Marposs E86P Machine Tool Monitor Transmitter User Manual 8
Marposs SpA Machine Tool Monitor Transmitter 8
Marposs >
MK? ID“ NX I EKM’ EXHIBITS Instruction Manual mida MAFIPDSS SPEClflCAYlONS AND GENERAL WARNINGS NORME E AVVERTENZE GENERALI 141 SPECIFICATIONS AND GENERAL WARNINGS PREMISE This instructiun manual supplies all the soecrlic lnlormation necessary to know and currently use your MAHPOSS equipment. “J The descriptions ieponed in this manual aie aimed to the lollowing personnel - MARFOSS personnel or Customer‘s personnel whe has to install the equipment. - Customer‘s technimans who directly operate the MARPOSS equipment. - Customer's technicians who are responsible of the maintenance oi the production line where the MARPOSS equipment is installed. ‘ ALL mews Ans nsszevzn. Tms MANUAL is lNYENDED roe CUSTOMER'S lNTERNAL use ONLY Ami DYNEH 1 list is macaw FINAL TEST AND WARRANTY The delects ol the materials are covered by the warranty With the following limitations - DumnoN or we wmnnmv: the warranty covers all repairs made Within the agreed terms. ~ Dam of we wrmm: the warranty is applied in Ihs product and to its parts marked with serial number or other identification number by MARPOSS The above mentioned warranty has to be considered valid, unless oi dilferent agreements between MARPOSS and the Cuslumer. GENERAL SAFETV SPECIFICATIONS This equipment has been manufactured in coniormity with CEI EN60950 specifications. CONVENTIONS AND SYMBOLS BElNG USED While writing this back a few conventions have been adopted and more precisely: ~ There are two types at satety netices Warnlng _ 1 This note indicates the possmlity to damage the electronic unit or other devices connected to it, or the possubility to loose data. 7A i A Attention fl This nole indicates dangerous conditions tor the operator/technician. The most important information helpful In understand and use the systei'n are placed inside a box marked by the ward “Note", and they aie written in heavy times. I @ MARPEB mun l"[‘(‘ [D NXIIISM’ sverM cowowsms 7 “ Ascwousmrr DEL s/srsm 2.1 SYSTEM COMPONENTS A - Touch pmbe and E851ransmmer E - Crash prolsction pm [aphanan c - SMus retainer (oplmnafl 4’) D - SMus ._4 E - E86 antenna F - EEG lmerface um! G - Twc. open-ended spannars (CH 5 and 5.5) and a set of Allen keys H ~ Special spgnner 7m T25 probe and mechanical extensmns I ~ Pvuhe extensions (optional) L - Auxmary amsnna (optionau M - Anaconda came shealh for recewer cable topnonal] 10 @ MAHFUII mid. 12 FCC to: Nxmset’ SYSTEM COMPONENYS CONF/EukAZIONE E FUNZIGNAMENTO 3,1 SYSTEM COMPONENTS The main transmrsslon system idemmss wotkpiece coordmate wmch are processed by the macmne tool CNC m order to define measurements. The pomts are detected by a probe conslsling of a multtrdtrectionnl precxsion micmswitch: pumt data is than transmitted by a radio transmtssmn system, conststmg of a transmitter and tecelven to an intertace umt and "cm here to the CNC The measunng cycle cans up the plobe/lransmitter unit (mounted on a tool taper) mm the toot magazme and then mserts the umt tnto the spindle.The system is easy to use and has been destgned tor use m hostlle mdustriat envuonments.The system ts destgned for use on macmning centers