Microsoft KB9 Wireless Keyboard User Manual Revised 070502

Microsoft Corporation Wireless Keyboard Users Manual Revised 070502

Users Manual Revised 070502 StartedMicrMicrMicrMicrMicrosofosofosofosofosoft Wt Wt Wt Wt Wiririririreless Suiteless Suiteless Suiteless Suiteless SuitesesesesesXxx-xxxxx_Cvr_Ret_Wireless_Suites.p65 3/6/2002, 9:56 AM1
HealtHealtHealtHealtHealth Wh Wh Wh Wh WarararararningningningningningUse of a keyboard or pointing device may be linked to serious injuries or disorders.When using a computer, as with many activities, you may experience occasional discomfort in your hands, arms, shoul-ders, neck, or other parts of your body. However, if you experience symptoms such as persistent or recurring discomfort,pain, throbbing, aching, tingling, numbness, burning sensation, or stiffness, DO NOT IGNORE THESE WARNING SIGNS.PROMPTLY SEE A QUALIFIED HEALTH PROFESSIONAL, even if symptoms occur when you are not working at your com-puter. Symptoms such as these can be associated with painful and sometimes permanently disabling injuries or disordersof the nerves, muscles, tendons, or other parts of the body. These musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) include carpal tun-nel syndrome, tendonitis, tenosynovitis, and other conditions.While researchers are not yet able to answer many questions about MSDs, there is general agreement that many factorsmay be linked to their occurrence, including: medical and physical conditions, stress and how one copes with it, overallhealth, and how a person positions and uses his or her body during work and other activities (including use of a keyboardor pointing device). Some studies suggest that the amount of time a person uses a keyboard may also be a factor. Someguidelines that may help you work more comfortably with your computer and possibly reduce your risk of experiencing anMSD can be found in the “Healthy Computing Guide” topic of the User’s Guide provided with each software program onyour CD-ROM. If you do not have the CD-ROM for this product, you can access the “Healthy Computing Guide” at, or (in the United States only) call 1-800-360-7561 to request a CD-ROM at nocharge. If you have questions about how your own lifestyle, activities, or medical or physical condition may be related toMSDs, see a qualified health professional.AAAAAbout Ybout Ybout Ybout Ybout Your Rights and Obligour Rights and Obligour Rights and Obligour Rights and Obligour Rights and ObligationsationsationsationsationsThis Microsoft® wireless suite is comprised of a keyboard, mouse, and receiver and is sold as a single unit and may not beseparated for use on more than one computer. The software with this product is licensed, not sold. You must either agreeto the license contract in the software Setup screens or promptly return the Microsoft wireless suite, comprised of thekeyboard, mouse, and receiver, along with the software, for a refund, excluding the return costs. After you install thesoftware, you may consult the license and the Limited Warranty for the product at any time by looking in the “LegalInformation” section of the software User’s Guides. You may also print copies for your records.Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice. Unless otherwisenoted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places and events depicted hereinare fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place or event isintended or should be inferred. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights undercopyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by anymeans (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission ofMicrosoft Corporation.Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in thisdocument. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give youany license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.Microsoft Corporation grants the purchaser of this product the right to reproduce one (1) copy of this “Getting Started” printed guide for eachHardware Suite you purchased in the package.©2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Microsoft, IntelliMouse, Natural, and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United Statesand/or other countries.The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.Xxx-xxxxx_Cvr_Ret_Wireless_Suites.p65 3/6/2002, 9:56 AM2
