Maxtronic Co INDUSTRIAL User Manual 79981

Maxtronic International Co Ltd 79981


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Document ID79981
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize132.62kB (1657724 bits)
Date Submitted2000-01-07 00:00:00
Date Available1998-12-31 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-05-01 22:38:01
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-05-01 22:38:43
Document Title79981.pdf
Document Author: VicodinES /CB /TNN

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement
This equiplent has been tested and found to coaply with
the lilits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part
15 of the FCC Rules. These lilits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equip-ent generates, uses
and can radiate radio frequency energy and. if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions.
lay cause harlful interference to radio conlunications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equiplent
does cause har-ful interference to radio or television
reception. which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on. the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or lore of the following
f~ Reorient or relocate the receiving antennai
,_ Increase the separation between the equipment and
—— Connect the eqhiplent into an outlet on a circuit
different iron that to which the receiver is connected.
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technician for help.
Warning: A shielded-type power cord is required in order
to neet FCC emission lilits and also to prevent
interference to the nearby radio and television reception.
it is essential that only the supplied power cord be used.
Use only shielded cables to connect 1/0 devices to this
You are cautioned that changes or lodifications not
expressly approved by the party responsible for
conpliance could void your authority to operate the
Disk Array system
User's Guide
Version 1 .0
July 1998
Copyright No ' e |
© 1998 Moxironlc international Co., Ltd All rights reserved.
No part of this written material may be reproduced, stored in o
retrieval system. used in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the
written permission of MoxTronic international CO, LTD.
important l Safety Instructions, Care and Handling
Before starting, take a few minutes to
read this manual, read all of these instructions
and save this manual for later reference.
Protect the Disk Array from extremely high or low
temperatures Let the Disk Array warm [or cool i to
room temperature before using it.
Protect the Disk Array from being bumped or
dropped Do not place this product on an
unstable cart, stand, or table. It may fall, causing
serious damage to the product.
. Keep the Disk Array away from magnetic forces.
Do not use this product near water.
Keep the Disk Array away from dust, sand, or dirt.
. Gaps and openings in the cabinet and the back
are provided for ventilation. To ensure reliable
operation and to protect it from overheating, the
gaps and openings should never be blocked
or covered by placing the product on a bed,
sofa, rug, or other similar surface
Do not place this product near or over a radiator
or heat register.
Refer to rating plate for voltage and check that
the appliance voltage corresponds to the supply
The appliance must be grounded. This product IS
equipped with a 3wire grounding-type power
cord, this power card will only tit into a
groundingtype power outlet
‘s' l l . if an extension cord or a power center is used
‘ with this product, make sure that the total of all
products plug into the wall outlet does not
exceed the ampere rating.
12. Do not place the Disk Array where the cord will
‘ be walked on.
_, 13. Never push any kind at object into this product
Z through cabinet gaps and openings, they may
touch dangerous voltage points cause a risk of
fire or electric shock.
14. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet
before cleaning. Keep the Disk Array dn/. Do not
use liquid cleaners, aerosol cleaners, or a wet
cloth. Use a damp cloth tor cleaning.
. 15, Except as specifically explained in this User's
'-i Manual, please do not attempt to service this
product by yourself. Opening or removing the
covers may expose YOU TO dangerous voltages.
to. Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer
servicing to qualified service personnel under the
following conditions '
. If this product has been exposed to water or
any liquid.
0 it the product has been dropped or the
cabrnet damaged.
Operating Environment I
When selecting a suitable working location, please consider 1
0 Ventilation
0 Temperature
0 Dust and dirt
Q Electromagnetic and Radio Frequency Interference.
0 Security
The selected location should provide at least six inches of open
space around the Disk Array Cabinet for proper air flow.
Your Disk Arrow functions best at normal room temperature Choose
a location tree from extreme heat or cold.
Warning! The Disk Arrays LCD Panel may be damaged by exposure
to intense sunlight. Limit exposure to indirect or subdued sunlight only.
Your Disk Array should be used in a clean environment that is free
from airborne contaminants such as dust, dirt, and smoke. Excessive
moisture or oil particles in the air can also hinder your system's
To reduce the possibility of data errors caused by electromagnetic
interference, locate your Disk Array at least five feet away from
electrical appliances and equipment that generates magnetic fields.
l About This Manual I
This manual serves as a useful guide you can refer to when you wish
to install and operate your Disk Array. It includes the following
information :
0 Chapter 7 . “ introduction“
Introduces you to your new Disk Arrcw‘s features and
general RAID concepts.
