Microsoft MN720 Broadband Networking Wireless-G Notebook Adapter User Manual X094700002cvr

Microsoft Corporation Broadband Networking Wireless-G Notebook Adapter X094700002cvr

Revised user manual

0703 Part No. X09-47000-02
For use with UL Listed, CSA and GS approved personal computers.
Not intended for use in machinery, medical or industrial applications.
Do not use onboard an aircraft or in hazardous locations such as a gas station or other explosive
For indoor use only.
Do not touch or re-orient the antenna while the device is transmitting
This device has been tested for compliance with FCC RF Exposure (SAR) limits in the typical laptop
computer configuration and this device can be used in desktop or laptop computers with side mounted
PCMCIA slots. The antennas used with this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction
with any other antenna or transmitter within the host device.
N’utilisez qu’avec des composantes homologuées UL, CSA ou TUV.
Ne pas utiliser ce dispositif dans une application industrielle ou médicale.
Ne pas utiliser dans un avion ou en présence de vapeur explosive (station-service).
N’utiliser qu’à l’intérieur.
Ne touchez pas à l’antenne lorsque l’appareil est en fonction
Ce dispositif radio a été évalué pour son débit d’absorption spécifique (DAS) et respecte les limites
d’exposition RF des personnes, telles que spécifiées dans la procédure CNR 102 lorsque utilisé dans le
port PCMCIA d’un ordinateur portable ou de table. Les antennes de ce dispositif transmetteur ne doivent
ni être copositionnées ou ni utilisées en conjonction avec quelque autre antenne ou transmetteur faisant
partie de l’ordinateur hôte.
Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice.
Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people,
places, and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain
name, e-mail address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be inferred. Complying with all applicable
copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be
reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft
Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering
subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the
furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual
© 2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
UPnP is a trademark of UPnP Implementers Corp. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark and Wi-Fi Protected Access is a
trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance.
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
My Network Settings
Use this page to record your network settings.
Workgroup or domain name: ______________________________________
Base Station password: __________________________________________
Wireless Settings
Record the information used to configure a computer for wireless access to your
network here. All computers accessing your network with a wireless connection
need to use the same wireless settings.
Wireless network name (SSID): ____________________________________
WEP key or WPA passphrase: ______________________________________
Wireless channel (ad-hoc networks only): ____________________________
Wide Area Network Settings
Complete this section only if your network has a base station (gateway or router).
You can obtain this information from your Internet service provider (ISP). Your ISP
may not require all of the settings listed below.
Dynamic IP (DHCP) Settings
Complete this section only if your ISP uses a DHCP connection.
Host name: _____________________________________________________
Adapter MAC address: ____________________________________________
Static IP Address Settings
Complete this section only if your ISP has assigned you a specific IP address.
Static IP address: ________________________________________________
Subnet mask: ___________________________________________________
IP gateway address: ______________________________________________
Primary DNS server: ______________________________________________
Secondary DNS server: ___________________________________________
PPPoE Settings
Complete this section only if your ISP uses PPPoE.
User name: _____________________________________________________
Password: ______________________________________________________
Service name: ___________________________________________________
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1 | Introduction: Welcome to Wireless-G..................................................................................1
About Your Wireless Notebook Adapter........................................................................1
Adapter Status Lights..................................................................................................2
CardBus Technology ...................................................................................................2
About Wireless (Radio) Connections............................................................................. 3
Types of Wireless Networks........................................................................................3
Placement of Wireless Components..........................................................................4
Understanding Wireless Transmission Standards....................................................5
2 | Setup: Using the Setup Wizard .............................................................................................7
Step 1: Gather Components, Tools, and Information ...............................................7
Step 2: Run the Setup Wizard ....................................................................................8
Step 3: Insert the Adapter into Your Computer.........................................................8
Step 4: Configure the Adapter....................................................................................9
Step 5: Test Your Network Connections ....................................................................9
3 | Network Activities: Sharing Resources and Joining Other Networks .......................... 11
Logging on to Your Network.........................................................................................12
Using an Internet Connection over a Network............................................................13
Using the Broadband Network Utility ..........................................................................13
Using Files and Folders over a Network......................................................................14
Step 1: Make your files and folders available to the network................................15
Step 2: Access shared files ......................................................................................16
Using a Printer over a Network....................................................................................17
Using Other Peripheral Devices over a Network.........................................................18
About Reading E-Mail Messages on a Network..........................................................18
Playing Games on Your Network and on the Internet ................................................18
Creating a Computer-to-Computer (Ad Hoc) Network ................................................19
Joining an Available Wireless Network........................................................................20
4 | Network Management: Understanding Network Maintenance and Security............. 21
Monitoring Your Network .............................................................................................21
View Status................................................................................................................21
View Network Devices...............................................................................................21
View Adapter Settings...............................................................................................22
Updating Software ........................................................................................................22
ii Microsoft Broadband Networking Wireless Notebook Adapter User’s Guide
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Making Your Network More Secure ............................................................................ 22
Help Protect Your Network from Computer Viruses ............................................... 22
Help Protect Your Network from Hackers ............................................................... 23
Help Protect Your Network from Unauthorized Access.......................................... 23
5 | Troubleshooting: Finding Answers to Common Problems............................................ 25
Setup and Hardware Problems................................................................................... 25
The Setup Wizard will not start or locks up when I run it on my computer........... 25
Setup does not recognize my wireless notebook adapter..................................... 26
Network and Internet Problems.................................................................................. 26
I can’t stay connected to my wireless network....................................................... 26
I can’t access the Internet from a computer on my wireless network. ................. 27
My network is slow. .................................................................................................. 28
I am having problems running a networked program or multiplayer game
on my network or the Internet. ................................................................................ 29
Printing and File Sharing Problems ............................................................................ 31
I can’t print to a networked printer.......................................................................... 31
I cannot access a shared file or folder from a computer on my network. ............ 32
I can open shared files or folders, but cannot write to or delete them................. 34
I can only access shared resources from certain computers or
user accounts on my network.................................................................................. 35
Appendix A: Locating Your Internet and Network Settings.......................................... 37
Internet Connection Type ............................................................................................ 37
General Internet Settings ............................................................................................ 38
Dynamic IP (DHCP) Settings........................................................................................ 38
Host name................................................................................................................. 38
MAC Address............................................................................................................. 38
Static IP Settings.......................................................................................................... 39
PPPoE Settings............................................................................................................. 40
Workgroup Name ......................................................................................................... 40
Wireless Network Name .............................................................................................. 41
Wireless Security Settings........................................................................................... 41
Appendix B: Support and Technical Information........................................................... 42
Getting Help.................................................................................................................. 42
Visit Us on the Web................................................................................................... 42
Click Help in the Broadband Network Utility........................................................... 42
Technical Support Options....................................................................................... 42
Regulatory Information................................................................................................ 43
United States Radio and TV Interference Regulations........................................... 43
Canadian Radiocommunication Regulations ......................................................... 43
Contents iii
Technical Specifications ..............................................................................................44
System Requirements..................................................................................................45
End-User License Agreement.......................................................................................46
Limited Warranty ..........................................................................................................48
Glossary................................................................................................................................. 53
Index ...................................................................................................................................... 59
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Welcome to Wireless-G
Thank you for purchasing the Microsoft® Broadband Networking Wireless Notebook
Adapter. This wireless adapter is up to five times faster than 802.11b adapters. You
can use your adapter to add a computer to a new or existing wireless network. This
chapter describes your wireless adapter and explains wireless (radio) connections.
Note For more information about 802.11g, see “Understanding Wireless Transmission
Standards” later in this chapter.
About Your Wireless Notebook Adapter
Your wireless adapter comes with a Setup CD, User’s Guide, and Start Here guide, as
shown in the following illustration.
Setup CD
Install This First!
Wireless Notebook Adapter
User's Guide and
Start Here Guide
The Microsoft Wireless Notebook Adapter fits into a CardBus PC Card slot on a laptop
or other computer. The adapter contains two status lights and two internal antennas.
Wireless light
Power light
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Adapter Status Lights
The following table describes the behavior of the adapter’s two status lights.
When the Power
light is…
And the Wireless
light is…
This means…
On On The adapter has established communication with
a wireless network.
On Blinking quickly
Data is being sent or received wirelessly.
On Blinking slowly
The adapter is trying to establish communication
with a wireless network.
Off Off The adapter is not receiving power, is not
recognized by Microsoft Windows®, or is disabled.
CardBus Technology
The Microsoft Wireless Notebook Adapter uses new CardBus technology. CardBus PC
Cards look like earlier PC Cards (16-bit PC Cards), but CardBus PC Cards support
faster data transfer and use less power. CardBus PC Cards work only on computers
that have CardBus PC Card slots.
Warning You can damage your CardBus adapter by inserting it into a PC Card slot that
supports only high-powered 16-bit PC Cards. Do not force your adapter into a PC Card slot
if it doesn’t fit.
Make sure that your computer has a CardBus PC Card slot by following one of these
procedures, depending on your version of the Microsoft Windows operating system:
Windows XP or Windows 2000
1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click System and then click the Hardware tab.
3. Click Device Manager.
4. Click the plus sign to expand the PCMCIA Adapters item.
If CardBus is supported, it will be listed here. If you see only references to PC Card,
CardBus is not supported.
Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, and Windows Me
1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click System.
If you don’t see the System option in Control Panel, click the View All Control Panel
Options link in the left pane.
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3. Click the Device Manager tab.
4. Click the plus sign to expand the PCMCIA Adapters item.
If CardBus is supported, it will be listed here. If you see only references to PC Card,
CardBus is not supported.
About Wireless (Radio) Connections
Your adapter communicates by radio transmission. Radio waves travel in all directions,
and can be transmitted through walls and floors. This section on wireless connections
explains wireless network types and provides important information about wireless
Types of Wireless Networks
There are two types of wireless networks: infrastructure and ad hoc.
In an infrastructure network, a wireless adapter connects to a wireless network
through a central wireless access point, gateway, or router, such as a Microsoft
Wireless Base Station. This type of network is often used when a broadband Internet
connection will be shared among computers, or when there are more than two
computers or devices on a wireless network. The following illustration shows an
infrastructure network.
Active Internet Connection
Broadband Modem
Wireless Base Station
Ethernet Connection
First Computer Second Computer
4 Microsoft Broadband Networking Wireless Notebook Adapter User’s Guide
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In an ad hoc network, a wireless adapter connects directly to wireless adapters that
are installed in other computers. This type of network is often used when only two
computers or devices are being connected, when a broadband Internet connection will
not be shared, or when the connection to another computer is intended to be
temporary. The following illustration shows an ad hoc network.
First computer Second computer
You can use the same adapter to join different networks (and different types of
networks) at different times. For example, you might use your adapter to connect to an
infrastructure network at home most of the time, but occasionally, you might use your
adapter to set up a temporary ad hoc network to share files with a colleague when you
travel together on business.
The Microsoft wireless notebook adapter is very versatile. You can use it to join a
network that has a non-Microsoft router, gateway, or wireless access point. You can
also establish ad hoc connections to non-Microsoft adapters. When joining these types
of networks, you might need to choose or enter some wireless network settings
Placement of Wireless Components
The following placement recommendations will help you achieve the best wireless
range, coverage, security, and connection speed from your wireless devices:
OPlace wireless components in direct line of sight to one another, if possible.
OIf you notice poor signal strength on your notebook adapter, try moving your laptop
computer by just a few inches in any direction. Because of the way in which radio
waves travel, small areas within the network range sometimes receive poor
OPlace wireless components on desks or shelves when possible (instead of on the
floor) to avoid obstacles and achieve better reception on the upper stories of
OAvoid placing wireless components in a way such that large, solid objects block the
direct path between them. Building components, such as fireplaces, concrete or
masonry walls and floors, metal framing, UV window film, and metallic paint will
reduce radio signal strength.
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OAvoid placing wireless components next to large metal objects such as computer
cases, monitors, and appliances. Metal objects reduce signal strength.
OAvoid placing wireless components close to electromagnetic devices, especially
those with frequencies in the 2.4-gigahertz (GHz) range. Devices such as cordless
phones, microwave ovens, radios, and televisions can interfere with wireless
OIf you notice poor connection speed in an area, try moving your wireless
components closer together. Connection speeds will be slower if your wireless
components are very far apart from each other on the network.
OBe aware that wireless signal range, speed, and strength can be affected by
interference from neighboring wireless networks and devices.
Understanding Wireless Transmission Standards
802.11 is a series of wireless transmission standards developed by the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for wireless local area networks. Currently,
four specifications make up the 802.11 series: 802.11, 802.11a, 802.11b, and
802.11g. Your Microsoft Wireless Notebook Adapter conforms to the latest
specification, 802.11g. The main features that distinguish these specifications are
connection speed and radio frequency.
The following table summarizes the four specifications in the 802.11 series.
Specification Connection speed Radio frequency band
802.11 1 or 2 megabits per second (Mbps) 2.4 GHz
802.11a Up to 54 Mbps 5 GHz
802.11b 5.5 and 11 Mbps 2.4 GHz
802.11g Up to 54 Mbps 2.4 GHz
Note The benefit of the 2.4-GHz radio frequency band is that it allows for greater range
than the 5-GHz band. The drawback is that it is susceptible to interference from other
devices such as 2.4-GHz cordless telephones.
Because 802.11b and 802.11g use the same radio frequency band, your 802.11g
adapter is compatible with 802.11b devices. However, when you transfer data
between 802.11b and 802.11g devices, the connection speed is limited to the
802.11b maximum of 11 Mbps.
Note Your Microsoft Wireless adapter is not compatible with 802.11a-only devices.
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Using the Setup Wizard
This chapter will guide you through the setup process for your Microsoft® Broadband
Networking Wireless Notebook Adapter. To set up your adapter, you need a computer
OIs running Microsoft Windows® XP, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000
Professional, Windows 98, or Windows 98 SE operating system.
OHas an available PC Card slot that supports CardBus PC Cards.
The steps in this chapter correspond to the steps that you will go through in the wizard
on the Setup CD.
Note If you don’t want to use the Setup Wizard to set up your adapter, and you have
Windows XP, it is possible to set up your adapter by using the Add Hardware Wizard and
the Wireless Network Connection utility in Windows. However, using the Setup Wizard is
recommended because the Setup Wizard installs the network utility software and
configures your wireless network settings.
