AR500Instruction Sheet V2

User Manual: Manual F4U Corsair RTF | HorizonHobby

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AR500 User Guide
The AR500 features DSM2™ technology and is compatible with all Spektrum™ and JR® aircraft
radios that support DSM2 technology, like the 12X, X9303, DX7, DX6i, DX5e and Module


AR500 Failsafe

The AR500 receiver must be bound to the transmitter before it will operate. Binding is the process
of teaching the receiver the specific code of the transmitter so it will only connect to that specific

 • Prevents unintentional electric motor response on start-up.
• Establishes low-throttle failsafe if the RF signal is lost.
• The AR500 removes servo output pulses to all channels except the throttle channel during failsafe.
• The AR500 throttle failsafe position is stored via the throttle stick position on the transmitter
during binding.

1. To bind an AR500 to a DSM2 transmitter, insert the bind plug in the BATT/BIND port on the receiver.


Note: The AR500 receiver is not compatible with the DX6 parkflyer radio system.

Receiver Power Only


• In electric aircraft, when the receiver only is turned on (no transmitter signal is present), the throttle
channel has no output, to avoid operating or arming the electronic speed control.
• In glow-powered models, the throttle servo receives no input so it remains in its current position.

• Full Range
• Dual Aileron Ports
• QuickConnect with Brownout Detection
Type: Full Range Sport Receiver
Channels: 5
Modulation: DSM2
Dimension (WxLxH): 21.6 x 30.1 x 12.3mm
Weight: 7.0 Grams
Input Voltage Range: 3.5–9.6V
Resolution: 1024
Compatibility: All DSM2 Aircraft Transmitters and Module Systems

Note: Some analog servos may coast slightly even though no signal is present. This is normal.
Note: To bind an aircraft with an electronic speed controller that powers the receiver through the
throttle channel (ESC/BEC), insert the bind plug into the BATT/BIND port in the receiver and the
throttle lead into the throttle (THRO) port. Proceed to Step #2.
2. Power the receiver. Note that the LED on the receiver should be flashing, indicating that the receiver
is in bind mode and ready to be bound to the transmitter.

After Connection
• When the transmitter is turned on, and after the receiver connects to the transmitter, normal control
of all channels occurs.
• After the system makes a connection, if loss of signal occurs, the AR500 Failsafe drives the throttle
servo only to its preset failsafe position (low throttle) that was set during binding.
• All other channels receive no output pulses/commands, and are not active during failsafe.
Plugging in the Leads

Receiver Installation

Plug the servo leads into the appropriate servo ports in the receiver noting the polarity of the
servo connector.
Shown using a separate receiver pack.
(Battery can be plugged into any open port.)

Shown using a ESC/BEC and a flight pack.

3. Move the sticks and switches on the transmitter to the desired failsafe positions (low throttle and
neutral control positions).

• All other channels will move to the positions set during binding.

	Note: The AR500 features dual aileron channels (channel 2 & 6) making it convenient when using
aircraft with two separate aileron servos, no Y-harness or when mixing will be needed.
Range Testing
Before each flying session and especially with a new model, it is important to perform a range check.
All Spektrum aircraft transmitters incorporate a range testing system which, when activated, reduces
the output power, allowing a range check.

Example of AR500 installed in E-flite® Apprentice

Optimum installation of the antennas is to orient the tip of the long antenna perpendicular to the
short antenna. The tip on the long antenna should be a least 2 inches from the short antenna.

30 paces (90 feet/28 meters)

Pull and hold the Trainer Switch

Tape antenna in place.
Do not allow tip to touch metal.

Example of AR500 installed in Hangar 9® Pulse XT 60
Important: Y-Harnesses and Servo Extensions
When using a Y-harness or servo extensions in your installation, it’s important to use standard nonamplified Y-harnesses and servo extensions as this can/will cause the servos to operate erratically
or not function at all. Amplified Y-harnesses were developed several years ago to boost the signal
for some older PCM systems and should not be used with Spektrum equipment. Note that when
converting an existing model to Spektrum be certain that all amplfied Y-harnesses and/or servo
extensions are replaced with conventional non-amplified versions.

4. Follow the procedures of your specific transmitter to enter Bind Mode, the system will connect
within a few seconds. Once connected, the LED on the receiver will go solid indicating the system
is connected.
5. Remove the bind plug from the BATT/BIND port on the receiver before you power off the transmitter
and store it in a convenient place.
6. After you’ve set up your model, it’s important to rebind the system so the true low throttle and
neutral control surface positions are set.
IMPORTANT: Remove the bind plug to prevent the system from entering bind mode the next time the
power is turned on.

