Marposs E86B Industrial Control Base Station User Manual 55492
Marposs SpA Industrial Control Base Station 55492
Marposs >
ICL II) NXIIixéB EXHIBIT 5 Instruction Manual mida MAnposs % FCC 1D. NXIE86B SPECIFiCATIONS AND GENERAL WARNiNGS NOR/ME s Awenrsnzs GENEMU 1.1 SPECIFICATIONS AND GENERAL WARNINGS PREMISE This instruction manual suppiies aii the specrhe iniarmahon necessary to know and correctly use your MARPOSS equipment, The descriptions reported In this menuai are armed to the Iollowing personnel: - MARPOSS persunnei m Customer‘s personnel who has to meter” the equipment - Customer‘s iechnrcrans who directiy operate the MAHPOSS equipment - Customers technictflns who are respnnstbie oi the maintenance oi the production line where the MAHPOSS equipment is installed. ALL RIGHTS nee neseeveu, we MANUAL ts wremnzo FOR Cusromen‘s imeeNAt use mm Anr omen i use is FOREiDDEN. FINAL TEST AND WARRANTV The detects oi the matertais are covered by the warranty with the Ioiiowing iimitattons: - DumriDN or rm; wmemw the warranty covers eli repairs made within the agreed terms. — Owecr OF we wanemrv‘ the warranty is appired to the pruduct and to its pans marked with sertai number or other identification number by MAHPOSS. The above mentioned warranty has to be consudered valid. uniess ot dtflerent agreements between MARPOSS and the Customer. GENERAL SAFETY SPECIFICATIONS This equipment has been manuiactured in conformity wtth CEI ENWBSG specritcations. CONVENTIONS AND SYMBOLS BEING USED While writing this book a iew mnventiuns have been adopted and mare precisely: . There are two types at saIety notices 7‘ Warning ~ ‘ A This note indicates the possibliiy to damage the electmnic unit or other devices connected to it. nr the possibility to loose data ‘ Attenflan ‘ A This note indicates dangerous conditions fur the uperator/techntcran r ‘ The most important iniormalion heigiul to understand and use the system are placed insuie ‘ a box marked by the ward 'Note'. and they are written in heavy types. @ MAHBHS! mlda rut m: NXJEKOB SYSYEM COMFONENTS comm/mm DEL SlSTEMA 2,1 SYSTEM COMPONENTS A - Touch probe and E86 lransmlller B ~ Crash protection pin [cpuonau C A Stylus retainer (cpllonal) I) D . Stylus _, E - E86 antenna F - EBB mtarlace um! G A Two. upen—endad spanners 1CH 5 and 5‘s] and a sel ol Allen Keys H - Spsmal scanner lorT25 probe and mechanical exlenslcns | - Probe axle'nsmns (oplmnal) L - Auxlllary antenna (optional) M - Anaconda cable sheath lor receiver cable (upuonall m @ mm“ m. I2 FCC ID NXIESéB SYSTEM COMPONENTS UGNF/GUNAZIDNE E FUNZ/ONAMENTD 3.1 SYSTEM COMPONENTS The radii: transmission system idenlifles workpiece cuurdinate which are processed by the machine iooi CNC in order to deiine measurements. The points are detected by a probe Cunsisllflg oi a multi-directional precrsion microswitch: point data iS then iransmined by a radio transmission syslem, consisting oi a transmitterand receiver. to an intenace unit and from here to the CNC. The measuring cycie calis up the probe/transminer unit (mounisd on a tool taper) from (he tool magazine and then inserts the unit into the spindle The system is easy to use and has been oeSigned icr use in nostrie industrial environmentsThe system is designed for use on machining ceniers and miiling machines ior the Identification. positioning and measurement ui pans still to be machined and for the measurement oi machined pans. The typical system configuration consists oi: A , Part to be measured E - Machine tool splndie B , Siyius F - EBB antenna c - Touch