and mlllmg macmnes lot the tdentlt‘ication. positioning arm measurement 07 parts s|||| to be machined and tor the measurement at macnmed parts. The typmal system configuration conswsts at A - Part to be measured E - Machme toot spindle a - Stylus F - Eas antenna C - Touch prone G » E86 mtertace unit D - E86 transmltter H 4 Machmetoot CNC ’ "’ ’ ‘t @ mAHBuul mm FCC [D' NXlllltbt' svsrsmfiveehrlm MODALITA m lMPIEGO 441 14 SYSTEM OPERATION - Thrs measurlng system ls multi-dlrecttnnat and operates in the x/yl+z heMlsphere. - The contact between the stylus and the part sunace to be tested generates a signal used by the machrne tool to memonss the contact pcmt and step the mechrne axes, To ensure a hrgh degree at repeatabltlty we recommend the use ol a constant meesunng speed. ~ The measunng speed chosen must enable stoppage otthe machine axes Wllhtn the uvertrevsl llmlts of the probe used 4 Estate usrng the probe. carry out a calibration cycle to define the systematic error ot the prebe/ machrne toot/CNC system. Systematlc error IS a characteristlc at each measunng directlun and 45 repeatable; each measurement direction should theretere be calibrated. To calibrate the system, measure known machlhe pmnts (R) and then calculate the ditterence between these values and the values measured (RvKtt The ditterence (K1) musr be entered rn the tool correctlen parameters at the CNC and called up whenever a measurement operatton ln the related directlun takes place. Q1 15 FCC ll). NXIIfiKGP MeAsunzMgnr PROBE _. 7 SDNDA ur MASURA 5.1 5.1 MEASUREMENT PROBE The measuremenr probe rs a muln~directronat prec1s1or1 mmroswnch used an Numenc Conlrol (NC) mera1 cumng macmne |oo|s for restmg and measuring touls and wurkpiecu Four dr’fiersm mode1s of rnulnrdireclronal much probes operalmg m me x/y/q hem1sphere are avaflame. me Vuur models have d1l1arsm dlmensions and ovenravet value. For each probe made} there are two verswns With diflerenl 1mm guards as follows: — Version ‘G' wnh clam-backed gaskar provrding protecflon agarnst coolant - Version “5“ with me'al Dhlp guard. There 13 tnerelore a 505mm: probe to match a“ machine (001 needs as 101I0ws. ~ Probe 7256 , Probe TESS - Frube TL25C1. - Prune TLZSS - Probe TBGG - Probe TJSS ~ Probe TGOG ~ Prnbe 7605 snag; QHARACTERISIICS Probe type T25 TL25 T35 T50 Probe axes 3X1 fiY. +2 ix, tV. +Z :X. :Y‘ +2 :X, tY, +Z UmmrechcnaJ probe repearabrhry [2 a) wnn speeds up to 600 mm/mm 1 11m 1 pm 1 um 1 um Measurmg force an x. v plane 200 Q! 90 gv 250 91 290 gt Measurmg force rn z direchon 1200 91 550 Q! 1200 gr 1200 gr Ovenrave? on X. Y plane 11.2 mm 11.2 mm 14.4 mm 22 mm Ovemave1 m 2 direction 4 mm 4 mm 4.2 mm 6,4 mm Cmmcrsmsvrcs FOR smus 1.5mm 35 mm 35 mm 40 mm SD mm 1EC protecuon rallng IP67 |P67 1PG7 1P67 SONDA DI MISURA La sands m" misura é un mrcmrmerrurlare mullrdrrezianale di prec/smne ufllizzata nelle applrca» zmni su macchrns ad asparraxiune m rrucrala a UN. per 11 comm/10 s 15 m/sura d: utsnsili a pazzi Sum) drsponr’br/r' quamo leBISA model/1 dl Sande much mumdirezmna/r‘ nell'emisfero X/y/+1 Che diflsnsmno per dimansr’onr e va/nre d/ axlracarsa aer bmccerru. Par crascun model/o dr‘ sands estmnu due diffs/91117 version: a SEED/103 1191 {lpo dl plflrezr'cne