Maxon CIC SP510U2 PTT UHF-H User Manual user manual

Maxon CIC Corp. PTT UHF-H user manual

User Manual

Land Mobile Radio
User instruction Manual
Synthesized Scanning Radio
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), with its action in General
Docket 93-62, November 7,1997, has adopted a safety standard for human
exposure to Radio Frequency (RF) electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC
regulated equipment. Maxon subscribes to the same safety standard
for the use of its products. Proper operation of this radio will result in user
exposure far below the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and
Federal Communications Commission limits.
DO NOT transmit for more than 50% of total radio use time (50% duty
cycle). Transmitting more than50% of the time can cause FCC RF
exposure compliance requirements to be exceeded.
This radio is NOT approved for use by the general population in an
uncontrolled environment. This radio is restricted to occupational use,
work related operations only where radio operator must have the
knowledge to control the user’s exposure conditions for satisfying the
higher exposure limit allowed for occupational use.
When transmitting, hold the radio in a vertical position with its microphone
2 inches (5 cm) away from your mouth.
The radio is transmitting when the red LED on the front of the radio is
illuminated. You can cause the radio to transmit by pressing the PTT bar
on the radio.
These are required operating configurations for meeting FCC RF
exposure compliance.
Failure to observe these restrictions mean violation.
About Your SP-510 Radio
Maxon's SP-510 radio feature up to 13 groups and up to 16 channel operation
per group for a total channel capacity of 208 channels of superior performance
and reliability. Operation and functions for Maxon's SP-510 radios are
described in this manual.
We urge you to thoroughly read this manual before operating the radio.
Application of some of the functions described in this manual is determined
by the system you use. Your Maxon Dealer will program your radio so that
you have the greatest number of functions possible relative to your needs.
Should you have questions regarding the operation of the radio please
consult your Maxon Dealer.
Table of Contents
Safety Information..................................................................
Unpacking Information..........................................................
SP-510 Radio Features....................................................
Description of Radio Components.........................................
Antenna Installation...............................................................
Installing and Removing the Battery Pack...............................
Attaching and Removing the Belt Clip....................................
Battery Charging and Care.....................................................
SP-510 Operation.................................................
Power On-Volume..................................................
Channel Select
Power Off..............................................................
Status Indicators and Audible Alert Tones.............................
Scan Modes.........................................................................
Normal Channel Scan............................................
Priority Channel Scan.............................................
Other Scanning Features.......................................................
Look Back..............................................................
Scan Channel Delete..............................................
CTCSS/DCS/Selcall Scanning........................................
Normal Scan TX.....................................................
Priority Scan TX.....................................................
Priority Only TX.....................................................
Receive Only Scan.................................................
Scan List Edit ........................................................................
Licensing and Service Information........................................
Recycling/Disposal of Batteries............................................
Software Copyrights.............................................................
Warranty Statement.................................................................
Safety Information
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), with its action in General
Docket 93-62, March 13, 1997, has adopted a safety standard for human
exposure to Radio Frequency (RF) electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC
regulated equipment. Maxon subscribes to the same safety standard for
the use of its products. Proper operation of this radio will result in user
exposure far below the Occupational Safety and Health Act and Federal
Communications Commission limits.
WARNING - DO NOT hold the radio in such a manner that the antenna is
next to, or touching, exposed parts of the body, especially the face or eyes,
while transmitting.
WARNING - DO NOT allow children to operate transmitter - equipped radio
CAUTION - DO NOT operate the radio near unshielded electrical blasting
caps or in an explosive atmosphere unless it is a type especially designed and
qualified for such use.
CAUTION - DO NOT press and hold the transmit switch (P-T-T) when not
actually wishing to transmit.
NOTE: This radio operates in FCC regulated frequency bands. All
radios must be licensed by the FCC before use. Because this
radio contains a transmitter, Federal law prohibits
unauthorized use or adjustments of this radio.
Unpacking Information
Remove and carefully inspect the contents of your package(s) for the
following items:
Battery Pack
Battery Charger
Battery Charger Power Supply
Spring Belt Clip
Operating Instructions
If any items are missing, please contact to Maxon.
