Megatech MTC95XX Chopper 1 Ambulance Design Helicopter User Manual manual
Megatech International Inc. Chopper 1 Ambulance Design Helicopter manual
Megatech >
User Manual
Flight Manual Entire contents Š Megatech 2008 Chopper1.indd 1 Rev. 200808121700 8/12/2008 4:52:40 PM Chopper1.indd 2-3 Safety Precautions........................................................................ 3 Package Contents......................................................................... 4 The Radio System ......................................................................... 4 Installing The Batteries ............................................................... 5 Charging Your Chopper-1 ......................................................... 6 Pre-Flight Checks ........................................................................... 7 Flight School ................................................................................... 8 Repairing Your Chopper-1....................................................... 10 Parts List......................................................................................... 11 Troubleshooting ......................................................................... 12 FCC Emissions Information ..................................................... 14 Warranty ........................................................................................ 15 TABLE OF CONTENTS IMPORTANT NOTE: The warranty covers manufacturerâs defects only and does NOT cover damage caused by operator error. Spare parts, baeries, and accessories are available. READ ENTIRE MANUAL FIRST BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO FLY Technical assistance is also available on the web at Call our Service Department at: (201) 662-8500 or email 10am - 5pm EST Monday through Friday (except holidays) DO NOT RETURN THIS PRODUCT TO THE STORE If you have questions about operating or assembling your new Megatech product... Please Call Megatech First! 8/12/2008 4:52:40 PM t 5IF-JUIJVN1PMZNFSCBUUFSZJTGBDUPSZJOTUBMMFEJOUPZPVS$IPQQFSBOEQSPWJEFTTVQFSJPSQFSGPSNBODF CVUIBTTQFDJmDDIBSHJOHSFRVJSFNFOUTEJĂľFSFOUUIBOUIBUPGPUIFSCBUUFSZUZQFTTVDIBT/J$BE /J.) other rechargeable batteries. Improper handling of Lithium Polymer batteries could result in the battery drastically overheating, so please follow all warnings and instructions. t "--08*/5&3/"-'-*()51"$,50$00-'03.*/65&4"'5&3&"$)'-*()5#&'03&"55&.15*/(50 3&$)"3(& t /FWFSMFBWFUIF$IPQQFSQMVHHFEJOUPUIFDIBSHFSXIFOJUJTOPUJOVTF%BNBHFUPUIFPOCPBSE battery can occur. t 4FFDIBSHJOHTBGFUZVOEFSUIFDIBSHJOHTFDUJPOPOQBHFGPSBEEJUJPOBMXBSOJOHT RECHARGEABLE BATTERY WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS t :PVBMPOFBSFSFTQPOTJCMFGPSPQFSBUJOHZPVS$IPQQFSJOBTBGFNBOOFS8IFOnZJOH ZPVBSF responsible for your own safety and the safety of others around you. Follow these basic safety guidelines at all times. t &YUSFNFDBSFNVTUCFUBLFOJOIBOEMJOHUIF$IPQQFS%POPUDSVTI TUFQPSTJUPOZPVS$IPQQFS t "MUIPVHIUIFSPUPSBOEUBJMCMBEFTPOUIF$IPQQFSBSFWFSZTNBMMBOEnFYJCMFUIFZTIPVMETUJMMCF USFBUFEXJUISFTQFDUBOEDBVUJPO6TFDBSFXIFOPQFSBUJOHZPVS$IPQQFS,FFQZPVSIBOET mOHFSTBOE any article of clothing away from the spinning rotor and tail blades. t "MXBZTnZZPVS$IPQQFSJOBXJEFPQFOSPPN.BLFTVSFUIBUUIFnJHIUBSFBJTGSFFGSPNPCTUSVDUJPOT :PVS$IPQQFSJTFYUSFNFMZMJHIUXFJHIUBOEPCTUBDMFTDBOEBNBHFUIFIFMJDPQUFSPSDBVTFJUUPDSBTI t %POPUnZBSPVOEQFPQMFXIPBSFVOBXBSFUIBUZPVBSFnZJOHUIF$IPQQFS BOEOFWFSnZPWFSQFPQMFT IFBET,FFQTQFDUBUPSTCFIJOEZPVXIFOnZJOH t %POPUBUUFNQUUPEJTBTTFNCMFBOZPGUIF$IPQQFSDPNQPOFOUTPSBMMPXUIFNUPHFUXFUPSFMFDUSJDBM damage may occur. If the Chopper-1 ever comes in contact with any moisture, dry it carefully and allow it to stand overnight before attempting to use it again. t /FWFSVTFTPMWFOUTPSMJRVJEDMFBOFSTUPDMFBOUIF$IPQQFS%PJOHTPNBZEBNBHFUIFVOJUPS electronics. Only use a dry, soft cloth for cleaning. t :PVS$IPQQFSnJFTTMPXMZBOEJTDBQBCMFPGUVSOJOHXJUIJOUIFDPOmOFTPGBOBWFSBHFTJ[FEMJWJOHSPPN EJOJOHSPPN PSTNBMMPĂśDF*GZPVDIPPTFUPnZJOEPPST CSFF[FTGSPNGBOT BJSDPOEJUJPOJOHPSFWFOB person walking by can aďŹect its performance. t :PVS$IPQQFSNBZCFnPXOPVUTJEF*GZPVDIPPTFUPnZPVUTJEF UIFSFNVTUCF;FSP8JOEBTUIF $IPQQFSJTFYUSFNFMZMJHIU*GUIFSFJTBOZXJOEUIF$IPQQFSTnJHIUQBUIDPVMECFESBNBUJDBMMZ aďŹected. t ,FFQUIF$IPQQFSBXBZGSPNIFBUPSmSF/FWFSMFBWFUIF$IPQQFSPSUSBOTNJUUFSJOEJSFDUTVOMJHIUGPS any length of time. SAFETY GUIDELINES t4JODFZPVSNPEFMJTDPOUSPMMFECZBSBEJPMJOLJUJTWFSZJNQPSUBOUUPBMXBZTVTFGSFTIBMLBMJOFCBUUFSJFTJO the transmitter. When the red LED light becomes dim or does not glow on the transmitter, immediately install fresh batteries. Failure to do so could result in loss of control and (most likely) a crash. t/FWFSNJYPMEBOEOFXCBUUFSJFT%POPUNJY"MLBMJOF TUBOEBSE$BSCPO;JODPSSFDIBSHFBCMF /JDLFM $BENJVN /JDLFM.FUBM)ZESJEFPS-JUIJVN t"MXBZTSFNPWFCBUUFSJFTGSPNUIFUSBOTNJUUFSXIFOZPVIBWFmOJTIFEnZJOHGPSUIFEBZ%POPUTUPSF batteries inside the transmitter. t#FGPSFZPVCFHJOnZJOH MPPLBUUIFGSFRVFODZTUJDLFSPOUIFCBDLPGZPVSUSBOTNJUUFSPSUIFCPUUPNPG ZPVS$IPQQFSBOENBLFTVSFOPPOFJOUIFBSFBJTPOUIFTBNFGSFRVFODZ%POPUnZZPVS$IPQQFSJG other radio controlled devices are being operated on the same frequency. TRANSMITTER SAFETY (See Page 14 for complete FCC information) SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Important! Before you begin, please read all safety precautions and warnings. Failure to comply with any of the following could lead to bodily harm or injury. The Megatech Chopper-1 is not intended for use by those under 8 years of age without proper adult supervision. A. D. B. G. C. E. C. F. A. B. D. Chopper1.indd 4-5 THE CONTROLS A. Throttle Control Stick8IFOUIJTDPOUSPMTUJDLJTBMMUIFXBZJOUIFiEPXOw PS pulled back) position, the motor is oďŹ. For safety, make sure the throttle control TUJDLJTJOUIFiEPXOwQPTJUJPOCFGPSFTXJUDIJOHPOUIF$IPQQFSTPUIFSPUPS CMBEFTEPOPUVOFYQFDUFEMZHPPO The rotor blade speed increases as the throttle control stick is moved up (or forward). The Chopper-1 gains altitude as power is increased, and descends as power is decreased. Full power is reached when the throttle control stick is positioned all the way forward. RADIO SYSTEM "$IPQQFSNJDSPIFMJDPQUFS B. Transmitter w/ integrated peak charger C. Spare tail rotor blade (1) D. Transmitter antenna First make sure the contents of your QBDLBHFBSFDPNQMFUF #FGPSFHFUUJOHTUBSUFEZPVXJMMOFFE ti""w7"MLBMJOFCBUUFSJFT (sold separately) PACKAGE CONTENTS 8/12/2008 4:52:42 PM 3FBUUBDIUIFCBUUFSZIBUDITFDVSFXJUIUIF hold-down screw. (Do not over tighten) 5) Locate the transmitter antenna. Insert and thread the antenna into the top of the transmitter and rotate the antenna clockwise VOUJMJUJTUJHIU%0/05PWFSUJHIUFO IMPORTANT! If the transmitter batteries are not installed according to proper polarity, the transmitter will not function and electrical damage may occur. #FTVSFUIBUCPUIUIFUSBOTNJUUFS$IPQQFSQPXFSTXJUDIFTBSFJOUIFi0''w position. 