Mattel Asia Pacific Sourcing J9863-06A4T N.S.E.C.T User Manual USERS MANUAL
Mattel asia Pacific Sourcing Ltd. N.S.E.C.T USERS MANUAL
Keen masnnmcmshmmmm They IMPflmII'EHnmai a! ‘mnmevmnnafm hmmmfinwrwfinh mm mag mtamwnw-umywwdml‘ Asst PM“ Dan T RETURN ITTo THE STORE hnn e.- “gamma. 1 588 557-TVCO (8926) CAUTION-ELECTRIC TUYfi‘EMMfir MEWSUFAEHNHTHMiLFBWGPRwLI'rTsPREfiWDNSSNOULDHE MSEKVDBURWG NANDUM MDUSEW PREVENTELEWIE WOOL WM: WUAQMNMMWPUTMVBMUMMW TE “M ielc Transmitter 7.1v Nitd battery pack. 7.2\I Mm wan charger av hameryfartuhsrnrtter. Vuhinln a (llnN/wIOFwailch n Batten/dam a L.E.D.Eye Indicator r Ehyes will charms muffle enmng nn which mcde mam.“ is in - yellow or explnraticn. redfnr attack. M.— o Forward/Reverse let me o Famed/Reverse right side 0 Antenna 0 Pcwer mew cumml - Cannon trigger lHoId ttqwn h" lapidrfire, press ence fur single-shed. o Raise/Lewerguh 0 Battery dunr o UN/DFF switch 0 LEFT UPIHIGHT UP: FORWARD 8 LEFT UP/RIGHT RELEASE TURN RlGHT O LEFf UP/RIGHT DOWN: SPIN RIGHT 0 RIGHT LIP/LEFT RELEASE: TURN LEFT O RIGHT UP/LEFT DOWN: SPIN LEFT ll LEFT DDWN/RIGHT DflWN: REVBISE u youryehicte daecn't mnue when ynu use thslransmitler there's a 11mm chance your vehicle's battery is readyhr a rechatgu. Fran: Wow Beck mew ffifif ffifi fflelgt QUE‘ tQfif tfifil T0 SHOUT GUN l lleld down center button on reg el transmitter (ital to raise gun. 2 Squeeze trigger an hertenr rrghtside etdreeansreinar. 3. Held dawn center button IN] in lower gun nl tap human gantlyte adiust heith. N.S.E.C.T."" nan shunt and walk simultanenusly hut Eflnflfll shnmwhils the cannon ls being raised and theted When the gun ”is in the lnwatad pm: an undertlte wingstthe eyes will be yellew, When the gun i in the upper position — wings spread nut—the eyes wlll be red The gun will nnly shtmlwhetl l'tls eves are in the red made. Ifme gull will nut retract ltttn N.S.E.E.T.'s body. chuck under the gull te make sure that np louse darts er dehris have impeded its peer. fine netfire at peeple or animals ur at paint blank range Keep hands etaar et hl.s.Ec,T's legs. 3 WWW 7; Ma Requires a m Tvl:n®(NiEdl haneryparktaryehiele and s eh: haderylertraesnrirter, V!!! In |. llnsrrewte epen the battery deer tserewdnver not included). Pull the hatrery deer up and awaytrern the Vehicle. 2. Insenfile haflervpack inllfllm haflGlV compartment as shown. a. haplarethe hattery deer. Screwhack inte leekttre battery limit. 4 Te rernmre the hanery pack: firsttllrndia xelllele elf. unscrew the hattery eempartrnent, epenl e battery that and tilt eutthe hatterypaelr. 7f>2fg§umhii lsllli mAli Amman: Battery part may be her after use. Allewte Cunl hefute levelling, Trans I. Te install the transmitter battery, eperi the battery deer as thvwn. L Install ene W battery inthe hattery tetrlllurtment as shown flhsetve the hamery polarity (4 and -l. (L Class (ha hamw dour. EWWM Animal: llse enlythe charger supplied with thismy. De nut use anv other charging source. Use nnlv TVED® 1.1V NlEd battery flack. Ulhet batteries may leak at reprera, aauaiep personal injury and damage, r. Flue the wall peek charger inte a standard wall errtlet z. cdnneet the Wires leading lrnm the eattary pack re the wall puck charger eenneeter. Mate eerrain the twe eeeneaters are tightly snapped teeerlrer. chl diseennemhe Wires, push dewn en rhe rennecter elip and pull apart 4. After charging, the battery will feel warm. This eenditien is [must el its pnwer at enee. That’s when yed'll know nennal fertul eharged batteries. it's tune te recharge the battery paelr. 5 New battery packs must he charged (or 5111 hours the 7. Alter «settle battery geckwrll be her! Wart at lirsthne times eliarged Subsequent charges will require least zunnnuras until the banerv track mls hefnre 4 herns. Charging the battery peek ler inere than A hnurs recharging Renhamlng a warm urvhnl battery pack will ner ive anl a lenger running time. A hnuts is all that is Will lltesllv lemme the number Mums vnut battery reeuire ter a fully charged battery each pack can he recharged. 