1WelcomeCongratulations on your purchase of a Microsoft® wireless suite—which includes a wirelesskeyboard, wireless mouse, and a dual receiver. Setting up the devices takes a few simplesteps, and then you can enjoy the freedom of wireless technology and the convenience of aclutter-free desktop.Important! Install the SoftwareYour Microsoft wireless suite includes a CD-ROM with IntelliType Pro keyboard software andIntelliPoint mouse software. This software enables the unique features of your wirelessdevices and provides battery status information.Note   If you do not already have a mouse, you can connect the receiver (step 5) beforesoftware installation so you can use your mouse during Setup.To install IntelliType Pro keyboard software and IntelliPoint mouse software1Insert the software installation CD-ROM into the computer’s CD-ROM drive.If the Setup screen does not appear automatically, do the following:•Click the Start button, and then click Run.•Type [drive]:setup. For example, if your CD-ROM drive is drive E, type e:setup2Click Install Microsoft IntelliType Pro to begin the keyboard software installation.Follow the Setup Wizard instructions on the screen.3Restart the computer, if prompted to do so, before proceeding.If the Setup screen does not appear after IntelliType Pro installation is complete, do thefollowing:•Click the Start button, and then click Run.•Type [drive]:setup. For example, if your CD-ROM drive is drive E, type e:setup4Click Install Microsoft IntelliPoint to begin the mouse software installation.Follow the Setup Wizard instructions on the screen, and then restart the computer, ifprompted to do so.Note   After you install each software product and restart the computer (if necessary), aQuick Start Guide opens automatically, which describes the keyboard or mouse features.Insert the BatteriesThe keyboard and mouse each require two batteries, which are included in the package.Whenever you insert batteries, always make sure both of them are new. Alkaline batteriesare recommended.To insert the batteries1Turn the device upside down, and then remove the battery compartment cover.2Insert new batteries, making sure to properly orient the positive (+) and negative (–)ends as specified by the battery compartment labels.3Close the battery compartment cover.Important   Before boarding any aircraft, remove the batteries from the wireless keyboardand mouse. The wireless keyboard and mouse can transmit radio frequency (RF) energy,much like a cellular telephone, whenever batteries are installed and either a key is pressedon the keyboard or the mouse is moved.12Wireless DesktopXxx-xxxxx_Mnl_Ret_Wireless_Suites.p65 3/6/2002, 9:55 AM1
243Position the Receiver, Keyboard, and MouseFor optimum performance, position the receiver so that it is at least 8 inches (20 cm)away from the keyboard, mouse, and any items that might cause interference. Items thatmight cause interference include: computer monitors, large metal objects (such as com-puter cases and metal furniture), desktop fans, or fluorescent lights.The keyboard or mouse may work up to 6 feet (1.8 m) away from the receiver. This dis-tance varies depending on the positioning of the receiver and wireless devices, nearbyitems causing interference, and other factors.Connect the Receiver to Your ComputerThe connection procedure depends on the type of computer you are using. A PS/2 con-nection is recommended for Windows®-based computers because Universal Serial Bus(USB) keyboards may not be fully supported on these systems.PS/2 connection (Windows)1Shut down and turn off the computer.2Plug the purple PS/2 connector into the computer’s round PS/2 keyboard port, whichmay be similarly colored and labeled with a keyboard icon.3Attach the green USB-to-PS/2 adapter to the USB connector, and then plug it into thecomputer’s round PS/2 mouse port, which may be similarly colored and labeled with amouse icon.4Turn on the computer.USB connection (Macintosh, laptop, and advanced users)You can plug your receiver into the USB port of your Windows- or Macintosh-based PC.• With your computer turned on, plug the rectangular USB connector into yourcomputer’s rectangular USB port, and leave the round PS/2 connector unplugged.PS/2 connectionUSB connectionXxx-xxxxx_Mnl_Ret_Wireless_Suites.p65 3/6/2002, 9:55 AM2