fmnIa/E. - “Varsione G" con guzmrzr‘one Islara per una mtg/ions pretax/one camro 11 110mm; re1rigerame. , ‘Vusinne S" can scuda rnslaflrco dr pmlezrona a; lrumalr'. Per nsa/vere in modo nnima/e /e spat/fiche Esigenzs Che s/ man/faslana SUI/e drfisrenrr‘ macchh ne mans/11, sano drsponrmlr Ie seguenn some: - Sonda T256/725S — Sande TLZSG/ TLZSS - Senna TSGG/TGGS - Sande TGDG/ T5175 ggmrrsryanns somu fl Tipo sands 725 TL25 T55 T60 4551 50/103 DY,1Y. +2 fX, iY, 12 1X. if +Z 2X, iV,+Z HlpeI/bllrlé umdr‘rsz/ona/e sonda (2 a) con veracrza mm a 500 mm/mm. 1 um 1 um 10m 1 gm Forza 0: mrsura ner piano x, v 200 91 90 gi 260 gr 250 gr Forza dl mrsura 119/13 dlrszlone Z 1200 g! 550 g! 1200 g/ 1200 9! Extracorsa nelprano X, Y 11.2 mm 11.2 mm 14,4 mm 22 mm Extracarsa nslla drrezv'one Z 4 mm 4 mm 42 mm 5,4 mm Camwsmsncns nmni AL yucca-m m 35 mm 35 mm 40 mm 50 mm Gradu d/ pruiezrane secs/11117 norms [EC IFS? [P67 [P57 [P57 @ MAHBDES midi I’(‘(' II) NXH'flfiI’ RADIO ‘rmuswssmn TRASMISSIDNE more 6.1 DESCRIPTION The radio transmwssion sys'em mnsisls OI three Hams: 0 Tvansmitler: detect the data needed to the CNC hr the measure determmatwn. 0 Anlennfl: recelve (he Iransmmer signa\ and sand 51 m the E85 Snisflzce unit, 0 Intenace unit: processes the signals recelved "cm the antenna and transmit them to the CNC. The system albw ms programmmg at 16 diflarent transmission channel. Fuur pmbes can be used on the same channel. Twc antennas can be connected to the ESB Interface um! to En‘arge ths transmission field and tts mummy. Technical Fellums - Transmxssnon distance. 10 m . Activatmn distance: 2m » Transmissmn channel: 15 - Transmisstun lrequsncy: 912 2 % 916.5 MHZ 15 @ “an“ ,,.,.,. RADIO TRANSMISSION mASM/sslous RAD/U 8.2 TRANSMISSION ACTIVATION I“ 20 The transmmsl IS usually m we stand~hy mode: lvansmwsswon is sIaned In one of me mnowmg ways dependmg on ma Iransmmer version' - radio stifling - mechanical starting (by mlcru-swlecn on me Iapsr shank). 6.2.1 RADIO STARTING The sysIem IS achvaled by a radio SIgnaI Eminsd Irum Ihe amennz In me Iransmmer The lvansmisswon is SIaned by a s|gnaI Iwm ms machine Iogn: (START vnpul swgnal - M cane). 6.2.2 MECHANICAL STARTING The lapel snafik a! ma DruhE/Iransmmev assembly ws Imeu mm a rmcroswnch (H) Insenmg the shank me me spmms Inggers me mmroswucn and srans transmission. 7 Caulinn * —— _ When me Iransmmer rs returned ya the tool magazme ensure ma“ ma microswltcn cannot be mggerea @ manna- mid: [A 22 I'K'L‘ II): NXIIfSOP 550th YRANSMISStON mASM/SSIDNE RAD/07 6.3 STOPPING TRANSMISSION when the transmitter IS not m use it is switched to the sand-by mode tn order to prolung battery Me. Trunlmlttnr wlth radln starting - Automatic stoppmg The transmmer ts automattcalty swwtched oft when the ttmerut set on the transmitter tvmer dunng starting has elapsed (see Transmmev programmmg)‘ Transmission with mechanical starting - Mechamcal stopping Transmissmn IS stopped when the transmitter rs removed tmm the spmdte and the microswttch an the taper shank is released, @ MAHPBBB mid: I'LTC ID: NXIIlKGI’ Ess YRANSMITTER YRASMETHTDRE Eu 7.1 DESCRIPTION The uansm‘ullr opflcallv mmmu mu musuumem can to be process“ tr; mo ch w m- amamu (m ‘omicn Tumsmuwn'). This am mclndel: A Prom sums: