Megatech MTC8340 Transmitter of A7 Tornado Electric Airplane User Manual
Megatech International Inc. Transmitter of A7 Tornado Electric Airplane Users Manual
Megatech >
Users Manual
Technical assistance is also avaitaue tin-tine atwwmegsleohmrri orby emai to questions@rnegateottmm congratulations, You have just purchased a radio controlled A7 Tomaflo that inonrpnrates some of the most ledinimlty advanced electronics available All of this technology combines to make the A7 Toniado incredibly stable and one of the easrest R/C airplanes to fly in the world READ ENTIRE MANUAL FIRST BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO FLY ’ACKAGE CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS \SSEMBLY. IHARGING ONBOARD BATTERY PACK ‘RE-FLIGHT CHECK rLIGHT SCHOOL. 3LYING TlPS,,,, 'ROUBLESHO0TING REPAIRI REPLACEMENT& SPARE PARTS LIS VARRANTY..... SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 40:9in CAUTIONI! KEEP FACE. Eyes, HAIR AND LOOSE OBJECTS AWAY FROM THE AIR INTAKE AND EXHAUST. FAILURE TO no so MAY RESULT IN SEVERE INJURY, KEEP AIR INTAKE AND EXHAUST FREE FROM ANY DEBRIS. BEFORE REMOVING ANY DEBRIS MAKE SURE THE MODEL IS OFF AND ALWAYS REMOVE FROM THE EXHAUST SIDE! Important! Betore you begin, please man all safety precaim‘omand warnings. Fallure tn comply with any at the lollowing coutd lead to bodily harm or injury Th. Megatech A7 Tornado is not Intended for those mid-112 yum Mage without preps adult supervision, SAFETY PRECAUTIONS TRANSMITTER SAFETY Thisdevrse mmplieswim part 15 u‘FCC rules Operation sum-e: lo the [allowing twc scrim-ions (I this dam fray not case ha'mhil i-ireirerence arid (leris device ‘rlusl swap: any interterence remixed, IMJHQ inler‘erenoe that may arise undesired operation SAFETY GUIDEUNES - Belore you begin to fly lock at me trenuenq shutter 01 are be: It uIywl .i'3fl$’i'll121& make stli no one i-i the area is an the 53m lrequectq - You alcr‘e arr: responsible for ocerat 1g ywr mace! In a sale man-e- Wren f‘ylngi yau sis responstle tor your own safefy aim we safety at ctheis around you F etc/i these basic safety guidelines at all times - when ooeratmg ahvays be aware oltlie spinning impe‘er Be careful not to letmem cone dose to your person miners anai‘nr loose dotting ~ Aways 51 your airplane m a WIDE-cpst area You‘ll need at least rm loctball fetus worth at area that ls tree from abszuctms sum as buildings eleqnc power lines trees mans other peaple and vehicles Do not by around people who are unaware that you are fylng a model airplane and never 'l',‘ our people's heads - Do not $1 yau'model .r other models are being oceraled in me area on the same rrmnqi ~ D: nol attempt to deasserrble any 01 the model's corrponerlts or alvw them to get wet Electrical damage may 00er - Never fly your mane! from macwzys of ether dark - Keep spectators belvnd You when flying ~ Be‘ore flying make sure yau perform a range check to be sure you can maintan cmlrol a: lea: ZSIeet from ti-a’tsmrtter la model With the transmitter antenna extended - since your maoel is controlled by a radio Ilnk it is very moment to always keep a fresh altering aaltary in the transmitter - Never use snlrents or Ilmzd cleaners to dean the mode Dung so may damage the unit o' elemmics Dflh‘ use a my son chlhfcrdeanlng RECHARGEAELE BATTERY WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS - ALLOW BATTERY T0 WOL COMPLETELY BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO CHARGE - Ne-ier have the Vehde engtne running during margin; prongs This may cause overcharging rd 5 possible fire - Never leave battery unattended whv'e charging -Neirer attempt to charge a battery that appears damaged - Never marge longer than in rmrrtes -Nerer place a charging Samar] cu ywr ca's seets ur eansnle bul ta: her a rim 3 heat reststa‘tl material such as an oven int: (I) 5; l'l'l “I. -< (I) Nickel-metal hydride batteries must be disposed of property, For current regulations in your area and properdisposal sites please call 1430082245837 or visit wwwrbrcorg 3l PACKAGE CONTENTS PREPARING TRANSMITTER b Belore getting started you win need: Transmitter