0 Chapter 2 : “ Getting Started "
Describes general information about this Disk Array.
0 Chapter 3 : " Configuration "
Provides a Quick and Easy way to setup this Disk Array.
0 Chapter 4 z “ Advanced Information “
Describes information in more detail.
0 Chapter 5 : " Hot-Swap "
Describes Hot~Swap components.
0 AppendixA : “ Technical Specification "
l Contents |
Chapter] : introduction
FecfurES .
General RAiD concepts
RAID Level 0
RAID Level 1
RAlD Level 5
Summary Comparison of RAiD Levels
Supported RAlD Levels
Muiti-SCSl Format support
Chapter2 : Getting Started
General Overview
Unpacking & Checklist
Choosing a place for Disk Array
identifying Ports of Disk Array
Front View 274
Rear View 25
Power Source 2-6
installing the Hard Disk Drive 2-7
Host Linkage , 2-10
PowerOn & Selflest 2-1 1
LED Display & Function Keys
LED Display 24 2
Function Keys 2-13
LCD Status Panel > 2-i 4
Chapter3 : Configuration
General OverView »- -»
Configuration from the front Panel
Configuration Procedures
Starting the Configuration
Configuration from ViiOO Terminal Mode
Configuration Procedures
Main Screen ~
Re-config RAID
Set RAID Level
Hot Spare Disk
Set SCSI |D#
Save & Restart
I “P?”
Chapter4 : Advanced Information
Memory Expansion
RAID Controller Block Diagram
Updating Firmware
Setting Up VT] 00 Terminal Emulation in Windows 95a -~
Start to Update Firmware -
Chapter 5 : Hot Swap
Removing / Installing Hard Disk Drive — —
Removing / Installing Redundant Power Supply unit v
Removing / Installing Cooling Fan
Appendix :
Technical Specifications ~ A-I
5 Chapter 1 : " Introduction " I
This chapter will introduce you to your new Disk ArrGVs features and
provide information on generot RAID concepts.
l Features I
This section provides an overview of the features. For more detailed
information, please refer to the technical specifications appendix
at the end of this manual
Your Disk Array System includes the following features ‘
Easy Operation
As everyone knows, conventional Disk Arrays are designed for
experienced computer specialists, To solve complicated and time
consuming operating procedures, Arena came up with a
revolutionary idea :
— Innovative Plug And Play RAID
As compared to a conventional Disk Arrays Iang - rtnsz, 15, 53, m
”Update mu mxsx- n wmrrm ”Haul. m u
r u- ——————— . r rc,u,=.m - («BL 16, 5:1, m
rnlsfl- I: trauma; nun”. sun
r r rc,a,s.m - (1092, 15, as, m
r rursx- lz uumux "mam. an n
r r Lu,n,s,m - uusz, 15, 53, m
~ r |v.v.. wnm Emlig min
. | mm nut: “mummy
‘ | Ian-Pluw gunman randy,
Azjov. Ewswt, Istxu, [mu Intel, le.£ultch w Outpur- A“.
Hol Spore Disk
Selecl " Yes " lo sel One Disk Drive as 0 H01 Spore Disk.
This Funcfion is only valid in RAID level 5 and the lorcl Disk Drives
inslollecl must be more lhcn 3 Disk Drives.
[ Disk Drives number > 3 ]
e [annwrfixen i575 Pound
---------------- insnnq scum“
rum“ flask comaczxnn s 5 ax,
~ lik-Conhq Mmi nun“ sun con-mum z A ox.
t' IlMLD Luv-l i lhsunv fink com-cunt; 1 3 DR.
rm: m A, i ”7190 ls numnu ulnun_ruzum
”sew-m 5p.“ stk-0 I rc,x-r,s,m - unsz, 15, n, is)
Il'ltl " J. “mm s; omnnm numu 572 u
, IISeI ins i | (C,n,s,m = unsz, is, 53, m
||su 7777777777777777 . “aux: ,5 quunm; lIlmuL 512 u.
' Il‘hensr: x |  - i¢0§2,16,52, isi t
iDISR n uvunm Iznlmu 572 1A 1
i ic,s,s,m - itnsz, is, es, isi =
WISH nz mmmm nusui. STZJA i
Irflrnnnzun r max— u numwn 1mm”. srz.u
rr < r r  = rwsz, 16, 53,15:
--¢ rnsx. u qmrmn umur. srz.u,
I “£5.10 - (1092, is, 5:1, is)
Husk (3 uuul'l'un “mun swan
r u:,n,s,m . unsz, 16, 63, x5)
rmsx £2 uunnu'u rum“. anA
r rc,fl,s,u> s (4092, M, 63, 16:
|Usc Wm tonne mso.
mm) mm conlxvurld'
rHobfluug magnum n W
Save & Restart
Select the Save & Restart function and press " Enter " to save and
act‘n/ate your selections.
