Mandolyn Electronic Technology TR211 Remote Control Unit User Manual Manual
Mandolyn Electronic Technology Inc. Remote Control Unit Manual
IKT201+IKR202+IKR203 USER MANUAL CONTENTS START HERE! insen the halleries in the remoie conlrol 4 Sal the time and dale Program Ihe receiver DIRECT CONTROL Choose channels Functions PROGRAMMIN G Grouping Choose group Random on/oii Delay stun ofl Timer programming Programming example Deaclivale Timer program Activale Timer program OTHER FUNCTIONS Key sound and background lighling on/o" Key lock on Key lock err Language seleclion RECEIVER Dimmer receiver (fig 2) On/oif receiver (fig 3) 10 12 12 13 13 T4 15 18 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 25 TECHNICAL DATA Remote control Dimmer receiver On/olf receiver REMEMBER Installing the wall brackel tor the remote conlrol [CD DISPLAY Remole control {fig 7) Dimmer receiver (fig 3) On/o" receiver (fig 9) COMPONENT LAYOUT Remole Control (fig 1) Dimmer receiver (fig 2) On/olf receiver (fig 3) 27 27 27 27 28 29 30 30 30 30 32 3 2 32 32 START HERE! Insert the batteries in he remove control 1 Open me banery cover on the back. 2. Insert three AAA/LROS/AMA/ baneries 3. Close the banery cover. Set the time and date 1 Press [FUNCT'ON] 2. Press [9] 3.1 32 Select "me lormal. You can choose between 12 and 24 hour display. 10 change belween 12 or 24 hour display, press [UP] Press [SET] (0 connnue. 24 hour dlsplay, Enter the lime, lor example, 15.00, Press llLlsLloMOl 12 hour display Enler me lime, (or ex- ample, 3.00 AM. Press [OMSMOLIOL [DOWN] For 300 PM, press [OLISMOLIOLIUPI State the day of the week, Press [UP] or [DOWN] Io change the day or Ihe week, Sunday (SUN) Monday 1MON) Tuesday (rug) Wednesday (WED) Thursday (mu) Friday (FRI) Monday- Friday (M~F) Saturday- Sunday (S-S) Complete week (All) Press [SET] to continue. Program the receiver \ / The receivers musl be programmed to recognise signals irorn the remote control. Each receiver corresponds to a channel on the remote control. Up to 10 channels/receiver can be program- med. 1. Place me receiver in the wall socket. 2. Press [FUNCTION] on FUNCTION the (SMOKE CDHW'Mv w m A Press [6] Selecl channel (140). lor example, 1. Press [I] Press dawn one cl me butt/ms on Ihe receiver within 10 seconds. The , ' red lamp on the receiver w/ § starts lo llash lo ace leg/H. knowledge the receiver Ewll «' ; has received the signal 7" / from the remole control. ‘* Press [FUNCHONI on the remote control. Ir yau have several receivers, repeal steps 1-6 choosing other channels. (Up to 10 channels) DIRECT CONTROL Choose channels 1 . To choose one or more channels (receiver) press [CH] 2. Choose, lor example, receiver 2 by pressing [2]. The chosen chan- nels are shown on the (op row of the remote conlrol display. 3. Il you wanl lo conlrol several receivers at the same time, {or exam- ple, receivers 1 and 2. press [CH] lollowed by [|] and [2] 4, To clear lhe chosen channels press [CH] again. 5. Tocnooseall100han- “ 2“ “'“‘ nels press [CH] once again, Functions 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2,2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 Switching on and a". Choase (he channel/s. ‘ FULL ON Press [ON] lo 1 N W" switch on, Press [OFF] [0 swilch o". u Dimmer. Increase or decrease ihe brightness. (Only applies to receivers with me dimmer function.) NOTE: Energy saving bulbs do mi work. Choose lhe channel/s Press [UP] to increase me brighlness. Press [DOle to reduce the brighmess. Sel the brightness. Choose the channel/s. Press [LEV] LEVEL (1.9 15.00 . - Choose brighlness 1—9. m example 5. Press [5] 10 4.1 Gradual on/off or instant