Mattel Asia Pacific Sourcing H9282-05A4T R/C STUNT CAR User Manual USERS MANUAL
Mattel asia Pacific Sourcing Ltd. R/C STUNT CAR USERS MANUAL
heplhesu insxrminnslmfnmm mhmncu znlmy contain impel-lam inlnmlalium IMPORTANT: Please read all ”Consumer Inlamlaliull" before alumina yamvehicle. Transmitter Vehicl! n Try~me bunnn m sum/ate animal sounds o Flip a Spin mm arm 0 2M Trvvme hmries o amen, cover 0 ONUVOFFlfll/Trvemarx) switch yozlne "Try-me"bll|mn ls hr me sounds demonstranun ’ , puvpuses nnly. When the “Tn/1m" swnen IS activated (lumen m me ”x' pusltlun),lhe car will nuHunzlinn. TVGO' RIG SUPPORT Gaul-u -rmhk— my. v Mun non-1- “film II To THE SWREI n...- n. m mm usur-mmnu n..l.m...e.-.n-.n... ‘I 888 557-1700 (8526) “(core-com Asst Ham Ham -llszn ACAUTION:3unaees may hecnme hot and cause burns ifeleclmnlcs getwaL me not opsrata vahlcle through wale! or snow. ACAUTIOeru prevenlemenglement, keep hair awaylvum wneels Irflnim'llu o Aneenna 0 Steering wheel cunlral: forward {reverse 1 len/ right a FLlP smnl human 0 SPIN stunthuuun c Banalvcnver r < Jusuum yuuwemcle DN. Thenlum me swaying ’- wheel and ynu will be able m nm and enntmlvum velnele. BASIC: DRIVING FORWARD FORWARD and REVERSE mufinn activates conga drums sounds. LEFI' and RIGHT muliun usflvales munkey snunds. FORWARD, LEFT and RIGHT mmiun activates EIeDhint sounds, REVERSE, LEFT and RIGHT molmn sctwfiles In)" suunds. mzv sums Press this human and ynurvehicls wrll pop a whsslis and than Luigi“ m spin in a 350 degree tum. NIFIV FLIPS Press ms mm" and wamh vuuwemcle dn 5 complete mm Tum (he vehlclem me DFF p11 on. Pull up an the th Arm 1mm its armw aligns with (he cmraspanding arrow rm the the rear axle‘ Whfle holding the Flip Arm in the un and aligned pnswinnnum age vehicle hack on There shuum he no sunnds,Tu {Bantu/ate smmdsjusl turn me vshinls ufl. men on again. and 1M alkaline humane: inrllie transmitter Galleries included are far damnnxtrafiuu pnrpnses cniy. Va |. use e screwdriver lnctinclvdedlta nnscrewthe pevver clip naverscreszmul/s the hatteryeeven 2. Remove 2 "AA" betteries linclnded inr Try-inc eniinel suulids UNLV) and replace with 5 new "AA" alkaline halteries (nut inclvdedl With pnlcritv (+H es snnwn inside the battery ccmpemnent. at iiepleceilie battery ccver. mmL—_ i. To llliflll lrfinsmfliar batteries, remnve the battery cover as shewn. 1 lnstell 2 AA Batteries (net included), wllll pnlarilv l+I-l es shnwn inside the hmarv campertrnent. 3. Replace the battery cover. Nnte tc adults: Tn ensure that the child's play is both sale and lvn, pleese review ell cperenlng instrunfinns end safety rules with vullr child. Safnlu Tm; - NEVER drive yullr vehicle an streeisi rlieyre for real certl - nu NIJT pick vp vehicle while in mntien. - Keep lingers, heir end lcinse clothing away lrcm the fires end the wheel nvlts while the vehicle is swllched UN. - Advli supewisinri it recommended when this vehicle is being epereted. - To avnid eccidentel eperniicn, reinnve all batteries when net in nee. Always turn the vehicle BFF lteinie iemnving batteries. wamm M e tWhellvaurvehlcle startetn lnse pnwer,ltmavlnse lvncticne in performance. R’s me let hash batteries (ere rechergel. 2. Vullr ve He's running time may change depending nrl ynvrdiivltig style. 3. Radix) lntarlerence can mnka ynurvehlcle lull pnnrly. interference can lie ceneed liy ether HIE vehicles running on the same frequency, Electrical wires, large buildings, ca radius gr vthervvireless geer. riy we may nwey lrnni them! i. Pnintynnr transmitter entenne np - net dawn reward ycvrvehicle. ltyenrvehiele gerstcererewepitwen't want prnperlv. 