requires 8-‘AA’ Alkaline batteries (sold separately) 5 ‘AA’AIkaIme batteries (sold separately) Screwdriver (sold spearately), Scotch’ ’) Rem“ the “my CW‘Panml‘l W” Tape (Optional) located on the bad< of the transmitter by Slldlng it down. b) Insert 8 'AA'Alkalne batteries, Be sure to check the batteries for correct polarity placemenL lf LED still falls, contact ASSEMBLY Megatech at 1-888-634-2911. ATTACHING THE WlNGS CHARGING ONBOARD BATTERY PACK 1] Locate a left and right wrng hall, Carefully remove ptotectrve paper from the double sided MAKE SURE BATTERY ls COMFLETELYCOOL BEFORE tape on each, ATTEMPTING TO CHARGE. FAILURE TO DO 80 WILL CAUSE 2) Push one oi the mounting screws through the screw hole on each wing hall so the bottom of the screw comes through the tape PERMANENT DAMAGE TO THE EATTERYAND POSSIBLE BODILY HARM 3) Before pressing the wing haltinto place. align the wing edge to the fuselage and start 1) Remove battery from airplane. (Do NOT leave battery inside (It in Use the lollowing l’tt pictureto 9“ match the '+‘ and polarity symbols in the g acquainted with the transmitter wrth each battery E parts at your plane 5) Replace battery hatch cover. < included in this d) Locate transmitter antenna insert and screw ~ u package into the top of the transmitter. 2 DO NOT over tighten! ' a: ifizffier e) Tum the transmitter “Power“ swutch to ON g cg Transmitter Antenra position, The red and green LED lights Will 0 or Battery Flight Pack illuminate? i E. Quick Charger Q E Right Wing Hall (21 NOTE: II the LED does NOT illuminate, do a. ten Wing Hall (2) NOTattempt to fly yourart Make sure you W H- Mul-‘f'ltrlg SUEWS are using all Ireslr alkaline batteries and P1 -< screwing the mounting screw just until you feel it pull down to make sure it is lined up correctly. . . . 4) Push the vn'ng edge onto the fuselage until secure 2) gggagznfiyifgfirge'r 5) Finish tightening the mounting screw DO NOT over tighten 3) Make 5 m 91 is my mm. m and plug charge! into vehicle 5) Repeat lor both right and tell w'ng pieces cigayene lighter. 4) Rotate timer dial to the 10 ninute mark, The LED wfll illuminate. T"_"1 F‘" “W NOTE: ll LED does NOT illuminate first check the battery and reinforcement, cigarette lighter connections I! it still does not illuminate call apply a algae Megaloch at 1-BBH34-2911 ot Scotch tape 5) Once the LED goes out, the battery will bewarrn to the touch and i ”f“ the secured completely allergen Disconnect at once. wt ng as shown. CAUTIONt! 00 nor CHARGE BATTERY MORE THAN to nurtures CHARGING LONGER MAY DAMAGE we BATTERY AND REDUCE PERFORMANCE “hum-aw...» CYCLING BA! [ERY PACK FLIGHT SCHOOL For peak performance and optimum flight duration, It is important to cycle the rechargeable flight battery pack 3 times before flylng. I! you are under the age of 12, he sure to fly with adult supervision. 2: 32:33: 37,122 fifimfiggxfii use a 1) Choose a Flying Site a Weather Conditions connect hatteryto airplane - Choose a large soft grassy open area to fly in such as a football orsoocer 3) Securely hold the airplane's fuselage underneath the wings field Do not fly in a street or parking lot. With the nose lacing away from you Be sure it is as tar away as ' Never tly near cars, people. pets, power lines. trees, houses. buildings or water. possible from your person and any loose dothlng or jewelry 4) Turn the transmtter to the ‘ON‘ positron - Be sure to keep your hands. eyes and lace away lrum air intake, exhaust and jet impeller blades. 5] Swrtctl the plane to the ‘ON‘ position 6) Push the lefiharvd stick attire transmer (the tlvoltte sock) . Choose a day with little orno wind. Do completely forward until the battery runs Otl - ~ . 7) Allow battery to cool COMPLETELY . am“, g’figfigm‘lfirfié at Recharge the battery and repeat process 2 more times comfortable (around 55F-85F degrees) PRE—FLI GH T CHECK so that the air is fairly dense Important Tip: Always perform me metor~clleelr and radio-range check with ' gv:£:ed§es:ggtbe less than 2.000 the help of a friend or parent Doing so alone may cause the model to get ' away from you and causo damage. 