Mattel Asia Pacific Sourcing G4925-04A2T 1/3 SUZUKI GSX-R1000 User Manual USERS MANUAL
Mattel asia Pacific Sourcing Ltd. 1/3 SUZUKI GSX-R1000 USERS MANUAL
BALI | iUN-fltlilfiil} | UYIi'iiuiiiiiivfl‘iiiii HEARSHFAEEASWIMMELEETRIBFHHHUEIS PRECAUHHNXSNBUlD BE UHSER‘JEI] iiuiiiiiu HANDLING/WU USETI] PiiMiii EtEEIHiE SHDEK (34925—0920 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiw. 64925051 A TYGOG’ RI c SUPPORT Oneflinns nr pmhloms with your pron-m7 DON'T RETURN IT TO THE STORE! Just on" us Inr help. ILSi bnmumeis my nlsu ugisurtheil pwducts “this minim. 1 888 557-1700 (8926) ' Vehicle - Transmitter - Skid Plates (shown unattached) A Pisase see the "Vehicle Operation" Section tor mete information - Launcher/Display Stand A Please see the “Vehicle Operation” Section tar mare iniurmaiinn. ' 7 2V NiCd Battery Pack ZV NiCd WaH Charger ' 4 AA Alkaiine Batteries lfor vehicle) ' 4 AA Zinc~0xide Batteries lfnr transmitter) - Teieseeping Antenna '2 Skid Fizte Screws the; j ‘vmi 0 Battery Deer [a] rechargeahie battery cnmpanmamfilV NiCd), (in interior battery compartment (4 AA alkaline batteries]. (12) Win; connentnrfov7.ZV. D TRY-ME Button (or! knee) e UN/DFF/LIGHT & sauna Switch 32 This Switch has 3 positions: I = on -This is the nennai drivlng posnien fnryour vehicle a = OFF fez/m, : DISPLA‘I » Te activate Iighs and sound. fess the "(RV—ME button nnthe rider‘s (REG. 0 MultiBandT" Selector Switch q Please see the ”MuIti'Bandw Feature” Section for more infonnatinn. o Trigger ThratflelBraki'ng Control 0 Steering Control 0 “Turbo Button 0 “REV-UP" Button 6 LED indicate: ' o Teleseening Anlenna (extend niuvfer n ernIiDn) ultiBand‘M Selector Switch F} Piease See Ihe "MuitiBandW‘ Feature" Section for more Information. 9 ON/UFF Switch You'll want to takeya little time to familiarize yourself with your vehicle's features and controls. with practice, you'll be a “pro" driver belore you know it. ' FonNard - Braking - Steering - ”Turbo” Boost ' Sounds it]? Yourvehicle'e light and sound leatures will activate automatically as you drive —ror ultimate realistic driving actioni fir Your vehicle is en ultre-high-perlormance, high-speed vehicle, designed exclusively for outdoor driving For best driving results, make sure you ALWAYS operate your vehicle in a large open space, like a playground, NEVER drive your vehicle toward people, animals or fragile objects! {03 Your vehicle is e racing-style RIC motorcycle, engineered for operation on smooth, hard surfaces » like pavement or asphalt NEVER drive your Vehicle on any other kind of surface. Skid Plates When you're learning hcwto drive your vehicle, you may find that you have more success when the special Skid plates are attached. The skid plates attach to the bottom of the vehicle as shown, NlJTE: Vou Will need to remove the Skid Plates in order to access the vehicle's Battery Door. Steering With the skid plates attached, you can launch your vehicle from a standing start iiivith the vehicle resting on one orthe skid plates]. Simply pull the transmitters trigger to drive forward, using the steeran control as necessary to drive in a straight line as you accelerate, Launching Vuur Vehicle For a “pro" racing start, use the included Launcher/Display Stand as shown lal Place the launcher on a smooth, flat driving surface. iii) Place the vehicle onto the launcher as shown. lo) Stand on the launcher as shown. The launcher will lift the vehicle's rear tire ofl the ground (d) Pull the transmitters trigger to activate