Matsushita Communication Co 9TAWX-C1011 Wireless Order Taker User Manual p001

Matsushita Communication Industrial Co Ltd Wireless Order Taker p001

User Manual

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Date Submitted2000-09-29 00:00:00
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Wireless Communication System
Operating Instructions
ModeINo. WX‘C1 011 series
Digital Technology
Betas attempting to connect or operate [ms product,
please read these tnslrucwns caretulty and save mus manual tot tutme use.
The Iighming lush wiiii Inmd mil.
w. williln u. mull-ml Mmgh, ls
menu” 10 ll." (be um [17th pres»
moo oI unlnwlhd ‘damrwl winge-
within the pmdba's alumni. lhll my
In of min“ 1“ng to cor-mum a
5“ ‘9fi5 rIsk oI mam: shock Io mum
Tin mammal polm wmiln an equllnl-
ml manglo Is lm-nm lo am um. nut
in me m at lmpomm opomilng
and mnimerum quivielng) insinmlom
in the momma memo-wing mow;
SA 1966
| WWI“:
7m uhq‘W‘Z7fW35-
This divine mpm wlm pan is 01 m. FCC m 5;
Opemlifln is subject m the louvwm Mo mm
(I) This mic. my ml onus. MunM lint-am, Ind
(2) (ms device musl accevl any mflm rec-ma,
Including imilmoe that may cause undeslua opera-lam
m: device is imam lot use only w metal and busi»
ness mama's lnmllaiion am lmnm mplmm mly
on'y he mom-ad wy qualified sawing pm“ or sysiom
Ugo aw dIIecl "915mm"! ant-rim in optional emmfl
nmtflna by Pamm mow wxcrus with mom gain
ml gmmmmn s as.
Any chums of «mums mi exmwy uwrwod by mo
puny responsibb lav onmplinneo mm m mo um:
umhofily to opemu ms sqqumem.
it ls . viomion of Fmrll uw Io min owning this
system prionoomining In Fcc m Lie-m.
Tho FCC ID number luv this nulo oqnlpmm [5 mm
Model an
Salli No.
the Panasonro Wireless Oorrrmumoetlon System operates
on UHF lrequenores. it oltere multichannel ttexrmltty msklng
use or state or the art PLL (Phase Locked Looo) technolo
The buian diverslty reception allows the use DI two smart»
has to ensure good oerlotmanoe
A remote speaker can be added to the system, The Order
Taker transcewer is a one piece. light-weight design wrth
an easyrlmnslall battery.
New Functlorls or the WX-flm
(New Tochnoroglcll Features)
- nun (Diglhl Nolu Reduction)
The DNR lunction embodies a new technology exclu~
srve to Panasonlc. providing natural sound quality with.
out the disagreeable norse peculiar to digital process»
- No retlreoolt Echo
Pseudo delay processing eliminates (alkback echo
«tom the order laker
- TBC (T-lkbaolt Amour-“c Level Control)
Only human voice rs rdehttlred in a mixed rnpul ol ous-
tomer voice and nose lrorn the menuboard micro-
phone, Ihen lls volume is compared With that or the talk
or the order taker to automatically control the lalkback
volume level
The UHF wrrelees communication system rs a sensitive,
high quailry instrument and should be regarded as such,
Because 0! ts an electrical device. the hazard of elecrrll:
shock exists. lr I\ is used carelessly,
In order ro utilize the instrument (0 HS lullest potential,
please consider the tollowrng precaullons;
l. Handle the equlpmenl wrth care, this equipment con-
tains sensitive components wnrcn can be damaged by
improper handlrng or storage.
2 Reler any servicing to qualified service personnel. Do
not attempt It) disassemble the Center Module. Order
Taker or other units. In order to prevent electrical
shock, do not remove screws or covers There are no
user-servrceable pans Inslde,
3, Use a dry chlh ro Elean Ihe Cenrer Module. Order
Taker or other unrlS rl sotled or dlrly ll necessary. a
mild detergenl may be used
4 Take rmtnedrate action it the center Module or Order
Yaker oeoomes wet Turn the power oil and have the
unit examined by a quatilted service personnel Do not
expose the Center Module or Order Taker to rain or
moisture. or attempt to operate the equipment in wet
areas. Do not operate the equipment il it is wet.