comm upwmmm uoud - Bane-y slams, bane-y hm m dmmatgofl A Green mu indium (hu man may and nansmlsifln Hahn. Lsn gun-um m = mn- ant-end t Finn mry 251“. = Illlumlumn new-m: z Flush mry 25m. - many in Two mm! a! "Miner am available. - Wm mmsm m sum-a by a min slqnll Mm 1mm Rn mm- 4 WW rm lunsmviiinn Is mm by a mmswncn m) momma on me shank Tamra-s . A Pow-r mm: W binary - rmmumn «mm to m Baum/mm The “Clay is hwssd In In balmy campanmem, To change mu nanny, unwell ma ma suews (a) and Imam me we! Walked wuh hallmy symxxfl (FL 24 @ unmann- mid! [If If)“ NXIESGI‘ sue mANsMirreR rmwsrmons EM 1‘ 7.2 BATTERY LIFE ~ HAW m mummmu SI'NDBV we mm: mm Alkaline Duracell MN1604 65 hours 85 days Philips 1504 Vana 4022 Lithium Tadiran TLSGOG MG hours 190 days Kodak UQVL Nae The transmitter is delivered cumplete with an alcaliris battery placed inslde me packagév fit the battery on the transmitter nature its installation (see 'Frtting/ changing the transmitter battery"). ‘ Cam" Tnmsumsa wrm Mecttmtcu. meantime [i 5. Check that the shape or (he moi magazine taper does not interfere with or trigger the micro-swttch (pg. & Lmtiuu unset : anger at expiosiun it lithium battery Is incorrectty replaced Replace oniy wrtti the same or equivalent type recummended (see table), Dispose at used batteries in compiiance tn the regulations in terse. Battery tits depends on the length at transmitter operating time and the type at battery used. The table shows battery lite an the basis of battery type with the transmitter operating in the continuous arid standby muses: the values shown ere based on experience 7.2 DURATA DELLA BATTERIA 1m 5mm Rm") WOW MTIW mum W Alcalilia Duracell MN1604 55 are 85 ginml Philips 1504 Vane 4022 Lit/o Tad/ran TLSJDB 145 are 190 giomi Kudak U9VL Mk Una baiten'a aloe/ma é Iornrta can fl irasmettiiore all' [memo demmbsllalnsenm la battena rte! lrasmettrrore Pflma dell' instaI/azicne (vedere ‘Insefimenlo/sastitu~ zrnns banana trasmettr‘tare ) Manna TMSME‘HNOOE CON AWAIIONEMECGMIPCA Velilicara che la Sade del cone ns/ magalzina ulensili abbifi una nonlemraziune tale [is evltare l'azionamemo del m/cmrrrtermaore (H) di arrival/one. 8-115an AL Lmo : Le banen’e at lilin possunn esplodere so "on soslil 15 in modz correrro. Sostituire solo con tipa uguale o eqmvalanrl (Vedi tenet/a). Elm-imam I barleri'e users in con/urmiré can Is normative vigerm' La dumta dell! balmria dlpanda dal tempo d! uflllzza dsl rrasmemm 9 (19! ”pa di batterra utilizzata. bNelia tapella‘ servo ripartati‘ ! velori di dureta iri tum/one della banana 3 in candrzlana 111 iunzionamento continua a stand-by del trasmertltom . 25 @ MARBCI - mm. H V“), NXIHSOI’ Ess TRANSMWTER TRASMEYTITORE 535 7.3 PROGRAMMING THE TRANSMITTER v~ Wammg . fl , ‘ A Marposs decllnes an responsxbimy tor damage caused by lmEma‘ programming changes 7 ‘ earned out by unautharised personnek - The transmmer ws progmmmed by semng the ON/OFF dip-switches (L) - To (each the mph-switches (L), remove the iour screws (G) and remove [mm the covers (F) fmm the battery cor'npartmenl. Mole: The transmitter is supplied with the dip-switches programmed as shown in Flgure (L) The configuration salted is also indicsled on ma table with a gray box. (conlvnued .) \ 12:4557u9m . 