probe G - E56 interface unit D , E85 transmitter H ~ Machine 100! CNC @ "manna! mid- F(‘C ID NXIESGB svsreu OFERAYlON MODAL/TA DI rufireao 4.1 [I SYSTEM OPERATION . This measuring system is multi-dlrectlnnzl and operates in the xiv/+1 hemisphere, . The contact between the stylus and the part surface to be tesled generates a signal used by the machine tool te mentorlse the Contact polnt and step the machine axes. To ensure a high degree at repeatability we recommend the use at a constant measuring speed. » The measuring speed chosen must enable stoppage ol the machine exes wrthln the overtravel limits at the probe used - Eolors using the probe. carry out a calibration cycle to define the systematic error oi the prone/ maehlne tool/CNC system. Systematic error is a characteristic of each measurlng directlon and is repeatable. each measurement direction should therelore be calibrated To calibrate the system‘ rnea'sure knewn machine paints (R) and then calculate the dinerence between these values and the values measured (mKl). The difference (K1) must be entered ln the tool correction parameters at lne CNC and called up whenever a measurement operation in the related directlon takes place I4 U1 15 FCC ID: NXIESGB Mensufiempg was; 5mm 01 111511174 5.1 541 MEASUREMENT PROBE The measuremem probe is a mulh-dueclional prsc1s1un rmcroswnch used on Numeric Ccnlrol (NC) mam cumng machine 10015 101 leslmg and measuring {ools and workpieces Four drllerem models 0! muIn-direcnonal much probes operanng in (he x/yhz hem1srzhere are avauame; me (our madels have divierem GWEHSIOHS and uvemavel value, Fur each prune modei there are two versions wllh dmerem rmnt guards as follows: » Version "G“ w1|h cloln_ ON ‘ 1 ON ‘ OFF 11 7 OFF 1 ON OFF 1 12 7 ON OFF OFF 1 13 OFF ,. OFF ‘ OFF 14 ON OFF OFF 15 OFF 1 OFF J OFF 15 so @ MAnpnn , rec in! NXIEsoB Esa menace mm mm m INTERFACCIA 555 9.5 CONNECTING UP THE INTERFACE UNIT The menace unit can! has a xermmal Mock Iur connections. Connect the wires to me screw terminals using the connection magvam. 1 ANTENNAI I cm: MACHINE cannon. I nv '24V 1 ‘ cum 1— l ‘ SEL 0 5a 1 __/ VIOLET I sunr— ‘ PROBE ST‘TUS ' -—|—> moss sums w i nose 3 PROBE ANTENNAZ ur K 5 us as IP 17 ‘_> snmsz’sm Low BATTERY fl 1’ LOW anrrm j ERROR i anvm— «Iuv powsn av; fin v SUPPLY ; enouun ' * "N" CONDITION WITH SOURCE CONNECTION I SELO ‘ sen 1 ID. cons ‘ I OPEN/UV I OPEN/UV A J 24V I OPEN/av I B ‘ * OPEN/(W 24V ‘ c 1 I 24 v 24 v I D I (continued ) @ mun-ans- midi FCC ID NXIESGB Ess rNrEHFAcE UMT UNVTA m WTERFACCM 555 9.5 CONNECTING UP THE INTERFACE UNIT "0 diagram 04 interlace unll E85 (D r r: r w r ‘ a? i; a? J a? 9” 2: f a? 6X 1 J’aqffigfg 5°02?“ kg 4b 0 \\ k 6 6 s $¢$¢°Q°¢$af 453¢ ‘ Solrd ‘ EGG state l @ Q7 g r Signer relay 1 75 r a y m y r r r f, Oven Probe g g r status ’ " a. g; ‘ no close 1 , Japan ‘ Probe ,E 1: status NC Clmu ——-—~ Open ‘ Sklp E 3 _ L 1 NO Class _ 7 ODS“ _ r — Skip —E L": NC ‘Clcs- r one“ 1 Low 1 ‘ battery ’ No “c fl— lose ‘ ,f,10pen r Low L? f battery NC muse \ A 4098" r 7 r Error } ‘ ‘ \ NC ‘cmss 1 Mole: The acflvanon limu, tipically lower than 1 use. can increase up to about 3 secs. il an! r wovkingamaisdlsmrbed by electmmagneflc hummus. 55 m JXIL’XfiB {x E" ,, ASSEMEUNG m5 PROBE m we Ynmsmwzk MONT-16610 sommmAsMEw-nrcns 10.1 ASSEMBLING THE PROBE TO THE TRANSMITTER TL) nmemuvs m. probe m/Irom ma nansmmsv luflw ma msnucxiflns new Cnutiun 1 A when rmmg me wane n: [he lransmner. ensure mm 0m seal nngs are In goon cwdifiun and mrrecfly ‘ ‘ 1 0 pesmunm moss 12511125 Tlgmsn (he was: (A) (o lhe tvansmmer using the spwaw spanner supplved m). 