5. Follow normal ealety precautions to avold personal
s. Properly slore beliuack (WlTH HEADSET PLUGGED
W) in storage cabinet to prevent damage to equlp-
7. Replace mlssrng microphone and earpiece covers to
prevent dtstorlron or loss or audio.
9, Pteparr or replace Any detective components.
9. Turn or! the Older Taker when not ln use, ln order to
save lrre battery tire
to. Charge battery when low battery indicator otrnks and a
Dulsmg hlgh/Iow been tone is heard in headset,
1! Clean the Battery Charger in awordance with manu-
iaclurer inslrucwfls at Ieasl once a month,
12. Perlorm regular preventlue maintenance by testing
accessories (headset, batteries etc.)
I Came! Module
wxrc 10 1 1
I Order Taker Case
WX-C I 022
I ExlelnaI Antenna KII
I Vemcle Detecmr
I Power Tvansfcumev
I HeadseI
wxrc “327
I Speaker/Loop Cable Kw
I Older Take!
wx-C 1 020
I speaksv Mlcroohone
l Battery
l wx-c1o11 Center Module
fiv— _
® PM! Indie-tor (POWERXRGG)
This indicates that the center module is lully power-ed
® Vlhlcll Dnoctov Indicator LED (VEHICLE
This indicates that a vehicle has been delecled.
® Pow onion Switch (rowan. Oil/OFF)
This swvlch turns the power on and all to the center
(D Venteb Mom: amour-rid. mm slam-n
(VEHICLE mscron sown, OVERRIDE on.
NORMAL: Set the switch to the NORMAL position
when 8 vehicle Is at the menuboeld,
A beep lone ls heard on the Order taker headset.
Alter rne beep tone, the Menuboaid Speaker lurns
on allowing oommunicallon lo and {ram the cus-
tamer. when the vehicle leaves the Vehicle
Detector tuins Citt
OVEHRIDE on: Set the switch to OVERHIDE ON paisl-
The Vehicle Detector is always lumed on
OFF: Set the swutch to Itle OFF DOSltiOn
A vehicle el the Menuboaid is not deleclod. . ‘
No beep tone ls heard in Order Taker headset and
the Menuboard Speaker remains all
(9 ON“ Tllinf Tllll Lock Hall... Swltch (MAKER
This switch is used to release temwarily the Order
Taker Talk Lock mode
6) Talk/Pogo Indie-tor (TALK/PAGE)
and: When the Order Taker is in the relk model we
lndlcator llghls red.
Gm": When the Order Taker is in me Page mode, the
indicator Ilghts green
® Aulllllfy Input moi Olmtrol (AUX MPu'r votuus)
This controls the lnput level to the Auxiliary Input
Terminal (30)
® Vehlcl. Dm‘tor Help Volulm Control (BEEP,
This control sets the vehlcle detect alert beep ions lot
the Order taker to the optimum lei/SI
Comte": When the Vehicle Detector Oil/Override
On/Oll Switch (4) Is Set to NORMAL position, the
Deep lone level ol the Remote Speaker is also Var-
ied by turmng this oonlrol,
© Ramon Spa-tar Comrol (Remote 3? VOLUME)
This oonlrol sets the output level ol the Remole
Speaker to the oollmum Isl/ell
m: The lrne marked on this cenrrol is a standard
position lormls adjustment
Adlusl lhls conlrol lo the suitable oosillon so mar
teedbeck does not occur.
® Inbound volume eanrrol (lumuun VOLUME)
Thls eonlrol sers lhe sound level tram the Msnuboard
Mrcrophone to me Optimum level
c-ution: Adjust this control alter sellrng the Vehicle
Deleolor 0n/0veiilde Orr/cm swilch (A) to oven-
RIDE ON position and me Vehicle Deleclor
Indicatar rlgms
NW: The line marked on mrs oonlrol is a slendard
Dosmon luv this adjustment
Adlust llus conlrol lo lne suitable position so lner
loedbeck does nol occur.
03 Outbound Volumn Control (outsource VOLUME)
This control sets the output level at the Menuboerd
Speaker to the oplrmum level lor talking to customer
Condom Adjust this control alter selling the Vehicle
Detector On/Ovenide On/Oll Switch (4) to OVER-
RIDE ON position and the Vehicle Detector
lndlcator lrghls
The line marked ofl this Control is a sincere
posilm lor this adyustment. '
Adjust this control to the suitable position so that
feedback does not occur
. m lollewlng when” and hrmtn-In mu be
used by qmtmod omlee peroomul only.