2] Pre-Ftlght Checklist (Perform in order listed) B- FEE-FLIGHT CHEC RADIO RANGE CHECK D Fully extend transmitter antenna - 1)Make sure both the airplane and transmitter are in the ‘OFF' position and plug a D "we" mu” charged pattery Wk “1° fuselage charged battery into the airplane battery hatch. D M." transmnterlfiht ZlTurn the swrtoll on the transmitter to the '0N' position and extend the antenna fully D zzxzsgpeiquZT transmitter ‘5 always the first thing on and me last thing o It 3’ Swrtch the power s.“"’°h on the attplane to the ON posrtron. . E] Holding the plane away from you. move the fight transmitter stick to ensure that the nrdder Note: The transmrttar is always the first thing on, and the last thing otl. "we; tell and right amordrngty 4) Have a friend/parent holdtt'le airplane's fuselage undertfle “m an“ 7 ‘ wings with the nose pointing away from him/her and away 3) Launching Airplane from their person and loose clothing. - Always launch your airplane mm the wind, so 5) Walk 25-11 away from airplane. begin truth the wind blowing irlto your face, Hold lane's ftl e dire: under the wt w Start slim ptarlesglfve yourusztloulders. "95 - Move the tell-hand stick forward—the motor should run. - Release the Ieltttand stink—the motor should stop. Using the horizon as a Megree point at reterenoe, take about 5 steps and loss the plane at a 5 degree upward angle into the wind. Mo ~ Emma“ CONTRQL CHECK . l Use about the same force it take to throw a dart at a dart board. - ve the nghthand stlck to the fight—the rudder should move to the right . : you have Ietgootthe plane continues) hold the let hand control such Mm,“ ' 23W “3:28:33;th . oo llror roucH makiorr'rcorrrnoL snort on PLANE wru. cmsrullwrlne —“'° . (mitotSUtk Control Stick ‘ - - ~ 1 move to the Iett. 1 Rent WM Le" MM; plane to reach sufficient altitude before attenptlng to turn (about 50 set) 1 Rudder flight If yourairphne dons not . A ~ respond from 25 feetaway ‘ ' do NOT attempt to fly. Comet legatech at 1m-mzs11 for itherasslmnoe Push left hand comrol stick at the way forward oust-lame 4) Turning . Onoe your airplane has reached 50 leet above the ground you are ready to begin turning. You want to keep the model within 100 leet ol you at all times. Beginners: Start with large oval circle paltems while learning. Lott Turn: Keep ttre throttlellelt hand stick torward. Gently pulse/kip the right hand stick to the LEFT 1-2 times. allowing it to return to the center. . Right Turn: Keep the throttle/tell hand slick lorward. Gently pulse/tap the right - hand stick to the RIGHT 1~2 times. allowing it to return to the center WARNING: Holding right control stlck to the right or left for more than 1-2 seconds at a time Will cause the airplane to crash Flyirg toward you can be very tridiy because the airplane will appear to be Iuming in the wrong direction. To regain orientation, imagine you are sitting in the pflot seat ol the airplane. , it the aiplane gains too much altitude. try releasing the throttle and continue gliding and tuning until you reach a more comfortahle altitude. Landlng hen you notice the nose of the airplane drop slightly or it is unable to d‘rnb. it is line to rid. You wi st! have enough poms over the controls to set the airplane up tor a landing. Always kid with the airplane nose going into the wtnd Set yourplane up to fade into the wind by maklng very gentle shallow turns. IMPORTANT: D0 NOTA'ITEMPT TO HAKEANY TURNS WHEN DIE PLANE IS UNDER 25 FEE T FROM THE GROUND, THIS WILL RESULTINA CRASH. Once you are on the final landing approach and your plane is faring into the Wild. gently let the airplaneglide to the ground on it's own. Only use rrinor controls to keep the wingt‘ms bvel until the plane touches down. AS YOU NEAR THE GROUND, RELEASE THE THRO'I'IlE COMPLETELY TO PREVENT DBRIS FROM BEING SUCKED INTO THE AIR INTAKES AND GETTING CAUGHT IN THE IMPELLER. FLYING TIPS - Keep lheplane flying cum from olyouand don't let it pass over head ilpossible This can be very risorientrng - team to lly oval circuits out in lront oi you in both directions vmie marntarmng attrtude then, advance