MTH Electric Trains Z4KR Z4000 Remote Commander User Manual Z4K alt inst manual

MTH Electric Trains, Inc. Z4000 Remote Commander Z4K alt inst manual

Users Manual

C:\My Documents\FCC\Seitz\Z4K alt inst manual.docJason Wenzel Page 112/13/99MTH Electric TrainsZ4K Remote Control System Instruction Manual
C:\My Documents\FCC\Seitz\Z4K alt inst manual.docJason Wenzel Page 212/13/99Table of ContentsPhysical and Electrical Characteristics                                  3Features 4Setup 4Operation 5Care and Maintenance 6A Few Words about 900Mhz 7Troubleshooting Guide 7
C:\My Documents\FCC\Seitz\Z4K alt inst manual.docJason Wenzel Page 312/13/99PHYSICAL AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSZ4K Remote TransmitterBatteries-• Requires 4 “AAA” alkalineButtons-• Horn/Whistle – Activates horn or whistle• Bell/Select – Activates the bell and also selects a program (if in program mode)• Direction – Controls direction of movement for each locomotive• Program – Allows user to program certain functions on equipped locomotives• Boost – Momentarily increases train speed by increasing track voltage. Train returnsto previous speed when released• Brake – Momentarily decreases train speed by decreasing track voltage. Train returnsto previous speed when released• Emergency Stop – Drops voltage to zero on both tracks of selected Z4K when pressed• Throttle Thumb Wheel – Allows user to increase or decrease voltage supplied to thetrack(s) to speed up or slow down trainsSwitches-• Track Select switch – Allows user to select between which track to control, Track 1or Track 2• Transformer Select switch – Allows user to select between which Z4K to control Z4K1, 2, or 3. You will need to purchase additional receivers if you wish to run morethan one Z4K transformer.LCD-• One-line, two-digit display (Decimal point flashes when in Program mode)Transmitter-• 900Mhz technologyZ4K Remote ReceiverConnection-• RJ-11 connection to Z4K transformerReceiver-• 900Mhz technology
C:\My Documents\FCC\Seitz\Z4K alt inst manual.docJason Wenzel Page 412/13/99FEATURESTransmitter-• Able to select between three different transformers and two tracks on eachtransformer for a total of 6 controllable tracks• 900Mhz technology allows the user to run trains from up to 30 feet away• LCD indicates commanded voltage on remotely controlled transformers• Emergency Stop button gives user the ability to instantly reduce track voltages to 0,thereby stopping the trains from a potentially harmful situation• Program button gives user the ability to remotely program the train (on Proto-Soundequipped locomotives). Also, to simplify programming the user can select whichfeature they want by scrolling with the throttle.Receiver-• User is able to place receiver out of sight because it operates in the 900Mhz range• Quick and easy connection to ANY Z4K transformerExpandability-• With the Z4K remote you can control up to three Z4K transformers (You will need areceiver for every transformer you wish to control)SETUP AND OPERATION OF Z4K REMOTESETUP - This section describes how to setup your remote control unit so you canoperate trains remotely. It also describes how to run multiple transformers with oneremoteTo setup your remote control unit follow these steps:1. Make sure the Z4K transformer’s power is OFF2. Open the battery door on the transmitter and install 4 “AAA” alkaline batteries3. Connect the RJ-11 jack on the receiver to the back of the Z4K transformer. There isno external power for the receiver, it receives it power from the transformer4. Flip the Track select switch to 1 and flip the Z4K select switch to Z4K 1. This willallow you to take control of Track 1 on Z4K 15. Turn ON the power to the transformer6. When the transformer powers up, watch the LED display. When the transformerresets it will display 40 00 in the volts window and 01 23 or 01 24 (depending uponthe firmware version you have) in the amps window. Approximately 3 seconds laterthe volts window will go blank and the amps window will display PG PG. When this
C:\My Documents\FCC\Seitz\Z4K alt inst manual.docJason Wenzel Page 512/13/99is displayed, press the Emergency Stop button and you should see -- -- in the voltswindow. Immediately following this, the transformer will display 0.0 0.0 in the voltswindow and RC RC in the amps window. You now have remote control of Track 1on Z4K 17. Roll the throttle up and press the Direction button and you’re off and running8. If you want to run track 2 on the same Z4K, flip the Track select switch to Track 2and roll the throttle up and you’re now running on track 2.9. If you have multiple Z4K transformers you can take control of them the same way asdescribed above. The only thing you have to do is flip the Z4K select switch to Z4K 2or 3 and repeat steps 4 and 5. Note- if you run more than one Z4K transformer it ispossible that the receivers can be on the same channel. This will cause undesiredoperation on one of the Z4K transformers. Please see the Troubleshooting section onpage 7 for more information regarding this.OPERATION – This section describes how to operate your remote control to performsuch functions as sounding the bell, sounding the horn/whistle, changing direction, andprogramming your Proto-Sounds equipped engine.To operate your Z4K remote control, follow these steps:1. To sound the horn or whistle, press and release the Horn/Whistle button. The longeryou hold the button down the longer the horn or whistle will sound. The horn/whistlewill stop when you release the button2. To sound the bell, press and release the Bell/Select button. To turn the bell off, pressand release the Bell/Select button again3. To change the direction of the train, or to put it in neutral, press and release theDirection button4. If you wish to slow the train or stop it momentarily, press and hold the Brake button.The train will slow to a stop. At the same time you will see the Z4K transformerindicated voltage drop to 5.0 volts. When you release the Brake button the train willspeed up to the commanded voltage as displayed on the remote. At the same time youwill see the Z4K transformer indicated voltage increase to the same voltage5. On the other hand, if you wish to increase the speed momentarily, press and hold theBoost button. You will see the Z4K transformer indicated voltage increase to 22.CAUTION!!! If you hold the Boost button too long it is possible to derail thetrain, especially around corners.6. Release the Boost button and the train will slow to its commanded voltage asdisplayed on the remote. At the same time you will see the Z4K transformer indicatedvoltage decrease to the same voltageBefore you begin programming your Proto-Sounds equipped engine, please refer tothe owner’s manual that accompanied your engine for instruction.7. To program your Proto-Sounds equipped engine, press the Program button. You willsee a flashing decimal point on the remote’s LCD. Scroll the throttle up to the desiredfunction number and press the Bell/Select button. You may also use the Direction andHorn/Whistle buttons to scroll to the function number. However, it is much easier touse the throttle.
