Mattel Asia Pacific Sourcing J9862-06A2T N.S.E.C.T User Manual USERS MANUAL
Mattel asia Pacific Sourcing Ltd. N.S.E.C.T USERS MANUAL
measemwmnxinrmmlemrenca.Thwmmimpmifinmflm mum Pbaseread a] “curs-wwmmmaursrpumrrwrmmur. TYCO‘ RIC SUPPORT £7332 cumin-w msmmrs m 1 man now T nnu’nn rr Toyfie STKORE! Am rm r m... 1 a'éfigfiwco (89.26) CAUTION-ELEETHIGTOY2¥€§Wflflflr lMSUHGEflS‘MTHRLIHEWWRGMTSPRECAUUUNS WULDBE OWNED DURING HMDUNG AMI! USETD WWW {LEW} SHflCKWUI: 12mm BM 121A OWUIMVIK; WmMML ACAUTIUN flucesmaybmmemanfltuusehmnsw emwmucsgflwnunnnlnnelalewmnlewrwghmmnvsnrm, Transmmer 71V NiCfl hauery pack 7.zv Nicd waH clmgu av hanery lnrvunsminer. Vehiule o (lluN/lflmFstimh 0 Battery dnnr 0 LED Eye murmur firms wiu change color dependin? un which made N.S,E c T'" is in - ysilnw fur exp nmiun, red fur muck Tnnsmillur o FunMard/Hewrsu left side a Forwavd/Reverszrightside o Arrrerrrrs o anerCIawwnrrm a Eannnnni gel (Hnld annfm ramd'five. press nnce «rsr saws-shag. o Raise/Lmuergun o Bmevydunr o ONIOFstilch i“ ”mm (I [m “WRIGHT UP: FORWARD 0 [EFT UP/RIGHT RELEASE: TURN R|GHT 0 LEFT UP/RIGHT DUWN: SPIN RIGHT 0 NIGHT UP/LEFT RELEASE TURN LEFT I) RIGHT [JP/LEFT DOWNr SPIN LEFT D LEFT DEIWN/RIGHT DflWN: REVERSE w your vahicls flussn'l mnve rm" van use IhE transmitter mere's a cum] chance vmn vehicle‘s mm ls readv fur a recharge. Frcthew Bxckaw ffioigf ffifi ffilfi; @@f ;@ {if ;@ @t 0 B 0 T0 SHHBT BUN l. Held dawn cemereuuen en (up elnansrnmer 1161 re laise gun. z, Squeeze nigger en lmmlm riglneide eirne rransrniuer, a. lleld dewn cenler eueun (16m: lewer gun erlee huflnn gamlytu ndlustheighl. N S E C I“ can sham and walk simullanacuslv but Carma! shoulwhlle the caminn is being raised and lulu/wed, wnen lire gun is in (he iewered pnxilian under me wingthe eveswill he veIImN.thn mu gun is in lire upperpns‘mnn — wings spread mil —fl|E eyes will be red, The gun will only shunt when me eyes are in the red mode. Hm gull will rim retract iniu N.S.E.C.T.'s hudy, nhsck under the gun to make sum (hal nu lmiss dams er debris have impeded ils peril, And nerlire ar flenple er ununula in ex genn blank range, Keep ende clear el mums qusi Esquires e 7.1vacn battery (n! (vansnlimzre Muh—__— i. llneerew m e en lire hauery deer (screwdriver not included). PM me lumen] deer ue end awaylmm [he vehicle 2, lnserrrne bamry packinmlhe hanerv cnmpunman! as Shaw", 3. Replace the battery deer. Serew hackiii le leek-lie battery deer. 4. To rurneue lire iraeery pack: Flmmmlhe vehicle ell, unscrewthe hairery unmpanmem, egen the hemery rider and Im nutme hatterv pack (Nice) emery packinrvehlclz and e 9" Atlantic": Banery pack may he hut after use. Allnwlli cnnl helere leucin’ng. Trlnsm' 1. Te inelall (he vaneminer hanery, open the banerv deal as snewn. I "mall one W ballerv m the buttwv numpamllem as shown. observe the hamry ueiar‘uy ii and -l. 3 Close the hunery dour. wiixfiffimwum AGAUTIDH: Use nnlylhe charger supplied wilh thismv. ne rim use any umer chflvgmg slime. Use nllIy Tvcnl71V Nicd leaneru pack Other lraderies may leak er rupmre, causing personal Injury and damaged l, Plug the wall pack eharger inle a siandard wall outlet. 2. Clirmucl rile wires leading from 1115 hausry uerkm me wall peek charger cunnucmr. Maire eenain (he mm nnnneclnrs are tighfly snapned legerner, av Tn diseennecl the wires, push dewn en lire cenneelar clip and pull aean a Aner charging, lhe battery will leel warm This cnndifinn i's nurmal lur fully charged naeenee. s. New hanerypscks rnuax he charged lur 5 1/2 iuurre mu firsnwn limus chargedv Subsequent chargss will require 4 hullrs Charging the batten] pack for more than I hnurs WIN not give Wu 3 Iongzr running time. 4 hnurs is ulhhul Is required ler a lullv charged eagery yank. 6. Unlike alkalinu hamniss,which lnse power gradually, 3 MN binary will run (in its numial filming lime and than less 7.1! M. NlCfl. i x BSuhrE. mun mAh [nail el us pewer al lance. That‘s when vnu‘ll know H‘snms m