Marelli Europe S p A BCML9 Vehicle Immobilizer User Manual 222143248 LUM EN

Magneti Marelli S.p.A. Vehicle Immobilizer 222143248 LUM EN

User Manual

40GETTINGTO KNOW YOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING AND DRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSCONTENTSSYMBOLSSome components of the car have coloured labels whose sym-bols indicate precautions to be observed when using this compo-nent. Under the bonnet there is also a label that summarises allthe symbols. ALFA ROMEO CODE SYSTEMThis is an electronic engine locking system which increases pro-tection against attempted thefts of the car. It is automatically ac-tivated when the ignition key is extracted. Each key contains an electronic device which modulates the sig-nal emitted during ignition by an antenna built into the ignition de-vice. This signal is the ‘password’ which changes at each ignitionand which the control unit uses to recognise the key and enableignition.OPERATION The Alfa Romeo CODE system control unit sends an acknowl-edgement code to the engine management control unit to deacti-vate the inhibitor each time the car is started by turning the igni-tion key to MAR.The code is sent only if the Alfa Romeo CODE system control unithas recognised the code transmitted from the key. Each time the ignition key is turned to STOP, the Alfa Romeo CODE system deactivates the functions of the engine managementcontrol unit. Warning light Ylights up on the instrument panelif the code is not correctly recognised during ignition.In this case, turn the key to STOP and then to MAR; if it is stilllocked, try again with the other keys that come with the car. If youare still unable to start the engine contact Alfa Romeo AuthorizedServices.
41GETTINGTO KNOW YOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING AND DRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSCONTENTSWarning light Ycomes on when driving ❍If the warning light Yturns on, this means that the systemis running a self-test (due for example to a voltage drop).❍Contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services if the Ywarning lightstays on.KEYSCODE CARD (for versions/markets, where provided)A CODE card fig.14 is provided together with the keys. On the cardyou will find a mechanical code A and an electronic code B. Keepthe codes in a safe place, not in the car.The Electronic components inside the key may bedamaged if the key is subjected to shocks.fig. 14 A0K0008mAB
42GETTINGTO KNOW YOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING AND DRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSCONTENTSMECHANICAL KEY The metal insert A-fig.15 operates:❍the ignition switch;❍the door lock.fig. 15 A0K0047m fig. 16 A0K0048mPress B button fig.16 only with the key away fromyour body, especially your eyes and from objectswhich could get damaged (e.g. your clothes). Donot leave the key unattended to avoid the button beingaccidentally pressed while it is being handled, e.g. by achild.KEY WITH REMOTE CONTROL(for versions/markets, where provided)The metal insert A-fig.16 operates:❍the ignition switch;❍the door lock.Press B button to open/close the metal insert.
43GETTINGTO KNOW YOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING AND DRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSCONTENTSUnlocking the doors and the bootBriefly press Ëbutton: unlock of doors and boot, timed operationof ceiling lights, double flash of the direction indicators (for ver-sions/markets, where provided). Door lock is automatically released if the fuel cut-off system trips.Once the doors are locked, if one or more doors or the boot arenot closed correctly, the LED and direction indicators start flashingquickly.Locking the doors and the bootBriefly press Ábutton: lock of doors and boot with ceiling lights offand single flash of direction indicators (for versions/markets, whereprovided).If one or more door are open, the doors will not be locked. This isindicated by a rapid flashing of the direction indicators (for ver-sions/markets, where provided). The doors will be locked evenif the boot is open.When a speed of over 20 km/h is reached, the doors are auto-matically locked if this specific function has been set (only on ver-sions with multi-function reconfigurable display). When the doors are locked from outside the car (using the remotecontrol), A LED fig.17 will light up for a few seconds and then startflashing (deterrent function).When the doors are locked from inside the car (by pressing ≈)the LED will remain on constantly.Opening the bootPressRbutton to open the boot using the remote control. Thedirection indicators will flash twice to indicate that the boot hasbeen opened.fig. 17 A0K0122m
