer,Saddle,320 x .93x .060 50. 749-04142 Handle,Upper,LH 23. 735-0199A Bumper,Rubber,.62 ODx .22 51. 749-04138 Handle,Lower 24. 736-0262 Washer,Fiat, .385x .870x .092 52. 747-1136 Retainer,Lens 25. 738-04118 Bolt, Shoulder,5/16-18x 0.905 53. 725-1658 Lamp, Halogen,12V,27W 26. 738-04122 Screw,Shoulder,.43 x 1.3,1/4-20 54. 725-1672 LensAssembly,Lamp 27. 731-04869 Chute,FlangeKeeper 55. 725-04220 Wire Harness,Lamp NOTE:A lampcannotbe addedto a unitthat did come come factory-equippedwith a lamp. NOTE: Snowthrowerfeaturesand componentsvary by model.NOTall parts listedaboveand pictured on the previouspageare standardequipment. 23 illustrated Styles E & F / \\\ / _ / 24 1. 756-04177 Disc, FrictionWheel 37. 731-04873 2. 684-04153 FrictionWheelAssembly,5.50D Spacer,1.25x .75x 3.0 731-04877" Spacer,1.25x .75x 1.50 3. 684-04154 SupportBracket,FrictionWheel 38. 738-04168 4. 684-04156 Shift Assembly,Rod 39. 741-0919 Ball Bearing 5. 710-0627 Hex Screw,5/16-24,.750,Gr5 40. 710-0106 Hex Screw,1/4-20,1.25,Gr5 6. 710-0788 Screw,1/4-20,1.000 41. 710-0191 Hex Screw,3/8-24, 1.25,Gr8 7. 710-0896 Screw,1/4-14x .625 42. 710-04520 Hex Screw,5/16-24,1.25,Gr5 8. 712-04065 Nut,FlangeLock,3/8-16,Nylon 43. 710-0654A Screw,Seres,3/8-16, 1.00 9. 712-0413 Nut,Jam Lock,5/8-18,Gr5, Nylon 44. 710-1245B Hex Screw,5/16-24,.875,Gr8 10. 714-0126 Key,Hi Pro,3/16x 3/4 Dia. 45. 712-04064 Nut, FlangeLock,1/4-20,Nylon 11. 716-0104 E-ring,.500Dia. 46. 726-04012 Nut, Push-on,.25Dia. 12. 716-0136 E-ring,Retaining,.875Dia. 47. 731-04792A Cover,Belt 13. 716-0231 E-ring,.750Dia. 48. 732-04308 Spring,Torsion,.850 ID x .354 14. 717-04209 Hex Shaft,.8125,7-Tooth 49. 736-0247 Washer,Fiat,.406x 1.25x .157 15. 717-04230 Gear,80-Tooth 50. 736-0362 Washer,Fiat,.330x 1.25x .06 SpeedNut, .500 51. 736-0505 Washer,Fiat,.34 x 1.50x .150 17. 732-0264 ExtensionSpring 52. 748-04053 Pulley,Adap, .75UiaW/dd 18. 736-0242 Washer,Bell, .340x .872x .060 53. 748-04097 Spacer,Shoulder 19. 736-0287 Washer,Fiat, .793x 1.24x .060 54. 750-04303 Spacer,.875ID x 1.185OD 20. 736-04161 Washer,Fiat, .75x 1.00x .060 55. 750-04477 Spacer,.340x .750x .360 21. 738-04164 Pin,FrictionDisc 56. 754-04050 Belt, Auger Drive To order replacement parts, contact 1-800-800-7310, or visit 22. 741-04098 Ball Bearing,30 x 55 x 13 57. 754-04088 Belt, WheelDrive www.rntdproducts.corn. 23. 738-04184 Screw,Shoulder,.37 x .105,1/4-20 58. 756-04109 Pulley,Auger Drive,8.1x .5 24. 738-0924 Screw,1/4-28,.375 59. 756-04113 Pulley,Half,V x 2.600OD 25. 741-0245 Bearing,Hex Flangex .75ID 60. 756-04179 Pulley,Half,1/4-Vx 1.50D 26. 741-0563 Bearing,Ball, 17x 40 x 12 61. 790-00208 idler Bracket,WheelDrive 27. 746-04229 ClutchCable,Wheel,44.95" 62._790-00230 Sleeve, Bearingidler 28. 746-04230 ClutchCable,Auger,47.23" 63. 750-04571 Spacer,Shoulder,.26 x .79x .538 29. 748-0190 Spacer,.508 ID x .75ODx .68 64. 735-04054 Rubber,FrictionWheel,5.50D 30. 756-0625 Roller,Cable 65. 710-0751 Hex Screw,1/4-20,.620,Gr5 31. 790-00096 FrontGuide Bracket,AugerCable 66. 732-04311 Spring,Torsion,.750ID x .968 32. 790-00180 Frame 67. 738-04184 Screw,Shoulder,.37x .105,1/4-20 33. 790-00206 GuideBracket,Auger Cable 68. 790-00156 Bracket,Shift Spacer 34. 790-00207 GuideBracket,DriveCable 69. 790-00217 Pivot Bracket,SpeedSelector 35. 790-00226 Cover,Frame 70._ 790-00218 _ Shift Bracket,SpeedSelector 36. See Chart WheelAssembly 71. 712-04063 16. 726-0221 l Wheel Size Wheel Assembly Rim Only Axle, .75x 22" Nut, FlangeLock,5/16-18,Nylon Tin Only ValveOnly 634-04144 13x4 634-04151 734-1732 734-0255 634-04143 13x5 634-04151 734-1527 734-0255 634-04142 15x5 634-04151 734-1859 734-0255 634-04141** 16x 4.8 634-04140 734-1530 734-0255 ** Thewheelaxle is mountedin the frame side'supperhex-holeon modelsequippedwith 16-inchwheels. NOTE: Snowthrowerfeaturesand componentsvary by model.NOTall parts listedaboveand pictured on the previouspageare standardequipment. 