6TJOHB1IJMJQT)FBETDSFXESJWFS VOTDSFXUIFCBUUFSZIBUDIIPMEEPXOTDSFX BOE remove the hatch. *OTUBMMGSFTI""7BMLBMJOFCBUUFSJFTJOUIF transmitter, paying close attention to the QPMBSJUZTZNCPMT 5SBOTNJUUFSSFRVJSFTi""w7BMLBMJOFCBUUFSJFT(sold separately) INSTALLING THE BATTERIES G. Power Switch - Turns your transmitter on and oďŹ. F. Power & Charge LEDs - The bottom most LED illuminates green when the transmitter is in the charging mode. When the top most LED illuminates red, the USBOTNJUUFSQPXFSJT0/BOEZPVIBWFBEFRVBUFQPXFSUPDPOUSPMZPVS$IPQQFS If the red LED light becomes dark or does not glow on the transmitter, the USBOTNJUUFSCBUUFSJFTBSFMPXBOENVTUCFSFQMBDFE/FWFSBUUFNQUUPnZXIFO the red LED light is dim or does not glow! This will result in loss of control and a possible crash. Contact our service center at 201-662-8500 if you think there may be a problem with your radio system. E. Hover-Only Mode - There is a counterweight located inside the center of the charging cord compartment. The weight is added to the tail of the helicopter to BMMPXGPSIPWFSJOHPOMZ TJODFUIFIFMJDPQUFSOBUVSBMMZnJFTGPSXBSEEVSJOHnJHIU 4FFnJHIUTFDUJPOGPSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPO D. Charging Cord - Located inside a compartment at the base of the transmitter and used when charging the Chopper-1. C. Tail Rotor Trim Dial5IJTBEKVTUTGPSTUSBJHIUBOETUBCMFnJHIUXIFOUIFUBJMSPUPS control stick is in the neutral position. B. Tail Rotor Control Stick - This control stick will spin the Chopper-1 clockwise or DPVOUFSDMPDLXJTFEFQFOEJOHPOUIFDPOUSPMJOQVU/PUF:PVDBOPOMZVTFUIFUBJM rotor control stick when throttle input is given. Chopper1.indd 6-7 Note: Charge time may vary depending on how much power the Chopper-1âs ďŹight pack has and also how much power is left in the transmitter batteries. 1) The Chopper-1 features an automatic peak-sensing charging circuit built into the transmitter. 2) The charging cord is located behind the door on the bottom left of the transmitter. Push on the side of the door and lift to open the compartment and access the cord. 3) Make sure that the power switch on the Chopper-1 BOEUIFUSBOTNJUUFSBSFCPUITFUUPi0''w 4) Plug the charging cord into the Chopper-1 charging receptacle located under the on/oďŹ switch. Pay close attention to the polarity of the charging connector. 5) The green LED on the transmitter will illuminate when charging is in process and will automatically turn oďŹ when charging is complete. CHARGING YOUR CHOPPER-1 ATTENTION PARENTS:5IFDIBSHJOHTZTUFN XJSF BOEBMMFMFDUSJDBMDPOOFDUJPOTOFFEUPCF QFSJPEJDBMMZFYBNJOFEGPSQPUFOUJBMDPOEJUJPOTUIBUNBZSFTVMUJOUIFSJTLPGmSF FMFDUSJDBM TIPDL PSJOKVSZUPQFSTPOT*OUIFFWFOUPGTVDIDPOEJUJPOT UIFIB[BSEPVTQBSUTTIPVMEOPU CFVTFEVOUJMQSPQFSMZSFQBJSFEPSSFQMBDFE Note: Please be aware that it is normal for the transmitter to become warm during the charging process. READ THIS SECTION BEFORE CHARGING YOUR BATTERY PACK FOR THE FIRST TIME! t/&7&3$)"3(&:063$)011&3'03.03&5)"/.*/65&4 t"--08*/5&3/"-#"55&3:1"$,50$00-'03.