MUNIC C4MAX-E Telematics embedded system User Manual MDI C4MAXv2 InstallationGuide V1 1

Mobile Devices Ingenierie Telematics embedded system MDI C4MAXv2 InstallationGuide V1 1

User manual

 Mobile Devices Ingénierie    C4MAX  User Manual      Version 1.1 15/12/2017
INSTALLATION GUIDE 2     Table of contents  Preface ................................................................................................................................................ 3 Warnings and notices........................................................................................................................ 3 1. Hardware features ..................................................................................................................... 4 2. Hardware description ................................................................................................................ 5 2.2. Recommendation for both type:...................................................................................... 6 3. Preparing/installing the device .............................................................................................. 10 3.1. Connect the GPS external antenna ............................................................................... 10 3.2. Choose the appropriate location for mounting ........................................................... 10 3.3. Insert the device on external support ............................................................................ 11 4. Inputs activation threshold ...................................................................................................... 14 5. Ouputs information................................................................................................................... 14 6. LEDs sequences ........................................................................................................................ 15 7. Support ....................................................................................................................................... 15 8. FCC Regulations: ...................................................................................................................... 15 9. RF Exposure Information .......................................................................................................... 16
INSTALLATION GUIDE 3    Preface The  information  contained  in this  installation  guide  is  subject  to  changes in order to improve  the  reliability,  design  or  features  without  prior  notice.  Mobile  Devices Ingénierie  reserves  the  right  to  make  changes  in  the  content  without  obligation  to notify any person or  organization of such changes or improvements. Mobile Devices Ingénierie can in no event be held liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions herein,  nor  for  incidental,  special  or  consequential  damages  from  the  furnishing, performance or use of this installation guide.  Please  contact  our  technical  support  for  current  updates  and  supplemental information  concerning  the  use  and  operation  of  this  or  other  Mobile  Devices Ingénierie products.    Warnings and notices  The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the product.  Please read the installation guidelines, as well as the safety and operating instructions before  operating  your  device.  Follow  all  instructions  and  heed  all  warnings  in  the installation guide.  There is a risk of explosion if the battery is replaced by a wrong battery type. Please discard empty battery according to local regulations.
INSTALLATION GUIDE 4    1. Hardware features  C4MAX Performance Processor ARM 11 - 500MHz  RAM 64 Mbytes  NAND Flash 256 Mbytes Power supply External power supply 8- 32V   External voltage measurement 8-32V  Li-ion battery charger   Li-ion battery 900mA.h Positioning GPS receiver Sirf Atlas V (A-GPS on option)  GPS antenna External  Inertial sensors Internal 3-axis accelerometer ±2g, ±4g, ±8g  Internal 3-axis gyroscope (on option) ±250°/s, ±500°/s, ±1000°/s, ±2000°/s Interface & Telematics features (Mini) USB 2.0 Host / Device / UART powered (5V out, 500mA max.)  Digitals Input / Analog input 3 (Ignition, alarm and 1 input active low) / 2  Digital Outputs 2 (relay-control & immobilizer on option)  1-wire (for driver ID or temp sensor) Yes  LEDs 2 (1 controlled by software)  RTC Yes  CAN 2.0B interface If used, RS485 half duplex only, RS422 not possible Product specific feature RS232 2 (1 with RTS/CTS, 1 without)  RS485 / RS422 Full/half duplex RS485 or RS422  Bluetooth Bluetooth 4.0 BLE dual-mode (with internal antenna)  Wifi IEEE Std 802.11n (with internal antenna)  Other features J1708 (optional) : if used, RS485 and RS422 are not available. 1708 is compatible with CAN option. Environmental Connectors microFIT 20 pins   Mini-USB   2 Fakra connectors for the external antennas  Operating temperature * -30/+70°C  Dimensions 96x54x17mm  GPS external antenna 3 meters cable With 27mm Fakra connectors
INSTALLATION GUIDE 5    2. Hardware description  2.1. C4MAXwith external antenna Front :   1. GPS  Connector  2. GPS connector 3. USB connector 4. Molex (20pins) connector 5. Inner battery switch 6. Leds  Inside :    1. Internal battery1 2 5 4 6 3
INSTALLATION GUIDE 6    2.2. Recommendation for both type:      Move the switch inwards (I) to activate the internal battery.  The switching ON of the internal battery requires a running system. This is about 10 seconds after ignition (the led 4 must be lit then unlit).   Move the switch outwards (O) to deactivate the internal battery.  The switching OFF of the internal battery is instant. Thus, don't switch off the internal battery if the device is running without be connected to an external battery.      The SIM card PIN code must be deactivated.