05mg me spam spannel supohed screw "19 grabs «a me home! (A); mass m' ~ Ex Me plane In 1718 holder (5) usmg Ihe screws (B1) » uung me spemal spawns! suppnen screw me howdy (a) w the xransmmer. PROBE TED » Fix Ihe pvohe lo the homer (C) uilng the screws (CT) using ms 3980131 spanner suppm screw me homer (a) to me |ransmmsr Cautiun W- - «— A when you new compwe‘ed the slum oversuuns. sign the system [see paga as) ‘ A /A1 1 O T251TL25 w @ mm. m FCC ID NXIE86B s msemma PROBE EXTENS‘DNS {OPHDNAL} m wssmMEmo PEGLUNGHE PER song: (OPTIONAL 11.1 INSERTING PROBE EXTENSIONS (OPTIONAL) The probe extension ws Mted belween (he pvobe and me vansmmer' the purpose loe extensmr ws to mcrease Ihs measurmg depth oi the syslem. To man exlenslon, proceed as (allows: Caution m , When mung an extenswcn. ensure Ihal me sea! rings are in good sandman and correctly posillone - T251TL25 prnhe extension - Using the spanner suppnsu (A1), remove me probe 0mm ms transmmsr - Fwt the extension (A2) complele wwh seal rings between the probe and the transmmer - Using the spanner provided (AIJ, ugmen me pmbe/extenswonrtransmmer assemMy, (Dominued T25ITL25 A2 62 @ MAnpun mm FCC ID“ NXlEEfiB wsgnrwa PROBE ExlgusroNs {OPWDNALI WSERWENTU PROLl/NGHE FEE saws (DPTVGNAL/ 11.1 INSERTING PROBE EXTENSIONS (OPTIONAL) - 736 prnhe extensian — Unscrew lhe fielder (B) from We lransmmer. - Unscrew the screws (BI) and remove the probe lrcm me hnlder (a). , Fix the ex'ension 152) m the holder (3) uslng me screws 151). - Fix the extension/harder assembly \0 (he transmmer usmg the spanner - Fix the probe to (he extensron using the screws (53). - TSI'I prune extension , Unscrew Ihe homer 1c; from me rransmmer , Unscrew the screws (CI) and remove the probe tram the harder (C), ~ Fix the extensron (CZ) to (he homer (c) using the screws {Cur — Screw the extension/holder assembly (0 (he lransmmer using the Spanner » Fix the prabe to me extensrcn usmg ihe screws (C3). B1 E3 64 @ MAuflula mldn FCC ID: NXIESGB ._ Fir—rim; THE rnANSMiTTER to THE TAPER MONYAGElO DEL rRAsMsrTrroRs SUL com: 12.1 FleNG THE TRANSMITTER Remove the battery companrnent covers (C) on the transmitter by removing the screws (D): this at i xi plDVldeS access to the tour hules (E) on the standatu holder. Qt . Drill tour M4 x G threaded hules (A) and a central countersunk (B) on the taper as shown in 3 . J“) Figure. ‘: i A - Join the transmitter and the taper inserting the 6 mm diam ball (5) into the countersink on base at the taper and inte the countersink an the standard holder - Lightly tighten the tour screws (F). Aligning the system . Fit the probe stylus (see “Fitting the probe stylus") 4 Usrng the tour serews (F). align the centre oi the stylus sphere With the taper axrs. - When you have completed alignment, tighten the tour screws (F) working diagonally. HI ID", NX] ESOB FWTlNG rug rmnswrrsn ro ms TAPEH momma/0 DEL TRASMEYTITDRE sut coma 12.2 FIXING THE TRANSMITTER WlTH THE ADJUSTING PLATE t- Remove the battery compartment covers on the transmrner by removing the screws (see Chapt. 12.1) Note: The operations m paints 2, 3, 4 and 5 below rater tn Ihetransmiuer wilh r radio starting only. Transmitters with mechanical starting (1.9. with a micrnswtleh an the taper) are supplied complete with a taper and with the holdars already titted. For mechanical transmllters continue this fitting prucedurs lrum point 5 onwards. 2- Unscrew the tour screws 10) and remove the standard holder (C). 