*/65&4"'5&3&"$)'-*()5#&'03& "55&.15*/(503&$)"3(& t/FWFSVTFBOZUIJOHCVUUIFDIBSHJOHTZTUFNJOUIFUSBOTNJUUFSUPDIBSHFUIF$IPQQFS 6TJOHBOZPUIFSDIBSHFSDPVMESFTVMUJOEBNBHFUPUIFCBUUFSZBOEBQPTTJCMFmSF t5IFCBUUFSZDIBSHFSJTQBSUPGUIFUSBOTNJUUFSBOEJTEFTJHOFETQFDJmDBMMZGPSUIFCBUUFSZJO ZPVS$IPQQFS*UTIPVMEOPUCFVTFEUPDIBSHFBOZPUIFSUZQFPGCBUUFSZ"UUFNQUJOHUP DIBSHFBCBUUFSZPUIFSUIBOUIFUZQFJODMVEFEXJUIUIF$IPQQFSXJMMSFTVMUJOEBNBHFUP CPUIUIFDIBSHFSBOEUIFCBUUFSZ t/FWFSMFBWFUIF$IPQQFSVOBUUFOEFEXIJMFDIBSHJOH CAUTION NOTE: If the red LED does not illuminate or is dim change the transmitter batteries with fresh alkaline batteries. If the transmitter LED still does not illuminate contact Megatech Service Department at 201662-8500 for further assistance. 5VSOUIF5SBOTNJUUFS0/UPNBLFTVSFUIBUUIFSFE-&%JMMVNJOBUFTCSJHIUBOEUIF USBOTNJUUFSQPXFSTVQBOEUIFOUVSOUIFUSBOTNJUUFS0'''SFTI"MLBMJOFCBUUFSJFT will provide about 3-hours or more of power to the transmitter depending on use. 8/12/2008 4:52:43 PM If your Chopper-1 does not respond from 25 feet away, do NOT attempt to ďŹy. Contact Megatech at (201)662-8500 for further assistance. 7) Once this is complete turn the Chopper-1 OFF and then turn OFF the transmitter. NOTE: It might be diďŹcult for you to tell which way the tail motor is spinning. You can also perform this check when you start to ďŹy by moving the control stick and seeing which way the Chopper-1 spins after it has been trimmed correctly by following the directions on page 9. TAIL ROTOR CHECK t "EWBODFUIFUISPUUMFÂGPSXBSEBOEIPMEJUUIFSF t .PWFUIFSJHIUDPOUSPMTUJDLUPUIFSJHIUÂ5IFUBJMSPUPSTIPVMETQJODPVOUFS DMPDLXJTF 5IJTXJMMTQJOUIFIFMJDPQUFSDMPDLXJTFXIFOJOnJHIU t .PWFUIFSJHIUDPOUSPMTUJDLUPUIFMFGUÂ5IFUBJMSPUPSTIPVMETQJODMPDLXJTF 5IJTXJMMTQJOUIFIFMJDPQUFSDPVOUFSDMPDLXJTFXIFOJOnJHIU MOTOR CHECK t "EWBODFUIFUISPUUMFWFSZTMPXMZÂ5IFNBJOCMBEFTTIPVMETQFFEVQ t .PWFUIFUISPUUMFTUJDLCBDLÂ5IFNBJOCMBEFTTIPVMETMPXEPXOBOEUIFOTUPQ when the stick is in the back position. .BLFTVSFCPUIUIF$IPQQFSBOEUSBOTNJUUFSQPXFSBSFA0'' $IFDLUPNBLFTVSFUIFUISPUUMFDPOUSPMTUJDLJTJOUIFiEPXOw CBDL QPTJUJPO /PXUVSO0/UIFUSBOTNJUUFS BOEUIFOUVSO0/UIF MOTOR CHECK ADVANCE Chopper-1. Make sure that the transmitter antenna is THROTTLE STICK GVMMZFYUFOEFE )BWFBGSJFOEQBSFOUIPMEUIFCBTFPGUIF$IPQQFS fuselage with the rotors pointing away from him/her and away from their person and loose clothing. 5) Walk 25-ft away from the Chopper-1. 25 FEET 6) Check the motor and tail rotor controls as follows. Important Tip: Always perform a motor-check and radio-range check with the help of a friend or parent. Doing so alone may cause the Chopper-1 to get away from you and cause damage. RADIO RANGE CHECK Before you switch ON your Chopper-1 ALWAYS make sure to release the throttle control stick (left) so the rotor blades do not start up unexpectedly when the Chopper-1 is switched ON. Always follow the safety start up procedure. PRE-FLIGHT CHECK NOTE: THE TRANSMITTER IS ALWAYS THE FIRST TO BE SWITCHED ON, AND THE LAST TO BE SWITCHED OFF! Chopper1.indd 8-9 LEFT TURN RIGHT TURN 7) Turning the Chopper-1 is accomplished by pushing the tail rotor control stick on the transmitter in the appropriate direction. To turn the Chopper-1 to the right, push the tail rotor control stick to the right. To turn the Chopper-1 to the left, push the tail rotor control stick to the left. The Chopper-1 will continue to turn as long as you are holding the control stick. 'PSXBSEnJHIUJTFBTZTJODFUIF$IPQQFSOBUVSBMMZnJFTGPSXBSEBUBTMPXTQFFE XJUIPVUBOZBEEJUJPOBMDPOUSPMTUJDLJOQVU"MMZPVOFFEUPEPJTSFEJSFDUUIF $IPQQFSTnJHIUQBUIVTJOHUIFUBJMSPUPSDPOUSPMTUJDL Tip: Always gradually increase or decrease throttle speed. If you increase or decrease the throttle speed too quickly the helicopter may crash. 