Step 1: Gather Components, Tools, and Information
1. Take the following items to the computer that you want to add to the network:
OSetup and Network Utility CD
OMicrosoft Wireless Adapter
OThis User’s Guide
OThe floppy disk, file, printout, or written record of network settings that you
created when setting up your wireless network. (If you didn’t set up the network
that you want to join, ask your network administrator for the settings. If you set
up the network, but don’t have a saved copy of your network settings, see
Appendix A, “Locating Your Internet and Network Settings.”)
OInstallation CD for your Windows operating system if your computer is running
Windows Me, Windows 98, or Windows 98 SE.
Note You can use the Setup and Network Utility CD (v.2.0) that comes with this
adapter to install all current and previous versions of Microsoft Broadband Networking
products. If you have other Microsoft Broadband Networking products on your network,
you do not need to keep multiple copies of this CD and you can discard earlier versions
of this CD.
2. If your computer is running Windows XP or Windows 2000, log on as a member of
the Administrator group. If you are not logged on as an administrator, click Start,
click Log Off, and then press CTRL+ALT+DELETE. Log on again with an
administrator’s name and password.
8 Microsoft Broadband Networking Wireless Notebook Adapter User’s Guide
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3. If you are setting up an adapter on a computer that is already connected to a
network over Ethernet, disconnect your computer from the network.
Note After you set up the wireless adapter, you can still return to using the Ethernet
connection (instead of the wireless connection) at times if you want to. For some tasks
that you might perform on your network, using an Ethernet connection may increase
the data transfer rate. However, if you switch to an Ethernet connection, you will
typically not notice an increase in speed when you access the Internet over your
broadband connection.
Step 2: Run the Setup Wizard
1. Insert the Setup CD into your CD drive. If the Setup Wizard does not start
automatically after a few seconds, open My Computer, double-click the CD icon,
and then double-click Setup or Setup.exe.
Note During setup, you may be prompted to restart your computer or insert your
Windows operating system CD. You may also need to specify the location of the
required setup files on the Windows CD. Do this by typing the drive letter of your CD
drive and the appropriate directory (for example, D:\win98).
2. On the first screen that appears, click Set Up a Product.
The wizard will detect any components that are missing on your computer and
specify which of these components are required for setup and which are optional.
3. Continue following the instructions in the wizard to install missing components (as
4. When the wizard asks whether you are setting up a base station or an adapter, click
Network adapter.
5. When the wizard asks which network adapter you are setting up, click Wireless-G
Notebook Adapter (MN-720, MN-820).
6. Continue following the instructions in the Setup Wizard. If you have a question, click
a Help link on the screen for more information.
If you need to cancel setup before it is complete, you can rerun the wizard. When
the Setup Wizard restarts, click Set Up a Product.
Step 3: Insert the Adapter into Your Computer
OWhen the Setup Wizard prompts you to connect your wireless adapter, insert it into
the PC Card slot on your computer.
Note Leave your computer turned on while you insert your adapter.
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Step 4: Configure the Adapter
1. Continue following the instructions in the Setup Wizard.
2. When the wizard asks what type of network you have, select the option that best
describes the network that you want to join.
Important If you want to share a broadband Internet connection on your network, it is
recommended that you set up a network that uses a base station, gateway, or router. If
you choose to not set up a base station on your network, you should set up security
features on the computer that is sharing the Internet connection. If you have
Windows XP, you can use Internet Connection Firewall to help provide such security. If
you don’t have Windows XP, be sure to use other measures to help provide a security
layer between your network and the Internet. For more information about security, see
“Making Your Network More Secure” in Chapter 4.
3. If you are connecting to a network with a base station, gateway, or router, the
wizard will prompt you for your wireless network settings. If you want to join an ad-
hoc network, see “Joining an Available Wireless Network” in Chapter 3.
Note For more information about network types, see “Types of Wireless Networks” in
Chapter 1.
4. The wizard will help you set up your computer for file and printer sharing.
If your computer is a member of a domain—for example, if you have a laptop that is
on a domain at work, and you want to connect it to your home network—the Setup
Wizard will detect this and skip the file and printer sharing part of setup. For
information about switching between a workgroup and a domain, see Broadband
Network Utility Help.
5. When you reach the end of the Setup Wizard, click Finish to exit the wizard. The
Broadband Network Utility starts automatically.
6. Remove the Setup CD from the CD drive and the floppy disk (if used) from the floppy
disk drive. Keep the CD and the floppy disk to set up additional Microsoft
Broadband Networking products on your network.
Step 5: Test Your Network Connections
1. View the status of your network in the Broadband Network Utility. Make sure that
the other computers on your network appear under Network Devices. For more
information about using the Broadband Network Utility, see Chapter 3.
2. If you are sharing an Internet connection on your network, test your Internet
connection by opening your Web browser and visiting a Web site, such as
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network activities
Sharing Resources and Joining Other Networks
After setting up your wireless network, you can perform common network tasks, such
as making files and printers available to other computers (a process called “sharing”),
and then accessing these shared resources. You can also use the same Internet
connection from multiple computers on your network.
This chapter describes how to:
OLog on to your network.
OUse the same Internet connection from multiple computers on your network.
OStart the Broadband Network Utility (to view shared resources, join other networks,
and access Help to troubleshoot problems).
OShare files and folders from one computer and then access them from other
OShare a printer that is connected to one computer and then print to it from other
OMake other peripheral devices available to computers on your network.
ORead e-mail messages on your network.
OPlay games on your network and on the Internet.
OCreate a computer-to-computer (ad hoc) network.
OJoin an available wireless network.
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Logging on to Your Network
After starting your computer, you must always log on to your network to access files,
printers, and other resources that have been shared.
If you have Microsoft® Windows® 98 or Windows Millennium Edition operating system,
do not click Cancel during the logon process, even if you decide to leave your
password blank. Type your user name, type your password (or leave it blank), and then
click OK.
Do not
click Cancel
If you are already using Windows, and you haven’t yet logged on to your network, you
can log off from Windows and then log back on.
To log off and log back on to your network
1. Click Start.
2. Click Log Off. (If Log Off does not appear on your Start menu, click Shut Down,
make sure that Log Off is selected in the drop-down box, and then click OK.)
3. Log on to your network.
After you log on to your network, you can perform certain network functions, such as
opening shared files.
Chapter 3: Network Activities 13
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Using an Internet Connection over a Network
If you have the Microsoft Broadband Networking Wireless Base Station and a
broadband connection to the Internet, the other computers on your network can share
the original Internet connection. Internet sharing is automatically configured by the
Setup Wizard when you install the base station.
If you do not have a base station, you can configure one of your computers to share its
broadband or dial-up Internet connection, provided that the computer is running
Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium Edition, or Windows 98
Second Edition. These versions of Windows include a feature called Internet
Connection Sharing, which allows multiple computers on a network to use the same
Internet connection, even at the same time. For information about setting up Internet
Connection Sharing, look up “Internet Connection Sharing” in Windows Help.
Important Before you share an Internet connection, check with your Internet service
provider about its policy regarding Internet connection sharing.
If you use Internet Connection Sharing, you must leave the computer with the Internet
connection turned on for the other computers on the network to access the Internet.
You will continue to access the Internet from each computer the way you normally do,
for example, by using your Web browser. To browse the Web, each computer must
have a Web browser (such as Microsoft Internet Explorer) installed.
Although you aren’t likely to notice a difference in speed, sharing a broadband Internet
connection with other computers on your network makes the Internet connection
slightly slower for each person. Sharing a dial-up Internet connection has a more
noticeable impact on speed.
Important If you use Internet Connection Sharing, you should take measures to provide a
security layer between your network and the Internet. If the computer with the shared
Internet connection is running Windows XP, you can use Internet Connection Firewall to
help provide such security. If the computer with the shared Internet connection is running
an earlier version of the Windows operating system, we recommend using security
software on this computer.
Using the Broadband Network Utility
The Microsoft Broadband Network Utility is automatically installed on your computer
when you run the Setup Wizard. You can use the Broadband Network Utility to view
other computers on the network, access shared files on those computers, and join
other wireless networks.
The Help system in the Broadband Network Utility provides additional information
about Microsoft Broadband Networking products, using the Broadband Network Utility,
performing common tasks on your network, and troubleshooting network problems.
The Help system, the Network Troubleshooter, and Web Help are all available on the
Help menu.
Note For information about using the Broadband Network Utility to change wireless
settings or update software, see Broadband Network Utility Help.
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To start the Broadband Network Utility
OClick Start, point to Programs, and then click Microsoft Broadband Network
ODouble-click the Broadband Network Utility icon in the notification area at
the far right of the Windows taskbar.
Information about
your network
The Internet connection
status of your computer
A list of other
computers that
are connected
to your network
Information about
your computer
The right pane of the Broadband Network Utility displays information about the
computers connected to your network. This information automatically refreshes at
regularly scheduled intervals. You can also manually refresh the list.
Note To see the full computer name and Internet protocol (IP) address of a computer in
the Network Devices list, hold the mouse pointer over the computer in the list.
To refresh the Network Devices list
ORight-click the icon for an active device, and then click Refresh.
To remove an inactive device from the Network Devices list
ORight-click the dimmed icon for the device, and then click Remove from List.
In the sections that follow you will read about how to use the Broadband Network
Utility to access shared files on network computers and to join other networks.
Using Files and Folders over a Network
This section explains how you can make files and folders available on one computer (a
process called “file and folder sharing”) and then access those files and folders from
other computers on your network.
To make using files and folders over a network easy, you should assign all computers
on your network to the same workgroup if you haven’t done so already. For information
about how to do this, look up “workgroup” in Windows Help.
Important Do not assign a computer (such as a work laptop) to your workgroup if
the computer is already a member of a domain, and you intend to reconnect to the
domain later.
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Step 1: Make your files and folders available to the network
You may have set up file sharing on your computers when you set up the base station
and adapter. If you did not set up file sharing when you set up your hardware, you can
enable it by using the Windows operating system. You can also use Windows to change
or further refine the settings you selected during Setup. For more detailed instructions
and information about sharing files and folders, see Windows Help.
Note If you have Windows 2000 or Windows XP, you need to have sufficient privileges (or
be the network administrator) to share folders with others. For more information, look up
“administrator” in Windows Help.
File and folder sharing is configured from the computer that contains the files and
folders you wish to share. You can share an entire drive with the network, or you can
share specific folders. For example, if you store photographs of your children in a
folder named “Kids” on your computer, and you want to make the photographs
available to your network, you can choose to share only the Kids folder.
Important Although you can share files, printers, and other devices on your network, you
cannot share software programs, such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel.
To share a folder or drive on your computer (in Windows XP)
1. Enable file sharing on your computer if you have not already done so. You need to
do this only once. For information about how to enable file sharing, see Windows
2. Open My Computer.
3. Browse to the drive or folder that you want to make available to other computers on
your network, and then select it.
4. On the File menu, click Sharing and Security.
5. Click Share this folder on the network. By default, the folder is made available to
all of the other computers on your network, and everyone has read-only access. To
give everyone read-write access, check the Allow Network Users to Change My
Files check box.
6. Click OK.
To share a folder or drive on your computer (in Windows 2000)
1. Enable file sharing on your computer if you have not already done so. You need to
do this only once. For information about how to enable file sharing, see Windows
2. Open My Computer.
3. Browse to the drive or folder that you want to make available to other computers on
your network, and then select it.
4. On the File menu, click Sharing.
5. Click Share this folder. By default, the folder is made available to all of the other
computers on your network, and everyone has read-write access. To change the
access level, click Permissions.
6. Click OK.
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To share a folder or drive on your computer (in Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, and
Windows Me)
1. Enable file sharing on your computer if you have not already done so. You need to
do this only once. For information about how to enable file sharing, see Windows
2. Open My Computer.
3. Select the file or folder that you want to make available to other computers on
your network.
4. On the File menu, click Sharing.
5. Click Shared as. Change the level of access if you want, and then click OK.
Only the computer users on your network will have access to the files you share. At
times, you may want to prevent certain users, such as your children, from accessing
particular folders and the files they contain. If you want to increase the security of your
shared files, you can assign permissions and passwords to your files and folders. For
more information, look up “permission” and “access control” in Windows Help. (In
Windows Millennium Edition, look up “controlling access.”)
Note For a computer’s files and folders to be available to the network, the computer must
be turned on and logged on to the network. Also, if the computer is turned on but in sleep
mode, it will not be accessible from the network. For more information, look up “power
options” in Windows XP Help, or “power management” in Windows Me, Windows 2000,
and Windows 98 Help.
Step 2: Access shared files
To access shared files and folders, you can use the Broadband Network Utility and
My Computer.
Note If you want to work with shared files on a computer that does not have the
Broadband Network Utility installed, you can use Network Neighborhood or My Network
Places in Windows instead. For more information, see Windows Help.
To access shared files on other computers
1. Start the Broadband Network Utility.
2. In the Network Devices list, double-click the computer that stores the file you want
to access.
3. Use the window that appears to browse the shared folders on that computer and
locate the file.
Note If the shared files on the other computer do not appear, you might need to restart
the computer you are using.
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To copy a file or folder from a network computer to your local computer
1. Use the preceding steps to browse to the shared file or folder that you want to copy.
2. On the File menu, point to Explorer Bar, and then click Folders. The Folders bar
appears in the left pane.
You can now see the hierarchical structure of drives, folders, and files on your
computer and on the other computers that are part of your network.
3. Drag the file or folder that you want to copy from the right pane to a local drive or
folder in the Folders bar.
Note If the shared network folder has read-write access, you can also copy files from your
local computer into this shared folder.
Using a Printer over a Network
Before you can use a printer that is attached to another computer on your network,
you will need to do the following:
OMake the printer available to other computers (this is also known as “sharing” a
printer). Sharing must be configured on the computer to which the printer is
ORun the Add Printer Wizard to install printer drivers on each computer that you want
to print from.
Note Some printer drivers are not designed for sharing printers. For more information,
see the documentation that came with your printer, or see if additional drivers are
available on the printer manufacturer’s Web site.
The procedures for sharing a printer and installing drivers differ depending on your
version of Windows. For more detailed instructions, look up “sharing printers” in
Windows Help.