3Note   If you are running Windows 98, you may be prompted to insert the Windows 98CD-ROM after plugging the rectangular USB connector into your computer’s USB port. Therequired USB driver is located in the Win98 folder of the Windows 98 CD-ROM.Important   Before using this product, read about the potential for radio interference in thetopic titled “Radio and TV interference regulations” in the User's Guides installed with thesoftware.Test the Keyboard and MouseTry using the keyboard and mouse to make sure that they are working. If either device doesnot work as expected, make sure the following procedures were completed as specifiedearlier in these instructions:•New batteries are inserted and positioned correctly for each device•The receiver is properly connected to the computer•Both devices are properly positioned and there are no nearby items that might causeinterferenceIf the keyboard or mouse is still not working, try changing the wireless connection channelfor the device. Changing the wireless connection channel is useful if your wireless devicehas more than one channel and you are experiencing interference.To change the wireless connection channel•Press the button on the bottom of the wireless keyboard or mouse.If changing the channel does not solve the problem, you may need to reconnect the deviceto the receiver. To avoid potential interference, each wireless keyboard and mouse trans-mits data using a unique code, which the receiver is preset to accept. In rare circum-stances, a device may need to be reconnected with the receiver to work properly.To reconnect the keyboard or mouse to the receiver1Make sure that the device and receiver are positioned as specified earlier in theseinstructions.2Press the button on the top of the wireless receiver.The receiver lights blink to indicate that it is in “connect” mode.3Press the button on the bottom of the device.The wireless device may not work for a few seconds until the reconnection process iscompleted.Note   You can only reconnect one device for each press of the receiver button, so repeat asnecessary for the other device.If reconnecting the device to the receiver does not solve the problem, refer to the User’sGuides installed with the keyboard or mouse software for additional troubleshootinginformation.5Xxx-xxxxx_Mnl_Ret_Wireless_Suites.p65 3/6/2002, 9:55 AM3
4Read the User’s Guide for Your Keyboard and MouseThe User’s Guide is your complete product manual. The User’s Guide for your keyboard isinstalled with IntelliType Pro software, and the User’s Guide for your mouse is installedwith IntelliPoint software. The User’s Guides contain important product information in asearchable format, including:•Hardware and software feature descriptions and instructions•Troubleshooting topics and Product Support Services information•End-User License Agreement (EULA), Limited Warranty, and regulatory information•Healthy Computing GuideTo open the User’s Guide for your keyboard or mouse (Windows)1Click the Start button, point to Programs (or All Programs), click Microsoft Keyboard orMicrosoft Mouse.2Click the Help button on the IntelliType Pro Key Settings tab or any IntelliPoint tab.To open the User’s Guide for your keyboard or mouse (Macintosh)•Click the Apple menu, point to Control Panels (or click System Preferences), clickMicrosoft Keyboard or Microsoft Mouse, and then click User’s Guide on the Helpmenu.Customize the Keyboard and Mouse Settings (Optional)You can start IntelliType Pro keyboard software or IntelliPoint mouse software and custom-ize your devices.Using IntelliType Pro keyboard software, you can:•Reassign many of the keys to open a program, file, Web page, or shortcut—or to per-form a command, such as Select All or Close.•Disable keys you sometimes press accidentally, such as CAPS LOCK.•Print out a list of your current key assignments.Using IntelliPoint mouse software, you can:•Reassign each of the mouse buttons, including the wheel button, to perform a com-mand or keyboard shortcut.•Modify the mouse settings, such as the pointer speed or wheel scrolling rate.To start IntelliType Pro or IntelliPoint software (Windows)•Click the Start button, point to Programs (or All Programs), and then click MicrosoftKeyboard or Microsoft Mouse.To start IntelliType Pro or IntelliPoint software (Macintosh)•Click the Apple menu, point to Control Panels (or click System Preferences), and thenclick Microsoft Keyboard or Microsoft Mouse.76Xxx-xxxxx_Mnl_Ret_Wireless_Suites.p65 3/6/2002, 9:55 AM4