- To chlngo tho “(ling own renewing twitch“.
mm on the power ol m- oonm modulo, «hon tum It
back out
...... .,
® clvcu|t PMOmr (CIRCUIT PNUTECTOfl)
ll excessive current flows lo the Center Module) the
Cllculi Proteclol is llrggered, Tum all the Power
OnIOil SWItch (3) lltst‘ push in on the red circuit Dro-
ieclor and turn on the Power OnIOtt Sin/Itch (3) again.
ll lhe crrcuil proleclor is soon triggered again. con-
sult your dealer or authorized service earner lor
® DNR (Digital Nolu anduclloh) Elm uni
These swllches are used lor nurse reduction level
The more meporse is reduced. the lower wtll be the
sound quallly The table below shows the
relallonsmp between noise reducllon level and
sound qualrly.
No selling should be done other than shown in the
sunny w and", 5mm
n- m run NoDMR mm
H' u u — "w
w N Fwamw
I] H
mm mm
B H Nnmllt Nomi mmu
J 1m.-.“ m. ..
® Teiktieck Level Control
These swuchee are used ici order taker ielkoeck
level setting.
Change the settings it telkheck level is too high
LN, Rem-rite
u 6! Normal
463 wm-tmtflw
—eda Mneokievetseltosw
-s 68 70W level set to asst
1:3 133 a? In?
rig EIE 1:73 IDS
® hilt Monllor union Switch (Summary Mode
The DIP switch should be normally be set to the OFF
Consult your servrcing oeaier belore sitempilng to
change this switch
® Chlnnel Selection Switch (CHANNEL SELECY,
This switch selects the irequency between channel
'A" and “B' licensed by the FCC This swricn Is "OP
mally sel 10 the “A' posilion The SWIICI’! can be 581 (0
13" position it external interlerence occurs.
® Oil-mid Monlwr OHIO" switch lMONIT. ONIOFF)
This swllcn ls used to check ll the desued channel ls
already used by other systems at the time ol installe-
tloii This switch is normally set to OFF position.
Note: The Frequency Selling Switch (21) can only be
activated when the switch is set to the ON posi-
® Aulllluy Inpm Selection switch (Aux IN SELECT.
emu: r DDT seer)
This switch selects Ihe Auxdiaiy |npui Level
erulc leoooenectr Mlemphcm):
This can he used as 3 Wired sysiem
(Input: 42 dav. beiencea)
om seep (Double Drive Through seep):
This can be used as a double drive ihlough sys-
linout -2o davl balanced)
(9 Deep Time seleclloii Switch (TIME, 0.5mm
This swuch selects duieilon oi been tone bemoan
0 5 seconds and continuous modes
0,5 5: The beep tone sounas lor 05 seconds eller
detecting the vehicle,
comm: Alter the vehicle Is detected by the vehicle
detector. the beep tone contlnucusly sounds
until the Talk Switch (43) on the Order Teker has
been pressed
”W— 4
® Page oil/oh switch (PAGE. omen)
To monitor crew-io-crew Order Taker conversation
wllh the Remote Speaker, set this switch to the ON
® Talk Onion Switch (TALK. ONICVFF)
To momlor crew‘iwustomev Order Take! DOW/9188-
llon with the Remote Speaker. set this switch to ON
Note no not turn on this switch and Msnuboard
Microphone oil/Oil switch simultaneously.
@ mitotic-iii ulcrophcne won MM (new
ulc, omosn
To monitor the voice ot a customer by using the
Remote Speaker. set this swttch to ON position.
Note: Do not turn on this switch and the Talk Onion
Switch simultaneously.
a} Auxiliary input onion switch, (AUX IN, cums)
Set the switch to the ON Milion lot "is Remote
Speaker Output mode.
@ Frequency setting Switch
The switch selects the irequeflcy ham 5 positions
Note: The “9- and -o~ positions are error mode.
@ Monitor cii/otl Switch (own)
This switch should be used as the FCC Channel
Monitor when using the Channel Monitor On/Oli
Swllch (i 7)
Alter setting the Frequency Setting Switch (24) to the
desired position, sei this switch
on: When the switch is set to me ON position, FM
noise will be output when move is no signal
a: When the switch is sei to the 3 position. the noise
squelch lunction will be acilvaled.