INSTALLATION GUIDE 10     3. Preparing/installing the device 3.1. Connect the GPS external antenna       3.2. Choose the appropriate location for mounting The ideal location for mounting  the device is under the  dashboard. However, some types of coated windshields, as well as windshields with an in-screen heating system can  block  GPS  signals.  External  antenna  should  never  be  covered  by  any  kind  of object or material, especially not by metal or aluminium. Transmission and reception of  GPS  signal  is  however  not  hindered  by  plastic  or  normal  glass.  Moreover,  put  at least 20 cm between the antenna and a speaker.
INSTALLATION GUIDE 11     3.3. Insert the device on external support
INSTALLATION GUIDE 13      3.4. Pin out & Wires description                        Power  supply  may  be  derived  directly  from  the  vehicle’s  main  power  or  from  the board installation. In the first case, it is an absolute must that a fuse on the main cable is present.   Ignition wire must always be connected to the vehicle’s ignition OR tied with the permanent positive to the vehicle’s battery.  Ground must be always connected first. It is mandatory to add a fuse (2A) to the  permanent  positive.  The  closer  to  the  connection  point  with  vehicle power.  Signal Pin Colour DIG_OUT1 1 Purple DIG_OUT2 2 Blue  RS485_A  3 White with black RS485_B 4 Red with black DIG_IN1 / TACHO DATA  5 Green RS232_CTS1 6 Blue with black  RS232_RXD2  7 Green with black RS232_RTS1 8 Grey with black ONE_WIRE 9 Grey AN_IN1 10 Brown VBAT 11 Red GND 12 Black  CANL  13 Yellow with black  CANH  14 Purple with black IGNITION 15 White ALARM 16 Orange  RS232_RXD1  17 Orange with black  RS232_TXD1  18 Brown with black RS232_TXD2 19 Black with white AN_IN2 20 Yellow  20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
INSTALLATION GUIDE 14   3.5. Plug the device to the external battery The  device  must  have  a  direct  connection  with  the  main  power  (external  battery). Mobile Devices advise against the use of intermediate system.  1. Check that all the inputs implied in the wake-up reasons configured on your device are not connected. 2. Plug the device (black wire) to the ground of the external battery. 3. Plug the device (red wire) to the permanent positive of the external battery. 4. Plug the device (white wire) to the ignition (after contact).  In some case, the use of a circuit breaker can let the ignition (after contact) active. Thus,  the  device  will  be ON  indefinitely.  So,  it’s  important  to  find  a  signal  where  the ignition can be ON or OFF.  Moreover, it is imperative to insulate the GPS antenna in order to avoid it get in touch with the car’s chassis.   The device should be always plugged to :  The ground of the external battery.  A ground point defined by the vehicle manufacturer (if different from the ground of the external battery).  A circuit breaker should never be enabled as long as:  Ignition is active.  Ignition goes OFF since less than 2 minutes. This is the time for the device to do a proper shutdown.  It is mandatory to add a fuse (2A) to the permanent positive. The closer to the connection point with vehicle power.     4. Inputs activation threshold Here are inputs activation thresholds (voltage).   Ignition (active high) is active if voltage greater than 3V (disabled if smaller than 1V)  Alarm (active low) is active if voltage is below 1V (disabled if greater than 3V)  Digital Input1 (active low) is active if voltage is below 0.5V (disabled if greater than 3V)  Note: Range voltage on inputs is 0-30V   5. Ouputs information The two Outputs are active low and they can deliver up to 300mA.  Note: Outputs have a pull-up resistance of 10Kohms
INSTALLATION GUIDE 15      6. LEDs sequences  Green LED (Soft) Red LED (System) Sequence Meaning Sequence Meaning No GPS 3 times (50ms ON/100ms OFF) 3550ms OFF C4MAX- 3GNA OFF  OFF Fix GPS 2 times (50ms ON/100ms OFF) 3700ms OFF Ext. Power/Run  ON   Idle/Sleep (idle) twice (5ms ON/50ms OFF) 1895ms OFF   7. Support For all questions not related in this installation guide, please contact the support team by email at  8. FCC Regulations: This  device  complies  with  part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  Operation  is  subject  to  the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must  accept any interference received, including  interference  that may cause undesired operation. This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,  pursuant  to  Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  These  limits  are  designed  to  provide reasonable  protection  against  harmful  interference  in  a  residential  installation.  This equipment  generates,  uses  and  can  radiated  radio  frequency  energy  and,  if  not installed  and  used  in  accordance  with  the  instructions,  may  cause  harmful interference  to  radio  communications.  However,  there  is  no  guarantee  that interference  will  not  occur  in  a  particular  installation  If  this  equipment  does  cause harmful  interference  to  radio  or  television  reception,  which  can  be  determined  by turning  the  equipment  off  and  on,  the  user  is  encouraged  to  try  to  correct  the interference by one or more of the following measures:  -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.
INSTALLATION GUIDE 16     9. RF Exposure Information This device meets the government’s requirements for exposure to radio waves. This  device  is  designed  and  manufactured  not  to  exceed  the  emission  limits  for exposure  to  radio  frequency  (RF)  energy  set  by  the  Federal  Communications Commission of the U.S. Government.  This  device  complies  with  FCC  radiation  exposure  limits  set  forth  for  an  uncontrolled environment.  In  order  to  avoid  the  possibility  of  exceeding  the  FCC  radio  frequency exposure  limits,  human  proximity  to  the  antenna  shall  not  be  less  than  20cm  (8  inches) during normal operation.

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