1. With the model restrained on the ground, stand 30 paces (approx. 90 feet/28 meters) away from the
2. Face the model with the transmitter in your normal flying position and place your transmitter into
range check mode.
3. You should have total control of the model with the button depressed at 30 paces (90 feet/28 meters).
4. If control issues exist, call the Spektrum Service Center in the U.S. at 1-877-504-0233 for further
assistance. In the UK or Germany use one of the following addresses.
		 European Union: +49 4121 46199 66 (Deutschland)
or email
+44 (0) 1279 641 097 (United Kingdom)
or email

Receiver Power System Requirements

Tips on Using Spektrum 2.4GHz

Inadequate power systems that are unable to provide the necessary minimum voltage to the receiver
during flight have become the number one cause of in-flight failures. Some of the power system
components that affect the ability to properly deliver adequate power include:

Some Spektrum and JR transmitters offer a patent-pending feature called ModelMatch. ModelMatch
prevents the possibility of operating a model using the wrong model memory, potentially preventing
a crash. With ModelMatch each model memory has its own unique code (GUID) and during the
binding process the code is programmed into the receiver. Later, when the system is turned on, the
receiver will only connect to the transmitter if the corresponding model memory is programmed on

• Receiver battery pack (number of cells, capacity, cell type, state of charge)
• The ESC’s capability to deliver current to the receiver in electric aircraft
• The switch harness, battery leads, servo leads, regulators etc.
The AR500 has a minimum operational voltage of 3.5 volts; it is highly recommended the power
system be tested per the guidelines below.
Recommended Power System Test Guidelines
If a questionable power system is being used (e.g. small or old battery, ESC that may not have a BEC
that will support high current draw, etc.), it is recommended that a voltmeter be used to perform the
following tests.
	Note: The Hangar 9 Digital Servo & Rx Current Meter (HAN172) or the Spektrum Flight Log
(SPM9540) are the perfect tools to perform the test below.
P lug the voltmeter into an open channel port in the receiver and with the system on, load the control
surfaces (apply pressure with your hand) while monitoring the voltage at the receiver. The voltage
should remain above 4.8 volts even when all servos are heavily loaded.
	Note: The latest generations of Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries incorporate a new chemistry
mandated to be more environmentally friendly. These batteries when charged with peak detection
fast chargers have tendencies to false peak (not fully charge) repeatedly. These include all brands
of NiMH batteries. If using NiMH packs, be especially cautious when charging, making absolutely
sure that the battery is fully charged. It is recommended to use a charger that can display total charge
capacity. Note the number of mAh put into a discharged pack to verify it has been charged to full
QuickConnect™ With Brownout Detection
Your AR500 features QuickConnect with Brownout Detection.
• Should an interruption of power occur (brownout), the system will reconnect immediately when
power is restored (QuickConnect).
• The LED on the receiver will flash slowly indicating a power interruption (brownout) has occurred.
• Brownouts can be caused by an inadequate power supply (weak battery or regulator), a loose
connector, a bad switch, an inadequate BEC when using an Electronic speed controller, etc.
• Brownouts occur when the receiver voltage drops below 3.5 volts thus interrupting control as the
servos and receiver require a minimum of 3.5 volts to operate.
How QuickConnect With Brownout Detection Works
• When the receiver voltage drops below 3.5 volts the system drops out (ceases to operate).
• When power is restored the receiver immediately attempts to reconnect to the last two frequencies
that it was connected to.
• If the two frequencies are present (the transmitter was left on) the system reconnects typically within
one second.
QuickConnect with Brownout Detection is designed to allow you to fly safely through most short
duration power interruptions, however, the root cause of these interruptions must be corrected before
the next flight to prevent a crash.
	 Note: If a brownout occurs in flight it is vital that the cause of the brownout be determined and

