Mattel Asia Pacific Sourcing B9527-03A4R 1/6th Maximum Destruction User Manual Manual

Mattel asia Pacific Sourcing Ltd. 1/6th Maximum Destruction Manual


Download: Mattel Asia Pacific Sourcing B9527-03A4R 1/6th Maximum Destruction User Manual Manual
Mirror Download []Mattel Asia Pacific Sourcing B9527-03A4R 1/6th Maximum Destruction User Manual Manual
Document ID344942
Application IDiV4LjvHzS1QJITeBGuE0+Q==
Document DescriptionManual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize52.54kB (656759 bits)
Date Submitted2003-08-01 00:00:00
Date Available2003-08-01 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-12-23 01:49:02
Producing SoftwareGPL Ghostscript 9.18
Document Lastmod2017-12-23 01:49:02
Document TitleManual

mu ....... "n 1- .... - n- um z—
E M war-in“. mmm mmm mu“ mu . Hm u ,~, mm m. 9 7-5 0
onllnohxsr hill-m!
Vehicla mm in mm an nmmmn ma wmclt . Stan-fin Mwmy
Tmnmmu In! "fluency, Dn no! Inca vlmclan mm 3 2mm Door
um um. hum-nu]. may latch
in: am", "c" o nwofiysnunn sun:-
1.zv 01le a ,
w “my 6 5mm. pom:
rue u... (1 on...)
homo am
invenree um,
eoneeoe yen-en wide nevi-u... ieun 26 mm: ieiedisei syeeer. none, eone.
m. m-CLA
Pluuss read before oper
More ro Adults: To ensure rhenhe child'e
plev ll bum sore end liin, please review ell
nDe'auflfl lnflrucnuns and safew rules with
your child.
sdeiy ripe
- NEVER drive your vehicle un screcisl
They're fer reel cersl
- DD NOT pick up vehicle while in motiml.
. Koep fingers, hair and loose clothing
eweylrem rhe iires end rhe wheel huhs
while rhe vehicle e switched on.
- Adult supervision is recommended when
(his vehicle is balm] opereted.
g your vehicle.
1.1v den-eee “ck wee» A) Lit-ltd: biz/u: 1
u ei- w: Mme-e. nu
Scd‘nv'l’ SA-lllt—i Shave Cedars)
i uoiuie eceu’i-ie Y-rcinl: HT
e lire. The hut!- es muy uxplnda hr leek.
-Nsvershon-cimuin heneryierininels.
- - Use only heii ies o ihe same or eouive-
— one“, u Humane, »
- no nai cherge namruchargesbls hen-hes.
Beneriee mhy leek lliiide met cen ceuee n memo“ mmgnhis “no,“ rm.“ m.
chemical bijrn in|ury or rum your toy hired» luy(pmducl) hofure Charging
«loll-To avoid hmervlsakms - If remevehle. rechnrgeehle herieries are
mad, they are only in he charged under
adult supervision.
BIflErv Performence Nave: _ _
roLhest purinmgrngn use alkaline fistula/IT!"
. . . w are dispose e eoerioe ere ce e or.
- lnsen butt-nus es mdlcatud lnIIdI m- hei- ”mum, is “Wis, Wm mm“ (“mm
“W “WNW?“ . . zinc} hen-nee lgr irim'el use end/er demnnsrre-
- Remove heneriee during long periods of fig" puree.“ we recommend replecing them
nan-use. Alweys remove nxhausled hener- Wm, alkali". me. u Wm" “new“
in mm if“ my (madam. Disease of hen Beuery lile meyvery depending on bmry
tarids solely. Do not dispose oi baaerics in hrend.
- To evoid accident-l operetihn, remove ell
hmeries wlieri nut in us
- Do not mlx old and new hen-nee cr honor-
ies or differenr rypec: elkeline, sienderd
lcerhon-zincl or rechergeehle lnickel-ced~
nWlien your vehicle sidris
ro lose power. it mev lose
enedlo iriierlererice cen
make your vehi
BDnn't mm your vehicle
0 Don't drive vour vehicle in
oPoinx your oeneriilner
sand orihniugh weier or
him-fine up - rundown
runeeons er perinmi- hedly. errerreience cen heinrerd vmer vehicle. ll mow. liemAMeyshimew'inch-
ence. in rime ler e he ceueed hy diner ivc your vehicle one we ler es of; and remove all
recherge).your vehicle‘s vehicles running an die evvey,iimn‘ivvorlr pmp— heoenesloi—sromge.
ninniri lime moy cliengo seine lreouency lslenri- oily.
depen he on your driw calwirssflalqa hiiildings;
. or ca redics. Try in my
ewey from diesel
WEEK 7, 5 lelAflLE EALISE” - mllfllEI'IUN 77
Vlhdcl- rims slowly at will ml run. an h-rurv cnnnlnlon n! wk: nm ON. ‘ . d I)!!! W cum-cm M which Mth,
oruncherged recheig hleillcd he ery. lien, heneiyrorieplee
"In-Emil“! bin-m. ~ Rlfllllcc wml uh llk‘l i Mum/i
Powe indium! lighi ori henrierierdoei nor llghr.