25 illustrated * Foundon modelswith a 22-inchauge"housingonly NOTES 26 NOTES 27 MANUFACTURER'S LiMiTED WARRANTY FOR The limitedwarrantyset forth belowisgivenby MTDLLCwith respectto newmerchandisepurchasedand usedin the UnitedStates,its possessionsand territories. e. MTDdoes notextendany warrantyfor productssoldor exported outsideof the UnitedStates,its possessionsand territories,except those soldthroughMTD'sauthorizedchannelsof exportdistribution. "MTD"warrantsthis productagainstdefectsin materialand workmanship for a periodof two (2) yearscommencingon the dateof originalpurchase and will, at its option,repairor replace,free of charge,anypart foundto be defectivein materialsor workmanship.This limitedwarrantyshallonly applyif this producthas beenoperatedand maintainedin accordance with the Operator'sManualfurnishedwith the product,and has not been subjectto misuse,abuse,commercialuse, neglect,accident,improper maintenance,alteration,vandalism,theft, fire,water,or damagebecause of otherperil or naturaldisaster.Damageresultingfrom the installationor useof any part, accessoryor attachmentnotapprovedby MTDfor use with the product(s)coveredbythis manualwill voidyourwarrantyas to any resultingdamage. Normalwearparts are warrantedto be free fromdefects in materialand workmanshipfor a periodof thirty (30) days fromthe dateof purchase. Normalwearparts include,butare notlimitedto itemssuch as: batteries, belts,blades,bladeadapters,grass bags, riderdeck wheels,seats, snow throwerskid shoes,shaveplates,augerspiralrubberand tires. HOW TO OBTAIN SERVICE: Warranty service is available, WITH PROOF OF PURCHASE, through your local authorized service dealer. To locate the dealer in your area, check your Yellow Pages, or contact MTD LLC at RO. Box 361131,Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019,or call 1-800-800-7310 or 1-330-220-4683 or log on to our Web site at This limitedwarrantydoesnot providecoveragein the followingcases: a. Theengineor componentparts thereof.These itemsmaycarry a separatemanufacturer'swarranty.Referto applicablemanufacturer's warrantyfor termsand conditions. f. Replacementpartsthat are not genuineMTDparts. b. Log splitterpumps,valves,and cylindershavea separateone year warranty. c. Routinemaintenanceitemssuch as lubricants,filters, blade sharpening,tune-ups,brakeadjustments,clutchadjustments,deck adjustments,and normaldeteriorationof the exteriorfinish due to use or exposure. g. Transportationchargesand servicecalls. No impliedwarranty,includingany impliedwarranty of merchantability of fitness for a particularpurpose,applies after the applicable periodof express written warranty above as to the partsas identified. No other express warranty, whether written or oral, except as mentionedabove, givenby any personor entity,includinga dealer or retailer,with respect to any product,shallbind MTD. Duringthe periodof the warranty, the exclusive remedyis repairor replacement of the productas set forth above. The provisionsas set forth in this warranty providethe sole and exclusive remedy arising from the sale. MTDshall not be liable for incidentalor consequential loss or damage including,without limitation, expenses incurredfor substitute or replacementlawn care services or for rentalexpenses to temporarily replacea warranted product. Somestatesdo not allowtheexclusionor limitationof incidentalor consequentialdamages,or limitationson howlong an impliedwarranty lasts, so the aboveexclusionsor limitationsmay notapplyto you. In no eventshall recoveryof any kind be greaterthan theamountof the purchasepriceof the productsold. Alterationof safetyfeatures of the productshall void this warranty. Youassumethe risk and liability for loss, damage,or injuryto youand your propertyand/orto others and their propertyarisingout of the misuseor inabilityto use theproduct. This limitedwarrantyshall notextendto anyoneotherthanthe original purchaseror to the personfor whom itwas purchasedas a gift. HOW STATELAWRELATESTO THISWARRANTY: This limitedwarrantygives youspecificlegal rights,and you mayalso haveother rights which vary from stateto state. IMPORTANT: OwnermustpresentOriginalProofof Purchaseto obtain warrantycoverage. d. Servicecompletedby someoneotherthanan authorizedservice dealer. MTD LLC, P.O. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44136-0019; Phone: 1-800-800-7310, 1-330-220-4683
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 28 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Producer : Goby Monitor Application version 3, 2, 1, 4 Create Date : Sat Mar 29 01:36:28 2014 Author : Title : Subject :EXIF Metadata provided by