28 @MA.=.=... mm. Eas rRANsulrrER I‘CC lI)‘ NXIESOP 7,3 PROGRAMMING THE TRANSMITTER Dip-switch lunctlnns are as lOIlows: TRASMETYlYDRE Ear - Dip-switches 1,2,3: program the automatic transmissmn limeAOut timer as shown m the table below (see also “SIOpplng transmission"), In case at mechanical activatian the dip-swrtches 1-24! must be set In ON position DIP-S H ‘ , 3ch 1 TIME OUT ‘ ON ON , 4 secs. l , ON ON , 5 secs. , oFF ON , I7 secs. , OFF ON 33 secs, l ON OFF 1 min 07 secs. ON OFF 2 mmu4 sees. , O'FF" 5? , 4 mlnszs secs. , , OFF OFF OFF , s mms, 57 secs —__—t - Dip-switch 4: - OFF positron, — timer zero-setting after every change in pmbe stains. - Dip-switches 5, 6, 7, B: Allows the transmission channel setting according lo the below table, CHANNEL s s a ON ON ON 1 OFF ON , ON ‘ 2 1 ON OFF , ON ‘ 3 OFF OFF , ON , 4 ON ON , ON l 5 1 l OFF ON l ON 5 , l ON OFF ON ‘ 7 , ‘ OFF ‘ OFF l ON 8 1 , ON ON 1 OFF 9 z ‘ OFF 1 ON t ‘ OFF I0 l ON OFF I OFF 11 l OFF OFF OFF l rz 1 ON ON , OFF 13 , OFF ON l OFF u =, ON OFF l , OFF l is ‘ OFF , OFF , OFF 16 - DIp-swltch 9, 10: Allows the identification was setting DI WITCH IDENTIFICATION , s l w cons ON ON A OFF ON l E l ON , OFF I C OFF l OFF D Non: A lranuniiter is identified by the working channel number and the Identification eude( for eg. 125).Verity that the transmitter and intertnoe working channels setted mien. @ Mum. mu!- mAsMErr/rons 595 “1" H)’ NXIEKGI’ 7.4 TRANSMITTER DIMENSIONS WITH PROBE 7.4 DIMENSIONI THASMETTITOHE CON SONDE SCHALTMESSKGPFEN 7.4 DIMENSIONS DES EMETTEURS AVEC PALPEUHS 7.4 ABMESSUNGEN DER SENDERMODULE MIT ANGEBAUTEN Eas TRANSMNTER 23 e , ff: 5, a 3v a we” @ fl ” mm a , — w . m N o w. o. a w u 0 m w a _ 3 a 4 4 4, a. a a Gains-Em main “is; amm WEED uw>i Qx < zUmz<4unanz \9 ,»‘ wnh me Iour slots (m an me (vansmllter holder (E). 7 . Insen me rem threaded stud screws (P) through the slots (N) and imn mmreaueu holes 1M} and tighten usmg me spanner provided. a . Fa and ngrnen me luur specwak nuts (a) an the smo screws . (commued 70 @ mum. m I- CC ll) NXIIiEbl’ ,\ FrI'I‘ING we TRANSMITTER m we “PER 7 7 _ momsavo DEL YRASMEWITOHE 5m. CDNO\ 12.2 FIXING THE TRANSMITTER WITH THE ADJUSTING PLATE Aligning the system 9 ~ Fm me prone smus (see ”Funng me probe styluw 104 Usmg me ram specmt runs (a). angn the centre at the styIus sphere wilh Ihs taper axis. MaxImum permmed "av I: L7 mm m the {our directions. A ExampIe: To move the stylus sphere mwams ’- xx hghten (Q!) or loosen (02) as veqmred. Use (his method {or me nthar dlvecflons 11 ~ When ygu have completed alignment‘ III and tighten the two clamping screws (R) 72 @ mumps- mm: “l i) 74 l’CL‘ [D‘ h XIESGP Wrrrrme THE ”055751ny 7 gamma/o DEL efiAccsrTo SONDj 13.1 FITTING THE PROBE STYLUS To ill the stylus to the probe, proceed as lollows: ' Note: The procedure described belew involves "refining 01 a break plnbfiweenthn prubeanu ‘ iii-stylus. fhepurposeofthe break pin is to pruiectthestylus fromdamaga in (heaven! l or accidental knocks or blows to me probe by disconnecting the stylus irom the probe. - Frt me Break pm (A) lo the probe (5) - Usrng the spanner mended. hold lire stylus halder (c) in posrtion and then. using the other spanner. llghlEn the break pin (A). To lighten