Errunc opererlon or only shun mnoe ponih .
Ve clr doesn't work ener genie dimvgh wen-r er lmw
- Ch-ck connecdhne end reple e heoeiy wieeiined.
- choice lee-non-
- Vahrl le wen-he eeverel houri In dry. mimic dry rhor-
guwhlvflnw igm hl ie mime new
~ helium-i hemiy week or not swim-d.
~ main lriiemrence likely.
porn 7. -uu.eii Tips.’
. wuer I» die elecininicc me
MAY uurm: WWW-mo NC mowers
Meir-i, lne, wlrmm m ore eiig'eiel comm-r pinch-wormed. plnlunwlll he he. ordeiere in meienei end Mlkmnnshlp ipr nneryierii deye luniere synlfiad in mu»
neie denenheelireni in. de- id piuchne. Med-mu reel-co o.- pniducr in me evem of rueh e ddhnmhm weir-r y eiiod .
in meevemof . delen coir-n Ill-101ml; eenemy. rim celiihr ioluree nviriher lined hem Mulv prphlerne cen he eplie liiihlr iriennei lirimmry, you WIII he 0
ir-riieied m rehirn di
neplecemenr end rehim ehipmem will free of oil
mid end hurried, mm. Indus: helm. Enclodl your rum eddrere, deied eiiler ieeeim. end . hrlel eiipleneiion elihe
n- werreiny dim rm coverdemege reriiireig lroiii mumarix-d modificeiiiin. l‘clflm iii-nee oi-eheee lime prvducl e ierumed Ml’mln e dered nlu receipr oie pin-14
dci iiiey he excluded lrhiri cover-ye undermli weireniy,
Med-rs iiehd' {av lief-ct: in irierenel end mdflnlmhlp under one wnnlmy than he limiiedio repleeenienr, end in no mu ii shullm he reegcne-hle for lncidenrei, con".
an. or no
implied WIN! iy elld eevri mu
in- eroiueion oi en
mi FREE NHMBER‘ 1781557 M:
m Model, inc. m Levi
cum All alrhu finery-d
el. inc,
NJ m use mm in
eiid "- duiiineie uos. Ind
z , om
cernre lleiooiir cnyJilnuheem NK, chin Dlln &
hiederlieii ulen Ml lsa PM no (sum—Pl m.
Men-re uen lloe. Periieren Ympiunl and counrry Reioir,
in peer.
enr demegei (licmm more eieree dun do noi Inmmu xchfinn or liineehpril Thle weir-my ie eeclniive, end ie nl
1 eee er l1-I.‘ an.
u pl eliy weir-he or
.l rigliu d you my her.- no.- none, which veii irem mm on eieie. some me do run llbw
,ro me ehove exclusions or lviiiiedone mey nor epplyio you.
Dr usLanurs' lnoAM mm m. seer-m rune; Mond-y - Friday Ex
ecr wml drle in Jln llowin e hoi-
numh'rADDHESS Full mums consume RELATIUNS. has Ulnxnn Avenue. Elm hum mi “851
min PJ. Tot Justin-e «em. in. dul -e yen-rem ind vueredio many-numeric error
and pi moy iii-r cede. idem-ice re redo end rel-neon
mummmmnum-m rlummi nmhlmmdlmmmmcmwmwmn
Anew: durum eerhyii nFEC Mchll-Mmmum-ruwuwnntn-
me em. com lue vim pen |5 d rh- FCC llulee opereilon e um -ql‘.r ei inlh nun-rem.
eihi-eioihe ‘gieei heme linhlioevnr eey nm
end. hemild nierlerenee ind in his dim- mie ecrepi my llam- i; lulu“ or medicine-ii nor irpiewvelr weird hi ire
limrlerem iereir ,in=liidii| iiiierlmncr diii my cum um mllluhuuwv nipouihlr lo. annll-nu mum void die iner-
ered op-iiiion. eieioiiiy in up!!!“ in- urea-em
in-ynl ee 1430.0 on
-/u.| u... m " “turn-nut) 4...
