Mattel Toys A Division of Mattel 95455-00A2T Remote Control Toy Transmitter User Manual H
Mattel Toys A Division of Mattel Inc Remote Control Toy Transmitter H
User Manual
Tm 0 REGISTER YOUR VEHICLE 2 WAYS! Onllm...or toll-1m! Rpm- tau-mm (u, ammm-Mmmm norrmnnmm... nwmmw—unmauuuL up,“ ACAU‘IIDN: Surfaces may become hot and cause burns If electromcs get wet. Do not uperale vehicle through water or snow. [lWNER’S MANUAL Please read thnmughly befum npamting ynur vehinle. Kzep these instmctiuns for future reference they contain impurtant infurmatiun. fllflfl ”Ill-f ° J-IJJJJJJJJ,_ JJJJJJJJJ 141—44-144 . 4-4-1441 44,44 - Amhennc Tony Hawk nder VEHlELE l" EILNTENTS "gm 0 ON/OFF Swrtch ‘TMH TONY. HAWK SKATE - Available in Zfrequenmes: 9 S . Ad' BOARD Vehlcle 27 MHz & 49 MHz (reler to teenng |uster ' Transmrtter labels on transmitter & 9 Battery DOW fEATURES vehicle for frequency) 0 Battery Cumpartment - Range up to 65'/20m ' Adaptive Cuntrol System“ for world-champ mcks and stunts II. [llJIDK START fillr Please read thus Owner‘s Manual thuroughlv. 1. Stan With a full charge. 2. Turn vehicle switch 0N4 Actwate transmmerto run and control your vehicle. 3. When you‘re done dnving, turn vemcle swrtch OFF. Remove all bananas for storage. JJJJJJJJJJJn/JJJJJJJJJ .44444J1~(/44444%¥4M¢A¢fi III. DPERATINE YUIJR VEHIELE Your vehicle features the digital Adaptive Control SystemN for the ultimate in control..tand amazing stunt action. Each transmitter control stick has seven different posrttons. mnmnn H “S A o s SLOW R I 0 M u F E MEDIUM 0 M T s o H LE" 9 0 i A FAST , rww F u R l M D nlcnr ‘—7 TURN SLOW T MEDIUM FAST REVERSE In addition to the control sticks, the transmitter features two action buttons that let you control the skateboarder body,t.not lust the board! ism ACT|0N BUTTON THANSMI'I'I'ER (BACK VIEW) _ ION Burrow TRANSMITTER (BACK VlEWl Ii you push the action button and hold it down, the rider wrll turn 90°“.and it thI staythat way Untl| you release the button. If you qurokly push and release the action button, the rider WI|| do a super-fastturn and immediately return to its normal posttion. __—__—_—_ JJJJJ’JJJJJJJJJJJJ’JJJ IV. TALK THE TALK...STIIIK THE TRICKS! With the combination of advanced digital control, seven-position speed and steering, and control over the body and the board, the Tony Hawk Skateboard is the only RIC that can do the stunts a real world-champ skateboarder can dol The Tony Hawk Skateboard is designed and engineered to work like a REAL you’ll need to PRACTICE to perfect your technique Wsit our TALK THE TALK' To be a “pro“ skateboarder. you have to talk the talk! MANUAL: A cool wheeliel The board's front wheels pop up into the air, and the board rides on its rear truck. TIC TAD: When you Tic ”fee“ you rock the board from side to stde, weaving back and forth while movizg forward or bar: . TAIL SLIDE: In a Tail Slide, the back end of the board slides around...lafl° or a full 350°...and keeps driving in its original direction. STICK THE TRICKS! 44/4/144414/444g44444 website for more InT01 TRANSFER: When a board 'translers,‘ it moves directly from one obstacle to another. STICIQ To ‘Stick‘ is to land a trick successfully..tand ride away. This manual shows you how to do some ultra-realistic skateboard tricks. Once you master them, you'll raallte you can do lots of other cool stunts! So practice, have fun, and invent some awe- IillIlUIII] TRICKS These tricks work best on smooth, flat surfaces, MANUAL Push the left stick down all the way to drive in reverse. Once you've accelerated to full speed, quickly push the left stick up and then release it. Vour vehicle willéam up into a cool wheeliel or extra stunt action, steer right or left while your vehicle is in wheelie mode. This wrll cause the vehicle to drop back onto all four wheels. changing direction as it does. This trick works best with a ‘medium‘ left or right turn. some tricks of your own! TIC TAC To do this trick, simply steer your board right and left while driving, either forward or reverse. The board will rock from side to side. Try this trick with ‘medium‘ and “hard“ left and right turns. The cool engineering of the board makes it work just like the real thingl 150° TAIL SLIDE First, push the right action button to rotate the rider so he's facing backward. Now push the left stick down all