Monitor onroll
Switch (26)
wsmon 3 0“
(in setting position
Normal ope!»
MONIT OFF “on m ~
lmerlererloe Foo channel
MONIT cm CGMrmlW’! Monitor
mode mods
8 osmium frenetiiluloh ail/on Switch (own)
on: When the switch is set lo the ON position, the
transmissmn starts by turning on the power ol the
Center Module.
1: When the switch is set to the i poslilon. the
trensrrltssion starts with the loiicwihg conditions.
~ The Vehicle Detector oil/Override 0n/01t Switch
(4) has been eel to ON or OVERRIBE ON posi-
. Page or Talk Switch on the Order Teker has been
l l
@ “tum Tomlin-l (TRANSMIIEN 12V AC)
Connects thh the Power Transformer WX—CS‘G,
@ Vchlclt Dmclof Tlfmlnll (VIDET)
Connects Wltrl the Vanlcte Detector Output Terminal.
Q Goomck mamm- P17 Tmlnnl
Connects with the WT cable 01 the Goosenank
® Ant-marry Output Tvmlml (AUX outrun
Connects with the Auxtllary Input Tsmltnel at me
other Center Module.
The auxiliary output level ts -20 as. mbeleneea.
Note: When using the Sweeneck rrrtcrephene. om
neat the "Mttol speaker with ammiel I0 INS lei-
® Auntllttry lnput rennin-t (Aux INPUT)
Connects wtth the Auxtttary Output Tennlnel cl the
other Center Module or wrzh the gooseneck mlcre
phone '
When connecting the gooseneck microphone. set
the Auxiliary tnpur Selection Switch (15) to the GIMIC
@ mo w Terminal (REMOTE SP)
Connects wtttl the Remote Speaker
The audto level ls 8 ohms. 2 W. unbalanced.
® Menu smmr1arrntnal (MENU 59)
connects With the Menuhoard Speaker wx-csso
The audlo level Is 8 ohms. 2 W. unbalanced.
® uertu umpttono Tormlml (MENU IIIC)
Connects with the Menuboatd Mtctophone.
The audio level is 451 uav, 5 ohms, nelencea.
® Muuga Wu Input
Connect the message repeater here. The signals
tlom nus input are output to the msnuboe'd speekef.
REMOTE speaks! and AUX output. Tho message is
muled when the TALK switch (43) is pressed. The
Input level ts -24 dBV. unbalanced.
Mm: CTL permits message repeater DOIIRIOI by
presslng the TALK switch (43). I! is an open CCW
tector type end is to be pulled up tor use.
I WX—C1020 Order Taker
um: To prevenl damage. use a rnrnralure serewurrver lo
open we cover
@ Volume oenml (VOL, OFF/0110)
ans eonlrol rs useu re lurn me power on or oil and
aarusle rne volume ol lne earphone oulpul on me head-
Whenever me unrl is nol In use, Turn on the power lo
save me battery lile.
® emery arm Pmr indie-1m (us)
These rndrcale [he ballery and operating condition as
A: wnen lne unit is m Channel A rncde seleeleo by rhe
NB Selecnon Switch (45) (Normal operellng condi-
lion), lnis LED lignls.
a: when we mm is in Channel 8 mode eelecrerl by me
NB Selection Swrren 145) (Back-up operaling con-
orlienl. lhis LED lignls
Blink (0.2 see. On and 4.5 see on):
Ballery Alarm mode
mink (0.5 sec. On and 0.5 see. on):
This unil is rn me Talk-lock mode.
sunk (A and B are lumrng on allerneraly) ;
This unll is m The error mode.
In lhls mode. mm 0" me power or me Order Taker.
than N!" ll back on.
63 Tllk swlwll (7)
Pressan rne Talk Switch allows rransmrseron lo me
Center Module along wilh sendlng the Talk lone,
Talk-Lock On or Oil mode can be aeleclee by The Talk-
Lock On/orl Switch (47) on me creer Taker.
To release me Talk»l.ock mode rrnmeaiarely. press the
Order Taker Talk Lock Release Switch (5) on me
oenrer Module
was: _
I II pressing The Page Swflch of NE Seleclicm Switch
(45) Simultaneously wllh [he Ta|k Switch, the Talk
made will nor work.