	Note: If at any time you turn on the system and it fails to connect, check to be sure the correct
model memory is selected in the transmitter. Please note that the DX5e and Aircraft Modules do
not have ModelMatch.
While your DSM equipped 2.4GHz system is intuitive to operate, functioning nearly identically to
72MHz systems, following are a few common questions from customers:
1. Q
 : Which do I turn on first, the transmitter or the receiver?
A: If the receiver is turned off first­—all servos except for the throttle will be driven to their preset
failsafe positions set during binding. At this time the throttle channel doesn’t output a pulse
position preventing the arming of electronic speed controllers or in the case of an engine
powered aircraft the throttle servo remains in its current position. When the transmitter is
then turned on the transmitter scans the 2.4GHz band and acquires two open channels. Then
the receiver that was previously bound to the transmitter scans the band and finds the GUID
(Globally Unique Identifier code) stored during binding. The system then connects and
operates normally.
If the transmitter is turned on first—the transmitter scans the 2.4GHz band and acquires two
open channels. When the receiver is then turned on for a short period (the time it takes to
connect) all servos except for the throttle are driven to their preset failsafe positions while the
throttle has no output pulse. The receiver scans the 2.4GHz band looking for the previously
stored GUID and when it locates the specific GUID code and confirms uncorrupted repeatable
packet information, the system connects and normal operation takes place. Typically this takes
2 to 6 seconds.
2. Q
 : Sometimes the system takes longer to connect and sometimes it doesn’t connect
at all?
A: In order for the system to connect (after the receiver is bound) the receiver must receive a large
number of consecutive uninterrupted perfect packets from the transmitter in order to connect.
This process is purposely critical of the environment ensuring that it’s safe to fly when the system
does connect. If the transmitter is too close to the receiver (less that 4 ft.) or if the transmitter
is located near metal objects (metal TX case, the bed of a truck, the top of a metal work bench,
etc.) connection will take longer and in some cases connection will not occur as the system is
receiving reflected 2.4GHz energy from itself and is interpreting this as unfriendly noise. Moving
the system away from metal objects or moving the transmitter away from the receiver and
powering the system again will cause a connection to occur. This only happens during the initial
connection. Once connected the system is locked in and should a loss of signal occur (failsafe)
the system connects immediately (4ms) when signal is regained.
3. Q: I’ve heard that the DSM system is less tolerant of low voltage. Is this correct?
A: All DSM receivers have an operational voltage range of 3.5 to 9 volts. With most systems this is
not a problem as in fact most servos cease to operate at around 3.8 volts. When using multiple
high-current draw servos with a single or inadequate battery/ power source, heavy momentary
loads can cause the voltage to dip below this 3.5-volt threshold thus causing the entire system
(servos and receiver) to brown out. When the voltage drops below the low voltage threshold
(3.5 volts), the DSM receiver must reboot (go through the startup process of scanning the band
and finding the transmitter) and this can take several seconds. Please read the receiver power
requirement section as this explains how to test for and prevent this occurrence.

4. Q: Sometimes my receiver loses its bind and won’t connect requiring rebinding.
What happens if the bind is lost in flight?
A: The receiver will never lose its bind unless it’s instructed to. It’s important to understand that
during the binding process the receiver not only learns the GUID (code) of the transmitter but
the transmitter learns and stores the type of receiver that it’s bound to. If the transmitter is placed
into bind mode, the transmitter looks for the binding protocol signal from a receiver. If no signal
is present, the transmitter no longer has the correct information to connect to a specific receiver
and in essence the transmitter has been “unbound” from the receiver. We’ve had several DX7
customers that use transmitter stands or trays that unknowingly depress the bind button and the
system is then turned on losing the necessary information to allow the connection to take place.
We’ve also had DX7 customers that didn’t fully understand the range test process and pushed the
bind button before turning on the transmitter also causing the system to “lose its bind.”

FCC Information
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for

compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This product contains a radio transmitter with wireless technology which has been tested and found
to be compliant with the applicable regulations governing a radio transmitter in the 2.400GHz to
2.4835GHz frequency range.
The associated regulatory agencies of the following countries recognize the noted certifications for
this product as authorized for sale and use:

Declaration of Conformity
(in accordance with ISO/IEC 17050-1)
No. HH20080903
Item Number(s):

AR500 Receiver

The object of declaration described above is in conformity with the requirements of the specifications listed below, following the provisions of the European R&TTE directive 1999/5/EC:
EN 301 489-1, 301 489-17 General EMC requirements for Radio equipment
Signed for and on behalf of:
Horizon Hobby, Inc.
Champaign, IL USA
Sept. 03, 2008
Steven A. Hall
Vice President
International Operations and Risk Management
Horizon Hobby, Inc.

Antenna Polarization
For optimum RF link performance it’s important that the antennas be mounted in an orientation that
allows for the best possible signal reception when the aircraft is in all possible attitudes and positions.
This is known as antenna polarization. The antennas should be oriented perpendicular to each other;
typically one vertical and one horizontal (see Receiver Installation). The long antenna can be mounted
in a position perpendicular at least 2 inches away from the short antenna using tape.


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