Warning! All data will be lost it you change the RAID level
Saving configuration changes causes the disk array
controller's working parameters to change. This can
produce unpredictable results if it occurs during Host
and Array activity. All activity to the controller should
be stopped before saving configuration changes.
Cannquxntxnn re7s hund
--------------- mnmg scsx air
A l'Xflzmw am term-axon s 5 BK,
j Ille-Cunhv mm l'l'escmq an emu-mm z 1 fix
5 Hum anl r mun-iv aux cam-nxan 4 3 ex.
’ rm” 5p." mm lmsK- ls Wm nuBAm._mzuuA
7 its“ 3551 n) r l 1C,H,S,n) = unsz, 15, ea, 16)
lI'Itr-xnltlan l lDISK: u umrmr nnlnu 512 u
ins“ Password r 1 (C,H,S,H) = rmsz, 15, es, m
H > —. ~ ~r unsR' IS uimrnrx nnxsur. are u
lIReQ~SAve r usuzn»v r rc,r-r,s,m - uusz, 18, 53, m
lll'pl - mm» 14 arm-rim ”mam 512 u
H. r rc,rr.s,m - rusz, is, 63, 16:
rnxsx a: uum'flm nnxsm. 511 u
r (c,n,s,m - ungz, JG, 53, 16)
lnsx, xz aumrim nun”. 512 u
r (C,N,s,m - (msz, n, 63. xi:
urn Wm mm; lnto
rum not canflgflreu‘
lHot—Pluv mnmen ready
Chapter 4 : ” Advanced Inform
This chapter describes more information about your Disk Array. The
ioilowirig items are describes in detaili
- Memory Expansron
~ RAiD Controner
- Updaring Firmware
Advanced Information
_ . ‘_._“" _d v
‘ Memory Expansron I
Your Disk Array comes with BMB of memory that is expandable to
a total of l QBMB by installing additional memory modules. The
optional memory expansion socket is provided for installing
memory module. These expansion memory module can be
purchased from your dealer.
- Memory Type : The DRAM can be either éONS or 7ONS, supports
both Fast Page Mode ( FPM ) and Extended Data Output l EDO J
The main-board supports many memory combinations for
a total of up to 128MB. Memory sizes are arrived at by inserting
different combinations of SlMM DRAM modules into the RAM
sockets. The RAM sockets are numbered SlMM T and SlMM 2. The
disk array controller will automatically detect the amount or
memory installed without any jumper settings needing to be set..
The following table are the possible configurations.
Advanced lnformofion
- Installing Memory Modules :
1. Unscrew & Remove cover
Figure : Remove Cover
Advanced Information
2. install ihe memory
at The SIMM memory modules will only fit in one orientation.
o, Press the memory module firmly into socket from a 45 degree
angle, make sure hot all the contacts are aligned with The
0. Push the memory module forward to 0 vertical position
Front Panel
SiMM 2
Figure : Controller
Advanced Information
’ Disk Array Conlroller Block Diagram I
DiskDisk DiskDisk Disk Disk Host
1 2 3 4 5 6 channel
Advanced Information
Updating Firmware
i . Setup your Wt 00 Terminal
Please configure the VT] 00 terminal setting to the values shown
below :
VT] 00 terminal ( or compatible ] set up
Advanced lnformclion
Selup VT100 Terminal
Example : Selup W1 00 Terminal in Windows®95
Step I .
Step 2.
a HyperTerminaI
Advanced Information
Advanced Information
Siep 3. Enter 0 name for your Terminal.
Advanced Information
Step 4. Salem 0 connecting pon In your Terminol.’
Advanced Information
Step 5. Port parameter settings
Step a
Advanced Information
Advanced Information
Step 7. Select emulate VTT 00 made
Afler you have finished The VTT 00 Terminal selup, you may reslart
your Disk Array and press " Clrl + D " keys ( in your Terminal 110 link
The Disk Array and Termlnal logelher.
Press IE + IE To display The disk array Monitor Utility
screen on your W1 00 Terminal.