To access a shared printer from another computer on the network, use the following
To print to a shared printer that is attached to another computer on the network
1. Open the document that you want to print, such as a document in Microsoft Word.
2. On the File menu, click Print.
3. In the Print dialog box, select the shared printer from the list of printers, and then
click OK.
Note The computer that is connected to the printer must be turned on for the other
computers on the network to use the printer.
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Using Other Peripheral Devices over a Network
In addition to using most printers over a network, you can use other peripheral
devices—such as hard drives, CD drives, and Zip drives—over your network. Some
peripheral devices (such as some scanners) cannot be shared with other computers
on your network.
Before you can use a device that is attached to another computer on your network, you
will need to do the following:
OMake the device available to the network (this is also known as sharing the device).
This is configured from the computer to which the device is attached.
OInstall any necessary drivers or utilities on each computer from which you want to
use the device. For more information, see the documentation that came with the
About Reading E-Mail Messages on a Network
You can access your e-mail messages from each networked computer in the same way
that you would access e-mail messages without a local area network (assuming that
you have an Internet connection). Open your e-mail program, or, if you have a Web-
based e-mail account, sign in to your account through your Web browser.
Keep in mind the following: If you download e-mail messages from your e-mail account
to your computer, those messages will not be accessible from the other computers on
your network. Similarly, if you share an account with another person, and he or she
downloads e-mail messages from the shared account to one computer on the network,
you will not see those messages when you access the account from another computer.
If you want your e-mail messages to remain available to all users of your network at
any time, you should not download the messages to one computer. (However, you
should delete old messages from your e-mail account on a regular basis, so that you
don’t exceed the storage space given to you by your e-mail provider.)
Playing Games on Your Network and on the Internet
Many of the most popular games now have multiplayer capability, allowing two or more
players to compete by using a local network. With network-enabled games, you can
use your networked computers to play games with friends and family members.
Most games come with documentation that explains all you need to know to configure
your network for multiplayer gaming. However, the following steps might help you
prepare for playing games over the network:
OIf you have purchased a multiplayer game, be sure to install it on each computer on
the network that will be used for playing games.
OMake sure that the network protocols necessary to run the games that you want are
installed on each computer on your network. For more information, see the
documentation that came with your games.
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OIf you are playing an Internet-based game, you might also be required to pay user
fees or download game files to your computer. Be sure to follow the directions
provided on the game’s Web site.
OIf you have problems connecting to an Internet-based game, you might need to
configure your base station to work with your game. If you have a Microsoft base
station, see the MN-500: Base Station Configuration Guide or MN-700: Base
Station Configuration Guide on the Setup CD.
For information about playing games on the Internet, and for other game-related
information, visit:
Creating a Computer-to-Computer (Ad Hoc) Network
If you do not want to use a base station, you can set up a computer-to-computer (ad
hoc) network to share files between computers that have wireless adapters. After you
create an ad hoc network by using the following procedure, other computers can join this
network by using the steps in the following section, “Joining an Available Wireless Network.”
To set up an ad hoc network (in Windows XP)
1. Start the Broadband Network Utility.
2. On the Tools menu, click Adapter Settings.
3. In the Wireless Adapter drop-down list, make sure that a Microsoft wireless adapter
is selected.
4. Click Configure.
5. Click Add.
6. Type a name for the new ad hoc network in the Network Name (SSID) box.
7. If you want the network to use wireless security, enter the wireless security settings.
8. Make sure that The key is provided for me automatically check box is not selected.
9. Select This is a computer-to-computer (ad-hoc) network; wireless access points
are not used.
10. Click OK twice.
To set up an ad hoc network (in Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows 98, and
Windows 98 SE)
1. Start the Broadband Network Utility.
2. On the Tools menu, click Adapter Settings.
3. In the Wireless Adapter drop-down list, make sure that a Microsoft wireless adapter
is selected.
4. Click Configure.
5. Type a name for the new ad hoc network in the Wireless name (SSID) box.
6. Click This is a computer-to-computer (ad-hoc) network.
7. If you want the network to use wireless security, enter a Wired Equivalent Privacy
(WEP) key in the Security Key box, and to retype it in the Confirm Security Key box.
Note Use 10 alphanumeric characters for standard security or 26 for stronger security.
8. Click OK twice.
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Joining an Available Wireless Network
By using the Broadband Network Utility, you can view any network that is within range
and broadcasting its wireless network name (SSID). To join an available network, you
simply select the network from a list of available networks and then change the
wireless security settings of your adapter to match the settings of the network you
want to join.
To join an available network (in Windows XP)
1. Start the Broadband Network Utility.
2. On the Tools menu, click Adapter Settings.
3. In the Wireless Adapter drop-down list, make sure that a Microsoft wireless adapter
is selected.
4. Click Available Networks.
5. From the list of available networks, select the network you want to join.
6. If WEP or Wi-Fi Protected Access™ (WPA) is enabled on the network you are joining,
type the key or passphrase in the Network Key box.
7. Click Connect.
To join an available network (in Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows 98, and
Windows 98 SE)
1. Start the Broadband Network Utility.
2. On the Tools menu, click Adapter Settings.
3. In the Wireless Adapter drop-down list, make sure that a Microsoft wireless adapter
is selected.
4. Click Available Networks.
5. From the list of available networks, select the network you want to join.
6. If the network that you want to join uses wireless security, you will be prompted to
type the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) key or in the Security Key box, and to
retype it in the Confirm Security Key box.
7. Click Connect.
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Understanding Network Maintenance and Security
Now that you have a wireless network, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with
some important network management tasks.
This chapter describes how to monitor network performance, view adapter settings,
update network software, and improve network security.
Monitoring Your Network
The Microsoft® Broadband Network Utility is your principal tool for viewing the status of
your network and connected devices and for viewing your adapter settings.
Note For information about starting the Broadband Network Utility and using it to access
shared files or to join other networks, see Chapter 3.
View Status
You can view information about the status of your computer, your workgroup or
domain, and your Internet connection in the left pane of the Broadband Network
Utility. If there is a problem with your network or Internet connection, the Broadband
Network Utility displays a link to the Network Troubleshooter, which you can use to
help resolve the problem.
Note You can also view information about the status of your network connection by
resting the pointer on the Broadband Network Utility icon in the notification area at
the far right of the Microsoft Windows® taskbar.
View Network Devices
The right pane of the Broadband Network Utility displays information about the
computers, base stations, and other devices connected to your network. This
information automatically refreshes at regularly scheduled intervals. You can manually
refresh the list.
To refresh the network device list
ORight-click the icon for an active device in the network device list, and then
click Refresh.
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View Adapter Settings
You can view the settings for your Microsoft wireless adapter from the Broadband
Network Utility. These settings include the IP address, wireless network name (also
known as Service Set Identifier, or SSID), and wireless channel.
To view adapter settings
OFrom the Tools menu of the Broadband Network Utility, click Adapter Settings.
For information about how to change your adapter settings, see Broadband Network
Utility Help.
Updating Software
Occasionally, Microsoft may provide upgrades to the Broadband Network Utility
software. When an upgrade is available on the Microsoft Broadband Networking Web
site, the Broadband Network Utility Update Service will automatically notify you, unless
you turn the update service off. After you log on to a networked computer, a message
will appear in the notification area of the Windows taskbar with a link to the Microsoft
Broadband Networking Web site.
If you turn the update service off, you can check for upgrades on the Web site from the
Broadband Network Utility.
To upgrade software
1. Start the Broadband Network Utility.
2. On the Help menu, click Check for Updates Online.
3. Follow the instructions on the Microsoft Broadband Networking Web site to
download the latest software, drivers, and firmware.
Making Your Network More Secure
Protecting the data and programs on your network computers from security threats,
such as computer viruses and hackers, is very important. The following sections
provide general information about steps you can take to protect your network.
Help Protect Your Network from Computer Viruses
To avoid having a problem with viruses on your network, consider the following
OInstall an antivirus program on each computer on your network and use it regularly
to check your computers for viruses. Remember to update the antivirus program on
a regular basis.
OLearn the common signs of viruses: unusual messages that appear on your screen,
decreased system performance, missing data, and inability to access your hard
drive. If you notice any of these problems on your computer, run your antivirus
program immediately to minimize the chances of losing data.
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OEducate yourself about how viruses are commonly spread so that you do not spread
one yourself:
ODo not load a program from an untrusted source onto one of your network
computers. Files from the Internet or online bulletin boards are particularly risky.
ONever open attachments to e-mail messages that you are not expecting.
OUse your antivirus software to scan all floppy disks before copying or opening
files from them, or before starting your computer from them.
Help Protect Your Network from Hackers
If you have not already done so, consider purchasing the Microsoft Broadband
Networking Wireless Base Station (sold separately) to establish a security layer
between your networked computers and the Internet. The Microsoft Wireless Base
Station provides network address translation (NAT) and a firewall to help secure your
system from hacker attacks over the Internet.
NAT hides the Internet protocol (IP) addresses of the computers on a network from the
Internet so that only the base station IP address is visible. Without the IP address, it is
more difficult for hackers to access the computers on your network.
The firewall specifies what information can be communicated from the computers on
your network to the Internet, and from the Internet to the computers on your network.
Like an actual firewall built to prevent fire from spreading between adjoining buildings,
computer firewalls help prevent the spread of unauthorized communication between
an individual computer or group of networked computers and the Internet.
Help Protect Your Network from Unauthorized Access
Because wireless networks use radio signals, it is possible for other wireless network
devices outside your immediate area to pick up the signals and either connect to your
network or capture the network traffic. To help prevent unauthorized connections or
the possibility of eavesdroppers listening in on your network traffic, do the following:
OIf you have a base station, router, or gateway, place it toward the center of your
home. This decreases the strength of the signal outside your home.
OEnable 128-bit wireless security (WEP) or WPA on your network when you run the
Setup Wizard. When you enable WEP, you establish a WEP key that scrambles or
“encrypts” the data being transmitted between wireless nodes so that it is
decipherable only by computers that have the correct WEP key. In addition, only
users who know the network WEP key can join your network and use your Internet
connection. If you did not enable wireless security when you ran the Setup Wizard,
you can do so from the Broadband Network Utility.
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Finding Answers to Common Problems
This chapter will help you solve the most common installation and setup problems that
you may have with your Microsoft® Broadband Networking components. The following
types of issues are covered:
OSetup and Hardware Problems
ONetwork and Internet Problems
OFile and Printer Sharing Problems
If the problem you are experiencing is not covered in this chapter, you can find more
troubleshooting information in Broadband Network Utility Help, or on the Microsoft
Hardware Web site at If you have finished Setup, you
can start the Broadband Network Utility by double-clicking the icon in your Microsoft
Windows® taskbar.
Setup and Hardware Problems
This section will help you solve problems that you might encounter while running the
Setup Wizard or connecting your Microsoft Broadband Networking adapter to your
network for the first time.
Note Run the Setup Wizard before connecting your new hardware or disconnecting your
existing Internet connection. This is important because the Setup Wizard will help detect
your current settings and configure your new Microsoft Broadband Networking adapter.
The Setup Wizard will not start or locks up when I run it on my
The following troubleshooting steps will help you track down and solve the problem.
OVerify that your computer conforms to the minimum system requirements. The
packaging lists system requirements for your Microsoft Broadband Networking
adapter and software. If your computer does not meet the minimum requirements,
the Setup Wizard might not function correctly or might not start at all.
OYour hard disk might be full. Make sure that you have enough free hard disk space
to install the network drivers and Broadband Network Utility. You can check the
amount of free hard drive space by opening My Computer and selecting your hard
drive in the main window.
OVerify that your CD drive is functioning correctly. Try launching the Setup Wizard
by double-clicking the CD icon in My Computer. If it still does not start correctly, try
inserting another CD. If the other CD works correctly, you may have a bad CD.
Contact Technical Support for more information about replacing a defective CD.
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Setup does not recognize my wireless notebook adapter.
The following troubleshooting steps will help you track down and solve the problem.
OCheck your connections.
Make sure that your notebook expansion slots support
Cardbus PC Cards. For more information, see the system requirements for your
OVerify that all status lights are illuminated. Check to make sure that your adapter,
broadband modem, base station, and other networking devices are receiving power
by inspecting the appropriate status lights. See Chapter 1, “Introduction,” for more
information about the status lights of your notebook adapter.
OTry a different notebook card slot. If there is a problem with the current notebook
card connector, the wireless adapter may not function correctly or will not function
at all. Try inserting the adapter into a different notebook card slot, and then see if
Setup can detect it.
Also, try removing the adapter and inserting it back into the original card slot.
Network and Internet Problems
This section will help you solve common problems that might occur while using your
local area network (LAN) or Internet connection.
I can’t stay connected to my wireless network.
If you are running the Windows XP operating system with Service Pack 1 (SP1), you
might lose connection to your wireless network every 3 to 5 minutes. This can be
caused by incorrect wireless network security settings. To solve this problem, you need
to disable 802.1x authentication on your wireless network, as described below.
To disable 802.1x authentication in Windows XP
1. Click Start, point to Connect To, click Show all connections, and then double-click
your wireless network.
2. On the General tab, click Properties.
3. Click the Wireless Networks tab.
4. Under Preferred Networks, click your home network, and then click Properties.
5. Click the Authentication tab, and then click to clear the Enable IEEE 802.1x
authentication for this network check box, if it is selected.
6. If you cannot click this check box, then you are not using 802.1x authentication or
wireless security.
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I can’t access the Internet from a computer on my wireless network.
The following troubleshooting steps will help you track down and solve the problem.
OMake sure that the rest of your network is functioning correctly. Verify that you
can access the Internet from other computers on your network. If other computers
also cannot access the Internet, the problem might be with your base station,
modem, or Internet service provider (ISP).
Another common cause of Internet connection problems is disconnected cabling. If
the rest of your network is having problems, check the cable between the base
station and the broadband modem. Verify that you are using the correct cable, that
the cable is firmly attached, and that all status lights on the network devices
indicate that your connections are receiving power and functioning properly.
OCheck for range or interference issues. You might be out of range of the wireless
base station or access point. Place the computer with the wireless adapter in the
same room as your base station and try connecting again.
Interference can also cause Internet connection problems. Signals that are
transmitted between the base station and a wireless adapter can be affected by
interference from other wireless devices—including 2.4 gigahertz (GHz) cordless
phones, microwave ovens, and neighboring wireless networks. Move the other
devices further from your wireless networking hardware as needed, and refrain from
using them while you are using the network. To minimize interference from another
wireless network, try changing channels. For more information about configuring
your wireless settings, see the documentation for your wireless access point.