3- Fit the adiustable holder (E) to the transmitter using the (our screws (D), (cuntinued n) 68 @ MAHBOB! mid FCC ID: ermee FImNG ms rnmsurrrse Io ruffles): MUNTAGG/U DEL TRASMETVTOHE SUL co~o 12.2 FIXING THE TRANSMITTER WITH THE ADJUSTING PLATE 4 - Dnll two MA x B threaded holes (F) on the tool turner as shcwn in Figure. 5 ~ Fix the adiuslaole holder 15) to the tool taper using the two screws (H). .r l Note: The holder (G) has three pairs at tixing holes to enable correct angular orientation "J ) ‘ at the transmitter LED (L) toward the operator. E - Jorn the transmitter tn the taper Match up the tnur threaded holes (M) on the taper holder (G) wrth the tour slots (N) on the transmitter holder (E). 7 - Insen the tourthreaded stud screws (P) through the slots (N) and into the threaded holes (M) and tighten using the spanner crowded. s- Fit and tighten the four special nuts (0) on the stud screws. ‘ (continued . 70 @ MAIIPGBI mm 72 firms m5 Tmnsmmsa YO we Twin FCC IL)‘ NXIEBfiB MONTAGGlO DEL rRAsMEmTons 5m com 12.2 FIXING THE TRANSMITTER WITH THE ADJUSTING PLATE Aligning me syslem 9 - Fwt the probe stytus (see “F'ming the probe sMus'). 104 Using me tour spemal nu1s (0), allgn the centre of the stylus sphere wnn the taper axis. Maximum permmed Havel 1.7 mm m the tour dlrections. AExampIa: To muve the stylus Sphere towards X". ngmen (01) or loosen 102) as requwsd, Use this memod tor the umer mrectmns, n- When ygm have completed ahgnmenl. m and “men the Mo mampmg screws (a). @mm.. m, FCC ID: NXlEMyH ,e Frmms m; PROBE srvgrsv , rucnmseru oer. ENADCEWD sown: 1341 FlTI'ING THE PROBE STYLUS To fit the stylus to (he Limbs, proceed as rorows: Nate: 11.5;an descrrbed below mvorves the lining of a break pin bemoan the probe and 1 me s!y|us. The purpose erme break pin is to pmtect the stylus from damngo In m. mm 1 of accidental knocks or blows to me probe by discennecfing the nylu: from the probe, - Fil me break pm (A) re me probe ray - Usrng ma spanner provided, hard the stylus holder (C) m posmon and then, using the other spanner, rrgmen me break pin 1A) Yo ughlen rhs break pm (Ar rnsen me spanner rn positron (B) an the lower part or me pm - Screw me stylus (F) cure the break pm (A). Using one spanner. norm me break pm m posrrior and. usmg rne other spanner provided‘ ngnren the stylus. , Fir the holder (E) aver the stylus and stifle it down (a cover the break pm (A). The purpose or rhrs harder 15 to hard me styrus In place when the mean pm breaks. - u the break pm rs not to be used screw me sfyius direcfly amo the probe Hard (he srylus holder (C) m posmen wrtn the spanner provided and men rrgrnen me sryrus mm the orner spanner 74 mid: ® ‘r FCC lD'NXIESEB ntAGnosrtcs , mAswosnpA” 14.1 FAULT FIND|NG GUIDE Fautts are tndlcated by the LED on ma tmeflace uni! paneL Power LED 071 Check -hat pawsr ts amvmg at tevnhnats ts and m an the I tevmtnat board a! the tnteflace umt Na pnwet suppty >. _, , _S ,, CAflss Fuse open Watt some mtnutes thh tntariacs untt no| pawered Error LED is In Tvansmmev-Antanna out at Cheex that the green “wrung LED on the antenna Iransmtsston range rematns ht dmtng probe movemem Transmtflet bakery tow or comple|9ly Change the battery. dtscharged Transmtssmn ttme has etapseu (3th the start stgnat tn ves|an the system cnecx ‘the cunnecttng cable aha connecttens between the antenna and the intedace uml. No etectrtcat cunnecmn between me antenna and the tnlerlace untt Electncat m etectmmagnehc tnterterence tn I MDVS the antenna came away "or“ a|her power Games CAUSE Change wurkmg channet Probe LED dues not change mlus when the