Advanced Information
Start to Update Firmware
l , Move the cursor to " Update ROM " and press "Enter".
wrr‘na I4ypur|umml
In Cenlxuurlmion |
. ---------------- um. Dxlk Arr-y cmcmuu
anrsxan LB“ 9/21/1997
tin-Cunfxq mm lS-nnl Ila: nounzznaoosm
tum Lav-l l l'hnxnv S-nu Cemnmxen, JK
um 5p.“ mm iInltnll-d Ill-uxv - “an"
lsn 5551 m | l975 1m
, lT-xnn-nxnn r r'r-snnw scsz...ur<
Ilsn Fusvard | lTnnn-nq am mam-czar”: s 5 ex.
~v rim. s run-m rruunq um mmuum z 1 ex.
IT-ninq an! cum-(tin . 3 a:
mm, 11 n“ inn-um .
lnxsu: u no: mull-a
rpxsx: u not: mnum
mm: 1: m: Lust-11.1
rprsr u not: imtlltd
mm: 15 m; tun-11.1
mu mm {outta ma,
mun m: cunhvur-d!
lflwquuq Manon ready.
Unpredictable results will occur it firmware update is attempted
during Host computer and Disk Array activity. All activity to the
controller should be stopped before updating tlrmwarel
Advanced Information
2. Press “ Y “ To confirm me UpdaTe.
ng th-
shutdau-n EM hon cum“: Ky;
‘ u you ready w dnmlals n,- ncv nun-mum” v
n yw mm (W!) 7
awn mum m. ;nmm nn'.
9 am: “unload x-nnn mg mp mu.
Advanced Information
3‘ Select Transfel " Send Text File ” and press Emen
At: You “My
‘ A" you tux-1
qqxn ham: nu "null! law.
e um: Sunnis-d "start um um mu-
Advanced Information
4. Locate the new Firmware file on your PC.
Advanced Information
5. Press " Y " To confirm to download The new firmware
and type “ Go " to confirm the new firmware update.
thore mm u-flan an: ac! tum-x
ahuuflutn the mm campuur system.
An vuu lady w flown-a me at. tlmvuz’IV/N‘y v
Ar: yuu sue’ mm 1
sewn “mm m: (Innate! n“.
u mart umnuu-c “a.“ Lb: um “any",
In; lrnnstex emvleu,
cunn- - nxctca ; ox.
n“ zit-Hue “mu: tumultu-
Intel 'Go‘ to updlu m ram-um. Go
1m: -5n‘ n, racontua. _
Advanced Information
6. Type " Go “ To reconfirm and 1he firmware will begin to be
7. Afier verifying, piease resian the Disk Array To activate the
new firmware.
Beta“ dunks-mun the nu xxx-me,
“mm m um zm-puzaz sync“.
in you ready to damn-u m u' rimnzAHY/Ni v
m ynn suxe7 mm v
Beam {Ara-axe me “mm m.
n can damn-a rest-(1 m nub mm.
rm (mum 5mm:
Cncnu - mm : 01
n" nun-re mum twitte.
[nut ‘m‘ m “pd-u m lulu-re. on
Inter me u mamm Go
aunt, - mu
vmzqu. . ._
Chapter 5 : “ Hot Swap "
This chapler explains how to remove and insiall The “Hal-Swap” pans
w‘rlhom lnlerrupring The dam access while The disk array is on.
The "Hot-Swap“ parts include :
- Hard Disk Drives
' Redundant Power Supply Units
- Cooling Fans
Follow The steps below and refer to the diagrams To remove and
insiall the “Hot-Swap“ pans.
Hot Swap
Removing / Installing Hard Disk drives I
0. Unlock the HDD troy
(When 0 HDD error occurs, The HDD LED indiccnor lighfs up “RED"J
Figure : Swap HDD [ Unlock]
b. Gently pull-out the HDD troy
Hot Swap
Figure 1 Swap HDD( Pull-out]
Hot Swap
c, Unscrew and unplug the cables
UnLug Cables
—> Unscrew
Figure ‘ Swap HDD ( Unpiug cables ]
Hot Swap
d. Replace with a new Hard Disk Drive
it must be same capacity or greater than the faulty drive, it you
replace with a Hard disk Drive of insufficient capacity, the Disk
Arrays built-in buzzer will sound and the intelligent Auto-Rebuild
function will not be started
* For best performance, we recommend you swap with an
identical Hard Disk Drive,
e. Gently Slide-in the HDD tray and lock up to start
the Auto-Rebuild
When you have installed the replacement disk drive, screw in all
the screws and plug in the cables, you may now gentry slide in
the HDD tray into the chassis and lock up it
* Data Auto-Rebuild will be started automatically when you lock
up the HDD tray.