For more information about range issues, see Chapter 1, “Introduction.”
OVerify that you are using the correct wireless settings. You might have incomplete
or incorrect wireless settings for your adapter. To connect successfully, the wireless
adapter on your computer must have the same network name (SSID), wireless
channel, and wireless security (such as Wireless Equivalent Privacy [WEP])
information as your base station. To check the wireless settings on your Microsoft
base station, open the Base Station Management Tool from the Broadband
Network Utility. You can also access the base station directly through your Internet
browser by going to the address Then you can view and, if
necessary, correct your Microsoft wireless adapter settings by opening Adapter
Settings from the Tools menu of the Broadband Network Utility.
OReset your broadband modem. Turn off the modem for 5 to 10 seconds. Restart
the modem, and wait for it to connect to your ISP. After the status lights on your
modem indicate that it is connected, and the status lights on your base station
show that you have a working Internet connection, try accessing the Internet from
your computer again.
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OReset your base station, gateway, or router. Turn off or unplug the base station,
wait at least 10 seconds, and turn it back on again. When the status lights indicate
that the base station is ready, try accessing the Internet from the wireless computer
OUpdate your base station firmware. Firmware is the software that is loaded into
your base station to provide network functions. You can update your base station
firmware by downloading it from the Internet and installing it on your base station. If
you are using a Microsoft base station, make sure that you are using the latest
firmware version.
To update Microsoft base station firmware
1. Double-click the Broadband Network Utility icon on your taskbar to start
the utility.
2. On the Help menu, click Check for Updates Online.
3. If there is a newer version of the firmware available, follow the instructions on
the Web page to download the new software, firmware, or drivers.
My network is slow.
If networked programs are running slowly, or you are experiencing large slowdowns in
your Internet connection speed, try decreasing the number of computers or programs
that are simultaneously accessing your network.
Note Programs that do not use network resources, for example Microsoft Word when it is
editing a local document, will not interfere with the speed of your network. Only programs
which must constantly use your network connection to function will be affected. Examples
can include music sharing software and instant messenger programs.
Your network has a limited amount of bandwidth for transmitting data. As more
computers access your network at the same time, the bandwidth must be divided
among all computers. By reducing the number of programs accessing your network at
the same time, you can increase the speed at which data is transmitted across your
You might find that you need more bandwidth to use all of your computers at the same
time on the network. If your connection is still too slow, contact your ISP to verify that
there are no problems with your connection, such as scheduled maintenance, line
issues, or other problems. If you are still not satisfied with your connection speed, you
might want to inquire about upgrading to a faster connection.
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I am having problems running a networked program or multiplayer
game on my network or the Internet.
Some networked applications might not be working as expected on your local area
network (LAN). Symptoms of the problems vary and can include the following:
OProblems connecting to an application after the base station is installed.
ODisconnections while using an application.
OProblems sending or receiving audio and video.
OProblems connecting more than one computer to an online application
ODelays, or lag, while running a multiplayer game on several computers at once.
OGame crashes.
ODelays, or lag, while playing a game over the Internet.
Several troubleshooting steps addressing these issues are listed below, with solutions
to the most common problems listed first.
OMake sure that the rest of your network is functioning correctly. Verify that you
can access the Internet from other computers on your network. If other computers
also cannot access the Internet, the problem might be with your base station,
modem, or Internet service provider (ISP). See the following troubleshooting steps
for more information.
If this network does not have an Internet connection, verify that all computers are in
the same workgroup and can see each other on the network. You can use the
Broadband Network Utility to view all the computers in your workgroup and check
your workgroup name. For more information about the Broadband Network Utility,
see Chapter 3, “Network Activities.”
If there are problems accessing the Internet or other computers on your network,
check the cables between your computers and the base station or modem for loose
or disconnected wires. Check the cables between the base station and the
broadband modem. Verify that you are using the correct cables, that all cables are
firmly attached, and that all status lights on the other network devices are
functioning correctly.
If you are still having network problems, you should troubleshoot that issue before
configuring a multiplayer network game.
OCheck your base station network settings. If other computers on your network are
also having problems accessing the network and the Internet, you might have
incorrect base station network settings. Verify that you are using the correct Internet
settings required by your ISP, and that any wireless settings are correctly configured
to allow all wireless computers to communicate.
If you are using a Microsoft base station, you can use the Broadband Network Utility
and the Base Station Management Tool to check and manually configure your
network settings. For more information, see Chapter 4, “Network Management.” If
you are using a base station or router from another manufacturer, see the
documentation for that device.
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OCheck if your game or application has any special network requirements for
multiplayer play. Some programs communicate between computers by using
specific network ports. Most base stations include a firewall that prevents
unauthorized communication on nearly all ports.
If your application or game requires special settings on your base station, such as
forwarding a port for multiplayer play or setting up a virtual DMZ (demilitarized
zone) to host a game server, you will be able to find this information in the program
manual or on the software publisher’s Web site.
For a list of specific programs and the ports necessary to run them, see the Support
section of the Broadband Networking Web site at
OIf you are using a wireless connection, check for range and interference issues.
You might be out of range of the wireless base station, gateway, or router. Position
the computer with the wireless adapter in the same room as your base station and
try connecting again. If you can connect to the wireless network and run
applications and games without a problem, you might have been previously out
of range.
Another cause of problems is that signals transmitted between the base station and
a wireless adapter can be affected by interference from other wireless devices—
including 2.4-GHz cordless phones, microwave ovens, and neighboring wireless
networks. Move the other devices as needed, and refrain from using them while you
are using the network. To minimize interference from another wireless network, try
changing the wireless channel. For information about how to change your wireless
settings, see Broadband Network Utility Help.
OCheck for duplicate NAT features, DHCP servers, or firewalls. Network Address
Translation (NAT) and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) are security
features of the Microsoft base station and some other devices. If two devices, such
as a base station and modem, are running NAT and/or DHCP servers at the same
time, the devices can interfere with each other and cause intermittent failures. If
you are running a Microsoft base station, for example, its firewall and NAT features
could conflict with other network hardware and software. Verify that you have
disabled NAT functionality and DHCP servers on other devices in your network. To
determine if a device has one of these features, check the documentation for that
device. Some other common network devices that could contain these features
include routers, broadband modems, or wireless access points.
Software firewalls can also cause conflicts. Make sure that you turn off any
personal firewall software, such as Internet Connection Firewall, when trying to run
a game.
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OUpdate your base station firmware. Firmware is the software that is loaded into
your base station to provide network functions. You can update your base station
firmware by downloading it from the Internet and installing it on your base station. If
you are using a Microsoft base station, make sure that you are using the latest
firmware version.
To update Microsoft base station firmware
1. Double-click the Broadband Network Utility icon on your taskbar to start
the utility.
2. On the Help menu, click Check for Updates Online.
3. If there is a newer version of the firmware available, follow the instructions on
the Web page to download the new software, firmware, or drivers.
Printing and File Sharing Problems
This section will help you solve problems that you might encounter while printing over
your network or accessing shared files and folders.
I can’t print to a networked printer.
The following troubleshooting steps will help you track down and solve the problem.
OMake sure that the printer is functioning properly. There could be a problem with
the printer itself. Verify that the printer is on and working correctly by using the
printer’s self-test functions. See your printer documentation for specific
If the printer does not pass the self test, try turning the printer off and back on
again. Make sure that the printer has ink and paper. If the printer is still failing, see
the printer documentation.
If the printer passes the self test, try printing from the computer that is connected
directly to the printer. If this computer will not print successfully, you may need to
install printer drivers or check the cable connecting the printer to your computer.
See the following troubleshooting steps for more information.
OMake sure that all cables are securely connected. Check that the cables in your
network are securely connected to the correct ports. Check all power cables and the
cables between the printer and the host computer or network. Make sure that the
status lights on the base station and each network adapter are illuminated to
indicate that each connected Ethernet port is working properly. If the status lights
are not illuminated, try a different type of Ethernet cable (straight-through or
crossover) or a different network port.
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OEnsure that the printer is shared over your network. If your printer is connected to
a computer, which is then connected to your network, you must make that printer
available to other computers. This process is known as “sharing” a printer over
the network.
To make a printer available to the network, go to the computer that is connected
directly to the printer. Follow instructions for printer sharing for that computer’s
operating system. For more information about sharing a printer over the network,
see Windows Help.
OCheck whether the correct printer driver is installed. Every computer that will use
a shared printer on your network must have that printer’s driver installed. You can
make sure that the driver for the networked printer has been installed on a
computer by checking the Printers item in Control Panel. If it is installed, you will
see your shared printer listed in the Printers section. After you have verified that
the printer driver is installed, try printing a test page from the computer.
You can install the printer driver by opening Printers and Faxes through Control
Panel in Windows XP, or through the Add Printer feature in Control Panel on other
Windows operating systems. If Windows prompts you for a driver disk, use the driver
disk that came with your printer.
I cannot access a shared file or folder from a computer on my network.
Files and folders are “shared” when they are made available to other users on your
network from the computer on which they reside.
The following troubleshooting steps will help you track down and solve the problem.
OMake sure that your network is functioning correctly. By checking the status of
your network, you can determine if the problem is due to a connectivity issue with
your network or due your shared file configuration. One easy way to check the
status of your network is to verify that all of the computers can access the Internet.
If you are having problems accessing the Internet (possibly caused by loose or
incorrect cables), fix those problems before proceeding with other troubleshooting
methods listed here.
OTry accessing a different shared file or folder. If there are other shared resources
on your network, try accessing those resources instead. If you can access other
shared files but not the one you want, you might not have permission to access the
file. For more information about permissions, see the next topic.
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OEnsure that all computers are in the same workgroup. You will need to look at
each computer to check its workgroup and, if necessary, change the workgroup
Note If one of your computers is a laptop that is used on a domain at work, you must
leave the domain to join a workgroup at home and share files. To rejoin the domain at
work, you will need administrative privileges on your computer. For more information,
see Windows Help.
If the computer is using a Microsoft Broadband Networking adapter, you can check
which workgroup your computer belongs to on the main screen of the Broadband
Networking Utility. Alternatively, you can check and modify the workgroup names on
each computer by using the following instructions, specific to the Windows
operating system:
Windows XP
1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click System, and then click the Computer Name tab. If you need to
modify the workgroup name, click Change.
Windows 2000
1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click System.
3. Click the Network Identification tab. If you need to modify the workgroup name,
click Change.
Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, and Windows Me
1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click Network, and then click the Identification tab. If you need to modify
the workgroup name, click Change.
When all computers are members of the same workgroup, try sharing or accessing
shared files again.
OTurn on file and printer sharing on the computer that contains the file you want
to share. The computer that you are trying to access must have file and printer
sharing enabled for sharing to work correctly. When you run the Setup Wizard, you
have the option of enabling file and printer sharing, but that option only applies to
the computer running Setup. If a different computer contains the file that you want
to share, you also will need to enable sharing on that second computer.
File and printer sharing is enabled differently on each operating system. For
more information about enabling file and printer sharing on your computer, see
Chapter 3, “Network Activities.”
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OVerify that the file or folder’s permissions have been configured for access over
the network. When files or folders are shared over the network, they still may not
be accessible by everyone. Their owner may configure permissions that limit which
users can read, write to, or delete the shared resources. If you are having difficulty
accessing a file or folder on another computer, it may be because the permissions
for that file limit your ability to see it over the network. You may receive an “access
denied” error message, or have problems locating the shared files on your network.
To check the permissions for shared files or folders, go to the computer containing
those files or folders. In Windows XP operating system, right-click the folder
containing the information you want to access and choose Properties. Click the
Sharing tab to see if file sharing has been enabled. If the computer is using Simple
File Sharing in Windows XP, files are either shared to everyone or not shared at all,
and permissions cannot be modified. In other words, a shared file should be
accessible from another computer. If the computer is not using Simple File Sharing
(recommended), click the Security tab to check and modify permissions for each
user accessing the folder.
Note Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition uses only Simple File Sharing. Microsoft
Windows XP Professional Edition uses both Simple File Sharing and standard,
permissions-based file sharing.
To check permissions in Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, and
Windows Me operating systems, right-click the file or folder whose permissions you
want to check and choose Sharing.
For more information, search for “file and folder permissions” and “simple file
sharing” in Windows Help.
I can open shared files or folders, but cannot write to or delete them.
The following troubleshooting steps will help you track down and solve the problem.
OCheck whether the file is read-only. “Read-only” is a file attribute that prevents
anyone from writing to the file or otherwise making alterations. To check the
attributes of a file, locate the file in its folder, right-click the file, and choose
Properties. Attributes can be changed only by a user who has administrative
privileges on the computer where the file is located.
OCheck whether you have permission to change the shared file or folder. When
files or folders are shared over the network, they still might not be accessible by
everyone. Their owner can configure permissions that limit which users can read,
write to, or delete the shared resources. If you are having difficulty accessing a file
or folder on another computer, it might be because the permissions for that file limit
your ability to share it. You might receive an “access denied” error message, or have
problems locating the shared files on your network.
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To check the permissions for shared files or folders, go to the computer containing
those files or folders. In Windows XP, right-click the folder containing the
information you want to access and choose Properties. Click the Sharing tab to see
if file sharing has been enabled. If the computer is using Simple File Sharing in
Windows XP, files are either shared to everyone or not shared at all, and
permissions cannot be modified. In other words, a shared file should be accessible
from another computer. If the computer is not using Simple File Sharing
(recommended), click the Security tab to check and modify permissions for each
user accessing the folder.
For more information about checking and setting permissions, see Broadband
Network Utility Help.
Note Windows XP Home Edition uses only Simple File Sharing. Windows XP
Professional Edition uses both Simple File Sharing and standard, permissions-based
file sharing.
I can only access shared resources from certain computers or user
accounts on my network.
When you are able to access shared files from certain computers or user accounts on
your network, but not others, it may be because the file’s owner has limited the access
to certain users. To check the user permissions on a file, you must go to the computer
that stores the file.
To check user permissions on a computer running the Windows XP operating
1. Right-click the file you want to check and click Sharing and Security.
2. Click the Security tab.
3. Users who have permissions for this shared resource are listed in the Group or user
names list box. You can use the Add and Remove buttons to modify the list, and
use the Permissions for section to change specific tasks available to each user.
