Microsoft BH-111 Bluetooth Stereo Headset User Manual users manual

Microsoft Mobile Oy Bluetooth Stereo Headset users manual

users manual

Nokia Bluetooth Stereo HeadsetBH-1119227195/1CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
IntroductionAbout your headsetWith the Nokia Bluetooth StereoHeadset BH-111, you can handlecalls hands-free and enjoy yourfavourite music on the go. Theheadset is easy to pair withcompatible devices, and you canswitch smoothly between musicand calls.The surface of this product is nickel-free.Warning: This product maycontain small parts. Keep them outof the reach of small children.Parts of the product are magnetic.Metallic materials may be attractedto the product. Do not place creditcards or other magnetic storagemedia near the product, becauseinformation stored on them may beerased.Read this user guide carefully beforeusing the product. Also, read the userguide for the device that you connectto the product.For support, go BluetoothconnectivityYou can use Bluetooth to make awireless connection to othercompatible devices, such asmobile devices.Devices do not need to be in directline-of-sight, but they must bewithin 10 metres (33 feet) of eachother. The connection may beaffected by obstructions such aswalls or other electronic devices.This device is compliant withBluetooth Specification 2.1 + EDRsupporting the following profiles:ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Headset Profile (HSP) 1.0, Hands-FreeProfile (HFP) 1.5, Advanced AudioDistribution Profile (A2DP) 1.2, andAudio Video Remote Control Profile(AVRCP) 1.0. Check with themanufacturers of other devices todetermine their compatibility withthis device.Get startedKeys and parts1 Charger connector2 Volume knob and indicator light3 Microphone4 Rewind key 5 Multifunction key 6 Fast-forward key 7 Play/Pause key 8 Audio connector (3.5 mm)9 ClipCharge the batteryBefore using the headset, youmust charge the battery.When you unplug a charger, holdand pull the plug, not the cord.1. Connect the charger to a walloutlet.2. Connect the charger cable tothe charger connector on theheadset. The red indicator lightturns green when the battery isfully charged.3. Disconnect the charger fromthe headset, then from the walloutlet.The fully charged battery haspower for up to 7 hours of talktime, up to 6 hours of musicplaying time, or up to 120 hours ofstandby time.ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
When the battery charge is low,the headset beeps every 5minutes and the red indicatorlight flashes. When the battery ischarging, the red indicator light ison.Check the battery charge — With your headset connected toyour mobile device, press  . Agreen light indicates a sufficientcharge level. If the light is yellow,you may need to recharge thebattery soon. If the light is red,recharge the battery.Switch the headset onPress and hold   for 2 seconds.The headset beeps, and a greenindicator light flashes once. Theheadset automatically connectsto the last connected device. If youhave never paired your headsetwith a device, or you have clearedthe pairings, pairing mode isactivated.Switch the headset off —  Pressand hold   for 4 seconds. Theheadset beeps, and a red indicatorlight flashes once.If the headset is not connected toa device within 30 minutes, itswitches off.Pair and connect yourheadsetBefore using the headset, youmust pair and connect it with acompatible device.1. Make sure the headset isswitched off.2. Activate the Bluetooth featureon your compatible device.3. Switch the headset on. If youhave never paired your headsetwith a device, or you havecleared the pairings, pairingENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
mode is activatedautomatically. If you havepreviously paired your headsetwith a device, press and hold for 5 seconds. The greenindicator light starts to flashquickly.4. Within about 3 minutes, setyour device to search forBluetooth devices. For details,see the user guide of thedevice.5. On your device, select theheadset from the list of founddevices.6. If required, enter the passcode0000.In some devices, you may need tomake the connection separatelyafter pairing.When the headset is paired andconnected, the green indicatorlight flashes slowly.If your mobile device supports theA2DP Bluetooth profile and has amusic player feature, you can alsouse your device to play musicthrough the headset. If yourmobile device does not supportthe A2DP profile, you canseparately pair the headset with amusic player that supports thisprofile. If you have paired andconnected the headset to yourmobile device, disconnect theheadset from it before pairing theheadset with the music player.You can pair the headset with upto 8 devices, but connect it to onlyone device supporting the HFPprofile and another devicesupporting the A2DP profile at atime.When you switch on your headset,it automatically connects to thelast used device. To manuallyconnect the headset to the lastENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