ttre break prn (A), msen the spanner in posrtinn (D) on the lower pan at the pin. - Screw lire slylus (F) onto me break pm (A) Using one spanner hold the break pm m posmor and, usrrrg the other spanner pmvrded, lighten tire stylus. - Fit the holder 15) over tire stylus and slrde rt dawn to cover the break prn (A). The purpose or thrs harder rs to hold the stylus in grams when the break pin breaks. » ll the break pm rs no! to be used, screw the stylus drreclty onto lne probe Hold the stylus holder (Cl m posrtrorr wrtn lhe spanner provided and then trgrrten the stylus wrlh lne oltrer spanner. @ MIA-well mrda DIAGNO§TICS 14.1 FAULT FINDING GUIDE H't’ II) NMHIM’ DIAGNOSTIQAfii; Faults are indicated by the LED an the Interface unit paneI. ll Power LED on ' J 1: ‘N No power snooty > Check that power IS arriving at IerminaIs Isand M on me g a terrnmai board or the intenace uriIL I< " 2 ' 0 Fuse open ‘éc‘ Wan some minutes with interface unlI not power: ErrerLEDrs t TransmittehAntenha out or Check that the green tuning“ LED on the antenna Iransmission range remains ht dunng wube mavemeht Transmitter DaIIery low or compietety Change the bakery, discharged Tlansmtsston time has eIapsed Give the start sighat to restart the sysIem nu No electrical connectron between the 5 Check the connecting cable and cunnec‘hcfls between g antenna and the rhteriaca ImII § the antenna and the interIace unit < — , fl — , m — r» , ,, — U EIecmcaI or eiectromagnehc rt: Move the antenna came away irorn other power caoies thierlerencs Change worklng charmer Pmbe LED does nct change status when the pmbe is toucheo No electncai nunnecunn hetWeen the Check the etectncai connection between the probe and prone and the transmitter the Irahsmmev i m ' '—ia ' 7'4‘ g damaged iwi Remove the prime trcrh the transmitter. Connect the 5 —~ , n———n amt spring contacts ano then break the connection. ‘ I Tyansmm, damaged n: II the LED continues not to change status. this indicates‘ I i that the transmitter ti Iaultyc II the LED changes sIalus, ‘ this Indicates that the probe is Iauity. Poorrepeatchtuty ‘ ‘ Stylus is Ioose I r Chech that the stylus and the break orh (where internI 1”: 1) are fully tighteneo ch the probe on < «a 7 c Ma et <9: Home! IS Ioose is; Tighten all screws. ‘ Iu t 7 , _ III-é t ‘ I SeaI Is pierced or damaged Change the probe. 76 @ MAHPE“ mm. 11TH). NXIESGI’ MAINTENANCE 7 MANUTENII Ni 15.1 ORDINARY MAINTENANCE 15.1.1 CLEANING AND INSPECTlON To ensure top. tmuble-lree pencrmance, clean and inspect the measurmg system at regular imervals Cleaning and inspecncn mtervals musl be defined m accordance wrth opsratmn commons, - Checklng cable condilion Check the cable condltlon and the tlghlness ml the cable clamps at regular intervals, - Checklngssalcendltlun The lron_t ol the probe is fitted wrm lwo seals which pruvide optlmum prolectron under normal operating condittons. At regular mlervals. check me outer seal for signs ol wear. Change worn seals I! the mnsr seal ls damaged, relum the probe to the manulacturerlar repatr. 