SP-510 Features
· Wideband frequency separation
· 1 or 5 W programmable output power
· Programmable 12.5/25 kHz channel spacing
· Channel scan
· Priority channel scan
· Look back channel
· CTCSS/DCS/SELCALL tone signaling
· Busy channel lockout
· Time-out timer
Scan List Edit
Priority Channel Edit
Description of Radio Components
1) Antenna Receptacle
2) Channel Selector Buttons
3) On/Off - Volume Control
4) Busy/TX/BT Indicator
5) Battery Latch
6) Push-To-Talk (PTT)
7) Monitor Button
8) Scan Button
9) Emergency Button
10) Microphone
11) Accessory Connector
12) Belt Clip
13) Battery
14) Battery Charge Contacts
15) LCD
16) Speaker
Antenna Installation
Fasten the antenna to the radio by turning the antenna clockwise into the
receptacle on top of the radio.
Installing and Removing the Battery Pack
To Install:
Position the guides of the battery in line with the radio battery guide rails and
slide the battery into position until a click is heard.
To Remove:
Holding radio in one hand, push and hold battery latch button located in the
upper right hand corner of the battery pack , held as if looking at the back of
the unit. Hold radio firmly and slide battery in downward direction while
pushing the battery latch button.
Attaching and Removing the Belt Clip
To Install:
Install belt clip onto the belt clip holder located on the upper left hand corner
of the radio, held as if looking at the back of the unit. Locate slot location in
belt clip and push belt clip until a click is heard.
To Remove:
Push and hold release button located at top of belt clip and slide clip off the
belt clip holder.
Battery Charging and Care
To ensure peak performance from your radio, the battery pack must be fully
charged. Proper care and charging will allow maximum performance and life
of your battery pack.
The ACC-400 Desktop Charger provides 1.5 hours charging and normal
"slow" charging to one radio and one battery.
See accompanying instructions included with this charger for more
information. (Remove this line)
To receive maximum performance from your radio and battery pack,
periodically completely discharge and recharge the battery pack.
SP-510 Operations
Power On-Volume
Turn the radio on by rotating the on/off - volume control clockwise until you
hear a click and the self test "alert" tone.
Channel Select/Channel Group Select
The SP-510 is capable of up to 13 programmed groups with up to 16 channels
per group for a total channel capacity of 208 channels. To change channels
press and release the or buttons to change channels (remove). A press and hold
will scroll through your programmed channels. Channel numbers will appear
in the LCD located at top of unit. If your radio has been programmed for
Channel Group Scan you must enter the scan mode by pressing the scan
button which is the first button located beneath the PTT button.
The Channel Group to be scanned will be shown in the display. In order to
change the Channel Group press the or buttons to select desired group
to be scanned.
1) Press the monitor button to monitor the channel for activity. To avoid
interrupting another user, make sure the channel is clear before you
begin transmitting.
NOTE: Federal Communications Commission Rules and Regulations require
that you monitor a channel for activity before transmitting.
NOTE: The tri-color LED located on the top panel can help with channel
monitoring. It will glow amber if RF activity is present; or green if the
transmission has a CTCSS or DCS or Selcall tone that matches a tone
programmed for receive in your radio. When this LED is not illuminated, the
radio is indicating a "clear" channel.
2) When the channel is clear, hold the radio upright with the antenna
vertical and the front microphone area about 2-3 inches from the mouth,
keeping the antenna away from the face and eyes. Press and hold the
P-T-T bar on the side of the radio, and speak slowly and clearly into the
microphone area.
NOTE: The LED will glow red when transmitting. This indicator should be
on continuously while the P-T-T bar is being pressed and the radio is
transmitting. Should the red LED be "flashing", the battery needs to be
recharged and transmission will cease. Recharge the battery before attempting
more than onetransmission.
When you have finished transmitting, release the P-T-T bar to receive.