5) To reduce rotor speed and decrease your altitude, decrease the throttle input by pulling the throttle control stick back slowly. When the left control stick is pulled all the way back the rotor blades will stop spinning. 4) To reach an altitude you desire you will need to continue to increase throttle speed by pushing the throttle control stick forward. (SBEVBMMZJODSFBTFUIFUISPUUMFTQFFECZQVTIJOHUIFUISPUUMFDPOUSPMTUJDLGPSXBSE Continue to increase the throttle speed until the Chopper-1 lifts oďŹ the ground. Important: DO NOT touch any of the control sticks on the transmitter until the Chopper-1 is placed on the ground and is 5 feet from you and any onlookers. 1MBDFUIF$IPQQFSPOUIFHSPVOEBQQSPYJNBUFMZGFFUJOGSPOUPGZPV FLYING YOUR CHOPPER-1 5VSO0/UIFUSBOTNJUUFSmSTU BOEUIFOUVSO0/UIF$IPQQFS PRE-FLIGHT NOTES t 5IFUSBOTNJUUFSJTBMXBZTmSTUUPCFUVSOFE0/ BOEUIFMBTUUPCFUVSOFE0'' t $IFDLUPNBLFTVSFUIFSFEQPXFS-&%POUIFUSBOTNJUUFSJTHMPXJOH*GJUJTOPU DIBOHF the transmitter batteries. t $IFDLUPNBLFTVSFUIFUBJMSPUPSBOEUISPUUMFDPOUSPMTBSFXPSLJOHQSPQFSMZ t 5IF$IPQQFSTIPVMEPOMZCFnPXOJOEPPSTPSPVUEPPST JO[FSPXJOEDPOEJUJPOT"JS displacement from fans, air conditioning, someone walking by, or even a slight outdoor CSFF[FDBOBĂľFDUnJHIUQFSGPSNBODF FLIGHT SCHOOL CHOPPER-1 SPINS LEFT ROTATE DIAL CLOCKWISE 8/12/2008 4:52:45 PM TIPS ON CONTROL STICK MOVEMENTS AND TRIM ADJUSTMENTS t ,FFQZPVSDPOUSPMTUJDLNPWFNFOUTTNPPUI OPUBCSVQUPSiKFSLZw5IF$IPQQFSXJMM BDUVBMMZnZBMMCZJUTFMGBOEMJHIUDPOUSPMTUJDLNPWFNFOUTBSFBMMUIBUZPVOFFEUPnZ your helicopter. Just remember, smooth and gentle inputs! t 5IF$IPQQFSXJMMOPSNBMMZIPWFSXJUIPOMZBMJUUMFNPSFUIBOIBMGUISPUUMF t 4IPVMEZPVPWFSDPOUSPMZPVS$IPQQFSPSMPTFPSJFOUBUJPO SFNBJODBMNBOETJNQMZ release the tail rotor control stick or reduce the throttle speed! The Chopper-1 will slow down or stop turning by itself. If the Chopper-1 continues spinning add some UBJMSPUPSDPOUSPMTUJDLJOQVUPSUBJMSPUPSUSJNUPTUBCJMJ[FUIFIFMJDPQUFS"EETPNF TIP: Practice your ďŹrst landings by only raising your Chopper-1 about 12 to 24 inches oďŹ the ground so as not to damage the helicopter on rough landings from higher altitudes. Once you feel conďŹdent, start taking the Chopper-1 to greater altitudes. 10) Landing is accomplished by reducing the throttle speed slowly and letting the Chopper-1 gently land on the ground. Do not reduce the throttle speed too quickly or the Chopper-1 may crash. Once the helicopter has landed, reduce the throttle TQFFEGVMMZBOEMFUUIFSPUPSCMBEFTTUPQTQJOOJOH0ODFZPVBSFmOJTIFEnZJOH UVSO the Chopper-1 OFF then turn OFF the transmitter. 5PBEKVTUUIF$IPQQFSGPSOFVUSBMIPWFSJOHnJHIU locate the included counter weight inside the center of the charging cord compartment. The weight is removed from the transmitter by pushing the retaining clips apart. The weight is attached to the lower rear tail mOXJUIUIFXFJHIUQPJOUJOHBXBZGSPNUIFUBJMSPUPS CMBEFT"UUIFCPUUPNPGUIFMPXFSmOUIFSFJTBTMPUUFE hole. Insert the counter weight into the hole and then rotate clockwise to lock in place. The Chopper-1 is now setup for hovering only NPEF5PSFUVSOUPGPSXBSEnJHIUNPEF SPUBUFUIFDPVOUFSXFJHIUDPVOUFSDMPDLXJTF and remove it from the tail. ROTATE DIAL COUNTER-CLOCKWISE CHOPPER-1 SPINS RIGHT 5PBEKVTUUIF$IPQQFSGPSOFVUSBM OPUVSOJOH nJHIU VTFUIFUBJMSPUPSUSJNEJBM located below the tail rotor control stick. Rotate the trim dial until the Chopper-1 does not move left or right when no tail rotor control stick input is given. For FYBNQMF*GUIF$IPQQFSJTOBUVSBMMZTQJOOJOHMFGUXIFOOPDPOUSPMTUJDLJOQVUJT given then rotate the trim dial clockwise (right) until the helicopter stops spinning. 