4. Click OK to save the changes.
To check permissions in Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, and
Windows Me, right-click the file or folder in question and choose Sharing.
For more information, search for “file and folder permissions” in Windows Help.
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Appendix A: Locating Your Internet and
Network Settings
If the Setup Wizard cannot detect your settings, or if you are setting up a product
without using the Setup Wizard, you will need to enter your Internet and local area
network (LAN) settings manually. The following instructions will help you locate the
settings that you need. You can record this information on the inside back cover of this
User’s Guide for future reference.
Internet Connection Type
You connect to your Internet service provider (ISP) by using one of three connection
ODynamic (by using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, or DHCP)
OPoint-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE)
Each type of Internet connection requires different settings when you set up a network
To determine which connection type your ISP provides
OSee the documentation provided by your Internet service provider or contact
your ISP.
OIf you have a Microsoft® base station set up on your network, you can use the Base
Station Management Tool. Click Wide Area Network and view the settings under
Internet Connection Type.
OIf you have a broadband modem that came with a configuration utility, try using
this utility.
OIf you have a non-Microsoft base station, gateway, or router, try using the utility that
came with your base station.
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General Internet Settings
If you have not set up a base station, gateway, or router, and you have an adapter that
is currently configured correctly for your ISP, you can use the following procedure to
locate most of the Internet settings you need.
To locate your Internet settings
1. On the Start menu, click Run.
2. Do one of the following:
OIf you have Microsoft Windows® XP or Windows 2000 operating system, type cmd
OIf you have Windows Me, Windows 98, or Windows 98 SE, type command
3. At the command prompt, type ipconfig /all
Dynamic IP (DHCP) Settings
When you set up a base station to have a dynamic IP address, the ISP will sometimes
require a host name or a MAC address.
Host Name
Some ISPs record your computer name (also known as your host name) when you set
up your ISP account. You might need to find your computer’s name when you set up a
base station.
Note For information about changing your computer name, see Help in the Broadband
Network Utility.
To determine your computer name in Microsoft Windows XP or Windows 2000
1. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click System.
2. Do one of the following:
OIf you have Windows XP, click the Computer Name tab.
OIf you have Windows 2000, click the Network Identification tab.
To determine your computer name in Windows Me, Windows 98, and Windows 98 SE
1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click Network, and then click the Identification tab. Your computer name
appears in the Computer name box.
MAC Address
A media access control (MAC) address is a unique alphanumeric identifier that is
printed or stamped on every networking device by the manufacturer. A MAC address
looks something like the following: 0050F2731958. Some Internet service providers
record the MAC address of the modem or adapter you’re using when you sign up for
the service. To determine whether your Internet connection requires a MAC address,
see the information provided by your ISP.
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You can find the MAC address for your Microsoft adapters printed on the label. You
can find the base station MAC address on the side of the base station (or on the
underside if the base station is positioned vertically).
Note For information about cloning a MAC address, so that the setting conforms to the
MAC address on record with your ISP, see Help in the Broadband Network Utility.
Static IP Settings
When you set up the base station to use a static IP address, you will need the IP
address, subnet mask, and default gateway. You might also need primary and
secondary Domain Name Server (DNS) settings.
Use any of the following methods to determine these settings:
OSee the documentation provided by your Internet service provider or contact
your ISP.
OUse one of the following procedures, depending on your version of the Windows
operating system.
Note For information about configuring a static IP address on an adapter, see Help in the
Broadband Network Utility.
To locate your static IP address settings (Windows XP)
1. Do one of the following:
OClick Start, click Control Panel, click Network and Internet Connections, and
then double-click Network Connections.
OClick Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Network Connections.
2. In the Network Connections window, right-click your Internet connection, and then
click Properties.
3. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click Properties.
4. Under Use the following IP Address, note the settings for IP address, subnet mask,
and default gateway name.
5. Note whether your connection obtains a DNS server address automatically, or
whether it uses a specific address or addresses.
To locate your static IP address settings (Windows 2000)
1. Click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click Network
and Dial-Up Connections.
2. In the Network and Dial-Up Connections window, right-click your Internet
connection, and then click Properties.
3. On the General tab, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click Properties.
4. On the General tab, under Use the following IP address, note the IP addresses.
5. Click Advanced to see the gateway information.
6. On the DNS Configuration tab, note the DNS addresses.
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To locate your static IP address settings (Windows Me, Windows 98, and
Windows 98 SE)
1. Click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click Network.
Note If you do not see the Network item in Control Panel, click View all control panel
options on the left side of the screen.
2. On the Configuration tab, select TCP/IP, and then click Properties.
Note If there is more than one TCP/IP option listed, select the option for your Ethernet
adapter, not your dial-up adapter.
3. On the IP Address tab, under Specify an IP Address, note the IP addresses.
4. On the Gateway tab, note the gateway information.
5. On the DNS Configuration tab, note the DNS addresses.
PPPoE Settings
To find your user name, password, and service name (if needed)
OSee the documentation provided by your Internet service provider or contact
your ISP.
OIf your computer is running Windows XP, double-click the Network Connections
icon in Control Panel. A PPPoE Internet connection typically appears under
Broadband and includes the descriptor WAN Miniport (PPPOE). Double-click this
icon for more information.
OIf your computer is running Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows 98, or
Windows 98 SE, you installed access software when you set up the Internet
connection. You can check this software for more information.
OIf you have an existing base station, gateway, or router and are replacing it with a
Microsoft base station, you can use your existing network configuration utility.
OIf you are replacing an existing Microsoft base station, you can use the Base Station
Management Tool. Click Wide Area Network.
Workgroup Name
If you want to add a computer to your workgroup, you need to know the workgroup
Note For information about changing your workgroup name, see Help in the Broadband
Network Utility.
To determine your workgroup name in Windows XP or Windows 2000
1. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click System.
2. Do one of the following:
OIf you have Windows XP, click the Computer Name tab.
OIf you have Windows 2000, click the Network Identification tab.
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To determine your workgroup name in Windows Me and Windows 98
1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click Network, and then click the Identification tab. Your workgroup name
appears in the Workgroup box.
Wireless Network Name
Your wireless network name, or SSID, uniquely identifies your wireless network and is
case sensitive.
OIf you have the Broadband Network Utility installed on a computer on your network,
you can use it to identify your wireless network name.
OIf you have a Microsoft wireless base station, you can use the Base Station
Management Tool. On the home page, click Wireless.
OIf you have a non-Microsoft base station, gateway, or router, use the network utility
that came with your base station.
Wireless Security Settings
Use these methods to locate your Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) key or Wi-Fi
Protected Access™ (WPA) passphrase.
OIf you have a Microsoft wireless base station, you can use the Base Station
Management Tool. On the Security menu, click Wireless Security.
OIf you have a non-Microsoft base station, gateway, or router, use the network utility
that came with your base station.
OIf you are connecting to a corporate network, ask your network administrator.
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Appendix B:
Support and Technical Information
This appendix contains the following reference information for your Broadband
Networking products:
OGetting Help
ORegulatory Information
OTechnical Specifications
OSystem Requirements
OLimited Warranty
Getting Help
If you have a question about your Microsoft® Broadband Networking products, the
following resources on the Web, in Help, and from Technical Support may help you find
the answer.
Visit Us on the Web
Please visit the Microsoft Broadband Networking Web site at
broadbandnetworking for the most up-to-date information about our products. The
Microsoft Broadband Networking Web site also contains many articles on diagnosing
network problems, setting up new features, and installing new networking hardware.
Click Help in the Broadband Network Utility
Go to the Help menu in the Microsoft Broadband Network Utility for extensive
information about our products and for detailed troubleshooting information to help
you identify and solve common networking problems.
Technical Support Options
Product Name: Microsoft Broadband Networking Wireless Notebook Adapter (MN-720)
Support Info For all of our support offerings, visit
Online: In Canada, visit
Phone Toll-free support for U.S. customers: (800) 936-3900.For customers
Support: in Canada: (800) 668-7975. These numbers are only for support of
Microsoft Broadband Networking products.
TTY Users: Text phone (TTY/TDD) services are available at (425) 635-4948 in
Washington state or (800) 892-5234 in the U.S. Call (905) 568-9641
in Canada.
Worldwide: Support outside the U.S. and Canada may vary. For regional contact
details, visit international.aspx. If there
is no Microsoft subsidiary office in your country or region, please contact
the establishment from which you obtained your Microsoft product.
Conditions: Microsoft’s support services are subject to then-current prices, terms,
and conditions, which are subject to change without notice.
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Regulatory Information
United States Radio and TV Interference Regulations
This device complies with Part 15 of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. Operation is
subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
The Microsoft hardware device(s) that accompanies this software can radiate radio frequency (RF) energy. If not
installed and used in strict accordance with the instructions given in this User’s Guide, the device may cause
harmful interference with other radio-communications devices (for example AM/FM radios, televisions, baby
monitors, cordless phones, etc.). Any cable that is connected to the device must be a shielded cable that is
properly grounded. There is, however, no guarantee that RF interference will not occur in a particular installation.
Your Microsoft hardware device has been tested, and it complies with the limits for a Class B digital device in
accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful RF interference in a residential installation.
To determine if your hardware device is causing interference to other radio-communications devices, disconnect
the device from your computer. If the interference stops, it was probably caused by the device. If the interference
continues after you disconnect the hardware device, turn the computer off and then on again. If the interference
stopped when the computer was off, check to see if one of the input/output (I/O) devices or one of the
computer's internal accessory boards is causing the problem. Disconnect the I/O devices one at a time and see if
the interference stops.
If this hardware device does cause interference, try the following measures to correct it:
ORelocate the antenna of the other radio-communications device (for example AM/FM Radios, televisions,
baby monitors, cordless phones, etc.) until the interference stops.
OMove the hardware device farther away from the radio or TV, or move it to one side or the other of the radio or
OPlug the computer into a different power outlet so that the hardware device and radio or TV are on different
circuits controlled by different circuit breakers or fuses.
OIf necessary, ask your computer dealer or an experienced radio-TV technician for more suggestions. You may
find helpful information about interference issues at the following FCC Web site:, or call the FCC at 1-888-CALL FCC to request from
the operator “Interference and Telephone Interference” fax sheets.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by Microsoft could void the user’s authority to operate this
For use with UL Listed and GS approved personal computers.
Not intended for use in machinery or industrial applications.
Tested to comply with FCC Standards. For home and office use.
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052-6399.
(800) 426-9400 (United States)
(800) 933-4750 (Canada)
Canadian Radiocommunication Regulations
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
The term “IC:” before the certification/registration number only signifies that the Industry Canada technical
specifications were met.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme aux normes NMB-003 du Canada.
L’expression «IC:» avant le numéro d’homologation/enregistrement signifie seulement que les spécifications
techniques d’Industrie Canada ont été respectées.
44 Microsoft Broadband Networking Wireless Notebook Adapter User’s Guide
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Technical Specifications
Notebook Adapter
Standards IEEE 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi certified
Host Interface 32-bit Cardbus, 3.3 V
Data Rate 1, 2, 5.5, 6, 11, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps with Auto-fallback support
Range In g performance mode:
Data Rate Open Environment Closed Environment
54 Mbps up to 100 feet up to 75 feet
48 Mbps up to 160 feet up to 100 feet
36 Mbps up to 320 feet up to 180 feet
18 Mbps up to 670 feet up to 350 feet
12 Mbps up to 1900 feet up to 350 feet
6 Mbps up to 2200 feet up to 350 feet
In mixed b compatibility mode, also capable of the following:
Data Rate Open Environment Closed Environment
11 Mbps up to 2000 feet up to 350 feet
5.5 Mbps up to 2200 feet up to 350 feet
2 or 1 Mbps up to 2300 feet up to 350 feet
Please see the Microsoft Broadband Networking Web site for the
Frequency Range ISM Band (2.400 to 2.4835 GHz)
Channels 1-11 United States, Canada
Approved for use only in the United States and Canada.
Wireless Security WEP: Off, 64-bit, and 128-bit
WPA: 256-bit
Indicators Wireless Activity LED, Power LED
0 to +35 deg C
Storage Temperature -20 to +60 deg C
Humidity 10 to 85 percent non-condensing
Emissions FCC Part 15 Class B; Canada RSS-210
Safety UL
Physical Dimensions 2.1" x 4.5" x 0.3" (53.3 X 114.3 X 7.6 mm)
Weight 3.5 oz (98.7 g)
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System Requirements
To use the Microsoft Broadband Networking Wireless Notebook Adapter (MN-720),
you need:
OMicrosoft Broadband Networking Wireless Base Station or other Wi-Fi® access point
OPC with an available Type II PC Card Cardbus 3 Volt slot; drivers are included for
Microsoft Windows® 98, Windows 98 SE, Windows Millennium Edition (Windows
Me), Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Professional, and Windows XP Home
Edition operating systems
To use the Microsoft Broadband Networking Setup Wizard and Broadband Network
Utility, you need:
OPC running Microsoft Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, Windows Millennium Edition
(Windows Me), Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Professional, or
Windows XP Home Edition operating system
OMicrosoft Internet Explorer version 5.0 or later; setup will install Internet Explorer 6.0
browser components if needed, but will not displace your primary browser
O132 MB of available hard-disk space if you are installing Internet Explorer for the
first time; 40 MB of available hard-disk space if you already have Internet Explorer
5.5 or 6.0 installed
O4x CD-ROM drive
OVGA or higher resolution monitor; Super VGA recommended
OMicrosoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
O3.5" high-density disk drive or other removable media to share network settings
between PCs
Not all ISPs allow you to share a broadband connection. Please check with your ISP.
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IMPORTANT—READ CAREFULLY: Be sure to carefully read and understand all of the rights and restrictions
described in this Microsoft End-User License Agreement (“EULA”), which includes the Software Product License,
General Provisions and Limited Warranty and Limitation of Liability. You will be asked to review and either accept
or not accept the terms of the EULA. The SOFTWARE will not set up on Your computer unless or until You accept
the terms of this EULA.
Your click of the “accept” button is a symbol of Your signature that You accept the terms of the EULA.