recharge the hamvv pack 1, Aner usenire eaeerg pack will he hm! Wail at leeslzu rnrnules until the battery pack euels heidre recharging, Recharging u warm lirhalbmery peck will greerl reduce me numhsr eiu‘rnee yeur bmerv eaelr can e recharged. lune enareerrnusree discnmiecled lrenr the eleelrie sueeln REBRAREEABLE BATTERY lnrnkMATlnrl - DI] NUT RECHARGE BATTERV PACK lF lT‘S Hal. ALLDW IT TO COOL BEFORE RECHAREING. - DO NOT HECHARGE A BATTERY PACK THAT SHOWS IEAKAGE DR CORROSION 0 DO NOT DISASSEMBLE THE BATTERY PACK THE BATTERV PACK IS A SEALED RECHARGEABLE NICKEL CADMIUM BATTERY ' EXERCISE CAUTION IN HANDLING A HOT RA'I'IERV PACK - IF BAWERV PACK AND/OR CHARGER AREWET, THOROUGHLV DRV BEFORE CHARGING - DI] NUT RECHARGE NflN-RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES, Hole in Adults: - Remuve rechargeable haneries helure recharging. - The battery charger isloradolruse only - Regularly examine lor damage to lhe olug, enclosure and orherpame, in the eventuiany damagetheluy must not be used with me charger umildia damage has been repaired -'llle charger is nuta luv. THIS PRODUCT USES A NiEd RECHARGEABLE BATTERY PACK THE EATTERV MUST BE RECYCLED OR OISPOSED [IF PRUFERLV. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING BATTERIES OR THEIR DISPOSAL PLEASE CONTACT THE APPROPRIATE LOCAl OFFICE. anTAINs llllmlEL-cAleluM BATIEnv. BAITERV Musr as nEnanEu ml nlsvnszn BF Peapmv. m runTNEn lMFonMArlnn n REGARDING BATTERIES Allin mam I'IlSPnsAL ‘3 PLEASE BALL! - m - 557 - R315 nee lose oeriormance ll’snme lur a recharge, As a role, you should always stem widi a lully charged bribery 0 Be Imewarlled- N.S,E.C,T.‘s running (ime may plunge depending onyour driving style. a Radio interference can mess up the signals wu'ru sending, causing N s E El” tu oerlorm erratically Things in lnakiorlhal ms be causing the interference ether R/C vs iclsx mnnlng ml lhe same lreguency, electrical wires, large buildings, ca radius, ur cilher wireless gearlbat can cause interference o Pnlmyaurlransminer antenna up -- noi doom toward N.S.ECJ’.’M ll N.S.E CI” escapes yuur amunnu's grasp, you can kiss properlunstiuning goodbye, a nun't drive N s E,CTmthrnugh water or snow. an only wun'tvml get very lar, you might ruin me ereeurre. If N seer.” does get weewipe twioi a towel and allowirru dry compleiiely, 0 Devil stare M, ED T.” near has! or in diranl sunlinhL Aiwavsturrl rh swuories DFF and,ifyuu‘re rlnt planning on anysearcb and deslmv maneuversrur Willie, remuve all (he bfifierles...really, It's amazing how one bud hansrv can destroy a supersecrer experimental creature technology (that WnuIiI lie N S E LIT“) iqtsPlease rBDhargsynurhatlerv when you notice rhar rhe N. 5mm eyes are blinking slowly. lrrhe N.S TIM is blacked by some nhxlalzle Inr all extended period ultimo it maylurri itsell nfi. Remuue N,s.E.lLT.eromrhe oerh ullhe obstacle. ll it cannot receive aoysl nal lrornrhe iraneniitter,oie eyeswill hligk yellow. l the banery is dying rhe eyes will blinlr re Nola m adulra To ensure rliar the child“; may is hum sale and «in, please revrew HII the warming luslmclmlis and solely tips with your child. Salary rips ~Vea, N.S.ECJJ“ is e mulri-rerraln vehicle but you should NEVER, EVER play with it on the meal! - nu NUT pick up N.S.ELIN while in rnurion. Take your lingers cilrihe lransrnirler humms and then pick it up. ACMON: Keaplin arsrhair and ilmxe cimhinq away (mm N.S.E C 3" while if; ml. ~ Adult supemisllm Is recummended when N,S,E,C,T.'M is being used. - To avoid accidental orunwariied operation, remove all the barrerleawlien notin use. Alwayslnm flFFIlehire removing die baueriee. BATTERY SAFETY INFORMATION ln exeepllnrlal circumstances benches may levakiluiiis rhat can cause a chemical burn iniury or ruin your prudunl. To avoid bauery leakage: -Nan-lenhal sable ballerles are not“) be recharged. - Rechargeable baneri'ea era m he removed hour the product before being charged (ll designedre be