3&1"*3(-6& Â06/$&56#& 611&330503#-"%&4 -08&330503#-"%&4 53"/4.*55&3#"55&3:$07&3 3&1-"$&.&/553"/4.*55&3 .); MTC950801 MTC950802 MTC951603 MTC951601 REPAIRING YOUR CHOPPER-1 45"#*-*;&3'-:#"3"/%*//&34)"'58*5)164)30% 5"*-30503#-"%& 53"/4.*55&3"/5&//" MTC951604 MTC950803 MTC951605 Chopper1.indd 10-11 10 TIP: Always use extra care when handling parts on the Chopper-1. Take your time and be patient. Remember that it is important to use as little additional materials for repair as possible. The Chopper-1 is lightweight and balanced. Make sure to always balance your Chopper-1 after a repair. âAn example would be if you glue parts on the fuselage and the Chopper-1 seems to lean or go to one side in ďŹight, you can add similar weight to the other side to balance.â $0.1-&5&3&1-"$&.&/5)&-*$015&3 .); MTC951702 t *GBNBJOSPUPSCMBEFCFDPNFTDIJQQFEPSCSPLFOJUNVTUCFSFQMBDFE0QFSBUJOH ZPVS$IPQQFSXJUIBEBNBHFESPUPSCMBEFXJMMDBVTFFYDFTTJWFWJCSBUJPO XIJDI may eventually damage the helicopter. If you need to replace both the upper and MPXFSCMBEFTFUT SFQMBDFUIFVQQFSCMBEFTFUmSTUUIFOUIFMPXFSCMBEFTFU5IJT XJMMBWPJENJYJOHVQUIFCMBEFTFUTEVSJOHUIFSFQBJSQSPDFTT6TJOHUIFQSPQFSTJ[F Phillips head screwdriver remove the two blade holder screws. Pull apart the top CMBEFIPMEFSTVQQPSUBOESFNPWFUIFEBNBHFECMBEF"MJHOUIFOFXCMBEFJOJUT proper place, with the beveled side facing up, and attach with the two screws. Do not over tighten. If you are replacing a lower blade you will need to reattach the top blade holder support and then tighten the screws. Make sure the top blade holder support is aligned correctly with the printed arrows facing outwards. 5FMFQIPOF0SEFST 'BY0SEFST 8/12/2008 4:52:45 PM 11 8FCTJUFXXXNFHBUFDIDPN &NBJMTBMFT!NFHBUFDIDPN $0.1-&5&3&1-"$&.&/5)&-*$015&3 .); MTC951602 t *GBOZHMVFEQBSUTDPNFMPPTF QMFBTFVTFGPBNTBGFHMVFUPSFBUUBDI 3&1-"$&.&/553"/4.*55&3 .); MTC951701 t 6TFGPBNTBGFHMVFUPSFQBJSDSBDLTPSEBNBHFUPUIFGVTFMBHFBTTFNCMZ t *GUIFUBJMSPUPSEJTFOHBHFTPSCSFBLTEVSJOHnJHIUHFOUMZQVMMPĂľUIFEBNBHFESPUPS Press on the new tail rotor blade, included with your kit, onto the motor shaft until it cannot go any further. Use care not to break the motor or the tail assembly. %&4$3*15*0/ MTC950906 Spare, repair and replacement parts are readily available for your Chopper-1. Should ZPVOFFEQBSUT WJTJUZPVSMPDBMIPCCZEFBMFSmSTU*GVOBWBJMBCMF ZPVNBZPSEFSEJSFDUMZ from Megatech. Use this sheet as a guide. 1"35 SPARE PARTS LIST QPXFSBOETUBSUnZJOHBHBJO*GZPVTFFUIBUZPVSFHPJOHUPDSBTI JNNFEJBUFMZDVU UIFQPXFSUPBMMPXUIF$IPQQFSUPMBOE%PJOHTPXJMMNJOJNJ[FUIFQPTTJCJMJUZPG damage to the Chopper-1. t %VSJOHZPVSmSTUnJHIU FYFDVUFMJHIUDJSDMFTLFFQJOHUIF$IPQQFSJOGSPOUPGZPV BOEQSBDUJDFIPWFSJOH3FNFNCFSOPUUPnZPWFSZPVSIFBEBTUIJTDBOCFEJTPSJFOUJOH5IJTJTWFSZJNQPSUBOUUPIBWJOHBTVDDFTTGVMmSTUnJHIU t 3FNFNCFSUIBUPODFUIF$IPQQFSIBTSFBDIFEBEFTJSFEBMUJUVEFZPVDBOFBTF back on the throttle a bit and enjoy. Replace the batteries with new i""w7BMLBMJOFCBUUFSJFT .PWFQPXFSTXJUDIUPUIFi0/w position Batteries in the transmitter are FYIBVTUFE 1PXFSTXJUDIJTJOUIFi0''w position Chopper1.indd 12-13 12 Make sure batteries are installed in the correct direction