Power Off
When finished transmitting, receiving, monitoring, etc., turn the radio off by
rotating the on/off-volume
control fully counter-clockwise, to the detent position.
Status Indicators and Audible Alert Tones
Your SP-510 has a sophisticated microprocessor control which provides a
series of audible alert tones.
Upon initial power up, a quick melody indicates that the self-test of
the microprocessor functions has been completed satisfactorily.
A series of tones may be sounded with any of the following conditions:
· Attempt to transmit on a channel set for receive only
· Attempt to transmit on a channel that is already in use when busy channel
lockout has been programmed into the radio *
· Transmitting time has exceeded time-out timer programmed length *
· Low battery condition
· Selecting a channel with no programmed frequency
Indicates a function that is initially programmed into the radio by your
Maxon Dealer.
NOTE: All audible tones can be programmed off for silent operation.
Status Decription LED color LCD Indication Audible Tone
Power On - Ready N/A 208 Melody
Call Received Orange Channel number N/A
Correct Call Green Channel number N/A
Busy Channel Orange Channel number N/A
Transmit Red Channel number N/A
Transmit not
Alternating UL/Channel
Two beeps
Scanning Normal Scan mode Green
Group number or channel
number (remove)
Priority Scan Mode Green
Group number or channel
number (remove)
Priority Look
BackScan Mode
PS/Channel number N/A
Edit scan list Red single
Scan N/A
Edit Priority
Red two
Pscn N/A
Warning Low Battery Red
Low_-BATT 3 beeps repeated
Busy Channel
orange Busy-Lock Single beep
Two beeps
Time-out-timer N/A TIME-OUT
Single beep/3
beeps repeated
Error EEPROM N/A EPP-ERR Single beep
Unlock N/A UNLOCK Two beeps
Scan Modes
Scanning is a Dealer programmable feature that allows you to monitor a
number of channels or channels within a Group. Your Dealer will help you
define a scanning mode and your channel "scan list" .
Normal Channel Scan
Once the scan list has been established you can initiate scan by press and
release of scan button, first button located beneath the PTT button. The top
panel LED can be programmed to flash green as the radiois scanning.
If a conversation is detected on any of the channels in the scan list, the radio
will stop on that channel and you will be able to hear the conversation. If
programmed for normal scan TX you will be able to transmit on that active
channel during the pro-grammable scan delay time. The scan delay time is the
amount of time the radio will stay on that channel once activity has ceased
(Dealer programmable, 4-7seconds is typical). The radio will resume scanning
once the scan delay time has expired. Scanning will continue until the channel
is changed.
Priority Channel Scan
A single channel may be programmed as the "Priority" channel. The radio will
constantly monitor this channel while scanning and when the radio has
stopped on an active channel. If a call is detected on the "Priority" channel, the
radio will automatically move to, and remain on, the "Priority" channel for as
long as the priority conversation takes place. "Priority" channel activity
takes precedence over all other conversations. To activate Priority scan press
and release the scan button, first button beneath the PTT button. When priority
scan has been activated display will show PS to indicate priority scan has been
activated. ( Remove)
Other Scanning Features
· Look Back: Any channel, when not in the scan mode, can be programmed to
"look back" at the "Priority" channel. (Remove) This feature is ideal for those
who do not need scan as defined above, but want to make sure that they never
miss a call on the "Priority" channel if another channel has been selected.
Once a "look back" (Remove) channel other than the priority channel has been
selected, the radio will periodically "look back" at the Priority" channel. If
activity is detected on the "Priority" channel, the radio will move to that
channel for as long as it remains active. To enter look back mode, press and
hold the scan button, first button located beneath the PTT button. PS will be
shown in the display and the LED will flash green.
NOTE: Look Back requires that the radio leave the active channel for a
fraction of a second (at regular intervals) to check the priority channel for
activity. Depending upon how the radio is programmed (scan speed, etc.) this
may or may not be noticeable as "breaks" on the active channel for that same
fraction of a second. A transmission will be made on the selected channel at
all times.