15.1 MANUTENZIONE ORDINAHIA 15.1.1 FULIZIA E CONTROLLI Per ulrenere ssmpre ls mtg/ran presrazronl rial slslsma dr mrsurz, é Duo/la norms sunopmlu a regolan oparaziom m pulizia e cant/Ulla. Si trana dr uperazronr semphcv da esegu/re periodicamenre In humans delle candlzlam dr lmpregu. - Verifies lmeyrihi cub/aggio Venf/care perlodlcamenle l'mtsgrila dai caw ed ll serraggru UEl morsattl elerrrl'cl. - Control/a Ian ma guamlzlam‘ Anrerlomenle la sands e profane as due guamlztanr’ sufficienli per un‘ell'ms protszlone r'n normall condr'zrum d: vmpregu. Controllers per/odl'camente me la gusrnr'ziane esterna non presenlv' segm m usura. In 131 case, prcvvedere a/la sostiruzrone del/a guarnizr‘cns slessa. ln casu di danneggvamenro della guarm'zlone lnl‘sma, la sonda davra assets lnviara al fernrrare per la npalazlarre. so @ mum- m, FCC H) NXIESGP / msznmcs MAME/tuft; 15.1.2 FITTING/CHANGlNG THE BATTERV The transmtttar battery must be changed when the ‘low battery" LED on the tntertace unit trghts up and when the LOW BAT output stghat ts ttansrrtrtted. To change the battery, proceed as totlows: J L" - Unscrew the two screws (A) at the battery cumpanment covet (C) (marked with the battery J symbol). , Remove the Old battery and thsert the new battery 15) into the battery companment covet (ct ehsurthg that the poles match. — Hem the-covet (C) hottng the etecthcat contacts - Ram and tighten the caver retamtng screws (A). tn to sham 72 “Battery Ltte" shows the durattun of ditterent hattety types under varmus upstattng condttions, 62 @Mmeee Ma rcc II) NX11186P mlursmwce MANUTENIIONE 15.2 EXTRAORDINARY MAINTENANCE 15141 CHANGING THE BREAK FIN AND THE STYLUS Should the stylus or break pm became damaged rm to an accuaenm knock |o the probe they must be rep‘acsd‘ i, . r‘ i ‘J Proceed as fuflows: f 1 - Shde the holder (A) oh the bruken m hem break pin, z A Unscrew s'ytus (a; and me probe at) lrom me broken break pm (or. Remnve the damaged slylus rrom the probe (a). Note: Durlng the above operation hold the stylus holder clamped In position uslng (he 1 spanner previded, 3 - Fr! me new break pm and styrus (see "Fimng the probe styrus‘) 54 @ MARI-WWI mrda Q1 86 mwvsmncs MIC ll) NXIESGI’ MANUTENg/gr 15.2.2 REPLECEMENT OF OUTER SEAL 1 - Remove the sensmg sly‘us and prulecnon pin‘ i! any 2 - Remove the hon! pmlecflon cover (a) and seal (C) «mm the probe body (A). 3 - Check for wear of the drum seal (D) and‘ wf necessary, replace. 4 - Fm thn new from pro'ecuon cover and seal unnr it snaps No place. 15.2.2 SOSTITIJZIONE GUARNIZIONE ESTEHNA 1 ~ Tog/refs fl braccsno s l‘svemuale spine 14] ram/fa, 2 < Sli/are da/ coma same (A) la arolezmna enter/are (5) con guamlzlane (C). 3 - Comm/(are (a stall: dell'anel/o dr’ tent/Ia ante/lore (D) ed evemualmems sosmumo. I - Insenra la nunva pratezlone amenare can guarnizlone fine a scam) swam/(o, 15.2.2. ERSETZEN DER SCHUTZKAPPE M|T DICHTUNG l - Tasterarm und Sollbruchsmck emfernen. z - Schutzkappe (3) mt chmung (C) vom MeBkopl (A) zlenend abschrauben 3 ~ Dicmung (I); uberpnflen und gsgebenenialls ersetzen. 4 - Schulzkappe wleds’ amselzen und andrdcken. bws Sle emraslet 15.2.2 REPLACEMENT DU JOINT EXTEHIEUR 1 ~ [En/ever le bras el la brat/75 de qulufB live/wells. 