5Adjusting the Keyboard LegsThe keyboard legs are designed to accommodate various body sizes, chairs, and desks.•Pull out or push in the keyboard legs to a position that minimizes bending of your wristswhile typing.Connecting the Palm Rest (certain keyboard models only)•On a level surface, insert the tabs on the palm rest into the slots on the front of thekeyboard, and then snap them together.About the Receiver LightsThe receiver lights indicate the status of the toggle keys, such as NUM LOCK or CAPS LOCK.For example, if NUM LOCK is on, the NUM LOCK light is on; if CAPS LOCK is off, the CAPSLOCK light is off. Certain keyboard models may use an on-screen display (rather than alight) to indicate the status of the SCROLL LOCK toggle key.Using the F LOCK Key (certain keyboard models only)The F LOCK toggle key gives your keyboard more functionality by providing two commandmodes for the top row of keys. When F LOCK is off (F LOCK light off), the enhanced com-mands printed on the top of the keys are enabled. When F LOCK is on (F LOCK light on), thestandard commands printed on the front of the keys are enabled.Depending on your keyboard model, you may need to turn F LOCK on (F LOCK light on) toaccess certain system key commands labeled on the front of the keys, such as INSERT orSCROLL LOCK.TroubleshootingIf you have a question about your wireless keyboard or mouse, try the following options:•View the User's Guide, which contains product information and troubleshooting tips.•Look in Readme.txt on the installation CD-ROM for late-breaking product information.•Go to the Microsoft Keyboard and Microsoft Mouse Web sites at: additional product information and software updates.•See the Product Support Services section of the User's Guides, or go to: information about how to contact Microsoft Product Support Services.Product Information and Software UpdatesFor general product information and software updates, go to the Microsoft Keyboard andMicrosoft Mouse Web sites at: 3/6/2002, 9:55 AM5
6Important Battery InformationGeneral Precautions•Keep batteries out of reach of children.•Do not mix old and new batteries or batteries of different types (for example, carbon and alkaline batteries).•Always remove old, weak, or worn-out batteries promptly and recycle or dispose of them in accordance with Local andNational Disposal Regulations.•If a battery leaks, remove all batteries and recycle or dispose of them in accordance with the battery manufacturer’sinstructions and Local and National Disposal Regulations. Before inserting new batteries, thoroughly clean the batterycompartment with a damp paper towel, or follow the battery manufacturer’s recommendations for cleanup. If fluid fromthe battery comes into contact with skin or clothes, flush skin with water immediately.•Remove the batteries if your device is to be stored for longer than a month without being used.Special PrecautionsThe precautions below are to prevent the sudden release of electrolytes, which these prohibited actions can cause:•Do not open, puncture, or mutilate the batteries.•Do not heat batteries.•Do not use a fire to dispose of batteries.Released battery electrolyte is corrosive, can cause damage to the eyes and skin, and may be toxic if swallowed.Product Disposal InformationDispose of this product in accordance with Local and National Disposal Regulations.Regulatory InformationThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules and Industry Canada RSS-210. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.Tested to comply with FCC standards. For home and office use. Model number: Wireless Optical Desktop receiver (all models),; Wireless Optical Desktop Pro receiver (all models)This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.Note   Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by Microsoft could void the user's authority to operate thesedevices.For use with UL Listed and GS approved personal computers.Note   For detailed information on U.S. and Canadian radio interference regulations, search for “regulations” in the User’sGuide installed with IntelliType Pro or IntelliPoint software.Microsoft Corporation; One Microsoft Way; Redmond, WA  98052-6399; U.S.A.United States: (800) 426-9400 Canada: (800) 933-4750No serviceable parts included. This device is rated as a commercial product for operation at +41ºF (+5ºC) to +95ºF (+35ºC).RF Technical specificationsRF output power: < 80 dBµV/m at 3 mKeyboard channel RF frequencies: Channel 1–27.095MHz, Channel 2–27.195MHzMouse channel RF frequency: Channel 1–27.145MHzInformation for Optical Pointing Devices OnlyUser-observable light is 15 microwatts in normal operation.This product has been tested to comply with International Standard IEC 60825-1: (1993), incld. Amd.2(2001). Thisproduct uses LEDs that are inherently Class 1.Class 1 LED ProductXxx-xxxxx_Mnl_Ret_Wireless_Suites.p65 3/6/2002, 9:55 AM6
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