· Scan Channel Delete: To temporarily delete a channel from the scan list,
simply press the monitor button while scanning and stopped on the channel to
be deleted. This will remove that channel from the scan list until the channel is
changed or the radio's power is reset. When power is restored or the scan list
channel position is again selected, the original Dealer programmed scan list
will be activated.
· CTCSS/DCS/SELCALL Scanning: The SL-200 can be programmed by
your Dealer to scan for tone. This will help block out unwanted calls.
· Normal Scan TX: Allows a transmission only after a call is received,
depending on the programmed scan delay time. After the scan resumes, and a
transmission is made, the radio will sound an alarm (two beeps) , display_h
and will not allow a transmission.
· Priority Scan TX: Allows a transmission after a call is received depending
on programmed scan delay time. The transmission will be made on the
channel that the call was received. After the scan resumes, if a transmission is
made, the radio will transmit on the programmed priority channel.
· Priority Only TX: Allows a transmission on the priority channel when
scanning and not stopped on an active channel. It can also be programmed to
( Remove) will always transmit on the priority channel if scanning
or stopped on an active channel.
· Receive Only Scan: This allows only reception. If a transmission is made at
any time, the radio will sound an alarm (two beeps) ,, display r0 and will not
allow the transmission.
Scan List Edit
You as a user can edit your radio’s scan list and priority scan channel at
anytime form your radios original program.
Your radio may have been programmed for channel only scan operation or
channel Group scan operation this operation was determined by your Dealer
programming. Please note, if your radio has been programmed for channel
only scan you will not be able to edit your scan list. You will be able to edit
yourpriority channel.
Channel Only Edit: To edit the scan list in a radio programmed for channel
only scan, turn radio off, press and hold scan button, first button beneath the
PTT button. While holding scan button turn radio on, release the scan button
after the first red flash of the LED and SE is shown in the display. Upon
release of the scan button the first channel number will be displayed. If
channel number is flashing that channel is already included in the scan list. If
channel number is solid that channel is not included in the scan list To add or
delete the selected channel to or from the scan list press and release the
monitor button, second button located beneath the PTT button. The selected
channel will flash if selected channel was added to the scan list or the selected
channel will be solid if the selected channel was deleted from the scan list. To
edit other channels press the buttons to select the desired channels to be added
or deleted from the scan list and repeat the process. Upon completion of
adding or deleting channels to or from you r scan list press and release the
scan button, first button located below the PTT button, your new scan list
should be entered at this time.
( Remove entire statement)
Channel Group Edit: To edit the Group scan list in a radio programmed for
channel group scan, turn radio off, press and hold scan button, first button
beneath the PTT button. While holding scan button turn radio
on, release the scan button after the first red flash of the LED and SE is shown
in the display. Upon release of the scan button the first group number will be
displayed. If you do not wish to edit the group you have selected press the
button to select those channel groups you wish to edit. After channel group
selection has been made press and release the scan button, first button located
beneath the PTT button, the channel number within your selected channel
group may now be edited. If channel number is flashing that channel
is already included in the scan list of the selected channel group. If channel
number is solid that channel is not included in the scan list To add or delete
the selected channel to or from the scan list press and release the monitor
button, second button located beneath the PTT button. The selected channel
will flash if selected channel was added to the scan list or the selected channel
will be solid if the selected channel was deleted from the scan list. To edit
other channels press the buttons to select the desired channel within the
channel group to be added or deleted from the channel group scan list and
repeat the process. Upon completion of adding or deleting channels to or from
you r channel group scan list press and release the scan button, first button
located below the PTT button., your new channel group scan list should be
entered at this time.
Priority Channel Edit: Only one priority channel can be programmed into the
radio. To edit a priority channel, turn radio off, press and hold scan button,
first button beneath the PTT button. While holding scan button turn radio on,
release the scan button after the second red flash of the LED and PE is shown
in the display. Upon release of the scan button the first channel number will be
displayed. If displayed channel is not your desired channel to be the priority
channel press and release the buttons to select the desired channel to become
the priority channel. After you have selected the desired channel if the channel
number is flashing that channel is already selected as the priority channel. If
channel number is solid that channel is not selected as the priority channel. To
add or delete the selected channel as the priority channel press and release the
monitor button, second button located beneath the PTT button. The selected
channel will flash if selected channel was added as a priority or the selected
channel will be solid if the selected channel was deleted as the priority. Upon
completion of adding or deleting the priority channel press and release
the scan button, first button located below the PTT button., your new priority
channel should be entered at this time.