to figure-85, - As your flying skill improves. you will recognize air thennals losing pockets at air) that wrl greatly increase your fligtl nine - It you apply lull throttle too long. the model may nose up too much and slafl, To overuo . release the throttle and let plane glide until the nose becomes parallel With the ground. then appty throttle again, ' Always use Iresh alkaline battenes in youtransmilter to ensue said radio signal. - Alter eam flight. make sue the airplane is tun-red ‘OFF' and examine inside for any trapped debris - Waring sunglmses will help you be able to locate flte airplane at all times i r The airplane's antenna appears as a wire hanging out at the fuselage. Do NOT trim the antenna It is cut to a specific frequency length. Curling it would drasu’wty allect radio range. f TROUBLESHOOTING II you are experiencing trouble. please follow these guldelines or all one of our MegaTechnidans at 148836342911. We will have you up and flying in no time! 401) Dive , y r A1) cm Sides 5. bendelevator up Q2 _ _ - A2) ng not secured properly l A3) Launch straight toward horizon l02] Climb and stall A1) Cut sides & bend elevator down 03) No power/short flight duration A1) Cyde battery {see page 6) EPAIR, REPLACEMENT & SPARE PARTS LIST WARRANTY ' Fix and minor wing tears with dear Megatectrct Limited Warranty par-king lane - YourA7 comes with an extra serct main wing sections. Simply unscrew and remove damaged or broken wing completely. Replace with the new wing set. Follow the wing attachment instructions on page 4 of this manual MegateoMJ International guarantees this item to be free from detects for a period or 90 days from date at purchase. This wan-anty does not extend beyond the initial preflight testing, Caretully check parts and operation BEFORE your first tligtit. Dari-rage incurred during flying. landing, crashing or modification is not covered under the warranty. If you discover detects during the very first prettight lasing (pg. 6 at this manual) during this 90 day period. please all our Support Team loll tree at 1-888-634-2911 PAR” DESCRIPTION for Return Authorization. It in our opinion atter inspecting the product we determine FIELD CHARGER ii to be defective; we will repair or replaoe it at our discretion. Dc QUICK CHARGER HIGH PERFORMANCE RECHARGEABlE BATTERY PACK Contact the Megalach® Inlemalional Service Department before reluming any item MAIN WING SET that is detective according to the limitations isled above, 534007 TAIL WING 3510 p03] ll you are issued return authorization and asked to send the item to our Servioe CANOPY r BATTERY HATCH Deml Please follow these steps COMPLETE MAIN AND TAIL WING SET WITH CANOPY Remove the battery pack from the airplane and the alkaline batteries from A.l.N VUUVM 12 Q. in n: it“. in r: the transmitter. Changes or modifications not expressly approved . pack the rerun“ item(s) wemy and place in a sturdy shipping am" by the party responsible for oomplianw could - Return the mods»: along with Wozlfot purchase ' ' r h i mem_ ~ lrtdude a letter scribing the pro em vord the users authonty to ope ate t e equ p _ Mude your address and telephone number Megatecn International ATTN: Service Department 8300 Tonnelle Avenue North Bergen, ru 07047 (201) 562-2300 This warranty does not cover any damage caused by use, misuse, alteration, accident, or neglect. nor does it cover normal wear and tear ot the product Product returned to us wnidr falls under this category erI be submitted to our service department tor repair. We reserve me right to charge any service and parts tees incured when repairing the item. Although this warranty does not cover and damage caused to the plane after the init'al prefliglrt testing. spare parts and service are available. Please see pg. 10 of this manual. .mrr=r=ro.m.m-rrugmswmmer,araummumrmumamrmmamr rwrrvmr mmwwdflm wnfllflil my marmnnmnminmmnnumrmm, watnalmotmot nun-n rte-mas mime-menurrr lnrmintu'yn meydlaqv ruutrrpfiurun w mslrmalmmaymwrrmdnm Wrsmflty‘m'd rmmin malio'rsas um nurse u ~wqmm=ianm uwmn-miamunumnyrr
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