44GETTINGTO KNOW YOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING AND DRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSCONTENTSREQUESTING ADDITIONAL REMOTE CONTROLSThe system can acknowledge up to 8 remote controls. If you needto request a new remote control, contact Alfa Romeo AuthorizedServices, taking the CODE card (for versions/markets, where pro-vided), an identity document and documents proving your own-ership of the car with you.fig. 18 A0K0051mUsed batteries are harmful to the environment.They should be disposed of as specified by law inspecial containers or taken to an Alfa Romeo Au-thorised Service Provider, which will take care of their dis-posal.REPLACING THE BATTERY KEY WITH REMOTECONTROLProceed as follows:❍press A button fig.18 and open out the B metal insert; turn Cscrew to :using a small point screwdriver;❍remove the D battery holder case and replace E battery re-specting the polarity; reinsert D case into the key and secureit by turning C screw to Á.
45GETTINGTO KNOW YOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING AND DRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSCONTENTSSAFE LOCK DEVICE (for versions/markets where provided)This safety device prevents operation of the inside door handlesand of the door locking/unlocking button. We recommend thatyou activate this device whenever you park your car. Switching the device onThe device is enabled on all the doors by quickly double-pressingtheÁbutton on the key. The engagement of the device is indicated by three flashes of thedirection indicators and the flashing of A LED fig. 19. The devicewill not switch on if one or more doors are not closed correctly.Once the safe lock device is engaged it is impossi-ble to open the doors from inside the car. Beforeengaging the device, check that there is no one lefton board. If the remote control battery is flat, the devicecan only be disengaged by using the metal insert in ei-ther of the door locks.Switching the device offThe device disengages automatically by: ❍opening the driver’s door using the metal insert;❍pressing the Ëbutton on the remote control;❍turning the ignition key to the MAR positionfig. 19 A0K0122m
46GETTINGTO KNOW YOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING AND DRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSCONTENTSThe main functions that can be activated with the keys (with or without remote control) are the following:Type of keyMechanical key Key with remote control Direction  indicators flashing (only for key with remote control)Deterrence LEDDoorsunlockingTurn key anticlockwise(driver’s side)Turn key anticlockwise(driver’s side)Briefly press Ëbuttondouble flashingSwitching offLocking the doorsfrom the outsideTurn key clockwise(driver’s side)Turn key clockwise(driver’s side)Briefly pressÁbuttonflashes once Switching on con-stantly for about 3seconds, followedby deterrence LED flashingSafe Lock engage-ment (for versions/markets, where provided)––Double pressing Ábuttonflashes three timesDouble flash, followed by deterrence flashingUnlocking the tailgate boot––Briefly press Rbuttonflashes twiceDeterrence LEDIMPORTANT Windows will lower down when the doors are unlocked; they will be wound up when the doors are locked.Windows down (for versions/markets, where provided)––Hold pressed Ëbutton(for longer than 2 seconds)flashes twiceSwitching offWindows up (for versions/markets, where provided)––Hold pressed Ábutton(for longer than 2 seconds)flashes once Deterrence LED
49GETTINGTO KNOW YOUR CARSAFETYSTARTING AND DRIVINGIN AN EMERGENCYSERVICING ANDMAINTENANCETECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSCONTENTSIGNITION SWITCH The key can be turned to three different positions fig. 21: ❍STOP: engine off, key can be extracted, steering locked. Someelectric devices (e.g. car radio, central door locking system,alarm, etc.) can work;❍MAR: driving position. All electric devices can work;❍ON: starting the engine. The ignition switch is fitted with an electronic safety system thatrequires the ignition key to be turned back to STOP if the enginewill not start, before the starting operation can be repeated.fig. 21 A0K0063mIf the ignition switch is tampered with (e.g.: at-tempted theft), have it checked over by an AlfaRomeo Authorised Service Provider as soon as pos-sible.Always remove the key when you leave your carto prevent someone from accidentally operatingthe controls. Remember to engage the handbrake.Engage 1st gear if the car is parked uphill or reverse if thecar is parked downhill. Never leave children unattendedin the car.STEERING LOCKEngagementWhen the key is at STOP, remove the key and turn the steeringwheel until it locks. DisengagementMove the steering wheel slightly and turn the ignition key to MAR. It is absolutely forbidden to carry out any after-market operation involving steering system orsteering column modifications (e.g.: installation ofanti-theft device). This could badly affect performance andsafety, invalidate the warranty and also result in the non-compliance of the car with approval requirements.Never remove the key while the car is moving. Thesteering wheel should lock automatically as soonas it is turned. This also applies to when the car istowed.

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