Licensing and Service Information
FCC Licensing
The Federal Communications Commission requires that the operator of this
radio be properly licensed under the applicable Part and/or Parts of the FCC
Rules and Regulations.
Consult with your Maxon Dealer, or contact the nearest FCC Field Office for
information about obtaining a license.
Do not tamper with internal adjustments. Damage to the equipment and/or
improper operation may result. There are no user serviceable items inside the
It is recommended that you return your radio to a qualified Maxon Dealer for
any service or repairs.
Recycling/Disposal of Batteries
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classifies used Ni-Cd
batteries as hazardous waste, unless certain exemptions apply.
The battery should be recycled at the end of its useful life. Under various state
or local laws, such batteries must be recycled or disposed of properly and
cannot be dumped in landfills or incinerators.
Maxon America, Inc. fully endorses and encourages the recycling of Ni-Cd
batteries. A national program to collect and recycle used Ni-Cd batteries is
being implemented by the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation
(RBRC Ö). This program is being funded through the use of license fees paid
by the battery and product manufacturers to place the RBRCÖ Seal on the
batteries. The following is a list of facilities where the batteries can be
shipped to be recycled. Contact these facilities for proper packaging and
shipping guidelines.
Software Copyrights
The Maxon products described in this operating instruction manual may
include copyrighted Maxon software programs stored in semiconductor
memories or other media. Laws in the United States and other countries
preserve for Maxon certain exclusive rights for copy-righted software
programs, including the exclusive right to copy or reproduce in any form the
copyrighted software program. Accordingly, the copyrighted Maxon software
programs contained in the Maxon products described in this operating
instruction manual may not be copied or reproduced without the express
written permission of Maxon. Furthermore, the purchase of Maxon products
shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel, or
otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents or patent applications of
Maxon, except for normal non-exclusive royalty free license to use that arises
by operation of law in the sale of a product.
Your SP-510 Radio is designed to be maintenance free. To keep your radio in
good working condition:
Clean external surfaces with a clean cloth dampened in a solution of
dishwasher detergent diluted in water. Apply the solution sparingly to avoid
any moisture leaking into cracks and crevices. Do not submerge the radio. Use
a non-metallic brush to dislodge stubborn particles, if necessary. Dry the
surface thoroughly with a soft, lint free cloth.
DO NOT use solvents or spirits for cleaning - they may permanently damage
the housing. Clean the battery contacts on the back of the radio with a lint free
cloth to remove dirt, grease, or other foreign material that may impede good
electrical contact.
Limited Warranty
Maxon America, Inc. ("Maxon") warrants the Maxon Product manufactured
by it against defects in material and workmanship under normal use and
service for a period of two (2) years from the date of delivery to the original
end user, provided that the user has complied with the requirements stated
herein. This warranty is not assignable or transferable.
Maxon is not responsible for any ancillary equipment which is attached or
used in connection with this product .Maxon shall have no obligation to make
repairs or to cause replacement required which result from normal wear and
tear or necessitated in whole or in part by catastrophe, fault or negligence of
the user, improper or unauthorized alterations, repairs to the Product, use of
the Product in a manner for which it was not designed, or by causes external to
the Product. This warranty is void if the serial number is altered, defaced or
Maxon's sole obligation hereunder shall be to repair or replace the Product
covered in the above warranty.
To receive warranty service, deliver or send the Product, transportation and
insurance prepaid, to the place of purchase along with your proof of purchase.
Alternatively, call 1-800-821-7848 for other locations or authorization to
return the product directly to Maxon.
This warranty is void for sales and deliveries outside of the United States.

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