6. Unlike alkaline batteries, which less pewer gradually, a NiCd 8 The charter must be disconnected lmm the electric haltarywlll run for its nurmal nrnning time and then Inse supply. E; HAEGQBLE BA ICE“ NEQEMATIUN ~ DO NOT RECHARGE BATTERY PACK IF IT'S HUT. ALLOW ITTO COOL BEFORE RECHAREING. ~ D0 NUT REEHARGE A BATTERY PACK THAT SHOWS LEAKAGE on cuRRuslflN. - D0 NUT DISASSEMBLETHE BATTERV PACK. THE BATrERv PACK IS A SEALED RECHARGEABLE NICKEL- CADMIUM BATTERY. - EXERCISE CAUTION IN HANDLING A Hflr BATrERv PACK. ~ IF EATTEKV PACK AND/(JR CHARGER ARE WEI. THflRflUfiHLV DRV BEFORE CHARGING. ~ DO NOT RECHARGE NUN-RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES. No" It: Adulu: - Rsmuve rechargeable batberies before recharging - The homely charger is lor adult use only. - Reguiady examine lor damage to the plug, enclosure and other parts in the Event or any demago,oie ioy must not he used with me charger unlII (he damage has been repaired. - The charger is not a toy. THIS PRflmlCT LISES A NiCd RECHARGEABLE BATrERV PACK. THE BATTERY MUST BE RECYCLED UR DISPOSED OE PROPERLY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING BATTERIES DR THEIR DISPOSAL PLEASE CONTACT THE APPRDPRIATE [DEAL flFFICE. EUNTAINS N'CKEl—CADMIHM BATTERY. onizhv IlIIJST its nzcvcuo alt otspusso nr PROPERLY. FDR FURTHER "I‘mRMATIflN nmnnnms BATTERIES AND THEIR DISPnsAL 6 PLEASE EILLI l “A l 557 ' 5915 um lose performance, In brnafora ruciiar e. As a rule, you should always startwiih afully charge battery. 9 Be lurewamedflN s ECT's running time may change depending on yourdnving style. A Radio interierence can mess up the signals you're sending. causing N.S.EC.T."‘ to perform erraticalry Things to looli forrhat ma be causing the inoerterence; other me vs icles running on the same frequency, Elecmnai wires, large buildings, CB radius, or other wireless gear that can cause interference 0 Point yourrranemrnar antenna up e not down toward N s 55.1”. it escapee Wur amenna'e groan. you can kiss prooerruncnoning goodbw. 0 Don’t dnve N.s.c.c.t.w through waber or snow Not oniywont you getverylar, you might ruin the creature. lt N.s.£c.r.w does get wet wipe llwflti a towel and slow tad completely a Dun’l slurs "SEC. em near heat nr in direct sunliqifl. Always turn the switches arr and, tlvnu're not planning on any search and deeooy maneuvers lor awhile, remove all the It‘s amazing how one bad battery can destroy a super-secret exnerimemal creature fechnnlnfly (the! wmrIiI ha N.S.E.C.T.“‘l firlease recharge your batteryvintan you notice that the N.S.EC r"l eyes are blinking slowly lrtlie N.s.£.c.r.w is blocked by some obstacle icr an extended period ofo’rne it may lurri itself on. Remove N.S.E.E.T.“*Irnm the path ofdiu obstacle II it cannot receive any signal from the uarrsmilxen me eyeswi" hligk yellow. lithe battery is dying the eyes will hiink re . and safety fipswilh your child. Safety Tips flies, N.S.F_C.T.W is a multi- (rain vehicle but you shnuid NEVER, EVER playwim it on (he street! - DI] NUT pick up N.S.E.E.T."‘ while in Marion. Take your lingers nflfiiztransmmzr buttons and rlien pick it up ACMGN: Keep fingers, hair and Inns! Elnlhing away (mm N.S.E C T.” while "K's on. - Adult supervisimi is recommended when N.s.s.c,r.m is being used. - To avoid accidental orunwanted operation, remove all die banorieswhen not in use. Alwaystum N.S.F_C.T.