the vehicle's drive motor. Ho d the triggerto let the rsarwhool spin up to speed. (a) Keep holding the trigger as you lilt your foot from the launcher, the vehicle will drop onto the ground and hit the ground running. A. Bmkin Systems > Vourvehlc e is engineered With two advanced braking systemslor maximum performance, 1. When on release the transmitter’s trigger while rivmg, the vehicle will coastto a gradual stop 1. For a quicker stop’, push the transmitters trigger tonivard our vehicle Will come to a stop almost immediately. 5. “Turbo" Boost After 3+ seconds or driving on can push and hold gown the turbo button or an extra burst of spee . c. “Elev-up“ Button . You can push the sound button anytime, while $riving,to activate the vehicle's cool sound eeture. D. Driving Tip . Foroghterturns, pulse the trigger as you're heading into a turn. E. Disfila Stand Turnt e iaunoheroverto convert itto a display stand for your vehicle. Place the vehicle onto the display stand as shown. i’liiltiuiir audit - Vourvehicle leetures the advanced Tyco® R/C Multieandw system. This system lets you race your vehicle head-to-head — against tip to 3 of hits lop to 4 drivers total) - Without any ntel‘lerence problemsi -There‘s one liilultil-Iand'M Selector Switch on your vehicle chassis, and another one on your transmitter. The vehicle swrtch has 4 positions: one let each MultiBandT“ setting. a s z t The transmitter switch also has 4 positions; one for each MuhiBand” setting. 1 z a r - For successlul pperation,the vehicle swnch and the transmitter switch must he setta the same MulliBanu’W settin .Wilen ou're drivi by yoursell you can sett a swim es to any o the 4 Muiridandm settings (as long as they match). - When you wantto race with other RC vehicles, lust make sure each driver is tuned to a dinerent Multiliand setting. - To operate yourvahicla,iusttum the vehicle on. ush any transmitter control and you will be able to run and control your vehicle. {2 A flun-MUltlBafldm vehicle ninning on the same frequency as your vehicle, may interlere with operation of your vehicle. Ifylou are racing against a non-MultiBand'M va icle, make sure that vehicle operates on a frequency different from yours. v Il’you need to changethe MulllBanil’" settln Just make sure that yourvahicle is turns OFF. Change the switch position as desired, makinBsure to change both the transmitter AN the vehicle switches. Then turn your vehicle hack ON lot more racing action. NOTE: Make certain you're not pressing a transmitter control while changing selector switch position. Vour vehicle uses two different power sources: 4 AA alkaline batteries PLUS a 71V NiCd rechargeaiils hattew pack. For detailed information regarding rechargeable battery charging and saroty, please relerto the Battery "Charging/Care" Section. To install the 4 AA alkaline batteries. 1 Rotate the battery door latch to unlocked position and open the battery door. 2 use a screwdriver that included) to open the interior battery door. 3 Install 4 AA alkaline batteries in the interior battery compartment, with polarity irl-i as shown inside battery compartment. 