NOTE: The terms of this printed, paper EULA supersede the terms of any on-screen EULA found within the
This EULA is a legal agreement between You (either an individual or a single legal entity who will be refered to in
this EULA as “You” and “Your”) and Microsoft Corporation and includes the Software Product License for the
software portion of this Hardware Device, which includes the accompanying computer software, and may include
associated media, printed materials and any “online” or electronic documentation (“SOFTWARE”). This EULA is
valid and grants the end-user license rights ONLY if the SOFTWARE is genuine Microsoft software. By installing,
copying or otherwise using the SOFTWARE, You agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. If You do not agree
to the terms of this EULA, do not install or use the SOFTWARE; You should return the SOFTWARE and
accompanying Microsoft Hardware Device to Microsoft or Your place of purchase for a refund.
The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual
property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold.
1. GRANT OF LICENSE. This EULA grants You the following rights:
OSoftware Installation and Use. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this EULA, You may only install, use,
access, run, or otherwise interact with (“Run”) one copy of the SOFTWARE on a single computer, such as a
workstation, terminal, or other digital electronic device (“Workstation Computer”) to which the enclosed
Hardware Device is attached. You may also Run a copy of the SOFTWARE on any computers or other
electronic devices (each a "Computer" and collectively the “Computers”) that are connected or networked to
the Workstation Computer through the Hardware Device.
OReservation of Rights. Microsoft reserves all rights not expressly granted to You in this EULA.
OOperating System Upgrades. The SOFTWARE may contain systems components software upgrades required
for proper operation of the SOFTWARE. Any such systems software upgrades are licensed to You pursuant to
the terms and conditions as provided in Your license to the operating system unless a separate end user
license agreement is provided to You with such upgrades, in which case such separate agreement governs
Your use of the upgrades.
OMultiple Hardware Devices. If You purchased a multiple pack of the Hardware Device, You may make one (1)
copy of the SOFTWARE for each Hardware Device You purchased in the package, and You may use each copy
in the manner specified above.
OLimitations on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation and Disassembly. You may not reverse engineer,
decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly
permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.
OSeparation of Components. The SOFTWARE is licensed as a single product. Its component parts may not be
separated for use on more than one computer.
ORental. You may not rent or lease or lend the SOFTWARE.
OSingle Computer. The SOFTWARE is licensed with the Hardware Device as a single integrated product. The
SOFTWARE may only be used with the Hardware Device as set forth in this EULA.
OSoftware Transfer. You may permanently transfer all of Your rights under this EULA only as part of a transfer
of the Hardware Device, provided You retain no copies, You transfer all of the SOFTWARE (including all
component parts, the media and printed materials, any upgrades, this EULA and, if applicable, the Certificate
of Authenticity) along with the accompanying Hardware Device, and the recipient agrees to the terms of this
EULA. If the SOFTWARE portion is an upgrade, any transfer must include all prior versions of the SOFTWARE.
ONot For Resale Software. If the SOFTWARE is labeled “Not for Resale” or “NFR”, then, notwithstanding other
sections of this EULA, You may not resell, or otherwise transfer for value, the SOFTWARE.
OAuto Updates. You acknowledge and agree that Microsoft may automatically check the version of the
SOFTWARE and/or its components You are utilizing and may provide upgrades and/or supplements to the
SOFTWARE and/or its components that will be automatically downloaded to the Workstation Computer and all
Computers. Your use of the SOFTWARE including such upgrade and/or supplement shall be governed by this
OTermination. Without prejudice to any other rights, Microsoft may terminate Your rights under this EULA if You
fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA. In such event, You must destroy all copies of the
SOFTWARE and all of its component parts.
OTrademarks. This EULA does not grant You any rights in connection with any trademarks or service marks of
Microsoft or its suppliers.
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OSupport Services. Microsoft may provide You with support services related to the SOFTWARE and/or
Hardware Device (“Support Services”). Use of Support Services is governed by the Microsoft policies and
programs described in the user manual, in “online” documentation, and/or other Microsoft-provided
materials. Any supplemental software code provided to You as a part of Support Services shall be considered
part of the SOFTWARE and subject to the terms of this EULA. With respect to technical information You
provide to Microsoft as part of the Support Services, Microsoft may use such information for its business
purposes, including for product support and development. Microsoft will not utilize such technical information
in a form that personally identifies You.
3. COPYRIGHT. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the SOFTWARE (including but not limited to any
images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text and “applets,” incorporated into the SOFTWARE), the
accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE, are owned by Microsoft or its suppliers. All
title and intellectual property rights in and to the content which is not contained in the SOFTWARE but may be
accessed through use of the SOFTWARE is the product of the respective content owner and may be protected by
applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties. This EULA grants You no rights to use such
content. Use of any on-line services which may be accessed through the SOFTWARE may be governed by the
respective terms of use relating to such services. If this SOFTWARE contains documentation which is provided
only in electronic form, You may print one copy of such electronic documentation. You may not copy the printed
materials accompanying the Hardware Device and SOFTWARE. All rights not specifically granted under this EULA
are reserved by Microsoft and its suppliers.
4. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. You acknowledge that the SOFTWARE licensed under this EULA is subject to U.S.
export jurisdiction. You agree to comply with all applicable international and national laws that apply to the
SOFTWARE, including the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, as well as end-user, end-use and destination
restrictions issued by U.S. and other government. For additional information see:
These provisions 5, 6 and 7 apply to the Software Product License and the below Limited Warranty.
jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above
limitation or exclusions may not apply to you.
6. GOVERNING LAW. If You acquired the Hardware Device in the United States of America, the laws of the State
of Washington, U.S.A., apply to this agreement. If You acquired the Hardware Device in Canada, except where
expressly prohibited by local laws, the laws in force in the Province of Ontario, Canada apply to this agreement
and each of the parties hereto irrevocably attorns to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Ontario and
further agrees to commence any litigation which may arise hereunder in the courts located in the Judicial District
of York, Province of Ontario.
If You acquired this Hardware Device outside of the countries listed above, then local laws may apply.
7. QUESTIONS. Should You have any questions concerning this agreement, or if You desire to contact Microsoft
for any reason, please use the address information enclosed in the Hardware Device to contact the Microsoft
subsidiary serving Your country, or visit Microsoft on the World Wide Web at
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Express Warranty. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Limited Warranty, Microsoft warrants that under
normal use and service on the day You receive and for the next 90 days for the SOFTWARE and the next two (2)
years for the Hardware Device (the “Warranty Period”), that the SOFTWARE and Hardware Device will
substantially conform with the accompanying packaging and documentation.
Implied Warranty. You may also have an implied warranty and/or condition under the laws of some jurisdictions,
which is hereby limited to the duration of the Warranty Period. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how
long an implied warranty or condition lasts, so the foregoing limitation may not apply to you.
As to any defects discovered after the Warranty Period, there is no warranty or condition of any kind.
B. EXCLUSIVE REMEDY. During the Warranty Period and subject to applicable law, and provided that You either
return the SOFTWARE and Hardware Device to Your place of purchase or to Microsoft with a copy of Your receipt
or other bona fide proof of purchase, Microsoft will, at its option and as your exclusive remedy for breach of this
Limited Warranty or any implied warranties:
Orepair or replace the defective SOFTWARE or the Hardware Device or
Omake payment to You for the allowable damages that You incur in reasonable reliance but only up to the
amount of the price You paid for the SOFTWARE and the Hardware Device (if any).
OAny replacement SOFTWARE or Hardware Device will be new or refurbished or serviceably used, comparable
in function and performance to the original part or Hardware Device and warranted for the remainder of the
original Warranty Period or 30 days from the date of shipment of the replacement back to You, whichever is
OMicrosoft will use commercially reasonable efforts to diagnose and attempt to correct, or suggest solutions
for, defects in the SOFTWARE and/or Hardware Device that are covered by this Limited Warranty. Microsoft
does not provide any warranties regarding its warranty services and, except for the preceding sentence,
disclaims all duties (if any) of workmanlike effort or of lack of negligence.
OExcept as otherwise required by legislation in Your jurisdiction, costs associated with transport (including
packaging) for warranty service shall be at Your expense.
C. NO OTHER WARRANTIES. The express warranty stated in Section A above is the only express warranty made
to You and is provided in lieu of all other express or implied warranties and conditions (if any) including any
created by any other documentation or packaging. No other warranties or conditions are made with respect to the
SOFTWARE or Hardware Device or the warranty services by any person, including but not limited to Microsoft and
its suppliers. No information (oral or written) or suggestions given by Microsoft, its agents or suppliers or its
or their employees, shall create a warranty or condition or expand the scope of this Limited Warranty. Also,
there is no warranty or condition of title, quiet enjoyment, or noninfringement in the SOFTWARE and Hardware
Device. You may have greater rights existing under legislation in your jurisdiction. Where any term of this Limited
Warranty is prohibited by such laws, it shall be null and void, but the remainder of the Limited Warranty shall
remain in full force and effect.
D. EXCLUSIONS. This Limited Warranty shall not apply and Microsoft has no liability under this Limited Warranty
if the SOFTWARE or Hardware Device:
Ois used for commercial purposes (including rental or lease);
Ois modified or tampered with;
Ois damaged by Acts of God, power surge, misuse, abuse, negligence, accident, wear and tear, mishandling,
misapplication, or other causes unrelated to defective materials or workmanship;
Ois damaged by programs, data, viruses, or files, or during shipments;
Ois not used in accordance with the accompanying documentation and use instructions; or
Ois repaired, modified or altered by other than Microsoft authorized repair centers.
E. REGISTRATION. You need not register Your acquisition of the SOFTWARE and Hardware Device for the Limited
Warranty to be effective.
F. BENEFICIARY. To the extent allowed by applicable law, the Limited Warranty is only made to You, the first
licensed user of the SOFTWARE and Hardware Device, and there are no third party beneficiaries of the Limited
Warranty. It is not intended for and does not apply to anyone else (except as required by law), including anyone to
whom You make any transfer as authorized in the EULA.
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À IMPORTANT--LIRE ATTENTIVEMENT : Veuillez lire attentivement et vous assurez de comprendre la totalité des
droits et des restrictions qui sont décrits dans le présent contrat de licence utilisateur final (« CLUF ») de
Microsoft, qui comprend la licence d’utilisation du logiciel, les dispositions générales, la garantie limitée et la
limite de responsabilité. On vous demandera de prendre connaissance des modalités du CLUF et d’indiquer votre
acceptation ou votre refus de ces modalités. Le LOGICIEL ne s’installera pas sur votre ordinateur tant que vous
n’aurez pas accepté les modalités du présent CLUF. Si vous cliquez sur le bouton « j’accepte » vous serez réputé
avoir apposé votre signature et accepté les modalités du CLUF.
NOTE : Les modalités de ce CLUF en format papier qui pourrait accompagner le LOGICIEL et l’appareil Microsoft
qui l’accompagne remplacent les modalités d’un CLUF à l’écran intégré au LOGICIEL.
Le présent CLUF constitue un contrat entre vous (un particulier ou une entité juridique désigné dans le présent
CLUF par « vous », « votre » et « vos ») et Microsoft Corporation et comprend la licence d’utilisation du logiciel pour
la partie logiciel de l’appareil, ce qui comprend le logiciel qui l’accompagne, et pourrait comprendre des supports,
des documents papier et des documents « en ligne » ou électroniques connexes (le « LOGICIEL »). Le présent CLUF
est valide et accorde à l’utilisateur final des droits SEULEMENT si le logiciel est un véritable LOGICIEL Microsoft.
Si vous installez, copiez ou autrement utilisez le logiciel, vous acceptez d’être lié par les modalités du présent
CLUF. Si vous n’acceptez pas les modalités du présent CLUF, n’installez pas et n’utilisez pas le LOGICIEL. Dans ce
dernier cas, vous devriez retourner le LOGICIEL et l’appareil Microsoft qui l’accompagne à Microsoft ou l’endroit
où vous l’avez acheté afin d’obtenir un remboursement.
Le LOGICIEL est protégé par les lois sur le droit d’auteur et les traités internationaux en matière de droit d’auteur,
ainsi que par d’autres lois et traités en matière de propriété intellectuelle. Le LOGICIEL ne fait pas l’objet d’une
vente, mais plutôt d’une licence d’utilisation.
1. OCTROI DE LICENCE. Le présent CLUF vous accorde les droits suivants :
OInstallation et utilisation du logiciel. À moins de stipulation contraire dans le présent CLUF, vous ne pouvez
installer, utiliser ou exécuter (« exécuter ») qu’un exemplaire du LOGICIEL sur un seul ordinateur, comme un poste
de travail, un terminal ou un autre appareil numérique (un « poste de travail ») auquel l’appareil ci-joint est relié.
Vous pouvez également exécuter un exemplaire du LOGICIEL sur un ordinateur ou d’autres appareils
électroniques (chacun, un « ordinateur » et, collectivement, les « ordinateurs ») qui sont branchés au poste de
travail ou mis en réseau avec le poste de travail ou mis en réseau avec le poste de travail au moyen de l’appareil.
OConservation de droits. Microsoft se réserve tous les droits qui ne vous sont pas expressément accordés
dans le présent CLUF.
OMises à niveau du système d’exploitation. Le LOGICIEL peut contenir des mises à niveau des composants
système requis pour l’exécution adéquate du LOGICIEL. Les mises à niveau système en question vous sont
fournies sous licence aux termes des modalités figurant dans votre licence d’utilisation du système
d’exploitation, à moins qu’un contrat de licence utilisateur final distinct ne vous soit fourni avec les mises à
niveau, auquel cas le contrat distinct en question régit votre utilisation des mises à niveau.
OPlusieurs appareils. Si vous avez acheté plusieurs appareils, vous pouvez faire une copie du LOGICIEL pour
chaque appareil que vous avez acheté et vous pouvez utiliser chaque copie de la façon décrite ci-dessus.
OLimites visant l’ingénierie inverse, la décompilation et le désassemblage. Vous n’êtes pas autorisé à vous
adonner à l’ingénierie inverse, la décompilation ou le désassemblage du LOGICIEL, sauf si une telle mesure
est expressément autorisée par la loi applicable, sans égard à la présente limite.
OSéparation des composants. Le LOGICIEL visé par la licence d’utilisation ne constitue qu’un seul produit. Ses
composants ne peuvent pas être utilisés de façon distincte sur plus d’un ordinateur.
OLocation. Vous n’êtes pas autorisé à louer ou prêter le LOGICIEL.