...__ m... m..- .. ._. “my m1.
mun“... ween“: | mr w) sun...- Jam-"m
xmu'u (1.23' l.“m§.rvn u um. Wrnn' rum,“ mun—saw. u w
- cck ,
In”... anfilm— jnnJ run-Ll!"— 4 .... z~ “a. n. scapsi m". km“ mm n.
u» a... .
rinse influw me smurf“: uni-menu". an mu “n big- for
mun-d lmmnmu reanflnn mm vehirlo nanny naming
and ”any
1. fiont- hamlry lent" to opnu uusllion. up... huuwv floor.
1. va0n h‘ROI'y pic! l'uu Gantry unnumrlfllent n: thaw"
1 Plug warn n ecu" slcurnry mu. 5mm, nnmuaflrllcm as
x cm. Dal! w war. rm... nun-w ‘nch m lm'lwfl uoz‘ninn
1. In ran-m binary puck: mm mm, uuun bnmrv emu, urn-ma
wirl n. tartar can 1m hallurv aw.
{km nun-"v door I: aasnw-d m b. run-mum. n it counts an
an hlng-s. AIIIVulV munch n
mm "mum-r us... In swunm n." w m lqulflpeflwlm . sg-cm
lummnl binary-lawns" mm... Just lum yaw which; um,
Vhen an.» mm. new... an. mu Wm a. mu m um am: comm!
2. Install on w bunny wifl'
1 Clau mum dear.
“my I-,-'-} .. shumn mm aanmv
fg.» mm“. <- ”atxs suns-vs “mo x-zvnu . mm 0.23 mm. m, 3.17; .
Wm- llllpn 1h M rq-il “MM IA'ITI'IN IHFIIIIHATIIJIE h h hi
"it“ filial- lulu-y bfi. ill film. ~ on wornscmnsz lam-rem vACl: . km- men-7mm. luzun-s hm
run-rm Mhlrn' nan-rin- um
Il- hl‘ d.» a“ w- ' _ lr-ll's not Aunwn m com
5 ' d, gamut KECHAHG‘NG. «ml-r ldul “mammal.
t DO NOT RECHAflsE A sn'rmv FAnx - Rum-fly cumm- lo: darn-p- nu nu
THAT snows mes nu Cfl RHD- plug. unclnlum anti mn- p- mm In [M
sluN. won: nl any u-mngo n. my mum no:
a Dr) Mu r ulsAsSEMBLF m: BAT- nud Mm m- vslamlor until m-
- 1. Plug w." pick channel imn mmam 75m PM, W BAT-rm, mm .s A cm.“ has bun rlpalmn
nmlzu mu mam. StALED RECNARGFIABLE NIEKEL- - nus my u my! lllllmlud fur enamel-
z. com-um m- was Ialliillu llum u.- CADMIUM sansnv. under s velr! old. Tll- lranflnnnw i;
Matt-N DI u m 0"- wfl" luck chm-r a nu NlJY DUSPflSF m- rnz BATTERY not n my,
canmclm Make cemln thin-n um mu m was
nncmls x... nanny "upped [Dunno-Z 4 exsnclsz CAUTION IN runnum: A
nonnlclu = am: pull apart.
4. Your nanny puck cumin: n! mm mm ARE WEY. THOHOUGHLV "RV BEFORE
and lMt-llllit mum", vllu Shdulu D" VUT RECMAREE MON
uhlllje z». sunny pack for W; houvl -
m. fim mo um; vuu chug. um um "Emma‘s“ “WINES
my. Subs-mun"! thquix wm mull"-
anlv a hours.
a. All-r alumina lo. 4 lmuu. mu emu-n,
will ho! waml ll", culldhlen a: noun":
I»: fully ell-tun! nmnu
s. elm-mm; m. luxury pack lnr mm
Ill-n 4 Mn will no. q." you n loflqar
running my... n noun ls all In]! ll
uqnuml lu- - My mum-d nan-w
an I: k.
1 mm. Ill-kn. mm s. wllm m-
pmr lun u qudu-l. A Nice lnlelml
"arm-ml lumry will mm in: rls val-ml!
n "mg m, fllfllmfiw on yum par“:-
Il r Vlhlcl‘, amt "mu In" most 01 it!
new" it until ll r! "m. m mnhllnfi
m. hamlry alt... Running mm w“
my, unparldlnv upon mull ml: vom-
u‘l Wu flaw.
3. mm u ma nanny puck wIII u. nm- .
Wail .l Inn 20 lrllrllnn um n.- un,
my nick coals bmm mall-wing.
Nachlruhg . mm- 01 ha: luxury puck
ml 9mm chucl m. numb-l a! Inn's
wur bani-v pick can u- “ml-mum
1 To flllCDHVlCCl mu. llusn dawn on th-

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