4. Replace the interior battery door and tighten the screw. To install the 71V Nico battery pack: 1. Insert the charged battery pack into the battery compartment as shown 2. Connect the battery pack's’wire connectorto the vehicle’s Wire connector as shown. Make canain the connectors are securely snapped together 3. Close the hattery door and rotate the battery door latch to locked position. got The 4 AA alkaline batteries will last much longerthen the running time of the charged 71V NiCd battery ack, When the vehicle stops, the headlig ts blink, and oil hear a beep even/two seconds-~you s ould recharge the my men battery pack. Whan .le hear a double-beepmhange the 4nd alkaline batteries. Mil . run. Dll i. To install transmitter batteries, open battery door as shown. 2. install 4 an iiatteries, with polarity l+lrl as shown inside battery compartment. 3. Replace battery door <9? Iftiie transmitters LED indicator does not light when the transmitter is switched DN, it's time to replace the transmitter batteries. SLinply install lresh batteries as described a (IVE. EDNSUMER ‘ElllEKsTlPS ‘ f INFflliMATlflN: ownen yrrurvehicia startstc etcurvehicie‘s running fine my onacia interlerence can rnertere to Extend yourentenna and paint iceeppwertnieylrrteivnc- chenpedepenrtinpcnycrr wntveliicecperar‘cn yeurnansrllideranlenneun— dunsernerlnrinance ll‘siirne driving style. lnterleience can lie caused by ncldewn inward ylttlrvellt'cle. laeiecharge Fnrhestpar- adiernDirMuliBund’MR/C liwurvehicle gelstmlar trrirrrance, always snrtwtli a vehicles nnn'ntp rrn Ihe sanie away, ttvrcntvieit picpeny. ruliycitargec battery. liequcncn electricalwies; iarpe butter-es cs ratlirrscr ti ndierwlrehss gear. Trytn stay cwsyinrnr dlese! Nate te Adults: Ta ensure thatthe child's play is both sure and tun, please review all operating instructions and safety rules with your child. rarely hp; ' NEVER drive your vehicle on streets! They're inr real cars! - NEVER drive your vehicle tevvaru people, animals or fragile objects. ' DO NOT pickup vehicle While in mution. - Keep fingers. hell and lease cldlhinq eweyfrern the tires and the wheel hubs while the vehicle is Switched UN. ' Adult supervision is recommended Mnen this vehicle is being eperatetl. ~Tu eveid accidental epersticn, retrieve all batteries when net in use. Always turn all switches nrr hefare removing batteries. Vehicle runs siewly nrwill nut rtlil. Erratic operaticn cr nnly sticn range passthie. snart rechargeable battery lite. Vehicle duesrl'! work after going ihrdugi‘l water dr snow ln exceptiunal circumstances batteries may leak} fluids that can cause a chemtcal burn lniury cr rrrrn ynur my (product). re avaic battery leakage: ' Nunsrechargeehle batteries are none be recharged. ‘ Rschargeahle batteries are to he removed truth the my lreture helng charged til designed te be rempveltle) - Rechargeable batteries are enlym he charged under adult supervision [if designed to be removahle). ' Du ril:rt mix alkaline, standard (carbonszincl, ctr rechargeable (nickelacadmiuml batteries. - Do not mix aid and new batteries - uniy batteries etttre same or equivalenttype as recommended eretn he usscl. ' Batteries are to be inserted with the correct polarity. - tease battery connection or vehicle switch net on. ~ Week cr uncharged recncrpeetrie battery - tit/eat bansrnitter battery, -rntnernitter and vehicle trirrttieanrtiM Selecter sirvitches seltd different MuitlBalid‘“ Settings. - Radio intertererlce likely. reattcry nnt lully chanced, ‘Weter ill the electmn‘ics area. Ell DAV llMITEI] WARRANW— TVCO® WC PRIIIIUCTS oncntrti'nreynurvettcieinsaru eerntstcreyacrvehicienaar crmicvpnwaercrsnairv. heateriltdlrectsuitglv. tryrrvrvch'ctertcespetwct Airvaysrrrrirsnrttchesuerard vinpenrtnatcwelantlaitnrtc renrcvealtratteriestcrepiage dry cempletely. ' Exhausted batteries are to be remaved them the toy. -The