pmhs I: touched No etectrtcal Cunnectlon between the Check the etecmcafl connection between the probe and probe and the Iransmtuer the transmtttev. at 3 onbe ts damaged Remove the probe hem the transmmer Connect the sprmg cantacts and then break the cometth W the LED cnnhnues nm [0 change status thts tndtcalss t that me transmttter n tauhy N the LED changes status. lhls mdlcales th_at the probe ts tautty. REMEDY Poor repeatawny ; Stylus ts tease Check mm the stytus and the break pm (whale htted) mi > are tnhy ltgmened on the webs ‘w , _ a“ H 3 Hutder ts tease E Tighten an screws 1 at 7 g t 1 ‘ Seal is ptevced or damaged ‘ ‘ Change the prom 75 @ ma,“- ma. FCC ID: NXIE86B n MAINTENANCE MANursuzrgys 15.1 ORDINARY MAINTENANCE 15.1.1 CLEANING AND INSPECTION To ensure top, trouble-(lee performance. clean and rnsoecl the measuring system a| reguiar mtervals CIeBnmg and rnspecnon r’mervaIs musI be defined m accordance wnh operalron ccndmons. - cngtking came condIIIon Check me came condrtion and the ugmness oi the cable clamps at regular intswars - Checking seal condihon The from oI ms probe rs rmad wnh two sears which provide ugtrmum protactlnn under normar operaung commons. AI regular rmervals, check Ihe outer seal Icr slgns or war Change worn seals. II the rnner seal is damaged, return the probe to the manufacturer Im repair. 75. 1 MANUTENZIONE ORDINARIA 15.1.1 PULIZIA E CONTROLLI Per one/were sempre Is m/glr‘orv prestazranr Gal sisrema d/ rmsura, é [Juana norm sotmpcrro a regnlan aperazwm d: pulrzra e control/a. Sr“ Irena dr‘ opera/om sempricr da ssegmra panodrcamente in funzione delle sand/2mm dr’ ImpIEgG. - Verifies infagrlta cablaggio Verm'care periodicamenre l’inregma‘ der cavr’ ad II serraggro dei marserfi elelrrrcr. - Conlrafln Ienura guamizioni Anrenormeme Ia sorrda é prorefla da due guamlzrom sutficremr‘ per un’ulI/ma pmlezrone In normal: condizmm ctr r'mpiegu Connor/are pennarcamsnrs phe Ia guamlz/one esrema non presenrr ssgm di usura. In ral case, glowsdere Alla sosrr'luzmne def/a guam/z/ane siessa‘ ln case an danneggr‘amsnlo dalla guamrzr’ons [mama Ia sanda dew-a! essele r'nvrata a! furniture per la riparazrane so @ MAnnm- my, l-"L'L‘ [D‘ NX [P1868 r MAINTENAJLCE 7 7 MANUTENI/ONE 32 15.1.2 FITTING/CHANGING THE BATTERY The llansmuler nanery must be changed when the ‘!ow banenf LED on the menace unn hghls up and when we LOW EAT outpu' signaw ws "ansmwhed. To change we banery‘ proceed as fnflows‘ - Unscrew the lwm screws 1A) 01 me battery companmem cover (e) (marked wnh the battery symbol). , Remove the ma battery and msen (he new banery (B) mm the hanary compartment cover (0) ensurmg mm the pokes match - Hem theAcover 1c) nuung the elemncal contacts ~ He“ and tighten the cover relammg screws (A), m to chapt 7.2 "Eanery Lna" shows (he durauon o! mflerenl banery types under vaflous Dpelahng commons, @ mam.- Ma FCC m; NXIEXsB MAINTENANCE MANUTENIVGNE 15.2 EXTRAORDINARY MAINTENANCE 152.1 CHANGING THE EfiEAK PIN AND THE STYLUS Should me stylus m break pin become damaged due to an accidental knackm me prnbe lhey must be replaced. Proceed as tcllows: 1 , Slide me holder (A) of! the broken or hem break pm. 2 - Unscrew smus (Bland me probe (C) imm me broken break pm (my Remove the damaged slyms from me probe (C), spannerprovided. 3 - Fit the new break pin and gyms (see “meg me pmbe sly‘us'y K) D x) @ MAHBfl“ mm; FCC ID: NXIEBSB MAINTENANCE MANUTENI/O’ 15.2.2 REPLECEMENT OF OUTER SEAL 1 ~ Remave Ihe sensing stylus and prolemon pin, 1! any, 2 - Hemuve me 9mm pvotectian cover (B) and seal (C) from me prune body (A) 3 - Check |or wear at me tram seal (D) and‘ ll necessary, replace. ‘ - FA the new from protsctlnn cover and seal unul |I Snaps IMO place. 