used device, press and hold   for2 seconds. To manually connectthe headset to a device thatsupports the A2DP profile, press.Wear the headsetConnect the headphones to theaudio connector.The headset is provided withdifferent-sized rubber earpieces.Select the ones that fit you best.Make sure you insert the earpiecemarked with L into your left earand the one marked with R intoyour right ear.You can attach the headset to yourclothing using the clip.Make and receive callsWhen making and receiving calls,hold the microphone close to yourmouth.Make a call —  When the headsetis connected to your compatiblemobile device, make a callnormally using your mobiledevice.Answer or end a call —  During acall, press  .Decline a call —  Press   twice.Mute or unmute themicrophone —  Press  .You can redial the number you lastcalled or make a call using voicedialling, if your mobile deviceENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
supports these features with theheadset.Redial the last callednumber —  When no call is inprogress, press   twice.Activate voice dialling —  Whenno call is in progress, press andhold   for 2 seconds, and followthe instructions in the user guideof your mobile device.Switch calls between yourheadset and your mobiledevice —  To switch a call fromthe headset to a compatiblemobile device, or back to theheadset, press and hold   for 2seconds.MusicPlay musicListen to your favourite musicwherever you are.You must pair and connect yourheadset to a mobile device thatsupports the A2DP Bluetoothprofile and has a music playerfeature, or to a compatible musicplayer that supports this profile.Warning: Continuous exposureto high volume may damage yourhearing. Listen to music at amoderate level.Play a song —  Select the song inthe music player, and press  .Pause or resume playing — Press  .ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
If you receive or make a call whilelistening to music, the music ispaused.Play the next song —  Press  .Play the previous song —  Press twice.Start the current song from thebeginning —  Press  .Scroll through the current songquickly —  Press and hold   or.Stop playing —  Press and hold.Change the volumeUse the volume knob.If supported, you can also changethe headset volume on theconnected A2DP device.SettingsSwitch the indicator lightsoffYou can switch the indicator lightsoff if you do not want them to beshown, for example, during a call.When the headset is connected toa device, press and hold   and for 5 seconds. A red indicatorlight flashes.Some indicator lights may still beshown, for example, when thebattery charge is low.Switch the lights back on — When the headset is connected toa device, press and hold   and for 5 seconds. A greenindicator light flashes.ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Clear the pairingsSwitch the headset off, and pressand hold   for 9 seconds. Theheadset beeps twice, and the redand green indicator lightsalternate. After the settings arecleared, pairing mode is activated.TroubleshootingCannot connect the headset to acompatible device? Make surethat the headset is charged,switched on, and paired with thedevice.Did the headset stop functioningeven though it is charged? Plugthe charger into a wall outlet, andwhile you press and hold  ,connect the headset to thecharger.Product and safety informationBattery and chargerinformationThis device has an internal,nonremovable, rechargeablebattery. Do not attempt to removethe battery from the device as youmay damage the device.This device is intended for use whensupplied with power from thefollowing chargers: AC-3, AC-8,AC-11, AC-15, DC-4, and DC-9. Theexact charger model number mayvary depending on the type of plug.The plug variant is identified by oneof the following: E, X, AR, U, A, C, K, orB.The battery can be charged anddischarged hundreds of times, but itwill eventually wear out.ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Talk and standby times are estimatesonly. Actual times are affected by, forexample, device settings, featuresbeing used, battery condition, andtemperature.If the battery has not been used fora long time, to begin charging, youmay need to connect the charger,then disconnect and reconnect it.If the battery is completelydischarged, it may take severalminutes before the chargingindicator is displayed.When your charger is not in use,un plug it from the electrical plug a ndthe device. Do not leave a fullycharged battery connected to acharger, as overcharging mayshorten the battery’s lifetime. If leftunused, a fully charged battery willlose its charge over time.Always keep the battery between15°C and 25°C (59°F and 77°F).Extreme temperatures reduce thecapacity and lifetime of the battery.A device with a hot or cold batterymay not work temporarily.Do not dispose of batteries in a fireas they may explode. Dispose ofbatteries according to localregulations. Recycle when possible.Do not dispose as household waste.Use the charger for its intendedpurpose only. Improper use or use ofunapproved chargers may present arisk of fire, explosion, or otherhazard, and may invalidate anyapproval or warranty. If you believethe charger is damaged, take it to aservice centre for inspection beforecontinuing to use it. Never use adamaged charger. Only use thecharger indoors.Take care of your deviceHandle your device, charger andaccessories with care. The followingsuggestions help you protect yourwarranty coverage.ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