C:\My Documents\FCC\Seitz\Z4K alt inst manual.docJason Wenzel Page 612/13/998. If a problem should occur or if you wish to immediately stop all trains running on aZ4K transformer, press the emergency Stop button. This will instantly send both trackvoltages to zero. Note- this will only affect the selected Z4K transformer.Gaining control with the Z4K Transformer-To gain control with the Z4K transformer, press any button on the transformer andcontrol will be given back to both tracks on that transformer.If you would like to preset a voltage on the tracks so that when you gain control with thetransformer your trains continue to run follow these instructions:1. Gain control with the remote control (see steps 4 and 5 in the SETUP section)2. Gain control back with the transformer by pushing any button on the Z4K transformer(this will cause the voltage to drop to zero initially)3. Use the throttles on the Z4K transformer to set the track voltage(s) to whatever youdesire and then press any button the remote or scroll the throttle on the remote. Youshould now see RC RC in the amps window. The voltage that is now displayed is thecommanded voltage from the remote. The next time you take control with the Z4Ktransformer it will run the train(s) at the voltage you set with the Z4K transformerthrottlesWhat this allows you to do is switch between remote control and local control and stillhave the train(s) running at a commanded voltage.If you have multiple transformers, it will work the same on all of them.CARE AND MAINTENANCE – This section describes how to maintain and carefor your remote control system.Your MTH Z4K Remote Control System should offer years of trouble-free service. Thereare a few things you can do to ensure trouble-free operation:1. Ensure old, worn batteries are promptly removed and replaced with fresh batteries.Alkaline batteries can leak and cause damage to the remote and can cause injury tothe operator2. Do not drop the remote. It can damage the delicate electronics inside3. Do not place your receiver next to a 900Mhz cordless base unit. Because the MTHZ4K Remote Control System operates in the 900Mhz band your 900Mhz cordlessphone can interfere with the unit. For more information regarding 900Mhz see thesection, A FEW WORDS ON 900Mhz
C:\My Documents\FCC\Seitz\Z4K alt inst manual.docJason Wenzel Page 712/13/99A FEW WORDS ON 900Mhz – This section describes the transmitting andreceiving characteristics of your MTH Remote Control System and how interference canaffect the performance of your remote.Because your MTH Remote Control System operates in the 900Mhz-frequency range itallows for excellent reception from several feet away. There is, however,  the potentialfor interference. If you follow these guidelines you can reduce the likelihood ofinterference:1. If you have a 900Mhz cordless phone base in the same room you operate your MTHremote you may want to move the phones base unit to another room.2. If you operate the handset within a few feet of the receiver or transmitter it may causeunwanted interference. You may want to consider a more traditional corded phone ora non-900Mhz cordless phone3. You may be able to operate a 900Mhz DSS (Digital Spread Spectrum) phone withinthe same room as your MTH remote as these phones tend to offer less interferencethan analog 900Mhz phones4. One of the things you may see is one of the functions, say the horn, may stick on. Orthe throttle may seem temporarily ineffective. This is a tell-tale sign there isinterference from some source5. The last thing that can be done is to simply move around the room. You may find thatone spot gives you interference problems but 2 feet away you may be fineTROUBLESHOOTING – This section provides solutions to the most commonproblems you may find with your MTH Remote Control System. If you find that yourproblem can’t be resolved with this manual, contact MTH Tech Support at 1-410-381-2580Symptom Problem RemedyWhen I hit Emergency Stop thetrain(s) don’t stop. You may have the Z4K selectswitch pointing to the wrongtransformer.Flip the Z4K select switch to theZ4K you want to control and hitthe button again. Whatever trainsare running on that transformershould stop and voltage on thetransformer should read 0.0Two Z4K’s are doing the exactsame thing, just like their on thesame channelIn fact, both are on the samechannel. This can happen if youswap receivers or remotesWhat you need to do is power offall your Z4K’s and then removeone of the batteries. Now re-install the battery and ONE ATATIME, power on and take controlof your Z4K’s. Now power theZ4K’s off again and then ONEATA TIME power on and takecontrol of your Z4K’s. Repeatthis three more times.I can’t control my Z4K at all You may have the Z4K selectswitch pointing to the wrong Z4K Flip the Z4K select switch to thecorrect transformer and try againThe horn sticks on There is a problem withinterference See the section entitled A FEWWORDS ON 900Mhz
C:\My Documents\FCC\Seitz\Z4K alt inst manual.docJason Wenzel Page 812/13/99Symptom Problem RemedyI can’t control one of the tracks The Track select switch may notbe pointing to the correct track Try flipping the track selectswitch to the other trackMy remote seems to beunresponsive. This is most likely because theremote is in Program mode. Itcould also be interferenceLook at the remote’s LCD. Ifthere is a flashing decimal pointthat means you are in Programmode. Press the Program buttonand you should now see thecommanded voltage on the LCD.If it is still unresponsive, you beexperiencing interferenceThe LCD on the remote seem tobe faded or keeps going blank Your batteries may be runninglow Try replacing the batteries withfresh, new ones
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