2 The Transmission in me eenler Module is available
wrm only one Greer Taker er a lime.
Tne omer Older Takers can nor access dunng lhe
0 m. Shim" (P)
Whrle pressing me Page Snitch you can speak lo lne
slore personnel wearing lne Older Taker wilrroul being
heard by a customer 81 (be menuboeld speaker. Alter
speaking, release this when immeoiarely ro lislen lo
The response.
Note: When pressing lhe Talk Swilch or NB Selecllon
Swllcn slrnullaneously wilh lrlis switch. lne Page
mode can M work,
J law... w“ w...“ m w
6 us Selecllon Swltch (AID)
ans swrlch seleols erlner cnannel A or B on me Order
Taker by usmg lne SDT/DDT Selecilorl Swllen (50) on
me creel Taker
By selnng lne SDT/DDT Selecrlon Swltch (so) to me
DDT peallon. me A or a channel can be selected ny
thls swrlch.
By seitlng lne SDT/DDT Selecllen Swrlen (50) lo (no
SDT pcsrnon. the NB Channel Seleclron ls not possl-
Nola: wnen pressmg lne Page Swllcn or Talk Switch
slmulrznsously wrlh this swltcb, the channel
change ls nol posslnle
The much“ ln lno dulled Ilm enema be null by ur-
vlco personnel or aymrn lnmllcu only.
. 6 Frequency senlng sullen
Tnis swrlcn selecls the lrequency (ram 5 peslnons
um: Tno 9' am: -u' poslllans are error mode
The senrng posrlren should be matched to (he
posltlon or (no Frequency Semng swrlch (24) on
me oenrer module.
a» Talk-Lock Onion swllcn (Du/4)
This swltcrl selects the HandS~Free ONO" mode
on: Elecnenrc Lock Mode lor Talk Swllch
When mis Swrtch Is set to the ON poslllon. the
Talk-lock lunellan can be released by Order
Taker Talk Lock Release Swlich (5) on me
Cenler Module.
4: PT! (Press lo Talk) Mode (or Talk Swltch
® Tum Squoleh Switch (ours)
This swuch selacls lhe mode or Tone Squelch
ON: When lhls switch ls set to the ON position. the
audio ls output ln dlsregard or (he Tene Squslch
srgnal (ram lhe Canler Module.
3 when this swlrch ls set In the 3 posillon, the audio
is Output detecting the Tone Squeich signal trom
the Center Moduie.
Set to the poslllon normally.
a Single Driv- mougn um Sol-cum smnch
on: when lnls swrlcn ls set lo the ON posillon
Channel 5 can no selecleo as an inlllal correl-
lion aller the power on (he Order Taker is lumea
on. (ma spare channel is used when external
inlerlerence occurs)
2: When lnle swrlcn rs ael to me 2 pcsllion, onennal
A can be seleclad as an lmtlal conulllon alter
lne power on me omer Taker ls turned
en.(Usual pesllion)
New The ewnenrng can he oonlirrnoa by uslng lne
Battery and Power lnolcalore (42) as shown
Red LED llgnls wlln lna cnannel A selecllon.
Green LED llgnls mm are Channel B Saleem.
$ ,
Q Slngle nrlvc Threuglvnwnlo nrlv- Through
Selecllon svmch (own
on: When lnrs swlleh ls sel lo the ON poelllon. lhe
NB Selection Switch (45) can work. (DDT
(Double Dnve Through) mooel
t: wnen lhrs swucn ls eel to (no l poshron, lne NE
Selection Swrlcn doe: nel work. (SDT (Single
Drlve Through) mode)
Non: wnen (he semng lor me 45 . so awllcnes
inslde lne cover is changed, turn all me power
lhen turn I! on.
SD Mona-ck
Plug ln lne neaosel plug lo lnls rack securery. belore
lrlllng lne Order Taker Case.
the jack havan a smaller mammal IS tot the micro—
phone and the larger one ls lor lne earphone.
@ emery Lock LovcuEJEcT) '
Slide thls lever to the EJECT position to release me
banely tor replacement
9 Heaclul Plug Role-n Hol-
Thls hole ls used to release the Headset plug
cannon: Be sure to use a mlnlalure screwdriver ior
releasng lne Headsel Jack. To prevenl damage of
the eampmsnl, do not pull the Headset Jack Cold.