OOrdinateur unique. Le LOGICIEL et l’appareil qui l’accompagne font l’objet d’une licence d’utilisation à titre de produit
unique intégré. Le LOGICIEL ne peut être utilisé qu’avec l’appareil de la façon décrite dans le présent CLUF.
OTransfert du logiciel. Vous ne pouvez transférer de façon permanente la totalité de vos droits aux termes du
présent CLUF que si vous transférez l’appareil et ne conservez aucune copie, vous transférez la totalité du
LOGICIEL (y compris tous les composants, les supports et la documentation imprimée, les mises à niveau, le
présent CLUF et, le cas échéant, le certificat d’authenticité) et l’appareil qui l’accompagne, et que le
destinataire accepte les modalités du présent CLUF. Si la partie LOGICIEL constitue une mise à niveau, le
transfert doit comprendre toutes les versions antérieures du LOGICIEL.
ORevente interdite du logiciel. Si le LOGICIEL porte la mention « revente interdite » vous ne pourrez alors pas,
malgré les autres articles du présent CLUF, revendre ou autrement transférer contre valeur le LOGICIEL.
OMises à jour automatiques. Vous reconnaissez que Microsoft peut vérifier de façon automatique la version
du LOGICIEL et/ou des composants que vous utilisez et peut fournir des mises à niveau et/ou des ajouts au
LOGICIEL et/ou à ses composants qui seront téléchargés automatiquement au poste de travail et à tous les
ordinateurs. Votre utilisation du LOGICIEL, y compris les mises à niveau et/ou les ajouts, sera régie par le
présent CLUF.
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ORésiliation. Sans porter préjudice à d’autres droits, Microsoft peut révoquer les droits que le présent CLUF
vous confère si vous omettez de vous conformer aux modalités du présent CLUF. Dans ce cas, vous devrez
détruire toutes les copies du LOGICIEL et la totalité de ses composants.
OMarques de commerce. Le présent CLUF ne vous confère aucun droit à l’égard des marques de commerce
ou des marques de service de Microsoft ou de ses fournisseurs.
OServices de soutien. Microsoft peut vous fournir des services de soutien liés au LOGICIEL et/ou à l’appareil
(les « services de soutien »). L’utilisation des services de soutien est régie par les politiques et les
programmes de Microsoft décrits dans le guide de l’utilisateur, la documentation « en ligne » et/ou d’autres
documents fournis par Microsoft. Les autres codes de logiciel qui vous sont fournis dans le cadre des
services de soutien seront réputés faire partie du LOGICIEL et seront assujettis aux modalités du présent
CLUF. Microsoft peut utiliser les renseignements d’ordre technique que vous lui fournissez dans le cadre des
services de soutien à des fins commerciales, dont le soutien et le développement de produits. Microsoft
n’utilisera pas ces renseignements de façon à vous identifier.
ODROIT D’AUTEUR. Tous les titres de propriété et les droits de propriété intellectuelle visant le LOGICIEL
(notamment les images, les photographies, les animations, les séquences vidéos, les séquences audio, la
musique, le texte et les « applets » intégrés dans le LOGICIEL), les documents imprimés qui l’accompagnent et
toutes les copies du LOGICIEL appartiennent à Microsoft ou à ses fournisseurs. Tous les titres de propriété et
les droits de propriété intellectuelle visant le contenu qui ne figure pas dans le LOGICIEL mais qui est
accessible par l’utilisation du LOGICIEL appartiennent au propriétaire du contenu visé et pourraient être
protégés par les lois et traités applicables en matière de droit d’auteur ou par d’autres lois et traités en
matière de propriété intellectuelle. Le présent CLUF ne vous confère aucun droit d’utilisation de ce contenu.
L’utilisation de services en ligne auxquels le LOGICIEL permet l’accès pourrait être régi par les modalités
d’utilisation respectives concernant ces services. Si le LOGICIEL renferme de la documentation qui n’est
offerte que sous forme électronique, vous pouvez en imprimer un exemplaire. Vous n’êtes pas autorisé à
copier les documents imprimés qui accompagnent l’appareil et le LOGICIEL. Microsoft et ses fournisseurs se
réservent tous les droits qui ne sont pas expressément conférés par le présent CLUF.
3. RESTRICTIONS VISANT L’EXPORTATION. Vous reconnaissez que le LOGICIEL faisant l’objet d’une licence
d’utilisation aux termes du présent CLUF est assujetti aux règles des États-Unis en matière d’exportation. Vous
acceptez de vous conformer à toutes les lois internationales et nationales applicables à l’égard du LOGICIEL,
notamment aux règlements des États-Unis en matière d’administration des exportations ainsi qu’aux restrictions
visant l’utilisateur final, l’utilisation et la destination imposées par le gouvernement américain et d’autres
gouvernements. Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez consulter le site
Les articles 5, 6 et 7 s’appliquent à la licence d’utilisation du logiciel et à la garantie limitée figurant ci-après.
RECOURS N’ATTEINT PAS SON BUT ESSENTIEL. Certains territoires ne permettent pas d’exclure ou de limiter les
dommages indirects ou accessoires, de sorte que les limites ou exclusions ci-dessus peuvent ne pas s’appliquer
à vous.
6. LOI APPLICABLE. Si vous avez acquis l’appareil aux États-Unis d’Amérique, les lois de l’État de Washington,
aux États-Unis, s’appliquent au présent contrat. Si vous avez acquis l’appareil au Canada, sauf si les lois locales
l’interdisent expressément, les lois en vigueur dans la province d’Ontario, au Canada, s’appliquent au présent
contrat et chacune des parties aux présentes reconnaît, de façon irrévocable, la compétence des tribunaux de la
province d’Ontario et accepte de soumettre tout conflit pouvant découler des présentes aux tribunaux situés
dans le district judiciaire de York, en Ontario. Si vous avez acquis l’appareil à l’extérieur des pays dont il est
question ci-dessus, les lois locales pourraient alors s’appliquer.
7. QUESTIONS. Pour de plus amples renseignements sur le présent contrat ou si vous souhaitez communiquer
avec Microsoft pour quelque raison que ce soit, veuillez utiliser l’adresse figurant dans les documents qui
accompagnent l’appareil pour communiquer avec la filiale de Microsoft qui dessert votre pays ou consulter le site
Web de Microsoft à l’adresse
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Garantie expresse. Sous réserve des modalités de la présente garantie limitée, Microsoft garantit que dans des
conditions normales d’utilisation et d’entretien pendant 90 jours à compter du jour où vous recevez le LOGICIEL
et pendant deux (2) ans à compter du jour où vous recevez l’appareil (la « période de garantie »), le LOGICIEL et
l’appareil répondront essentiellement aux caractéristiques qui figurent sur l’emballage et dans la documentation
qui les accompagnent.
Garantie implicite. Vous pourriez également bénéficier d’une garantie et/ou d’une condition implicite en vertu
des lois de certains territoires, dont la durée est par la présente limitée à la période de garantie. Certains
territoires n’autorisent pas la limitation de la durée d’une garantie ou condition implicite, de sorte que la limite
ci-dessus peut ne pas s’appliquer à vous.
En ce qui concerne les vices découverts après la période de garantie, aucune garantie ou condition de quelque
nature que ce soit n’est offerte.
B. RECOURS EXCLUSIF. Au cours de la période de garantie et sous réserve des lois applicables, et pourvu que
vous retourniez le LOGICIEL et l’appareil à l’endroit où vous les avez achetés ou à Microsoft accompagnés d’une
copie de votre reçu ou d’une autre preuve d’achat, Microsoft prendra, à son gré, l’une des mesures suivantes qui
constituera votre recours exclusif en cas de violation de la présente garantie limitée ou de toute garantie
implicite :
Oelle réparera ou remplacera un LOGICIEL ou un appareil défectueux;
Oelle vous versera une somme se limitant aux dommages admissibles raisonnables que vous avez subis, mais
uniquement jusqu’à concurrence du prix que vous avez payé pour le LOGICIEL et l’appareil (le cas échéant);
Ole LOGICIEL ou l’appareil de rechange sera neuf ou remis à neuf ou d’occasion mais en état de fonctionner,
offrant des fonctions et des performances comparables à la pièce ou à l’appareil d’origine et sera garanti
pour le reste de la période de garantie initiale ou pendant 30 jours après la date d’expédition de la pièce ou
de l’appareil de rechange qui vous a été retourné, selon le plus long de ces deux délais;
OMicrosoft déploiera des efforts raisonnables, sur le plan commercial, pour diagnostiquer et tenter de corriger
les vices du LOGICIEL et/ou de l’appareil qui sont visés par la présente garantie limitée ou suggérer des
solutions à leur égard. Microsoft n’offre aucune garantie relativement à ses services fournis aux termes de
la garantie et, exception faite de la phrase qui précède, rejette toute obligation (le cas échéant)
relativement au respect des règles de l’art ou à l’absence de négligence;
Oexception faite de ce qui est autrement prévu par les lois de votre territoire, vous devrez assumer les coûts
associés au transport (y compris l’emballage) pour les services fournis aux termes de la garantie.
C. AUCUNE AUTRE GARANTIE. La garantie expresse énoncée à la section A ci-dessus constitue l’unique garantie
expresse qui vous est offerte et elle est fournie à la place de toute autre garantie et condition expresse ou
implicite (le cas échéant) y compris une garantie et une condition figurant sur un autre document ou emballage.
Aucune autre garantie ou condition n’est offerte à l’égard du LOGICIEL ou de l’appareil ou des services fournis
aux termes de la garantie par quiconque, notamment à Microsoft et ses fournisseurs. Aucun renseignement
(verbal ou écrit) ni suggestion donné par Microsoft, ses représentants ou fournisseurs ou leurs employés
respectifs, ne doit créer une garantie ou une condition ou élargir la portée de la présente garantie limitée. De
plus, aucune garantie ou condition n’est offerte à l’égard du titre de propriété, de la jouissance paisible ou de
l’absence de contrefaçon du LOGICIEL et de l’appareil. Les lois de votre territoire pourraient vous conférer
d’autres droits. Si l’une de ces lois interdit l’application d’une modalité de la présente garantie limitée, elle
deviendra nulle et non avenue, mais le reste de la garantie limitée demeurera en vigueur.
D. EXCLUSIONS. La présente garantie limitée ne s’appliquera pas et Microsoft n’aura aucune responsabilité aux
termes de la présente garantie limitée si le LOGICIEL ou l’appareil :
Oest utilisé à des fins commerciales (y compris la locataion);
Oest modifié ou altéré;
Oest endommagé par suite d’un cas de force majeure, d’une surtension, d’une mauvaise utilisation, d’une
négligence, d’un accident, d’une usure, d’une manipulation inadéquate ou d’une autre cause qui n’est pas
liée à un vice de matériel ou de fabrication;
Oest endommagé par des programmes, des données, des virus, des fichiers ou pendant l’expédition;
On’est pas utilisé conformément à la documentation et aux directives d’utilisation qui l’accompagnent;
Oest réparé, modifié ou altéré ailleurs que dans un centre de réparation autorisé par Microsoft.
E. ENREGISTREMENT. Vous n’êtes pas tenu d’enregistrer votre acquisition du LOGICIEL et de l’appareil pour que
la garantie limitée entre en vigueur.
F. BÉNÉFICIAIRE. Dans la mesure permise par la loi applicable, la garantie limitée n’est offerte qu’à vous, le
premier utilisateur titulaire d’une licence d’utilisation du LOGICIEL et de l’appareil, et il n’existe aucun autre
bénéficiaire de la garantie limitée. Elle ne vise personne d’autre et elle ne s’applique en faveur de personne
d’autre (sauf stipulation contraire d’une loi), y compris toute personne à qui vous effectuez un transfert autorisé
par le CLUF.
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This glossary contains common terms for wired and wireless networking. There is a
more complete list of terms in Broadband Network Utility Help.
802.11b A wireless networking standard that transmits wireless data at
speeds up to 11 megabits per second (Mbps).
802.11g A wireless networking standard that transmits wireless data at
speeds up to 54 megabits per second (Mbps).
access point See “wireless access point.”
ad hoc network A wireless network in which computers connect to each other
directly. Contrast with “infrastructure network.”
adapter See “network adapter.”
bandwidth The rate at which data can be transmitted through a network
base station A device (also known as a gateway or router) that acts as a central
point for networked devices, receiving and forwarding data between
them. A base station typically is a point of connection that sends
data between several networks. It often can be programmed with
rules about what data is acceptable to send and receive.
bridge A networking device that exchanges data from one segment of a
network to another. See “wireless access point.”
broadband A high-speed Internet connection, typically 256 kilobits per second
connection (Kbps) or faster. Broadband services are usually provided over
digital cable lines or digital telephone lines (DSL).
CardBus A credit card-sized device that is inserted into a slot on a computer,
usually a notebook computer. 32-bit CardBus PC Cards look similar
to the older 16-bit PC Cards, but are approximately four to six times
faster and include a new power-saving design.
channel In reference to a “wireless channel,” a channel is a path or link
through which information passes between two wireless devices. In
radio transmission, these different channels are of different radio
client A computer or software program that relies on another computer or
program to act as a server. See “server.”
client/server A network of two or more computers that rely on a central server to
network mediate the connections or provide additional system resources.
Contrast with “computer-to-computer network.”
computer name A name that uniquely identifies a computer on a network. One
computer name cannot be the same as any other computer name or
domain name on the network.
54 Microsoft Broadband Networking Wireless Notebook Adapter User’s Guide
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computer-to- A network configuration in which any computer can connect directly
computer network to any other computer on the network. Contrast with “client/server
crossover cable See “Ethernet cable.”
DHCP Acronym for “Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.” DHCP is an
Internet protocol that automatically assigns temporary Internet
Protocol (IP) addresses to computers.
DMZ See “virtual DMZ.”
DNS Acronym for “Domain Name System.” A data query service used on
the Internet for translating host names, such as,
into Internet addresses that can be understood by computers.
domain A collection of computers on a network that share a common user
database and security policy. A domain is administered as a unit
with common rules and procedures by the domain administrator.
Each domain has a unique name.
DSL Acronym for “Digital Subscriber Line.” A constant, high-speed digital
connection to the Internet that uses a dedicated telephone line.
dynamic IP address A dynamic Internet Protocol (IP) address is a unique identifier that is
assigned temporarily (by using the Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol, or DHCP) to a device that requires it. IP addresses are
required for computers to find one another and communicate over
the Internet. Contrast with “static IP address.”