supply terminals are name be short- circuitee. ~ Dispose at batteryttas) sateiy. - Do not dispose of this toy in a fire. The batteries inside may explode er leek. Battery Perfnmlerlce Nme: Fer best perrcrnrance use regular cr high perlermance alkaline baneries in your vehicle. The supplied cerbun-zinc batteries are lcr use exclusively inthetransmltter Baden] life may vary depending an cattery brand. - influential - Cheri lrcttary ccnnectar and vehicle switch. - Charge battery ur replace. - neptaca With fresh alkaline battany, ' Check lVlullchndW Selector Switches and change switch positions if necessary iMultieandW settings must match] 'Ehec_k rcr pcsstble tnisrterenca, and chance driving iccaticn itnecessanytsee painllvfluick inst. - Recharge vehicle battery. -yetiicie will talte several huurs in tiny. Aiiuwtu dry tncrcuchiy nventipht heicre trying again. event ttnirrnp in wstel in snow Manet Illc wanamstutlte original censuniei punhcserthrt this prrtvctrviit beirecct delecle in rate- iialrnttirrcitnansitplrr ninety ten days (unless specified in ahernate narnntieal tnrntie tatevtpur- chase inattei rut replace the prcrtrrct in the ereirttrrtvch tiletect within the walizlily pence. in the event tile dalcct cnueled under this mlmnmfila call Ihe deli—tree number listed helm Many prcltierns can be solved in thisrncnner irrlecessary, you will be instructed tn relunr the prnduct, pettcgc prepaid and insured, Ill the address hdnw Enclose yeurnanie, address dated sahs rsceinl, and a briel exulanalidn ml the delecl, Replacement and Mimi shipmenlwiil he hee oi chime. Thistnarranty does ndt cwerdamage resulunn lrurn unamhetiled lnddlliceticluccldcnli misuse ill abuse "the preducl is returned withdut 3 dated miss rsceint the nrddltcl may be excluded lluni cover age underihiswcrranly ® m0 Mattel. inc , m Cenfinemal Kidd, E Sedulldu, CHEM USA. Eensulner Aflairs‘ l (SUD! SIMUVS. PRINTED | ClIiNArAiIl'fights EDMI’IJAIIEE WITH RID REGULA'IIONS lVlllllJ W “S, ONlV) Mahei‘s Iiahilllvai detects m material and walkhieliship under iliiswznanly shall he limited in repair a! renlachmenL at uni sole tiptiun, and ii rid euenl shall we be lesganuhle lnrirtmdenial, consequential, or ccntinyent ttanagcs tettrpt in these statettnatcc natalirrwttiis exciusiunwlimitdtiulll iliitvicnanty isexclllsive, and rsnatle in hair at rrnyeiprees r rnpiiet wtrren .uttirl nhly in USA. This warramy ghesycu tpecihc iegallighlsandycu may have other iiths,wlilt ueryimnt state in ttale.Sctnestates dd rlnl allrlw the exciuimn ill incldemal or consequential damages. w'he ahwe exclusilins rir ilnillatlnlit nay ntltappiylrrycu Tim—FREE MUMBFX: WWW-WW lliflldl lualid mill] in MA l hcun: tilt AM.~5‘lillPNl Eastern hrne; nrntlay . rntey. Expect scrrre delay in lanuarylrrlicvrinp riie hniitlcy eelwll. nease he patiarrttntlteeptryiiictlietaliiree rivrritrer. ADDRESS Fflh RHURNS CONSUMER liEtATIUNS 636 GiliAliD AVENUE EASTWRDRA, ”114052 lttm: chances tn nettitrcatrchs lidl eipresshelyappicved try Reserved. MNTEL WC!) and asmfiamd trademarks and llade dress are Mlfld WMaltel. lllL Retain this addlcst lui future reference: 'Matteill.l(.Ltd Vc M i B.llei line m ‘ MullelAllmhaPwtld.,liibhnlnnd,lficmriaZl1l— Edmund! Adviserv Service IZl‘lfl i351”. - Mattel Earths! Lid, l'ltmni llllfi, 5th TM”. Wield Finance Gentle, lllrlmur City, Tsimshmui, HK, Chllll. ' Ullllljmn & Diedarltarl Dleh: Mattel SEA Ptd 1M [Emil—Pl thl til 5, Menira Lien Nee. Pelsicun Tlnnicanc linil L‘nuntty Rustin. dl‘lfl PJJctllB'TEKKlBfl, Fax ”75901167. ihlS device cnmPllss with [tan I5 eldie FCC Rules, l'lperatiun is auhiecttc the inlawing twe ccnditlcns iilTltis device may nnt cause harnihul interlerence, and (2) this device must accept any interference rece'wsd, including interference that may cause undesired deeralinrl This device generales and uses ladle frequency energy and irnct usec prcperly rneycause interlererlce Id radio and talevisinn receptinli. it has been tested andleundtu cnmdly with the lirliils set by the FCC which are returned tc prcvrrie reescncltie prctertirrn against such illlBi'iEFGMGt the nentttacbrrarresppnsitie rvr crrnpiiance cuuld vein the user's authentytrr cpeiatetne enripncnc uflIILHI uunnuinu/ Aceu‘riuni: Use urilythe charger suppiieu With this my Do not use any other charging source. Use only Tycu® R/C 72V NiCtI battery packs. Other batteries ms leak or rupture, causing persuriai iniury an damage. 1. Plug wail pack charger intu standard wail uutIeL 2. Connect the battery packs Wire connecmr tn the well pack tharger cunnectoe Make certain the two connectars are tightiy snapped together 3. Tc disconnect wires, push down cnthe connectar clip and puII apart 4. After cherging,the hartery will Feel warm. This condition is normal tortuliy charged batteries. 5. New befiery packs must be charged for 5 uz hours the first two times charged. Subsequent charges wilI require 4 hours. Charging the battery pack Icr mare than 5 1/2 hours will not give you a longer running time. 5 1/2 hours is all that is required fer e fully charged battery pack 6. Unlike alkaiine batteries, which less power gradually, 8 MN (Nickel-Cadmium) battery will run for its nurmai running time and then Iase must at its power at once. it is time to recharge the battery peck. 7. After use, the battery pack Will IJE hutI Wait at least 20 minutes until the battery pack couis before rachargirig. Recharging a warm ur hot battery pack WIII greatly reduce the number at times your battery peck can be recharged. uHI\L IIEEIIAIIIEEAIILE BATTERY iIIFDIiliATIIJII' // DO NOT RECHARGE BATTERV PACK IF IT'S HOT ALLOW ITTO COOL BEFORE RECHARGING A‘ DO NOT RECHARGE A BATTERY PACK THAT SHOWS LEAKAGE UR CORROSION. 11 DO NOT DISASSEMBLE THE BATTERV PACK. THE BATTERY PACK IS A SEALED RECHARGEABLE NICKEL-CADMIUM BATTERY. // EXERCISE CAUTION IN HANDLING A HUT BATTERY PACK. // IF BATTERV PACK AND/OR CHARGER ARE WET, THOROUEHLY DRY BEFORE CHARGING. // DO NOT RECHARGE NON-RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES, IIIJTE TD ADULTS: ' Remove rechergeahie batteries before rachargirig. Recharge batteries nnIy under adult supnrvislnn. - Regulariy examine Ior damage in the curd, ping. encinsure arid mher parts. In the event iii any damage, the icy must not be used with the battery charger until the damage has been repaired. -This my Is not intended for chiIdreri undera veers aid. The battery charger is not 9 rev. THIS PRODUCT USES A NICKEL-CADMIUM RECHARGEABLE BATTERY PACK BATTERY MUST BE RECVCLED OR DISPDSED OF PRUPERLV. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING BATTERIES OR THEIR DISPOSAL PLEASE CALL irflBB-SS'I-TVCO. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING BATTERIES OR THEIR DISPOSAL PLEASE cALLI-SBB»557-TVCO. Cd g; a THIS PRODUCT USES A NICKEL-CAOMIUM RECHARGEARLE BATTERV PACK. BATTERY MUST BE RECVCLED OR DISPOSEO OF PROPERLY. NICd
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No Create Date : 2004:08:30 15:32:08 Page Count : 4EXIF Metadata provided by