15.2.2 SOSTITUZIONE GUA HNIZIONE ESTERNA I 4 Tog/[ere // braceerro e (‘evsnmale spma df 101mm, 2 - Sir/are da/ carpo sands (A) (a pratezrone ante/lore (5) m guamr‘zrane (c; 3 ~ Contra/lam lo slam defl‘aneI/o d/ renuta ante/vars (D) ed eventual/flame soslirulr/o 4 ~ (nseflrs la nuova proreziane amermre Dan guamrzrane [my a scam) awsnuro. ‘5242. EHSETZEN DER SCHUTZKAPPE MIT DICNTUNG 1 - Tastararm und SoUbruchsmoK enflemen. 2 - Schutzkappe13)mvlchmung (s) vom MeBkop! (A) zishend abschrauben. 3 A chmung (D) uberprulen und gegebenemaus svselzen 4 - Schmzkappe meder aulsetzen und andmcken, ms sie einrasle! 15.22 HEPLACEMENT DU JOINT EXTERIEIJH I ~ En/ever ls bras er la brache a‘s rupture évenwefla z - Ave: un mauvememde rmanan ex-rrarre du corps (A) la proiecflan ave"! (B)aveclajom1(C 3 - Cant/die! l'e'lar de [a bague d‘elanchélré avanr (a) er la ramp/ace! 4 , fuse/er Ia news/[e protect/an avam ave: mm! jusqu‘é l'Enclvquelage. ea @ mamas m SB SPARE PAN' L131 FCC (D, NXJEBbB 16.1 SPARE PART LIST 11374 91041051 DUDE N' I'— MSERIPTIDM 125-1125~T35-750 YOUCNPROBES 104mm 1019100005 1010100003 291 5335007 2915340010 2915345007 2915335011 2915340005 2915345012 3415335031 3020305010 3415340050 3415345030 2019923021 2019923022 2019923023 2915335100 2915335110 2915335120 2915340125 2915340126 2915340127 2915345040 2915345050 2915345050 0371032010 6071052110 3019917110 3019917120 3019917130 3019917100 3019917150 3019917150 5134230100 4102100005 5134207300 2015340100 1320131000 1320307000 2919917110 Crash pmtecmn pm 15 mm (0.591 S1ylus mums: 50.01- pan km 101 7256/7L250 Spats pm kn 1m me 517“ pan 110 In: 1005 From 1170100111711 1111 1250711253 From prams" 1m TSEG me pmrecm hr 1500 1mm pubs 1250 Touch probe 0sz Tvuch pmbfl 13111; Touch 0mm 1mm; Tiansmmzz mung flange 10! 1255171250 1101511111101qu 11mg. 101 1350 Tunsmmm 11111»; 1101100 Iov 1500 511191151111 101 pmbs Tam/11.250 use mm (1971 summon 101 pmh! 1255/0253 L=|00 mm (3941 Exlensm 101 pmbz 1250111250 1.150 mm (5.901 Edmsmn 1m probe use 0:50 mm (1 91-1 Extension“)! probe 7350 L—100 mm (a 941 5112119011 101 prom 1350 L=750 mm 15.901 Edensnn 1m pmba 1500 1:50 mm (1.970 Extensmn 10. 01000 "1606 1-100 mm (3341 Emma" for prom 1500 L=|50 mm 1590-1 115mm: 101 10010 mwamn Trlflimlllfl 101 SWIlCh 351015an Shank mm auwnuan swncn Dlesm/A 40 wnh 311111511119 11101 Shank mm an‘mnon switch 010 71/3 45 wnn miunmq pm Shank 071111 afl‘rwatnm 51mm" 01Nese11/A 50 win miusung phi Shank wnn aclrvahun swncn CAT 40 101111 mummy 9191- Shank wlh acwmn mun CAT 45 wnn 1011an {Me Shank mm mm" swnch on 50 wiin 11113019 91-1- aanery owe! w1(h Dcnlads 9v aHmHnl balmy Banary com Wrenches 1111 Spsmal wrench [131 125/115 sum: mane" (or 1250125035050 flanga 1739011031 adjusllmg glam wmg and stylus mm and slyms team! and sum; 70130191 mum-mum 0033130001 3012140151011 1111117010: pmbo 1111-10 wan rubber 32-1. 0100- mom—real) wanna: puma 511de mm mm 53d, probe 1mm (rung 01mm: prone mam mm mm 5.31, prune "01110—71110 Comprem with 04109 Ms Samplers wnh Mmg 5951s Complem wnn 04mg 50015 0971900100 4152005101 Amoun- qumu can-1011 ammo" 911 mm (0.431 Sawfly 10101515 msmct 3304300000 E 06 mum-cs 1m mm-
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2001:06:05 18:08:23 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows Author : jsoscia Title : 55492.pdf Modify Date : 2001:06:05 18:08:35-04:00 Page Count : 39EXIF Metadata provided by