2 ~ Aves un mouvemem de rural/on swim/re m1 Corps (A) la pmrecrlon avam (E) aver: [91mm (C 3 - Commlsrl'éralde/a bague d’elaflchs/lé avanr(D)et/a ramp/acer a - lnserer /a newer/g pmrecuan avanl avec 10m! 1115un I'snnh'quelage. @ MAn-msu mm SPARE 04117 1.157 FCC 1D NXIEKGI’ 16.1 SPARE PART LIST 11574 2110411151 msu' _|_ 1:25:10an ms 1019100005 1010100003 291 5335007 201 534001 0 2915345007 2915335011 2915340005 20153451112 3415335031 34244105010 3415340050 3415345030 21119023021 21119923022 2019923023 2915335100 2915335110 2915335120 2915340125 2915340125 2915340127 2915345040 2915345050 2915345050 5571002010 6071052110 3319917110 3010917120 3015917130 3019917140 3010017150 3019917150 5134230100 4152100005 13134257200 20153401011 775-TL25- 735 — T5“ TUUCHF‘ROEES 1320131000 1320357000 2919017110 Crash prerecmm pm 15 mm 10501 smug 101514101 Spam pan kn fur 12513171255 Spm pan 1111 101 mm snare pan kn 104 1906 F101“ pmman lm 7255171256 me pmlscflm 1m 1355 mm pwlechcn 151 1001; 7am mono T2513 man 91000 we Touch probfl 7366 7mm 01002 1506 Transmmu 11mg 113090 1171 12513711253 7151154111115: 11mg flange 1m use Transmnm 11mg war-gs 1m 1506 Extensmn 1m probe fess/11.251: L=50 mm 1197-1 snensmn 1111 name 12515171255 L:|Dfl 111111 13 94-1 Emusmn (01 wane 7255771356 1:1511 m (5 90-1 Emerslon 101 plane Tues L=511 mm (197-1 Extension 101 pmou m1; 1.11111 mm (3.941 Exlansmn 151 01001; 1353 1:150 mm (5.501 Exlunsmn 101 515112 10111; . 511101151011 101 puma 75175 1111 mm 13.941 Enens1an107 pum- 79116 Lx1fia mm 15.907 Tmnsmmm Io! 1211110 inn/anon Transmmov 1m swnch saw-1m Shank 1mm «110511011 swim 011159371171 40 mm Banning 01019 smnk w1m “mum swncn 0111159071111 45 01101 mmflmg pm Shank w11n mum switch mumsn/A 511 my. musing 51013 51121111 mm amwanun men 1:47 40 wilh mush"; 111-15 Shnnk Mn ncf‘muon mm car 45 wm adjusting pram Shank mm “mam" 5mm cu so m admsn'ng 131310 Ballery awe. mm coma: 90 alkaline Mary Emery cam Wmflches kil Spml wrench 101 res/7125 Special wrench hr TQMLZSRWTSD fling. Tlasmmu afllusnng pm; 1mm: 1mm 1mm mm thzr sfifll, 131th (007014931) (rang and stylus mama Immune: prone smeu mm 1110591 5:21. 07000 1111111041119 and 55,115 veuinev 1mm: 01003 51115111 wnh rubber seal, Dione 1mm o—nng ma stylus man-m Complain w11h 01mg sums 001110101. mm mm seals Comm-10 W115 M1119 seals mmum mule; 150151-20097-350101 30112141111emn 0071111501110 4152005101 Anvsmu Antenna mmucr Fla-m 001101111 panama» an mm [0.431 liemy 1110101: E as 1me11au un11 88 mldl Ge lt't' ii): thl‘Sbl‘ MARPOSS The following statements will be inserted in the user manual of the E86 system for the USA: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class 8 digital device. pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception. which can be determined by turning the equipment ofi and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna . Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver. - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. . Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Changes or modifications not expressly approved in writing by the manufacturer may void the user's authority to operate this equipment. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference. and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2001:06:01 08:12:10 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows Modify Date : 2001:06:01 08:12:11-04:00 Page Count : 40EXIF Metadata provided by