Batteries in the transmitter are incorrectly installed /PQPXFSUPSBEJPDPOUSPM transmitter and charger or the transmitter RED LED is nBTIJOH Double check to make sure tail is secure and if needed use foam safe glue to repair Tail is not securely mounted on the fuselage Reduce or increase the amount of control input given until the $IPQQFSnJFTTUBCMF "UUBDIDPVOUFSXFJHIUGPSIPWFS only mode. See page 9 for further instructions. Counterweight was not added to the tail. Too much or too little control input is given Use smaller gentle inputs Too much tail rotor control input is being used Chopper-1 loses altitude rapidly during turns Make sure the tail rotor is USJNNFEGPSTUBCMFnJHIUCZ following the instructions on page 9 Try a diďŹerent location You may have radio interference Chopper-1 is not trimmed correctly Move the transmitter closer or further from the Chopper-1 until you regain signal. Transmitter is too far or too close to the Chopper-1 Review take oďŹ procedure on page 8 Make sure there is no obstruction Signal path from Transmitter to Chopper-1 is blocked Improper take oďŹ 'VMMZFYUFOEUIFUSBOTNJUUFS antenna "OUFOOBJTOPUGVMMZFYUFOEFE Rotor blades only run for short time before turning oďŹ OR Throttle/Tail rotor pulse OR Control signal is lost Chopper-1 does not hover, nZTUSBJHIU PSTUBSUTUPTQJO Check to make sure both rotor BTTFNCMZTTQJOGSFFMZ SOLUTION Rotors may be binding CAUSE Rotors do not spin PROBLEM Always make sure your transmitter batteries are fresh and your Chopper-1 is fully charged, as this can be the cause of many operational issues *GZPVBSFFYQFSJFODJOHUSPVCMF QMFBTFGPMMPXUIFTFHVJEFMJOFTPSDBMMPOFPGPVS Technicians at (201)662-8500. We will have you up and running in no time! TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE CAUSE Please contact Megatech Service Department at 201-662-8500 for further assistance Main shaft may be damaged do to a crash or light impact 8/12/2008 4:52:45 PM 13 Replace damaged or broken rotor blade. Review blade replacement procedure on page 10 You may have reduced the throttle speed too quickly or too much Rotor blades may be damaged or broken Lower the throttle speed more gradually to allow the Chopper-1 to land softly. You may have used to much tail rotor control stick input Chopper-1 crashed into the ground while landing The Chopper-1 vibrates EVSJOHnJHIU Reduce the amount of tail rotor control stick input. Only use very little input to keep the Chopper-1 level and stable when landing. You are not using good throttle control Increase throttle speed to allow the Chopper-1 to gain altitude PSGPSUIFIFMJDPQUFSUPnZBUB desired altitude. $IFDL$IBSHFS$PSETDPOOFDUJPO Set the Transmitter power switch UPi0''wBOEUIFONBLFTVSFUIF Chopper-1 power switch is set to i0''w1MVHUIFDIBSHFDPSEJOUP the Chopper-1 and the green LED on the transmitter will illuminate. SOLUTION $IPQQFSJTOPUnZJOHIJHI enough Charger Cord is not properly plugged into the Chopper-1 charge port /PHSFFOMJHIUPO Power switch on the Chopper-1 transmitter when charging and/or the transmitter is not in or Chopper-1 will not charge the correct position for charging PROBLEM Chopper1.indd 14-15 14 This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. 