5. Dnri‘l drlve ynur vahicle lllruugli water or snnw. "your vehicle dues get wet, wipe it with a towel and allow ittn dry eninpletety. & Dnli‘l state your vehicle near heal 01m dlrecl sunlight. AMavs (um switches OFF and ramtwa Ill batteries in! sic-rage. 74 After live minutes All HHIHASEQE yml vehicle will autu- mati’cslly tum intell tiff. To restart the vehicleturn it n" then eh again. EAnEllv SAFETY lummmnu In exeeptianal circumstance batteries rnay leak fluids trial can aause a chemical burn i uryer rulnvourpmflucv. Te avuid battery leakage: - Nun—rechargeable tiatleries are natltr tie reanarged. - Rechargeable batteries areur be remuued lrrrrn me praduct bafere being charged (il dasignadta be rarriauabla). - Rechargeable batteries are unly ta be charged under adult superinsiari (if designed to be remcvablel. ~ Du nut niix alkaline, standard (semen-zinc), nl rechargeable (NiEd) batteries - lJn nolmix old and new hEflEIlESi ~ Only barreries arriia same or eguiirrlenttyira as recommended are m be used, - Batteries are ta be inserted with tire aarreat palen'ty. - Exhausted batteries aretrr be femnvefl lrrrmllie prndunL 'Tlla supnl’y terminals are "at“: be shurflircui‘sd. - niapuae al batteryliaal salaby. - Dd rictdispuse efdiis product in a fire. The batteries inside may explode in leak. saltery Permanence Nata: Forbesl pertarmanae use regular arlrlgli- errarrnanee alkaline battarieslwnere disposable batteries are called larl. ltyaur vehiala is supplied wlrn etandard (carbon-zinc) batteries lar initial use and/av demanstratien purposes, we recarnnrend replacing triern wrib alkaline barteriee when necessary. Barrery lila mavvarvdaparldlng DH hanary brand Sn DAY IJMITED WARNANTV — TVEO® RIC PRflDUfiTS Madellne wnrrrnenrrne arigirai cpneumerpurenaserrnatdiis praduri will be neeaideteets in material and wprimananiplarn'netylslil days (unless raearlied in allernate warrantieailrarritna drtn drpurcnasa. Mabel will replaae inapradner ||| ueeremelrurn a deierinniiiinine werranry aeriad. lnrne agent at a defem eairered under (hlswnlranlmfimcalllhemII—llae number listed helnwv Manypreblerris aanbcanlved in diisnranrier. ll nacabsary,yl1u will be inanuetad ta raium die preduat, peerage prepaid and insured. ta «tie address hwluw, anelase yarn name, iddluss. dared aah: reaaratanda hnefexplflnal‘lunuhha daieat waplaaernernand return shipmentwil be free al annrge Tliiswrrrrnniu daee nureeirerdamade resulring narri unarnriarired rrindnieeiian,aeerdenr,mierree areauae lrrne arpducris rmrneuwilhmil a dated sales recergi rne nnrducr may be excluded tram rererage undarrli'ia warranry. Manel‘s liability nrr delaera in maienal and warlrmanenia undnrinia warranty aliall be lurrdrd id repairer melanin-iii. alaursete upturn, and in nu. nlsballmaerespanebleld nial,ranaaauendal,ar rnntinganr damages lexaapr in inure mm dratda nei nlhwfln: eaelnaiini arlirniiau'eril. "llsw-runly e eacinane, d is made in lieu al any ea reae arinrpliea warranty Valid anly in USA. Yhismmnwg'ms yuu speu’ legal rlgnis and yeu may have ntnar ngnra, wnian vary lruiri slain in riara Sums alaleadu nrnallirnlne axeluaan nl nrdernaldraenseguarrlial damages, in m. aaaire excluslmls ar limitanans may nar applyla yeu. lulu-flies NUMBflt l-asa-smszsivand anly in us A.) Hams ma . snuPM.Easre-n rmilnund-y-rriday Ekpgclsflmfl delry in dunu-rylellemirig ine nalidey seeaan, please be peuentend k==p trying tire talliree number ADDRESS full REWRNS. DUMSUMER RELATIBNS as ElRARD avmuz EAST Adriana, NV lnnsz D IDES Mnn‘gl. Inn, 313 Enlirinellul Blvd" El Slgwldn, EA 9145 U S A [hummer Ann ’ HELESHEZE PRINTED IN ENIMAJI ngms Resemfl, MATTEL, WCD and assay: fl mnemarks and "ads dies; are nwned by Medal, Incvfislal'll dnaaddreaalarluene rererenaa Mattauxeude WWW Mann Anemia Ply le., Richmdnflflficmlle 312| - CnnmmavAdlllsmv San/lust MD“ (35 3|Z Mnnal EaslAain Ltd, Hamil “I”. Swm anEanrld Flnallna cenae, Hnlhnurcthslmxnaxiul, lll<,l:bina.niirnpan a Diedalkall DI ' EM| SEA Pld LIA. (”HEW-P) La! 13 S, Maura ll!“ Nu, Perslamn Yul EM! Eu" Enumvy Realm, nflfl PJ Val“ Ila—785ml“, Far 111778803857. MMPLIANGEWITN run mummus lvnun m dram wire deyiee eampueswnri partlielliie run ltulea uaeraean iaauaiari mmalnlluwlnqlwn aundiuana llliliir druree rnay mn cause namuul rnnrrlareriee. and lzllnir dwm murt scum any imeriereriae raeerrad. rnalirdrng rrneriereneerriarrrray reuse unduslmd aparau‘an, lliir deyrre gen-rain and uretradraireguencyenergyand il natured araaany may cause imertereneere radia and ieleuiaian McEnlinnJKmx been rested and iaunrr ia carnatyundi rtre limits in ay ine FED Mich are deargnedra arnuide reasunahlg eraiectienegninetancn inrerlerenee mum» Changes drrriadrnaaiiuna nut sxplsabwswzpumwd brine mamdaaturerrerpansiblr lureamplanr. eauldeardrne usersautnantyia aaaraia die eduinmrni.
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