I WX-CSSO Speaker Mlcrophone l wx-c1oz7 Headset
GD lnpul cord
A prgran cord ls provraea «or me speaker mput us
rengrh rs approximately 3 merers
8 Mounflng Backed
AU-Iype mounllng hrcckcr wrm screw holes rs provld» ® E"""°"‘
ea as a slandavd accessory wllh (he wx~csso
® Microphon-
~® Cubic Cllpl
. WX-0516 Power Trans1ormer Use mess 61195 to crracn the cable 10 your uniform.
@ vac-am Plug
l WX-CS45 External Antenna Kit
® 0mm“ ltnnlnal (sumac LOAD, can (Groumm
12 V AC‘ 1600 mA (Llsted) IS DYOVIded at the M0 «ermi-
nals mdrcared as mow" ro be used «or (he Cemer
Modure wx-cron
ac sure to connect me wire belween (he GRD
(GROUND) oI mas remuner and mar m me
rransrcrmer Tcrmrnar (27) on me Center Module,
Yo prevent file or shock hazard, the UL Irsted
Power Suppry Com, slyle svr should be used |or
me cable car 12 v AC termrna).
fl) Amoun-
@ Amnnu Mounting pm.
@ pm PM, 9 coaxial cabl-
To prevsnl fire or elecrrrcal shock. connect rnis arrecuy
lo a accrug grounded receptacle 01 120 v AC, 60sz
6 Mounting Hob
A small hole ls required \0 secure me Power
trunsrcrmcr re the we" plalecv
H —¢— IT
J |wx~ululw urn/22 09522 5248 m «—y lz $
Clullon: The lnslallallofl descrlbed bs’ow should he made by qualified sen/lee personnel or syslem Installers.
l System Connections
Shown below Is an example ol a beam syslem oonneolion.
e - ram (20 ~ so M
Ammo loom) Comm Armm (0pm)
Comer Madu-
wxel ol 1 59m
' The dlslance helween mlclopmne and speaker should he aDpvox 50m (2 lnchefi) 01 More
I Emery charge ind Replacement
Heler to me Operalirlg lnslrucllons provided with (he ballery chargel. The lollowlng procedure ls a summary ol oatlery replace-
men! and charglng
l Replace lne Baltery when lne Ballery and Power 3, lnserl lrla drscharged Ballary lnlo me battery compan-
Indlcalor on me Older Taker bunks and me pulsmg mem ol me aalrery cnarger and eonlirm lne RED LED
high/low been lane is heard in the headset, on lhe lronl panel or lhe Banery Charger llgnls.
z. Sllde lne Earlery Lock Lever on are older Taker toward 4. when the Battery ls lulry charges. (he GREEN LED on
me EJECT postllon and pull oul lne dlscnarged rne lronl panel ol the Badery Charger llgnls. Use only
Battery. luIIy—chargad barlerles
5. lneerl me lolly-charged Battery lnlo mo mnery m
panmefll ol the Order Taker
1. Do not snorlclrouil beMeen I and a lerm-nals ol
2. Read lhe Ballery Charger lnslrucflorl Manual oom-
plelely lor your personal saleriy and oorreot opera-
3. Be sure to charge lhe hungry only nller hearing
me high/low been lone in me headset Omar-vase
the opsvallng life time may be stunner-ad.
4. use a fully charged new battery ll the battery oper-
cam»: Do aim m9 “my Wm. we, alirrg me firm has been shonened by Incorrect
OmeMlse. lhe ballery may be damaged. > charglng.
_“P_ ,
I Assembly and Wearlng Ban Pack 5 Unsnap the buckle on me Dell 0! Order Takev Cassr
6 Pu! the Order Taker case on Ihe left side of your weslv
Noll: When pulling me Order Takef Case on the ugh!