removable) ' Rechargeable Nineties are nrllv m be charged under adulr supervision lil designed (a be remuyeblel - D0 "in mix alkaline, standard (urban-Zinc). Dr rechargeable (nickel-cadmium] ballsriss. - Du nut mix nId and new hanaries. - Only belleries ofthe same or equivalemrype as lecmlmerlded are to be used, - Batteries are la be inserted with the current polarity. - Exhausted batteries are tn he remuved Imm the product ~Tlie supply lelmlnals are run ll: be shortsciroulled. - liiopuae of bauerylieel solely. n rlnl dispusa uflhis product in a fire. The batteries inside may explode or leale Bullery Perimmnne Note: Fur best perlonnanoe use regular or high-performance alireline batteries lwhere disposable haltflrlas are called Inf). eduAv-illlmwemuw —WGD®NIEMDWEI§ Mariel, inc wdmnisld me mininel mnrumei uuiihcsei liurmis pmducrwii be flee m delenis ill malarial will workmanship {mummy lm) days (unless inelliied lll alleillm wuimnlles] lmlll me ml! nl puichasu. Mailel will "plan! llie pinduni in His mninlsllnha Malnlwifidnllilwalmnivptrind. In me mill nia dell“ Emmi umleiiiils wallaiw, lliil call In: idI-iieenumhei lined helm. Muypniicnu cnrie milled nurse nunei. ineccsenwmii he inmumdid mum rue pneiucr peerage prepaid ind imuiedmrneeddien iehu Ennluse yen nene address, ducd sales mud and I hmfexulanilmnulmu dzleii Replacemeniaml mum shipmlllwllllllfiee er eiuie, Thiswarmlydnnxnmnmiddmagsidiumm ninuneuiuindnedicdicn, Mimi, misuse muse Me pmdurcreuncdwinrne dnrdsriee ncein thepinuucmwhaednhdedliumcuvmaeullllerltiliwfilinmv. Mucrrieiiiinicrderemn rim/leiandworkmanshipundeim'lswalllilwdhull hl iniui in uni hr unlmmmL at our sin inner-xii nuweutshall th! iexpdns‘ihld 1m iruunui ccnrceuenirl, n curmgcndeneees (exceni u lhusc 511m: llfildn miallwiihis mlus'nn minim» Tn'iswdmniv c euluriwd limddeiil fieu Mani/mien u lmpllzrlwdllamv lIiMnnlvil use rumnnn gnomeneciiclenlneicendnincyieudmeiiiclis.unciieniiensidc in mi» sun slaiesrid nu decide mluiidnMinciflamlmanmuanfilldum- “resume nhnuz exclusmrls mllm'lialluilsmavudi 1pm in nu TflLLHlEE NUMBEM minivan (3916) [ullillflnlvin MM Nnuis Km AM - it") PM, Emmi FM, Monday - Friday Ewen! Sam: deluvin Janudlylullllwlng ills hullday seam. Please be patient 1nd keenlm’nnih: leieE numbei ADDRESS Hm REYURNS: EDNSUMIR RELATIUNS 65 Elm!) Ill/Hill! EAST AURflRAi NV DDS! (9 1mm Merrel, Inc, 333 cdnlinenral Blvdw El Segunda, CA 5111145 U S.A. Eunsumer Releridns: Hum-3926 Pmmfn IN CHINA All Rigid; Reserved. MAl‘iEL, TVCD and associa'erl trade- marks and rude dress ere dwned thauel, inc. Rani" inie address formrure reference. Mains; Perk Maidenhead sis AUE Helpline mm wlflfll servme mariel cum Menel Auslrelie PtyLid., Richmnnil,\fic1uria 3m - Ednxumemdvicdry Service: laun Hi all. Menel Eesr Asia ud, ilumn liuli. Scum Tewer. Werid Finance Emma, Herhdur Chv. Tsimshalsul, HK, China. Diimpmfl Diadarkun DIM: Muflel 52A Pm Lid. (mam—P) Lei 115, Menere Lien Hue, Persieren Trepicane Gdli Country Rssnrt, 47410 N, Tel: na-Willlaflfl, Fax: 03485113351 Preremne envlrnnmzm by imt disposing er viii: prnduczwidr household wma (ml/WEE]. Check ynui incul eumenlvldr recycling advice end leciliues nflMFLIANEE WITH ml: REGULATIGNS mun IN u.s. mm This device cdinplies wim nun |5 dune FCC Rules ueerauun issuhiecudlne lnlluwmg twn cdndiridns: (1) This device may nni can" harmful inlerleremze, and (21 mi; deulcemlm nccenmny iniederence receded including inrerferense that may “use undesired operulinn. This device generalzi and uses redid ireduencv energy and ii nu! used properly my call“ lnlerferenne In mild and (elm/l- sidn reeepudn. It has been iesled end icund rd cdnrplv With the limits set hydre Fm: which are designed in pmvlde recednnnle prerecridn aerinsi such inrerlcrence. mm: than“; at mndfllcnfinns run expressiveiv lppriwefl W the menuieciurer resnunsillle idr compliance cduid Vull‘l ure user's eurneruyrd deerererne eddiemenr
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