Figure : Swap HDDl Lock Up]
Hot Swap
Removing / Installing the Redundant PIS Unit I
There are two LED indicators on the front panel which display the
status of the redundant power supplies. While the power supply
is working properly the two LED indicators light up " Green if any
one of them fall, the LED indicator wrll go off and the redundant
power supply buzzer alarm will sound.
When you need to replace the redundant power supply unit ,
refer to the redundant power supply status LED indicator on the
tram panel to find the failed power suDD'V unit and follow these
steps to swap it.
a. Unscrew the faulty unit
(For Safety reasons, you should switch off the faulty unit‘s
power switch)
Switch off
Figure : Swap P/S unit l Unscrew]
H01 Swap
b. Replace with a new power supply unit
©1555: @ E
hggggg Bu w
i “QC/LE
‘ \-\ifl
( swap wi‘fh a new unit ]
Flgure : Swap P/S un'fi
Hot Swap
c. Press the Power Supply Reset switch
When you replace a new power supply unit, you should then
push the power supply reset switch on the front panel to stop
the buzzer alarm and link the two power supply units Together.
©The new power supply unit will link with the other unit
immediately and will start working after you press the power
supply reset switch, and the buzzer warning noise will stop.
- Reset from the front panel
Reset Here
Hot Swap
Removing / Installing Cooling Fans I
- Unscrew the Fan door and open the door.
! Caution 1 Be careful . The high speed roroiing fans may harm
you. Dom Touch the rotating Fons, If necessary,
Unplug the Fan power connecior first
Unscrew Unscrew
Figure : Swap cooiing Fcrn [ Unscrew the Fan Door)
Hot Swap
- Unplug lhe Fan connector
- Unscrew the faulty cooling fan and replace with cr
good one
filmporlanl l The cooling fon‘s air flow must point lo the fan
door, please refer lo the label on The cooling fan.
- Plug in lhe fan conneclor, close the fan door
and screw ll in
! Caution : The cooling fan will rolole immediately when you
plug in The fan power conneclorr
Technical Specifications
Cache Memory
Minimum 4MB (léMB‘)
Maximum 128MB [Two 64MB SlMMs)
DRAM Slots Two
Module Type 72 Pin SIMMs
DRAM Type 500 (Exlended Dara Oulpul) or
FPM (Fasl Page Mode) Type
DRAM Speed 70ns, 60ns
RAS access time 60ns~ 70ns
CAS access time lUns~25ns
Parity Either parll'y or non-porily
Read Cache Read-Ahead
Wrile cache er‘le Through or Write Back“
Firmware Flash EEPROM ,256K x 8
SCSI I/O Processor
Serial Por1 lx res-232 (Asynchronous) Port
Baud Rate 19,200 (Bits Per Second]
Data Blls 8
Slop Bit 1
Parlly None
RAID Levels 0 . l or 5
Data Transfer Role
SCSI lD Assignment
Up to AOMB/s (Synchronous)
Tagged-command queuing Up lo 255 simultaneous data
Interface: Host Bus
Disk Bus
Maximum Fault
Tolerant Capacity
Drive MTBF
Host Requirement
Operating Systems
Data Rebuild
LCD Display Panel
Cooling Fans
Power Supply Capach
AC Input Voltage
Relative Humidity
Temperature Operating :
Storage :
Safety testing
" * “ Default Settings
Ultra-Wide SCSI-3 ( 68 pin )
E-IDE with Ultra DMA Support
Hot Swap. User Replaceable
Up to Six 3.5lnch drIvest 1" height)
> 500,000 hrs
Host Independent
O/S Independent and Transparent
Automatic Data Regeneration
2 x 16 Characters
ch Ball Bearing Fan * 4
écm Ball Bearing Fan * 1
Dual 250W Independent Power
110/220V( +/10%) , 60/50 Hz
10% to 85% Non-condensing
5°C ~ 40°C
-25°C ~ 60°C
Under apply CE and FCC Class B
483mm(W] * 400mm(D) * l75mm(H)
15 kgs (W/O Disk Drive]
"’ Various trademarks belong to their respective owners.

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : Yes
Create Date                     : 2001:05:01 22:38:01
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Author                          : VicodinES /CB /TNN
Title                           : 79981.pdf
Modify Date                     : 2001:05:01 22:38:43-04:00
Page Count                      : 88
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