0QFSBUJPOJTTVCKFDUUPUIFGPMMPXJOHUXPDPOEJUJPOT 1) This device may not cause harmful interference and 2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. $BVUJPODIBOHFTPSNPEJmDBUJPOTOPUFYQSFTTMZBQQSPWFECZUIFQBSUZ SFTQPOTJCMFGPSDPNQMJBODFDPVMEWPJEUIFVTFSTBVUIPSJUZUPPQFSBUFUIF equipment. t3FPSJFOUPSSFMPDBUFUIFSFDFJWJOHBOUFOOB t*ODSFBTFUIFTFQBSBUJPOCFUXFFOUIFFRVJQNFOUBOESFDFJWFS t$POOFDUUIFFRVJQNFOUJOUPBOPVUMFUPOBDJSDVJUEJĂľFSFOUGSPNUIBUUP which the receiver is connected. ⢠Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. $POTVMUUIFTUPSFPGQVSDIBTFPSFYQFSJFODFESBEJP57UFDIOJDJBOGPSIFMQ*G you cannot eliminate the interference, the FCC requires that you stop using your product. /05&5IJTFRVJQNFOUIBTCFFOUFTUFEBOEGPVOEUPDPNQMZXJUIUIFMJNJUTGPS a class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instrucUJPOT NBZDBVTFIBSNGVMJOUFSGFSFODFUPSBEJPDPNNVOJDBUJPOT)PXFWFS there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment oďŹ and on, the user is encouraged to try correcting the interference by one or more of the folMPXJOHNFBTVSFT FCC EMISSIONS INFORMATION MegatechÂŽ International 5POOFMMF"WFOVF /PSUI#FSHFO /+ (201) 662-8500 &NBJMTVQQPSU!NFHBUFDIDPN 8/12/2008 4:52:45 PM 15 This warranty does not cover any damage caused by use, misuse, alteration, accident, or neglect, nor does it cover normal wear and tear of the product. Product returned to us which falls under this category will be submitted to our service department for repair. We reserve the right to charge any service and parts fees incurred when repairing the item. Contact the Megatech International Service Department before returning any item that is defective according to the limitations listed above. Please be sure to pack the returned item(s) carefully. The customer must return the product along with proof of purchase, a letter describing the problem and the customerâs address and telephone number."UUIJTQPJOUJOUJNFXF will either repair the defective part or replace it and return it to the customer. Return shipping and handling in the 48 contiguous states is $10.99. Shipping outside of the 48 states will be quoted by location. This warranty is void if the product in question has been altered or repaired by BOZPOFPUIFSUIBO.FHBUFDI*OUFSOBUJPOBMPSBOBVUIPSJ[FEBHFOU6OEFSOP circumstances will Megatech International or any of its representatives be held liable for injury to persons or property damage resulting from assembly or use of the product. Megatech is not liable if any outside radio frequencies interfere XJUIUIFQSPEVDUTGSFRVFODZDBVTJOHMPTTPGDPOUSPM.FHBUFDI*OUFSOBUJPOBM will not be held liable for any injury to persons or property damage resulting from an out-of-control model caused by use or misuse of the product. .FHBUFDI*OUFSOBUJPOBMFYQSFTTMZFYDMVEFTBOZBOEBMMFYQSFTTXBSSBOUJFT OPUTQFDJmDBMMZTUBUFEIFSFBOEBMMJNQMJFEXBSSBOUJFTPGNFSDIBOUBCJMJUZBOE mUOFTTGPSBQBSUJDVMBSQVSQPTF5IFSFBSFOPXBSSBOUJFTXIJDIFYUFOECFZPOE the description of the warranties contained herein. MegatechÂŽ International guarantees this item to be free from defects for a period of 30 days from the date of purchase. If any component of this product fails to function properly due to defects in materials or the manufacturing QSPDFTTEVSJOHUIJTEBZQFSJPE UIFNBOVGBDUVSFSTPCMJHBUJPOTBSFMJNJUFE and the manufacturer can choose to either repair or replace the item. LIMITED WARRANTY MegatechÂŽ International 5POOFMMF"WFOVF /PSUI#FSHFO /+ (201) 662-8500 &NBJMTVQQPSU!NFHBUFDIDPN Chopper1.indd 16 8/12/2008 4:52:45 PM
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