•Keep the device dry.Precipitation, humidity, and alltypes of liquids or moisture cancontain minerals that corrodeelectronic circuits. If your devicegets wet, allow the device to dry.•Do not use or store the device industy or dirty areas. Moving partsand electronic components canbe damaged.•Do not store the device in hightemperatures. High temperaturescan shorten the life of the device,damage the battery, and warp ormelt plastics.•Do not store the device in coldtemperatures. When the devicewarms to its normal temperature,moisture can form inside thedevice and damage electroniccircuits.•Do not attempt to open thedevice.•Unauthorised modifications maydamage the device and violateregulations governing radiodevices.•Do not drop, knock, or shake thedevice. Rough handling can breakinternal circuit boards andmechanics.•Only use a soft, clean, dry cloth toclean the surface of the device.•Do not paint the device. Paint canclog the moving parts andprevent proper operation.RecycleAlways return your used electronicproducts, batteries, and packagingmaterials to dedicated collectionpoints. This way you help preventuncontrolled waste disposal andpromote the recycling of materials.Check product environmentalinformation and how to recycle yourNokia products at
Copyright and other noticesDECLARATION OF CONFORMITYHereby, NOKIA CORPORATIONdeclares that this BH-111 product isin compliance with the essentialrequirements and other relevantprovisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. Acopy of the Declaration of Conformitycan be found at© 2011 Nokia. All rights reserved.Nokia, Nokia Connecting People, andthe Nokia Original Accessories logoare trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Nokia Corporation.Nokia tune is a sound mark of NokiaCorporation. Other product andcompany names mentioned hereinmay be trademarks or tradenames oftheir respective owners.Reproduction, transfer, distribution,or storage of part or all of thecontents in this document in anyform without the prior writtenpermission of Nokia is prohibited.Nokia operates a policy ofcontinuous development. Nokiareserves the right to make changesand improvements to any of theproducts described in this documentwithout prior notice.The contents of this document areprovided "as is". Except as requiredby applicable law, no warranties ofany kind, either express or implied,including, but not limited to, theimplied warranties ofmerchantability and fitness for aparticular purpose, are made inrelation to the accuracy, reliability orcontents of this document. Nokiareserves the right to revise thisENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
document or withdraw it at any timewithout prior notice.To the maximum extent permittedby applicable law, under nocircumstances shall Nokia or any ofits licensors be responsible for anyloss of data or income or any special,incidental, consequential or indirectdamages howsoever caused.The availability of products may varyby region. For more information,contact your Nokia dealer. Thisdevice may contain commodities,technology or software subject toexport laws and regulations from theUS and other countries. Diversioncontrary to law is prohibited.FCC/INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICEThis device complies with Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules and Industry Canadalicence-exempt RSS standard(s).Operation is subject to the followingtwo conditions: 1. This device maynot cause harmful interference; and2. This device must accept anyinterference received, includinginterference that may causeundesired operation. Thisequipment has been tested andfound to comply with the limits for aClass B digital device, pursuant toPart 15 of the FCC Rules. These limitsare designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmfulinterference in a residentialinstallation. This equipmentgenerates, uses and can radiateradio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordancewith the instructions, may causeharmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there isno guarantee that interference willnot occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determinedby turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try tocorrect the interference by one ormore of the following measures:ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Reorient or relocate the receivingantenna. Increase the separationbetween the equipment andreceiver. Connect the equipmentinto an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver isconnected. Consult the dealer or anexperienced radio/TV technician forhelp. NOTE: FCC Radiation ExposureStatement: This equipment complieswith FCC radiation exposure limitsset forth for an uncontrolledenvironment. This transmitter mustnot be co-located or operating inconjunction with any other antennaor transmitter. NOTE: Changes ormodifications not expresslyapproved by Nokia could void theuser's authority to operate theequipment.ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack

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