the way to drive hard in reverse. Now quickly push the lelt action button and hold it down, while steering to the right The board's front truck wtll swing around to the left When it comes around 130°, push the left stick forward to keep drivmg. RADICAL RECOVERY Start with the board lying flat on its side. Push either the left or right action button to rotate the rider. His right hand will come around, pivoting the board and bringing it up to an angle. Steer right or left to bring the board all the way upl lThis trick will also let you 'right’ the board if ittips over while you're driving.) RAMP/DHSTAELE TRIEXS These tricks work best on ramps or other obstacles. 180° SPIN up an inclined ramp or half- pipe. Just before you get to right action button, while steering either left or right. The front end of the board me left stick ushed up to ing down. Push the left stick up to drive the top, hit eitherthe left or will swing around 180°t Keep drive the boar forward com- On the down slope. the rider MUST be rotated .. so that he’s facing the front of the board. 360° TAIL SLIDE This trick is similar to the 180° Tail Slide, but it works best on a smooth ramp (or half- ipe), or a very slick, flat su ace. Push the right action button to rotate the rider so he’s fad ing backward. Now push the left stick down all the way to drive hard in reverse. Now quickly push the left action button and hold it down, while steering hard to the JJJJJJ’JJ—l—JJJJJJJJJJJJ .44444J<4<441444m4¢44¢ right. The board's front truck will swing around to the left. When it comes around a lull 360°. push the left stick up to keep driving. TRANSFER l& STICK) To Transfer'from one obsta- cle to another, push the left stick up (for forward) or down lfor reverse), steering left or right to aim toward the obsta- cle you want to “transfer“ to. For maximum stability, push the left or right action button to swing the rider 90" left or right —____—_——_ V. lllllBK TIPS 0 When your vehicle starts to lose power, it may lose functions or performance It's time for a recharge. Your vehicle's running time may change depending on your driving style. 9 Radio interference can make your vehicle run badly. Interference can be caused by other RIC vehi- cles running on the same frequency; electrical wires; large buildings; or C8 radios. Try to stay away from these! 0 Point your transmitter antenna up - not down toward your vehicle. if your vehicle gets too far away, it won't work properly. 0 Don‘t drive your vehicle in sand or through water or snow. If your vehicle does get wet, wipe with a towel and allmiv to dry complete- ly. 0 Don't store your vehicle near hear or in direct sun- light Always turn switches OFF and remove all batter- ies for storage. JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ M44 ._/_J. LJJJ,.(4.{J (4.1 VI. PIJVIER SYSTEM (Batteries and Charger Not Included] FOR DETAILED INFORMATION REGARDING VEHICLE BAT- TERY CHARGING AND SAFE- TV, PLEASE FOLLOW THE SPE~ CIFIC INSTRUCTIONS THAT CAME WITH VOUR BATTERY PACK AND CHARGER. - Your vehicle will not operate without the TYCOQ R/C TMH‘D FIexPak‘D Battery Pack and Charger. The TMH FlexPak battery pack is designed for use exclusively in TYCO‘” RIC TMH Power vehicles. It will not work in any 6.0V or 95V NiCd bat- tery powered vehicles. - Vour TMH FlexPak battery pack features a unique design (Patent Pending) which allows itto be config- ured in different ways for use in d'rfferentTMH power vehicles. This feature allows maximum performance for each vehicle. To configure your FlexPak battery pack for use in this vehicle, please refer to Section VIII, 'Battery lnstallation.’ o TMH” FlexPek‘D Battery Packend Charger 9 ALSO AVAILABLE Additional TMH‘” FlexPak® Battery Pack Charge additional Battery Packs ahead of time for longer non-stop actionl IIIITIEIIV SAFEIY IlIFIIIiMA- TII]iI ll Insure that battery polarity is correct. // Use only batteries of the type recommended (or equivalent). 1/ Do not mix old and new batteries. A! Do not mix alkaline, stan- dard (carbon-zinc), or rechargeable (nickel-cad- mium) batteries. 