“‘ UFFhEInre removing the batteries BATTERY SAFETY mrmtmmnn In exceptional circumstances batteries mayleakhuids mat can cause a chemlcai hum inlury ur ruin vuur product. To avoid hanerv leakage: - NwHechargeabIe batteries are notto be recharged. - Rechargeable batteries are to be removed irom the prnducl before being charged lit designedto be removable). ~ Rechargeable batteries are only to be charged under adultstioervisien designedto be removable). - no not mix alkaline, standard Icarhtmrzlnn), or rechargeable tniclrel-cedmiion) batteries, . [In not mix aid and new bakeries. - urtybatteries orthe same or aquivalemtyps as Ntnmmenfled are m be used. - Bedoiies ore bo be insened with the correct polarity - Exhausred barreries arc m be removed fmm the pmducl. - the supply terminals are notto be shnrtmirnuirsd. - Dispose of batterytiesl salely. - no not dispose fill this product in a tire. The batteries inside may explode or leak. Elli!" I’H'ullllmE NM: For bastpsrtormance use regular urhlghsperimmance alkaline batteries lwliero dlxnnsahle batteries are called for). ewnAv-llmllsn-wullnnw-mummrmum Mml, In!“ WWW: Mia almal mammal widfisel ihitmk plmillm will In Mu Malachi" manual and warkmmdhip hrmnzw 195i dlys (umnsspnihed l'n anunm willalm‘eslimn ma dill ll!pilichiiuManElwlllqflanelhz ninduclln me event a! such a deletiw‘llhili 1h: wallalwpellnd. inineelensladeleeleweiedundellniswsnemdmelmemllliaenenlael lined MmManypmhlulls Lm leesleedinnisnenel lln-enesnnei mm inwufllcfl la {alum inepiednel, neslaee prepaid end ineeied, nine address leldw, addendum-neaddlees, deed sales leeenl. anda ineleedlansnnnelme deleei delaummm mlulnsmmlnlwl nellee el chain! inis wellenn Hus nneelel lenseensullneliennnaeneniednediienin, eel‘lunnnieluuellee limepmdnelis remnedwnlnele daledsalee ieeeiel die pmduzimv haaxdlldsdfmm enelaeennlellniiwmnn. Maltel’s “ANN in! Mam in malarial ind wmkmumm wide! ml: wiriallly 5M! neiienlledmrenailnllenlaeanenl,aluulsdeduh lnfllnllrlmnilhailwehu uspulisihle in luldenlal. nneenlennai, n eenineen denaees (axcdpl'in lhm sum Mix it] rim Aillzwlms exclusion ur hmmuun). This WilYiHN k mfus'lvel and is nsde “n l'ell el any muss M innilednnnenni walla new in um Thiswulllnlv gnes wu edema leeal nennend Wu my M49 Minnie whim VIN inn. sale in mu. Sum! slums dn nm fllhw iii! Enlusiiin ll! madam} nl mnuqnsm’d dam~ 1m wml dhwa BXElUSmHS lllfilllllail'nlls mlynmnpmevml. TELL—FREE NUMBER WMHJVEU 125] (llal‘ld mil in MM llnln ram AM- and PM. Emmi ine; Mllllday— indie Evpnl some delay in lanuan minding me lnidnl 5mm Pleas: ie palienl and leep (lying lne nail-nee nlnder, ADHRESS FDR RfI'IJRNS: CONSUMER illumulls 616 mm AVENUE ills-l Allimlin, ill llmz mulls Mnnel, lne.. 333 CnminemalEhd.,E\Ssuundn,EAfiH145 nu. Cnnsumurfislalinns: l-m-ssl-ssza. PRINTED m cum All fields Resewed. MATI'EL, mo and assnclahzdirads- malks and leade dress am ewned ley Mariel, lne Rmin [ills address fulfilling uleeenee: MM gamma Hemline mm sum, serviee. mmleum Malta! Ausluhu Ply Lid, Rienninnd, Wmnlia 3m , CnnsumerAdvisnrvSsnrins: mu 135317. Manal Eul Asia led, ileum "06. Sun“! iewel. Wnlld finance Eemre, named; my, Tsimenalsni, mg unina. endure a Diudarkan men: Mmul SEA m Ltd. (emu-P) Lnl |3. .Mellura Lien Hue, Persiamn lmpicene Gull Cnumrv nesnn, mill FJ. lei madam, Fax: 03-7EEMW. Pmteni me Ellvlmnmevnl hv rmt dlswsinu nf this pmduclwilh nausehdid mm [mums/EC]. Chunk vuur lanai auflmlity in: recycling advice and facilities. EDMFLIAHEE mm m: REGULMIOHS mun IN u.s, cum This device camplius wim nan |5 eflne rcl: miles. “pen-mull isedleiemelne lellewme awe cundilinns: (ll inis deeiee nay nan sense nannlul inxenaienee,endulmisdemeemusl nccenlany munemnce received, Includmg lnterlerenne that may eause undesired enelafien. This device eenemes and uses radii: llauusnny mum] and ii will usail pmnnlly may cause ineerierenee m radiu and lelevi- sien ieeedlien. n has been “met! and leend in eenplv wnhihe lisnne sat hyflm FCCwillcll are desiened m pmvidn mnnnllfle pnmcfian anninsl euen inlel-leeenee. "WE Ehlnnss ill madificulinns mu expressivzly npnmved in] me munu'ucmrer lesnnnsliale lnr cumpliance muld vnid the user's alnhnrllyln dummies aquipmum.
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