Side 0! your waist, unsnap the buckle on me belt
and re~a|tach II in reverse as shown below
r Take a fully charged battery Mom me Ba'lery Charger
2 Inserl «he banery (mama and first) rnm [he ballery
campanmem of the Owe! Taker Complefie‘y
3 Insert lhe Heaflset Plug mm the Headsel Jack on (he
Ordel Taker and confirm may the plug is complelely
msenad unto the jack
® 9 :
7 S a the buvkle on me be" Of Order Taker Case
4. Inserl me Order Taker inro the wx-crozz Order Iaker " ° _
9 8. Fasten Ihe be" "9th emugh 50 VI win “01 move
5 around on your waist,
9. Fasten bolh unflovm cups (0 your clothing, on the back.
10. Ad|usl the headset bend until it ms mlgnably and
ll. Poslllon lhe mlcrophone Doom as shown ln llgure
The product lhal you have purchased ccnlarns a \
rechargeable banery The ballery ls recyclable?
Al lhe end 0! us uselul llle, under venous slale
and local laws. u may be Illegal Io ulspose ol
lhrs banevy lnlD lhe munlcrpel wasle slream.
Check wuh your local solid wasle orliclels lav
delalls ln your area lor lecycllng cpllons or prone
er dlsposal
l Malntalnlng the Equlpment
(Non-Scheduled Malntenance)
Be sure |o II" in. mlcrophone bow for ml: hand-
amend». lM Mid"! may DO dimlgld by flu“ or
551ml Comer Raw-001mm
Replacement of cover: am} cushion of had-
The aalspeakel cover and mlclophcne cover are
washable, Aller cleanlng. be sure they are dry helole
relurmng lhem lo lhe headset
Be calelul when you slip II on or all lhe earplece
The earspeaker cover, mrcrophone cover and ham
pad cusmon are replaceable lor senllary purposes To
clear lhe Headsel Cover Ku wxmoza cell youl aeel-
A mrcrophone cover musl be used al all limes
leule lo do so CAN cause dehns lo accumulale
rn lhe MlClophone porl opening and resull m an
lnopelallve headsel
Headpad Culhhan Replacement
Peel oll lhe old cushion
Clean surlece wrlh a warm solulion ol household
Remove lhe moleclrve lapa lrom lhe new cusnlcm
Posllion lhe new cushm On lhe headpad and
press m place.
map-dam Rouge-ml
l Communication with I Communication with Other
Customers Store Personnel
Any store personnel wearing the Order taker with Headset Store personnel wearing the Order Taker can communicate
can have two-way conversations with Drive-thru customers with each other without Delng hearcl by customers.
All personnel wearing the Order Taker can have rwoway
conversations I. While pressmg ihe Page Mich (44)(PAGE}. speak
Into the Microphone at a normal Itwsl. Short beep tone
1. Turn the Volume Control (41) lVOL, OFF/to) on the conlrrms to the users that they are operating in the
Order Taker to the middle position. page mode
2. When a vehicle arrives at the menuooard speaker. you "
will hear a tone in your hesdsel Now When Dressmg Page Swvwh (“ion two Order
Takers simultaneously. a garbled sound may
Note: The tone duration depends on wtnch swlich occur
position is chosen in the Center Module The tone 2 Release the Page Switch (44) maislely alter speak-
_ wlll be either 0.5 seconds or continuous mode mgr Vow can heal Dfliv when the Page Switch is
See detail on mater operating controls and then released.
"mums m MS msuucrm m 9399 5 3 Listen to the response lrom other store personnel,
3. Talk lock mode and PTT (Press Talk) made are prtwtd- “We": Oniv one person can transmit at a time. ll
ed lor the Talk lunctron. Consult qualittea servtce pen amthef person tiles in use the system while m
sonnet lor the proper talk rriooe setting. 009 else is talking of 939m. their will hear a cow
rinuous been in the headset.
4 Listen to the Customer response.
5 Acliust the Volume Control on the Order Taker to the
desirable level lor the incoming transmission (cus
tomers responsel
1, Only one person can transmit at I lime. Il Another
person tries to use the system while someone else
is talking or paging, they will hear a continuous
Deep in the headset
2. BE sure lo make the distance tor the communica-
tion between/among the Order Takers more ihafl
30 cm (1 tool), and between/among the Center
Module and Order Takers more than 1 meter (3
3. When the Vehlcla Detector is turned an altar set-
ting the Beep Time Selection Snitch (ts) to the
0.55 poslttorl and turning on the vehicle Derector,
the beep tone can not be heard.
4. When pressing the Talk Switch on the Order
Takers simultaneously, a garbled sound may
ll ‘ —$—
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