1 Remove used-up batteries immediately. Remove bat- teries if vehicle will not be VII. BATTERY INSTALLAIIIIN VEHICLE 0 Make sure the FlexPak® battery pack is fully flat, so used for along period. / Do not recharge non- rechargeable batteries. /’ Do not short-circuit terminals. // Remove rechargeable bat- teries before recharging (if the batteries are designed to be removable). lRecharge batteries only under adult supervision (if the batteries are designed to be removable). ll Dispose of batteries safely. Do not dispose of batteries (or products containing non-replaceable batteries) that the labels marked 1 and 2 are facing up, as shown. 9 Release the battery door as shown. 0 Insert the battery pack into the battery compartment in fire, as batteries may explode or Iealc. Battery Performance Note: For best performance use alkaline batteries (where dis- posable batteries are called for). If your vehicle is supplied with standard (carbon-zinc) batteries for initial use and/or demonstration purposes, we recommend replacing them with alkaline batteries when necessary. Battery life may vary depending on battery brand. and slide it into the com- partment. The battery will flex slightly as you slide it forward to fit in the com- partment. Press down to make sure the battery is secure in the compartment. JJJJJJ ’JJJJ‘/JJJJ./J_/J_J <4 . J A ear-Iggy: 9 Replace the battery door 5 To remove: release the ESIimated run time for this . and luck it, as shown. battery door and slide out VENUE: approximately 30 min- the battery pack utes TRANSMITTER 9 2 In t n n gv b n 0 To install transmitter bat- , s a o e a fly 0 Swmg battery door closed wtth polarity l¢l~l as shown and snap shut. terv, 099" baer door as inStde battery compan- shown. mentt w" SAFETY mmmnu" rules With the child. the vehicle IS switched UNA ' , 0 NEVER drive your vehicle on - Adult supervtston is recom- ' figfizmfi‘gml‘jrg‘cgvém streets! They're lor real cars! mended when this vehicle is ‘ t d. of age and older, To ensure ' DO NOT P'Ck up vehicle being opera e while in motion, - To avaid accudental opera- that the child's play is both safe and fun, please revrew the operating instructions and these general safety tion, remove all batteries ~Keepfingers, hair and loose , when not in use, clothing away lrom the tires and the wheel hubs while JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ Vehicle runs slowly or will not run ' PllflllAllLE EAIISE ' EllllllEIITlllll ' Loose hellery connection ur vehi- ' Check benevy connectur end vehi» cle switch not UN. ' Week or uncharged rechargeable buttery ' Weak transmitter Ilene-y. Erratic operation ur only shurl renge - Rerlio interference likely. possible. Shun buttery Iile Vehicle dom't work alter gning thmugh weler ur show. 0 2000 Mattel, Inc , Ml Laurel, NJ new USA. PRINTED Ill MINA All Hi hrs Reserved, (D and W designate U, Andaman; oleI, Inc. Ratemtns address ldrluture refer- ence: Mattel UL Ltd, vanmll BIISI' nen Perk. Maidenhead SL! AUB. Mat- tel Austr-Iia Ptye Int, mchmond, tho- ru 3m - ConsumerAdv-sory S : In con Ell (valid only In Austuha). Mattel East Asia lened. no Ocean Centre. Rumour City, HK, Chma ' Beltery not lully charged - Winter in the electmhics ereu. GONNA“ WITH FCC REGULA- MRS THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART I5 HF FCC RULES. OPERATloN OF THIS DEVICE IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLUW- ING TWO CDNDITIDNSL III THIS DEVICE MAV NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE [ll THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY HARMFUL INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION This device generates and uses radxo frequency energy and it not used prop- cle wilch, - Eherge battery or replece - Replace with lresh elleline hetteny. ' Bhenge location [see point? - Buick figs] l Recharge TMH® Flmd’elt‘E buttery peck For maximum running time. meke sure you give your battery peck e IIIII cherge. - Vehicle will take several hours to dry. Allow to dry thoroughly OVERNIGHT helure trying egeinc l Uperele your vehicle in e dry erea. Avoid driving in meter and snow, em may cause interference on radio and telewslon receptmn It has been listed and lound to compry With the imlts set fly the FCC, which are desbgned to nronde reasonable pros-t.» non against such interlmnce, Qumran; FCC Regulations state that change: or modrficatiuns n) this product not expressly unarmed by the party responsible lo: compliance could word the users authority to coer- ate the eouipmenL
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