Ethernet A networking standard that uses cables to transmit data between
computers. Also known as the IEEE 802.3 standard.
Ethernet cable A type of cable that transmits data between computers. A widely
used network technology. There are two types of Ethernet cables,
straight-through and crossover, that differ in how the connectors on
each end of the cable are wired. Ethernet cables can support speeds
of 10 megabits per second (Mbps), 100 Mbps, and higher.
file sharing See “sharing.”
firewall A security system that helps protect a network from hacker attacks
and other threats that originate outside the network. A hardware
firewall is a device at the entrance to a network that has specific
data-checking settings and that helps protect all of the devices
connected to it. A software firewall resides on a single computer,
helping to protect that computer from external threats.
firmware Software information loaded in permanent memory on a device.
gateway See “base station.”
host name The Domain Name System (DNS) name of a device on a network, a
name such as
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hub A device that has multiple ports and that serves as a connection
point for Ethernet cables on a network. When data arrives at the hub
from one computer, it is copied to the other ports to be transmitted
to other computers. Unlike the more “intelligent” switch and router,
the hub does not direct or control data flow.
infrastructure A wireless network in which devices connect to each other through
network an access point, or use a more sophisticated intermediary such as a
base station (gateway or router). Contrast with “ad hoc network.”
intranet A network within an organization, also called a private network, that
is available only to certain people, such as employees of a company.
Some intranets offer access to the Internet.
IP Acronym for “Internet Protocol.” The set of rules that describe how to
send data between computers over the Internet. More specifically,
this protocol governs the routing of data messages, which are
transmitted in smaller components called packets.
IP address Acronym for “Internet Protocol” address. An IP address is an
assigned number used to identify a computer that is connected to a
network or the Internet through the Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). An IP address consists of four
numbers (each of which can be no greater than 255) separated by
periods, such as
ISP Acronym for “Internet service provider.” A company that provides
access to the Internet.
Kbps Abbreviation of “kilobits per second.” A measure of data transfer
speed through a modem or on a network.
LAN Acronym for “local area network.” A group of computers and other
devices dispersed over a relatively limited area (for example, a
building) and connected by a communications link that enables any
device to interact with any other on the network.
MAC address Acronym for “media access control” address. Each network adapter
and other network hardware device is manufactured with its own
unique MAC address. Networking standards and technologies use
MAC addresses to pass information between network devices.
Mbps Abbreviation of “megabits per second.” A measure of data transfer
speed. Do not confuse with megabytes per second, or MBps.
NAT Acronym for “network address translation.” NAT is a base station
feature and software feature that allows all of the computers on a
network to access the Internet through one Internet Protocol (IP)
address, and helps ensure the computers’ security by hiding their
individual IP addresses.
network A group of computers and associated devices that are connected by
communications paths. Networks can interconnect with other
networks and contain sub-networks. A network can be permanent or
temporary, small or large, and connect with cables and/or wirelessly.
56 Microsoft Broadband Networking Wireless Notebook Adapter User’s Guide
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network adapter A computer circuit board, card, or other device used to provide
network access from a computer to other parts of the network – for
example, to another computer, a printer, or a base station (gateway
or router). Adapters can be installed inside a computer, inserted into
a computer’s expansion slots, or connected to a computer’s ports.
NIC Acronym for “Network Interface Card.” A circuit board, expansion
card, or other device used to provide network access to a computer
or other network component, such as a printer. Network interface
cards do the actual sending and receiving of data.
packet A unit of information transmitted as a whole from one device to
another on a network. This is often a piece of a file that has been
divided up for efficient transmission over the Internet.
PC Card A credit card-sized device that is inserted into a slot on a computer,
usually a notebook computer.
PCI Acronym for “Peripheral Component Interconnect.” A specific local
bus type that allows up to 10 PCI-compliant expansion cards to be
installed in a computer. This architecture is designed to speed up
system performance by allowing some expansion boards to
communicate directly with the microprocessor.
PCMCIA Acronym for “Personal Computer Memory Card International
Association.” This group defined the standards for the PC Card, a
type of expansion card designed for notebook computers.
peer-to-peer network A network of two or more computers that connect directly with one
Plug and Play Sometimes abbreviated “PnP.” A set of specifications that allow a
computer to automatically detect and configure various peripheral
devices, such as monitors, modems, and printers. See “UPnP.”
port This term has several meanings: (1) A physical connection through
which data is transferred between a computer and another
computer, a network, and other devices (such as a monitor, modem,
or printer). (2) A software channel for network communications.
When a client computer communicates through a network with a
server, it sends its request over a certain numbered channel, called
a “port.”
port forwarding When a base station, gateway, or router passes information between
your network and the Internet, it filters the information based on
which software (virtual) ports are being used and how those ports
are configured. For example, Internet (HTTP) communication, by
default, travels over port 80. To help ensure security, all other ports
are blocked from transferring data unless you specifically configure
those ports to “forward” incoming data to other locations.
PPP Acronym for “Point-to-Point Protocol.” A widely used data link
protocol for transmitting data packets over dial-up telephone
connections, such as between a computer and the Internet.
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PPPoE Acronym for “Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet.” A specification
for connecting users on a network to the Internet by using a
broadband connection (typically through a DSL modem).
protocol A set of rules and conventions for sending information over a
network. These rules govern the content, format, timing, sequencing,
and error control of messages exchanged among network devices.
For example, your computer connects to the Internet using the
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
resource In reference to a “network resource,” a resource is any type of
hardware (such as a modem or printer) or software (such as an
application, file, or game) that users can share on a network.
router See “base station.”
server A computer or software program that mediates the connections
between client computers or programs on a network. The server also
responds to requests and provides shared resources, such as
storage space or processing power, to clients on the network.
sharing To make the files, folders, or printers that are on one computer (or
connected to one computer) available to other computers on a
SSID Acronym for “Service Set Identifier,” also known as a “wireless
network name.” An SSID value uniquely identifies your wireless
network and is case sensitive.
static IP address A static Internet Protocol (IP) address is a unique identifier that is
assigned permanently to a computer by a network administrator or
an Internet service provider (ISP). IP addresses are required in order
for computers to find one another and communicate over the
Internet. Contrast with “dynamic IP address.”
straight-through See “Ethernet cable.”
subnet A distinct network that forms part of a larger computer network.
Subnets are connected through routers and can use a shared
network address to connect to the Internet.
subnet mask Similar in form to an Internet Protocol (IP) address, a subnet mask is
provided by your Internet service provider (ISP) and used to
configure a networked computer for proper communication with a
network. An example of a subnet mask value is
switch Like a hub, a switch is a device that has multiple ports and that
serves as a connection point for Ethernet cables on a network. But a
switch only forwards data packets to the computer that has
requested them. A router is a specialized kind of switch.
TCP/IP Acronym for “Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.” A
networking protocol that allows computers to communicate across
interconnected networks and the Internet. Every computer on the
Internet communicates by using TCP/IP.
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UPnP UPnP™ standards are defined by the Universal Plug and Play Forum.
They extend conventional Plug and Play (PnP) standards. When a
UPnP device is plugged into a network, the other devices on the
network automatically detect the new device.
USB Acronym for “universal serial bus.” A hardware standard for easily
connecting peripherals to a computer system. USB supports Plug
and Play and UPnP installation, so devices can be connected and
disconnected without shutting down and restarting your computer.
USB port A rectangular slot in a computer or computer peripheral into which a
USB connector is inserted. USB ports can be high-powered or low-
powered. USB ports that are connected directly to your computer are
normally high-powered; USB ports that are on peripherals (such as a
keyboard or monitor) are normally low-powered. Some USB devices,
such as the Microsoft wireless adapter, require high-powered ports
to function correctly.
virtual DMZ The Microsoft base stations support a variation of DMZ hosting
capabilities, called a “virtual DMZ.” DMZ is an acronym for
“demilitarized zone,” which refers to an area of your network that is
outside of the firewall, and so is exposed to direct access from the
VPN Acronym for “virtual private network.” A set of computers on a public
network, such as the Internet, that communicate among themselves
by using encryption technology.
WAN Acronym for “wide area network.” A geographically widespread
network that might include many linked local area networks (LANs).
WEP Acronym for “Wired Equivalent Privacy.” An encryption mechanism
that helps protect data transmitted over wireless networks. If you
are operating a wireless network, it is strongly recommended that
you enable WEP. See “WPA.”
Wi-Fi Wi-Fi® is a popular term for certain wireless networks.
wireless access A device that exchanges data wirelessly as an intermediary between
point computers on a network, especially between wireless and wired
components of a network. An access point is not as sophisticated a
device as a base station (gateway or router). See “base station.”
WLAN Acronym for “wireless local area network.” A network that exclusively
relies on wireless technology for device connections.
workgroup A group of computers connected to each other over a network and
sharing computer files, printers, and other resources. All computers
on a network that wish to share resources must be members of the
same workgroup.
WPA Acronym for “Wi-Fi Protected Access™.” A wireless security standard
that improves upon its predecessor, Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP),
by providing stronger encryption, making a network harder to access
without proper authentication.
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802.11 protocol, 3, 5
802.1x authentication, 26
ad hoc networks, 3, 19
adapter, Wireless Notebook
CardBus support, 2
components included, 1
connecting, 8
modes, 3
positioning, 4
settings, 9
settings, viewing, 22
specifications, 44
system requirements, 45
troubleshooting, 26
Typical Setup, 7
administrative privileges, 8
antennas, 1
antivirus software, 22
applications, sharing, 15
base stations, 3, 23
Broadband Network Utility
adapter settings, 22
devices, viewing connected, 14, 21
opening, 14
status, connection, 21
system requirements, 45
upgrading software or firmware, 22
CardBus cards, 2
CD-ROM drives, sharing, 18
connection status, 21
copying files and folders, 17
customer support, 42
data rate specifications, 44
devices, viewing connected, 14, 21
drivers, upgrading, 22
drives, sharing, 18
dynamic IP addresses, 38
e-mail, accessing, 18
encryption settings, 23
copying, 17
sharing, 14
troubleshooting sharing, 32, 34, 35
firewalls, 23
firmware, upgrading, 22
copying, 17
sharing, 14
troubleshooting sharing, 32, 34, 35
games, multiplayer
setting up, 18
troubleshooting, 29
hackers, preventing, 23
hard drives, sharing, 18
help, 42
host name, 38
indicator lights, 2
infrastructure networks, 3
software, 8
system requirements, 45
troubleshooting, 25, 26
Typical Setup, 7
interference, wireless transmission, 5
Internet connections
settings, 38
sharing, 13
speed, troubleshooting, 28
status, viewing, 21
troubleshooting, 27
IP addresses
dynamic, 38
hiding, 23
locating, 38
static, 39
types of, 37
60 Microsoft Broadband Networking Wireless Notebook Adapter User’s Guide
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joining wireless networks, 20
lights, status, 2
local printer, defined, 17
logging on
administrative privileges, 8
network, 12
MAC addresses
locating, 38
Microsoft Wireless Notebook Adapter
CardBus support, 2
components included, 1
connecting, 8
modes, 3
positioning, 4
settings, 9
settings, viewing, 22
system requirements, 45
troubleshooting, 26
Typical Setup, 7
modes, wireless network, 3
multiplayer games
setting up, 18
troubleshooting, 29
NAT (network address translation), 23
network address translation (NAT), 23
network modes, 3
ad hoc, 19
devices, viewing connected, 14, 21
Internet access, troubleshooting, 27
joining wireless, 20
printers, 17
security, 23
speed, troubleshooting, 28
status, viewing, 21
testing connections, 9
Notebook adapter
CardBus support, 2
components included, 1
connecting, 8
lights, status, 2
modes, 3
positioning, 4
settings, 9
settings, viewing, 22
specifications, 44
system requirements, 45
troubleshooting, 26
Typical Setup, 7
PCMCIA cards, 2
peripheral devices, sharing, 18
permissions, files and folders, 16
phone numbers, support, 42
positioning base station, 4
PPPoE Internet connection, 40
printers, sharing, 17, 31
programs, sharing, 15
radio wave transmission, 3, 4, 5
scanners, sharing, 18
base station, 23
firewalls, 23
NAT (network address translation), 23
settings, 41
virus prevention, 22
Service Set Identifier (SSID), 41
settings, notebook adapter, 9, 22
software, 8
troubleshooting, 25, 26
Typical, 7
Setup Wizard
system requirements, 45
troubleshooting, 25, 26
Typical Setup, 7, 8
applications, 15
e-mail accounts, 18
files and folders, 14
Internet access, 13
peripheral devices, 18
printers, 17, 31
troubleshooting, 32, 34, 35
size specifications, 44
slow networks, troubleshooting, 28
antivirus, 22
installing, 8
upgrading, 22
specifications, 44
Index 61
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802.11 protocol specifications, 5
specifications, 44
troubleshooting, 28
wireless transmission, 3
SSID (wireless network name), 41
static IP addresses, 39
status lights, 2
status, connection, 21
storage specifications, 44
support, 42
system requirements, 45
tape drives, sharing, 18
technical specifications, 44
technical support, 42
telephone numbers, support, 42
temperature specifications, 44
testing network connections, 9
transmission speed, 3, 5
adapter, Wireless Notebook, 26
file sharing, 32, 34, 35
Internet connection, 27
multiplayer games, 29
printers, 31
Setup Wizard, 25, 26
speed, network, 28
Windows XP issues, 26
Typical Setup, 7
unauthorized access, preventing, 23
upgrading firmware, 22
viruses, preventing, 22
warranty, 48, 51
Web sites, support, 42
weight specifications, 44
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
about, 23
settings, 41
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), 41
Windows XP issues, 26
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
about, 23
settings, 41
wireless network name (SSID), 41
wireless networks
Internet access, troubleshooting, 27
joining, 20
modes, 3
Wireless Notebook Adapter
CardBus support, 2
components included, 1
connecting, 8
lights, status, 2
modes, 3
positioning, 4
settings, 9
settings, viewing, 22
specifications, 44
system requirements, 45
troubleshooting, 26
Typical Setup, 7
wireless transmission speed, 3, 5
workgroup names, 40
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), 41
Zip drives, sharing, 18
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