cn/olt. Press [FUNCTION] [chewed by [I] to switch between gradual Git/0" and instant on/alf. In gradual mode the Iighls are switched on and o" with increasing respective decreasing brightness. In instant mode the lights are switched on and 0" instantly. “ii 11 INSTANT 1 .t a a PROGRAMMING Grouping Inslead or choosrng channels one by one you can group and name dinerenl channels, eg, Iivnng»room, bedroom, hall, BIC. 1. Select group number. (or example, 1, by pressing [GRP] followed by [ll Scroll belween the groups by pressing lUPl or [DOWN] LI 2. Press [SET] m stale (he group names. Use lhe number keys lo enler Ieuers and [UP] and [DOWN] lo move the cursor. A maximum 0! 10 characlers can be used. 3. Press [SET] to confirm the name. 4. Stare which channels should belong to me group, tor example channels 2, 3 and 8 by pressing lhe corre- spondrng number keys. 12 Press [SET] Io save lhe 00 group, 1) STORED 15 00 4 Vou can edil the groups by carrying out steps 1-5 (0 wrile over or change them. Choose group 1 , Select grcup number. for example, 1, by GROUP: _ pressing [GRP] Followed 1 U 4 by U] Scroll between the groups using [UP] or [DOWN] Random on/off Ihis function swulches chosen lighls on and all al random lime intervals, Select me channel/s or group, Press [FUNcnoNl lol- 00 lowed by [3]. lite lune, RANDOM ON lion is confirmed by me 1 iignt being switched or: if it was on or swnmed on if H was elf, An R on lhe LCD display on Ihe receiver indicales lhe funclion is active. 13 The lunclion is deactivated by new commands Io me chosen channels using the remole conirol, pressing keys on the receiver or if Ihe receiver is removed from lhe wall socket. Delay shui off The funclion swilches of! lhe chosen Iighls afier a predefined time You sel direclly by channel/s or by group. Channel/s: 1 v Group: '| v Press [CH] (allowed by C me number. 15 00 Press [mNCnON] for new OFFxx lowed by [21 1530 ‘ 00 DELAY 0FF:|5 1 l) 4 Slale me Ienglh a! me delay you would like, Ior example afler 15 minutes. The lime can be slaled between 1799 minutes. NOTE! Pressing me key again deaclivales the luncllon. PresslGRPllollowed by GROUP: _ lne number. 1 300 4 14 2. Press [FUNCHON] cm twice followed by [2] new OFszX u 4 3. Stale me length of (he in) delay you would like, DELAY OFF 15 for example after 15 1A! 4 mmules. The lime can be slated between 199 minutes. NOTE! Pressing (he key again deactivales the function. Timer programming 1, Press [nos] 15m . 2. Select me program number (01716). Press [01,[11 (or program 1. The display shows EMPTY If me chosen 0|>EMPTY program has no! pre- U A vuously been program- 1 m , meal If i| has been preprogrammed me program senings are Shawn. 15 Press [SET] In canlinue. Slate the [me when you would like the command Io be ex- ’ eculed, for example, 1 6 PM. To shale AM/PM press [UP] or [DOWN] Selecl me day by press- ing [UP] or [DOWN] Sunday [SU N) Monday (MON) Tuesday (TUE) Wednesday (WED) Thursday (THU) Friday (rm) Monday- Friday (M4?) Saturday Sunday (S-S) Complele week (ALL) Press [SET] lo conlinue. PWHICH CHM Choose me channel/s. For example, press [2] mmcu CHM for channel 2. 1 Press [SET] [0 continue. 16 10. 11. Select me command am, On = Press [ON] MOTION all l m Random on/ofl — Press }A TION RAND [ON] once again. C' on = press [OFF] MOTION OFF 113 '. Presel brightness = Press [LEV] (allowed by a number for "12 level (1 »9). Press [SET] lo save me “ml program_ elmowu. Vou can scroll belween lhe programs by pressing [UP] or [DOWN] 17 Programming example The example shows me lollowing: Swnch on (insianl) a light connecled to receiver/ channel 1 al 18.00 on Samrdays and Sun-days. Switch 0" me same fight at clock 23.00 on Salurdays and Sundays, Each ACTION requires a program, re lhis example will need two programs saved as FROG 01 and PROG 02. Swucn an: [FROG] [OH] 1 [SET] [1118110110] [DOWN] X limes [SET] 18 [1] {SET} [ON] [SET] Switch off: [FROG] (OLIZI [SET] [2113110110] 19 [DOWN] X “mes [SET] [1] [SET] [OFF] [SET] 1:004 in PWHICH CHN 20 Deactivate Timer program 1. Choose me program. Press [FROG] tollowed by me program number. 2. Press [OFF] 01>DISABLED 1 . J a Activate Timer program 1. Choose me program. Press [FROG] lolloweo by me program number. 2. Press [ON] OTHER FUNCTIONS Key sound and background lighting on/off 1. Press [FUNCTION] lollowed by [5] 2. Scroll with [ON] or [OFF] lo adJLISl me key sound, ON: Key sound on confirmalion. orr: Key sound swib Chad 0". CLICK= Key sound wnn key use, Z1 3. Press [SET] (0 adjusl background lighting. BKLIGHT: ON 4. Scmll wim [ON] or 1 U " [OFF] Io swiluh me background Ilgnnng on Or 0". 5. Press [SET] Key lock 1. Io use me key lock lunclion, enter a 3-dlgil NEW LOCK‘XXX code by first pressing 15." ' [FUNCnONI followed ' ‘ by [71 2. Enler a 3-digil code. 3. Press [FUNCTION] twice. Key lock on 1. Press and hold down [FUNCTION] for 3 seconds, Key lock off ‘I. Enler your 3~digil code. UNLocKEm I! you forge| your code 1 1m 4 you can deaclivale the key lock by taking (ml and reinserring (he balleries. 22 Language selection 1. 3. Cho The uansmilter alters three language options ‘ ENGLISH Io choose between. 1 , Press [FUNCTION] renewed by [0] Press [UP] or [DOWN] lo choose a language, Press [557] nging llte system code with interference The Iransmilter automatically sets a sys- tem code when you insert the batteries. If your neighbour also owns a KOPPLA remote control and by chance has the same system code you may experience operating disturbances. Von can manu- ally set a system code (01-15). Do this: Press [FUNCTION] lollowed by [8] SYSTEM 03 1 U 1 All receivers musl be reprogrammed if a new system code is chosen, page 7. Smte two digits tor the system code, 9.9. 03 Press [FUNCTION] Z3 RECEIVER Dimmer receiver (fig 2] The receiver is only inlended lor lighting. Installation: 1. Insert the receiver in the outlet socket. The Main lamp, green lamp, comes on when the receiver is connected to the mains supply. Connscl me lamp/lamps (max com- bined outpul 300W) to me receiver. Manual on/oll: 1. Press [ON/OFF] to switch the lamp on or all, The output lamp, the red, comes on when lhe receiver powers the con- necled lamp. Manual brightness: 1, Press [UP] I0 increase me brighlness. Press [DOWN] lo reduce the brighlness. The receiver "will remember" the sel brightness, for example, if you swilch of! the lamp at a set brightness level. il will switch on the lamp al lhe same level of brlghlness. Deaclivate reception: 1. if you do nol want the receiver lo receive signals from the remole conlml, press and hold down the [ON/OFF] key on the receiver, lor 3 seconds. 24 the g-symbol is shown on the receiver's LCD display. Press [ON/ OFF] on the receiver lot 3 seconds to allow the reception of signals again. Resetting: It commands are not shown on the receiver's LCD display, strange charac- ters are displayed or it does not react when keys are pressed the receiver needs to be reset. Press in "the small" IR] key on the re- ceiver. The receiver shuts D" and resets random on/ofl, deactivate remote control and the set brightness. On/off receiver (fig 3) Installation 1. Insert the receiver in the outlet socket. The Main lamp. green lamp, comes on when the receiver is con- nected to the mains supply. Connect a device lmax 3680W) to the receiver. Manual on/oli: 1. Press [ON/OFF] to SWIlC'I the lamp on or off, The output lamp. red, comes on 25 when vie receiver powers a connected lamp. Deactivate reception: 1. It do not want the receiver to receive signals lrom Ihe remote control. press and hold down me ION/OFF] lor 3 seconds. The i-symboi is shown on the receiver's LCD display. Press [ON/ OFF] for 3 seconds to allow the receiver to receive signals lrom the remote control. Resetting: ll commands are not shown on the receiver's [CD display. strange charac- ters are displayed or it does not react when keys are pressed the receiver needs In be reset. Press in "the small" [R1 key. The receiver shuts oil and resets random Oil/0", deactivate remote-control and me set brightness. 26 TECHNICAL DATA Remote con'rol Range: 25 m clear vlew. Walls and omer objects limit Ihe range. Ballenes: Three AAA/LR03/AM4/ Micro. Frequency: 433MH1, Dimmer receiver Mains vollage: 120VAC, 60Hz Load: 20- 200W Fuse: 1A6A NOTE: Only incandescenl lamps (120V), halogen lamps (120V) and halogen lamps wilh a lranslormef (120V) may be connected (0 the dimmer receiver. On/oif receiver Mains voltage: 120VAC, 60Hz Max load: ‘ISOOW Z7 REMEMBER never overload the receiver. never interconnen the receivers. that the receivers are tor indoor use (0'-35'C) and must not he used outdoors never open the receiver or remote control. never expose the receiver or remote control to strong cleaning agents and moisture. never poke objects in the outlet sockets. to only clean the remote control with a damp cloth. to replace the batteries in the remote control when the battery indicator shows they are empty and the display is unclear. if you have programmed the timer in the remote control, that it must be within range as it is the remote control that controls the receiver. 28 Installing the wall bracket for Ihe remote comfol 29 [CD DISPLAY Remote control (fig 7) 1 Channels 2 Text 3 on symbol 4 Clock 5 Gradual on/oll symbol 6. Inslanl an/ofl symbol 7 Signal symbol 8 Battery capacily symbol 9. On symbol 10. Brightness Dimmer receiver (fig 8) On symbol Brighlness Random on/ofl Reception symbol 5”??de Channel number On/off receiver (fig 9) 1) On symbol 2 Random nn/off 3. Reception symbol 4 Channel number 30 Fig 9 31 COMPONENT lAYOUT Remote conlrol (fig 1) LCD display (ON) (OFF) Number/leaner keys Channel (CH) Group (GRP) Brighter/Menu selection (UP) Darker/Menu selection (DOWN) 9 (SET) 10. Programming (PROG) 11. Brightness level (LEV) 12, Function QF‘F’Q‘PP‘NT“ Dimmer receiver (fig 2] 1. LCD display 2 (RESET) 31 Brighter (up) 4, On/Olf On/oif receiver (fig 3) 1 LCD display. 2 (RESET) 3. (ON / OFF) 4 Mains connection (MAIN) 5. (OUIPUD 32 a | w— 7 M ,,,._ -00 Q 009 W 10 'OO ‘ 11 G) 12 Fig1 33 34 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device. pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable proleaion against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and. it not installed and used in accordance with the instmctions, may cause harmful inlerferenoeto radio communications. However. there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. ll this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on. the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: a Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. 0 Conneot the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is ccnneaed. e Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help, Warning: Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved may void the FCC authorization to operate this equipment. 35
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